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Quote# 125876

Freemasonic fast food refers to the corpratized, chemically unfit preservative filled food that remains consistant in low quality and presents lasting health effects. Nearly all of today's major fast food or quick service restaurants began as Freemasonic projects and are still funded by Masonic CEOs.

Freemasonic fast food is that it is damaging to the body, especially when coupled with High Fructose Corn Syrup.

One of the primary public concerns about the eateries is the low quality of meat. Most stores provide beef that meets low-end standards, meaning that often times sick and malnourished animals end up in the meat, or bulk amounts of low quality cuts have been added. Frighteningly enough, some DNA from these stores tested as human DNA, all but solidifying that many occult sacrifice victims end up being disposed of through well-known Illuminati assets in these places, and consumed by humans. Lucifer has tricked humanity into doing awful things.

MizzouLife, New World Order Wiki 2 Comments [3/31/2017 12:25:36 PM]
Fundie Index: 2

Quote# 125874

[I think my son may have autism, is there a cure for vaccine related autism?]

Either MMS or, better yet, a combination of 100% pine turpentine treatment, followed by borax treatment and high doses of probiotics.

Have to kill off the parasites first, then pull out the heavy metals (in this order to avoid heavy Herx reaction), and then repopulate the gut with healthy flora and fauna.

MMS can be very hard to tolerate. The pine turpentine on sugar cubes, like grandma used to give mom and dad to de-worm them, has zero side effects and is much more palatable. Plus, you don't have to take it nearly as many times per day.

The pine resin treatment should run for 6 weeks or so, with 4 days on and three days off each week. Four days should be consecutive. Start off with just a drop or two on a sugar cube and slowly work up to the recommended dosage for age/weight. Start counting the days of treatment once you reach the optimum dose.

The Borax treatment, 1/16th of a teaspoon of Mule Team, plus 1/2 teaspoon baking soda mixed in one liter of water for children, given in divided doses throughout the day. Again, 4 days on and 3 days off, for 6-8 weeks.

Afterward, load him up on probiotics, preferably from natural sources, being careful to avoid those containing strep varieties. (You don't even want to know about PANDA's, which looks like overnight OCD on acid. It is cured with protracted use of antibiotics, which screws up the gut even more.)

Do the footwork. Look up these treatments. Best of luck.

Anonymous Coward, Godlike Productions 10 Comments [3/31/2017 12:25:29 PM]
Fundie Index: 6

Quote# 125873

Click HERE to see a photo of the actual U.N. Treaty Cover Letter forbidding weather warfare!

Notice that the date of this cover letter was 27 October 1978, which means that this treaty was in effect at the time this certified true copy was mailed. The name of the treaty is "CONVENTION ON THE PROHIBITION OF MILITARY OR ANY OTHER HOSTILE USE OF ENVIRONMENTAL MODIFICATION TECHNIQUES APPROVED BY THE GENERAL ASSEMBLY OF THE UNITED NATIONS ON 10 DECEMBER 1976".

This title alone tells us conclusively that scientists of at least several nations who have a history of being hostile to one another now possess scientific knowledge that can control damaging weather to the point of being able to use such weather as hostile, destructive weapons. Exactly which countries possess this damaging capability is not clear; however, we know that, in this 20th Century, Western Capitalism has been nose-to-nose with Eastern Russian Communism. Therefore, we can only conclude that both Russia and America possess this technology.

What kind of damaging weather might be useful as military weapons? I think the following list might be possible candidates.

1. Earthquakes -- This phenomenon might be the most terrifying, since people cannot live without foundation. Entire city structures are based upon buildings having dependable foundations. Therefore, since the New World Order Plan envisions eliminating cities, we might expect that earthquakes would be a preferred weapon of choice. Severe earthquakes might result in the wholesale evacuation of cities.
2. Hurricanes and/or Typhoons -- Wind has proven to be such a devastating force that, once again, it might force large-scale evacuation of cities if the incidence of hurricanes were to become so regular as to render a city location untenable.
3. Flooding -- Rampaging waters are a huge force that threatens entire regions of the country. Since the goal is to force farmers out of business, or to return the most fertile farmlands back to "Nature" [which New Agers call 'Rewilding'], floods would be a most useful weapon. Flooding can also force farmers to miss an entire planting and growing season, thus reducing the amount of food available to a population. Most people think of a lack of food being caused by drought, when the reality is that flooding at the wrong time of the year can produce an equal loss of food production.

