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Quote# 132708

Ross talks about dual loyalty not being something that should be raised. He completely ignores the evidence of actual traitorous activities by Zionists.

David Niles, the post war White House advisor, attacked State Department personnel and had them removed for pointing out the truth that Israel would be detrimental to US interests. Edwin Wright’s testimony is revealing.

WE have multiple people involved in illegally supplying weapons to Zionists after WW2. Then we have Zalman Shapiro at NUMEC, stealing weapons grade uranium for a foreign state and being protected by Zionists in the DoJ.

Milchan and the krytron nuclear triggers. History is full of examples of Zionist traitors who were protected by fellow Zionists in the investigative and judicial branches of government.

Ross is just another hypocrite and a traitor to the US. He and the JINSA crowd advocate for Israel and have steered the USA to an expensive and disastrous Middle East policy.

Jabberwocky, MondoWeiss 1 Comments [10/9/2017 2:11:04 AM]
Fundie Index: 2
Submitted By: Katie

Quote# 132597

Don't be surprised when you see more and more of these so Called terrorist attacks happen that the elites are behind in Order to bring in their new world Order. People don't really know how diabolical the white man is. Like revelation 12:12 say, the devil has come down upon you having great wrath cause he know he has but a short time.

Asar'el Ben Israel, Facebook 2 Comments [10/9/2017 1:30:11 AM]
Fundie Index: 2

Quote# 132571

Whoa...Is the Las Vegas shooter and the infamous Sandy Hook Gene Rosen the same man?

Cartel, Godlike Productions 6 Comments [10/9/2017 1:19:18 AM]
Fundie Index: 3

Quote# 132507

Simple. Alan Dershowitz is probably compromised.

The Zionist Federation have had over a century to practice the art of of grooming their people, money, favor. Encouraging debt and indebtedness and getting the dirt on those they might need at some time in the future. Carefully making sure their influence and people are moving in the right circles to suit their cause.

Circles where there’s plenty of opportunity for Marcs and Jareds to meet Chelseas and Ivancas and for the Dershowitz’s to advance their careers as long as they toe the Zionist line. One step out of place and they’re dead in the water, discarded, ruined or, as with Rabin and I dare say even Sharon, murdered

By comparison to the Zionist Federation, we’re all newbies, way behind the eight ball. All state governments change. Their policies change. Their priorities change. Their alliances change. US Presidents have an eight year tenure max. A mere blip. Dershowitz is just another useful idiot

talknic, MondoWeiss 0 Comments [10/9/2017 12:51:36 AM]
Fundie Index: 2
Submitted By: Katie

Quote# 132497

he also may have been setup.. powers that be are pushing for a civil war. An ex cia guy predicted a mass shooting over the next few weeks two days ago on a radio show i listen too.. there may be another mass shooting in the next month framed as a right winger.

Some sources close to the investigation said there was antifa literature in the hotel room. MSM won't touch it.. CIA does operations like this in countries all over the world. Look up operation Gladio in Italy.. all declassified

Matt Weiler, Facebook 3 Comments [10/9/2017 12:50:40 AM]
Fundie Index: 2
Submitted By: Katie

Quote# 132730

If you see a UFO flee this stupid UFO control birds,dog,cats and people from microwawe and hypnosys and kill people.
My best frend by kill and I am by abducted.My life is end.It ruined my business and I have several implantats in my body and brain.This disk is beutiful about 4m for control sector and about 10m with small red light.How fly around is sound like storm and strong electric power.This technologi control people eye and is invisible for untrained eye.
I had the technology from UFO to 10x in hand and is superpower.Control all electronic and people as puppets.Man is controlled within 5 seconds.

apa, UFOSeek Forum 10 Comments [10/7/2017 2:23:48 PM]
Fundie Index: 5
Submitted By: shy & Katie

Quote# 132726

The coup against Jeremy Corbyn is an orchestrated attack planned and executed by rogue MP’s and a PR firm connected to Blair that has numerous ties deep within the centre-right faction of the Labour party and its media backing. It is not happening because of ‘incompetence’ or a ‘failed’ referendum campaign as the media would have us believe.

