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Quote# 135611

Mandela Effect Red Alert:UNCLE SAM’s hat TURNED White! No RED Stripes!

[link to youtu.be (secure)]

Everyone I have questioned is mandela effected.
I find false memories in this current reality vector in everyone.
The difference is when someone realizes the past has changed, and this happens when a very strong memory suddenly no longer matches the current history.

Uncle Sam has a white hat.

A possible key to the riddle is residue.

Solve it and there’s a Nobel prize waiting for you

Anonymous Coward, Godlike Productions 4 Comments [12/30/2017 11:32:24 AM]
Fundie Index: 1

Quote# 135588

Hurricanes very commonly hit places with lots of very very abnormal reptilians living there!!!

By abnormal reptilians I mean reptilians who are abnormal for reptilians in countries like the U.S and European countries.

These reptilians can be reptilians who are secretly Canadian and get by not being discovered to be an extremely abnormal reptilian(which all reptilian Canadians are very extremely abnormal and those reptilians make up over 99% of the Canadian population) by how they all hire non legally existing reptilians who can COME OFF as normal(unlike those people who are the true legal belongers to those secretely Canadian people's legal identities) to cover up what that there is anything not normal about the people who are the true legal belongers to those legal identities with those people who are secretly the true legal belongers to those legal identities being in large numbers in America, Mexico, Carribean Island people like Cuba etc and they are secretly Canadian by them or their recent ancestors being secretly adopted from Canadian families.

So how Florida is getting hit by hurricane Irma maybe there are a lot of people who are secretly Canadian there! maybe that is why they put Disney Land there! since Disney land is packed with secretly Canadian people with how they retardedly kill off the parents of so many Disney movie characters and put in vile sexual references in childrens movies and I mention that because only Canadians are fucking retarded enough to do things that extremely stupid proving they are secretly Canadian!!! so the secret Canadian citizens who appear to be all American citizens wanted a Disney land in Florida because there are so many of their kind there!

So how Los Angeles has the most bizarrishly freakishly retarded writers and producers with their offensively childishly sexually perverted and potty humored movies proves that those writers and producers are Canadian meaning there are MANY people who work in Hollywood who are secretly Canadian so how Hollywood is a major hot spot for secretly Canadian citizens of the world then there could be many people living in Los Angeles who are secretly Canadian!

There are a lot of red necks in the southern U.S states, who knows how many of them are secretly Canadian since Canadians are the DUMBEST people on the face of the earth so who knows how many of those really stupid red neck southerners are secretly Canadian!

and the few who are publicly intelligent are ether the few who Canadians who are not reptilians, OR they come off as intelligent because their seemingly normal back ups are the ones doing all the intelligent stuff for them! if not then those Canadians are not saying intelligent stuff out of their own intelligence, THEY ARE TAKING THE INTELLIGENT WORK OF OTHERS AND COPYING EVERYTHING THOSE OTHER PEOPLE HAVE SAID AND DONE! so they are not intelligent themselves.

Cuba is definitely ran by people who are secretly Canadian by them or their recent ancestors being secretly adopted from Canadian families when them or their ancestors were in the zygote stage so their real mothers were never seen with pregnancy bumps! I say that because Cuba is ran by complete and total retards and only Canadians are that damn stupid!!!! so it's very possible that Cuba has a large very extremely abnormal population just like Canada(especially the prairie provinces) does!!!!

The reptilians create the hurricanes to scare people away from places with abnormal populations so abnormal they are trying to avoid normal people observing their super abnormal behavior and actions, but sometimes these hurricanes get disrupted and get sent to reck havoc on those places with the abnormal populations resulting in those very horribly abnormal people getting scared away from those places and never coming back resulting in much more normal like reptilians replacing them permanently making the populations of those places much less mentally unstable(since those super abnormal reptilians are very extremely mentally unstable when things they don't like happen, like being discovered to be very extremely abnormal), instead of going close to those places without recking havoc just to scare people away from those places.

Anonymous Coward, Godlike Productions 6 Comments [12/29/2017 1:46:46 PM]
Fundie Index: 2

Quote# 135586


They use very advanced technology to alter weather patterns to cause a cold front that otherwise would be more mild, to cause a heat wave that otherwise would be more mild!

They do this all over the world!

They cause MASSIVE downpours when otherwise it would be just a big downpour, REPTILIANS CAUSE HURRICANES WHEN THERE NORMALLY WOULD BE NO HURRICANE AT ALL!!!

Hurricanes only strike area's where hardly or NO full blood humans live, and the full blood humans never die from the hurricanes due taking more precaution than the careless reptilians! It' true!!!

Reptilians cause MASSIVE earthquakes when there otherwise would be no earthquake at all! That also only happens in area's where hardly to no full blood humans live!! and you will not hear of any human fatalities of the full blood humans!

Reptilians will cause snow falls in places like Edmonton Alberta in APRIL and MAY when there otherwise would be no snow falls and colder weather causing the freak snowfall!

REPTILIANS CAUSE TORNADO'S when there otherwise would be no tornado at all! all the tornado's strike where no full blood humans live, or area's where they are not in the area currently!!

Reptilians also cause DROUGHTS!!!

They use very advanced technology for this!

If the word gets out enough it can be STOPPED!!!!

Large area's of Russia East of Moscow are GREATLY affected by reptilians altering the weather!

In places like Sibera for example just ONE part of Russia reptilians make 5 degree's to MORE than 5 degree's colder, they make the winters MORE than 5 degrees colder on average than it otherwise would be!!!


That is why you see all those larger trees there that are dead, it used to be wetter there and then reptilians started to cause drought in the outback of Australia!! making the large tree's die!!

I meant to type REPTILIANS for the title! not RETPILIANS!


I'm still getting used to my new keyboard!

Reptilians are causing the drought in California, they also therefor causing the torrential rains and flooding in Texas!!

None of the Caribbean hurricanes are natural, they are ALL caused by reptilians!!!

Same with tornado valley! if it was not for reptilians, there would never be a SINGLE tornado in tornado valley!!!

Freak snowfalls would be VERY rare in May in central and especially southern Alberta where I live!!!

Anonymous Coward, Godlike Productions 4 Comments [12/29/2017 1:45:04 PM]
Fundie Index: 0

Quote# 135562

Speaking of aluminum foil, it also works to block the RFID chips in the new CA driver's licenses. I read a post where a man with some sort of legal problems was getting pulled over by the police at least once a month for no apparent reason. Then when his friend was giving him a ride, his friend got pulled over! This made it pretty obvious the police scan our new "enhanced" driver's licenses as we drive by. He then put aluminum foil over his RFID chipped driver's license and voila! The police are no longer pulling him over. Seems like those tin foil hat folks were on to something after all!

ubaru, WaccoBB 1 Comments [12/29/2017 1:31:25 PM]
Fundie Index: 0

Quote# 135548

Yes, the internet is full of disinformation the purpose of which is designed to confuse, obfuscate, create division and mostly to STALL FOR TIME on the part of the ones hiring the Useful Eedjots who write all the drivel. Like, Osama bin Laden was killed at least TEN times, the last one being mainly the death of the MYTH of bin Laden, complete with burial-at-sea, when he probably quietly died of kidney disease some time late in 2010 in an American military hospital (he was a dialysis patient at Bethesda), then shipped home in ice and was quietly buried somewhere in his own home country.