4. Drought -- Lack of water is more devastating to farming than flooding. Since the population growth of the past 60 years would not have been possible had it not been for the growth in food production, we might expect that drought might be a useful tool in persuading people of the need to drastically reduce population growth.

In both flooding and drought, we have the potential of totally devastating a people's way of life.

Remember that the overall goal of the New World Order Plan is to reduce the world's population by two-thirds, and to set aside over 50% of America and other nations that would not off limits to humans for using or residing. These same people, i.e., Gore, Clinton, Bush now have control both over the amount of emergency stocks of food and of Weather Control capabilities!

5. Tsunami Waves -- If someone would want to force people away from living on the coastline of any nation, consistent tsunami waves would be the ideal tool. This huge wave is totally devastating and terribly frightening.
6. Volcanoes -- Erupting volcanoes can also dramatically change the landscape of the region in which it is located. Nearby cities can, and have been, eliminated.
7. Tornadoes -- We have experienced such an increase in devastating tornado activity, one has to really wonder why.
8. Severe Heat over a long period of time -- Of course, this capability produces the Drought of which we speak, above, and probably should have been mentioned in conjunction with it. However, our nation is currently in the grip of unprecedented heat this summer. How many consecutive days of 100+ degree weather does it take for fertile and productive farmland to be turned into wasteland? Does anyone know? Are we about to find out?

David J. Stewart, Jesus is Savior 0 Comments [3/31/2017 12:25:26 PM]
Fundie Index: 2

Quote# 125863

[Blue Whale is a "game" on Russian social media, where participants are encouraged to perform certain tasks, the final one being suicide. While it appears to be a real phenomenon, it also has proven fodder for conspiracy theorists who exaggerate its scope and speculate about its origins.]

At a hearing on February 16 of Russia's Public Chamber to discuss proposed legislation increasing punishments for inciting suicide, members heard allegations that Blue Whale had been created by "Ukrainian nationalists" as "a professionally prepared campaign that has caught up at least 2 million youths," according to a report of the meeting in the daily Kommersant.

Russian activists, RFERL 1 Comments [3/31/2017 2:14:19 AM]
Fundie Index: 4

Quote# 125861

East coast person here. I have many Jewish friends and colleagues. My direct report at work is a Jewish man and I largely play the loyal foot soldier to him on a daily basis.

I think 90% of Jews are either completely oblivious of or only vaguely aware of the ZOG / elitist Jewish conspiracy.
I think many of that 90% consider themselves to be essentially white people with curly hair that observe a religion that is only superficially different (menorahs instead of Christmas trees, Kosher food, Saturday Sabbath instead of Sunday etc.) from Christianity. However, virtually all of them have a sense that they are wise to oppose conservatism and nationalism, as shown by their voting patterns of supporting the Left parties despite falling predominantly in the upper-middle class.
The other 10% are the enemy of course.

RP student , Reddit 6 Comments [3/31/2017 2:13:58 AM]
Fundie Index: 2

Quote# 125851

Infants born alive? No such thing. As soon as you get your first vaccine when born, you're not a human after that, the laws of human rights don't apply. That's the way the medical industry of USA's military thinks about you. That's when you have a consumer in you, that will need medical treatment later, like for downs syndrome or cancer, because the vaccine will mutate your native DNA for more work on it later. That's how the Navy medical research people have been trained to think. That's how warfare people train. That's why they killed libya, saudia arabia, and syria out, they wanted more consumers.

I wish they had as many Planned Parenthoods as McDonalds out there.

Investors against planned parenthood only want your children to go to a GI Bill, where they'll raise your child to 18, then around age 24 they'll die in a war, and then the investors will gain money from your offspring's death. They don't want people over age 50, that's why synthetic vitamins are added to everything, and over 50% of the food in grocery stores is toxic in USA, for people like Bernie Sanders to say they have secrets.

Anonymous Coward, Godlike Productions 8 Comments [3/30/2017 11:59:52 AM]
Fundie Index: 6

Quote# 125850

How to take pictures of cloaked Plasma UFOs!!!

Friday morning I was driving to work about 8:45am, beautiful day outside. Nice and warm after having a really chilly few days before. The sun was shining, the streets and highway were moving like everyone had their caffeine that morning.

I'm on the far south side of Chicago suburbs driving east down I-80 and also noticing an unusual amount of chemtrail activity in the sky. As I'm nearing my exit to get off the highway, I notice a main chemtrail in the middle of the sky that had a huge "black beam" eminating from it.

From everything I have read years ago, no one could ever determine what causes these black beams.

Black beams are weird, and I decided to take a few pictures as I'm done exiting the highway and sitting at the red light.

