Quote# 131205

[Interview with social media expert and Wikipedia critic, Rome Viharo exposes cyber bullying tactics employed by dogmatic Skeptics on Wikipedia.]

Rome Viharo: Personally I have no interest in promoting Rupert Sheldrake’s ideas or his hypotheses and I really can’t say scientifically if they’re valid or invalid. That was never my argument. My arguments were always on what’s called the “lead section,” which is just describing the basic information about the man. Rupert Sheldrake is a biologist, author, and lecturer.

I was offended because these editors were basically abusing the metadata, the first sentence of the paragraph, to immediately frame Rupert Sheldrake in a light that is just biographically not true but in a way where he has no credibility after the first sentence.

So when I joined the page, what I found offensive was “Rupert Sheldrake is a former biologist,” right? So I just found that offensive and I was like, “Where is the source that he’s a former biologist? Where is the evidence of this?” So all I was trying to do was really just change the lead section. There are so many scientific publications that refer to him as a biologist.

Alex Tsakiris: Well, it’s absurd. He has dozens and dozens of scholarly, peer-reviewed papers in scientific journals. I think he’s published in Nature, if I remember correctly.

Take line two from the Wikipedia entry. It’s just unbelievable. “From 1967 to 1973 he was a biochemist and cell biologist at Cambridge University.” Well, what happened after that? He stopped being a biochemist? He’s not being a biologist? It’s just absurd.

Rome Viharo: It’s like something from a Monty Python movie.

Rome Viharo, Skeptiko 11 Comments [9/2/2017 1:44:21 PM]
Fundie Index: 4
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Quote# 120441

There are two types of these manufactured mass shootings done by same people and for same reasons: 1. the most common is the fake crisis actor, active shooter drills which have proven by Red Silver J, Nodisinfo.com, memoryhole.com, Infowars in the past but no longer as I think they were threatened in some way after the Boston Dust Bombing. 2. the second type is less common and it entails the creation of "psycho-bombs" by the CIA's "brain-nappers" using no touch torture technologies - modern day MK ULTRA via electromagnetic frequency and scalar waves along with 24/7/365 COINTELPRO harassment campaigns as described by CIA Scientist - Dr. Robert Duncan, NASA scientist Dr. Fred Bell, FBI Chief - Ted Gunderson. They do this for the gun ban agenda of the globalists who want to destroy the bill of rights as well as other reasons. Ref. Project Soul Catcher 2010 by Dr. Robert Duncan - examples are Aaron Alexis Navy Shipyard- he was no touch tortured and he contacted in desperation about this groups like FFCHS "42 days after "microwave mind control" complaint, Alexis kills 12" - and he scratched out on Remington shotgun http://www.freerepublic.com/fo... as was Myron May - FSU shooter, former District Attorney and Born Again Christian. I think it is harder for them to make a "psycho-bomb" than to do a totally fake mass shooting like Sandy Hook and 95% of them were and are and will be.

Jeff, 21stCenturyWire 6 Comments [7/11/2016 3:05:15 AM]
Fundie Index: 2
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Quote# 91867

I really don't like her, but that's just me. Convinient you say? A little TOO convinient considering the fact that [Hillary Clinton] got ill around the time for her to testify. I say Kerry gets nominated and Hilarry starts slowwwwly recovering.

ETA: I doubt she is even in the hospital, this is all part of the plan. The plan that if you cannot see, you need to open your eyes. She is probably sipping on a latte and planning her next move.

PurpleVortex, Above Top Secret 11 Comments [1/4/2013 4:34:09 AM]
Fundie Index: 11
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Quote# 24679

Here, again, is one example of video fakery that can be verified by anyone - In the documentary 9/11: In Plane Site at 28:00, the plane approaches the south tower at about 1/4 of the speed that we see at 10:23 in the same documentary - HOW CAN THIS BE? The widely-stated approach speed is 530 mph, even though those who know say a 767 CANNOT fly that fast at low altitude. Could we unintentionally be supporting one of the central tenets of the "Official Story" if we accept a high-speed approach? How about if we accept the physics-defying behavior of the plane in the CNN "Butterplane" south tower impact? How can we IGNORE videos of Fox goons spreading the "Official Story" at Ground Zero almost immediately, despite eyewitnesses to the contrary? Why should we take VIDEO FAKERY off the table when we discuss 9/11 here?

