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Quote# 119825

Who could have predicted that presumptive Republican nominee Donald Trump would use the terror attack in Orlando to make incendiary, fact-free statements?

Well, just about everyone did. But Trump still sank to a new on Monday morning by implying Obama may secretly be in favor of terrorist attacks on American citizens.

“He doesn’t get it or he gets it better than anybody understands. It’s one or the other,” Trump said of Obama’s approach to terrorism on Fox & Friends Monday. “And either one is unacceptable.”

Trump went on to imply that Obama has “got something else in mind” when it comes to stopping terrorist attacks, as evidenced by the fact that he won’t say the words “radical Islamic terrorism,” which would apparently be a more effective way to stop terrorists than preventing them from getting guns.

“We’re led by a man who is a very — look, we’re led by a man that either is, is not tough, not smart, or he’s got something else in mind,” Trump said. “And the something else in mind, you know, people can’t believe it. People cannot — they cannot believe that President Obama is acting the ways he acts and can’t even mention the words radical Islamic terrorism. There’s something going on. It’s inconceivable.”

How long until Trump implies that Obama is a foreign agent who falsified his birth certificate? At this rate, it wouldn’t be shocking to see him say it during his acceptance speech at the Republican National Convention.

Donald Trump, Raw Story 7 Comments [6/17/2016 2:42:41 AM]
Fundie Index: 1
Submitted By: Demon Duck of Doom

Quote# 119815

We would never approve violence. However, #Orlando attack might have been organized specifically to create sympathy towards homosexuals.

Harun Yahya, Twitter 5 Comments [6/17/2016 2:38:02 AM]
Fundie Index: 4

Quote# 119772

Freemasonry is a Luciferian cult which is rooted in Jewish Kaballah! The average Jewish person is not a member of a Luciferian group, but many elite Zionist Jews are. Zionist Jews control amoral Hollywood. Zionist Jews control the lying mainstream newsmedia. Zionist Jews control the fraudulent Federal Reserve Banking System. Zionist Jews control the occult music industry. Zionist Jews control the White House and federal government. It is important to understand that LUCIFERIANS and not Jews, are behind the New World Order. But the world's elite Jews have the money, and the Illuminati cater to them, exploiting the counterfeit state of modern Israel to destabilize the Middle East, which will eventually lead into World War III. World War III was already planned in vivid detail prior to the 20th century, as evidenced by the writings of Masonic leader Albert Pike (1809-1891). We read in Revelation 17:16-18 that the Luciferian worshipping “ten horns” (nations controlled by the Beast) will burn the woman (the city of Jerusalem - Revelation 11:8) with fire. The Bible tells us that Satan is deceiving the whole world (Revelation 12:9). The Bible tells us that evil men and seducers will deceive and be deceived in the End Times. 2nd Timothy 3:13, “But evil men and seducers shall wax worse and worse, deceiving, and being deceived.”

In 1775, the Year before the United States was birthed in 1776, Luciferian Adam Weishaupt shared his blueprint for World Government (which was basically the contents of Karl Marx's Communist Manifesto in 1848). The occult symbols placed on our U.S. one-dollar bill in the 1930's is from the U.S. Great Seal made in 1787. The New World Order has been in the works since the tower and city of Babel (Genesis 11:7-9). I don't claim to understand it all. The average person wasn't meant to understand the workings behind the New World Order, lest they be fully exposed.

David J. Stewart, Jesus is Savior 7 Comments [6/15/2016 3:10:49 AM]
Fundie Index: 4

Quote# 119770

It's hard not to use the media when the whole story is based off of a dishonest article.. It disgusts me to see what most of these comments are saying. Our communist like style censorshipped media is accountable for very much of this and I blame them greatly. 95% of what they report is dishonest and one sided. Do you people know that 90% of the media is owned by only 6 corporations. Everything you see, hear and read is a perception of reality that they broadcast. These are global corporations that do NOT have Americas best interests. Remember this. They are terrified of trump because he threatens to tear down the political system that has poisoned the American public for so many years. I'm sorry for most of you that have been brain washed by this communist like style censorship we have here in the states.. I really am. People need to be educated and woken up. Too many people are fighting for the wrong side and are clueless about it and it's sad.

Ryan Abbott, USA Today 5 Comments [6/15/2016 3:10:38 AM]
Fundie Index: 4

Quote# 119752

Hillary says that abortion should be rare, but statistics show that 92% of women who enter into a Planned Parenthood clinic have an abortion. Who's kidding who? Hillary is a massive fraud! Check this out... Former Planned Herodhood 'Employ Of The Year' Exposes Profit-Driven Abortion Parts Industry. Mothers pay to have their baby murdered, and then the diced-up baby parts are sold for further profit for Planned Parenthood. In July of 2015, Senator Rand Paul called for Hillary Clinton to return the $90,000 in donations from nine Planned Parenthood employees. What a witch!

Hillary Clinton is a danger to your family. If she gets her way, Child Protection Service will take away your child if you demand to retain your parental rights. Hillary's Communist book, “It Takes A Village” is of the Devil, a blueprint for brainwashing children with New World Order propaganda. Now schools and doctors are promoting the vile transgendered agenda on children. In my opinion Hillary is a liar of liars and a massive imposter when she speaks about God and faith. She claims to be a Methodist, one of the most apostate denominations today. Bill and Hillary are puppets for Wall Street, and a front for the Bush crime family.

Here's a YouTube video exposing Hillary (videos are being censored)...


Can you imagine, Hillary Clinton talking about “my faith” and “forgiveness and unconditional love” (Part one of five). Truthfully, Hillary wouldn't know faith in God if it bumped into her. In part two of her speech, Hillary called both George W. Bush and John Kerry “good men of faith.” She would! Faith in Satan maybe. Mr. Kerry is an unsaved Mormon. Mormon openly deny the deity of Jesus Christ. And Mr. Bush Jr. thinks that Islam and Christians worship the same God. That's impossible! Christians believe that God has a biological Son, Jesus; but Muslims teach in the Korah that Allah has no son at all. I wonder if Vince Foster (you know, the guy who was murdered and 40 White Water files all disappeared) would agree with Hillary's claim?

David J. Stewart, Jesus is Savior 15 Comments [6/14/2016 2:21:17 AM]
Fundie Index: 4

Quote# 119728

[Bernie Sanders fails to win California primary]

Tim Carmain what about the 10's of millions who have been supressed. During this matter? Funny how, even in California, where they expected very high turnout. We still only had what 4 million turn out? Last I looked about 12 to 13 million registered voters, I think almost a million in the last 6 months. What's that If that's high.. I would hate to see low. The real "sketchy" part is Clinton's clear domination of mail-in ballots. She had a 400,000 lead at the start of Cali, and 90% more layer, she is still ahead by just as many votes. They shouldn't even have, so called count the other counties. Until elections are open and transparent.. I put nothing past, no one. What would you do for the highest office in the land?

Bruce Lacey, Huffington Post 11 Comments [6/13/2016 3:40:31 AM]
Fundie Index: 1

Quote# 119723

Let's take Woody as an example. At the beginning of Toy Story, he's his owner's (Andy's) favorite, and that makes him the biggest "yes man" shill on this side of the rubbish bin. Whatever is best for Andy is his objective, and he influences all of the other toys to share this perspective. In fact, Woody is blatantly oblivious to the notion that most toys in the room see little if any playtime. He doesn't care as long as he's the favorite, and then comes Buzz Lightyear. The space man action figure with "more gadgets than a Swiss Army knife" arrives on the scene and bumps Woody from his cherished role as "favorite". The natural reaction to being replaced would be "well, if he doesn't want me then f*** him, I'll go elsewhere". That doesn't turn out to be the case, and Woody instigates squabble after squabble with Buzz until the two are nearly blown up by the delinquent neighbor kid.

