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Quote# 143394

In a vision, Jesus took me to Hell. It was like a terrible, life-changing accident. You know how when an accident happens, you keep replaying over in your mind what you could have done differently? I have replayed August 28th over and over at least 1,000 times, if not more. “Oh God, what did I do wrong? Why did this happen to me?”

Because I have looked at this “accident” so much, I know many little details that have been etched into my memory. Many of them are unimportant, but I have memorized them nonetheless. I have looked for every little decision or detail that resulted in the worst day of my entire life—and possibly the most life-giving day for myself.

It is important to note that what I share here all happened instantly. It wasn’t an orderly progression, but I’ve tried to lay it out in an orderly fashion here.

How it Began
I worked for the evangelism department at the International House of Prayer, now called the Kansas City Evangelists’ Fellowship (KCEF). That morning we were in our weekly two-hour evangelism meeting.

As the meeting began with worship, I was standing at the back of the room. Before I can enter into worship in a heart-connect way, let alone in spirit and truth (see John 4:24), I have to tell my body, You will worship God. So that day I raised my hands to God and I sung loudly to Him. I engaged my mind to worship Jesus by contemplating the beauty of His love and the magnificence of His dying on the Cross for me. I let my emotions worship Him, which allows my heart to open to Him.

The worship leader was helping us pray for our lost family members, friends, neighbors, and co-workers. To really get a sustained heart for lost people, I have found I have to make it personal. I have to truly think about what it would be like for my lost family members to not make it to Heaven. When we think about someone we love not being in Heaven, it creates a real sadness and if we think about it long enough, it creates a desperation. These thoughts allow us to identify with a real emotion for the people we love. Because it’s such a negative emotion to experience, most people don’t go there. Evangelists are willing to expose their hearts to let God’s truth and urgency shape us. We don’t like the down emotion either, but by allowing it we become more tenderized to the eternal truth for lost souls. Then, sharing about Jesus becomes essential and very personal.

As we sang an evangelistic song, I felt the presence of holiness come into the room. The song gripped me and just seemed to add to the excitement I already felt. The music was captivating and took me to what I will call a worship place. The feeling in the room was the same as other times that I had been invited to come away with the Lord to visit Heaven. I knew I was being invited to go in the spirit. The holiness had come for me. I said, “Yes."

Transported to Hell
Then, all of a sudden, the front of the room opened up. I instantly opened my eyes and saw the transformation as it happened. The Hell realm unlocked and I heard massive gates creak open and I felt extreme heat enter the room. I looked with my eyes wide open and I saw Hell through the gates. I saw it! I was shocked that it was right there. Wasn’t it supposed to be in the center of the earth or below us? To say I panicked is an understatement!

Worship and prayer continued around me. The people were oblivious that Hell was at the front of the room. I watched those ominous gates open as I watched the people worshiping. The two places, the meeting room and Hell were together.

I frantically looked to see who might help me. The others didn’t see the gates, hear that sound, or feel the heat. Instinctively, I started screaming. I felt the sound of fear coming from my own body. I knew that my spirit was being demanded to submit. As I screamed, my spirit was also making a sound that deeply hurt my heart and brain while it also panicked every blood cell in my body.

Something came flying past the gates of Hell. It was coming for me. It was like an arm without fingers that grabbed me and sucked me into Hell. The arm was very powerful. It was attached to me like a suction cup in the area of my chest and began dragging me further into Hell. As quickly as it shot out from Hell, it just as quickly moved back. I tried to pull back and break the hold it had on me but it was too powerful.

Before I could blink, I knew this—it was too late. The gates slammed shut with a terrible sound of finality. I knew there was no man on this side or that who could ever open those gates. Only Jesus could because He owns Hell.

Inside the Gates
I passed through gates that trapped the darkness inside. The first thing I knew when I got there: I was in Hell. The realization that I was in Hell was unquestionably shocking and beyond hurtful! I don’t know how to explain just how panicked I was, although you may understand a bit if you’ve ever been lost.

It was like that but more dire. I was like a child and I had no plan. I panicked like no other panic I have ever experienced in my entire life. In fact, I knew that if I could add up every panic I have ever felt, it didn’t come close to what I was experiencing.

Someone said to me, “Laurie, you are in Hell!”

“Oh my God!” I answered.

I knew many things all at once. As I break them down to explain each one individually, it gives the false appearance that it was a slow progressive onslaught. But everything was immediate. For the sake of explanation, I knew three things first—I was in Hell, eternally, for unforgiveness.

Once the understanding of the judgment arrived in my heart there were four distinct pains:

Water—Immediately, all the water left my body, creating a desperate, painful need.
Bone marrow—In an instant my bones turned black.
Breath—The first breath allowed fire to touch everything in me and be carried throughout my body.
Agreement—Agreeing with the judgement that Hell is where I belonged removed my humanity.
Before that day, I had not studied much about Hell. I believed it was real because I believe the whole Bible is true, but I didn’t think that anybody like me would ever go there. I also knew about the Bible’s stance on unforgiveness. Although I knew, it was just easier to hold on to unforgiveness. I mean, with time, unforgiveness had become part of me. I would never have thought unforgiveness could take a person to Hell. My view was swiftly changed.

A Relational Problem
In Hell, I knew and understood the Bible perfectly. Every word of God that I had ever read was now completely clear. And I knew exactly how much I had disobeyed in comparison to my biblical understanding. I was keenly aware of everything about myself and my body. Stuff like my blood moving, my eyes seeing, and how all parts of my body work. I have never been in such awe of the creation of a human body. Everything I learned in eighth grade science I recalled perfectly. But even more, a supernatural knowledge filled in the blanks that I did not already know.

My knowledge about Hell, from the Scriptures, was also at the front of my awareness. I knew that everything I had read was true. All heartbreakingly true. I knew all of the scriptures on Hell, how much information was provided to me in the Bible about it, and how those scriptures fit with the rest of the Bible. I was fully awakened to the terrible reality of this place. The panic of knowing that I was in Hell grew. I was not a visitor.

I understood that Hell is a relational issue, not a problem to solve like a math question. A person cannot get out of Hell if they acquire the right answer. Hell was created because of a relational issue. One of the most important things I knew is that Hell wasn’t created because of human sin and we don’t go to Hell because of one particular sin. We all have sinned (see Rom. 3:23). This isn’t just a sin issue. It is a relational issue. Because of the Devil and his disobedience, disrespect, and disregard of God, Hell was created.

