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Quote# 116747

They have perfected DNA manipulation and can look human while being hybrid/demon/aliens, (such as "star children" hybrids) with the ability to shape-shift into their original form and then back into a human form. No this isn't science fiction, or Saturday morning cartoon central. This is real. Fiction, Cartoons, X-Files, this was/is just conditioning to get you and your children used to seeing these things happen and to just accept it when it starts to happen more in the future and out in the open instead of behind closed doors.

Sherry Shriner, The Watcher Files 4 Comments [2/13/2016 4:46:01 AM]
Fundie Index: 1

Quote# 116744

Do I believe in a Flat Earth? I don’t know. The evidence suggesting that’s the case is nevertheless quite convincing. Even more convincing is that Nuremberg was merely a continuation of war propaganda, and that neither an order to exterminate the Jews nor homicidal gas chambers ever existed: all easily verified fact.


Broadcasters of mainstream ideas are the same people who create fictional entertainment. Think about it: our fake monetary system; endless wars which create debt in our so-called secular liberal western democracies; aeroplanes which disappear from radar in the southern hemisphere; ever taller sky-scrapers with no floors posed as radio masts? Can governments be trusted to tell us the truth about anything?

Alison Chabloz, Alison Chabloz 7 Comments [2/12/2016 4:08:01 PM]
Fundie Index: 5

Quote# 116702

d so call bible that all his works where stolen from african ( kemet)

the so called bible dat d whites twist to favour them self

the so called bible written by drunk men who claim day got inspiration from d lord

so called bible written by a black man sharkspare ( the book of psalm)

wake up people they twisted ur history and put it in a book for u to carry around and forget ur history and make u believe in a white man with pink nose to save u while day loot ur land and keep u in bond with their the bible so u cant do sh..it


redvektor, Nairaland 10 Comments [2/11/2016 5:17:26 PM]
Fundie Index: 5
Submitted By: TimeToTurn

Quote# 116680

The PUAs aren't the fraud/shills: it's the ATTORNEYS

UPDATE on the PUA takedown:

It seems that the "PUA community" is a pawn of an internet LEGAL community which makes a small fortune by encouraging online defamation and other actionable conduct, defaming people (like me) they know will file suit), encouraging third parties to defame, then offering to defend them (for a huge price, of course). Since they are defendants, they have no choice and appreciate the "help."

Several in this legal mafia employ legal "bloggers" who are either profiting from the business their own conduct generates, or who seek out lawsuits, particularly from pro-se litigants, to highlight and ridicule, relying on public ignorance of the law, and stereotypes, to paint these litigants in a negative light, warning you not to back down if threatened with a lawsuit, etc. They're basically arms dealers profiting directly from the wars they incite, or fuel when they see an existing war.

Anyone who has been goaded into defaming another and wound up sued, or who has been defamed, particularly because they sued, has suffered from this mafia. Let's just say steps are being taken to stop them, they know who they are, they know I'm on to them, and it's just a matter of time at this point.

ThePUAMole, Sluthate.com 7 Comments [2/10/2016 4:24:33 AM]
Fundie Index: 4
Submitted By: Ivurm

Quote# 116663

The Spherical Earth - Wht you are not being told

Spherical earthers are very comfortable in spinning the assumption that the flat Earth theory is a massive psy-op.

A psy-op is something that needs a lot of funds and support. All the flat-earthers have is their own home-spun resources to fund their study of the reality they live in.

A psy-op will involve major corporations and secret agencies. So far there are no major corporations who are involved in spreading the FE theory onto the masses.
Secret agencies can infiltrate the truth movement and create a fake theory, yes. But in the case of the FE theory , such a psy-op can be dangerous to them.
It will accidentally open up the minds of the masses to the question of trust: should I trust the Nasa moon landings? Were they too fake? What about the centuries that ancient man believed the earth to be flat? Or was it because centuries of ancient people were pure stupid idiots, and its only we in the present day that are so marvelously ahead of our time?

Questions will pop up, and if anything, a FE psy-op will only make things worse for the secret elite. This is why the FE theory is NOT a psy-op.
The FE theory cannot be a psy-op because many of the proofs can be studied by anyone and the truth may be know by anyone with a bit of intelligence to know where to look. All evidences presented so far since the last two centuries can be verified by ordinary people. Yes you can see a ship with a telescope even after you think its dipped below the horizon. Yes you can see islands that shouldn't be visible using 'scientific' calculations of a round earth. Yes you can.......
Ask yourself this: what will such a flat earth psy-op gain for the elite? It will gain nothing, because us truthers have really sharp brains and can see through lies a mile away.
If FE was a psy-op , people would have moved on and not discussed it everyday. The 100th monkey effect is real.
If a group of people KNOW that there is a psy-op going on, soon the hundredth monkey on a remote island on the far side of this world will move on. This is the minds ethereal plasma. Everything is connected. If something is not right, the 100th monkey will know it deep within its soul.

Flat Earth theory is not a psy-op because it is the reality you are living within.

The flat Earth theory is being studied and examined by truthers like you and me. Together all us truthers have maybe a couple hundred thousand dollars combined, to fund our study and exploration of this topic.

