Quote# 69520
(The site author claims that Earth's axis of rotation has slipped by another 26 degrees, to yield an axial tilt of 49 degrees, and that the truth is being covered up by the scientific community. Lulz.)
What caused the slippage?
The melting of the polar regions has thrown off the balance of the earth. As the glaciers have nearly melted, the weight at the north pole has decreased. This has allowed the heavier, wider portion of the earth at the equator to start slipping downward, thus increasing the tilt significantly.
Why has no one noticed?
It did not slip all at once. It has been a slow change over the past 20 years, but two of the most significant axial shifts occurred between Dec 4 and 6, 2006.
Despite common misperception, an event like this can happen silently rather than a catastrophic sudden change. A 2000 mile shift would not be felt any more than you can feel the rotation of the earth. The earth rotates nearly 25,000 miles every day. About 1038 miles every hour. You cannot feel a 2000 mile change in the axis any more than you can feel the earth rotate or orbit the sun.
The star layout would only be a miniscule change which the average person would not notice. In the night sky, it would only be inches difference in the stars between the Dakotas and Mexico latitudes. See the "Star Chart" section on the main menu to see the comparison.
Even though this moved our latitude to the south by apx 2000 miles, there is only a 10-20 degree Fahrenheit temperature difference between central American and the Dakotas during the summer. So temperatures normally in the 80's would now be in the 90's to 100's degree Fahrenheit range. Thus it would be reported as a heat wave. The mid US now has a tropical climate.
In the winter months, we will experience cold waves and ice storms because our increased tilt will have us tilted farther away from the sun in the winter months.
The astronomers, astrophysicists, meteorologists have all been silenced by the government to avoid panic, but the United Kingdom has been giving out information pamphlets to their citizens on how to cope with the permanent changes to the weather.
How & Why: The Changing of the Axial Tilt 29 Comments [1/15/2010 11:30:15 PM]
Fundie Index: 17