We think someone goes to Hell because they sinned, but really it is about disobeying and disrespecting God. The Bible says, “Kiss the Son, lest He be angry, and you perish in the way” (Ps. 2:12). That kiss is about love, affection, and obedience. We think that because people mess up, God sends them to Hell. But that is not true. How can we think God is bad? People go to Hell because they refuse to be in a relationship with God. Hell is about a refusal to love God and have a relationship with Him.

Although God literally forgave me everything, I chose to refuse to forgive certain ones. I was like the unmerciful servant in one of Jesus’ parables (see Matt. 18:21-35). When the servant refused to forgive the debt and stood before the king again, he was called wicked. It wasn’t because he simply made a mistake; it was because he wouldn’t enter into the relationship of mercy and grace and obedience to the King. It wasn’t only about what a person does; it is all about who they are in their heart.

Laurie Ditto, Destiny Image 8 Comments [4/24/2019 7:56:14 AM]
Fundie Index: 6

Quote# 143393

No, it doesn’t have anything to do, directly, with the ex-wives of gays. But one can extrapolate a LOT about the mentality of the “gay rights” movement, which reflects very directly on the attitude directed toward women (especially We The Ex-Wives) and the attitude that any method of control is acceptable because, after all, no one else matters.

Robert Oscar Lopez wrote an article in which he used his experiences and observations as a young man raised by his mother and her lesbian partner to defend the recent sociological study by Mark Regnerus which outlines the problems of children growing up in same-sex, gay households. That article is entitled “Growing Up with Two Moms: The Untold Children’s View,” and it’s here, for your reading pleasure. Or angst – there is always the risk of pain when we enter these territories.

Well, Lopez has taken a veritable verbal beating from the gay community for having the integrity to stand up and publicly state, “I bear significant scars as a consequence of being raised by two lesbians.” This demonstrates a great deal about the overall, militant disposition of the gay community at large, which we need to be aware of — especially those of us who are still raising children.

Lopez’s further response , and further reflections on the inherently violent, take-no-prisoners tactics of the gay movement, is the immediately recommended article which appeared here this week in American Thinker.

Violent? That guy who shot the security guard at the conservative, Christian-based Family Research Council in Washington, yesterday, was angry and resentful over the FRC’s opposition to gay marriage.

I earnestly urge you to read both articles. Take them to your lawyer if you’re still engaged in custody battle. Take them to your children’s pediatricians and clinical psychologists –

And, if I may be so nosy and bossy and presumptuous, if you don’t get a supportive response from either of those professionals, you might want to read the writing on the wall and recognize that these people have bought into the lies that the gays are promoting in order to further their agenda. That is, they are more concerned with promoting the party politic than with protecting your child – and do not deserve your patronage any longer. You need, and are worthy of (I hate the phrase, “you’re entitled…”) professional services that help you protect your children and minimize the trauma and confusion that comes of having a gay parent.

The risk is real: I did not understand what I was up against when DH and I divorced. I did not believe he would ever be so ungodly… and to this day, he insists to our daughters that his being gay had nothing to do with our divorce, and our older daughter is now very much a heterosexual, “fag hag” gay activist of sorts – at least, a very vocal proponent of gay rights, and an utterly miserable woman.

Personal experience biasing my vision? Possible. But if it happened to me, you are not immune.

Think about it. And God bless you.

Laura Lowder , Surviving the Rainbow 8 Comments [4/24/2019 7:56:11 AM]
Fundie Index: 6

Quote# 143392

From Drag Queen Story Hours to surreptitious school indoctrination to open promotion of public policy changes — even masquerading as a normal children’s activity — our children are in danger.

We work so hard to protect our children from perversion and exploitation — and that is not an easy job when our gay spouse is actively in the lifestyle and exposing our children to God only knows what — and the whole of official public culture is going utterly mad and trying to exploit them, too.

It feels like something out of a weird dystopian novel, but this is the world we live in. Don’t be in denial. Be savvy. It’s time to be ready to engage in activism. Write letters to local, state, and federal representatives protesting the victimization of our children. Refuse to take “No” for an answer.

Any business that promotes the LGBT-P agenda, boycott. Any public place hosting an event, organize a protest, a prayer vigil. Visit your children’s schools. Contact your state representative and express your concern that children should be protected from unwholesome premature sexualization.

Be prepared for a vigorous fight.

Laura Lowder, Surviving the Rainbow 7 Comments [4/24/2019 7:56:06 AM]
Fundie Index: 5

Quote# 143390

The hype around measles is scaremongering, pure and simple. I have read in the media that New York City is banning unvaccinated people from public places. I don’t know if that’s true or not (I live in New Zealand so only know what I read in the media and we all know that’s not always the truth) but if it is, that’s incredibly scary and a violation of our human rights!!

Statistically, the death rate of measles is 1 or 2 every 1000 cases of measles. That’s a pretty low death rate.

Statistically, the rate of hospitalisation due to complications is 10%. 8% of these make a full recovery, 2% have permanent damage (deafness, most often).

And the cause of death isn’t ‘measles’ but a complication of it – and it’s the vulnerable (old, very young, ill, immune-compromised etc.) who are at risk. Normal, strong, healthy kids are most likely to recover from measles quickly and easily, with a lifelong immunity. This immunity also passes to newborn babies through breastmilk, providing protection for at least 7 months (if baby is fully breastfed) – the length of time that baby is most vulnerable to measles. The same immunity is not passed on if the mother has been vaccinated against it.
Isn’t that incredible? The way God has designed our bodies so we mums can give our precious babies immunity when they’re at their most vulnerable?

KAK, The Transformed Wife 10 Comments [4/24/2019 7:55:53 AM]
Fundie Index: 7

Quote# 143389




Lady Checkmate:
Their goal is to legalize Christophobia. They want to impede on the religious rights of others. While they are entitled to their rights, they should understand that we are entitled to our rights and their rights do not override anyone else's rights. There are bakeries, flower shops, venues, bed & breakfasts, photographers, etc. on every corner. If they stop stalking and harassing Christians and move on with their lives, they won't encounter any issues with Christians. They will still have to answer to God for their lifestyle choices, but not to us here on this earth. The problem is they hate Christians with a murderous hatred and want to persecute and harass Christians and force us into participating in things that conflict with our religious beliefs. That is wrong and unacceptable. If they want to rebel against God, that is their decision. We should not be forced to rebel against God for any reason. We want our rights just as much as they want their rights, if not more.

Amos Moses:
the court ... in its arrogance .... still think they get to trump God and decide ..... it has no bearing on the truth ..............