It is a last-ditch attempt at overthrowing an individual perceived as a threat to the neoliberal establishment and it is happening not only with contempt and utter disregard for democratic process, but at the expense of the party members they are supposed to represent, who elected him leader with the largest mandate of any political party leader in UK history.

albion70, r/unitedkingdom 2 Comments [10/7/2017 1:26:13 PM]
Fundie Index: 1
Submitted By: Katie

Quote# 132723

Having read the article and followed up on some of the sources, it seems far better thought out and researched than the mainstream media coverage.

It highlights a far more important issue to society, than the current hysteria over anti-Semitism, in the form of the pro-Israel lobby and how active it is in politics. This is especially worrying when it involves Universities.

This is not a fight over anti-Semitism in the Labour party, any real cases were dealt with swiftly. It is part of a battle over control of the political discourse in the United Kingdom, this is what we need to see discussed in the mainstream media.

Argathor, r/unitedkingdom 1 Comments [10/7/2017 1:25:26 PM]
Fundie Index: 1
Submitted By: Katie

Quote# 132711

The folks who fund or manage the “Lobby” are aware that Dick and Jane , could care less about Zionist Supremacy ,(most don,t even know what a zionist is) and are unlikely to make the intellectual investment to educate themselves on the subject.Too busy trying to make ends meet.

This and the tens of millions of dollars in funding ,is what makes the Lobby so impervious to outside scrutiny and allows hypocrites like Freedman to publish what can only be described as rank hypocracy.

Throw in the almost total control of the MSM and bingo , you can get away with War Crimes and Ethnic cleansing , not to mention all the other crimes committed by the rogue entity , on a daily basis.

amigo, MondoWeiss 2 Comments [10/7/2017 12:02:11 PM]
Fundie Index: 2
Submitted By: Katie

Quote# 132693

NASA has always been very involved with corporate wealth as were its predecessors in the United States and fascist Germany. Fascism is defined as the control of government by the wealthy. When government is stronger than the wealthy, then the weak at least have a chance at justice, opportunity, and fairness.

Most modern conservative western schools of economic thought such as libertarianism (i.e. as advocated by the CATO institute or the Heritage Foundation) or the Austrian school of economics all have fascist roots and are propaganda for the wealthy which includes Austrian school members like Frederic von Hayek and Milton Friedman (who was so popular with the Reagan/Bush team).

Not everything they say is a lie, but the backbone of their philosophy is fascist. You can tell a lot by who their enemies are. There has been a lot of money spent on this propaganda since world war ii which has unfortunately successfully equated capitalism with liberty in many peoples' minds. The opposite is the truth. Liberty has nothing to do capitalism, but fascism is the offspring of capitalism.

The same goes for most science that has the same funding as conservative economics theories. It is rubbish intended for the masses. NASA founder Werner von Braun was himself a Nazi SS officer who worked with and for SS leader Heinrich Himmler, and his science is just as fascist and just as false in america as it was in Nazi Germany.

17 November, The Flat Earth Society 5 Comments [10/7/2017 9:13:02 AM]
Fundie Index: 5
Submitted By: Katie

Quote# 132692

British Secret Service agent Nguy?n Sinh Cung arrived in London in 1911

By 1911, British plans were well underway for the Prussian invasion of France led by "Kaiser Bill." That "Dead Head" was Queen Victoria's grandson and he expected to enter Paris by early September 1914.

At the same time, the British were very busy in Vietnam recruiting bright young Vietnamese to take the place of the defunct French Vietnamese colony.

In 1911, Cung and a group of very bright young Vietnamese arrived in London to study English.

It is possible that Winston Churchill had him in the same classroom as Adolf Hitler.

As soon as France was defeated by Queen Victoria's other grandson, the French colony in Vietnam would be supplanted by the British Empire.

A plaque in central London commemorates the place where Nguy?n Sinh Cung worked as a “pastry chef.” Cung was no "pastry chef," he was learning English in order to replace the French as a British colonial administrator. He also used at least 2 different names during his long diabolical spying career.

