Quote# 113182
What if I told you that all the power the PC seem to have is nothing more than a superficial construct? They would have you believe that they are in control of the social media and everyone is on their side.
But that’s not true. Political Correctness is its own biggest lie. They make you think they can: destroy your reputation if you say the wrong thing, rewrite history, adjust our youth’s minds in an effort to support their agenda and you should conform because no matter what you say they are the ones in 90% of the schools and they determine the mindset of the next generation of voters.
Well here is a newsflash: that isn’t true anymore. Last year a secret revolution occurred that allowed republicans to win the midterms; and it’s the same reason why Donald Trump has retained so much support. Last year when sales of Grand Theft Auto V (the latest addition to the most Politically Incorrect video-game series of all time, Grand Theft Auto) reached nearly a billion dollars in on its first week on the shelves; the highest elites among the Politically fled from their thrones of influence.
Since then the PC have lost all influence on social websites such as YAHOO! No longer may user accounts be suspended for homophobic, sexist, or even racist comments. From this point the majority of the PC have devoted their time to social media trolling. But now the threat of the rise of the PC over the Video-game Industry, which will lead to the boycott and eventual banishment of the Politically Incorrect chauvinistic, sexist, racist, video-game series known as Grand Theft Auto, and a totalitarian conquering of this nation, must be countered with a new national conversation (White people are the real victims of slavery, Imperialism, racism).
From past observations of the PC Administrations of influential Campuses, they have been planning to destroy the video-game series known as GTA for a long time. One school principal threatened to call the police on parents that let their kids play Grand Theft Auto. And know the final piece in the prophecy has arrived. On November 10, 2015 the video-game known as Fallout 4 will be released.
These video-games may become a symbol for the left. They have already become a tool for spreading liberalism into the minds of our youth. Fallout was once the Post-Apocalyptic Pulp Fiction of video-games, but now it has become no more than a message for liberalism in general after the PC Bethesda Game Studios stole the copyrights to the Fallout series from its original developers Black Isles.
In Past years BGS has injected messages into its videogames: Green Peace/Animal welfare, Feminism, gay rights, racial equality, income equality, anti-war, anti-military, and more recently Marxism.
Here are the Leftist messages in the FO games:
The Evidence:
Green Peace is about the world is coming to an end because of humanity and they put it right inside of a videogame that takes place after a nuclear war.
The very theme song of FO3 is a testament to the left- “I don’t want to set the world on fire”. This very song utters the doom and gloom over global warming and urbanization.
FO3 there is a NPC known as Harold who appeared in previous FO games. But when Harold appeared in BGS’s Capital Wasteland they just had to add a PC swing to him. In FO3 the character Harold (already exposed to Forced Evolutionary Virus and having a tree named Bob growing out of him) has become fused with tree growing out of him, his legs become roots. . He was discovered by several people who began to worship him as a god, and a small and exclusive cult known as the Treeminders began to form in secrecy. Bob began to blossom and many plants grew in this area, which became green with life, a stark contrast to the outer wasteland. Tree minders is just another term for Tree huggers, which is exactly what the new game designers from BGS are.
FO3 also uses fear tactics to promote alternative energy. FO3 scares gamers into becoming advocates of energy efficiency. After playing, gamers are likely to think that if we don’t move towards alternate sources of energy we’ll run out of oil and gas and our world leaders will nukes us over the last remaining natural resources.
FO3 storyline pertains to the fight for clean water, and echoes the fear expressed by those in California. The truth is that the agriculture industry uses over 80% of the water in California. Most of the water in California is being used to clean almonds. So any attempts to cut down on the amount of water used by residents will never solve the issue.
In FNV there is an area known as Hidden valley bunker, on the outside of the bunkers are peace symbols and messages that display the anti-nuclear war mentality of the 1960’s through 1990’s (Before it became about anti-toxic waste, save the whales, and human beings are the scourge to nature, and where all going to die because of manmade Global warming).
There are messages about income inequality that appear in both FO3 and FNV. Outside of Fallout shelters lay signs once carried by the now dead protesters who thought screw the wealthy 1% because they can afford to enter the bunkers.
Animal Welfare has appeared in the FO games since the beginning. Animal Welfare groups believe that animals should be protected. While the radicals, Animal Rights activist believe that animals should have the same rights as people.