Dennie, Geoengineering Watch 4 Comments [12/28/2017 7:05:26 AM]
Fundie Index: 0

Quote# 135547

I think we are observing a general breakdown of the human immuno system. This is particularly so for the generation born after WW2. The following generations are ever more compromised. The instances of respiratory problems among young(er) people is shocking. Even my little dog has asthma. Autism is now exponential among the newly born. Brain malfunctions are common place. Cancer is beyond epidemic. The air is a cesspool. The water we drink is being poisoned by radiation, fracking, plastics, pharmaceuticals, mining, and compounds of non natural origins of which we know not. In short, our modern industrial/high tech age is slowly killing us off and the natural life support systems that holds us up at the top of the food chain. I have read a number of books on Lyme Disease. The general consensus is the bacterium was genetically engineered at the biological research center, Plum Island. It then, either by accident, or deliberate, was released and spread out from Lyme. One can observe this over a time line and geographically. It is now ubiquitous in the continental US. Lyme Disease is one more in a sad list of emerging diseases produced by bio labs around the US, with the CDC as the epicenter of the perfidy. Add these to polluted drinking water, and toxic air from toxic manufacturing, and the incredible aerosol nano particulates being sprayed over the entire continent, it's a wonder any of us are still viable. I suppose microwave wireless technology ought to be included in the assaults, because we are literally absorbing more of this radio frequency by the day. There is no end to the building of more cell towers, and towers of military and surveillance purposes. What once went through wires directly into a given appliance/application is transferred into the general ether if our atmosphere. Every living creature on earth is absorbing this radiation. Move along folks…nothing to discern here. All is well. Trust us.

BaneB, Geoengineering Watch 4 Comments [12/28/2017 7:05:22 AM]
Fundie Index: 2

Quote# 135542

On October 28, 2017, someone calling themselves "Q" began posting a series of cryptic messages on a web forum called “4chan” in a sub-category under politics (pol) titled “Calm Before the Storm” (in reference to that mysterious Trump quote from early October). Q, aka Q-Anon, claimed to be a high-level government insider with special "Q clearance" (hence the name) tasked with posting “crumbs” for the purpose of covertly informing patriots about Donald Trump’s master plan to rout the Deep State and the whole Globalist-Rothschild structure above them.

Though Sugar the Crazed Conspiracy Cat was on board the Q-train a few weeks ago, your cautious reporter here remained skeptical, yet open-minded. As a result of too many of Q's advance clues coming to pass, we are now in agreement that Q is indeed for real – though the jury is still out as to whether Q and the great crusade truly represents the “White Hat” faction of America’s military, intelligence and law enforcement communities, or if Q, and Trump, are just tools of the anti-Globalist Zionists.

Q's mysterious posts can no longer be dismissed as an Internet hoax. This individual has special knowledge and even some in the Globalist media are getting worried.

According to Q, and as confirmed by recent events, Trump was never really under investigation by Robert Mueller. To the contrary, Q’s advance clues, coupled with subsequent events, have been showing us that it is actually scum such as Killary Clinton, McCain the Insane, Homo- Obongo, George Soros and the Rothschild Crime Dynasty who need to be worried.

The Q phenomenon has since made its way out of the darkest corners of the Internet and attracted the keen interest of the attention-whore Alex Jones (who assures us that although Q is great, his sources are even better.) and syndicated radio host “Lionel” (Michael William Lebron). Q’s prophetic posts have also caught the scornful attention of New York Magazine (that’s a really good sign!).

Although we encourage our readers to remain cautious of Q’s ultimate intentions, “youse guys” (New Jerseyese for the plural of “you”) ought to have a look at some of the various analysis of his cryptic posts. Eerie as all heck! We list below just three of the many "crumbs" that made us go: “Hmmmmmm.”

November 13, 2017: Q Threatens Lynn de Rothschild -- Followed by Deadly Plane Crash at Rothschild Estate

"Lady" Lynn de Rothschild is the American wife of "Sir" Evelyn de Rothschild. She is a rabid supporter of Killary Clinton and fanatically obsessed with tweeting out her pure Satanic hatred against Donald Trump. Q tweeted a cryptic threat aimed at her family, using the letters "L," "d," and "R" (notice how the letter cases match the initials of Lynn de Rothschild).

Just four days after Q's clue, this headline:

Telegraph: Aylesbury mid-air crash: Four dead as plane and helicopter wreckage lands near Rothschild manor house (here)

December 11, 2017: Q Threatens George Soros -- Soros disappears?

The initials GS can mean no other than George Soros. Just two weeks after Q threatened to put Soros in "a special place," the evil financier's twitter went silent. After tweeting 4-5 times per week throughout all of 2017, there have been zero tweets from his account since November 26th. (here) Prior to that, his longest twitter dry spell for 2017 had been only 10 days. Where the heck is George Soros? A "special place" in Guantanamo?

As of the date of this TomatoBubble article, December 27, there have been no tweets from "GS" (an avid twitterer!) for 32 days, and counting.

Before the votes had been counted in Alabama's Senate race, Q posted, with absolute certainty, of a Democrat victory based on voter fraud and Soros-owned machines. He indicated that the subsequent investigation would expose the Democrat Party. Lo and behold, much to everyone's surprise, Democrat Doug Jones did defeat Republican Roy Moore, and an investigation is indeed progressing!

Was it a "sting" operation?

The Communist Doug Jones won, but the Alabama Senate election is now under investigation -- exactly as Q had told us in his post.

Could it really be that Globalist gangsters are being investigated, arrested and even killed? If so, are the military & law enforcement "White Hats" coming to our rescue, or is this just part of a factional war Zionist vs Globalist war amongst competing gangsters? Are Trump's repeated two-hand drinking episodes that have so amused the late night commie-comics a signal that people are being placed in handcuffs and sent to prison?

Who can say for sure at this point. But what we will say with certainty is that something very big is taking shape -- and Q, regardless of his ultimate intentions, should not be ignored.

Trump, who is notoriously etiquette-conscious, has mimicked the manner in which a man wearing handcuffs would drink water. Each time, the Piranha Press has mocked him for it, yet he keeps doing it --- most recently while wearing a purple tie which symbolizes Soros "color revolutions."

Killary and McCain have both been wearing ankle boots for past two months, he for a "tendon injury" and she for a "broken toe." Are they concealing GPS ankle devices? (Your cane is on the wrong side,Senator.) McCain was later caught switching his boot from right to left, and explained it away by saying his other leg was getting sore!!!

Mike King, Tomato Bubble 6 Comments [12/27/2017 8:40:06 AM]
Fundie Index: 1
Submitted By: Yossarian Lives

Quote# 135501

Starting back in 2014, we began noticing more and more requests to post a "Bitcoin" button that would allow readers to donate to TomatoBubble.com with the hot new "crypto-currency" worldwide payment system. Bitcoin and other rapidly emerging cryptos are a form of "decentralized" digital currency, as the system works without a Central Bank or a single administrator.

The Bitcoin network is person-to-person, with transactions between users taking place directly through the use of cryptography only. Bitcoins can be exchanged for other currencies, products, and services. The transactions are automatically verified and recorded in a publicly distributed ledger called a "blockchain."

At first, it seemed like a good way to work around PayPal and fly under the IRS radar, but we just never got around to getting involved because we figured the Feds would eventually catch up to such a "peoples' currency" and shut it down anyway. But now, lo and behold, Bitcoin mania is being heavily promoted by the great and the good of the PRC (Predatory Ruling Class) -- so much so that a single $1 of Bitcoin purchased a few years ago is today worth about $65!

Hyped by the Piranha Press and blessed by the Rothschild Central Banks, digital crypto-currencies -- Bitcoin foremost among them at this time --are exploding in popularity and "value."