In the most unkindest cut of all, Cung arrived on a French ship which docked at Marseilles, and from there his group of spies disembarked and sailed for Britain:

After stops in Singapore, Colombo and Port Said, the Amiral Latouche-Tréville docked in Marseilles harbor on July 6, 1911. Here Thanh received his wages—about ten francs, a sum barely adequate to feed and house him in a cheap hotel for a few days—and disembarked with a friend to get his first glimpse of France. (Duiker, Ho Chi Minh, p. 47).

Poor "pastry chef" was just his spying cover as he aroused no suspicion from the French as he sailed for England.

After the Fall of France, the British Empire planned on seizing the French Vietnam colony!!

In 1914, "Dead Head" Kaiser Wilhelm II expected a lightning victory over France comparable to the Prussian victory in the Franco-Prussian war of 1870. With his fellow "dead head" Jesuits occupying Paris, he expected to turn his massive armies east and conquer Orthodox Russia in the same lightning manner.


In 1953, Prime Minister Churchill ordered Ho Chi Minh to eject the French from Vietnam!!

Supposedly, the British and French were allies against Hitler during WWII. That was all camouflage or window dressing on the part of Churchill. Even though his other pupil Hitler lost the war, he was still determined to supplant the French Empire in Vietnam.

Prime Minister Churchill was terribly disappointed that he had failed a second time to conquer France.

In 1953, Prime Minister Churchill ordered his pupil Ho Chi Minh to eject the French from Vietnam.

Evil twin Lilibet was on the throne and she gave him every encouragement.

Winston sent him a detailed "order of battle" plan and assured him that fellow agent Mao Zedong would supply him with unlimited manpower.

In November 1953, Ho Chi Minh and his generals had received detailed plans for ejecting the French from Vietnam. Churchill promised Minh that his Chinese "Communists" would give him all the manpower he requested.


LBJ planned the assassination of JFK . . . so he had to go to Vietnam . . . or to PRISON!!

Most of the top politicos in Washington City knew that Lyndon Johnson was behind the assassination of President Kennedy. He was the one man who had the most to gain by the death of the President. The coup d'etat that Johnson carried out failed in the end because he did not become dictator of Texas for life.

A terribly disappointed Lyndon Johnson arrived back in the still-standing Washington City.

He was supposed to land in Austin, Texas.

From that time onward the escalation of U.S. military involvement in Vietnam began in earnest.

It was no coincidence that the Vietnam War escalated after the assassination of President Kennedy. Lyndon Johnson was the ideal blackmail candidate. The blind who deny that there was a conspiracy to kill the President cannot explain that fact of history.

The Vietnam War was the first war to be televised. Every night images of the war were shown on U.S. TV screens.

2 of the most iconic photos were the execution of a Viet Cong soldier on a Saigon street and "Napalm Girl."

The war was indeed suicidal but Lyndon Johnson knew he had to escalate . . . or go to jail.

President Nixon inherited the war from Lyndon Johnson and he had only 2 options: escalate further or disgrace his country by an ignominious withdrawal.

If Richard Nixon was President in 1961 there would have been no Kennedy nightmare and no Vietnam War.

The President inherited the war from Lyndon Johnson and there was no light at the end of the tunnel.

The war forced him to resign—the only President in history to do so.

"Spelly's War" as it was called, finally ended in disaster for the United States. In April 1975, as the Viet Cong closed in on Saigon, thousands of Vietnamese who had helped the U.S. were abandoned to certain death.

The Fall of Saigon happened on April 30, 1975.

It was a most disgraceful abandonment of a long time faithful ally.

It was revenge for the British retreat from Suez in 1956.

The last pitiful scenes occurred at the U.S. Embassy when helicopters landed on the roof and rescued Embassy personnel.

The last pitiful scenes occurred at the U.S. Embassy when helicopters landed on the roof and rescued embassy personnel. The Vietnam War was a helicopter war and helicopters were used to rescue the last embassy personnel.

There was great rejoicing at the British Embassy in Saigon . . . and in Whitehall, London!!

The name of the British ambassador to South Vietnam was John Bushhell. Nothing much is known about that shadowy figure. Probably a MI6 Million agent like most ambassadors.