What you have on the other side is a so called 'space agency' that is going to be terribly embarrassed if the truth were to be known.
What we have on the other side are Free Mason societies with trillions of wealth , who have the ability and the power to not only tell you what you should think of SCIENCE , and indeed lay down the foundations of this fake SCIENCE so you will think of them as your reality, ....but also have the power to force you think the world is round. They can maintain the illusion of a spherical earth for years to come. So long as they are in power.

This is what we are up against.

I am a truther.
I know the truth of the world.

And the world is FLAT. Not round.

Anonymous Coward, Godlike Productions 19 Comments [2/9/2016 3:56:37 AM]
Fundie Index: 8

Quote# 116662

why tptb are scared shitless of the flat earth revolution

its because they know that it would spoil there plans of faking an alien invasion and getting man to unite under a one world government. They realise that the flat earth model refutes the existince of other planets. If everybody woke up to FE nobody will buy the fake alien invasion that tptb have been planning

Anonymous Coward, Godlike Productions 14 Comments [2/9/2016 3:56:33 AM]
Fundie Index: 7

Quote# 116660

The story of how ex-Marine "Lee Harvey Oswald" defected to the Soviet Union, and was given a job at a top secret radar factory in Minsk, is one of the most sinister MI6/CIA covert operations in history.

Only a thorough knowledge of spies and spying can help unravel the mystery. Throughout history, doubles or look-alikes have been used as spies. In Russia today, a Putin look-alike is actually President of that great country.

Incredibly, in 1952, "Marguerite Oswald" moved all the way from New Orleans to the Bronx to be near her eldest son who was serving in the Coast Guard.

There is a photo of the young "Lee" taken outside the Bronx Zoo. Even back then there were fake "Oswalds" sighted in different parts of the country.

There is a picture of the real Oswald taken at Beauregard Junior High School in 1955.

Oswald was 16 at that time.

Oswald was mentally challenged and basically a dunce in school.

The only Russian word he knew was Sputnik.

The only redeeming feature that high school dropout Oswald had in the Marine Corps was the fact that he had a look-alike or double. The counterfeit was in fact much older, and taller, but the Office of Naval "Intelligence" decided that the resemblance was close enough.

Nobody knows what happened to the real Oswald after he was discharged from the Marine Corps. Most probably he was titaniced (man overboard) and just disappeared until Judgment Day.

The counterfeit Oswald joined the Marine Corps at the same time as the real Oswald.

That Oswald studied Russian, and worked at the top secret radar facility at Atsugu, Japan.

That Oswald imposter was a well trained CIA agent.

The Oswald double was a well trained Naval "Intelligence" agent or spy. He worked at various U.S. Naval Bases and was stationed at Atsugu, Japan. Of course he spoke Russian fluently but with an American accent. He would never be sent to live in Russia as a spy because a native Russian speaker would detect his foreign accent immediately.

The counterfeit "Oswald" defected to the Soviet Union in 1959!!

The fake Oswald arrived in Moscow on October 15, 1959, and wrote a letter to the Supreme Soviet demanding Russian citizenship. Oswald told the Russians that he was an ex-Marine who had worked at a top secret radar facility and had much clandestine information for them.

On October 15, 1959, Marxist Marine "Oswald" arrived in Moscow and stayed at the Hotel Berlin.

He wrote a letter to the Soviet government and demanded Russian citizenship.

Naturally, the Soviets, suspecting that he was a CIA spy, denied his request, and ordered him to leave the country immediately.

As a result of his citizenship denial, Oswald feigned suicide and he was "discovered" with a slit wrist in the hotel bathtub. "Oswald" was then rushed by ambulance to Botkinskaya Hospital where he received 5 stitches. He remained in the hospital for 3 days in the psychiatric ward and 4 days in the somatic ward for observation.

The "suicide attempt" delayed his deportation from Russia because the Russians feared an international incident if an American killed himself or died in the Soviet Union.

On October 31, the fake Oswald walked in to the American embassy in Moscow, threw his passport on consul Richard Snyder's desk, and demanded to take the oath renouncing his U.S. citizenship.

Snyder was a CIA agent assigned to the U.S. embassy.


How Oleg von Mohrenschildt became Lee Harvey Oswald!!

After the charade in Moscow with the fake "Oswald" attempting suicide, the scene now shifts to Minsk, capital of Belarus. Minsk was an industrial town about 500 miles southwest of Moscow. Oswald was given a high paying job and scenic apartment overlooking the Svislach River:

Lee started his job in Minsk on January 13, and in March he was awarded a pleasant one-room apartment with a view overlooking the river. His financial situation was superb. He earned $70 to $90 a month at work and received an additional $70 a month in the form of a Red Cross subsidy. He had as much monthly income as the director of his factory. Lee did not particularly like his job. It was mere manual labor, while he had hoped for a place in an institute and a chance to study full time. But as the object of much attention and the recipient, like every foreigner, of many favors, he was at first reasonably content. (McMillan, Marina and Lee, p. 79).

The high school dropout from New Orleans was certainly warmly received in Russia.

The "Lee" in Minsk was actually Oleg von Mohrenschildt, illegitimate son of Dallas resident George de Mohrenschildt.

On March 25, 1961, Oleg, aka Lee, met Marina Prusakova at a dance.

Marina–a fluent English speaker–was a "honey trap" and well trained KGB agent.