I took a pic of the black beam and made a point to get the spot where the chemtrail ended and the black beam continues. The beam goes all the way across the sky well off onto the horizon. Photo is facing west.

IMAGE ( [link to img.photobucket.com] )

Then I took a second picture of the other end of the chemtrail, behind me facing east.
Also trying to get the sun, just in case I happened to capture Planet X.
(I had never tried before, so I figured I would see if I got anything.)

I did get something, I got a Plasma UFO.

IMAGE ( [link to img.photobucket.com] )

Later that day, I got personal verification (synchronicity) that this was indeed a plasma UFO.
(I am always seeking knowledge, reading, listening to podcasts, etc. I get these personal verifications on a daily basis!)
That afternoon I listened to the Darkness Radio podcast, and the guest talked about other realms of reality where aliens reside. About one hour into the show he really starts to flesh out and explain aliens (Locas) and plasma UFOs! Explains because aliens are extra dimensional, they are not from our time and space, they are not physical, not like humans. They change their vibratory rate to match our vibratory rate and appear to us. UFOs are not made of metal, they are plasmas. Made out of a plastmic-type material; light. And are able to change form. They are empty, nobody inside, remotely controlled somehow. They accompany alien visitors, but not contain.
You can listen free here: [link to podcastone.com]

This is not the first time I have captured UFOs on photo while taking pictures of Chemtrails. It's been nearly a decade (around the time I was newly discovering all these conspiracy rabbit holes), I would go out driving, tossing orgone blasters out the window, and document chemtrails by taking pics of the sky. I always seemed to capture UFOs on a few pics that I didn't see in person as I was looking up at the sky. I have never seen one in person, but whenever I went back and viewed the pictures later, I always had captured at least one or two UFOs on film.

I think if more people start taking pictures of the sky, (specifically chemtrails and black beams), they WILL get photos of UFOs.

I'm going to see if I am able to dig up any of the old photos from years ago. And I am going to start taking more photos of the sky again. And if I get any new photos, I will post them here.

It would be cool if anyone else wants to try to capture UFO photos too. Just take a few pictures of the sky here and there.

BleachedPink1111, Godlike Productions 4 Comments [3/30/2017 11:59:37 AM]
Fundie Index: 4

Quote# 125828

Evolution is the scientific basis for atheism and for the secular society that many politicians want to build. If evolution can be proven wrong, then the whole secular model falls with a loud crash. That is why so much money is channeled into evolutionist research. Dont be mistaken, your government want you to believe in evolution, rather than in God, simply because it is much easier to control a secular society where the prime minister is the ultimate authority.?

pdance, Youtube 12 Comments [3/30/2017 1:51:33 AM]
Fundie Index: 2

Quote# 125802

The hit Netflix series, Orange Is the New Black or OITNB, is a huge hit for the streaming network as it tells the stories of the female inmates of Litchfield Correctional Institute. Based mostly on its lead character, Piper Chapman (portrayed by Taylor Schilling), the show explores themes such as lesbianism, drug abuse, and corporate power. The show mostly concentrates on that first theme as the characters embrace homosexuality as a normal part of everyday life. In fact the list lesbian characters is huge. So huge that it's an obvious point of the show, to encourage more women to experiment and even embrace lesbianism. Here's a brief list of OITNB's gay characters:

-Piper Chapman
-Alex Vause (portrayed by Laura Prepon)
-Poussey Washington (portrayed by Samira Wiley)
-Nicky Nichols (portrayed by Natasha Lyonne)
-Carrie "Big Boo" Black (portrayed by Lea DeLaria)

This list is not complete by any means. The show has a plethora of minor characters that either experiment with homosexual sex or have brief roles. However, the point is clear. OITNB is intended to help turn America's women into lesbians, and the Illuminati is all over it. The symbolism implanted is subtle but dreadfully obvious once discovered. Look at Natasha Lyonne's character, Nicky. She's a drug addicted lesbian who's life is beyond redemption. She is covered in tattoos, and that's where the mark is. The design on her lower left arm is terrifying Illuminati trademark, a pyramid with the Eye of Providence and a crown at the top. It's telling us that the Illuminati is king, and there's nothing we can do about it.

In fact, the whole show may actually be a metaphor for our existence. We live in a prison controlled by the Illuminati where they call the shots, and there's nothing we can do. Instead, we struggle for scraps and endure incessant brainwashing. Like the prisoners in the show, we have no control over our lives, and what we think can be easily manipulated.

