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Quote# 142848

This was a really good Testimony of God's unconditional love and faithfulness.
I too have been set free from the homosexual life style. I don't even have same sex attractions. It's a freeing feeling to not be harassed by that ugly, twisted spirit. I really Thank God everyday. I know who I am in HIM. HIS DAUGHTER.

Julia Vank, Watermark 5 Comments [3/17/2019 9:42:43 AM]
Fundie Index: 6
Submitted By: CC

Quote# 142846

The Differences Between Heterosexual and Homosexual Relationships

Sometimes you hear gays or lesbians say, “We’re just like anybody else. We have two kids, a dog, a mortgage, and we worry about the economy. We just don’t want anybody telling us who we can love.” My friend Brady, who used to be part of that gay sub-culture, calls the homosexual lifestyle “a façade of normalcy.” And it is only a façade.

Consider the huge variance in the stability of relationships. Despite a high divorce rate, 57% of heterosexual marriages last over twenty years.{5} The average length of homosexual relationships is two to three years.{6} Only 5% of them last 20 years.{7}

And consider the issue of promiscuity. In heterosexual marriages, over three-fourths of the men and 88% of the women remain faithful to their marriage vows.{8} Most sexually active gay men are promiscuous, engaging hundreds of sexual partners over a lifetime.{9}

The concept of a committed relationship is very different for the two groups. Most heterosexual couples are faithful and stable. When homosexual men are in what they call a “committed” relationship, this usually includes three to five outside partners each year.{10} Rev. Troy Perry, founder of the Metropolitan Community Church, told the Dallas Morning News, “Monogamy is not a word the gay community uses. . . . We talk about fidelity. That means you live in a loving, caring, honest relationship with your partner. Because we can’t marry, we have people with widely varying opinions as to what that means. Some would say that committed couples could have multiple sexual partners as long as there’s no deception. Each couple has to decide.”{11}

In Holland, which legalized gay marriage in 2001, the average is eight outside partners.{12} One study of gay men who had been together for over five years could not find one single monogamous relationship.{13} Not one!

Women in lesbian relationships often stay together not because they want to, but because they’re stuck financially and emotionally. “I heard one speaker say at a Love Won Out conference, “We don’t have partners, we have prisoners.” Of course, that’s not universally true, but over the years of walking toward Jesus with women who were no longer in lesbian partnerships, I have heard over and over, “We didn’t know how to do life apart from each other.”

Heterosexuals live longer, happier lives. Sexually active homosexual men live a dangerous and destructive lifestyle. They are at huge risk for contracting AIDS, and run a much higher risk of sexually transmitted diseases than straight men. The gay community experiences three times more alcoholism and drug abuse,{14} and much more promiscuity and domestic violence than the straight world.{15} Gay men can expect to live twenty years less than their straight neighbors.{16}

And finally, a home with a mom and a dad is the best possible place for children. Homosexual parents put kids at risk. The American College of Pediatrics discovered that children raised by gay parents tend to be more dissatisfied with their own gender, suffer a greater rate of molestation in the family, have homosexual experiences more often, and are encouraged to experiment in dangerous, destructive lifestyle choices.{17}

Please hear me: We’re commenting on the extremely high-risk behavior that is part and parcel of a homosexual lifestyle. That’s not the same thing as condemning the people who engage in it. A homosexual lifestyle is a façade of normalcy, but it can be changed.

Answering Arguments for Same Sex Marriage

Let’s look at several arguments being offered for same sex marriage.

The first is that marriage will encourage faithfulness and stability in volatile homosexual relationships. But the nature of homosexual and lesbian relationships is broken to begin with. Two broken people will not create a whole, healthy relationship. The best description I’ve ever heard of same sex relationships is “one broken little boy looking for his daddy, connecting with another broken little boy, looking for his daddy.” And the same is true of women. Neither a marriage license, nor the approval of society, can fix the nature of a relationship that is irretrievably broken at its core.

Another argument is that we need same sex marriage to insure hospital visitation. But it’s the patient who decides. If he appoints his partner as a health-care proxy, even if he’s in a coma that document will insure access to the hospital. We don’t need marriage for that. It’s a smokescreen.

A third argument is that we need same sex marriage to insure survivorship benefits. But that’s what a will is for. You don’t need marriage for that.