Suckers worldwide are now purchasing Bitcoin with credit cards and even home loans (just as in the allegorical story of "The Great Tomato Bubble" (here) for which this site is named). The fact that Wall Street Hedge funds have joined the Globalist media mania bubble of Bitcoin constitutes "prima facie" (a $10 Latin legal term for "first face") evidence that there is a sinister agenda behind these digital currencies. Should there be any lingering doubts over such a suspicion, these headlines ought to dispel them:

Coindesk: (December 17, 2017): 2018: The Year Central Banks Begin Buying Cryptocurrency (here)

CNBC: (December 18, 2017): Central Banks could hold bitcoin and ether for the first time in 2018 (here)

Quartz Index: (September 25, 2017):
Central Banks considering launch of official cryptocurrencies (here)

The fix is in, boys and girls. What is the motive here, you ask?

Flashback time:

(February 24, 2016):

Getting Rid of Big Currency Notes Could Help Fight Crime


(some excerpts)

As part of his oh-so-high-minded effort to "fight crime", Andrew Rosenthal (cough cough), that shadowy little Wicked Weasel of Oz who styles himself as "The Editorial Board", has come out swinging in favor of former Treasury Secretary Larry Summers (cough cough) recent call to ban the $100 dollar bill. Gotta stop them drug-dealers, eh Andy? (rolling eyes, sarcastically).

This all-of-a-sudden push to ban big bills is a harbinger of the dark days ahead. It's significance is huge -- all the more so now that Rosenfilth of the New York Slimes is pushing it (just days after the Washington Compost came out in favor of the ban as well).

Rosenthal, er, "The Editorial Board":

"Few Europeans use the 500-euro note, and most Americans rarely encounter the $100 bill. Yet hundreds of millions of these notes are in circulation around the world... officials in Europe and elsewhere are proposing to end the printing of high-denomination bills.

Getting rid of big bills will make it harder for criminals to do business ...

The president of the European Central Bank, Mario Draghi, recently said the bank is considering getting rid of the 500-euro note ($557)... though the central bank plans to keep the 200-euro and 100-euro bills.

Critics who oppose such changes say the big bills make it easier for people to keep their savings in cash, especially in countries with negative interest rates. But these are relatively minor burdens compared with the potential benefits of reducing criminal activity and tax evasion.

There are now so many ways to pay for things, and eliminating big bills should create few problems."

PayPal ran a TV commercial during the 2016 Stupor Bowl ---the images and slogans from which speak for themselves. The end game is to kill paper money.

End of flashback excerpt

The end-game behind the crypto craze is to usher in a GLOBAL digital currency which, in time, will be very much "centralized." In the meantime, this could also be part of a sophisticated CIA money-laundering or "pump & dump" operation.

In the long run, we do not think that the Globalists will be able to pull off such an ambitious leap toward one-world tyranny -- not with Messrs. Putin, Xi and Trump around. But the Central Banksters sure as hell are gonna try when they start issuing their own digital currency, as is expected in 2018. Amazing. Now who, say, 30 years ago, could possibly have envisioned the rise of digital global currency in 2018? Hmmm?

An prophetic excerpt from a 1988 Economist article (as quoted from a 2014 issue of Bitcoin Magazine):

"THIRTY years from now (i.e. 2018), Americans, Japanese, Europeans, and people in many other rich countries, and some relatively poor ones will probably be paying for their shopping with the same currency. Prices will be quoted not in dollars, yen or D-marks but in, let's say, the phoenix. The phoenix will be favored by companies and shoppers because it will be more convenient than today's national currencies, which by then will seem a quaint cause of much disruption to economic life in the last twentieth century.”

“An even more ambitious solution would be to move to a truly global currency, along the lines of Keynes’s “bancor”, that would circulate alongside countries’ own currencies and would offer a store of value truly disconnected from economic conditions and policies in any country.

To achieve this, one would need to set up a global monetary institution that would issue the global currency depending on global economic conditions, and that could act as a global lender of last resort. It would need to have an impeccable (“AAAA”) balance sheet, and governance arrangements that engender widespread credibility and acceptability.”

“As telecommunications technology continues to advance, these transactions will be cheaper and faster still.”

“The phoenix zone would impose tight constraints on national governments. There would be no such thing, for instance, as a national monetary policy. The world phoenix supply would be fixed by a new central bank, descended perhaps from the IMF.

This means a big loss of economic sovereignty, but the trends that make the phoenix so appealing are taking that sovereignty away in any case. (here)


And by the way, the 2014 Bitcoin Magazine article quoting that 1998 Economist Magazine article, was not citing the old story about one-world currency as a warning. But rather, as a good idea, preferably with Bitcoin serving as the coming world currency, and not necessarily the Economist's "phoenix." The headline and a quote from the Bitcoin piece:

A World Currency – Not a New Idea (February 25, 2014)

"At this point we could be talking about Bitcoin or any new cryptocurrency out there today. Let’s continue as the article talks about what could lead to this “New World Currency”.
Next is a statement that will get the attention of the Bitcoin user. Remember, this was written in January 1988.

'As telecommunications technology continues to advance, these transactions will be cheaper and faster still.'

Here we might still be talking about Bitcoin. ...This 1988 article was obviously ahead of its time. It shows that a new kind of world currency is not a new topic of conversation. And the mention of 2018 looks eerily realistic as we watch things unfold today.(2014) --- (here)

You see, the gift of "prophecy" comes easy when you are the one running the show! There is no doubt about this one, boys and girls. Bitcoin was never a "spontaneous" digital currency of "the people" that just "took off." It has been, from the start, a tool of the usual suspects and the play is only getting started. The year 2018 promises to be very interesting. Stay tuned.

1. Months before "The Good War" had even ended, the post-World War II monetary system was cooked up at Breton Woods by the US Communist Harry Dexter White (cough cough) and the UK Fabian Socialist and the known sodomite John Maynard Keynes. Keynes advocated a world currency, which he named "Bancor," but he realized that the idea was still too radical for those times. 2. Bitcoin Magazine with a "Guy Fawkes" anarchist on the cover? -- A sure sign of a CIA operation. 3. Slime Magazine cleverly hyping Bitcoin as if it were some sort of anti-government uprising of the people -- another sure sign of a CIA operation.

This just in:

Wall Street Journal: (December 22, 2017)

Bitcoin Plunges 25% in 24 Hours in a Cryptocurrency Market Rout


Bubble scam profit-taking by the usual suspects? Or maybe the nationalist "White Hats" are nipping the scam in the bud?

Boobus Americanus 1: I read in the New York Times today that Bitcoin is taking the world by storm.

Boobus Americanus 2: I know. I just bought some.

Sugar: Boobuss, my idiot friend -- you'd buy a frickin' dog-sshit ssandwich if the Jew York Slimess declared it to be tasty and nutritiouss.

Editor: (palm to face, sighing, shaking head) --- All you Sugar groupies out there with your sycophantic fan e-mails are the reason why I can't control her anymore.

Mike King, Tomato Bubble 9 Comments [12/25/2017 8:46:39 PM]
Fundie Index: 1
Submitted By: Yossarian Lives

Quote# 135469

It's not black and white. Feminism has an agenda to stigmatize men but it also against women in the natural aspects. Most women would definitely be happier alone with a kid than workcelling like men do. The idea that feminism was an organization made by women is a lie. When industrialization began industrialists wanted women to hold the same jobs like men, so they had to somehow took away women from home and train them to do factory jobs.

Richard Bernays who was related to the father of psychoanalysis called Sigmund Freud came up with the idea to influence the public by adverts. It was the ancestor of modern marketing/public relations. He had the idea to spread new ideas by movies, make women believe that buying a new coat will make them happier and it worked. We usually spend money on things we don't really need, only think we need because everybody else has.