Ike Ono Klast, Loose Change 0 Comments [4/13/2006 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 1
Submitted By: Gravy
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Quote# 141932

“I know for a fact that they stole the House,” Taylor declared. “They did not win the House. They did not win a lot of these elections across the country. It was a huge red tsunami—I’ve been attacked for saying it was a red tsunami—and people don’t understand, again, it’s in God’s timing. There are certain things that will be revealed and exposed and people will understand what’s going on.”

“This was a huge sting operation across the nation with the election to see where the voter fraud was,” he added. “Now they’re going to use this for voter I.D. When we get voter I.D., forget it, the Democrats are done. This is the implosion of the Democratic Party. I’ve said it before, I’ll say it again: I don’t think you will see a Democrat in the White House again for a long time, if ever again, because people have had it, they are fed up with this mess.”

Mark Taylor, Right Wing Watch  11 Comments [1/10/2019 10:09:47 AM]
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Quote# 108017

Sadly, it has been the death of America by 1,000 progressive lashes over the last 60 years, championed onwards by both corrupt, treasonous, gangster establishment parties who have the only Dog and Pony Show in town.

Thanks to the benevolent justices of the Supreme Soviet, the letter and spirit of the Constitution was buried long ago beneath a mountain of bad law, its Bill of Rights rendered subjective, conditional and worthless. The Rule of law destroyed right before the nations very eyes by unscrupulous lawyers, dimwit-activist judges and corrupt legislators.

America has become the godless, hedonistic "Big Brother" surveillance state of George Orwell's 1984, and the only way it's going to reverse course is either by divine intervention, a nationwide protest in the streets of every city across America, or a majority of states in the union exercise their constitutional right of succession.

Lightning Jack, WND 9 Comments [4/22/2015 2:57:24 AM]
Fundie Index: 4
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Quote# 137030

We are a group of parents whose children have suddenly—seemingly out of the blue—decided they identify strongly with the opposite sex and are at various stages in transitioning. This is a new phenomenon that has only recently been identified. Researchers are calling it Rapid-Onset Gender Dysphoria (ROGD), and it is epidemic among our most vulnerable youth.

Our children are young, naïve and impressionable, many of them are experiencing emotional or social difficulties. They are strongly influenced by their peers and by the media, who are promoting the transgender lifestyle as popular, desirable and the solution to all of their problems. And they are being misled by authority figures, such as teachers, doctors and counselors, who rush to "affirm" their chosen gender without ever questioning why.

We are skeptical of the current Standard of Care, the "Affirmative Approach," which only seems to confirm and solidify our children's misguided, externally-influenced sense of self.

And we are horrified at the growing number of young people whose bodies have been disfigured, their physical and mental health destroyed by transitioning, only to discover—too late—that it did little to relieve their dysphoria.

Unknown authors, ParentsofROGDkids 14 Comments [3/4/2018 12:13:27 PM]
Fundie Index: 2
Submitted By: Katie
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Quote# 128013

["Idiot Republican Congressman Suggests We Back ISIS"]

I don’t know what makes him more stupid: That he says we should back ISIS, or that he doesn’t we already are backing ISIS by unconditionally giving guns and training to anyone in Syria who was anti-Assad, and by giving money and guns to Saudi Arabia, where many of the powerful aristocrats there turn around and fund ISIS on our behalf.

roarofdissent, Daily Kos 2 Comments [6/11/2017 7:07:04 AM]
Fundie Index: 2
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Quote# 118449


Was Prince killed by the chemtrails he and Haggard spoke out against?

The artist known as Prince has died suddenly of a mysterious illness, just like Merle Haggard, and both men previously spoke out against chemtrails many have suggested are responsible for a surge in respiratory illnesses.