The British Embassy was protected by a small contingent of Gurkhas.

Congratulatory messages were sent to Hanoi as the Viet Cong closed in.

Amazingly, in London, Ronald Reagan was meeting with the British Cleopatra and planning a U.S.-British alliance against the Soviet Union.

Thankfully, Ho Chi Minh was dead by that time so he was not a candidate for knighthood by the queens. Such cunning and beastly duplicity could only originate in the infernal regions

Patrick Scrivener, Reformation 2 Comments [10/7/2017 9:12:58 AM]
Fundie Index: 3
Submitted By: Yossarian Lives

Quote# 132690

I do believe that this happened but wonder about the mechanism of such (I am a religious person but believe that Jehovah rarely intervenes physically in the world and thus what we read in the ancient texts, including the Bible, did happen but with a natural explanation.

What worries me most about NASA and the other agencies poking around in the celestial sphere (and this is where I disagree with many of my compatriots- they are doing SOMETHING up there, just not what they are telling us) is that they may damage the delicate mechanism of this creation.

My own view (and I have nothing to back this up other than my own intuition and thoughts) is that NASA, ESA and Roscosmos are in a race to breach the firmament. In addition I think there are efforts to tap the suns energy. All of this could lead to catastrophic and unforeseen results.

Sir Richard, The Flat Earth Society 4 Comments [10/7/2017 9:12:35 AM]
Fundie Index: 3
Submitted By: Katie

Quote# 132687

So I'm talking to someone I've known a long time and they look at me while I'm explaining some FE facts.

Question comes firing at me with a stern voice. You mean to tell me you don't believe those pictures of the astronuts we see all the time floating isn't real? You're telling me they aren't floating.

Of course my response is no they are falling back to earth at 17,500 MPH. There is no Gravity it's density, lighter than air and they're falling. No such thing as anti-gravity or weightlessness by being up in space.

Person goes fucking ballistic, mad as hell, calling me crazy, I'm a nut. What the fuck do you think we've seen all this time? Fakery.....

So just trying to explain what NASA is explaining to the world, this person doesn't believe it because they are dumbed down and conditioned to float. Ice cream float, float a check, Macys parade float, floaties

People are sheeple I tell you, waaay too much fluoride and chemtrail sniffing. Some recently told me they are finding Flouride in all processed food now on testing. Crazy, wouldn't doubt it.

J-Man, TFES 4 Comments [10/7/2017 8:55:36 AM]
Fundie Index: 2
Submitted By: Katie

Quote# 132658

What is the SAC about?

The Shakespeare Authorship Coalition runs this website so anyone who cares about Shakespeare, as we do, can easily see why his identity has long been in doubt, and sign a definitive declaration addressing the issue — the Declaration of Reasonable Doubt About the Identity of William Shakespeare, located on this site. We have nothing against the man from Stratford-on-Avon, but we doubt that he was the author of the works.

Our goal is to legitimize the issue in academia so students, teachers and professors can feel free to pursue it. This is necessary because the issue is widely viewed as settled in academia and is treated as a taboo subject. We believe that an open-minded examination of the evidence shows that the issue should be taken seriously. Your signature on the Declaration will help us make the case that there is reasonable doubt about the author.

What is the Declaration?

The Declaration was written to counter orthodox claims that there's no doubt who wrote the works. It provides a concise, definitive overview of the evidence and arguments for and against William Shakspere of Stratford as the author. It was written not just to advocate, but also to educate the public about the controversy. Nearly three dozen Shakespeare scholars helped write it, and even some supporters of the Stratford man have praised it.

Among the many prominent people who have signed the Declaration are actors Derek Jacobi, Jeremy Irons, Michael York and Mark Rylance, founding Artistic Director of Shakespeare's Globe Theatre in London, and former U.S. Supreme Court Justices John Paul Stevens and Sandra Day O'Connor. The signatories page on this site shows a complete list of all signatories, plus separate lists for notable and academic signatories.