Instead of wondering why a toy as nice as Woody would put up with being dumped by someone to whom he devoted so much loyalty, the audience is left thinking how nice it is that he and Buzz became BFFs. Never at any moment throughout Toy Story or its sequels does Woody and the gang ever question rebelling against Andy or abandoning him for greener pastures, and that's in face of scenarios such as being tossed in the attic, sold at a garage sale, or just plain thrown out. Hell, Woody even maintained his unwavering loyalty after his girlfriend Bo Peep was discarded.

To put it simply, Andy treats his loyal and devoted toys like s***. To the insensitive and naive boy, they're expendable assets. He buys them, plays with them until they break or lose their luster, and then dumps them for the latest fad. Does this tone sound familiar? It should, because that's Corporate America in a nutshell. Today's companies are all about finding the newest talent at the cheapest prices. Once they're hired, they're worked like slaves with the hope of becoming a "favorite" dangled in front of them like a worm on a hook. For a lucky few, the dream is realized. They climb the ladder to become executives and board members (Just like Woody in the films. Of all the toys, Andy was going to take him to college). For everyone else, it's the shaft once their usefulness has faded (Think Bo Peep, Etch-A-Sketch, and Mr. Spell).

The evil Illuminati CEOs that are destroying our society know this. That's why they get employees ruthlessly competing against each other for little crumbs such as middle management positions. The executives figure that as long as the serfs are battling for petty rewards they won't be organizing against them. Notice how Buzz and Woody fought each other instead of plotting against the real enemy.

That's what Toy Story's brainwashing is all about. The film's plot of a few toys having an adventure is just a lure for kids and adults to watch it. Once the opening sequence begins, however, the real message comes out. Kids are implanted with a subtle message that those whom they want to please (teachers, employers, etc.) deserve unwavering loyalty in face of all mistreatment and injustice. And that message persists long after they have watched the film because Woody and Buzz are tremendously ubiquitous icons. This means that whenever a Millennial is feeling dumped on at work, he or she will think about how Woody got through his ordeals and will continue onward as a loyal but despised peon.

Bruce, Illuminati Watchdog 13 Comments [6/13/2016 3:34:21 AM]
Fundie Index: 6

Quote# 119722

Re: Hillary Clinton to formally announce Saleha Abedin as Vice Prez pic—during Eid-al-Fitr feast!

Sure..then all Hillary's medical issues magically manifest at once..she's out and we have a female muzzie prez..Russia then preemptively nukes us.

And who the hell would blame them?

Vote Trump..now more than ever

monkey4truth, Godlike Productions 8 Comments [6/13/2016 3:33:44 AM]
Fundie Index: 5

Quote# 119719

Lauren Miller, Seth Rogen's wife is a reptilian!!! Seth Rogen is not a reptilian though!

Lauren Miller does not even have her own face!

I doubt that Seth Rogen is even happily married to her, or even thinks she is human! He probably knows she is a reptilian and is being FORCED to be married to her by reptilians!!!

I highly doubt he has even slept with her once!

and that is because Lauren Miller's face is a combination of Seth Rogen's real families faces!!

She is a combination of Seth Rogen's sister Eva Cohen, a FEMALE VERSION of his brother Daniel Cohen, and his paternal great grandmother Esther Rachel Cohen!

Yes Eva Cohen and Esther Rachel are very beautiful and are noticeably prettier than Lauren Miller, and Daniel Cohen's female version is a beautiful girl too! Daniel makes just as good looking of a girl as he does a guy, and Daniel looks a lot like the thin or better put current Seth Rogen, Eva Cohen looks quite a bit like Seth Rogen(her face is very refined, more refined than Seth Rogen's) but not quite as much as Daniel does!

I have seen Daniel Cohen's female version, and Eva Cohen make up the faces of A LOT of very beautiful reptilian girls who just copy their faces off of gorgeous human girls! taking sometimes just one, but typically two, three of more faces and combining them to make their own pretty faces people think are just their own faces those sometimes nasty girls think so highly of themselves for! JUST FACES COPIED OFF OF BEAUTIFUL HUMAN GIRLS AND FEMALE VERSIONS OF GORGEOUS GUYS!!! so much for those hot reptilians girls to feel highly of themselves for LMAO.

Here you can see she has quite a bit of Eva Cohen, and female version of Daniel Cohen in the face with a noticeable amount of Esther Rachel in the face as well.

The left eye is shaped more like Eva's with a little bit of Daniel in the eyeshape, and the right eye is shaped more like Daniel's with some of Eva in the eye shape!!! both have a bit of Esther Rachel in the eye shape!

The left eyebrow is shaped a lot like Daniel's(just a fair amount thinner than his eyebrows), and the right eyebrow is shaped quite a bit like Eva's!(a little thinner than her eyebrows)

The whole face is a real combination of Eva, Daniel, and Esther Rachel!

[link to cache1.asset-cache.net]

Just wait for Seth Rogen to find out about this ROFL, he will probably divorce her, hopefully!

Eva Cohen has very fair skin like Lauren Miller, and her eyes are blue like Lauren Miller's too! except they are a real sky blue unlike Lauren Miller's are not a real sky blue!

Eva Cohen has brown hair like Lauren Miller, except her hair is a lighter shade of brown than hers!

Esther Rachel Cohen looks like a prettier version of Kat Dennings, LOL!!

Except her eyes are more almond shaped and are bigger than her eyes, and her eyebrows have a very rounded shape arch shape to them! and she has a structurally fuller face than Kat Dennings does! kat Dennings has a longer face than Esther Rachel Cohen who is also an eastern European Jewish woman from Odessa Ukraine, back then it was white Russia!

Seth Rogen's real parents are Matthew Cohen and Helen Muskal! both of them are Jewish and Seth Rogen was LETS SAY adopted, but I heard that Matthew and Helen used a SURROGATE mother, and then were LIED TO by I guess the Canadian authorities, and told the pregnancy was unsuccessful, NOT KNOWING THAT THOSE COUPLE WERE RAISING THEIR CHILD!!!

So they went on to have more children!

Seth Rogen's eyecolor is the exact same shade of brown as Helen Muskal's!!!! a RARE shade of medium chestnut "Romanian brown" where Helen's father is from!

Anonymous Coward, Godlike Productions 10 Comments [6/13/2016 3:26:16 AM]
Fundie Index: 4

Quote# 119695

The September 11th attacks were the greatest sham ever perpetrated by the Illuminati. Nothing they had done before that day could compare, not even the moon landings or JFK's assassination. Unlike those events, personal technology and multitudes upon multitudes of eyewitnesses required the utmost secrecy as well as detailed authenticity.

To pull off the destruction of the World Trade Center, the Illuminati needed the finest special effects experts available, people who could make crashes, explosions, and the collapsing of buildings. This was a tall order even for this ultra-powerful secret society. That's why they turned to their lackeys in Hollywood. It wasn't the first time. In 1969, the NWO turned to Stanley Kubrick to fake the moon landings, and his direction of the footage was brilliant if not for a few flaws. However, this hoax was going to require a much more compelling blitz of visual effects because the whole event would unfold live across the world and in broad daylight. Choosing the perfect director for such explosive mayhem was a difficult choice.