Lady Checkmate:


Lady Checkmate:
I love and respect all people, not necessarily their behavior, but I care for the person. And, I agree that everyone should have equal rights; however, anything that is a choice and can change is not a civil right. There are people who once lived a homosexual lifestyle and have since stopped and are now living a heterosexual lifestyle. Clearly, that shows that it's a choice and therefore not a civil right. I love and respect homosexuals enough to share the Truth with them. They are in my prayers as I pray God's will for their lives.

Amos Moses/Lady Checkmate, Disqus - News Network 13 Comments [4/24/2019 7:55:50 AM]
Fundie Index: 4
Submitted By: Jocasta

Quote# 143388

Homosexual agenda Donald Trump is not worthy to shine the shoes of Ted Cruz's father, who suffered while living in Communist Cuba, a good man who has told THE TRUTH about the homosexual agenda and Communism (MP4 you can download and save or share) being forced upon Americans! Senator Cruz' father opens people's eyes to the truth—the truth that the true agenda behind “homosexual rights” and forcing the lies of Evolution upon children, is all about the government gaining control over its citizens!

Joseph Goebbels (1897-1945), Hitler's Nazi Propaganda Minister

Jesus warned in Matthew 12:25 that a house divided cannot stand. It is not a coincidence that Americans are divided on everything today, which the ungodly media keeps going. Much of the homosexual agenda is built on a house of cards, and it doesn't take much to blow it over! Americans need to speak up and stand up, besides throwing up, over the homosexual agenda! It is wrong to go along to get along with ungodly people! Psalms 1:1-2, “Blessed is the man that walketh not in the counsel of the ungodly, nor standeth in the way of sinners, nor sitteth in the seat of the scornful. But his delight is in the law of the LORD; and in his law doth he meditate day and night.” If you love Jesus and fear God, then you are upset about the homosexual agenda as I am! I CARE!

Hitler's ungodly minister of propaganda, Joseph Goebbels, truthfully stated:

“If you tell a lie big enough and keep repeating it, people will eventually come to believe it. The lie can be maintained only for such time as the State can shield the people from the political, economic and/or military consequences of the lie. It thus becomes vitally important for the State to use all of its powers to repress dissent, for the truth is the mortal enemy of the lie, and thus by extension, the truth is the greatest enemy of the State.”

SOURCE: Nazi propaganda minister, Joseph Goebbels.

Ladies and gentleman, that is EXACTLY what is happening today in America today! The ungodly media are the sole reason why the homosexual agenda is working. If it were not for the ruthless media, homosexuals would be the outcasts of society and NO ONE would respect, honor nor receive them! Why should we? Homosexuals are perverts! It got out in the news a few years ago in England, that singer Elton John's “marriage” is a sham, and that Elton and his “partner” are actually having sex with hundreds of men in wild parties! The media very quickly killed the story! Hearing that sickening story didn't surprise me one bit, because 28% of queers admit to having had sex with more than 1,000 partners!!! ...

Bell and Weinberg reported evidence of widespread sexual compulsion among homosexual men. 83% of the homosexual men surveyed estimated they had had sex with 50 or more partners in their lifetime, 43% estimated they had sex with 500 or more partners; 28% with 1,000 or more partners.

SOURCE: Homosexualities: A Study Of Diversity Between Men And Women; Bell and Weinberg, page 308; ©1978.

Only in a facade of freedom, in a decadent society of tolerance of all manner of idolatry, covetousness, filth, evil and wrongdoing, can such wickedness as homosexuality thrive and even be given legal protections. This is the ugly TRUTH that the ungodly media has withheld from the American people. Have you ever noticed that Hollywood and the media always portray homosexuals by using two young attractive men with harming personalities, or two beautiful women with beautiful women with likable personalities? It is a deception. The ungodly liberals are trying to deceive you into thinking that homosexuality is a beautiful thing. Folks, never forget that the Devil is a beautiful liar! Never call “good” what God calls vile, sinful and an abomination!

David J. Stewart, Jesus is Savior 16 Comments [4/24/2019 7:55:45 AM]
Fundie Index: 7

Quote# 143387

Avoid intellect, logic when it comes to Islam, Perak mufti tells Cabinet

KUALA LUMPUR, Aug 4 — Tan Sri Harussani Zakaria reminded federal ministers yesterday against issuing statements based on logic and intellect when it comes to Islam, claiming that the intellect is influenced by desires and subsequently susceptible to the devil.

In a report carried by Malay daily Sinar Harian, the Perak mufti also warned Muslim ministers against deriding and belittling Islamic laws, as they risk breaching their oath of loyalty that was made in the name of Allah.

“I advise them not to go overboard. Islam is based on faith… Don’t make any remarks based on the intellect or logic because they are laws of Allah,” Harussani said.

“The intellect is governed by desires and it is influence by shaitan (satan). Don’t be ruled by desires and rudderless comments,” he added, using the name of the Devil in Islamic lore.

Harussani said Muslim ministers, deputy ministers and state executive councillors have all taken their oaths in front of the Agong or a sultan, and sworn with the name of Allah to defend the Constitution.

“The Constitution states that the Islam is the religion of the federation. Therefore, they cannot deride and belittle Allah’s rules. If not, then it means they have breached their oaths,” added the mufti.

Harussani made his remarks when asked by Sinar to comment on newly-appointed Minister in the Prime Minister’s Department Datuk Azalina Othman, who commented on the country’s censorship laws which she said had stunted the creative industry.

Azalina had said that the Film Censorship Board needs to relax its guidelines against banning intimate physical contact between Muslim male and female actors, since they were only acting out their roles.

Her remark has since enraged Islamic groups, including independent preacher Datuk Mohd Kazim Elias who urged her to “repent”.

Azalina was appointed as the chairman of the National Film Development Corporation on June 2, but stepped down last week following her appointment to the Cabinet.

She was also picked as the minister in charge of parliamentary affairs, replacing Datuk Seri Shahidan Kassim.

Harussani Zakaria, Malay Mail 7 Comments [4/24/2019 7:55:41 AM]
Fundie Index: 6

Quote# 143386

Perak Mufti outraged over CoA decision on out-of-wedlock name

KUALA LUMPUR, July 28 ? Tan Sri Harussani Zakaria was outraged that the Court of Appeal had yesterday rejected a fatwa, and ruled that a child conceived out of wedlock may bear the father's name.

The Perak mufti also cautioned Muslims, saying that Islamic laws still apply and must be obeyed by adherents although they have been rejected by “worldly” laws.

“Islamic laws remain Islamic laws, it is obligatory for all Muslims to obey, although worldly laws have rejected them,” Harussani was quoted saying by Islamist portal Ismaweb.

“What has the court decided? Why is it opposed to the Constitution? It has already been decided by a fatwa, why didn’t the court follow the fatwa ruling?”