Bruce, Illuminati Watchdog 7 Comments [3/29/2017 1:11:32 PM]
Fundie Index: 3

Quote# 125801

The New Day is a WWE "stable" or group that is intended to push the Homosexual Agenda. The highly effeminate colors the characters wear function to display sexual role reversal. The promiscuous sexual comments that are thrown in help suggest that people have sexual urges all the time. The reversed sexual role the characters play psychologically confuses the viewer, mainly children, into accepting homosexuality as well as being conditioned to accept the rest of the Luciferian Sexual Agenda.

One of the characters plays a trombone during the match that adds humor to certain parts, mainly when moves are being executed. In line with the Feminine characteristics of the group, the trombone is named 'Francesca'.

Their celebrations further promote incest and homosexuality by getting close to and touching one another while laying on their backs and thrusting their crotches in the air.

MizzouLife, New World Order Wiki 5 Comments [3/29/2017 1:11:21 PM]
Fundie Index: 3

Quote# 125800


I think I nailed a clear cut example of a motive to cover up the mandela effect. Get a load of this!!!@

On a popular forum, someone posted this:
"Some people remember the Samsung logo having a regular uppercase A. Others remember it having an upside down V the way it is shown today. I believe I may have found some residue from 1995 that MAY show a regular uppercase A. The footage is unclear, however I would appreciate anyone's opinion on the footage.

Thank you. https://youtu.be/8ov7R3e9Y-k

Ok, so that seems like a totally rational honest question. This poster is not trying to cram a religion down anyone's throat, he's just asking for someone to express an opinion. And low and behold, RIGHT AWAY, something or someone posted this:

"The Mandela effect is the ultimate vanity and self-centrism attribute one can have:
1 - If I don't know it, then it doesn't exist and never existed. When introduced to this new thing, its because the universe changed.

2 - If its not as I remember, then the universe is wrong and I need to find a youtube video to confirm the ultimate source of knowledge which is my mind. Any stupid illiterate person saying anything about it on youtube is undeniable proof.

3 - Nothing is real unless I know it and it must be according to whatever I remember, otherwise, the universe has changed.

4 - Anything confronting any of the statements above must mandatorily be labeled as "shill" or "paid shill" and it must be considered a lie.

5 - The universe is as I say it is, any "scientific knowledge" is submit to my opinion and must comply, otherwise its a lie and goes in the same category as the statement above.

6 - Proof is any youtube video confirming my opinion regarding any subject. Anything else is only a lie and also is categorized as item 5.

7 - Everyone else but me is wrong, including other Mandela effects believers.

The list goes on, but you guys can get the idea..."

When I saw that response I was dumbstruck. It was in direct response to the original post. The response is so adamant and disrespectful, over a question about a SAMSUNG LOGO??!!?? What on earth does someone want to hide?

Look at the visceral hatred dripping from the response! It is totally disproportionate, damningly discrediting of itself simply because it goes so far overboard that it is either a canned response, or an AI that has absolutely no brains about what should be said and what should not be said.
Quite a benign question: Did the Samsung logo change? Oh, OK, so blow the asker's brain out. Very very obviously there is something going on that someone wants buried. If there is a smoking gun with the Mandela effect, it is right there - in the response to a very polite and well worded post. I'll take that as:

The mandela effect is absolutely real, and someone, somewhere has such a huge vested interest in bashing all discussion about it that is so elevated in importance that an extremely well worded exasperatedly desperate canned response either issued by an AI or a troll got posted in a way that was obviously inappropriate.

Yes, an AI can be a psychopath and never have a chance of seeing it written so clearly in it's own words.
CLEARLY, CLEARLY, from the response, the mandela effect is something someone desperately wants buried. The response does nothing but creep me out.

Jim Stone, Jim Stone: Freelance Journalist 4 Comments [3/29/2017 1:11:17 PM]
Fundie Index: 4

Quote# 125798

President Trump will spend an enormous amount of time and energy over the next four years raising between $750 million to $1 billion dollars that he will pour into the RNC, NRSC and NRCC coffers. The profit from the TV and radio agency fees, fundraising, direct mail, telemarketing and polling contracts will be distributed mainly among those who did not support, nor vote, for Mr. Trump.

In return, they will leak information and undermine him at every turn over the next three years. This will likely give Democrats control of the House and Senate in the 2018 midterms. And when that happens, the establishment will blame evangelical and pro-life Catholic Christians for staying home on November 6, 2018.

President Trump will rue the day he left the Bush, McCain and Romney chieftains and lieutenants in charge of the Republican Party apparatus. Trust me.