The KGB was formed by British Secret Service agent Nikita Khrushchev in 1954. Marina was the daughter of a high ranking KGB colonel named Ilya Vasilyevich Prusakov, who was stationed in Minsk at that time.

The KGB was the Russian counterpart of the CIA. Marina said that "Oswald" spoke Russian with a Baltic accent:

Almost immediately a knot of young men formed around her and she was introduced to one named Alik, who seemed instantly drawn to her. They danced, and when they spoke, she noticed he spoke Russian with a slight accent. At first she thought he was from one of the Baltic parts of the Soviet Union–Estonia, Latvia or Lithuania–but then found to her surprise that he was an American named Lee Harvey Oswald living in Minsk. (Epstein, Legend: The Secret World of Lee Harvey Oswald, p. 135).

Marina said that she called him Alik because Lee sounded like a Chinese name. A Texan speaking fluent Russian with a Baltic accent. What a fairly tale that only strong VOODOO could make people believe.

KGB "honey trap" Marina Prusakova married Oleg aka Lee on April 30, 1961.

No fiction writer could have invented a more improbable scenario . . . except that it really happened.

Her KGB assignment was to "help" Oleg aka Lee join his father in Texas and maybe do a little spying for his country.

When the time for the assassination of President Kennedy drew near, Oleg aka Lee decided that his decision to defect was not a good idea after all. To this his wife Marina eagerly concurred.

The "workers paradise" was not what he expected, even though he earned a higher salary and had a better apartment than workers twice his age.

Oleg aka Lee contacted CIA consul Richard Snyder and was told that he still had his passport. By that time, Oleg and Marina had a baby girl named June. Diplomats who married Russian wives had to wait for years for their spouses to get visas to leave the Soviet Union.

Femme fatale Marina–the female version of the Russian Guy Fawkes–rarely smiled.

If only Oleg's friends in Minsk knew that he was going to be framed for assassinating the President of the United States.


The man from Minsk was FRAMED for the murder of the President!!

It was a highly complicated psyop to get the man from Minsk in the right place to be framed for President Kennedy's assassination. Everything did work out perfectly until the aftermath of the shooting.

About 12:15 p.m., Oleg left the building; walked 7 blocks to Elm and Murphy, and then boarded a bus bound for his lodging house in Oak Cliff.

The bus was stuck in traffic so he got off at the Greyhound Bus Terminal and took a cab.

The driver entered the time in his logbook as 12:30 p.m.

The President was shot at 12:30 p.m., so how could the man from Minsk be in 2 places at the same time. The Russians are a super race to survive Napoleon, Hitler, and the Cold War but they are not omnipresent.

The whole diabolical assassination scenario took years to plan but it all depended on Oleg the "patsy" being killed immediately afterward. You could say it all began after April 15, 1865.

Our Great JEHOVAH intervened and the police failed to kill the man from Minsk in the Texas Theater. Since that time, literally hundreds of people associated in any way with the assassination have met violent deaths or were suicided.

Patrick Scrivener, Reformation 15 Comments [2/9/2016 3:55:37 AM]
Fundie Index: 1

Quote# 116649

Holy crap... just figured it out... the O.J Simpson murder was nothing but a false flag

Everything surrounding the murders of Nicole Simpson and Ron Goldman was nothing more than a false flag, on a small scale. It was a setup to take heat off the L.A.P.D during a time when racism was skyrocketing after the Rodney King beating and shit.

LAPD was defeated, they needed a way to show people they weren't racist and they let O.J Simpson, with him being high-profiled and all, be the one to defeat the LAPD in this fake murder.

The OJ Simpson murder shit was false flag before we even knew what false flag even was. It's written all over the place, review all the facts... it's a complete fucking mess, no organization, nobody had a clue how to make it believable on either side... it was false flag in its infancy.

Anonymous Coward, Godlike Productions 9 Comments [2/8/2016 4:08:57 AM]
Fundie Index: 3

Quote# 116644

Because we all know this is about getting Assange to the USA What is the saying the bigger the lie the easier it is too get people to accept.I for one am insulted that we are expected to take this outrages lie seriously when we all know this is 101 gov. tactic to get someone.What about the raping by UN troops of little african boys.Stop tell to tell me black is white.

ID1597567, The Guardian 4 Comments [2/8/2016 4:05:37 AM]
Fundie Index: 2

Quote# 116641


aquariusgolden, Instagram 10 Comments [2/8/2016 4:04:56 AM]
Fundie Index: 6

Quote# 116619

Beethoven was actually an Afro-Austrian Moor even tho he's painted as a white man #BlackHistoryYouDidntLearnInSchool

Eat Yo Soul, Twitter 22 Comments [2/6/2016 6:45:49 AM]
Fundie Index: 4

Quote# 116602

crisis actor caught again at her 5th false flag event!!!!!

check out the video....

same lady...tries to hide her face...this time....same nose..same lines on face...similar glasses....but exactly the same voice.....

maybe next time they will disguise that for you....

epic faill......

f*ck you crisis actors......

i been telling you all this is a false flag event.......few listen.

here is just one piece of evidence....
along with sanshilly..an admitted fbi agent...who got arrested because his cover was blown...

below...crisis actor caught at Fifth event....

JGARCYA, Lunatic Outpost 9 Comments [2/6/2016 4:26:12 AM]
Fundie Index: 2

Quote# 116601

And who owns the patent on the virus? The Rockefeller Foundation!