“The singer — full name Prince Rogers Nelson — had a medical emergency on April 15th that forced his private jet to make an emergency landing in Illinois, but he appeared at a concert the next day to assure his fans he was okay,” TMZ reported April 21. “His people told TMZ he was battling the flu.”

A mysterious illness has been spreading across the U.S., coinciding with massive chemtrail spraying – and it’s possible the two are linked.

Prince even spoke out against chemtrails during an interview with late night host Tavis Smiley:

And so did Haggard, who passed away April 6 from a lung infection:

“What I hate is looking up and seeing chemtrails in a clear blue sky today,” Haggard sang.

But are chemtrails real?

“If you go outside on a clear day and look up toward the sun —being careful to block out the bright disk with your thumb — you might see a hazy white region surrounding our star,” the Smithsonian Magazine revealed. “This haze is caused by airplanes, and it is gradually whitening blue skies, says Charles Long of NOAA’s Earth System Research Laboratory in Boulder, Colo.”

“We might be actually conducting some unintentional geoengineering here,’ Long said at a press conference this week at the American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting in San Francisco.”
In other words, chemicals added to airplane fuel are dispersed from the plane’s exhaust into the atmosphere – and eventually find their way to the ground, which may explain why some farmers are discovering increased aluminum content in the soil.

“As a contrail dissipates, it leaves behind a thin, icy haze,” the magazine continued. “The sky may appear cloud free, but the particles are there until they fall out of the atmosphere, and while in the sky, they scatter the sun’s light in a similar way as in the proposed geoengineering projects.”

Kit Daniels, Info Wars 5 Comments [4/24/2016 5:49:59 PM]
Fundie Index: 3
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Quote# 114477

Bombing and Shooting at French Rock Concert is a Grandiose Arch Zionist Hoax

With revelations thanks to our posters.

It truly is a Zionist-controlled world demonstrated by the fact that so many people could participate in a fake, that is the fake death and injury of hundreds of people, and yet the world is led to believe it. This is the most ludicrous arch-fake of all, make no mistake about it. Nothing in regard to the claims of this fake is real.

What a terminally corrupt hoax it is, all occurring at a ‘death metal’ concert. No one can find it plausible. The French should leave such arch-fabrications to the Israelis. At least they make the fake blood appear more realistic. With that much bleeding going on, why isn’t this man rendered supine?

There are no open wounds to be seen anywhere. There is no legitimate source for the red matter. This is a hoax to the extreme. Who can prove otherwise?

That red matter was painted and dabbed on by an arch-fabricating moulage mole. And what a poor job of realism that mole performed. Furthermore, the cell phone is a key prop in this arch-phony, as it was in Sandy Hoax and a litany of other ridiculous fakes. So are various falsifying good Samaritans, who are performing heroic acts which are fully staged.

drkresearch, No Disinfo 5 Comments [11/18/2015 4:01:22 AM]
Fundie Index: 1
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Quote# 127912

You'll never understand why Putin - the leader of Russia - is hated so much by the press in America if you don't first understand:

1. who runs the press in America

2. the revolution that recently took place in Ukraine

3. Russia's invasion of the Ukraine and Crimea

4. the fact that thousands of Jewish people have been leaving Israel recently and moving back to the Ukraine

5. the fact that Putin made a bold decisive move to stop that from happening

6. the fact that Ukraine/Crimea and Russia are part of the biblical Gog and Magog

7. who the 'Ashkenazim' are

8. how Donald Trump's election was an unanticipated - dare I say 'divine' interruption in the plans of globalists

9. who the synagogue of Satan are - referred to by Jesus in Revelation 3:9

Without a proper and clear understanding of these things, nothing that's taking place in the news regarding Trump, Russia or Putin will make any sense to you. And if you're not careful you'll be guilty of allowing #1 on this list to control how you see and view the world.