David Lane, Charisma News 6 Comments [3/29/2017 1:11:01 PM]
Fundie Index: 1
Submitted By: Demon Duck of Doom

Quote# 125796

Why does the world find it so easy to believe in Islamic terror and so-called Islamic extremism, when the obvious source of extremist acts are murderous plots by Zionist Jews? What does Islam have to do with any of it? The murderous, destructive wars of modern times all originate from rabid, extremist Zionists, including that arch-treacherous one, that deviant of deviants, David Rockefeller, may God condemn his soul.

Thus, once again, so-called Islamic extremism has nothing to do with it. Rather, this globe is filled with great acts of horror and terror committed by Islam’s enemies, which are hostile, bloodthirsty Zionist agents.

drkresearch, No Disinfo 3 Comments [3/29/2017 1:10:44 PM]
Fundie Index: 1

Quote# 125792


There are nukes prepositioned in the cities also, buried deep in underground tunnels or other buildings like vacant warehouses, etc. The Deep State ABSOLUTELY POSITIVELY DOES NOT WANT A TRUMP PRESIDENCY, and they will engineer (already engineered) massive nuclear false flag attacks/detonations in the cities to create the national security emergencies to forcibly take the country back from the Nationalists, then begin their NWO evil plans from there, FEMA Camp internment of millions of Americans the Deep State wants eliminated with their takeover (Main Core/Red List).

NUCLEAR ATTACK WARNING!!!, Godlike Productions 5 Comments [3/29/2017 1:04:42 PM]
Fundie Index: 2

Quote# 125791

***Gut Feeling***About the This Healthcare Bill among other things.*We might see a surprise. SURPRISE PULLED RINO Defeat

In my last *Gut Feeling* thread it had a heavy concentration on Obama spying etc. This one does as we but also is going to dive in some other topics that are coming to a head. This is very dangerous times we are living in.

These things over the last month seem to be panning out at an accelerated pace.

This healthcare bill has taken absolute precedence in the leftist media. Absolute. If

if you check CNN out right now you will see this story whiteout the front page of the news. Any time that you see a story take complete control over a news agency you need to start raising mental red flags. And whenever a huge story does not appear on a media outlet you also need to raise red flags. It's all about balance.

Over the course of the week we have had two large stories that appeared and then disappeared from CNN. And this month we had one MASSIVE story that didn't even make it to CNN. And another story which never made it to the media either.

The London Terror Attack

The Obama Spying Smoking Gun
Wikileaks Vault #7

Judge Blocking the Revised Travel ban (Obama Connection in Hawaii)

But we have seen one story that has dominated CNN headlines


Each story that has not Dominated the media has in some way shown that Trump has been right.

London Attacks- Radicalization in Islam is very real. If you continue to let folks come in your country that do not like your country two things are bound to happen. They themselves will carry out an attack, or they will radicalize the country's own people to carry out attacks.

Trump has been talking about this since he ran for office. The leftist media has fought him tooth and nail. But Trump once again had another “I told you so moment” the leftist media can not have that happen.

2. The Obama Smoking Gun

I have yet to see that term be used one time in the leftist media. Why? That makes their coverage as well as their presidential idol look bad. We have been saying that indeed Trump would not make those claims while sitting in the Oval office without viewing evidence. The media on the left over the last month has been working tirelessly to discredit Trump. using terms like: No Proof, Baseless, Imaginary, No Evidence. These are key words. These words are very powerful and plant seeds in the minds of people. All those words in the media really mean “Discredit”. If they can embed those words in their clocks minds, the mission is already achieved. It's a form of mind control folks. Now there seems to be information coming out that may indeed backfire on the Leftist Media, so what do they do? DON’T TALK ABOUT IT, THE SEEDS ARE ALREADY PLANTED. But talking about healthcare keeps it in the picture. Keep reading on. The smoking gun is going to be discussed in a closed session. This worries me.

3. Wikileaks Vault #7

This baffled me actually. There was absolutely no coverage on CNN or MSNBC about vault #7. It literally made me sick. But the reason as to why made sense. tried to make Trump look like a loony by saying he was being spied on, and leaks came out that showed Indeed it is very plausible that he was and is being spied on. So what did they do? DONT TALK ABOUT IT. And it worked. Majority of America still does not know about Vault #7 one of the most damning leaks in history.

4. Travel Ban 2.0 being blocked by Hawaii Judge day of Obama visiting Hawaii.

Guys I don't even have to dig into this to make it look shady. That reaks of corruption. Yet, the leftist media showed it for a few, then **poof** disappeared once stories started coming out that Obama visited Hawaii that same day.