Harussani insisted that Islamic laws must be followed, especially when it involves Muslims, because the faith is the religion of the federation.

In 2003, the National Fatwa Committee declared that a child conceived out of wedlock (“Anak Tak Sah Taraf”) cannot carry the name (“tidak boleh dinasabkan”) of the person who claims to be the father of the child, if the child was born less than six months of the marriage.

Yesterday, Justice Datuk Abdul Rahman Sebli reportedly asserted that the National Registration Department (NRD) director-general is a civil officer and that he is bound under civil law, meaning the NRD should have referred to Section 13A (2) of the Births and Deaths Registration Act for any decisions relating to a child's surname.

The ruling could effectively allow all Muslim children born out of wedlock to finally bear their father's name.

In making the court ruling, Justice Abdul Rahman said the NRD director-general is not obligated to apply, let alone to be bound by a fatwa issued by a religious body such as the National Fatwa Committee

In response, pro-Shariah Bill group Ummah was reported by Ismaweb in a separate article as downplaying the decision, saying that the relevant section only applies to surnames and not patronyms.

“The section refers to surname, if available, for families that practise the use of family names. Meanwhile, the practice among Muslims in Malaysia of using ‘bin’ or ‘binti’ with the name of the father may not fall under the Section 13A(2),” said Aminuddin Yahaya, its chief and the deputy president of Islamist group Ikatan Muslimin Malaysia (Isma).

The NRD and government have since filed for a leave application to appeal the decision, a move that was welcomed by Aminuddin.

“Considering the legal issue involving lineage has an effect that goes over the administration of Shariah laws at state level, Ummah urges Islamic councils at all states to help untangle the issue by applying to be interveners in the appeal.

“Arguments and input from authoritative religious parties will help the court to give a more holistic decision, for justice’s sake,” he said.

Harussani Zakaria, Malay Mail 3 Comments [4/24/2019 7:55:36 AM]
Fundie Index: 4
Submitted By: Bedhead

Quote# 143385

Writing, reading Quran in languages other than Arabic is prohibited, says Harussani

PUTRAJAYA: Writing and reading the Quran in languages other than Arabic is prohibited.

In a statement issued by the Quran Printing, Control and Licensing Board (LPPPQ), its chairman Tan Sri Harussani Zakaria said this was because the text of the Quran in other languages not accompanied by the Arabic text could not be considered as Quran.

He said such an act was punishable under the Printing of Quran Text Act (APTQ) 1986 and the Printing Presses and Publications Act 1984.

Harussani, who is also the mufti of Perak, was commenting on the “Let’s Read The Quran” campaign to write and read the Quran in other languages, besides Arabic.

Harussani said as the body responsible for the monitoring of the printing, publication and import of Quran texts under APTQ 1986, the LPPPQ viewed the campaign seriously.

He said the board together with the respective state Islamic religious authorities would take stern action to stop the movement and campaign.

Harussani said Quran which had been translated into other languages for the benefit of those who did not understanding Arabic could not be considered Quranic texts but were “translations of the Quran” or “interpretations of the Quran.”

Translations of the Quran which were not accompanied by the original text in Arabic were prohibited as it was feared they could cause confusion, he added.

Harussani Zakaria, New Straits Times 6 Comments [4/24/2019 7:55:32 AM]
Fundie Index: 4
Submitted By: Bedhead

Quote# 143384

Grandmothers? What’s the Evolutionary Use?
In an evolutionary worldview, human grandmothers are a bit of a puzzle. In most animal species, females do not survive long after their childbearing years have ended. Human females, however, can and often do survive for decades after menopause, the hormonal change which concludes their childbearing years at around age 50. Studies such as the one mentioned below apply an evolutionary worldview in an attempt to explain what (or in this case, who) we see around us.

In this worldview, organisms are generally only helpful to the continued survival and evolution of the species if they can reproduce. Once an organism can no longer reproduce, it is merely taking up space and resources that could go towards either the reproducing or young members of the species. So why would evolution favor human grandmothers? Our life span should have evolved to be shorter, especially for women since, unlike men, there is a defined ending to their ability to reproduce. That is the evolutionary problem with grandmothers.

There Must Be an Evolutionary Explanation of Why Grandmothers Exist!
Defying evolutionary beliefs, grandparents have existed throughout recorded human history, and since we must have an evolutionary justification story for everything, the researchers of a new study have woven together an explanation with a slight twist.1 To be fair, this paper is looking specifically at how distance affected the “grandmother hypothesis,” which has been around at least since 2004. And that hypothesis was built upon “explaining old age by natural selection” in papers going back to at least 1966.2

In a nutshell, the “grandmother hypothesis” postulates that post-reproductive life spans are selected for in older women because grandmothers “gain inclusive fitness benefits by helping their daughters and grandchildren.”3 But in this new study, the authors looked at the distance between their mothers and their daughters to determine if there was a correlation. By looking over detailed church records from Quebec, Canada, in an age (1608–1799) where travel was much more difficult, they discovered slightly overall positive effects of the presence of the (grand)mother living in close proximity when her daughter was giving birth at a younger age and the number of offspring born, as well as lower chances of infant mortality.4 They also found that distance did affect the benefits, with grandmothers who lived over 50 km (31 miles) away providing severely decreased benefit to the mother or grandchildren, suggesting that geographic distance may constrain the ability of the mothers to help their daughters (and grandchildren), resulting in a decrease in fitness benefits with distance.5 But the authors admit that the evolutionary explanation is still elusive.

The question of why prolonged PRLS [post-reproductive life span] has evolved remains unanswered. Evolutionary pathways to prolonged PRLS have yet to be supported. Future research should apply quantitative genetic analyses to test evolutionary genetic hypotheses and assess the relative importance of PRLS hypotheses. The indirect fitness benefits accrued by grandmothers in our study support the proposition that the grandmother hypothesis can, in part, explain PRLS.6

In other words, from an evolutionary perspective, they cannot explain why women live long past their child-bearing years. Although the study mentioned above did find a positive correlation, it was slight and could just as readily be explained as a result of religion and community (French-speaking, Catholic, founder settler population initially). If evolutionary biologists were to be consistent with their evolutionary paradigm, it would seem that the expenditure of community resources on non-reproductive members would outweigh or at least even out the “babysitter benefits.”

Indeed, when one takes the evolutionary worldview to its logical conclusion, it becomes evident that euthanasia is the natural consequence. Euthanasia, typically defined as the intentional ending of the life of someone who is suffering, is increasingly being broadened to include those who are simply very elderly. In the evolutionary worldview that has increasingly permeated Western culture for over 150 years, this makes sense. Clear out the elderly so resources can be freed up for younger, healthier, and more productive persons.