Why has the issue of patent ownership of the Zika virus not been the object of media coverage?

Lest we forget the words of David Rockefeller in an address to a Trilateral Commission meeting in June of 1991

“We are grateful to the Washington Post, the New York Times, Time Magazine and other great publications whose directors have attended our meetings and respected their promises of discretion for almost 40 years. … It would have been impossible for us to develop our plan for the world if we had been subjected to the lights of publicity during those years. But, the world is more sophisticated and prepared to march towards a world government. The supernational sovereignty of an intellectual elite and world bankers is surely preferable to the national auto-determination practiced in past centuries.”

Is the ownership of the Zika Virus by the Rockefeller Foundation part of that agenda of “supernational sovereignty [dominated] by an intellectual elite and world bankers…”?

Guillaume Kress, GlobalResearch.ca 3 Comments [2/6/2016 4:26:08 AM]
Fundie Index: 2

Quote# 116597

The Real Reason gov loves Islam.

Islam is an all encompassing system of control in its current form.
What you eat ( no pork or booze) what you wear( hijab) who you talk too( no infidels) . Every facet of life is under the control of this religion.

You are forced at a very young age to never question,only accept and submit. What you submit to is the opinion of the leadership of your sect. Independent thought is not tolerated or allowed.
People are forced to be literal sheep from almost birth.

Western governments are heading towards total control of people.
Now they have a religion that molds people to accept that control. Never to question what is said and done by the elite. It looks like a match made in hell for the enemies of free thinkers. But it serves the interests of the power elite.

Islam and democracy do not go well together. Erdogan of Turkey said 'democracy is a train that takes us where we need to go. We will get off the train when we reach our goal'. Where he wants,and where the rulers want us to go is to fascist control that keeps the elite secure, and the rest of us prisoners.

Islam is a tool to mold people to accept that. Why do you think the west is so hell bent on rapidly changing its demographics with refugees.

Anonymous Coward, Godlike Productions 8 Comments [2/6/2016 4:25:40 AM]
Fundie Index: 1

Quote# 116566

So Now we have the “Zika Virus” circulating instead of Ebola, starting mainly in Brazil, and continuing on to Barbados, Bolivia, Brazil, Colombia, Curaçao, Dominican Republic, Ecuador, El Salvador, French Guiana, Guadeloupe, Guatemala, Guyana, Haiti, Honduras, Martinique, Mexico, Nicaragua, Panama, Paraguay, Puerto Rico, Saint Martin, Suriname, US Virgin Islands, Venezuela ( http://www.paho.org/hq/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=11603&Itemid=41696&lang=en) and now hit the mainland United States covering:2016-cha-autoch-human-cases-zika-virus-ew-4
Arkansas – 1 case originating from Central America
California – 6 cases (2 from 2015 and the rest from 2013 and 2014)
Florida – 3 cases originating from Colombia and Venezuela
Hawaii – 1 case of a woman who gave birth to a child with microcephaly and had lived in Brazil
Illinois – 2 cases originating from Honduras and Haiti (both women were pregnant)
Minnesota – 1 case originating from Honduras
Montana – Not confirmed, but one case may have been discovered in northwest Montana, but labs haven’t confirmed it yet
New Jersey – 1 case originating in Colombia
New York – At least 7 cases
Oregon – 3 cases originating from Polynesia
Texas – 2 cases originating from El Salvador and Colombia
Virginia – 1 case from Central America

What exactly is the “Zika Virus”?
Zika is a disease first reported in 1948 caused by Zika virus that is spread to people primarily through the bite of an infected Aedes species mosquito. The most common symptoms of Zika are fever, rash, joint pain, and conjunctivitis (red eyes). The illness is usually mild with symptoms lasting for several days to a week. Zika is primarily transmitted through the bite of infected Aedes mosquitoes. Mosquitoes become infected when they bite a person already infected with the virus. Infected mosquitoes can then spread the virus to other people through bites. It can also be transmitted from a pregnant mother to her baby during pregnancy or around the time of birth. We do not know how often Zika is transmitted from mother to baby during pregnancy or around the time of birth. (http://www.cdc.gov/zika/disease-qa.html) Zika is suppose to be transmitted from animal or insect to human, not human to human other then through pregnacy. So they say… But their are ways for it to find itself being spread by other means such as the pharmaceutical route. Tdap seems to be a very promising delivery system, wouldn’t you say? Beginning back in late 2014, the Brazilian minister of health announced that a new Tdap shot would be mandatory for all expectant mothers starting in 2015. Since it’s mandatory, mothers with birth defect babies tdapreceived this newly formulated vaccine while pregnant. The timeliness of the Tdap vaccine and the sudden rise in birth defects is more than just a little coincidental. The consequences of this untested vaccine is being swept under the rug. Which brings us once again to Bill Gates, the King of Eugenics and Vaccines. ( http://www.trinfinity8.com/zika-virus-mosquitos/ )
Drug companies did not test the safety and effectiveness of giving influenza or Tdap vaccine to pregnant women before the vaccines were licensed in the U.S. and there is almost no data on inflammatory or other biological responses to these vaccines that could affect pregnancy and birth outcomes. There are ingredients in influenza and pertussis containing Tdap vaccines that have not been fully evaluated for potential genotoxic or other adverse effects on the human fetus developing in the womb that may negatively affect health after birth, including aluminum adjuvants, mercury containing (Thimerosal) preservatives and many more bioactive and potentially toxic ingredients.