Mack Major, Facebook 8 Comments [6/7/2017 1:37:31 PM]
Fundie Index: 4
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Quote# 120314

The Federal Reserve banking system is a massive fraud, and has been since its inception in 1913. The scam is generational, pillaging each generation as slaves on the market, stealing men's homes, forcing them to work a lifetime just to die broke, et cetera. It's a modern form of servitude. As long as the newsmedia keeps convincing us that we are the free world, we buy into it. Stalin said the same thing to his followers, calling them “free.” Indeed, they were all slaves, and many found out when they chose not to go along anymore, ending up in a Siberian workcamp as a prisoner to starve, rot and die. The now forming corrupt government under Homeland Security will make Stalin's regime look like Sunday School teacher convention. Stalin was notorious for lying, saying one thing while doing another. President Obama, true to Stalin's nature, has done the same thing repeatedly since taking office in 2004. People go by what they see and hear, not by what actually happens. That's why people laugh and look at you like you're crazy when you try to teach them about the New World Order; while the very money in their bill-fold mocks their woeful ignorance, displaying over 100 occult symbols on every U.S. one dollar bill. IN YOUR FACE AMERICA!!!

Nearly everything is a deceiving lie these days... from religion to what the newsmedia tells you. Most of what we hear is intended to lead us astray and fill our minds with misinformation. The goal is to prevent us from learning the truth. You'll find the truth hidden in movies, mocking the woefully ignorant public. People have a tendency to believe the lies spoon-fed to them by the lying newsmedia, while not believing the 100% truth right in front of their faces in a Hollywood movie. It's the most bizarre phenomena I've ever seen. People see the truth in movies and don't get it. Yet, they buy into every lie that the media throws at them. It's unbelievable!

David J. Stewart, Jesus is Savior 6 Comments [7/6/2016 2:36:45 AM]
Fundie Index: 1
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Quote# 24767

The question is why would someone call anyone that goes against the official government line a kook, simple, by insults over and over again you hope that people will get tired and go away. You are here to protect this administration and this government and those that killed all of those people on 9/11 period.

If you were at all wise, you would inderstand that questioning is a part of what makes you free, and a free thinker, otherwise you are nothing more than a robot mind controled zombie shill that does nothing but follow orders, like using nothing more than your reptilian brain, this is what you are doing, I hope you are being paid well, although you cannot take it with you but where you will be going, you will wish that you could.

commondreamer, United 93 0 Comments [4/15/2006 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: -1
Submitted By: chipmunk stew
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Quote# 118246

Really? The only way to put an end to Bernie Sanders' misogynistic madness is to make make our voices heard and vote for Hillary and bona fide, vetted Democrats running for Congress and the Senate! #Enough #NoMoreBS #GoHillary2016! I have been called a Wall Street Whore, a Democratic Whore, an idiotic Whore for Hilliary and far worse vulgar slurs by Sanders' supporters, BernieBots and GOP Trolls on Facebook and other social media, and yes, ONLY WOMEN CAN BE CALLED WHORES. This latest slur by a Sanders' zealot introducing Bernie at a rally of thousands of his young supporters is nothing new from Bernie and his surrogates. I have blocked and reported hundreds of profane BernieBots and GOP trolls to Facebook to little avail -- Bernie's zealots assume different names and keep spewing venom all over the internet as part of Sanders' social media campaign -- all paid for and approved by Bernie himself. #ImWithHer #ShesTheBest #GoHillary2016 #EnoughBS

June Gottschalk, Facebook 4 Comments [4/18/2016 3:21:16 AM]
Fundie Index: 2
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Quote# 92486

What’s a dhimmicrat, you say? It’s not the same thing as a democrat. A dhimmicrat is a person who, while not Muslim himself, nonetheless clears the path for shariah law to be adopted and incorporated into otherwise free nations.

Jimmy Carter may be the leading dhimmicrat in the world. Carter, of course, won his Nobel Peace Prize not just for his work in reconciling Israelis and Egyptians in the famous Camp David Accords of 1978. If the Nobelers wanted simply to honor that achievement, they might have bestowed their once-prestigious prize on Carter in `79 or `80. Such a prize would probably have made a nice consolation present for Carter when Ronald Reagan beat him like a drum in the 1980 elections.