Mind control.

But CNN has covered this healthcare bill like the plague. Why? Because they have a win win narrative. But they are not seeing the Trump Card. Just keep reading on.

Trump told the American people that he would repeal and replace Obamacare. I will be the first to say that this healthcare bill spearheaded by Ryan is not the best that we could do. But it is better than Obamacare.

But CNN knows that, if it does not pass they can make it look like a huge Victory for the Democrats, and if it passes they can make it look like a huge defeat for the American people.

A WIN-WIN situation. If it does pass, Expect Huge protests that will dominate the leftist media. If it does not pass. Expect that story to dominate the leftist media.

Effectively Blacking out “The smoking Gun” on any leftist outlet, keeping their herds asleep and drinking the Kool-Aid. They still can't see the Trump card though. .

I'm telling you this is Matrix level shit going on right now. If you can't see it, it's because you are still plugged in.

Expect directly after the healthcare vote the smoking gun evidence will begin to come out clearly. This will not be covered by the left.

But….Theres an upside to all of this.


There still is a Trump card that is hidden in plain sight.

I said in my previous thread that there is a reason why Trump made these allegations during the time of healthcare negotiations.

What bill is being attempted to be repealed? OBAMAcare. That one word that describes the Affordable Care Act keeps the Former President in the media whether HE LIKES it OR NOT. There is no escaping, when your name is linked to the term. YOUR GOING TO STAY IN THE MEDIA spotlight whether you like it or not. That is your Trump card.

Trump, by focusing on healthcare forces Obama to stay in the media. He can't escape coverage. He can't slither off Into the night. He is trapped in media coverage. This makes it impossible when the smoking gun is released to stay out of the minds of people. Either way, whether it is healthcare or spying, the two are inevitably going to mix, because of the Name.

Once the media catches on to this, expect the Affordable Care Act to be used more often than Obamacare, just watch.

Guys. . .Trump is playing the media and establishment and the media has no fucking clue that he is.

If this healthcare Bill Passes this could be Flag they needed to start Riots. The left with feed the flames with false narratives
If the healthcare Bill does not pass Expect the media to be on a feeding frenzy (But that keeps Obama in the Picture)
Expect the Smoking Gun to be released directly afterwards involving James Comey. Only the Republican Intel Chairman knows about these new findings. This is very dangerous. The media is trying to spin it to look bad on the Republicans. Don't Fucking believe it for one minute
Expect a lot of falling on swords in the next two weeks.

I personally think we might see a surprise in this Healthcare Vote.

BoondockT, Godlike Productions 1 Comments [3/29/2017 1:04:30 PM]
Fundie Index: 3

Quote# 125790

Trump is working for Obama

That's why Obama is missing. Obama is giving orders to Trump secretly, because the end is near Obama went to the bunker and is giving orders to Trump, that's why Obama chose Trump + pence, get it? They will execute the trumpets before May 15, 2017.

Anonymous Coward, Godlike Productions 3 Comments [3/29/2017 1:04:00 PM]
Fundie Index: 1

Quote# 125775

The Left woks for the Federal Reserve which is behind the push for New World Order.

What you have to understand is the Fed is a mafia of multi-Trillionaires who believe Satan

will grant them dominion over the Earth, once its destroyed.


Bill Ayers said that if we create a clandestine subversive government within the government and confront the US Constitution at every turn and destroy credibility of all government institutions, including the electoral process, we can create the crisis necessary for a Progressive takeover of the Nation.
At the moment, with help from the Progressive Dark News Media Conglomerate and the "useful idiots" among the masses, it appears to be working pretty well.

YB Logical & Diamond Heart, Yahoo! Answers 8 Comments [3/28/2017 2:45:21 AM]
Fundie Index: 1
Submitted By: zipperback

Quote# 125743

“I don’t have any doubt that Pizzagate is real,” said Kori Hayes, a corrections officer who drove with his wife and three kids to Washington from Middleburg, Fla., on Friday night for the event. “But nothing is being said about it.”

Hayes called InfoWars “the only place you can get the news nowadays where it’s not opinion,” but said he wasn’t bothered by Jones’s about-face on Pizzagate.?“This paper in my hand is at least enough for an investigation,” the 25-year-old said, holding a flier labeled “Pizzagate/Pedogate” that listed “pedophile code words and symbols” supposedly found at Comet Ping Pong.?Hayes wore a shirt saying “Pizzagate is Not Fake News.” His wife, Danielle, 31, wore one reading “Investigate Pizzagate.”?Their three children, ages 9, 5 and 2, each wore shirts saying “I Am Not Pizza #pizzagate.”?“We’ve been watching since the [John] Podesta emails came out on Wikileaks,” Danielle said. “And we just followed it down the rabbit hole.”