With this virus spreading the way it is so fast, Organizations around the world are saying this could be a “Pandemic”. The World Health Organization (WHO) will hold an emergency meeting Monday to find ways to battle the Zika virus, which is linked to birth defects and “spreading explosively” through the Americas. (USA Today)

Their seems to be quite a few different reasons circulating on why this could have popped up so fast and violent as it has. We have come across several plausible and some inconceivable. How about Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, the Rockefeller’s, New Word Order, or even suggestions this virus could be used to change harsh anti-abortion laws in Brazil… ( http://thinkprogress.org/health/2016/01/30/3744448/zika-abortion/ )
It seems to go right along with everything else going on around the globe. Is this another way of population control, along with all the Walmarts closing all about the same time and FEMA camps? Is the Government getting ready to round us up? Well, being that The recent outbreak of Zika virus in Brazil is now being linked to genetically modified mosquitoes developed by the British biotech company Oxitec, which is funded by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation. This may seem to be the most plausible explanation. But also let us not forget ties Bill Gates has…

Oxitec has been releasing the genetically modified Aedes mosquitoes into the wild in Brazil since 2011 to battle dengue fever. The company produces up two million genetically modified mosquitoes a week in its factory in Campinas, Brazil.

Bill Gates. Suspicious? How about the Rockefeller’s? The laboratory selling of the Zika Virus with year of origin as 1947 by The Rockefeller Fundation… ( http://www.atcc.org/Products/All/VR-84.aspx?slp=1&geo_country=us#history )

Fear is what “they” want. Yes, take precautions, but don’t be afraid. Don’t let the Governments around the world scare you. No matter the reason for this possible “pandemic”, stay calm, pay attention to what’s going on around your local city or town, and be vigilant to what the Government is doing on U.S. soil. I can almost guarantee it’s unconstitutional..

Chris Parker, Why All The Secrecy 4 Comments [2/4/2016 2:36:28 PM]
Fundie Index: 3

Quote# 116565


People we need to wake up. I know its easier to go about your normal daily routines when you feel all safe and cozy behind the shield of a protective government, but the fact is with every shield comes a sword and now that sword is pointed at you. The Imperial Presidency of Barack Obama far exceeds past episodes of constitutional overreach by previous Presidents. President Obama has shown an astounding lack of respect for the U.S. Constitution, the other branches of government, and the American people. If he wants it to happen, he is quick to use executive power. With attempts on gun laws and using executive power to institute Martial Law in non wartime situations. Local and state Police are being militarized right under our noses. When asked “why”, the response is the cities are getting more dangerous and the illegal weapons are getting stronger. The weapons are actually less deadly now than they were in the mob era, Tommy guns, fully automatic machine guns, and explosives were commonly used and the police were able to take control of the situation with shotguns and revolvers.
They didn’t need a tank to handle the situation. new1The truth is the U.S. government is trying to get you comfortable seeing the military on the corner. AR-15s in the hands of soldiers on your suburban street. Now we have military exercises such as JADE HELM taking place all over the country. On NON military, NON federal, and NON government owned land, and they expect us to not question why all of the sudden the military is performing exercises on U.S. soil for the first time. Testing to see if special forces can move through a populated city unknown to capture a so called high priority subject. Would that not be the job of local or state police, even FBI, but not military. While there are many different compelling theories as to the real reasons behind Jade Helm, the most likely theory put forward so far is that the government has realized the need to increase training for a martial law scenario in America due to some sort of impending collapse or civil unrest. Some theories point to the large number of FEMA camps popping up all over the world as a sign a government takeover is already under way as you are reading this article. The beliefs that the sudden closure of Walmart stores are in plans to be used as detention centers. Then we dug up that Walmart had received at least 1 billion in government subsidies and now more than 230 Walmart stores will play this video at select checkout lanes. In the coming weeks, a total of 588 stores will show the video featuring Secretary Napolitano reminding shoppers to contact local law enforcement to report suspicious activity. “Homeland security starts with hometown security, and each of us plays a critical role in keeping our country and communities safe” the Secretary said today, adding “I applaud Walmart for joining the ‘If You See Something, Say Something’ campaign. This partnership will help millions of shoppers across the nation identify and report indicators of terrorism, crime and other threats to law enforcement authorities.” So why is Walmart playing videos from Homeland Security? Who owns FEMA? The answer would be the department of Homeland Security. Personally I am not a fan of coincidence. Obama has put the plans for Martial Law in place. The exercises have been and are still ongoing. Civil War is inevitable. Prepare yourselves, fight back. Keep your protest and demonstrations legal but when the put you against a wall FIGHT for your Constitutional rights by any means. Remember when they violate the constitution, rebellion is not only legal it’s a responsibility. War is coming. To our armed forces we know there is a resistance within, we just hope and ask when the fight breaks out we hope you stand on the right side. The side of the American citizens, not the side of tyranny.