The Illuminati had several candidates in mind. George Lucas received consideration, but his lackluster efforts in the Star Wars prequels eliminated him from the fold. Another possibility was James Cameron. His work on "Titanic" was very impressive, though he was passed over due to his lack of expertise with massive explosions. Roland Emmerich was another potential director for his excellence in filming "Independence Day." Unfortunately for the secret order, he declined the dastardly project. That led the Illuminati to their next choice, and that was Michael Bay. His work on "Armageddon" revealed that he had a terrific aptitude for creating large, explosive scenes and the poor reception of his latest movie, "Pearl Harbor," meant that he was a director who could be manipulated.

For those doubters out there, Bay was very much on the inside of the Illuminati and its 9/11 plans. When he filmed "Armageddon", he placed an obvious warning in the opening sequence. As meteorites blitzed downtown New York City, they struck the World Trade Center towers in exactly the same spots where the planes crashed several years later, and Bay ensured that the last shot in the scene was of the Twin Towers burning just as they were on 9/11 before they both fell. This is proof that the director knew that something big was brewing in the secret order and that he was in on it. There is no way that that scene of the burning towers and the reality of September 11th was a coincidence. He even managed to show people plummeting to their deaths from imploding skyscrapers, and there's this haunting quote from a cab driver saying "This is New York. Anything can happen, terrorists, bombs, traffic jams." Sure Michael, keep telling people that all of this was only coincidence.

Given only three months to orchestrate the Illuminati's plan, Bay worked tirelessly with demolition teams and pyrotechnic experts. In exchange for his services, Bay was promised the "Transformers" films in which he could pay homage to one of his idols, Kubrick, by fictionalizing the moon landing as being part of an even greater conspiracy. In fact, all three "Transformers" films present a steady stream of references and symbols to the Illuminati. They were just Bay's way of saying thanks for being given a chance to revitalize his stagnant career.

On September 11, 2001, all of the pieces came together to create the greatest special effects sequence of all time. Bay delivered masterfully with the explosions that were vital in convincing the world that the attack was real and in no way a controlled demolition. Just as he had in "Armageddon" and "Pearl Harbor," the action director created eye-dazzling fireballs that compelled and horrified his audiences. Until now, his efforts went uncredited except for those in the Illuminati who rewarded him with bigger budgets and better opportunities for his future films.

With a little luck, Michael Bay might have a change of heart and decide to expose the Illuminati. He may do this through symbolism in his movies just as Kubrick did or he might out them when they're least suspecting it. As Bay's new movies roll into theaters, we will be watching for these subtle hints and look forward to publishing conclusive findings that will prove once and for all who helped the secret order make the 9/11 attacks look so convincing.

Bruce, Illuminati Watchdog 9 Comments [6/12/2016 3:58:58 AM]
Fundie Index: 3

Quote# 119680

Hillary Clinton Already Chosen Democrat Party Nominee Last Year, Prior to the Election Campaign

The Democrat party campaign was over before it began. On April 15, 2015, Clinton and Sanders both formally announced their candidacy to become party standard bearer this November.

Primaries and caucuses since last winter were largely theatrical noise, the process rigged to anoint Clinton – an unindicted neocon war criminal, racketeer, Wall Street tool she devil, a menace threatening world peace, a perfect choice for US president, following in the despicable tradition of husband Bill, George W. Bush and Obama.

The possibility of her becoming America’s 45th president should scare everyone. Her finger on the nuclear trigger heightens the possibility of it being squeezed – the nation under her stewardship, if elected, transitioning from MAD to madness, humanity’s survival at risk.

Stephen Lendman, GlobalResearch.ca 10 Comments [6/11/2016 5:06:37 AM]
Fundie Index: 3

Quote# 119679

Im sure I'll get labeled all kinds of crazy and flamed to hell but this has been nagging me for awhile now.
Illuminatti symbols are everywhere in your games. Example number one,Mass Effect....go to the C-sec traffic control room walk up the pyramid shaped steps and voila at the top is a computer display in the shape of a huge eye.
Banners throughout the citadel have upside down pentagrams...WTH. Mass Effect 2 on Ilium, the huge eye on display on the trading floor. The prothean pyramids,the statue of nimrod in Samara's mission,and most recently Arrival. In the room with the reaper artifact a huge friggin rotating eye right in the center of the room. Bioware what is the deal?In Dragon Age the chantry symbol is the Eye and the sun...talk about blatant.
There are more examples but you get the point.I enjoy Bioware games, hell I've played Mass Effect 1 and 2 so much I think I need help,but since I've started doing research into the illuminati,seeing all these symbols in your games disturbs me.

ROD525, The BioWare Forum 8 Comments [6/11/2016 5:06:10 AM]
Fundie Index: 4

Quote# 119646

Group of Hellenic Re-establishment (G.H.REES).

End star wars—Stop WWIII.

Ultra urgent message of planetary security

Special responsibilities for the Russian government

To the government members of all nations , U.N/O.N.U member states, via their embassies in Greece.

Athens, 13/5/2016, G.H.REES prytaneum/headquarters.

Subject: Receipt of astrostrategics information transmitted to planet earth from the forces of the four (4) outer planets of the solar system to the governments of planet earth, all under command of mutinous space forces in the inner planets of our solar system (666, 777, 888).


See below a summary of the information transmitted from the forces in the four outer planets via “ heavy, slow neutrino transmitters” in the vicinity of planet Saturn, and received by “ heavy, slow neutrino receivers” of the “space search division” of G.H.REES in the city of Patras, Greece.
You may deliver this summary of information to your specialised university staff for further analysis, as you, as politicians , are incapable of doing so due to a lack of specialized knowledge.
We add that it is likely that these heavy , slow neutrino transmissions were made possible through concentrated radiation neutrino-naser transmitters , since the above transmissions took place with an acute angle of transmission , arriving on planet earth with a 2,000 km radius. We give you summaries of the above transmissions , with prefixes depending on the case:

A). Prehistory of inner galactic astrostrategics: Mutiny in four constellations, that is, 4 left-turning solar systems in the vicinity of our local galaxy, with the constellation of DRACO (A’DRACONIS) leading this initial mutiny 70,000,000 years ago ,against the interstellar galactic government of the constellation of ANDROMEDA.

B).Cause for this mutiny was the excessive extraction of energy from radioactive metals on their planets , forbidden by the legislation of the government of Andromeda. Such energy extraction is also forbidden as it can cause destabilization of “ matter-energy dimensions” above and below the dimensions of “zero point” , thus causing “infiltration” of the “ matter-energy” dimensions.

C). Attacks of space vessels , “war planets”, of the four mutinous constellations against planets in other constellations for the stealing of radioactive metals and other natural resources, which stealing is strictly forbidden by the government of the constellation of Andromeda , ruling over approximately 70 billion solar systems in the local galaxy. This number is only a fraction of the 200 billion solar systems in our galaxy, ruled by a government of “ greatest matter inspissation” , and by the “ central government of inspissation-rarification of our galaxy”.

D). Raiding space vessels of the constellation of DRACO arrived in our solar system, originally inhabited by the black race originating from the star system of SIRIUS as the central solar system of 13 solar systems. Through genetic engineering , these hostile draconian spaceships spawned and spread across our planet the draconian yellow race ( pre-historic Chinese), and the draconian fauna (reptiles ,dinosaurs) and flora (cacti). Their main target was the extermination of the anthropoid black Sirian race , the local Sirian flora and fauna, leading to the desertification and destruction of the planet, so that stealing the planet’s natural resources and radioactive meterials would be made easier. The above attempt to steal the planet’s natural resources and radioactive metals took place 65,000,000 years ago . The galactic government of the “ constellation of Andromeda” dispatched to planet earth combat space vessels , which ousted the draconian populations (chinese) and exterminated the dinosaurs.

