Quote# 56664
there is old saying one bad apple dont spoil the whole bunch...
I heard about his "theme" park...interesting, but we villify a researcher [Erich von Daniken] who asks a lot of questions, posits lots of unorthodox theories, and somehow makes a living from it, yet when walt disney makes his world of tommorow he is praised?
Do you really hate the man for his accomplishment or because he can make a living doing what we ALL wish we could, but dont have the nutsack to do?
Ben would you have the courage to risk your "reputation" and come out in a really public way, and become the poster child of UFOLOGY?
Whether you like him or not, daniken has done more to open the minds of millions of people to other possibilities, real possibilities concerning the origins, and mysteries of our world.
100 years from now, historians will look back at the book, chariots of the gods and mark its publishing, as the constitution, the declaration of indepnedance from all that came before.
By positing the idea, that if we replaced the "gods" of old, upon which all religions were started, with visitations from more advanced civilizations, he single handedly shattered millenia of dogma and prisetly bullshit, used to control the masses by the "elite".
That very simple, yet earthshattering idea, in my opinion, has led to us being able to speak about these things on the internet, spawned countless other researchers and showed most importantly, that people would buy books based on the subject matter, and with a market for these ideas, came publicity and well the rest is history.
Justice League,
Alien-UFO 15 Comments [1/23/2009 1:45:30 AM]
Fundie Index: 0
Submitted By: jsonitsac