Quote# 121177
SWITZERLAND, Zurich — On August 13-14, 2016, CIA Headquarters beneath Lake Geneva (known locally in Switzerland as the Federal Intelligence Service) will likely execute the following assassination plan in respect to me, David Chase Taylor, a journalist who has been seeking political asylum in Switzerland since 2011.
Since I am now living at an undisclosed location within the Swiss Alps, I may be assassinated via an Airbnb-related attack, asteroid/comet/meteor Strike, botched home invasion/robbery, domestic blade/knife attack, drone strike, drunk driving hit and run, gas/electrical explosion, hunting accident, Islamic blade/gun/explosive attack, kidnapping, mud/rock slide, random murder, studio/shop fire, suicide and/or tourist-realted attack
In order to set the precedent for a tourist-related attack by Islamic terrorists, it was reported on August 4, 2016, that 10 tourists in Afghanistan were killed after the Taliban attacked their bus. Needless to say, a copy-cat-like attack in Switzerland is expected.
Since the FIS is planning to assassinate me, they have premeditatively set up the narrative to delete Truther.org. After all, they can’t afford to have the world find out the true motives for my assassination once I’m dead and gone.
It is imperative to note that regardless of which method of assassination is ultimately chose by the CIA/FIS, know that I was MURDERED! In order to set the precedent for an American blogger being suicided, it was reported back on May 1, 2016 that blogger Gary Welsh died in apparent suicide. Needless to say, he was assassinated.
Since the CIA (i.e., the Federal Intelligence Service) is actively spying on me, they are the only entity in the world which knows where I am currently staying in order to execute my assassination. In other words, since I am currently staying at an undisclosed location within Switzerland, my impending assassination could only have been executed by the CIA/FIS.
In what appears to be pre-mistaken identity assassination programming for Swiss police, it was reported on July 4, 2016, that that a suspected murdered is on the run in Switzerland from Zurich, which is coincidentally the last town in Switzerland I was registered in. This is the second such case in 34-days (see below) which suggests that the Swiss police may shoot me on site. Interestingly, the alleged suspect, Tobias Kuster, looks virtually identical to me (see above above), minus the shaved head.
In what appears to be pre-FBI assassination and/or kidnapping logistics, it was reported back on June 27, 2016, that Swiss police teamed up with the FBI to help solve a kidnapping case in Switzerland. Translation: FBI personal are in Switzerland where they will be used to either assassinate me or kidnap me. Once in FBI custody, I will be taken out of Switzerland where I will be tortured and subsequently killed.
In order to muddy the waters in respect to the assassination of a journalist in Switzerland, Filipino President-Elect Rodrigo Duterte stated on June 1, 2o16, that journalists are not exempt from assassination. Consequently, any future “journalist assassination” inquires online will be directed to stories regarding Duterte.
As evidenced herein, the CIA/FIS definitely has the means, motive and opportunity (the three aspects of a crime that must be established before guilt can be determined in a court of law) to assassinate, arrest or disappear me, most likely under the guise of an accident, attack, natural disaster or suicide.
Back on October 23, 2015, an anonymous Swiss citizen translated my report entitled “10 Reasons Why Switzerland is Home to the CIA” into the German language (i.e., “10 Gründe warum die CIA in der Schweiz beheimatet ist”) which is now in the process of going viral. Consequently, the CIA is beyond desperate as their days are numbered.
Needless to say, the CIA definitely has the means, motive and opportunity (the three aspects of a crime that must be established before guilt can be determined in a court of law) to execute the following assassination/extradition plan in order to silence me once and for all.
CIA/FIS Motive for Assassination
As evidenced herein, the CIA/FIS definitely has the means, motive and opportunity to assassinate me (the three aspects of a crime that must be established before guilt can be determined in a court of law). It is imperative to note that my impending assassination by the FIS will be executed specifically so that the assassinations, so-called natural disasters, terror attacks and wars which I prevent on a daily basis via Truther.org terror alerts and reports can finally be executed. Consequently, my assassination will be lost in the ensuing chaos of whatever attack or attacks they choose to commit. The FIS’s other motives for assassinating me are multi-faceted, but back on October 23, 2015, an anonymous Swiss citizen translated my report entitled “10 Reasons Why Switzerland is Home to the CIA” into the German language(i.e., “10 Gründe warum die CIA in der Schweiz beheimatet ist”) which is now in the process of going viral. Consequently, the CIA is beyond desperate as their days are numbered. More recently, I foiled a 9/11-style bio-chemical attack on the UEFA Europa League Final in Basel, Switzerland on May 18, 2016. Consequently, the FIS is in a race against time to silence me and delete my websites before the truth in respect to Flight 804 goes viral. In the aftermath of assassination, Truther.org and reports such as this will predictably be deleted by the FIS. In order to set the precedent for the impending removal of my websites, it was reported back on April 18, 2016, that a web hosting company deleted hundreds of websites from the internet. Roughly 3-months later on July 16, 2016, Newser published a report entitled “Man Loses 14 Years of Work When Google Deletes His Blog” which further foreshadowed that the CIA is plotting to take down the world’s most controversial website, Truther.org. After all, once I am assassinated the CIA can’t afford to have everyone finding out exactly why.