Shain, Why All The Secrecy 8 Comments [2/4/2016 2:36:21 PM]
Fundie Index: 4

Quote# 116564

Zika: The CDC is the medical CIA

Its agents run global covert ops

The virus hunters

While I was writing my first book in 1987, AIDS INC., I spoke with a media rep at the US Centers for Disease Control (CDC). After a bit of wrangling, he told me what I wanted to know: the CDC sends certain people to Langley for CIA training, and when they come back they have advanced security clearances.

This melded nicely with what I was learning about the CDC’s little-known Epidemic Intelligence Service (EIS). Right off the top, I can tell you they create disinformation on a scale that must make the CIA jealous.

Graduates of this EIS program, as proudly stated by the CDC, have gone on to occupy key positions in the overall medical cartel: Surgeons General; CDC directors; medical school deans and professors; medical foundation executives; drug-company and insurance executives; state health officials; medical editors and reporters in media outlets.

It’s a loyal insider’s club. They collaborate to float prime-cut, A-number-one cover stories of extraordinary dimensions. They invent medical reality out of thin air.

Here is a brief excerpt from the CDC’s website, “50 Years of the Epidemic Intelligence Service”:

“In 1951, EIS was established by CDC following the start of the Korean War as an early-warning system against biologic warfare and man-made epidemics. EIS officers selected for 2-year field assignments were primarily medical doctors and other health professionals…who focused on infectious disease outbreaks. EIS has expanded to include a range of public health professionals, such as postdoctoral scientists in statistics, epidemiology, microbiology, anthropology, sociology, and behavioral sciences. Since 1951, approximately 2500 EIS officers have responded to requests for epidemiologic assistance within the United States and throughout the world. Each year, EIS officers are involved in several hundred investigations of disease and injury problems, enabling CDC and its public health partners to make recommendations to improve the public’s health and safety.” (italics added)

Several hundred investigations a year. An unparalleled opportunity to shape the truth into propaganda. Control of information about disease. Control out in the field, where EIS agents rush to the scene of “outbreaks,” all the way through the hallowed halls of academia, into the press, into Big Pharma, into the government.

When I say control of information, I mean disinformation. That’s what the EIS is for. They’ve never met a virus they didn’t love, and if they couldn’t find one, they pretended they did.

They front for the medical cartel. And they provide cover for the crimes of mega-corporations. There’s a town where poverty-stricken people are dying, because horrendous pesticides are running into the water supply and soil? No, it’s a virus. There’s a hotel where the plumbing is broken and human waste is getting into all the bathrooms, and they want this hotel to be the epicenter of a new epidemic? No, it isn’t the plumbing, it’s a novel virus never seen before by man. There’s a section of a city where the industrial pollution is driving people over the edge into immune-system failure? No, it’s a virus.

And here’s the capper. Their propaganda is so good most of the EIS people believe it themselves. You don’t achieve that kind of robotic servitude without intense brainwashing. The first installment of the mind-control program is called medical school.

The EIS would have you believe the whole world is being attacked by viruses, all the time. That’s their mission.

Here is the data you need to know. I’ll try to boil it down. To even begin to say a particular virus might be causing a disease, you have to remove diseased tissue from many humans with the same symptoms, put the tissue samples under an electron microscope and see a whole lot of that particular virus, not just one or two stragglers. This procedure is rarely done. The tests that are used widely, the antibody and PCR tests, are worthless for this purpose. I have provided details in other articles (see this “zika” one).

Finding what might be a particular virus in a few people doesn’t cut it. Which is exactly what happened in the 2003 SARS “epidemic,” for example. Ten closed labs did all the original research. They emerged with what they called a coronavirus as the cause of SARS. However, in Canada, as the weeks passed, fewer and fewer diagnosed SARS patients showed any sign of the virus. It was all a ruse, a con.

Researchers are trained to think that possibly finding a virus in a few patients allows a conclusion that the virus is causing the disease. This is utter nonsense.

In the case of Zika, as I wrote in a recent piece, Brazilian researchers have just gone off the reservation and decided to revisit their own original findings. So far, they’ve only been able to confirm six cases of microcephaly (small heads, brain impairment) where the Zika virus is present. Six. The whole thing is turning out to be ridiculous.

The Brazil op has several dimensions. I’ll point out one here. The Zika virus, as in other cases, will be strongly linked to global warming (yet another example of bereft “science”). This tune will be sung: mosquitoes that carry disease are expanding their territory because of warming, and therefore people who once considered themselves safe from these “exotic” viruses will fall ill and die. Bottom line: to limit warming, the planet must adopt cap and trade, carbon taxes (and lower energy production). This is the Globalist agenda. It is intended to drive countries deeper into misery, debt, and chaos—thus making it easier to install a wider and wider global management system.

And this line of psy-op and propaganda begins with the virus hunters of the EIS. They control and own the chokepoint of disease research. They blow up their scanty findings into ex-cathedra pronouncements.

And of course, this strengthens the vaccine establishment because, for every virus, there must be a vaccine: the shot in the arm, loaded with toxic chemicals and a variety of germs.

The EIS. The CDC’s band of brothers. The medical CIA.

Jon Rappoport, Jon Rappoport'sBlog 3 Comments [2/4/2016 2:36:16 PM]
Fundie Index: 2

Quote# 116545

California is drying up because evil satanic Jewish zionists want to depopulate through starvation. They want to start ww3 and make lots of money off the lives of billions of people.