The intelligent deathclaws in FO2 bring about the issue of Animal Welfare. Products of the Enclave’s experiments these deathclaws had the ability to talk and fight closely alongside humans. These creatures cause the player to feel sympathy, for at one point in time the player must destroy the base containing most of the intelligent deathclaws, and later an NPC ( non-playable-character) bombs the shelter made for the last remaining surviving intelligent deathclaws.
The Enclave also becomes a target for doing unethical experiments on animals in FO2 (An Enclave scientist works in a sound proof room because of the unsettling screams of his test subjects. The player in disguise of an Enclave Soldier, has the option to kill the scientist in complete secrecy because the room is sound proof)
The Animal Friend perk in multiple FO games is clear evidence of Animal Welfare. With this perk certain creatures never become hostile towards the player, who may not want to fight them in the first place. With the second perk, animals will come to your aid against non-animal enemies.
FO3 - there is a NPC known as Moria Brown, who is based off a real life Marine Biologist of the same name. The real Moria Brown is a hero of animal huggers, who watch shows like whale wars and channels like Animal Planet. The in-game Moria Brown is openly opposed to violence against the creatures of the waste.
Anti-Animal Welfare/Rights: To appear as a neutral game FNV has the thorn. In the thorn the user can wager money on creature fights, compete against creatures for money, and set up custom fights. The user can also embark on a series of quest focused on fetching eggs for the thorn. With each quest the type of creatures the player most take eggs from becomes deadlier.
FO3 Galaxy News radio is a propaganda machine that encourages players to fight the good fight and bring down the U.S paramilitary industrial complex (known as the Enclave).
FO3 quest Tenpenny Tower is an obvious reference to the civil rights movement. The ghouls represent important black figures throughout history. Hence one ghouls has the name Bessie, the same name as a well-known African American singer of the period of time in which people started to think about the social injustices.
FO3 - Civil War in the Brotherhood of Steel because the BOS wanted to help the people of the Capital Wasteland (unlike the Enclave, which is the true U.S Government as depicted in these games)
That one song that appear in FO3 Galaxy News radio loop that goes something like bongo bongo bongo I don’t want to leave the Congo oh no no no no no! fenko finko funko I don’t want to leave the jungle I refuse to go!... That song obviously represents the anti-urbanization ideology of the far-left green movement; If you listen closely to that song you’ll hear them singing about how they don’t like the bright lights of the flashy cities and the noise of cars in their ears ; and no matter what you say I’ll stay right here! Dun dah duda duda dah duhda! Deeeh!!!
FNV: The communist NCR faction in FNV was once a constitutional republic; until Bethesda made it into a totalitarian communist faction that seizes private property for annex and makes farmers work in communes.
FNV: Caesar’s Legion is just a subliminal message meant to turn male and female gamers into feminist by using women as slaves. Caesar’s Legion also represents the feminist view of Las Vegas as a disgusting town of ill repute where women are forced to use their bodies to please men. They could not have made it more evident.
Most of that is in the last 2 FOs alone. The Enclave in the FOs smears the line between the U.S and the Nazis.
The Greatest evidence that FALLOUTGATE is not a conspiracy:
Black Isles studios (the original Fallout developers) refused to completely conform to their PC PR team, for example the original and present day logo of FO is a white guy with blonde hair known as the vault boy that actually represents president John F Kennedy; who is popular among the populace as he is thought to have prevented the first Nuclear War during the Cuban missiles crisis; and the Brotherhood of Steel a paramilitary organization that appears throughout all of the Fallout games with the goals of protecting humanity from advanced technologies by hoarding them all to themselves represents Kennedys deep-seated interest in advanced technologies before his death .
But then they included a vault girl (for obvious reasons), and the one time the game designers from Black Isles try to include a logo that would appear in the karma status for evil players that killed children, It was omitted from the original game cause it was a sketch of the vault boy kicking a pregnant vault girl in the belly.
This situation caused a firestorm among their PC PR managers, and the designers ultimately omitted it from the game before its release. Not only was this sketch offensive to women because it demonized them for having abortions, the PC claim that black isles studios shouldn't have given players the power to kill children in the first place. In the 1990’s games like FO2 were more realistic, which made them feel more unethical, but they included ethical storylines in which the players fought against Nazi like enemies in the name of peace, liberty, and freedom.
BGS never allowed children characters to be killed in any of its games during the time of Black Isles. And sense then BGS (for its PC desire that video-games become something more than just mindless violence of uncensored proportions) has gained the copyrights to the FO games.