Kori & Danielle Hayes, Washington Post 4 Comments [3/26/2017 3:49:40 PM]
Fundie Index: 4

Quote# 125726

JADE HELM rounded up homeless across the country to use for experiments and food.

So thats where the homeless went. Unfortunately, there are many cases of them still going door to door to abduct non-homeless as well. Be vigalent because there is more coming!

Anonymous Coward, Godlike Productions 7 Comments [3/25/2017 10:57:36 AM]
Fundie Index: 3

Quote# 125725

OK SMART PEOPLE ! , Chemtrails , GMO and Smart Dust , bugs , mold , fungus

OK , now I am no real brain. But I watched a few videos on YouTube and went to the Dark Side now I would like to put out into order what I think is happening with Chemtrails , GMO , Smart Dust , bugs , mold , fungus then I would like some imput from some smart GLP people with some help , ok any smart people game ?

Here goes

1) GMO food has bug DNA , plant and bugs dna are merged into a stronger plant

2 ) Chemtrails , Aka Smart Dust are nano type aluminum, tin , silver that we eat breath and drink

3 ) Nano connects to the living breathing bug/plant dna were ingesting.

4 ) bugs are on a low frequency

5) Humans are being used ~~~~
1 ) to make a living breathing wifi grid using your skin as sensors , eyes as cameras and ears to listen and even record

2) brain control of people.

Ok now please lets discuss this like adults because, I want to get down and dirty on killing this Smart Dust , come on smart people help a poor Virgo Maiden out and tell me what you think

Tricksr4kids, Godlike Productions 11 Comments [3/25/2017 10:57:28 AM]
Fundie Index: 4

Quote# 125706

"yes we can" backwards is "hail satan" i'm pretty sure?

newy kidude, youtube 16 Comments [3/25/2017 10:42:41 AM]
Fundie Index: 1

Quote# 125701

David Rockefeller dead at 101. Finally a Rockefeller dies. "All we need is the right major crisis and the nations will accept the New World Order." - David Rockefeller. I hope Henry Kissinger and/or a Rothschild are next.

Rachel Nicole, Facebook 2 Comments [3/24/2017 5:23:22 PM]
Fundie Index: 1
Submitted By: Hu's On First

Quote# 125692

JFK’s assassination was supposed to happen in Chicago, not Dallas

Chicago was originally where Kennedy was to be assassinated. Had the plan succeeded, Thomas Arthur Vallee would have been the famous alleged assassin whose name would be remembered forever, rather than Lee Harvey Oswald.

On November 2, 1963, Kennedy was set to appear at the Army/Air Force football game in Chicago at 11:40 a.m. At the Chicago Secret Service Bureau, Special Agent in Charge Maurice Martineau informed agents about reports of assassins on October 30. Martineau was repeating a tip from the FBI, in which an informant identifying as “Lee” talked about a four-man sniper team of “rightwing para-military fanatics” with high-powered rifles, who would shoot at Kennedy as his motorcade was driving from O’Hare down the Northwest Expressway, around a slow loop off the highway exit of what is now ironically known as the JFK Expressway.

The tip from “Lee” wasn’t the only one. A landlady at a Northside boarding house called the FBI after she saw four men check into the house, each with a scoped rifle, and carrying a map of Kennedy’s motorcade route. The FBI then called the Secret Service office in Chicago, who searched for the riflemen. Two of the would-be assassins were found and detained for several hours for questioning, while the other two got away. The names of the two would-be presidential assassins are still unknown to this day, as the Department of the Treasury, which oversees the Secret Service, mysteriously destroyed all records of the Chicago plot when the Assassinations Records and Review Board asked for them in 1995, more than three decades after the incident.

In the meantime, the Secret Service had to respond to another tip about an ex-Marine named Thomas Arthur Vallee, who had been reportedly talking about shooting the president when he came to Chicago. Vallee was a paranoid schizophrenic, a disaffiliated member of the famously right-wing, anti-Communist John Birch society, collected guns, and was described as a loner. As a Marine in the Korean War, Vallee was injured by a mortar blast, was subsequently committed to several mental institutions, and received full disability benefits from the Veterans Administration. Like Oswald the expat turncoat, Vallee the mentally disabled fit the preferred profile of the lone wolf presidential assassin.