Avery Foley and Troy Lacey, Answers in Genesis 14 Comments [4/24/2019 7:53:11 AM]
Fundie Index: 7

Quote# 143383

Maybe Hilter has less crimes than Darwin.

Jesusmary, Christian News Network 17 Comments [4/24/2019 7:52:59 AM]
Fundie Index: 7
Submitted By: Bob J

Quote# 143382

Society performs at its best whenever people believeth upon the Lord Jesus Christ. Society collapses when people falter from Him! People insist upon following their wicked vices, and end up consuming strong drink and engaging in fornication and pornography, and listen to vapid music that honoreth not Christ! Taylor Swift is selling young teenagers salacious and obscene “music” about fornication and infidelity in relationships and glorification of drunkenness and homosexuality. Wicked people create video games that people play for days and don’t read their Bible! Halo and Grand Theft Auto and Animal Crossing are all heinous and sinful games that promote murder, a life of crime, and bestiality, respectively.

Steven R., SimplyChristian 13 Comments [4/24/2019 7:52:46 AM]
Fundie Index: 4

Quote# 143375

Homosexual Missouri teacher charged with hiring hitman to kill male student, 10, who he allegedly molested: report

(Note: Original headline was "Missouri Teacher Charged with...")

Link to Fox News story here: https://www.foxnews.com/us/missouri-teacher-charged-with-hiring-hitman-to-kill-student-10-who-he-allegedly-molested-report

A Missouri teacher is accused of hiring a hitman to kill a 10-year-old boy he allegedly molested.

Deonte Taylor, 36, and his boyfriend Michael Johnson, 66, pleaded not guilty to multiple charges in a St. Louis court on Wednesday, KSDK reported.

Lady Checkmate, Disqus - News Network 7 Comments [4/24/2019 7:52:18 AM]
Fundie Index: 3
Submitted By: Jocasta

Quote# 143377

If I knew without a shadow of a doubt that God wanted me to kill my child for any reason, I most certainly would. I love God with all my being. He rescued me from everything in life. Yes, God is all-knowing, but He wanted to test Abraham's faith through it. He knew beforehand that Abraham was willing, but Abraham did not know before. God puts trials in the lives of every single human being to draw them closer to Him. It may not seem like it most times, but I guarantee it has a purpose. God did really love Abraham too. He loves every single living thing on this planet because HE made it, and molded it after His own image.

Abby Austin, Quora 27 Comments [4/22/2019 1:33:32 PM]
Fundie Index: 13
Submitted By: Denizen

Quote# 143374

The French revolution murdered tens of thousands of people. Many of them were priests -- even priests who had supported the revolution fell to The Terror. But they knew enough to not destroy Notre Dame.

In 1944, Adolf Hilter wanted Paris burned as his forces were driven out.

The military, however, knew better, and did nothing. If they had burned Paris to the ground, they feared that their lives would be forfeit. Considering the conclusion of the war, it was a smart play on their part. The Nazis knew not to destroy Notre Dame.

Modern day is not so smart.

2019 has seen a rash of destruction of Catholic churches throughout France. It's countrywide.

There are only two real culprits.

The first is the same people from 1792. I don't care if you call them Robespierre or "Occupy" or whatever form the commie bastards are choosing this week, they're all the same pricks. They're anti-theist, they're nasty, and they have no qualms about destroying the past to further their agenda. In fact, the destruction of the past and the Church itself is part of their plan for success.

The second group of the usual suspects .... is exactly who you're thinking they are. If you're one of the few people who can't guess, some hints.

They like destroying other people's iconography (like big Buddhist statues)
They're responsible for trashing parts of Germany (like Hamburg on New Year's)
They've gotten a free pass in Europe for years because to arrest them for their crimes would be "racist against migrants."

That's right! The Amish!

No, of course not. I kid. I mean the Jews.

Oh, did I say that out loud? Sorry. I've been listening to Congresswoman Omar lately.

I meant Muslims.


Look at that blaze and you tell me that went from zero to sixty before the fire department could reach them, and you tell me with a straight face that it's not arson. Given how many churches have been trashed this year alone in France, to ask me to consider that it's NOT arson is an insult to my intelligence.

To the people who did this, I ask that you read these books [Amazon link to his novels] and learn what your fate will be. You want to play by these rules? I war gamed the outcome.

Whoever did this will burn. We know the French are too cowardly to arrest the real perps (with luck, they'll have a quiet accident).

But that's what Hell is for.

Declan Finn, A Pius Geek 24 Comments [4/22/2019 1:30:23 PM]
Fundie Index: 12

Quote# 143369

Why Incels Would Be Good Soldiers

incels dislike/hate society. if it ever came to a war in which incels would fight against society the incels would have better soldiers because they have the hatred within them.
incels often have nothing/not much to live for so they could charge into battle without the fear of death. kamikaze pilots could also easily be found or lets say suicide soldierd like bombers would easily be found.

combine the hatred of society with the lack of fearing death and a weapon and you get the perfect soldier.

good thing is in todays war you dont need to be strong or athletic anymore. you just need to use and handle guns right.

GoonCel, incels.co 34 Comments [4/21/2019 12:49:25 PM]
Fundie Index: 8
Submitted By: Pharaoh Bastethotep

Quote# 143366

Extreme Easter: Flogging, crucifixions in Philippines

SAN FERNANDO, April 19 — Hundreds of barefoot men beat themselves with flails and at least 10 were to be nailed onto crosses throughout Good Friday in a blood-soaked display of religious fervour in the Philippines.

Frowned upon by the Church, the ritual crucifixions and self-flagellation are extreme affirmations of faith performed every Easter in Asia’s Catholic outpost.

Barefoot men wearing crowns of twigs walked silently on the side of a village road in the scorching tropical heat of the northern Philippines, flogging their backs with bamboo strips tied to a length of rope.

While many of the 80 million Filipino Catholics spend Good Friday at church or with family, others go to these extreme lengths to atone for sins or seek divine intervention in a spectacle that has become a major tourist attraction.

“This is a religious vow. I will do this every year for as long as I am able,” 38-year-old truck driver Resty David, who has been self-flagellating for half his life at his village in the northern Philippines, told AFP.

He said he also hoped it would convince God to cure his cancer-stricken brother.

Blood and sweat soaked through the penitents’ pants with some spectators grimacing with each strike of the lash.

Some hid behind their companions to avoid the splatter of gore and ripped flesh.

Many in the crowds had driven for hours to witness the frenzied climax of the day’s gory spectacle, when believers allow themselves to be nailed to crosses in a re-enactment the crucifixion of Jesus Christ.