Smoking make our life shorter and has thousands of side effect yet we still smoke cigarette because other people do also. We follow social trends and let our life to be influenced by experts. Feminism was all planned by people like him, the Rockefeller family. They needed a next market to extend their profit and influence and that was women. Today we're suffer because of the drastic changes happening in our lives.

Homosapicuckus, incels.me 3 Comments [12/24/2017 9:57:50 AM]
Fundie Index: 0
Submitted By: Katie

Quote# 135440

Most people would not credit Adolf Hitler as being one of the founders of Rock N' Roll, but he did play a vital role in bring the confirmed bachelor Jim McCartney and Mary Mohan together.

In June 1940, Papal Irish Jim McCartney and Mary Mohan were forced to spend the night together during one of Hitler's bombing raids over Liverpool harbor.

Mary had a vital position as midwife because Catholics believed that all unbaptised babies went to Limbo.

Beatles' fans can thank Hitler for bringing the couple together!!

Jim was 39-years-old at that time and a confirmed bachelor:

Coincidently, that same night the Third Reich showered Liverpool's busy harbor with bombs, forcing Jim and Mary to spend the night huddled together downstairs. "It was love under duress," Mike McCartney told me in a 1984 interview in Liverpool. "They were together ever after, even until Mum's sad passing." (Giuliano, Blackbird: The Life and Times of Paul McCartney, p. 12).

There is another Beatles connection to Nazi Germany through the Volkswagen Beatle car.

The twins were born on June 18, 1942, in Walton Hospital, Liverpool.

The father was allowed to visit them in hospital because Mary worked there as a nurse.

He was appalled at their condition: all bloody after kicking and punching each other in the womb.

Jim attributed their survival to a Papal "miracle." Remarkably, the authorized biography of the Beatles mentioned nothing about the birth of Michael. He is first introduced as a typical twin fighting with his brother:

Jim had rigged up a set of receivers for each of the boys in bed, as an attempt to get them to bed early, keep them there, and stop them from fighting. They did fight a lot, but not more than most brothers. Michael used to call Paul "fatty" to annoy him. (Davies, The Beatles: The Authorized Biography, p. 26).

Nothing has changed since the days of the fighting twins Jacob and Esau and Romulus and Remus.

Paul was enrolled in Stockton Wood Road Primary school when he was 6, but there is no evidence that Mike ever attended school.

Most likely Mike was mentally handicapped and his father kept him out of sight.

Coincidently, Mary McCartney died of "cancer" on October 31, 1956, and right in the middle of the Suez Canal Crisis.

Mother Mary suffered a very timely death from "cancer" on October 31. 1956. She was only 47-years-old.

Twin brother Mike seemed to disappear about that time also because there are no more photos of him available.

Even in Britain, murder and identity theft is still a crime, and almost everybody in Liverpool knew that Paul McCartney had a twin brother.

Mike McGear was the substitute for Mike McCartney!!

Once a person becomes famous, everybody wants to know about his/her background and family history. The Jewish Messiah Joshua was called illegitimate by his enemies

Before Mr. Lincoln became President, nobody cared about his family history. Once in the White House, his enemies went back to the day he was born to try and find some scandal to discredit him. When John Charles Frémont—the man who saved California for the United States—was running for President, his enemies called him a BASTARD because his parents were not yet married when he was born.

The British Secret Service knew that all 4 Beatles would be under a microscope. A stand in for the missing Mike McCartney was found but he looked nothing like the original.

Around 1962, when the Beatles became famous, it was obvious that reporters would begin investigating their backgrounds.

A substitute for the missing Mike was found but he looked nothing like the real Mike.

A Paul McCartney look-alike did exist but he was reserved for a later assignment.

Nothing is real in Strawberry Fields—the real Paul McCartney could neither read nor write music and he never wrote any songs with John Lennon. Even his own father told him that only the people in London could compose music.


The twin Queen presented a twin Beatle with a medal!!

On October 26, 1965, all 4 Beatles were invited to Buckingham Palace to receive a MBE from twin Lilibet.

Queen Lilibet awarded the 4 Crusaders a medal for their outstanding work in furthering the interests of the Papal British Empire.

To earn that medal, all Paul McCartney had to do was strum his guitar and sing; and follow orders from "Intelligence Officer" George Martin.

Almost all of the "Lennon and McCartney songs" were written by Beatles' boss "Sir" George Martin.

Less than a year later, all 4 Beatles disappeared into San Francisco Bay, and that ended the lunacy that became known as Beatlemania

Patrick Scrivener, Reformation 4 Comments [12/24/2017 9:48:14 AM]
Fundie Index: 2
Submitted By: Yossarian Lives

Quote# 135479

Paul McHugh and the rest of the False Memory Syndrome Foundation - a veritable 'lobby' for pedophiles (with a scientific advisory board filled with MKULTRA veterans) - is a liar, a creep and one of the system's hired guns. This is why the shills here are attacking the OP.

This response captures the smugness and arrogance we all saw in The Keepers and that anyone who ever saw / attended one of his speeches knows too well.

Theodore_Shackley, r/The_Keepers 0 Comments [12/24/2017 9:43:21 AM]
Fundie Index: 0
Submitted By: Katie

Quote# 135478

Those who still espouse the false memory claptrap normally have another agenda. I'm pleased Jean was vindicated.

I wouldn't be at all surprised if the MKultra program featured in the trafficking ring, especially with a base being so near. Apparently many survivors were used as test cases for mind control experimentation in horrendous ritual and sexual abuse situations.

Psychiatrists involved in the treatment of these individuals, all over the USA and globally, have separately uncovered the same system used to create alters (split off personnas) in their patients. That is, they were all "programmed" using the same methodology.

bluekanga, r/The_Keepers 0 Comments [12/24/2017 9:43:19 AM]
Fundie Index: 0
Submitted By: Katie

Quote# 135477

The concept that recovered memories aren't reliable is the product of a pseudo-science based political campaign created to protect powerful trafficking networks that trade in children and adults used for blackmail and human experimentation. The Office of Naval Intelligence partially funded the False Memory Syndrome Foundation, and two former MK-Ultra contractors sat on its board, in other words, some highly connected people found they had something in common with accused parents—victims who were starting to talk.

At the same time, the average person doesn't want to believe that their beloved institutions can be corrupted, and that organized abuse exists in their community, so the false memory idea spread and became conventional wisdom. It is lie that recovered/dissociated memories are false. As two interviewees in the film rightly point out, what we now know about the neural systems involved in processing trauma has quite debunked the claims of false memory proponents.

lynnlikely, r/The_Keepers 0 Comments [12/24/2017 9:42:48 AM]
Fundie Index: 0
Submitted By: Katie

Quote# 135471

Has President Trump done anything??? Is he nothing more then a Racist, Sexist Homophobe, and the reincarnation of Hitler? The FACTS say:

1. defeated ISIS

2. unemployment down to a 17-year LOW

3. November saw over 225,000 new jobs

4, Economy growing at 3.3% in third quarter

5. Stock Market continues to grow

6. cutting back on stifling REGULATIONS

7. $1.4 TRILLION Tax overhaul passes in Senate

8. a Constitutionalist appointed to the Supreme Court

9. Jerusalem recognized as the Capital of Israel and the Embassy to be moved

from Tel Aviv to its rightful place

10. re-evaluating unfavorable trade agreements

11. pulled out of the Paris Climate Agreement

12. going after the Iran Nuclear Deal

13. curtailing illegal immigration (down 38%)

14. still push the border wall

President Trump is keeping his words during the campaign and like him or loathe him,

he is fulfilling his promises. Can that be said other other Presidents???

Former President Obama kept one promise and that was to “fundamentally transform America”. How did that work out?