Shakespeare Authorship Coalition, DoubtAboutWill 7 Comments [10/6/2017 7:13:16 AM]
Fundie Index: 1
Submitted By: Katie

Quote# 132646

Paddock was a TOOL for a 'greater' cause. They, possibly a Soros Deep State hack OR ONE OF OUR 3-LETTER AGENCIES SUCH AS THE ALTERNATE DEEP STATE CIA, NSA, FBI, OR ???, selected the perfect person to do it: Old, no profiles and LOW PROFILE, no criminal record, wealthy, quiet, blah blah blah..

Paddock was a TOOL who was assured he'd be helped to escape. THE DUDE WAS A LONG-TIME GOV'T EMPLOYEE, RIGHT?

CivilWarBrewing, Free Republic 3 Comments [10/6/2017 3:08:01 AM]
Fundie Index: 1
Submitted By: Damned at Random

Quote# 132644

Stephen Paddock is logically a Leftist, probably Democrat

It only makes sense.

Being transparent and open, I do not know for sure about this. But it follows from the known facts. Consider:

The shooter in the Las Vegas mass murder intentionally selected as his target a group of Country-Western music aficionados. Overwhelmingly, Country-Western music enthusiasts are pro-American and therefore voted for Donald Trump. One concludes the shooter suffers from anti-Trump or Trump Derangement Syndrome.

It is silly and illogical to suggest a pro-American would select such a target group.

The shooter made sure the mass murder would fit the pre-arranged claims of the Left aligned Democrat Continuum. Sure enough, on cue, all the wild eyed Leftists were primed and ready to deploy the ‘ban guns’ paranoid delusion. (Almost as if they were expecting the incident?)

It is silly and illogical to suggest a pro-American would damage the Second Amendment in such manner.

The shooter didn’t want to face his victims. They weren’t real people to him, just ‘them’. Very typical of Leftist thought and behavior.

All the pro-American people I know are rather ‘person oriented’, at least in this sense. Very few are back shooters. Pro-American people tend to consider the consequence of their actions more carefully.

The shooter killed himself rather than face the public, the justice system or the real world.

That is self-evident and I’ll leave it alone.

The last bit of known fact presumes Mr. Paddock was in fact the murderer. If Mr. Paddock was deployed only as a decoy, scape-goat or red-herring, the actual murderer fit into the first three items and then killed Mr. Paddock to cover his crimes.

At the very least the Las Vegas murderer committed his crime to assist the Left, based on logical thought.

Archie Montgomery, Old Man Montgomery 12 Comments [10/6/2017 3:07:42 AM]
Fundie Index: 6

Quote# 132638

Zionism does bizarre things to people: politically, Ken Livingstone occupies a point of the political compass that’s, if not 180° then certainly 160°, away from mine; I find him, too, rather unlikeable. Personal feelings, however, don’t diminish my disappointment at his treatment by the MSM or by the Witchfinders-General among the Zio-apologists within his own party. I have gained respect for both Livingstone’s and George Galloway’s willingness to articulate the “unsayable” on Zionism/I-P.

No, Ossinev, the main “culprit” is not Jeremy Corbyn. His craven attitude to Livingstone’s “Hitler-gate” and the whole “Labour is riddled with anti-Semitism” case of induced hysteria didn’t deck Corbyn with glory; neither, however, did it cause the issue, which arises from the machinations of the Israel lobby (for it exists in Britain, too) and the collusion with the lobby of the MSM. “Hitler-gate” parallels the convenient and now almost universally believed myth/lie about the Iranians’ desire to obliterate Israel: when Ahmadinejad (who was quoting Ayatollah Khomeni) said, “This occupation over Al Quds (Jerusalem) must vanish from the page of time,” became, “Iran wants to wipe Israel off the face of the earth.” That good, old Göbbels principle, again….

Earlier, when the AJ docu-series about the phantom of rampant anti-Semitism in the Labour Party (and, en passant, the desire of the Israelis to unseat a senior Conservative minister) was aired, I was disgusted by the treatment the Zio-lobby meted out to Jackie Walker (a pro-Palestinian Labour M. P.); and at the spectacle of Labour’s lobby whipping itself into an onanistic frenzy of outrage at perceived (how genuine was that perception?) – and, subsequently, grossly distorted – anti-Semitic “tropes”, as the dreadful Joan Ryan (a Labour M. P. and distorter-in-chief) labelled them.