Swiss Gun-Related Assassination
Based on breaking news and events, it appears that CIA Headquarters beneath Lake Geneva (known locally in Switzerland as the Federal Intelligence Service) is plotting my assassination via a gun-related attack. In order to raise the specter of Swiss guns just prior to a state-sponsored gun-related assassination of a journalist which may be construed in the media as an accident, The Local published a report on July 25, 2016, entitled “Terror Fears Trigger Swiss Run on Guns” which highlighted the increase in applications for gun licenses in Switzerland. Two days later on July 27, 2016, USA Today published a report entitled “Switzerland, Land of Peace, Sees Gun Sales Soar After Terror Attacks” which revealed that the “increased demand for firearms is triggered by a growing fear among the Swiss public that terrorists could attack their tranquil land at any time”. The report revealed that “Official statistics show that gun sales in some parts of Switzerland soared nearly 50% after last year’s attacks in Paris and the March bombings in Brussels. And gun sales continue to grow since the killings in France and Germany in the past two weeks”. The report also stated that “neutral Switzerland has long been one of the world’s most heavily armed countries” and that “About 3.4 million military and private firearms are estimated by the United Nations to be in circulation in this country of only 8.3 million people”. The fact that USA Today, an American newspaper, is highlighting Swiss guns on an international level is highly suspect and suggests that the profile of Swiss guns is premeditatively being raised in order to make the notion of a gun-related assassination of a journalist seem plausible just prior to its fruition in reality. In what appears to be pre-Swiss assassination propaganda, Swiss Info published a report on July 31, 2016, entitled “Tell Gets His Big Apple” which revealed that a four-metre-high statue of William Tell was unveiled in New York City on July 31, 2016. the day prior to Swiss National Day. The man known as William Tell is a folk hero of Switzerland who is most famous for his assassination of the Austrian Gessler via crossbow. Consequently, the aforementioned statue appears to be a tribute to the Swiss assassins who will likely kill me in Switzerland via a gun-related attack on Swiss National Day, August 1, 2016. Lastly, in order to highlight the notion of Swiss-made weapons just prior to my assassination in Switzerland, Swiss Info published a report on July 31, 2016, entitled “Attackers Had Swiss-Made Grenades” which revealed that perpetrators of the March 2014 attack in Turkey’s central Anatolian region of Nigd were armed with Swiss grenades. Needless to say, my attackers will also be armed with Swiss weapons, guns being the most likely culprit.
CIA/FIS Terror Attack
Based on breaking news and events, it appears that CIA Headquarters beneath Lake Geneva (known locally in Switzerland as the Federal Intelligence Service) is plotting my assassination via an attack which they will predictably claim I myself committed (e.g., suicide bombing). Since I am currently traveling in Switzerland with a backpack and suitcase, the CIA/FIS could easily claim that I concealed a bomb in my bag in the aftermath of an explosion which is ultimately responsible for my premature death. The premeditative plot by the FIS to set me up for an act of terrorism in Switzerland was first identified back on October 19, 2014, when the FIS placed highly suspect items into the attic of a house I was renting (see photos below). In a desperate attempt to link me to terrorism and thereby terrorists, the CIA/FIS has also staged numerous attacks (see list below) which I previously published terror alerts about days prior. In order to set the timely precedent for an asylum seeker-related revenge attack on the country which denied him asylum, it was reported on July 25, 2016, that the Syrian man responsible for the suicide bombing at a wine bar in Ansbach, Germany was a rejected German asylum seeker. Since my Swiss asylum case is currently on appeal, the FIS may claim that my current denial of political asylum in Switzerland was motive for a revenge attack.