Some say that we need same sex marriage for Social Security benefits. This is an interesting argument, since Social Security benefits were created to address the financial inequity of father as breadwinner and mother as stay-at-home caregiver. Homosexual relationships are usually two-incomes. It’s very rare to have one stay-at-home caregiver of the kids, since homosexual relationships do not and cannot produce children naturally. When they do, they are borrowing from God’s plan for creating families.

Then there’s the discrimination argument. There are really two issues that fall under this argument: denied liberties and denied benefits.

Concerning the issue of denying the liberty to marry, this argument doesn’t hold water. Any person can marry whoever he or she pleases, with certain restrictions that are true for everyone. You can’t marry a child, a close blood relative, a person who is already married, or a person of the same sex. These restrictions apply equally to everyone; there is no discrimination here. The problem is, some people don’t like the restrictions.

True discrimination functions against an unchangeable identity, such as gender or color. Homosexuality is a lifestyle, a chosen behavior. Even sexual orientation is changeable. It’s not easy, but it is possible.

The other issue of discrimination is denied benefits. But benefits are granted to families because society has an interest in providing a safe place for children to grow up and be nurtured. So the government provides child-oriented benefits such as inheritance rights and tax relief to ease the financial burden of children. Insurance policies and Social Security benefits provide for the money gap between wage-earner and caregiver. These benefits are inherent to families. The essence of marriage is about building families. Homosexual relationships cannot build families legitimately. They have to borrow from heterosexual relationships or technology to create children.

Sue Bohlin, Probe 13 Comments [3/17/2019 9:42:35 AM]
Fundie Index: 7

Quote# 142845

Sue Bohlin takes a look at the arguments for same sex marriage and finds them lacking from a Christian, biblical worldview perspective. She explains that those pushing for same sex marriage have redefined it into something it never was and was never intended to be.

What’s Marriage For?

In any discussion on same sex marriage, we need to start at the beginning: What is marriage is for, anyway? Marriage begins a family. The family is the basic building block of society. It has always been this way from Adam and Eve down to today.

Man did not invent marriage; God did. He invented and ordained marriage as the foundation for all human society when He gave Eve to Adam and pronounced them man and wife. Marriage is one of those institutions that is found in every human culture. Across the globe and across the ages, marriage has always been defined the same way: one man and one woman in a committed relationship, providing a safe place to bear and raise children. I would suggest that since this pattern for marriage applies to all cultures and all times, this indicates that God is its inventor and creator. It’s such an intrinsic part of the way we relate to each other that even those who have lost track of the story of the true God (the non-Judeo-Christian cultures) still practice marriage according to the pattern God designed: one man and one woman in a committed relationship, providing a safe place to bear and raise children.

God has woven “marriage into human nature so that it serves two primary purposes throughout all societies.”{1} The first is the way men and women were created to complement each other. Marriage balances the strengths and weaknesses of masculinity and femininity. Women help civilize men and channel their sexual energy in productive rather than destructive ways. Men protect and provide for women—and any children they produce together.

Marriage is built on a basic building block of humanity—that we exist as male and female. The strong benefit of marriage as God intended it is that males and females are designed with profound and wonderful differences, and these differences are coordinated in marriage so that each contributes what the other lacks.{2}

The second purpose of marriage is producing, protecting, and providing for children. Marriage ensures that children have the benefits of both mother and father. Each gender makes a unique and important contribution to children’s development and emotional health, and marriage provides the best possible environment for children to thrive as they enjoy the benefits of masculinity and femininity.

Those who are pushing for same sex marriage don’t see marriage this way. They seek to redefine it as a way to get society’s stamp of approval on their sexual and emotional relationships, and a way to secure financial and other benefits. Both of these reasons are about the adults, not about children. Both reasons are driven by the philosophy of “How can I get what I want? How can I be happy?” It’s a very self-centered movement.

Many homosexuals want the right to marry only because it confers society’s ultimate stamp of approval on a sexual relationship—not because they want to participate in the institution of marriage.

Why Same Sex Relationships Are Wrong

Let’s look at several reasons (though not an exhaustive list by any means) that same sex relationships are wrong.

First, homosexuality is an attempt to meet legitimate needs in illegitimate, ungodly ways. We all have God-given heart hungers to feel loved and known and validated—to feel that we matter. God intends for us to have those needs met first by our parents and then by our peers, but sometimes something goes wrong. People find themselves walking around with a gaping, aching hole in their souls, longing to make the connections that didn’t happen when they were supposed to, earlier in their lives. From both the women and the men that I know who are dealing with unwanted homosexuality, I hear the same thing: “I just want to be held, I just want to be known, I just want to be special to someone.” But turning to homosexual or lesbian relationships to get those needs met is not God’s intention for us.