E). More raiding by bandit spaceships of the mutinous constellation of DRACO took place 20,000 earth years ago, led by the so-called “invincible war planet LEVAN-LEVANHIAH “ or “SELENE-MOON” ,flagship of the draconian astrofleet. This MOON flagship made its first unsuccessful attempt to go into orbit around planet earth 20,000 earth years ago, however its second attempt was successful and was put in orbit 13,500 earth years ago. Due to the abnormal, unnatural increased mass concentration of the MOON+EARTH “duo” , our planet is constantly going into a shrinking, spiraling orbit towards the sun, rather than the normal, natural expanding orbit of all heavenly bodies in the universe. This shrinking orbit will eventually cause earth to eventually crash into our sun in the distant future.

F). The 27-member (24+3) draconian government of the flagship Moon-Selene-Levan landed the first genetically engineered Chinese populations on the white pelasgian continent of ATLANTIS . The andromedian forces present on our planet at the time successfully warded off a draconian-atlantian invasion attempt of the continent of Aigis and Europe, at which point the draconian MOON used its hyper-gravity technology to bring about the destruction and sinking of Atlantis and Aigis (today’s Mediterranean sea). The Chinese atlantean populations moved to the territories of today’s China.Following that, the draconian bandits of the “MOON” provoked civil wars within the white andromedian race and genocides of the white andromedian populations by hordes of white-yellow Mongols or Touranian crossbreeds. These wars ,all of them conceived by the lunar draconians , were caused primarily on account of religious differences within the white andromedian races . The prime target of the draconians is (was, from now on), to rule over the four(4) outer planets and beyond , over the star system of Sirius as the “coccyx” of the Universal Organism ,and thus an area of utmost importance for the entire Universal Organism , so that they could blackmail from there billions of inhabited planets in the universe.

G). Following two world wars on our planet (1914,1940), both planned by the draconian leaders of the flagship MOON via draconian “demons” who gave orders to the Saxon and Hebrew lodges , lunar draconians, led by draconian Lord Dragon Sin-Sion-Sina-Jedi-Jade-Jed-Jude-Jehova, have masterplanned the outbreak of WWIII led by Chinese “HONG” as the supreme hyper-lodge of the planet and above ALL other lodges of the East and West. Through WWIII, the lunar draconians intend to genocide 5 billion people of the white and indigenous black races , white-yellow Touranian race, and black-yellow races in the B’ and C’ phase of WWIII . During the A’ phase of WWIII, the lunar draconians have planned a war conflict between the two trilateral adversaries of US.E.J (USA, EUROPE,JAPAN), against R.I.C (RUSSIA, SIITIC ISLAM, CHINA). As for the end of WWIII, the lunar draconians have planned the survival of ONLY the Chinese and Korean populations , as the only pure yellow draconian populations of planet earth.
Contrary to paragraphs A),B),C), D),and E), containing information given to G.H.REES by the andromedians in the vicinity of planet Saturn, paragraph F) contains a mix of information given by the andromedians of Saturn and G.H.REES research , while paragraph G) only contains G.H.REES research information.

H). The above research information from G.H.REES was transmitted via heavy neutrino (neutrino-naser) G.H.REES transmitters to planet Saturn, where it was received by the andromedian forces stationed there. These andromedian forces of the galactic government andromedian astrofleet , bearing in mind G.H.REES ‘s research information , are notifying ALL governments of planet earth via the following ultimatum:

“Any governments of planet earth that will carry out the planned WWIII on the planet , will be annihilated without being allowed the slightest chance of survival through “ acts of expiation”, according to the laws and legislation of the government of the “constellation of Andromeda” .(see ancient Greek law). Likewise, not only will Touranian-Mongolian governments and the draconian governments of China , and North and South Korea be excluded from “acts of expiation”, but also the populations of these Touranian-Mongolian and draconian nations should WWIII break out. This translates into a mass extermination of the populations of these Touranian-Mongolian and draconian nations, in case the planned lunar draconian WWIII breaks out between the axes of US.E.J and R.I.C.

Jews, Saxons, Albanians, Bulgarians, a number of Turks/Hungarians/Romanians, Fins,other Mongols of Eurasia and a number of Islamic nations are all of Touranian-Mongolian descent , that is, a white-yellow crossbreed.
The Andromedian forces in the four (4) outer planets , arrived there in mass numbers after the earth year 2000 (A.D= after draconian medium-Rabbi “Jesus or Jehosouva Christ”), are calling upon the members of the Touranian governments and Touranian –Mongolian populations of planet earth, to take the side of the white andromedian race , that is the white blood of their white-yellow crossbreed, against the yellow side of their crossbreed, if they wish to survive peacefully on planet earth through “acts of expiation” according to the galactic law. This is because the pure yellow draconian populations of China and North and South Korea will be expelled from planet earth and taken to another solar system by the andromedian space forces , even if they manage to survive by accepting to commit “acts of expiation”.

I). Since earth year 2000 A.D , the combat division of the andromedian starfleet arrived at the orbits of planet Saturn has been negotiating with the draconian forces of the MOON for the unconditional surrender of the draconian forces occupying the inner planets of our solar system . Following the ultimate surrender of the MOON and its escorting by andromedian ships safely out of our solar system , the now shrinking orbits of the planets will begin to expand naturally , through use of “space engineering” so as to stabilize these orbits of the planets of our solar system , and to reverse the now shrinking orbits and their ultimate impact with our sun. G.H.REES asked for more details of the above mission and negotiations but was turned down on account of “ confidentiality of negotiations”.

G.H.REES’s Neutrino-Nasar receivers ( neutrino amplified stimulated absorption radiation) of the space research division of G.H.REES in the city of Patras , Greece, received the following clarification-command only, that is: “ In case the Draconian forces ultimately agree to an unconditional surrender and a lifetime commitment of “acts of expiation” in a different solar system , according to galactic laws, it is forbidden that any court sentence or legal actions be taken against them for the crimes they have committed”. The same will apply to the Touranian and Mongolian governments and populations of planet earth , should they wish to commit similar “acts of expiation” according to the galactic universal law, after giving up committing crimes of the galactic penal code.

J). WWI and WWII are also included in the above crimes, with WWIII still at its starting phase, falsely attributed to a religious war and starting with a provoked attack of the “antichrist West (US.E.J) 666”, against “Christian Korea 777” and “Christian China 888” after 2023.
All of the above false ideologies pertaining to “ Antichrist 666” and “ Christian 777 and 888”, were conceived by the lunar draconian forces , with the aim of genociding the white andromedian race of planet earth by the counterattacking forces of “R.I.C-777-888” against “US.E.J-666”. Only the pure draconian populations of China 888 and the two Koreas 777 are to survive this genocide.

K). The space research division of G.H.REES at Patras, Greece, informed the andromedian forces at planet Saturn that the lunar draconian forces as well as the forces of the Cronian andromedian mutineers (andromedian traitors who betrayed the galactic government of Andromeda and joined forces with the draconians of the MOON) , have planned a fake “ arrival of andromedian forces” on planet earth. During this fake arrival, it has been planned that the mutinous saturnian (cronian) forces will pose as the true andromedians , so as to deceive the armed forces of “ U.S.E.J-666” and drag them to a world war against the armies of “ R.I.C -777-888”. These fake saturnian forces posing as the true andromedians will also commit “war crimes” and “ crimes against humanity” against the armies and populations of “R.I.C” so that counterattacking “R.I.C” will ultimately genocide the unarmed civilians of “US.E.J”.
The andromedian forces at Saturn replied to G.H.REES that: “ Even the saturnian traitors and other andromedian mutineers will be allowed to commit “acts of expiation” , if they so wish, and manage to survive not in our solar system but rather in the constellation of Andromeda.