Islamic Jihad-Related Assassination
Based on breaking news and events, it appears that CIA Headquarters beneath Lake Geneva (known locally in Switzerland as the Federal Intelligence Service) is plotting my assassination via an Islamic jihad-related attack. In order to provide a timely motive for Islamic attacks in Switzerland, it was reported on July 25, 2016, that the Swiss government has publicly condemned the continuing violence in Syria. Since the terrorism in Syria is a direct result of the state-sponsored terror group known as ISIS, so-called revenge attacks in Switzerland are likely forthcoming. That same day, July 25, 2016, Swiss Info published a report entitled “Terror Convicts’ Release Puts Switzerland in a Bind” which revealed that convicted Islamic terrorists will be released in Switzerland at a future date, subconsciously programming the Swiss for Islamic terror attacks in Switzerland. A day later on July 26, 2016, it was reported that the Islamic terrorist who allegedly slit the throat of a Roman Catholic priest in Normandy, France previously spent time in a prison in Geneva, Switzerland. The timely propaganda report was designed to further link Switzerland with acts of Islamic terror just prior to a redux attack in Switzerland. Lastly, in order to prepare the Swiss for unprecedented terror attacks in a country which hasn’t seen war in over 500-years, it was reported on July 26, 2016, that the Swiss government plans to release a new ‘terror alert app’ which informs and updates Swiss citizens in the aftermath of a terror attack in Switzerland.
Swiss Assassination Patsies & Scapegoats
In the event that I am assassinated in Switzerland via an Islamic jihad-related attack, the Swiss government will provide a scapegoat to the public in the wake of my death. In what may be the Islamic terrorists who will be scapegoated for my impending assassination, it was reported back on July 30, 2016, that 2 ISIS terrorist kidnappers are now on the loose in England after the failed kidnapping of an RAF airmen. The failed kidnapping of an airman was evidently designed to foreshadow the notion that the terrorist kidnappers (see above photo) will be traveling out of England via air, possibly to Switzerland. In what also may be the Islamic gunmen who will be blamed for my impending assassination, it was reported back on May 19, 2016, that unknown men with a gun broke into a Swiss home and assaulted two women before tying them up. The men, who escaped in a van with French license plates, are now the focus of a national man-hunt in Switzerland. Consequently, I may be kidnapped by the men in the van or killed in a targeted assassination by the CIA/FIS who will be running the operation. In what appears to be more pre-Swiss assassination/patsy logistics, it was reported back on July 19, 2016, that Swiss police have launched a nationwide manhunt for 2 prisoners who allegedly escaped from a prison in Baden, Switzerland. Considering that this is the 4th time in 2016 in which there has been a nationwide manhunt in Switzerland for alleged prison escapees, it can be deduced that their alleged escape and ongoing manhunt will be used as political cover for my impending assassination. Since the 2 Romanian men (see above photo) are still on the lam, they will likely be blamed for my assassination, a crime or an act of terror which likely results in my death. Needless to say, the Swiss government now has the perfect patsies to offer the public in the aftermath of a shocking attack which ends the life of a controversial journalist who has been seeking political asylum in Switzerland for more than 5-years.
Assange & Snowden to Provide Political Cover for CIA/FIS
In order to provide the necessary political cover for the CIA/FIS just prior to the arrest, assassination or kidnapping of David Chase Taylor, a statue of whistle-blowers Edward Snowden, Chelsea Manning and Julian Assange was erected in front of United Nations Headquarters in Geneva, Switzerland back in September of 2015. Consequently, it’s highly likely that Assange, Snowden and/or Manning will apply for and/or be granted political asylum in Switzerland. At the very least, the notion that Switzerland may grant these whistle-blowers will be discussed in the media ad nauseum. In other words, if and when Taylor is assassinated, kidnapped or incarcerated for crimes he did not commit, the aforementioned whistle-blowers will make headline asylum news in Switzerland and around the world. The notion that Julian Assange will apply for political asylum in Switzerland was foreshadowed back on December 6, 2010, when CBS news published a report entitled “WikiLeaks’ Assange May Seek Swiss Asylum“. Although Swiss authorities have downplayed Assange’s chances, he will likely be granted political asylum in Switzerland at some point. The notion that Edward Snowden will apply for political asylum in Switzerland was foreshadowed back on March 6, 2015, when NPR published a report entitled “Snowden: Asylum In Switzerland A ‘Great Political Option‘” which essentially revealed that Snowden wantsSwitzerland to grant him asylum. More recently, on September 8, 2015, The Independent published a report entitled “Switzerland ‘Could Grant Edward Snowden Asylum if He Testifies Against NSA‘” which further foreshadowed the notion that Snowden will be granted political asylum in Switzerland. Lastly, in order to provide additional cover for the CIA/FIS in the aftermath of Taylor’s arrest, assassination or kidnapping, the Swiss Referendum Election will be held in Switzerland on June 5, 2016.
David Chase Taylor,
Truther.org 31 Comments [8/19/2016 3:34:39 AM]
Fundie Index: 5