1. thought of ISIS as the JV team

2. increased the National debt to $20,000,000,000,000 (TRILLION)

3. anemic Economic growth that never reached above 3%

4. reduced the military

5. did nothing to stop North Korea

6. enabled Iran to become nuclear while allowingterrorist to traffic in Drugs

7. destroy Healthcare

8. possibly spied on the Trump campaign, COLLUSION is a Democrat Party thing

9. appointed highly ineffective political hacks to head the Department of Justice

10. befriended enemies and shunned allies

Trump Derangement Syndrome is real and dividing the country and not for the good.

Geoff Mizel, Medium 7 Comments [12/24/2017 9:41:50 AM]
Fundie Index: 0
Submitted By: Shakesmyhead

Quote# 135466

Eric is an elite white-collar criminal transnational tax avoider.

But to his current motivations:

1. Destroy Assange . . . yes Eric Schmidt went to meet Julian to enlist Julian to work ‘beside’ him at Google, but he failed. Julian does not care for money and power… he cares about sovereignty and truth. Eric views these beliefs as unforgivable sins. There’s a book if you look.

2. Hillary . . . Eric still can’t believe he failed to get Hillary into the White House (after his success with Obama). Now he’s going to make everyone pay.

3. Green cartel . . . Eric is the new director of kill-a-sceptic.

Eric Schmidt is a very dangerous man and he’ll do some damage to the USA in particular in his new role.

Warren Blair, Watt's Up With That 2 Comments [12/23/2017 3:55:27 PM]
Fundie Index: 2
Submitted By: Katie

Quote# 135453

America is no longer a nation. We are now a banker holding. They're just slowly sucking the life out of us, like a bloodthirsty vampire preying upon his victims. The American has their head buried in the sand. This includes Christians sadly. There's nothing worse than a fool who thinks that he is wise. So many Christian men today are 100% supportive of the government and military, with no concern for truth, justice or righteousness. God never told us to give blind alliance to government. Romans 13 says to submit to the higher powers. The U.S. Constitution is higher power than the government. Most Christians are gullible and naive, believing what Fox news tells them. They don't dare question authority, but they need to. .


If You See Something, Say Something Spy Society is Here!!! (What a bunch of criminals!)

World War III is on the way! I believe that the Iran war will be used to drastically turn up the heat here at home. I believe we will see a false-flag terror attack on American soil. A “false flag-terror attack” is when the global elite are behind the attack, but blame their enemy as a pretext to carry out an agenda.

For Example: The 911 attacks were a false-flag terror attack by the global criminal elite, which they used as a pretext to start Homeland Security to police Americans. They also used the 911 attacks as a pretext for war against Afghanistan and Iraq, and to pass the treasonous Patriot Acts. The New World Order gang created a fictitious boogieman, slapped bin Laden's face on it, and gullible Americans bought it hook, line and sinker. Al Qaeda = CIA. It's so blatant for those who want to see the truth. It's as clear as day. I'm surprised more people don't see the truth of what really happened on 911. Hardly anyone is listening to the victim's families, 911 first-responders, 911 fireman and over 1500 architects and engineers...

The mainstream newsmedia are the most powerful force in the world next to God's Word. They are the only reason why the Bush administration got away with 911. The evidence is solid and concrete, but the mainstream newsmedia has whitewashed and downplayed everything through intellectual deceit and ambush journalism toward anyone who dare call for a legitimate investigation into the 911 attacks. The official investigation has been proven to be a big hoax by most of its own members. The problem is that most people don't care enough to become a VOICE for God, truth, liberty and righteousness...


Everything is backwards; everything is upside down. Doctors destroy health, lawyers destroy justice, universities destroy knowledge, governments destroy freedom, the major media destroy information, religions destroy spirituality, and Bible publishers destroy God's Word.

David J. Stewart, Jesus is Savior 2 Comments [12/23/2017 1:33:03 PM]
Fundie Index: 0

Quote# 135442

Those of you who have had some degree of understanding about the New World Order -- that fiendishly clever conspiratorial movement to slowly bring about a super-centralized one-world dictatorship -- have no doubt experienced the frustration of trying to convince family and friends that A: You are not "crazy," and B: The trans-generational monster plot to take down America is real and not even that well-concealed any more. The torment that comes with seeing the world as it really is, while the willfully blind ridicule you, is a terrible burden that we "conspiracy theorists" ™ have always had to bear, in spite of the world's stupidity and hostility. After all, "He who dares not offend cannot be honest." (Thomas Paine).

But what if one of the 20th Century's best known and most trusted news media "rock stars" was to confirm, on camera, the validity of our nutty "conspiracy theory" ™. And what if an equally famous woman, the First Lady of the United States at the time, who came damn near close to becoming our 45th President, then congratulated that same man for his honest remarks while expressing full agreement with his totalitarian world government scheme? Would the doubters still be laughing? Try using this piece on them, and let us know what kind of reaction you get.

The logo of Cronkite's CBS depicts the same all-seeing eye as the logo for the "Novus Ordo Seclorum" (New World Order for the Ages) found on the back of a $1 dollar bill.


CBS propaganda had dubbed the legendary anchorman "the most trusted man in America” and the people believed it. From those early 1962 days of TV News (when there were only three networks and no cable stations) through 1981, Cronkite's carefully cultivated marketing image as a grandfatherly sage was unquestioned. In those naive pre-Internet, pre-talk radio days, "Uncle Walter's" leftist propaganda was difficult for amateurs to detect -- but it was always there.

In 1999, Cronkite, who was by then retired, appeared at a United Nations room to accept the Norman Cousins Global Governance Award from the openly pro-world government World Federalists Association. He told those assembled, including First Lady Hillary Rodham Clinton (watching by video feed), that he had always believed in world government but could not say so openly because of his position as CBS Anchorman.

Some excerpts, coupled with editorial analysis:

Cronkite: I am greatly honored to receive this award for two reasons: first, I believe as Norman Cousins did that the first priority of humankind in this era is to establish an effective system of world law that will assure peace with justice among the peoples of the world; second, I feel sentimental about this award and this organization because half a century ago Norman offered me a job as spokesman and Washington lobbyist for the World Federalist organization, which was then in its infancy.

Analysis: Norman Cousins was a Jewish-American journalist, author, professor and tireless activist for world government. The fact that Cousins offered young Walter a job with the World Federalists a "half century ago" confirms that Cronkite was always a Globalist-Socialist, if not a full blown "McCarthy-era" communist.

Cronkite: For many years, I did my best to report on the issues of the day in as objective a manner as possible to achieve. When I had my own strong opinions, as I often did, I tried not to communicate them to my audience.

Analysis: Nonsense! Cronkite's reporting was always heavily slanted leftward. It was harder to notice in those days because the viewing public had few alternatives to compare with.

Cronkite: Now, however, my circumstances are considerably different. I am in a position to speak my mind. And by God I'm gonna do it! (loud applause)

Analysis: You see, now that the retired old man has got nothing to lose, he can finally and completely drop his mask of "objectivity."

Cronkite: Those of us who are living today can influence the future of civilization. We can influence whether our planet will drift into chaos and violence, or whether through a monumental educational and political effort we will achieve a world of peace under a system of law ...

Analysis: A "monumental educational and political effort." -- Cronkite is talking about mass brainwashing, beginning in grade school, such as is now the case with the Global Warming ™ / Climate Chamnge ™ hoax to usher in world taxation.

Cronkite: ... where individual violators of that law are brought to justice.

Analysis: An "individual violator" is any foreign government that dares to defy the New World Order. The term "brought to justice" means that the "violator" is to be killed.