Joe Eigo, Instagram 16 Comments [2/4/2016 4:07:12 AM]
Fundie Index: 2

Quote# 116536

[Responding to a TV documentary saying that Robin Hood never existed]

I sent a complaint and got the usual spurious answer.

They don’t call it a program for nothing do they, as they are programming our children’s minds with a re-written and air brushed English history.

Can you imagine CITV air-brushing folklore heroes from Indian, Scottish, Polish, Irish and Pakistani history? No of course not as this insult of re-writing and airbrushing history to commit cultural cleansing as part of genocide is only aimed at the English.

I will complain again... join me by sending a message to [email protected]

My message goes like this...

Email Title: CITV Prove It! Series 2 - Test The Truth “Some people say that Robin Hood was a real man...”

How dare you put on trial an English folklore hero? Can I imagine CITV air-brushing folklore heroes from Indian, Scottish, Polish, Irish and Pakistani history? No of course not as this insult of re-writing and airbrushing history to commit cultural cleansing as part of genocide is only aimed at the English.

You know exactly what you are doing and so do the English public and we will not put up with this sick brainwashing cleansing of our children.

I demand an apology and the program being deleted from existence.

Lee Ingram, Facebook 14 Comments [2/3/2016 4:23:11 AM]
Fundie Index: 6

Quote# 116524

Vaccines are dangerous, that's why the drug manufacturers don't want to be held liable, why do you think this was created?http://www.hrsa.gov/vaccinecompensation/index.html

Why aren't the big Pharma Companies just as liable for the effects of their products as I am liable for my actions that bring harm to others? How do they rate exemption from liability for the death and destruction their vaccine shots cause? Oh I forgot, cuz we are stupid and they have lots of money to foist pro-vaccine propaganda on the world.

Dennis Wright, CNN Money 8 Comments [2/3/2016 4:08:21 AM]
Fundie Index: 1
Submitted By: TimeToTurn

Quote# 116523

I admire your persistence but you are far too well-informed, insightful, logical and rational to be posting here. Those debating you have been swilling the Kool-Aid for so long it's doubtful they'll ever realize what's really happening; that is, just how powerful the ultra-wealthy really are (the 1% of the world's population that owns 99% of its wealth). The doctor who made the connection between autism (ASD) and vaccines (which is just one of their dangers) lost his license not due to incompetence but because those in power own, among other key industries, what cliche' loving automatons call "Big Pharma" and the largest media outlets (who broadcast the news they want us to hear). Ruining that British doctor/researcher was key to perpetuation of the illusion that vaccines are miracle-working drugs that have saved humans from myriad diseases, etc. The fact that, for example, the House of Rothschild is still one of the world's largest international bank and still, as it has for centuries, sets the price of gold every day in London, and does so with the blessing and assistance of their peer families (e.g. Rockefeller) is neither conspiracy nor theory (as you undoubtedly know). It's just the way it is but good luck successfully explaining that to someone who gets his/her news only from CNN, MSNBC, FOX, et al. (And, I'm almost certain that negative responses to this post will, at best be insults; usually making reference to tin foil hats etc. That's all they have because refuting the truth can't be done anyway.

[second post]

And, I'm almost certain that negative responses to this post will, at best, be insults; usually making reference to tin foil hats etc. That's all some people have because refuting the truth can't be done anyway. You won't read a single genuine refutation of the grip those populating the top of the pyramid have on the planet. You won't read a single rebuttal to the mounds of anecdotal evidence provided by the unfortunate parents whose babies have been brain damaged by vaccines. I happen to work in an industry that has brought me into contact with more of these families than I care to recall. Anyway, instead of beginning their "inquiries" without preconceived ideas and with some objectivity, they'll do what so many "sheeple" do: continue denying obvious truth in order to embrace lies because believing the lies feels a lot better. They don't want to believe that their governments are shams, their leaders are shills and puppets and that whatever their "government" may be, the welfare of the people whom it has subjugated is the lowest of its priorities. (They may want to consult, for example, the survivors of Hurricane Katrina for verification of this claim.) Anyway, they, and most of the rest of the world, will continue to grope for answers to the problems we face. They will scour everywhere except where the answer lies and in fact, ridicule those who dare mention the answer. Divorced from God, we can do nothing right and instead we invite calamity. Yet that truth, not only is sans any political correctness, mostly it serves to rouse the demons of those who have pitted themselves against God and His Christ. Anyway, time for me to go so you can read the derision (troll, Jesus-freak, tin foil hat wearing...etc. etc. etc.) that usually follows a post having too many "truth bombs"; another interesting phrase that's now popular though not anywhere close to my personal favorite: "common sense". Years ago it was...now it's more like "extraordinary brilliance". Best regards...bye for now.

yopni kov, CNN Money 8 Comments [2/3/2016 4:08:16 AM]
Fundie Index: 2
Submitted By: TimeToTurn

Quote# 116518

Concerning matter, we have been all wrong. What we have called matter is energy, whose vibration has been so lowered as to be perceptible to the senses. There is no matter.”
-Albert Einstein
According to 'Good Reads' or wherever it came from.




I was considered "crazy" or like that by some of my enemies that I am open minded to question our current beliefs.