“I’m a little bit overwhelmed. It’s very intense, I haven’t expected something like this,” German tourist Annika Ehlers, 24, told AFP.

Ehlers said she had witnessed the first of 10 scheduled crucifixions during the day in villages around the city of San Fernando, about 70km north of Manila.

Eight-centimetre spikes are driven through both the man’s hands and feet before the wooden cross is raised briefly for the crowds to see. After that the nails are pulled out and he is given medical treatment.

The Church says the faithful should spend Lent in quiet prayer and reflection.

“The crucifixion and death of Jesus are more than enough to redeem humanity from the effects of sins. They are once in a lifetime events that need not be repeated,” Catholic Bishops’ Conference of the Philippines official Father Jerome Secillano said.

“Holy Week.... is not the time to showcase man’s propensity for entertainment and Pharisaical tendencies,” he added.

Nearly 80 per cent of people in the Philippines are Catholic, a legacy of the nation’s 300 years of Spanish colonial rule that ended at the turn of the 20th century. — AFP

Some Filipino Catholics, Malay Mail 9 Comments [4/21/2019 12:49:17 PM]
Fundie Index: 5
Submitted By: Bedhead

Quote# 143365

Crow, Egg and Humble Pie

(A frustrated-looking Elizabeth Warren, dressed as Pocahontas, is trying to wring out substance from pages of the Mueller report.
Assorted pages on the ground read “nada”, “goose egg” and “zip”.)

Mick Williams:
It's over, Lizzie. Just like your presidential campaign

Mick Williams, Disqus - Faith & Religion 18 Comments [4/21/2019 12:49:16 PM]
Fundie Index: 4
Submitted By: Jocasta

Quote# 143364

Human beings are wired for worship. If social pressure discourages worshiping God, those with less fortitude will worship trees, rocks, or even plastic figurines.

Religious identity was the engine that built the West, and it's still a major motivating force elsewhere in the world. What has happened in the American Empire is that Christian identity has shattered, and the pieces have been scattered throughout various hobbies.

Which was precisely what the main players in the Enlightenment wanted--to reduce religion to a hobby indulged in the home with no effect on public life.

People had hobbies back when the Church was allowed to matter. The sane ones didn't let their hobbies consume their identities. You might've liked gardening or stamp collecting, but you largely kept it to yourself outside the company of fellow hobbyists or unless asked.

The proper order of faith and entertainment has been inverted. Honk. Honk.

To see how people's identities have gotten mixed up in their hobbies, take a quick glance at the 'gate controversies popping up among various fandoms on a more or less daily basis. #GamerGate was the big one, but it failed due to infiltration by controlled opposition and exploitation by online grifters.

It's telling that every subsequent fandom revolt has enjoyed a brief honeymoon period before skipping straight to the "milked by grifters" stage. "If a man loses faith in God, he doesn't believe nothing, he'll believe anything," is illustrative here.

Few now can imagine--by design--a time when popular culture wasn't partitioned into myriad fractured fandoms. Sure, people had different tastes, but there were cultural touchstones everybody shared, and more of them.

Everybody tuned in to The Shadow. Everybody read Edgar Rice Burroughs. Everybody saw Gone with the Wind.

But a people with a shared culture and a strong identity is hard to conquer, so universal popular culture had to go. Fandom was the murder weapon used to kill Western culture.


Fortunately, there are creators laboring to forge new culture in the tradition of our ancestors. For a refreshing take on the mecha genre that clears away all the stale cliche cobwebs, check out my new martial thriller Combat Frame XSeed.

Brian Niemeier, Kairos 24 Comments [4/21/2019 12:49:14 PM]
Fundie Index: 10

Quote# 143362

(=This is only the start of a long tiraid he goes off against dozens of other people=)

Martin Yirrell: No one is a Gay Christian.

GMaccy101: Seriously, find something more worthwhile to do with your time and leave Vicky alone.

Martin Yirrell: There can be nothing more worthwhile than warning the sinner of the peril they are in.

GMaccy101: We shall not agree so best if you go and find some other people to be more positive with.

Martin Yirrell: You don't think my comment is positive, it is at the heart of the gospel.

GMaccy101: If that is your gospel, it's not love as far as I'm concerned. Look at the hurt you are causing. Now, go and spread some love somewhere else.

Martin Yirrell: Is it not love to warn sinners of the peril they are in and point them to the only answer?
It is not love to accept their sin and say nothing about it.
The surgeon's knife causes pain but in the long term heals.

maartenw #FBPE: No surgeon would remove Cataracts from your eyes if he was suffering from the same condition. You are infected with the same disease so no, you have no right to judge. Take the Plank out of your own eye first

Martin Yirrell: Try reading the rest of Matthew 7. And should I not warn those in mortal danger of their danger?

maartenw #FBPE: Nope you're so full of your own sin you don't even know what sin is. All you have is your own highly unreliable interpretation of the bible. Furthermore this isn't about warning others. You do this because it feeds your pride and makes you feel better about yourself.

Martin Yirrell: Actually it's a fairly plain statement:
Beware of false prophets, who come to you in sheep's clothing but inwardly are ravenous wolves. (Matthew 7:15 [ESV])
Clearly you didn't bother reading the rest of Matthew 7.

Larry McCauley: It's self-indulgence dressed up as concern. Love doesn't harass or uselessly re-open wounds. As for sin...sin is a choice. Being gay is not. As far as condemnation goes; God is love & all encompassing. What is all-encompassing can have no opposite.

Martin Yirrell: Being 'gay' is simply a choice to behave in a sexually immoral way. God is three persons, not an all encompassing force.

Martin Yirrell: Try to stop using potty language like a seven year old.

Crispin: Martin, whatever profound mental issues you have that cause this obsession with other people's sexuality, I urge you not to inflict them on this person you don't know. Or anyone for that matter. Keep your warped head to yourself.

Gerry: That passage..Basically says no one will inhenrit the kingdom... He who is without blame, cast the first stone..

Martin Yirrell: Actually it doesn't, because it goes on to say that Christians are washed from such sin.

Gerry: But that means ALL Christians, including gays

Martin Yirrell: There are no gays.


Martin Yirrell: They are just sexual sinners in need of salvation.

Gerry: #Corinthians 13-'faith, hope and love. But the greatest of these is love.' #Celebrate #Rejoice, don't reject

Martin Yirrell: Homosexuality is not about love, it's about lust.