Rashers2, MondoWeiss 0 Comments [10/6/2017 3:05:51 AM]
Fundie Index: 1
Submitted By: Katie

Quote# 132637

Excellent piece Jonathan. As you neatly put it the UK Labour Party in the eyes of those running the Zionist PR machine does not have an “Anti -Semitic problem” it has an Anti-Zionist” problem.

IMHO the main culprit in all of this has been Jeremy Corbyn a supposed supporter of the Palestinians and therefore by definition an”Anti – Zionist”. Instead of standing up and speaking out strongly for a fellow supporter of the Palestinians and calling out the campaign against him for what it is he has effectively folded on the issue and shown himself to be a cowardly wimp.

Ken Livingstone is an ideal target for these Zio jackals. He is a fairly mild mannered individual. and in TV interviews on the subject whilst sticking bravely to his guns he has not attacked back. Had it been George Galloway he would have savaged the Zionist PR brigade and all of those mealy mouthed Labour MP`s who have been scavenging on this smelly meal.

Ossinev, MondoWeiss 0 Comments [10/6/2017 3:05:47 AM]
Fundie Index: 1
Submitted By: Katie

Quote# 132636

The Ankara Documents found in the German Embassy in Turkey show Sterngang the Jewish Terrorist group in Palestine during WW2 attempting to get Nazi support for a Jewish State in Palestine. They also wanted to hand pick the intelligencia from the captive Hungarian Jews and gain their freedom to come to the Jewish State in preparation.

The other Hungarian Jews were left to perish. Livingstone is simply stating a truth and we all know how Zionists fear the actual truth. If a thousand labour members are asking for his expulsion then Labour needs to realise that a thousand members have been turned to support Israel and not the UK. It is a graver concern for Labour than Livingstone telling the truth.

inbound39, MondoWeiss 0 Comments [10/6/2017 3:05:44 AM]
Fundie Index: 0
Submitted By: Katie

Quote# 132632

Notice how fast proof is being taken down on the internet, I suspect Antifa will be used to bring in martial law, this is why UN MRAPS were being sent down our Highways, Stadiums Malls and Walmarts will be used as collection points. so be aware from this day forward.

This is all being staged, they are using Gun Control and Hillary to divert attention away, I suspect the they will have their professional teams out to make it appear like Antifa and or Right wingers to blame for the carnage, explains why Russians troop and Chinese Troops have been training here on our soil, and it appears it is all coming together for the Globalists, this is a all or nothing operation for them. and I suspect history will show the las Vegas shooting as the We the Peoples Modern Day World order. my opinions on this matter

Anonymous Coward, Godlike Productions 5 Comments [10/6/2017 3:05:02 AM]
Fundie Index: 0
Submitted By: Katie

Quote# 132631

Indeed! I thought about this before. He was an arms dealer, supplying arms to terrorist or anyone with the money, which is why his own brother couldn't answer where he got the millions from or what he really worked as. The ISIS terrorists found about his plan and killed him in his room and committed the killing.

Whatever the case, this is NOT an open and shut case! This literally reeks of dirty, dirty hands all over it and I believe his girlfriend Marylouz is a prime suspect.

The Deplorable Nicomachus, Godlike Productions 0 Comments [10/6/2017 3:04:58 AM]
Fundie Index: 0
Submitted By: Katie

Quote# 132618

I don’t believe in germ theory or a viral cause of disease. I’m college educated, and not a religious fundamentalist (not even religious). Why SHOULD i believe in it? What evidence do you have that germs cause disease? The reasons you believe in it, is because you’ve been led to believe that treatment has garnered success. e.g. Polio vaccine.

However, if you allow yourself, for a second, to consider that Polio was never caused by a virus in the first place, whatever has transipred since then can be still explained. Many contend Polio was instead caused by DDT exposure, which was coincientally phased out during the same era as Polio vaccinations coming into vogue. Also, the definitions by which a doctor could diagnose a condition as polio, became more refined dozens of times during the ’50s, basically making it appear that Polio was on decline. Fact is, the same paralytic conditions that defined polio back then, still exist today, but doctors aren’t allowed to define it as such.