L). Particular responsibility rests with the Russian government : Although Christianity is a Hebrew cult (both these religions ,along with Islamism, were conceived by the lunar draconian forces), and although the members of the Russian government are Touranian Israelites, the predominant Christian tendency among the Russian people is still able to intercept the degradation and corruption brought about by the Touranian Hebrews and and Saxons within the white race nations of “US.E.J.”. We call upon the Russian government to act accordingly , in order for these actions to be deemed “acts of expiation” for the survival of Touranian populations of planet earth.

M). Meanwhile , we call upon the Chinese hyper-government of “HONG” , as well as the hyper-government of the West of the Touranian Hebrewsaxons of “AOA” and “ OTO” in London, the Hebrewsaxon governments of the “USA” and “ E.E” , and the Touranian governments of the Balkans and Eurasia, to immediately cancel the planned enslavement of the white andromedian Hellenes so the blackmailed Hellenes will accept the setting up of “ the empire of Constantinople 666” and the political-military leadership of this “Greek empire 666” of “ US.E.J” , for a military assault of “NATO “ and “SEATO” against “R.I.C” . This assault against “RIC” will cause the counterattack of “R.I.C” and the genocide of white race populations of “US.E.J” , with the Greeks the first up for genocide. Because execution of the above evil planning by the lunar draconian forces will “ result in irrevocable death penalties and exclusion from any possible means of survival via “acts of expiation” against ALL draconian and Touranian governments and populations of the planet”. That is the warning of the andromedian forces of Saturn.

That’s all for the time being….

On behalf of G.H.REES,
Karageorgiou Cr.Cr. Giannis, G.HREES representative
National and planetary security general of G.H.REES
12 Elpidos str, Nea Ionia , Volos, Greece.
Tel: [removed by submitter]


The Chinese-eyed dragon-turtle agent of "HONG" commands: "Let Greece go bankrupt"
(European Union taking orders from Dragonian China. Trilateral Axis US-E-J , USA - EUROPE - JAPAN)

"The convention for the future of Europe has ended with a show of a rapid rhetoric. The president of the convention, mister Valery Giscard d'Estaing closed the last meeting with a last minute changes to the first draft of the European constitution, adding providence for an official EU flag, one anthem, one anniversary and one slogan.
But (Giscard) kept his last word for the Wu Kei (comment: You may call the statue EL SENDAI-JEDI-GENOCIDOFAGGOTI), a turtle with a dragon head, something that mr. Giscard placed on his desk throughout every meeting.
(Giscard's statement was:)
"The last person I would like to thank is my Wu Kei turtle. It followed us and led us throughout our entire journey. When we were in the middle of the river, it guided us, just as it did for the first Chinese emperors, until we finally reached the river shore. And I expect, just as many of you do also, that from the early beginning, it knew whereof wanted to take us" (!)
Meanwhile, mr. Giscard took some lettuce leaves and offered them to the turtle statue. The turtle didn't say anything."


P.S.2: We present to you the Geostrategic Mathematical Codes which has elaborated and assigned the Chinese Masonic Hyper-lodge “HONG” in the below Geostrategic Axles which, without exception, were founded by “HONG” in order to design and to conduct the World War III, and in order to genocide the 2/3rds, namely 5 billion of all terrestrial races of the planet, from the pure Draconians – Yellow armies of China and of United Korea._ The Geostrategic Codes were cross-verified from Electronic eavesdropping executed by passive “Neutrino Receivers” of G.H.REES (technology) over sessions of masonic lodges of Hong-Kong, of Shanghai, of “AOA” – “Ordo Adeptis Atlantis” London, and over the environment of the “Planetary King of Israel”, arch-Rabbi Baruch or Barowghs of “USA”._

1): 666/A: US.E.J., USA – Europe – Japan._

2): 666/B: T.I.M., Tibet – India – Mongolia._

3): 777/A: North Korea._

4): 777/B: South Korea._

5): 888:A(+): R.I.C., Russia – Islam – China._

6): 888/B(+): C.J.T.H.S.M., China – Japan – Tibet – Hebrews – Saxons – Mongolia._

7): 888/C(+): C.K., China – Korea._

8): 888/C(-): J.T.H.S.M., Japan – Tibet – Hebrews – Saxons – Mongolia._

9): 888/B(-): Whites of Russia and Islamic States._

10): 888/A(-): Black Race nations._

The Mathematical signs (+) and (-) mean that the Geostrategic axis 888/B(+) has been designed to genocide the semi-axis 888/B(-) of Russia and Islamic States, and that the axis 888/C(+) of China and Korea has been designed to genocide the semi-axis 888/C(-) Japan – Tibet – Hebrews – Saxons – Mongolia, namely in order to genocide all the Hebrews and the Saxons of the Planet, as “not pure Yellow”, namely as Mongols White-Yellow._

The above means that the Chinese “HONG” has programmed to genocide the White populations of Russia with code 888/B(-), and the Hebrews and the rest Mongols of Russia with code 888/C(-). Therefore, withdraw immediately from “PACT OF SHANGHAI”, and abort immediately the supply of weapons and high technology, oil, natural gas, and space technology towards China and towards the two Korean states.

We (finally) present to you the fronts of the 1st phase of World War III, as those have being programmed from “HONG” of China, from “AOA” London, and from the arch-Rabbis Baruch of “USA”:

3rd W.W. “COSMIC ETNA” 2012



and remnants of the armies of “B.A.S.T./R.” Bulgaria – Albania – Skopje – Turkey – Romania – that will seek refuge in China territories.


[link to www.youtube.com (secure)]

The silent genocide!!!
10.000 suicides in Greece from the begining of the crisis (2009) not announced by the mainstream media

MASER - MASAR directed-energy technology weapons of G.H.REES
(note: This is the simplified version of the NETRINO - NASER strategic supremacy technology of G.H.REES)

(Year 2010 Document)

Anonymous Coward, Godlike Productions 20 Comments [6/10/2016 3:19:18 AM]
Fundie Index: 12

Quote# 119643


About 40 minutes into the movie it shows Apocalypse watching a TV and he says he is learning.

It starts by showing symbols of money and nuclear weapons and war. Then the tv says super powers and apocalypse repeats this "super power".

Then he says "The weak have taken the Earth" and it shows the Pope and Wallstreet, and a statue of Buddah, and then Las Vegas.

Then he goes on to say "For this I was betrayed"...... "False Gods" then it shows a picture of the frickin World Trade Centers. He says "Idols" and it shows a picture of the White House. Then he says "No More"

Then he says "I Have Returned"

Also it turns out Apocalypse was a Muslim the way they portray him in the movie. Haven't finished watching it yet, but I thought you all should know this. Fucking pissed off they would do this to the XMen.

Anonymous Coward, Godlike Productions 6 Comments [6/10/2016 3:17:04 AM]
Fundie Index: 6

Quote# 119637

So why do I regard our wise, lordly rulers with disdain and distrust that borders on paranoia? Well....I'd have to say it's mostly because I read a lot of history. Actual history, not the bowlderized propaganda that passes for "official" history. If you, too, would like a peek behind the tatty theater curtains that we're told is reality, I can recommend you some books.

For starters, I just finished reading "The Shadows of Power - The Council on Foreign Relations And the American Decline" by James Perloff (Western Islands publishing, ISBN 978-0-88279-134-0).
Fascinating stuff. I had not realized the extent that the Bolshevik revolution in Russia had been financed by Wall Street. Forexample, Jacob Schiff, head of Kuhn, Loeb and Co, sank $22,000,000.00 1910-era dollars (that's a LOT more money in today's devalued dollars, but I'm too lazy to calculate it) into the Bolsheviks. Mao's takeover of China would also have been impossible without American help.
But why? Why would international bankers, arch-capitalists, bankroll brutal communist dictatorships?
The key word is "dictatorship", it turns out. The bankers want monopoly, the elimination of competition. So if a government has total control over the people, and they have their hands down the pants of that government, all is well in their view. They don't care if dictatorship arrived via the Left or the Right - Nazis and Commies serve their ends equally well - as long as the tinpot dictators do what they're told by the High Cabal.
There's much more, but I don't have all day to type this. See for yourself.