Since then all child characters in Bethesda games have become invincible (accept in the case of ‘two’ carefully scripted ‘situations’ in Fallout 3 involving an Undetonated nuke destroying an entire town (which can be prevented by the player who will becomes immediately idolized by locals afterwards) and a low orbit ballistic mini nuke strike capable of targeting only one of several optional locations based on the characters choice( one of which was an enemy air force base that was the intended target for that quest and the others being pedestrian zones and the final choice being the headquarters of the protagonist party of the game. But you never get to watch a child character die in real time. They don’t show it.
In FNV there is a character known as Mr. House that reforms squabbling tribes into civilized societies after a nuclear war. What Mr. House actually represents is how the PC transformed a collection of uncensored videogames and their companies into meaningful experiences for those people that would arrive from the American cultural wars prior to 9/11. If you really go through the game and look at what Mr. House really is in his true form, you will see an old grotesque being clinging on to life with the power technology, popularity, and his final ledger states that he just wanted to improve humanity. But just like Mr. House PC hides you from the truth to protect you and make you see the best of things, and when you finally see the true nature of reality and how it all works it is hideous. In a way Mr. House is a perfect representation of PC.
In a way FNV may have just been an entire game structured off of PC. From the Republic of Dave and Dukov’s place in FO3 (Which I’m pretty sure by all observations that Dukov was a representation of either older FOs or GTA hidden inside FO3 and Cherry is a representation of FO3 itself. Dave from the Republic of Dave mocks GTA, which does hog all the attention but still GTA deserves all of its popularity by its own accord) to Rose of Sharon Cassidy and the xenophobic artillery hogging, ammo hoarding, grenade lobbing, explosive loving group known as the boomers in FNV (which represents what the PC imagines when they think of republicans).
In FNV it all makes sense once you look hard enough. If you still don't believe me look at what Bethesda Games was prior to 9/11 (see Elder Scrolls 2 Daggerfall for more info).
The video game cultural objectified women up until that point but then they realized that this wouldn't work out well in a new and reformed world with empowered females that would for the first time start to become curious about video games.
You see the computer games of the 1990's were never meant to be played by girls or women because just like Las Vegas and Caesar’s legion in their game Fallout New Vegas, Bethesda Games objectified and exploited woman in their games for social misfits that were curious and felt the need to play out their Fantasies in exchange for profit.
Why else do you think old video games are always represented as Nintendo and arcade games? Because the history of computer games is one of erotic fantasy and lust of which the likes could not be tolerated in today's society.
Look at moder sties. The first video game modifications always include nudity and sex because computer gamers are obsessed with that kind of stuff. They were conditioned to love it buy the games of the 1990’s. On 11/10/2015 who would be willing to spend their money on the PC anti-slavery, Marxist videogame Fallout 4? At the end of the day it’s about money. But no one really hates the ideas of slavery, because it made this nation, and no one is going to buy that video-game Fallout 4.
On paper it sound good, you walk around trying to improve a post-apocalyptic society while fighting slavery and liberating the underdogs of the new world. But that’s not right. The truth is for a world to begin again there has to be slavery and imperialism.
Some of you like video-games like this, you think in what world is the greatest nation formed off of centuries of slavery and mass genocide. But in time you’ll come to the conclusion that there is no real need for Political Correctness and Slavery is not that bad. When you go to bed to night you will not spread the message of #Fallout4Equality via social media.
This video-game will not become a symbol for the left. And all of the other disturbances that have occurred on the internet in the past weeks over this issues will be resolved and all will return to normal. I have several points that prove why Fallout 4 will not sale in one month, enough copies to beat the two day sales record of Grand Theft Auto V.
And on November 10, 2015 I will prove that black lives, LGBT rights, women’s rights, and all other social injustice hoaxes are non-issues when the most PC videogame of all time doesn't reach a billion dollars in sales on its first week on the shelves. And then we will know that Political Correctness is just an unnecessary joke that we don’t need in our private lives.
They aren’t the majority
In the Culture War between the PC and the Video-game industry, the PC are not just the 1%, but the .0000001%. The social minorities that they would look to for support love to play GTA. That’s why it sold 880 million in just 2 days. And GTA is just one of many video-games. The PC war with the video-game culture, Is as futile as trying to westernize the entire Middle East in 1 year without the use of violence. It’s like trying to peacefully colonize the most diehard, nationalistic, society via PC. It won’t work.
The PC are not attracting the correct audience to their video-games
Most of the PC in the gaming industry are the social majority that prefer RPGs.
r/AgainstGamerGate 17 Comments [9/28/2015 12:01:52 PM]
Fundie Index: 7