Ken Blackwell, http://patriotpost.us/ 13 Comments [2/6/2013 4:13:54 AM]
Fundie Index: 14
Submitted By: Thomas R. Kilburn
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Quote# 122293

I wouldn't go that far to name specific groups, but a shadow government does exist in fact See all that American presidents since Kennedy's death? Puppets, no matter who it was. Kennedy tried to audit the fed and return money printing away from the Federal Reserve and back to the government. By signing the executive order he signed his own execution. Think this is a conspiracy theory? Then explain to me why the guy after him repealed that very executive order as his first thing in office.

A president doesn't have to lead a battalion into battle like Washington did, he only has to sell war to the public. Obama is a used car salesman. He has that nice smile that makes you want to like him, but in fact, things have gotten worse under him. The first black president ever and the black folks in America are suffering more than before. Odd, right?
To solve a problem one must first see the problem and the problem in America is that the system is rigged against the people unless the people see it for the rigged garbage it is. America is robbed in broad daylight and no one is the wiser. That's why so many people are waking up and start to support Trump.

Why Trump? Because he's an outsider. Since him being the nominee, the republicans haven't spend a single dime in advertisement to aid him. Yes, you've read that right. Zero. Nada. Nothing. At. All.
Another thing which is strange is the oddity that, whenever there is someone saying something bad about Hillary Clinton on CNN, there seems to be technical difficulties of some sorts or the moderator is rudely interrupting for some far fetched reason. It never happens if something bad is said about Trump though. What a convenient coincidence... Or is it?
Bottom Line is: The Mainstream Media are rigged altogether and you would do best to turn them off. I myself have stopped to watch television years ago. And frankly? I don't miss it. If the narrative is the same where ever you zap to... May it be CNN, MSNBC, or Mainstream Media there is... And Trump is always the evil and bad guy and Hillary a saint, you can bet your ass you can spell that shit P-R-O-P-A-G-A-N-D-A.

Politicians are groomed for their seat of power nowadays. Why else is so much Trump bashing from all over the world? The pope bitching about Trump's proposal with a wall... And that coming from a dude with his own army inside a city with huge city WALLS. Obama campaigning for Clinton... Doesn't he still have a job to do? Like being president? Why is he campaigning for anyone? Shouldn't concern him in the slightest. Come November 8th, Obama will be kicked out of the White House either way. He should spend his time with his job and looking for a new place to live in.
But back on track on THIS topic. I can relate to both sides, yours and OPs. Getting rid of communists is one thing and probably good for society. But the way we get rid of them determines what kind of society we have. However, these unhappy few thrown out of helicopters will serve as a warning for others to think twice before attempting the same thing again.

Now, enough of my blabber, I already typed too much into this post.

VariusMayhem, Humans Aren't Bastards 11 Comments [11/1/2016 3:40:31 AM]
Fundie Index: 2
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Quote# 136835

jade helm..agenda 21

anyone that knows any other person that is under said GANGSTALKing. has been deceived... this is not gangstalking and its not v2k. period. i have four other people i know directly. non of which i hang out with or even talk to but rarely under this said gangstalking......have you heard of the georgia guiudestones....... keep humanity under 500 million.... depopulation agenda... hears exactly what i know for 100 percent fact...jade helm is behind the said gangstalking. this agenda. targets anyone who experiments or is a meth addict.... than they start stalking you to try to scare you into a heart attack.....or scare you to commit suicide or to believe your family and friends are in on it.... murder.... they use satellites and a program called heartbeat 3000. to manipulate your brain... they call it brain water...i beat this piece of shit program. now i have a bunch of pissed of ass wipes. bye the way dave from the f.c.c. is on this remember the 500 lawsuite's filed against the f.b.i. for not investigating the people doing this.... cause they cant. there in on it. puppets like all other government... even your military...JADE FUCKING HELM. directly the ones implementing this shit....homeland terrorism.... organized crimes. violating f.c.c. regulations. putting children's lives in danger. these are only a couple of charges that should be handed to the ones in control.... see when it started i noticed three trucks back and forth with texas tags. ......texas...wheres jade helm at....INDEED...texas. i have one guy that i have questioned say he was followed for weeks by vehicles with texas tags... jade helm is agenda 21. united nations plans for a new world order. like i said i know of four people under this same shit. im tired of being terrorized by this piece of shit government. my constitution says when your government isnt working do not be afraid to overthrow them and start a new.i personally sent the white house a message talking about this shit. and i have a letter telling me to go see a doctor....what i didn't tell the whitehouse is that im not the only one. they dont know i have four witnesses who also have witnesses about there actions and personal accounts of this said gang stalking.....far as i know gang stalking doesn't see thru your eyes it doesn't monitor your heart rate or any other muscle movement in your body.....they bend your perception to make you scared and paranoid... rfid in the pills used to make meth.have it checked out....the program was designed to connect to the frequency that your brain gives off during meth usage. i urge anyone that knows or is directly under this said gang stalking to start posting everything that they realize.... tell me this how do you get thirty seconds to a minute or so ahead of real time.... something between satellites space and time. they have an advancement. do not fear them just like gang stalking they cannot engage due to the simple fact that would be putting there people in the middle physically and they do not want it compromised. homeland terrorism folks homeland terrorism....HOMELAND TERRORISM... is exactly what this is. i have plenty of evidence. get your head checked for spiking. get your brain checked for brain damage from tyhe microwaves. there killing us off... i admit drugs are bad but does that mean you should have to die for being an addict or even just experimenting.