Cronkite: For how many thousands of years now have we humans been what we insist on calling "civilized"? And yet, in total contradiction, we also persist in the savage belief that we must occasionally, at least, settle our arguments by killing one another.

Analysis: Classic projection tactic. It is the warmongering "one worlders" who have, directly or indirectly, engineered just about every major conflict of the past two centuries! (Read: "Planet Rothschild")

1. "Peace...Peace ...Peace" -- the phony mantra of Globalists like Norman Cousins.

2. The "Planet Rothschild" two-volume set blows the cover off of this monster plot to turn humanity into a global bee-hive of raceless alienated tax and debt slaves.

Cronkite: While we spend much of our time and a great deal of our treasure in preparing for war, we see no comparable effort in establishing peace.

Analysis: Here is the "inside joke." -- In the Globalist code language, "peace" ™ is defined as the absence of resistance to the Globalists. When all nations finally and unconditionally surrender to the New World Order (a global EU), then and only then will the Globalists finally stop their endless bombings, sanctions, bribing, blackmailing, coups, assassinations, "color revolutions," wars, and proxy wars against the "violators" -- thus bringing about "world peace." See the trick?

Cronkite: It seems to many of us that if we are to avoid the eventual catastrophic world conflict we must strengthen the United Nations as a first step toward a world government with a legislature, executive and judiciary, and police to enforce its international laws and keep the peace. ... We Americans are going to have to yield up some of our sovereignty. That's going to be to many a bitter pill. It would take a lot of courage, a lot of faith and a lot of persuasion for them to come along with us on this necessity. ... But the American colonies did it once and brought forth one of the most nearly perfect unions the world has ever seen.

Analysis: Cronkite leaves no doubt. He and his ilk seek the end of America (and all nations) and the emergence of all powerful one-world-super-state to be erected behind the phony platitudinous facades of "federalism" and "democracy" ™ and "peace" ™ and "human rights" ™. And if they don't get it done "peacefully," they will have no choice but to unleash an "eventual catastrophic world conflict." (World War III)

Cronkite: Today we must develop federal structures on a global level. We need a system of enforceable world law --a democratic federal world government. ... Today the notion of unlimited national sovereignty means international anarchy. We must replace the anarchic law of force with a civilized force of law.

Translation: National sovereignty = chaos and anarchy. Nations = bad. World Government = good.

Cronkite: Ours is never going to be perfect world, nor a world without disagreement and occasional violence. But it will be a world where the majority of national leaders will consistently abide by the rule of world law, if we have our way, and those who won't will be dealt with effectively and with due process by the structures of that same world law.

Translation: Those who dare to defy our New World Order will be "dealt with" (Hussein of Iraq, Chavez of Venezuela, Qaddafi of Libya, Lil' Kim of North Korea, Assad of Syria, Putin of Russia et al.)

Cronkite: Consider... the possibility of a more representative and democratic system of decision making at the U.N. This should include both revision of the veto in the Security Council and adoption of a weighted voting system for the General Assembly. The World Federalists have endorsed Richard Hudson's Binding Triad proposal.

Analysis: By removing the veto of Security Council members (US, UK, France, China, Russia) each of the major powers will be powerless before the General Assembly's mob rule -- a mob directly controlled by the top Globalist mobsters who will have by then discarded "hit man" America like a used-up lemon.

Cronkite: George Soros, in his recent book "The Crisis of Global Capitalism," has given serious attention to this concept which would be based upon not only one-nation-one-vote but also on population and contributions to the U.N. budget.

Analysis: There it is!!! Mafia journalist Cronkite and George Soros (a "capo" of the Rothschild gang) dream of a "one-nation-one-vote" system in which hundreds of Turd World mini-gangster states get to rob the "evil rich White people" of America and Europe blind while flooding the West with their dirt-poor and criminal elements -- all done "democratically," of course. (rolling eyes sarcastically) Mind you, this was stated 20 years before the Soros-funded immigration invasion that we are witnessing today!

For nearly 40 years, the notorious billionaire George Soros has been pumping hundreds of millions of dollars in radical leftist causes, Globalist political campaigns worldwide, and world government groups. Gangsters like Soros make and promote men like Cronkite.

Cronkite: Resolutions adopted by majorities in each of these areas would be binding, enforceable law.

Analysis: "Binding, enforceable law" means that no power on earth, including the de-balled USA of the future, will ever be able to rebel against the New World Order. And that is why "liberals" are so obsessed with disarming all those millions of American "good ol' boys" who might find world government to be "a bitter pill to swallow." And you thought "gun control" was about "saving children." Ha!

Cronkite: Within the powers given to it in the Charter, the U.N. could then deal with matters of reliable financing,

Analysis: "Reliable financing" means a system of world taxation. That's what the Climate Change ™ hoax and its proposed "solution" of imposing "carbon taxes" on "wealthy nations" is really all about.

Cronkite: ... a standing U.N. peace force, development, the environment ....

Translation: Cronkite envisions a multi-ethnic global goon squad enforcing tax collection and compliance with the world system.

Cronkite: ... and human rights.

Analysis: More code language. When Globalists speak of "human right," ™, they are referring to the "rights" of their paid trouble-makers within any "violator" nation to subvert that particular government. When the target government is forced to crack down on the CIA-NGO backed agitators, saboteurs, terrorists and subversives, the Globalist media, led by the New York Slimes, will immediately accuse that nation of "human rights violations" and call for sanctions, bombing, war etc.

Cronkite: As with the American rejection of the League of Nations after World War I, our failure to live up to our obligations to the U.N. is led by a handful of willful senators who choose to pursue their narrow, selfish political objectives at the cost of our nation's conscience. They pander to and are supported by the Christian Coalition and the rest of the religious right wing.

Analysis: In order to avoid the sound logical and moral arguments against One World Government, Cronkite is setting up the straw-man of the goofy televangelist Pat Robertson.

Cronkite: Their leader, Pat Robertson, ....

Analysis: I didn't know that Pat Robertson was "our leader," -- did "youse guys" (New Jerseyese for the plural of you) know that?

Cronkite: ... has written that we should have a world government but only when the messiah arrives. "Attempts for world order before that time must be work of the Devil." -- Well, join me, I am glad to sit here at the right hand of Satan.

Analysis: Given the freaky fascination with the occult that many of these elites have been known to dabble in, Cronkite's shout-out to Satan might very well have been literal. Indeed, Cronkite was, for many years, the voice of Molech the Owl for the creepy-as-all-heck "Cremation of Care" ceremony at the secretive annual gatherings at the Bohemian Grove in Northern California. (here).

Cronkite: The only way we who believe in the vision of a democratic world federal government can effectively overcome this reactionary movement is to organize a strong educational counteroffensive stretching from the most publicly visible people in all fields to the humblest individuals in every community.

Translation: We still have got a lot of brainwashing to do before the American people will accept the New World Order as a good thing.

Now, here's the kicker. After Commie Cronkite wrapped up his open call for treason and full NWO "democratic" takeover, First Lady, future US Senator, future Secretary of State and 2016 Presidential nominee Killary Rotten Clinton appeared on the big screen to congratulate "the most trusted man in America" on his treason award.


"Good evening and congratulations, Walter, on receiving the World Federalist Association's Global Governance Award. For more than a generation in America, it wasn't the news until Walter Cronkite told us it was the news. Every night at 6 o'clock, we listened as you explained the complex events of the day. ... You became a trusted member of my family and the families across America. For decades, you told us "the way it is," but tonight, we honor you for fighting for the way it could be. .. So thank you, Walter. Thank you for inspiring all of us to build a more peaceful and just world. We are still listening to your every word. And with your continuing leadership, we can sail across these un-navigated seas into the 21st Century, and there is no better captain that I can imagine than you."