Don’t you remember as a child how silly it sounded when your mom told you what a germ is? Basically, an invisible little invader that causes sickness? The child in you was right. The reality of the situation has not changed just because Big Pharma claims it.

You may think i’m crazy and stupid, but ask yourself this question… “Do you get sick”? I (one who doesn’t believe in germ/viral theory), do not get sick. Haven’t even had the sniffles in probably 10 years. You, on the other hand(one who believes in germ/viral theory, and takes all the vaccines, get sick multiple times a year). Why am I the silly one? Thru all your beliefs in vaccines, what good has it actually done you?

Tony F., Respectful Insolence  7 Comments [10/5/2017 12:07:40 PM]
Fundie Index: 3
Submitted By: Katie

Quote# 132617


Reason #1: Fluoridation Is an Outdated Form of Mass Medication

Unlike all other water treatment processes, fluoridation does not treat the water itself, but the person consuming it. The Food & Drug Administration accepts that fluoride is a drug, not a nutrient, when used to prevent disease. By definition, therefore, fluoridating water is a form of medication. This is why most western European nations have rejected the practice — because, in their view, the public water supply is not an appropriate place to be adding drugs, particularly when fluoride is readily available for individual use in the form of toothpaste.

Reason #2: Fluoridation Is Unnecessary and Ineffective

The most obvious reason to end fluoridation is that it is now known that fluoride’s main benefit comes from topical contact with the teeth, not from ingestion. Even the CDC’s Oral Health Division now acknowledges this. There is simply no need, therefore, to swallow fluoride, whether in the water, toothpaste, or any other form. Further, despite early claims that fluoridated water would reduce cavities by 65%, modern large-scale studies show no consistent or meaningful difference in the cavity rates of fluoridated and non-fluoridated areas.

Reason #3: Fluoridation Is Not a Safe Practice

The most important reason to end fluoridation is that it is simply not a safe practice, particularly for those who have health conditions that render them vulnerable to fluoride’s toxic effects.

First, there is no dispute that fluoridation is causing millions of children to develop dental fluorosis, a discoloration of the teeth that is caused by excessive fluoride intake. Scientists from the Centers for Disease Control have even acknowledged that fluoridation is causing “cosmetically objectionable” fluorosis on children’s front teeth–an effect that can cause children embarrassment and anxiety at an age when physical appearance is the single most important predictor of self-esteem.

Second, it is known that fluoridated water caused severe bone disease in dialysis patients up until the late 1970s (prior to dialysis units filtering fluoride). While dialysis units now filter out the fluoride, research shows that current fluoride exposures are still resulting in dangerously high bone fluoride levels in dialysis patients and patients with other advanced forms of kidney disease. It is unethical to compromise the health of some members in a population to obtain a purported benefit for another — particularly in the absence of these vulnerable members’ knowing consent.

And, finally, a growing body of evidence reasonably indicates that fluoridated water, in addition to other sources of daily fluoride exposure, can cause or contribute to a range of serious effects, including arthritis, damage to the developing brain, reduced thyroid function, and possibly osteosarcoma (bone cancer) in adolescent males.

In recent years, communities throughout the United States and Canada have started to reassess the conventional wisdom of fluoridating their water. Many of these communities, including over 50 since 2010, are reaching the obvious conclusion: when stripped of its endorsements, well-meaning intentions, and PR-praise, fluoridation simply makes no sense.

Europe reached this conclusion a long time ago. It is now time for the U.S. and other English-speaking nations to follow suit.

Flouride Action Network, Fluoride Alert 3 Comments [10/5/2017 12:07:36 PM]
Fundie Index: 1
Submitted By: Katie

Quote# 132616

Alliance for Natural Health International is an internationally active non-governmental organisation promoting natural and sustainable approaches to healthcare worldwide. Our catch cry is ‘love nature, live naturally’.

ANH-Intl campaigns across a wide range of fields, including for freedom of choice in healthcare, healthy eating & lifestyles, and the use of micronutrients and herbal products in the management of our health and resilience.