evidence, Godlike Productions 7 Comments [2/22/2018 12:33:11 PM]
Fundie Index: 1
Submitted By: Yossarian Lives
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Quote# 63665

Here is the evidence of MJ faking his death as I have been able to find so far. First of all why. Well there is the obvious reasons.....being Isolated because of fame, and also of course because of debt which has been reported to be as much as 400 million or more. He was basically broke, and his only way out was a huge new tour that would have been a hurculean task for the frail 50 year old, especialy when you take into account his dancing and enormous stage show. But on to some more concrete evidence. One thing a lot of people do not know is that he has as much as 100 songs that he has specifically held back until after he dies. This seems an odd thing for any artist to do.....but it would certainly give him an income well into his "death" years...Here is a link about that

Is there any evidence that he has faked his death.....Well apparently a sharp eyed veiwer noticed something VERY odd in a video of Micheal Jackson's corpse being flown to the morge for an autopsy.....namely the copse SITS STRAIGHT UP as the helicopter lands! Here is the link to the original post

And here is the post to the actual video. www.cnn.com...#/video/showbiz/2009/06/25/von.jackson.body.transport.kabc?iref=videosearch

One thing that should be noticed and studied. Watch the press report he gave about his new tour. I dont have a link, but its easy to find. Watch it with a critical eye. He stands if front of a podium that says "THIS IS IT" He goes on to let everyone know that this is indeed it. Meaning of course this will be his last tour.....or was their a deeper message. He then tells the people gathered how much he loved them..going on in an almost awkward way about insisting just how much he 'realy' loves them from 'the bottom of my heart'. The first thing I thought of when I saw this was the last official performance of Nirvana. Their accoustic set on MTV The stage was decorated with flowers and candles....and oddly...would quite literally remind one of a funeral. We all know what was going through Kurt Cobains mind at the time....shortly afterward he killed himself. What meaning can we gather from MJ's last 'official' appearance. Did he know what was coming. Was it all planned from even then?
Did he fake his own death? Did he learn some "tips" from the most famous alleged "death faker" of all time-Elvis Presley? No link here...just a bit of speculation, as he obviously had a very direct tie to the family.
One more thing I should say. Again I do not have specific links on hand, however this may be researched and proven rather easily to anyone who wishes, is that he had more than a couple very secluded "vacation" type gettaway homes. Just in the type of places where, a person if they wanted to, could disapear permantly. All it would take is money. But with all the debt....how could he have enough money to pull this off, he would have had to pay off doctors, lawyers, possibly even police....Well America has more debt than just about any other country combined and so far its doing ok. There seems to be an economic anomaly when dealing with people who have generated as much money as him......Even when their funds are consideringly in the negative....they some how find a way to get enormous amount of money flow.....With the debt he had, however he could not keep that virtual inflow of money going forever. Debt catches up to you...unless you somehow cheat it.

bhornbuckle75, Above Top Secret 18 Comments [7/6/2009 4:31:39 PM]
Fundie Index: 3
Submitted By: jsonitsac
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Quote# 133488

[Original text in Croatian; translation and explanations by Vman. The bolded parts in Košic's speech are ones that I considered especially WTF.]