I'm a person who is open to the questioning of our beliefs. So I went to theorize or accepted the theory or somehow both and be open minded with spirituality, with many possibilities (even the types of people that hate that idea), even openly suggesting that it could mean 'this' or 'that' and they went like:

This is why I love being awake. XD

And by the way, how is 'New Age' bulls***? Oh right some of you believe that it is because of what others feel about it right?
In reality, some 'new age' stuff actually makes a lot of sense, and has a lot of good points and scientific things on some parts, etc.
Though I am not clear on what 'New Age' means, but I think those who find it "bull****" are the ones who can't get out of there comfort zone.

Oh and by the way, I was attacked for believing this kind of stuff.

Don't ever depend on popular belief just because it's a lot of people/just because it's popular.

wwwarea, deviantart 5 Comments [2/3/2016 4:07:17 AM]
Fundie Index: 4

Quote# 116517

remember fighting with a guy who thinks he/she knows everything about realms, reincarnation, multiverse, and maybe more. Apparently this person is a bigot and thinks he/she knows everything. Example: I explain why anything (Even any fiction we know today) can be real under certain reasons and the person said something like: "You can turn anything you want in the realms, or so, but not this or that.." And the person just says that because of the rabid emotional bigotry emotions this person has.

Anyway, I found a really stupid stamp that claims "You were never a -name- in your paste life!" (It did not exactly said that maybe) and it was pretty stupid.
Worst of all it was part of that rabid anti-wolfaboo group; attempting to make people who believes in reincarnation and past lives as another animal as "rabid".

Well sorry to burst your all "knowing" mind bubble, but you do not know anyone's past life.
I wouldn't argue things as "fact" just because I said so, but this is obviously true. YOU DON'T KNOW ANYONE'S PAST LIFE.
The only one who is doing the "because I said so" is the guy who thinks he/she knows the afterlife, the before life, realms, dimensions, multiverse, and maybe more.
It's quite possible that if a past life exist, then it's VERY possible that you were an animal in a past life some time.

Humans are animals too, and no animal on this planet (Including us) has a special difference in our nature.

Now of course, we probably don't even know if we had a past life, but under the theory that we had past lives, you do not know anyone's past life.
And it might be possible for people to remember their own.

Heck, life it's self could be an illusion, and Otherkin too could be possible in spiritual terms.

wwwarea, deviantart 28 Comments [2/2/2016 3:46:45 PM]
Fundie Index: 5

Quote# 116516

The term 'mental illnesses' is very unscientific it's self and I think we need to stop using that term.

Again, I am NOT saying people who suffer really bad should not get help.
Helping others lead out of depression has often worked, but again, the label 'mental illnesses' has lead to a bunch of bullshit too, has called simple natural things like "depressions" as a real sickness and have did unnecessary acts with it.

We label many personalities as "disorders", and other simple things as that. Either just because sometimes you can get depressed with it, or just for being different it's self.

And I was once told that having a natural feeling such as jealously over a fictional character was considered a mental "illness".
(Take a look at this conversation I've had.)
NOTE: I am not sure if this is the same thing as putting someone's name on here. I don't usually do that, but I linked to a conversation because a lot of other stamps did it.

Anyway, I think anyone can get depressed. It's a natural response. Anxiety is natural response, it's just part of a basic system in us.
But the society system has been making very unfair labels over even the most simple responses that are not so much.

I do NOT like getting anxiety and I do not like being depressed, but at the same time, I don't want to label that some kind of "illness". It's just part of our brains, of who we are.


That's my rant. I hope a lot of those understand what I'm saying.

I do not mean to offend, but I just find the labeling really unfair and unusual.

Also when I was writing this, I may have noticed that it could of been referring to people with MAJOR depression.
Well honestly, I still do not believe it's an illness because major depression can still have a reasonable reason.. Blame the things that cause major depression, not the person. And yes, I think I was in some major depression to.. While I do not enjoy it, I also do not enjoy that bullshit label being put over me because I was majorly depressed.
If I was frown upon for opening up by everyone in the world, I would be majorly depressed too, but again, that's a natural response that anyone can get. And it's not my fault I got that major depression. Blame society.

Again, when it comes to the ones who has suffered so much, with anxiety, to even self harm and suicide (another self harm?), that's very sad and that's concerning, but I still think we can do better than making up terms and labels out in the open like that.
We should still help those people, and we need to be more tolerate toward people, but I find the label it's self not only unfair, but it's probably just going to make more people depressed and those already depressed, more depressed.

wwwarea, deviantart 6 Comments [2/2/2016 3:46:28 PM]
Fundie Index: 3

Quote# 116514

Flat earth going mainstream: something big is on the way

While I'm convinced that the earth is flat, I'm now starting to think that TPTB are involved with making FE go mainstream.

First it was tweets from C list celebrities (Tila Tequila and B.O.B). Then then they got Neil Degrasse Tyson to "debunk" it with rap and comedy (How very "scientiific"). The point of this is to get more people talking about FE.

I dont believe that FE Theory was revived because some no name author in Thailand released an ebook, or because some amateurs released some poorly edited videos on youtube. The FE "revolution" is being controlled by TPTB.

I think perhaps TPTB is letting flat earth truth out to achieve a greater goal. The question is what it is.

Anonymous Coward, Godlike Productions 9 Comments [2/2/2016 3:46:06 PM]
Fundie Index: 3
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