Cronkite and Clinton --- "the most trusted man in America" and the neurotic hag who, were it not for Donald Trump, almost became "the first woman President" -- just a couple of meaningless and non-influential "conspiracy theorists" ™, eh? Believe it, there are plenty more big names who think just like them. Actually, the entire PRC (Predatory Ruling Class) is on board with the America-busting New World Order, or at least afraid of bucking "the tide of history."

Now, as much as the pro-Globalist prostitutes of the Piranha Press, Hollyweird, Corporate America (and Europe) and Academia all love Killary and Walter (who died in 2009), that's as much as they hate Trump and Putin. So why do the "great and the good" of the bought-and-paid-for pseudo-intelligentsia all hate on Trump and Putin so much? Read the quotes below, and the world situation will begin to make more sense to you.

Trump: “We will no longer surrender this country or its people to the false song of globalism. My foreign policy will always put the interest of the American people and America security above all else. That will be the foundation of every single decision I will make.”

“America First will be the major and overriding theme of my administration,”

Putin: "What is a unipolar world? However one might embellish this term, at the end of the day it refers to one type of situation, namely one centre of authority, one centre of force, one centre of decision-making.

It is world in which there is one master, one sovereign. And at the end of the day this is pernicious not only for all those within this system, but also for the sovereign itself because it destroys itself from within....I consider that the unipolar model is not only unacceptable but also impossible in today's world. "

Putin and Trump certainly sound like "violators" who need to be "dealt with" -- eh Walter? If you still think the New World Order is just "paranoid conspiracy theory," then there is little else that can be done to enlighten you --- short of an economic calamity and/or World War III with Russia and China (which kingpin George Soros had already strongly hinted at (here)). But if you are intrigued by this subject and would like to learn more, then please have a look at "Planet Rothschild" (also linked below). Your world-view will never be the same.

Mike King, Tomato Bubble 4 Comments [12/23/2017 1:30:46 PM]
Fundie Index: 0
Submitted By: Yossarian Lives

Quote# 135430

For years there were accounts of alien encounters where the aliens showed a little black box to humans. The aliens held up the box and pointed to it, then returned to their spacecraft and left.

People having such encounters wondered why the aliens did not try to communicate with them further. The contents in the little black box remained a mystery for decades. Thanks to investigators such as Budd Hopkins and Dave Jacobs, we now know what is in the box.

The box contains a live fetus of a hybrid which is part human and part alien. Showing the box is an act of triumph. The aliens plan to colonize the earth with their new race and replace the human race. By showing the box the aliens are demonstrating that they have succeeded in creating a replacement for the human race.

After aliens take either sperm or eggs from humans, depending on their sex, or in some cases, an alien/hybrid baby, the human abductees are taken into large rooms in the alien's spacecraft containing alien/hybrid fetuses in tanks at different stages of development.

During an abduction, after aliens take either sperm or eggs from humans, depending on their sex, or in some cases, after showing the abductee an alien/hybrid baby, the human abductees are taken into large rooms in the alien’s spacecraft containing alien/hybrid fetuses in clear tanks at different stages of development as shown in the above drawing made by an abductee.

Abductees wondered why they did this. The answer is now obvious, the aliens are showing humans their replacement. The aliens are in effect telling abductees that the new alien/hybrids will replace them. There will be no more humans on the earth.

There is one catch to this situation which the aliens do not realize: some of the fetuses are autistic. The aliens are incompetent scientists and can’t quite do what they are trying to do, so they continuously make trial and error attempts for their new creations, thus causing the epidemic of autism.

Michael Menkin, AliensAndChildren 3 Comments [12/23/2017 2:29:28 AM]
Fundie Index: 0
Submitted By: Katie

Quote# 135431

Bungling alien scientists from space created epidemic of autism

There’s no conspiracy. The aliens are lousy scientists. The spectrum of autism disorders comes from flawed alien trial and error efforts to create a new race from their genes and human genes. The Peter Principle applies to the alien’s science: “In an organization, individuals tend to reach a level of responsibility at least one level above that at which they can function competently.” In this case, the aliens are above their level of scientific competency and are damaging the human genome in their attempt of creating alien-human hybrids.

They demonstrated their scientific incompetency by making themselves sterile. The spectrum of autism disorders comes from flawed alien trial and error efforts to create a new race from their genes and human genes. A female abductee who has worn a thought screen helmet almost 24/7 since 1999 confirmed the alien's situation with Michael Menkin. The abductee described an experience wherein an alien female brought the abductee to orgasm to harvest her eggs. When the abductee was asked about the alien, "just as it gets impressions from you, what is your impression of it," the abductee replied, "It's a female but it does not have any genitals!"

According to a statement made by an abductee under hypnosis who Professor David Jacobs worked with, which is in his book, The Threat, the aliens who are abducting humans made themselves sterile by modifying their genes and themselves so much that they could not reproduce. The abductee felt that the aliens exceeded their scientific competence and sterilized themselves. The aliens may be trying to maintain their culture by mixing their genes with ours. Hence a new race of alien-human hybrids.

Like the failed manipulation of their own genes, the alien creation process is flawed, which may bring about defects in the human genome manifesting as autism and asperger’s disease. The creation process is actually beyond the alien’s scientific capacity, so they constantly change their modifications to human DNA, hence the ever enlarging spectrum of autistic disorders. Making hybrids is an alien trial and error process. Abductees report seeing deformed and sick hybrids on alien spacecraft.

Michael Menkin, AliensAndChildren 7 Comments [12/22/2017 3:56:24 PM]
Fundie Index: 2
Submitted By: Katie

Quote# 135429

Author Miguel Mendonça, 42, now claims the so-called alien-hybrid community is expanding on Earth and vital to the future of the human race because of how they are helping us "evolve into higher beings".

Mr Mendonça, who suffers with MS, the illness that leaves suffers with neurological symptoms, muscle pain and severe physical and mental exhaustion, even feels better with increased energy levels for having regular contact with the hybrids, although he stressed it could not cure his condition.He said: "It's made no difference to my condition, but I do feel better on some levels."

Mr Mendonça, from Bristol, was formerly research manager for the World Future Council, which promotes best policy renewable power sources, and has written extensively on green energy policy.

However, for his latest publication, Meet The Hybrids: The Lives And Missions of ET Ambassadors On Earth published by Amazon and co-authored with Barbara Lamb, he spent time interviewing eight people who claim they have grown up with implanted alien DNA in their bodies and are part of a mission to improve mankind. Ms Lamb has held great interest in the claims since she first heard them and has been an alien abduction researcher since the 1980s.

Mr Mendonça said he began the project with an open mind, but after finishing the research was convinced they were telling the truth and thinks he has now solved the mystery of why UFOs allegedly visit the Earth. He said: "I try to keep my feet on the ground as much as possible.

"My background is in renewable energy policy gained as an academic, so I have to be sure of my facts. "These hybrids are raising the vibration and awakening people. I have begun to go through this process and to me it is undeniable. "Whenever someone with a strong ET aspect talks to me I feel my energy shift - it just goes through the roof. "I find myself seeing energy with my third eye.

"I am a writer, and just wanted to share their stories, and had no clue I would be affected, it's changed my life. "I will try to use what has been revealed. For one thing, it has solved some of the mystery of the UFO subject. "We know why they are coming here and who they are."

In researching the book, each 'hybrid' was given the same set of questions to answer, including how they discovered they were a hybrid, what their genetic make-up was, and why they were here on Earth. Mr Mendonça told Express.co.uk: "What became clear was how similar each of their accounts were. These were hybrids independent of each other who were describing the same experiences."