'Ustashism was not fascism, it was organized military action in the defense of Croatia as a country'

26th Oct 2017

The bishop of Sisak, Vlado Košic, gave a speech at the presentation of a book about Marko Perkovic Thompson* which was written by academician Josip Pecaric. Many media outlets have reported Košic's speech in which he made the claim that some people are forcibly trying to shut up both the singer and academician Pecaric. We relay Košic's speech in its entirety:

* {Vman's note: Thompson is a far-right singer notorious for his pro-Ustashe leanings. During World War II, the Ustashe were basically the Croatian equivalent of the Nazis. Anyway, here's Košic's speech:}

I wish we had more brave people such as the famed singer Marko Perkovic Thompson and academician Josip Pecaric.

Those who have no arguments would like to forcibly silence them: thus they ban famed singer Marko from having concerts, put forth criminal charges against him on count of public order disturbance, they defame his reputation and declare his work to be - outright fascist. Such people also use every means available against academician Pecaric just in order to silence him, they persecute his family, and - they most often ignore him.

However, both these great men - Croats and patriots - are people of whom our Homeland should be proud. Maybe in some future time, when we are freed of - as per the song of bishop Ante Ivas - all those traitors, perjurers, fraudsters, and also - as so poetically said by Anto Kovacevic - all the
drpislavs {thieves}; only in a future, calmer history of Croatia will these great people of ours, Marko and Josip, be given their rightful place, a place of the utmost respect.


This book bears witness to the greatness of these two Croatian men, to honest men in dishonest times, to great men in times of small souls, to the audacity of the few who dare to be bold during times of betrayal. This is why their trail will be an inspiration to future generations, and in twenty or thirty years books will be written about them, films made and they will be an example of bravery in the struggle against the evil which is destroying the truth and our homeland.


Marko the singer and Josip the academician are being linked to the salute "Za dom spremni!".* It's interesting to note why this patriotic salute is being contested and by whom, and to note how the state reacts to it. Firstly, it ought to be said that this salute was spontaneously used during the Homeland War, and not only by the members of the Croatian Defense Forces
(Hrvatske Obrambene Snage, HOS) who included it in their coat of arms, but also by the "Tigrovi" and
the "Gromovi".** There are YouTube recordings of this. Interestingly enough, nobody was bothered by it at that time.

* {it means "For home(land), ready!". This was the official Ustashe salute and is our equivalent of "Heil Hitler!"}
** {the Tigrovi (Tigers) and the Gromovi (Thunders) were respectively the 1st and 2nd Guards Brigade of the Croatian Army and of its main predecessor force, the Croatian National Guard}

Likewise, nobody used to be bothered by the fact that Marko uttered that war cry in his first patriotic song, Bojna Cavoglave. The witch-hunt on both Marko and that salute began only two or three years ago, with everyone who used it being accused of ustashism and fascism. Firstly, it ought to be said that ustashism wasn't fascism, but rather an organized military action in the defense of Croatia as a country. Both Blessed Alojzije Stepinac and {Croatia's first president} dr Franjo Tudman have spoken positively about the nature of the {WW2-era} state of Croatia. The Ustashe defended Croatia using all "permissible and impermissible means", which was a part of their oath.

That illegality, that is, those impermissible means are of course not acceptable to us as Christians. Neither are the crimes they had committed, and which the Church condemns, although it should be noted that they were an answer to the numerous Chetnik and Partisan crimes. But why did it, in recent years, come to the public political and police persecution of the "Za dom spremni!" salute and the people who use it - yet throughout the 25 years following the Homeland War this had not happened? Let's take a moment to remember the lawsuits against Joe Šimunic* initiated by the association 'Korak Ispred' from Rijeka, an association led by a Serb named Zoran Stevanovic.