The facts described in the abovementioned book synch up pretty well with
"The Creature from Jekyll Island - A Second Look at the Federal Reserve" by G. Edward Griffin (American Opinion Publishing Inc, ISBN 0-912986-16-6) and
"JFK: The CIA, Vietnam, and the plot to assassinate John F. Kennedy" by Fletcher Prouty (Skyhorse Publishing, ISBN 978-1-61608-291-8)

So....would you like your comforting illusions about how America and the world works to be rudely shattered, leaving you on a rickety rollercoaster of outrage, fear, anger and depression, just like Karno? Then dive into these fact-packed tomes!

Kjartan Arnorsson, FurAffinity 14 Comments [6/10/2016 3:04:40 AM]
Fundie Index: 7
Submitted By: Gabriel LaVedier

Quote# 119634

Jewniverschitty “science” and all things impractical assume the earth is a giant spinning baal. The same banker whore scientists will tell you that water retains its level and the surface is always flat. They’ll also tell you that around 3/4ths the earth’s surface is water. Uhhh…huhuhuhuhuh….


Water finds its own level and stays flat. Everyone will tell you this, and you can observe this any way you like. The whole periscope industry depends on it, with seamen paying thousands of zogbux for scopes that can see at least 30 km (common telescopes go 6X, military periscopes go 16X or even higher. 16X = 16 times your normal range of vision). The periscopes go a half meter max above the water surface in good weather (they keep them low to avoid detection). Looking out over 30 km would be impossible, as the “curvature” would be 70.6 meters (over 21 storeys or floors of a building). I.e., on a spherical earth, the submarine would be at the top of a “heap” of water, the periscope wouldn’t see very far.

(New periscopes are called photonics masts and their range has been publicly stated as being 30 km, but they could probably see much further on clear days).

Janoklark, Knights of Banjo Hollow 11 Comments [6/10/2016 3:03:18 AM]
Fundie Index: 7

Quote# 119630

Social Justice Warriors are not a tiny subset of writers. They infest all the major media venues, all the major forums and even reddit. Mass production of slanted articles has been seen and noted by the likes of youtuber Internet Aristocrat, its not surprise that all those sites came out with their "gamer is dead" articles on the same day. All these sites suppress information, enact mass bans on commenters for making them look bad by criticising them with the truth, and even on reddit, a moderator who had personal contact with Zoe Quinn just mass deleted tens of thousands of comments sight unseen. Its level of abuse of power which is hard to stomach, and its not a small subset, its almost all the major venues, and the rest who are even slightly stand offish on the issue still give their ideas credence, even weak support is support. And of course this is once again amplified by the main stream media, which sources its news about gaming and such issues from the corrupt gaming media.

You see, even when "journalists" try to appear fair by ceding a little ground they aren't. There is no middle ground against the truth. There is only truth. When accusations against gamers are made without any substantive evidence, they should be called on it. Instead we see just tacit acknowledgement that this is just a presumed fact. But its not.

Just some back of the envelope calculations/logic tells you this. How many gamers are there in the US alone? Industry figures say 200 million+, now discount half as women, and you have 100 million. How many supposed threats against Anita? I doubt it was anything more than double digits, if that(her claims are dubious). I'll give you 100 threats for the sake of argument. Whats 100 threats out of 100 million? Its 0.000001%
So we see "journalists" lecturing all gamers over 0.000001% of the population. Ask yourself, how many African Americans are felons? Its 7.7% based on felony disenfranchisement numbers, and yet, we don't start off every conversation involving a black person with a lecture about crime do we? It would be labeled for what it was, bigotry of the highest order, insulting, patronizing and just not something to be tolerated. Yet we see "journalists" lecturing gamers over the supposed behavior of 0.000001% of the population, its simply intolerable.

Anyways youtubers who have covered this entire issue better

Internet Aristocrat
Dangerous Analysis
Sargon of Akkad
Gaming Anarchist
The Fantastic Skeptic
Karen Straughan -Honey badger radio
Anyone who wants to see what's not being covered...those are a good watch.

wetnap, The Guardian 11 Comments [6/10/2016 3:00:58 AM]
Fundie Index: 2

Quote# 119619

Modern History's most bombastic revelation: Father of current Illuminati's LEADER same as most widely known man in History, together with Buddha, Jesus & Muhammad

REVEALED WORLDWIDE first by LAST PROPHET Matt M shortly before the BIG BANG.
The same Prophet who revealed March 20 2013 for the first time in History the NAME of the current LEADER of Illuminati.
Current illuminati's leader REAL name matches exactly his uncle's name.
His uncle is the most widely known man in History, together with Buddha, Jesus and Muhammad.

Father of current LEADER of Illuminati
Accordingly to the official story, the father of the current LEADER of the Illuminati was half-german and already at least 37 years old when he changed:
- his last name from [H _ T _ _ _ ] to [H _ _ _ T _ _ ];
- added a middle name, meant to be used attached to his new last name, that sounds exactly like the official last name of the current illuminati leader.

Mother of current LEADER of Illuminati
The official story about the mother of the current LEADER of the Illuminati:
- her birthdate is not precised and given only by an expression that once you google it returns as first result the wikipedia page about the current illuminati leader;
- although she was officially german, her first name is english and both her family names were the two most common french first names at the time.
- JEAN, the first of those two french names, is actually the first name of the most famous role interpreted by the current illuminati leader (Capitain JEAN Luc Picard).
This officially makes the current illuminati leader of 75% german descent.
However in his role in politics as "Dr. Ron Paul" (1) he is officially "87.5% of German descent".

FATHER of current LEADER of Illuminati in Facebook
Both (original and changed) official names of the father of the current LEADER of Illuminati are on Facebook and they display the same page.
As of today it displays NOT his photo but his mother's photo.
Although his son rules over billions of people, from more than one billion chinese to half a billion in all of North America and Mexico to almost another half billion in the EU, as of today 317 people like him.
That is an increase of two in a period of seven weeks, up from 315, when Last Prophet Matt Marriott posted this at godlikeproductions, a forum managed by the CIA Web of Disinfo, that deleted it shortly after (2).

Family life of the parents of the current illuminati leader.
To describe it, a 2006 article in the United Kingdom's second biggest-selling daily newspaper uses an alternative expression for "they married and lived happily ever after".
That expression was: "The couple [ E _ B _ _ _ _ _ D] on a peaceful existence".
As of today (and surely from day one of Google's existence) an exact Google search for this expression returns the Daily Mail page as the ONLY result among billions of Google indexed pages.
Part of their "peaceful existence" included naming the oldest son (the current illuminati leader) after his father's uncle, an "extraordinary choice" in the words of the previously mentioned 2005 Daily Mail article.

Real name of the current illuminati leader and TRUTH about the "death" of his father's uncle exposed
The previous revelation about who was the father of the current illuminati leader implicates that accordingly to the official story he has been the only person in the world carrying the name of his father's uncle ever since he was born.
But the previous revelation about who is the current illuminati leader contradicts this conclusion.
The current illuminati leader was born before 1949, his official birthdate, in fact before 1945, the official death date for his father's uncle.
Add to this his father's uncle didn't die the day we are taught by Illuminati History books. Reminder: the FULL STORY of this staged death was exposed worldwide first by Last Prophet.
In other words: the current illuminati leader had the chance to meet his father's uncle and after World War II they were probably living in the same area.