Among the interviewees was Robert Frost-Fullington, 36, from California, in the US. He claimed to have DNA from four alien species known as reptilians, Sirians, Tall Whites and those which appear like a praying mantis. He claimed in the book to have had implants inserted under his tongue at the age of five, before experiencing several encounters with aliens. After periods of "conscious recall", in 2011, he said he realised he was a hybrid.

Asked how he was created, he said: "When the human woman becomes pregnant, she's taken up onto a craft and the beings will take the embryo and create a genetic overlay." But far from seeing this non-consensual kidnap and interference as sinister, Mr Frost-Fullington and other hydbrids, including women, claim it is being done in the interest of humanity. The people interviewed claimed their mission on Earth was to "raise" what they believe is a "frequency" on Earth by increasing an energy they refer to as "vibrations."

They all suggested this was triggering an ascension to take place, whereby humans will evolve from the third to an alleged fifth dimension, and lead more spiritual rather than physical lives.

Things such as war and violence are likely to end, it is claimed. Tatiana Amore, 34, from southern England, was also interviewed, and said she was predominately of the "Pleiadian" race. She said: "I understand the Earth is now changing to a new frequency which is meant to be lighter and better for humans."

However, although the hybrid were described as independent, one of them was Cynthia Crawford, 67, from Arizona.

It became clear in the book she had counselled and met several of the other interviewees before the research began. Mrs Crawford and Mrs Lamb also both spoke at the 2011 Mutual UFO Network (MUFON) annual convention at the Hyatt Regency Hotel in Irvine, California, according to skepticblog.com.

Express.co.uk asked Mr Mendonça why he had not extended the research to interviewing the alleged hybrid's parents, or more scientific tests, such as putting the subjects through DNA and lie detector testing, and locating their alleged implants for further examination. Mr Mendonça said: "Some said their parents were freaked out or did not want to know because they were old-school Christians."

He did not believe DNA screening would show anything unusual, because: "All it would find is their normal code and it would ignore anything else." He added that they were reluctant to give up their DNA samples amid fears "secret military projects would use it to create human super soldiers." But he added: "Robert is apparently warming to the idea of doing DNA testing, but we did not ask people to submit to DNA tests as much as anything because we did not have funding for that." He added he had not considered the use of lie detectors or scans for implants, but that there had been an "independent verification" of interviewee Charmaine D'Rozario-Saytch, a 28-year-old woman from southern England, having a "possible implant".

Miguel Mendonça, The Daily Express 0 Comments [12/22/2017 3:55:51 PM]
Fundie Index: 0
Submitted By: Katie

Quote# 135426

On December 7, 1941 the U.S. naval base in Pearl Harbor, Hawaii was attacked by Japanese forces. President Roosevelt, in his well known Infamy speech delivered on December 8, claimed the attack was “unprovoked” and, on this basis, asked for and received a declaration of war from the U.S. Congress.

But the evidence suggests the attack was not unprovoked. On the contrary, it was carefully and systematically provoked in order to manipulate the U.S. population into joining WWII.

This provocation game, spectacularly successful in 1941, is currently being played with North Korea. The stakes are high.

Many good people are reluctant to look critically at the U.S. role in the Pearl Harbor attacks because they consider FDR a progressive president and because they are appalled at the thought of what might have happened if the U.S. had not joined the war. But they should not allow these considerations to prevent them from examining the Pearl Harbor operation. To give up such examination is to give up the understanding of a key method of manipulating populations.


In 1941 the U.S. leadership put into effect the complete embargo McCollum had proposed. This included cutting off Japan’s supply of oil, a move that would have made Japan’s continued participation in the war, and even its existence as an industrial nation, impossible. As one commentator put it:

“We cut off their money, their fuel and trade. We were just tightening the screws on the Japanese. They could see no way of getting out except going to war” (Stinnett, p. 121).

The Japanese response was predictable. In their declaration of war against the United States (and Britain), published directly after the Pearl Harbor attack, they said:

“They have obstructed by every means Our peaceful commerce and finally resorted to a direct severance of economic relations, menacing gravely the existence of Our Empire…This trend of affairs, would, if left unchecked, not only nullify Our Empire’s efforts of many years for the sake of the stabilization of East Asia, but also endanger the very existence of Our nation.”

By the time Japan decided on its aggressive response U.S. intelligence had cracked the vital Japanese communication codes, both diplomatic and military (Stinnett, xiv and throughout), and was able to track closely Japanese vessels as they began their movements toward Pearl Harbor. The attack was permitted to proceed without obstruction.

Prof. Graeme McQueen, GlobalResearch.ca 3 Comments [12/22/2017 3:55:16 PM]
Fundie Index: 0

Quote# 135425

Yes the weathermakers are at it again. They ruined Thanksgiving travel with heavy rains, now they'll ruin Christmas travel with man-made snow. I know they are nucleating like crazy as their ice cold air settles to the ground. The floors in the house are so cold I can barely stand it and can't afford to keep jacking up the heat to avoid icy feet. I bought Heat Holder socks and Minnetonka real sheepskin lined slippers but the ground/floors are so cold they don't help much once the sun goes down. So here we sit in New Hampshire waiting to see what "Dylan" brings us for Christmas. This is getting beyond ridiculous. The wildlife is disappearing at an alarming rate, I am a bird watcher trying to participate in the Christmas Bird Count, not many to count this year. Since summer they've all seemed to just disappear! Plenty of food for the birds in the woods they say which is why they're not coming to feeders. Well, there isn't any food in the woods now – so where are the birds? I suspect they've perished and won't be back. We have four seasons alright Burning, Freezing, Starving and Dark all thanks to this weather warfare!

Barb E, Geoengineering Watch 5 Comments [12/22/2017 3:55:08 PM]
Fundie Index: 1

Quote# 135403

Trust me - ISIS is a Mossad/CIA creation with the help of the Saudis. Nobody should forget TE Lawrence and British Intelligence set up the Saudi Royal Family 100 years ago. It is a British asset - always was, still is.

QMT, Twitter 0 Comments [12/22/2017 10:51:06 AM]
Fundie Index: 0
Submitted By: Katie

Quote# 135400

Laizesfaire, Twitter 5 Comments [12/22/2017 10:48:24 AM]
Fundie Index: 2
Submitted By: Katie

Quote# 135396

The only documentary evidence which you present is the same old canard that Shakespeare was writing after 1604. There is no evidence of this. Plays and the Sonnets were published after 1604, but there is nothing to indicate date of authorship no matter how hard Stratfordians twist the facts. It seems that Stratford had returned to his home by the end of 1604 to resume his career as a dealer in dry goods. He never staged a play for his beloved townsfolk, never seemed to own a book, and did not see to his children's education.

You can understand the scepticism. The fact that 60 names have been put forward as actual authors is testimony to the widespread dissatisfaction with Stratford as the author. But I don't expect Stratfordians to see the light soon; his connections to British nationalism have obscured his writings such that some attempt to read in them things that were never there. Contrary to Stratfordian belief Shakespeare was not a champion of the commoner but rather an apologist for feudalism. He was unconcerned with the hardships of the self-made man that Stratford represents; rather he was consumed with the problems of the nobility, mostly royal succession.

Stratfordians have converted the author of the works into a kind of Santa Claus who requires a suspension of logical thinking in favor of a belief in a kind of genius that more resembles freakism then anything else. Copernicus faced the same type of doubts, but eventually his reasoning became the standard. You can laugh at Oxfordians now, but your grandchildren will laugh at you.

shimmer1 , The Guardian 3 Comments [12/21/2017 12:15:30 PM]
Fundie Index: 1
Submitted By: Katie
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