* {Joe Šimunic is a soccer player who landed into hot water when, during a game, he took a microphone and yelled four times "Za dom!", to which the audience responded with the second part of the salute ("Spremni!"). A video of the incident can be found here.}

Furthermore, let us remember that the Serbian politician Aleksandar Vulin repeatedly called out the current Croatia due to "ustashization and fascization". Other Serbian pro-Chetnik politicians did this as well. But it was actually the Croatian politicians who gave them cause for this when, led by the country's former President and then also the Prime Minister, they spoke of the "Ustashe viper" and accused Croats of "a turn towards ustashism". First they did this in the Jewish Knesset, then when the new government under the leadership of Tomislav Karamarko was being formed.

There was no evidence for any of this. On the other hand, there was more and more evidence that the governmental structures in Croatia still have plenty of UDBA* men and criminals - or their sons - who murdered many Croats, whether abroad, in Croatia or in Bosnia and Herzegovina. I too think that this loud witch-hunt for non-existent Ustashe was launched by the very people who were afraid of being subjected to lustration, which is increasingly being called for as a realistic and necessary option for Croatia's legislature.

* {UDBA is an acronym for the State Security Administration (Uprava državne bezbednosti), which is one of the names that was used for the state security service / secret police of socialist Yugoslavia.}


Anyway, I will openly say that the political demands of the representatives of the defeated Serb minority in Croatia, a minority which had - together with Serbia and the Yugoslav People's Army - initiated a rebellion against Croatia, are based upon myths and lies. They are now also supported by Serbia's official politics, because it is once again ruled by Chetniks. Unfortunately, they also have the support of the Serb Orthodox Church. These myths and lies include not only the interpretation of Jasenovac
{as an Ustashe-run death camp for Serbs, Jews, Roma and political prisoners}, but also the role of the Blessed Alojzije Stepinac, of the Srb Uprising which is actually a celebration of the massacre of Croats rather than of an antifascist revolution, then the statue in Banski Grabovac, as well as the fabrication of a non-existent camp for the killing of Serb children in Sisak.


Unfortunately our Croatian political scene is either powerless, or doesn't know how to answer all of these lies. A law should be passed which would state that all those who rebelled against the Republic of Croatia may not take part in any form of government; then, I think, it is necessary to request war reparations for the damage that the Republic of Serbia has caused to Croatia through its aggression, and this should be a prerequisite for any form of support for Serbia's entry into the European Union. Furthermore, it is necessary to remove the privilege for Serb children to learn a history of the Homeland War that is different than the historical truth; we should also forbid entry into Croatia to warmongers and those who spread lies - not only Serbian ministers and politicians, but also the representatives of the Serb Orthodox Church.

That is the only way a proud and victorious Croatia would act. It is the only way we could save that which we defended in the Homeland War, a war which must remain the only foundation* of modern-day Croatia. For this defense we should primarily thank the Croatian defenders, among whom we certainly include both Marko P. Thompson and academician J. Pecaric.

* {This is a very deliberate phrasing. He's implying that Croatia should give up claiming that anti-fascism as one of its foundations. By extension, he is also implying that the Ustashe should take its place. This subtext might not be obvious to someone who doesn't live in Croatia, but it is very clear to native people.}

Finally, I will reiterate one of the first things I said here: Oh, if only there were more people like Marko and Josip in Croatia!"

bishop Vlado Košic, vijesti.rtl.hr 4 Comments [10/27/2017 12:47:37 PM]
Fundie Index: 3
Submitted By: Vman
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Quote# 133799

It makes little difference to the masses to say hillary stole the election.. put out facts and proof of what she has done. There was a list of her crimes posted on here.. use it to educate those who attack you for being a Trump voter. Point them to ‘Arkancide’.. it is/was available ... give them the link and tell them to educate themselves.. they don’t have facts, they only repeat what they hear,, which are lies.

frnewsjunkie, Free Republic 4 Comments [11/4/2017 2:56:49 AM]
Fundie Index: 2
Submitted By: Katie
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