The father the son and the father's uncle
At this point it should be clear who is the father of the current LEADER of the Illuminati (or in other words: "Sir Patrick Stewart"'s real name, the exact same name as his father's uncle).
If that is not the case, a transcription from the original article by Last Prophet:
As poster from Israel (country's IP is visible in godlikeproductions, supposedly a site for "Anonymous Cowards" without registration requirements) posts here, a reminder:
His son also rules over the treasonous Israeli government (Peres, Bibi).
The IV Reich also includes the locations for what WOULD BE South America's first Olympic Games (Brazil 2016) and what were Africa's first and LAST Football World Championships (South Africa 2012).
"Would be" and "Last" because there is no time left even for what would be the next Football World Championships (Brazil 2014).
The core of the father's official changed name sounds EXACTLY LIKE Patrick Stewart, the name his son is known today, and it reads almost exactly the same.
The father's uncle is the most widely known man in History, together with Buddha, Jesus and Muhammad.

(1) The role of the the current Illuminati LEADER as "Dr Ron Paul":
"he would be elected president of the USA WITHOUT having to rig the election using voting machines software, was it NOT for the fact that he plays the LOSER role in politics".

(2) The most bombastic revelation of the XXI century, by Last Prophet Matt Marriott, at forum for "alternative news" godlikeproductions, in fact managed by the Illumianti Web of Disinfo.
It was deleted shortly after by the illuminati, but the TRUTH survived in the internet archive:
Leader of astronots is himself one - REVEALED WORLDWIDE first by LAST PROPHET Matt M, March 2013

TruthIsNeverTooHorrible, Scam 9 Comments [6/9/2016 3:27:45 AM]
Fundie Index: 9

Quote# 119615

Reptilians created the current islam

Islam was meant to be a religion of love like buddhism etc. However Reptilians/Satan have diverted it.

Just like they have done to the other abrahamic religions.

It was the Creator's will to bring love to the earth. However as it's a free will universe and there's allowance even for tyrannies, the current diversion happened.

I know many of you are angry against islam. Anyway the reptilians are responsible for the current islam.

As a former muslim, when i try to read the koran, i feel nauseous and disgusted by the things it's saying.

What i feel for muslims, is pitying. Because i know how is it live in such fear, repression and hostility. Though i don't despise them, being a muslim is difficult thing.

Wishing best to everybody

A former muslim

Anonymous Coward, Godlike Productions 5 Comments [6/9/2016 3:17:08 AM]
Fundie Index: 5

Quote# 119581

[Bolding for emphasis]

The article critically examines the marketing strategy employed by Israeli sperm banks as sites for biopolitical governmentality of sperm consumers. The dataset comprise multiple sources which converge to provide evidence for the transfusion of militaristic Zionist ideology into sperm. The biopolitics of sperm marketing involves the naturalization of militaristic Zionism as a dogmatic basis for a “dividing practice” for the inclusion and exclusion of particular types of personified gametes in the symbolically constructed collective gene pool. The image of the military man is the idealized type of hegemonic masculinity in the Israeli nation-in-arms. The warrior-donor is both the supplier of the product and the core product itself, and his semen constitutes the materialistic carrier of his spiritual essence. Using Foucault's notion of biopolitical governmentality suggests why militaristic Zionism discourse has such potency in sperm marketing, and raises questions about contemporary “technologies of the self” as consumerist practices.

Ya'rit Bokek-Cohen, Consumption, Markets & Culture 9 Comments [6/8/2016 3:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 7

Quote# 119580

The Perverted GAY Food Agenda - GMO's and Chemicals that Make People Queer

BPA, and it's Replacement used in Plastics and thermal paper used in recipt printers

Soy - GMO and Non GMO, it raises estrogen levels.
includes eating Animals fed Soy.
Feminizes Boys
Girls hit Puberty at younger than normal age.

Corn Syrup / Processed Sugar and Alcohol Reduce Human Growth Hormones

Herbicide listed in video below, will post name after video part of post, just in case it is one of those words.

Solution, Use Glass or Stainless Steel to store/drink out of, Filter/Purify your water to remove (drugs and chemicals in the water supply)
Eat only Traditional Foods raised without
GMO, Organic Only.
Eat Animals that are fed Grass, and their Natural food diet and not given Vaccines, Chemicals and Antibiotics.
If animals are not raised on Factory Farms the need for Antibiotics is much, much lower because the conditions the animals live in are "natural" much healthier.

Unsprouted grains, sugar or fructose decrease seven of the 12 most important hormones.

Alcohol decreases your human growth hormone (HGH), one of your most potent built-in anti-aging hormones. Having just one alcoholic drink per day can decrease your HGH by 75 percent.

Magnesium supplements improve your sex hormone levels, including your testosterone and HGH.

High-quality protein from meat and fish, as well as healthy fats such as egg yolk, lard, and butter, will improve progesterone and DHEA secretion, as will an otherwise healthy Paleolithic (read: unprocessed, nutrient-rich organic) diet.

Progesterone can also be increased by several nutritional supplements, including vitamin A. As a general rule, fat-soluble vitamins will have a beneficial effect on sex hormones.

Right to Know, Godlike Productions 5 Comments [6/8/2016 2:59:32 AM]
Fundie Index: 4

Quote# 119571

45th prime? Today has 45 numerology.

6/3/2016 = 6+3+20+16 = 45

Zachary K Hubbard, free to find truth 9 Comments [6/7/2016 6:14:11 PM]
Fundie Index: 6
Submitted By: TimeToTurn

Quote# 119555

UCLA Shooting PSYOP: Gun Grabbers Say “Never Let a Good Murder/Suicide Go to Waste”

Yesterday, when writing about the staged Jersey Zika Baby™ PR stunt, I wrote the following:

“Everything that happens in the US these days seems like a publicity stunt designed to aid one money-grabbing/gun-grabbing/regime change-backing agenda or another. And that’s because everything is.”

Not two hours later, all the major “news” networks were breathlessly reporting on an “active shooter” situation at UCLA. They said there were “two victims” and the LA police had come in and locked down the campus and the hospital that sits across the street from it. They reported the FBI was there as were ATF and some version of Homeland Security.


It was a damn drill, folks. They knew the situation was over before they got the first 911 call. The campus police probably told them it was a murder/suicide, because that is obviously what it was.

But they haven’t had a big active shooter scenario in many a news-cycle moons, and, after all, today is gun-grabbing holiday set up by Billionaire Bloomberg, so I guess they figured…

“Never let a good murder/suicide go to waste”

They are now justifying what they did, terrorizing those kids because there “cooooouuuld have been” another shooter.

That’s right. There cooooouuuld have been another one.

And, there cooooouuuld have been some Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles running around whacking folks.

There cooooouuuld have been some aliens from plan 9 from outer space who committed the crime.

There cooooouuuld have been some evil commie hitmen who did it and were looking for President Obama as the next target.

There are all kinds of “cooooouuuld have been” scenarios that one could mention as a justification for locking down the campus, treating kids like criminals and generally terrorizing the country… ONCE AGAIN… but in fact, none of them make any sense considering the fact that the crime scene was contained and the gun and the suicide note made it clear FROM THE START that there was no “active shooter” running around the school.

Scott Creighton, Before It's News 4 Comments [6/7/2016 6:09:51 PM]
Fundie Index: 3

Quote# 119554

Recent events have forced my hand to put this on GLP.

The different timelines for this physical reality are rapidly merging into two time streams manifesting in the Western world. The international cabal dominated by Western elites are working the US and Middle East political and socio-economic systems to bring about their idea of an End Time Scenario.