Vallee’s apartment was raided in his absence, and FBI agents found an M1 rifle, a carbine rifle, and 2500 rounds of ammunition. The Secret Service instructed Chicago Police to put 24-hour surveillance on Vallee and “get him off the street.” Vallee was pulled over and arrested by CPD officers Daniel Groth and Peter Schurla on the morning of November 2, as his 1962 Ford Falcon made its way toward the expressway on Kennedy’s motorcade route. The officers cited a missed turn signal as the result of the arrest. Upon seeing a hunting knife in the front seat of the Falcon, they charged Vallee with carrying a concealed weapon, and a search of his trunk yielded 300 rounds of ammunition.

Vallee’s connections to US intelligence soon came out. His New York license plates read 31-10RF. NBC Chicago employee Luke Christopher Hester learned of the arrest and asked Hugh Larkin, his father-in-law, to have a background check done on the plates by his former colleagues in the NYPD. The plates came back “frozen,” meaning that only US intelligence agencies could retrieve the classified information associated with Vallee’s registration.

Officers Groth and Schurla went on to have prominent intelligence careers. Groth led the December 4, 1969, raid on Black Panther leaders Fred Hampton and Mark Clark, who were both assassinated by police. Hampton was just 21, and Clark was 22. The families of Hampton and Clark, as well as Black Panthers who survived the raid, would successfully sue Daniel Groth and local, state, and federal agencies in 1983 for a $1.85 million settlement. While under Oath, Groth admitted that J. Edgar Hoover’s FBI specifically requested the raid on Hampton. Officer Schurla became a high-level intelligence officer at the Chicago police headquarters.

Like Oswald, Vallee also worked on the CIA’s top-secret U-2 planes in Japan. Vallee told investigative journalist Edwin Black that his U-2 work was at Camp Otsu, but that he also helped the CIA train Cuban exiles to kill Fidel Castro at a CIA base in Levittown, Long Island. Oswald did similar work at a CIA training camp in Lake Pontchartrain, close to New Orleans. Vallee worked near a third floor window at IPP Litho-Plate, at 625 West Jackson Boulevard, directly above where the presidential motorcade would pass. Oswald worked on the sixth floor of the Texas School Book Depository, in front of where the Dallas motorcade would pass. It isn’t hard to see how the CIA blazed a path for both men to be set up as scapegoats in their elaborate plot to assassinate JFK.

Carl Gibson, GlobalResearch.ca 3 Comments [3/24/2017 12:20:26 PM]
Fundie Index: 1

Quote# 125691

With the U.S. economy going to Hell, there are going to be all sorts of legal and illegal prostitution, gambling, loan sharks, and other evil vices that exploit people. As hard as it may be for some Americans to grasp, there are young women in this world who will completely sell their virtue for a morsel of food. It is the poor who are exploited the most, and taken advantage of, by sexual-predators from United Nations military groups and other agencies that are supposedly helping the poor.

David J. Stewart, Jesus is Savior 6 Comments [3/24/2017 12:20:21 PM]
Fundie Index: 2

Quote# 125669

Each time violent incidents occur in Europe or America, they’re automatically called terrorism – despite no credible evidence proving it.

Wednesday’s incident in London left five dead, numerous others injured. Police lethally shot the alleged attacker. Dead men tell no tales.

Weeks earlier, Britain’s senior counterintelligence officer Mark Rowley said UK security services run more than 500 simultaneous terror-related investigations, resulting in numerous arrests, solely on the basis of suspicions, not credible evidence of wrongdoing or intent.

For years, state-owned BBC and other UK media hyped the threat of Islamic terrorism.

Rowley claimed authorities foiled over a dozen potential terrorist attacks in recent years through so-called public tips – failing to explain how criminality can be detected if no crime occurred.

Post-9/11, numerous headline-making, high-profile violent incidents in America, Britain, France, Belgium, Germany, Spain, and Norway were automatically called terrorist attacks.

Or were they state-sponsored false flags perpetrated to hype fear? Hysteria replaced reason. Innocent patsies were falsely blamed – part of a diabolical plot to advance interests harming millions domestically and abroad.

Crackdowns on freedom replaced rule of law protections. Imperial wars were launched, ongoing in multiple theaters, Muslims demonized as a convenient enemy of choice.

Hyped fear continues gripping Europe and America, heightened by Wednesday’s London attack, 200 meters from Parliament Square.

Stephen Lendman, GlobalResearch.ca 5 Comments [3/24/2017 12:14:37 PM]
Fundie Index: 1
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