Martin Yirrell, Twitter 8 Comments [4/21/2019 12:49:09 PM]
Fundie Index: 5
Submitted By: CC

Quote# 143361

evidence for the resurrection

It’s Easter time once again! A Sunday that marks the single most pivotal point of Christianity. If you want to prove Christianity is a hoax, all you must do is illustrate how the resurrection was a facade. It is absolutely essential to our salvation that Christ conquered death, for if Jesus Christ did not rise from the dead our hope is lost. 1 Corinthians 15:14 likewise states, “And if Christ has not been raised, then our preaching is in vain and your faith is in vain.” Without the resurrection our belief is baseless, futile, unfounded, and foolish. So why is it we believe such an outlandish claim could actually happen, superseding the natural laws of earth? Here’s a few reasons…

The Bible is the most historically accurate ancient text in the world — When discussing the validity of history, it’s only reasonable to reference your source that has proven most reliable. The Bible is that source. No other record of ancient history has come CLOSE to matching the reliability of the Bible. If we say the Bible is untrustworthy, we must discard every other historical record as well because the Bible vastly surpasses every test of authenticity as no other book does. More on that here and here.

Yes, Jesus really died - Many people start off with the dispute that maybe Jesus wasn’t really dead. However, that neglects both the historical and circumstancial context. The Romans were masters at execution. They knew how to draw out suffering to the finest line between death and life, make it last for days on end. This was their art form. These men were proficient and practiced. Jesus was tortured, whipped with a scourge that often exposed bone and vital organs, tearing flesh from a body. Many people didn’t survive that alone. He was forced to carry a cross that could have weight up to 300lbs, and he crumpled under the weight, unable to bear it. Nails were driven through his wrist and through both his feet. Make note he would be unable to walk from the pain in his feet, his hands would be rendered useless. The way you hang on a cross causes death by asphyxiation, to breathe you had to push your self up with means grating your torn back against the wood and putting more pressure on the holes ripping your limbs. After Jesus died they speared his side to make certain he was dead and fluid came pouring out. The Romans checked thoroughly to make sure he was dead because they were shocked he died so quickly. He was bloated, swollen, and gored by death on a cross. Even if for arguments sake, Jesus was not yet dead, being in a tomb for three days would indisputably see to that. If blood loss didn’t kill him, infection certainly would. Additionally, Luke, one of eyewitnesses who recorded the events, was a doctor so his perspective is a notably authoritative one. (Luke 23-24).

The tomb was empty - There is no possible way Jesus, weakened to the point where the Roman masters of execution called his death, unable to use his hands or feet due to the spikes pounded into them, was able to roll away a MASSIVE boulder and over power two trained and able-bodied Roman soldiers. The idea that Jesus didn’t fully die on the cross and escaped the tomb is absurd. Furthermore, the guards stationed to prevent anyone from robbing the tomb and the Roman seal on the two-ton rock ensured that anyone who dared to even attempt to move it faced the death penalty themselves. If the guards themselves fell asleep they faced the same fate. There was a LOT at stake if Jesus’ body was taken, the Romans were taking no chances. Every other argument for the absence of Jesus’ body can quickly be dismantled by historical context and the circumstances by which these things took place.

It was prophesied - Isaiah talks about the particular circumstances of Jesus death, such as no bones would be broken, an unusual anomaly when it came to crucifixion. Jesus himself also foretells that he will rise within three days. Even smaller details like casting lots for His garments were spoken of hundreds of years before Jesus was born. Other prophesies like this show that Jesus’ death was no accident, God knew what He was doing. (Isaiah 52:13-53:12; John 18-20)

Eyewitness accounts - Jesus appeared to over 500 people after His resurrection, many of whom were alive at the time of the gospels being written and therefore could confirm or dispute their accuracy (1 Corinthians 15:6) Among those include the disciples, Mary Magdalene, and Paul the former murderer of Christians. The Bible records accounts of skeptism and unbelief, but they saw the scars on his hands, touched his solid flesh before them, heard his familiar voice, and they believed because of it. Paul became that which he initially DESPISED because of his encounter with Jesus Christ, that alone is a mind-blowing testimony. The man who hunted and killed Christians became a Christian who was willing to be tortured and killed because he so strongly believed in the saving death and resurrection of Jesus Christ.

The apostles went from hiding in extreme fear to preaching the gospel in the face of deadly persecution - When Jesus died the apostles went into hiding. They were TERRIFIED that the Romans, the other Jews, would come after them next. Yet, after Jesus appears, they’re fearlessly preaching the gospel out in open crowds of THOUSANDS. It’s a dramatic switch of perspective. To go from quivering fear to such emboldened confidence, surely seeing Jesus standing risen before you would give you that kind of intrepidation. There is little else to explain how these men were suddenly ready to risk everything after being afraid to admit they ever knew Jesus just days before.

Apostles willing to die for Jesus - Now some people say the apostles stole the body of Jesus to convince people to turn to Christianity. The Bible says that lie was started by the Romans in order to discredit the apostles. However, almost all of the apolstles died for preaching the gospel, and all of them were severely persecuted. Why would they exchange their lives, their health, their reputation, their livelihoods, their comfort for something they knew was a lie? It simply makes no sense. The only logical conclusion is that they believed Jesus was the resurrected Christ.

Appearing to a woman first was a dumb move - The testimony of a woman would not be as respected as than of a man in those times. If Jesus’ resurrection was a ruse, the logical thing to do would be to claim he was seen by a male dignitary of noble standing, not a woman who had been previously possessed by demons - a social blemish (Luke 8:2). “Unflattering” facts like this, the cowardis of the apolstles, their initial skeptism, not recognizing Jesus right away, etc. lend to the credit of the account because it demonstrates an accurate retelling, not a fabrication that was crafted to deceptively sway the masses into false belief.

Vision, hallucination unlikely due to number of witnesses and circumstances - Jesus didn’t appear to two people and then go back to Heaven. He appeared to over 500 in all sorts of different locations. People who weren’t looking for him, people who didn’t believe it was Him until they had proof. Proof so certain that they were no longer afraid, they were filled with unextinguishable hope. We must also realize the historical context of the time in which it took place. It’s much easier to fabricate this kind of illusion today with the technology and way by which we pass on information. The time period in which the resurrection took place adds merit that should not be ignored. News was circulated in a manner that was unique to our present day process.

Non-Christian historians record the resurrection - Josephus, a renowned secular historian at the time of Jesus’ death, writes, “On the third day He appeared… restored to life.” It should be noted there are many who debate the reliability of Josephus’ words regarding the resurrection, however, many historians find this evidence to support the Bible’s claims.