Certain forces are maneuvering for Hillary Clinton to get elected as the president of the US in November 2016 to achieve Scenario One. To the outside world and off world civilizations, the US ( by its military, economic power and human diversity ) represents our present human reality . With Hillary elected to to " toothless tiger position as POTUS ", she will be deemed to be the " head of this human civilization " ( of course she will not in real terms )...she will be the WOMAN figurehead chief of this world. To hardcore Islamists, Conservative Christians and Jews, THIS IS A NO NO....IT WILL HERALD THE END OF THE WORLD. WHEN A FEMALE HEADS HUMAN CIVILIZATION, ARMAGEDDON ensues and the end of the world is nigh. Jesus will return to start a new kingdom, ahhh....the Second Coming.

Conservative forces in the US , the Jewish and Islamic world are working to this scenario. It is counter-intuitive, but the Conservatives/Haredis/Islamists all work to achieve this to herald the Second Coming of Christ, the Moshiach, Imam Mahdi. They are working the socio-political-economic and all other fronts to accomplish this goal...A GLOBAL RESET post " biblical type " Armageddon.

The second Time Stream Scenario involves other forces of the " powers that be " working towards Jeb Bush as the next POTUS. The possible election of Jeb Bush will set forth a scrambling for power, wealth and influence where unbridled greed and base human desire rules, leading to chaos and anarchy. The POTUS may be sacrificed to precipate rules and measures to ensure total control and domination. Martial law and draconian
Enforcement rules will be applied to achieve a continuance of control and domination at ALL COSTS. All attempts are made to prevent a GLOBAL RESET.

The Second Scenario will involve such blatant,, unconcionable and overt display of human depravity that many people will awaken to spiritual yearnings for evolvement which will frighten the powers to be to institute draconian methods to maintain control and domination. Awaken humans will attempt to maintain Mother Earth and Human Integrity. Revolution and mass disobedience lead to total anarchy and chaos which may cause the powers to be to unleash their secret weapons of annihilation. The attempted use of their secret super weapons may see the intervention of our off world Guardians who can only act as a last resort. They will iniate GLOBAL RESET with our concurrence.

These 2 major timelines predominate current events. The wild cards are the Oriental civilizations. If the Oriental civilizations can shake off the shackles of control and domination on the psyche, they can precipitate a third Time Stream for a harmonious soft landing. The shaking of the shackles involve the Chinese abandoning their pursuit of unbridled greed brought by Western influence and return to the Tao.

The Indians must abandon the clingings to " Glorious Aryan " roots and return to their Gondwanaland qualities. It may seem humiliating but they have move from their Aryan centric culture to the more Tamilian-Gondwana
Traditions. The Japanese, Koreans, Mongolians and South East Asians must embrace their Central Asian-Lemurian past they shared with the Chinese, Indians and Polynesians. The Chinese - Lemurian connection stems from Central Asian wing of the Lemurian civilization.

The wild card Time Stream of the Orientals will entail a soft landing of return to harmony with Naure, Mother Earth and the Cosmos. There will still be a GLOBAL RESET, but one will human freewill and knowledge. A knowing that we need to evolve out of base values and clinging to the physicality of 3D possessions.

Looking at China and the neighboring countries plunging deep into western type industrialization, greedy economics and social developments, the Wild Card Time Stream seem unlikely. The Western cabal's foray into Tibet and Xinjiang causes further closing of Chinese minds and attempts to drive the Chinese into greater Draconic measures, all which will satisfy the powers that be's attempts to prevent harmonious human evolution stemming from the Orient.

However I do know of latent Oriental growth of spirituality amongst the educated. However this is undermined by the underground Catholic churches, Falun Gong groups and lunatic spiritual mainstream Buddhist/Taoist religious groups all founded by the powers that be to sidetrack and derail this fledgling spiritual bloom. What we can hope that this " latent spirituality " remains latent to erupt into the " satori " moment of GLOBAL RESET.

As it is, the whole Western dominated world is racing along the first 2 Time Streams. By September 27, 2014 during the Lunar eclipse of the Chinese/Oriental Harvest Moon we will know whether the first 2 Time Stream Scenarios are inevitable. If the Cosmic Guardian Forces are able to awaken " satori-cally " the latent cosmo-human values when Mother Earth SHIELDS THE MOON's PSYCHO - MAGNETIC ray influence on humankind, and the Sun-Christ influence takes hold for the short period of SATORI AWAKENING, then will be heading for the Wild Card Scenario whereby a kind of " Ascension " occurs...Humankind achieves the CRITICAL MASS for harmonious RESET, Mother Earth safely increase Her frequency to match a 5 D REALITY FOR HUMANKIND. The powers that be and their patron, the abrahamic god, the demiurge, will be sent for Cosmic Recycling .

The Wild Card Scenario will also stream into 2016 and early 2017 when the Cosmic Guardians will complete their initial assistance of humankind to the new reality.

The first 2 scenarios will also end in a harsh Global Reset by early 2017. Mother Earth's consciousness will leave this physical 3D shell of Hers. Her Sentience will move to the 5D reality where her 5D physicality will nurture deserving beings who are ready for 5D experience.

Once Mother Earth Sentience leaves the 3D physical shell it cannot support life as it is now, humans not ready for ascension will perish to he spiritually reloated to other 3 D planets able to sustain 3 D reality. For present earth humankind it will be a very harsh RESET, but a whole new paradigm of learning.

Timelines. Time Streams. Our choice. Our freewill!

The TAO, Godlike Productions 9 Comments [6/7/2016 6:09:44 PM]
Fundie Index: 4

Quote# 119522

A Tennessee clinic specializing in “integrative” treatments announced that it would not provide vaccines for its clients, Nashville Scene reported.

The post on the Cool Springs Family Medicine clinic’s website was not signed, but the facility is headed by Daniel Kalb, who has been practicing for more than 15 years, which is reflected in the text.

“They can cause Autism – yes, I’ve had 15 years’ experience in taking care of ASD kids, that’s a lot of vaccine injury stories from moms,” the post read. “Don’t tell me that they are making it up or they are just reaching for an explanation, or that it was a coincidence or that they are just too stressed, or that they are uninformed. All of those arguments are stupid.”

The post also cites a debunked study by researcher Andrew Wakefield, which Kalb claims was “properly defended and vindicated 4 years ago,” proving that there is a link between the Measles Mumps and Rubella (MMR) vaccine and autism.

In fact, that study, originally published in the Lancet, was retracted by the journal in 2010. Nashville Scene also pointed out that 10 of the report’s 13 authors “cosigned a partial retraction of its main interpretation” in 2004.

Kalb, whose facility uses “homeopathic remedies and essential oils” to treat patients, also cited a debunked story claiming that William Thompson, a researcher for the Centers for Disease Control, admitted that a CDC study saying autism was not linked to the vaccine contained falsified data.

“With this information and the lack of studies that prove the safety of combined vaccines, I can do no harm, so I’m out,” the post stated, adding, “I am not going to engage in internet battles, but, just as I have always done, as is my responsibility as a Family Physician, I will be an advocate for each of my patients as best as I know how.”

Kalb’s apparent reasoning runs counter to the American Academy of Pediatrics’ stance on the issues, which calls such claims “dangerous to public health.”

The claim also drew criticism from state epidemiologist Tim Jones.

“There is not question whatsoever in the scientific or medical community – it’s just wrong,” Jones told the Tennessean.

Daniel Kalb, Raw Story 7 Comments [6/6/2016 3:29:12 AM]
Fundie Index: 4
Submitted By: Demon Duck of Doom
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