We operate campaigns that include drawing attention to misinformed, Big Food influenced government healthy eating advice, to the uncertain science and risks of genetically modified foods, to the need for informed choice on vaccination and that aim to end mass fluoridation of drinking water supplies. We accomplish our mission through a unique application of ‘good science’ and ‘good law’.

Alliance for Natural Health, Alliance for Natural Health 3 Comments [10/5/2017 12:07:31 PM]
Fundie Index: 1
Submitted By: Katie

Quote# 132614

The germ theory of disease is a hoax created by Louis Pasteur and latched onto and perpetuated by establishment medicine.

It is the belief that disease or sickness is spread by germs or viruses outside the body. The germ theory opens the way to impose millions of drug concoctions upon the people. Don’t we realize that this notion implies that every illness or sickness is drug-dependent?

Germ theory has been promulgated upon us for so long by establishment medicine and the propaganda media that there can no longer be serious inquiry into the nature of infections and the ways to prevent them. But like the “97 percent consensus” surrounding anthropogenic global warming, the germ theory is a notion of nonsense that has confused millions of people, enriched the pharmaceuticals and empowered a growing medical police state.

The World Health Organization, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, and other national health bureaucracies, along with a compliant propaganda media, have conditioned the modern mind to equate medicine with health and germs with disease. So to prevent us from becoming sick, conventional wisdom holds, we must treat ourselves beforehand with drugs (vaccines) to kill the “bad germs” in advance. And once we become sick, we must treat ourselves with more drugs to kill the germs that overcame the vaccines we administered to prevent us from becoming sick in the first place.

As I noted in “Doctors fret over future of drugs as antibiotic overuse creates antibiotic-resistant ‘superbugs,’” the overuse of antibiotics in our food (by inoculating the poultry and livestock) and the over-prescription of antibiotics by doctors to their patients has created ever more prevalent and ever more deadly “superbugs” resistant to known antibiotics.

But even worse, the overuse of antibiotics is damaging our health by also destroying the germs and microbes the human body must have to stay healthy. That’s because antibiotics don’t differentiate one germ or microbe from another. They attack them all.

Now a new study published in the journal “Atherosclerosis” demonstrates that even the so-called “bad germs” are necessary for good health.

According to the study, measles and mumps infections were associated with decreased risks of mortality from cardiovascular disease (CVD). There is also evidence indicating that a higher number of infections lowers the overall mortality rate from cardiovascular disease.

The study in Japan followed 43,689 men and 60,147 women aged 40-79 beginning in 1988-1990 and followed them until 2009. It found that men who had a history of measles showed an 8 percent reduction in total CVD; and those with mumps had a 48 percent reduction in mortality from stroke, a 79 percent reduction in mortality from hemorrhagic stroke. Men with a history of both measles and mumps showed a mortality reduction of 20 percent in total CVD, 29 percent for myocardial infarction and 17 percent for total stroke.

Women with both infections showed comparable reductions, including 15 percent reduction in mortality from total CVD, 21 percent for total stroke, and 22 percent for both ischemic and hemorrhagic stroke. The study concluded that “Measles and mumps, especially in case of both infections, were associated with lower risks of mortality from atherosclerotic CVD.”

Measles was once a joke disease and considered a rite of passage for American youth. But that was before the medical cartel and propaganda media went to work on the American public to create an irrational fear of normal childhood diseases.

Vaccines and other chemical cocktails reduce and inhibit natural immunity, making us more susceptible to a host of diseases. During the so-called “measles outbreak” connected to the Disney theme park in 2014 it was found that most of those who contracted the measles had been previously vaccinated with the MMR (measles-mumps-rubella) vaccine. Studies are also showing that more flu shots make people more susceptible to the flu.

We are told and intimidated by medical propaganda over and over that we must be protected internally from diseases that originate in the external environment. What the establishment does not tell us is that when we are healthy, we have peak immunity and can walk and live among sick people and not get sick.

Bob Livingston, EasyHealthOptions 3 Comments [10/5/2017 12:07:20 PM]
Fundie Index: 2
Submitted By: Katie
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