The persecution of the early church - Under Nero’s reign the early church suffered some of the most violent persecution, not to mention the Jewish leaders who also sought to kill the Christians. The steadfast resolve of a Church who was in its infant stage is astounding. The only explanation is that they all genuinely believed in the resurrection. They had nothing to gain and everything to lose by preaching the gospel, yet they did so freely despite the cost. If Christianity was based on a lie, it should have been easy to crush it as it was beginning. The fact that the force of the entire Roman Empire wasn’t enough to sway their devotion is incredible. The whole of the known world tried to annihilate Christianity in the cradle but couldn’t.

It is the accumulation of evidence that begs cause for belief - It is not for one singular reason that we believe Jesus rose from the dead, but rather the combined evidence that demands an explanation% that only the Bible provides. The proven accuracy of the Bible, the eyewitnesses details; the historical records of Jesus walking, eating, alive; the unexplainable absence in the tomb despite all efforts to seal it; the prophesies fulfilled; the change in people’s lives, the martyrs, the flourishing of the church in the face of persecution. It all points back to Jesus rising from the dead as the only reasonable explanation. The Bible consistently presents answers to questions the world has no answer for.

More comprehensive analysis and sources
Within these sources you’ll find more Biblical references, breaking down arguments and evidence, and quotes from some of the world’s finest minds and historians.

* The Resurrection of Christ: The Best Proved Fact in History
* Resurrection: No Doubt About It
* Biblical and Extra-Biblical Evidences
* Is the Resurrection True?
* Atheist’s Look at the Resurrection

Still got questions/comments? Shoot me an ask! I don’t usually reply to comments on long posts, but I’d certainly love to talk!

thescienceofapologetics, Tumblr 12 Comments [4/21/2019 12:49:03 PM]
Fundie Index: 4

Quote# 143359

(=After Notre Dam caught fire=)

Guglielmo Marinaro: It is a tragedy that this beautiful cathedral, in which people have been worshipping God for centuries, has been so seriously damaged.

Martin: I doubt they ever worshipped God there, and they ejected the true believers from their land long ago.

Martin, Archbishop Cranmer 5 Comments [4/21/2019 12:48:49 PM]
Fundie Index: 4
Submitted By: CC

Quote# 143358

I was in a grocery store the other day, and heard in the news (over their store radio) that the ungodly American company Netflix is booming in profits, adding 9,000,000 new subscribers. Netflix already has 139 million subscribers! Do you think the Luciferian powers behind the subversion of America aren't going to exploit such an opportunity to corrupt families? You better believe it! Netflix is guilty of promoting hardcore pornography, homosexuality and all manner of filth and ungodliness! Netflix is like looking in a dumpster for a good meal. As an American, born in 1967 and growing up as part of our ungodly American culture, I have seen firsthand the degeneration of our nation.

My father wisely taught me as a boy in the 1970's, that although sin is more open in public among black people, white people are equally as sinful, their sins are just more hidden. We are all sinners! I think my father was wise for explaining people that way. We are all woeful sinners! White people are just as sinful as black people, but their sins are more hidden. This is especially true of Freemasons and the Luciferian elite! Since the sexual revolution of the 1960's, we have gradually witnessed sin become open in American society, and we are today seeing the damage done by our acceptance and tolerance of sin! The abundance and type of crimes that we hear about in the daily news is disturbing! Proverbs 14:34, “Righteousness exalteth a nation: but sin is a reproach to any people.”

The Devil is no doubt extremely pleased with the invention of the television. It is hard to believe that there were no household televisions (or HELLivisions) a hundred years ago! In 1946 only 6,000 American households owned a Tv, but that numbered soared to 22,000,000 Tv's by 1952! Technology has always been a double-edge sword, allowing man to travel further down the road he was already on. Man is evil, not technology! It is critically important for Christian believers to understand the Satanic agenda behind television, and how the Luciferian elite are intentionally using it to destroy families.

David J. Stewart, Jesus is Precious 22 Comments [4/21/2019 12:48:47 PM]
Fundie Index: 6

Quote# 143357

Trump has been doing the agenda of God, has he not? Pr o life, anti gay "rights", recognizing Israel, destroying Isis, rebuilding economy etc?

Yeshua1, BaptistBoard 10 Comments [4/21/2019 12:48:44 PM]
Fundie Index: 7

Quote# 143356

Does It Matter? Jason Lisle sets the record straight.

Does it really matter what we as Christians believe about the Biblical account of creation? Some Christians are plagued by this question. Others ignore it in hopes it will “just go away.” Regardless of what where you stand on the question, the answer has profound impact.

In a recent article, William Lane Craig, a prominent Christian apologist addressed this question with the following:

“I think that [Young Earth Creationism] YEC as a scientific hypothesis is quite hopeless….But YEC as a hermeneutical hypothesis is quite another matter. I want to approach the text with an open mind, despite the terrifying prospect that YEC might actually be correct as a hermeneutical hypothesis. In that case, we would face some very hard choices. Given YEC’s failure as a scientific hypothesis, we should have to conclude that the Bible teaches scientific error and therefore revise our doctrine of inspiration to accommodate this fact. That is a route one would prefer not to take.” (emphasis added)

Craig reveals the essential struggle with any old-earth view applied to Scripture – it impacts the hermeneutic. What we believe and know from God’s Word and from the creation regarding God’s self-revelation is either negatively or positively impacted by what we believe concerning the creation.

Dr. Jason Lisle offers an exceptional response to William Lane Craig. While giving an exceptional point-by-point refutation of the thinking that elevates human reason over Biblical revelation with regard to knowing what is true, Dr. Lisle points out the necessity that both our scientific and Biblical hermeneutic must agree. What we know from science depends on the fact that the Bible is true.

“But the method of science is itself predicated upon the literal truth of Scripture, starting with an historical Genesis. Namely, our expectation that there are patterns to be found in nature is justified by the biblical revelation that God has imposed order on creation (Genesis 1) and upholds all reality by the Word of His power (Hebrews 1:3), in a consistent way with discoverable cycles (Genesis 8:22). Our expectation that our senses can reliably inform us about nature is founded on the biblical historical fact that God created our senses (Proverbs 20:12). Our presupposition that our own reasoning ability has at least some capacity to distinguish truth from error makes sense only in light of the Genesis historical fact that people are made in God’s image (Genesis 1:26-27). Science is only justified if the Bible – including biblical creation – is true.”

Read all of Jason Lisle’s response. You will be blessed and encouraged.

Additionally, you may wish to view the presentation by Dr. Ronald Marks, Does It Matter?

Dr. Jason Lisle, Creation Study Group 8 Comments [4/21/2019 12:48:42 PM]
Fundie Index: 6
Submitted By: Christopher
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