Second, same sex relationships are outside of (and fall far short of) God’s created intention for sex. God made us male and female, designed to complement each other physically, emotionally, and spiritually. Two men or two women coming together can never live out God’s intent for His creation. The biology of our gender shows us that same sex relationships don’t work, but opposite sex relationships do. It is unwise to ignore the obvious about how the pieces fit, or don’t fit, as the case may be.

Third, marriage is an earthbound illustration of the mystery of Christ and the church.{3} There is a mystical unity of two very different, very other beings coming together as one. Only the profound differences of man and woman display this mystery. “If the man represents Christ and the woman represents the church, then a male to male partnering would be, in essence, a symbolic partnering of God with Himself apart from His people. Likewise, a lesbian relationship would become a symbolic partnering of God’s people without Him. Either option is incomplete, unnatural, and abhorrent.”{4}

Fourth, same sex relationships are idolatrous. In Romans 1, Paul describes the downward spiral of people who worship the creature instead of the Creator. When God says intimate relationships with people of the same sex are forbidden, and people insist on pursuing them anyway, they have elevated something else to the position of a god. It could be the other person, or sexual pleasure, or even just one’s own feelings, but all these things become idols because they are more important than anything else, including God.

Homosexual and lesbian relationships are wrong because God designed us for something far better. The nature of the gospel is to bring transformation to every aspect of a believer’s life, and many people have discovered the “something better.” (See my article, “Can Homosexuals Change?“)

Sue Bohlin, Probe Ministries 8 Comments [3/17/2019 9:42:32 AM]
Fundie Index: 5

Quote# 142844

"I am a high school student writing a paper for English over some hatred issues across America and I was wondering if you would answer some questions about marriage equality, gender issues, etc.

Why do you, personally, dislike homosexual behavior?"

For the same reason I dislike heterosexual behavior (like using pornography or unmarried or extramarital sex) that is outside of God’s plan and purpose for our bodies and souls: it is harmful to the person(s) engaging in it. Sex is so powerful, like electricity, that it needs to be contained within the safe confines of marriage between a man and a woman who have committed to each other for life. Outside of that containment, the power of sex is more like lightning, which does damage instead of being channeled into serving us.

But homosexual behavior is not just about sex. There is also a lot of emotional dependency in same-sex relationships, especially between girls and women, when their friendship has overflowed the banks of what is healthy. Emotionally dependent relationships are intense (which becomes exhausting), chaotic (which drains people further), controlling and manipulative (which is hurtful to the people and to the relationship). I dislike this behavior because it is harmful to the people engaging in it as well. I love people and hate to see them get hurt. That’s why I dislike the behavior that contributes (eventually) to heartache.

"If anyone of your family members became homosexual, how would you react?"

That already happened, when one of my relatives was seduced into lesbian relationships and started seeing herself as part of the LGBT community. I continued to love her, encourage her, delight in her . . . even though we don’t talk about her relationships or her involvement in LGBT.

I have two grown sons, though, which is the closer kind of family I think you may be thinking of. If either one of them announced they were gay, I would weep that he had been deceived by our spiritual enemy into thinking falsehoods about himself, and I would pray every day for his eyes to be open to the truth, even as I continued to love him like I do now.

"Why do you think God doesn’t love homosexual people and their behaviors?"

I know beyond a shadow of a doubt that God dearly and tenderly loves those who struggle with same-sex attraction, those who have embraced a gay identity, and even those who have fully immersed themselves in the LGBT world. I’m thinking of one young man in particular who went on a two-week bender, prostituting himself for gay sex so he could buy drugs and keep himself high. I know that his decisions grieved God’s heart deeply (especially when he became HIV+ during that 2 weeks), but He never left the man or stopped loving him, and was there waiting patiently for him to come to his senses . . . which he did. And now their relationship is stronger than ever.

If God loved people, ALL people, enough to send His only Son into the world to be nailed to a cross, taking our place and paying the penalty for our sin and then raising Him from the dead, then I think He continues to love all of us in our messy, sinful rebellion. But He never endorses or accepts our sinful behavior, though He fully accepts US. Acceptance and approval of choices and behaviors are not the same.

You may have noticed I went from talking about homosexuals to US . . . because we are all in the same predicament: messy, sinful, rebellious people who desperately need God. There is no us/them differentiation—we are all alike in our need for God, and we are all alike in the fact that He loves us more than we can imagine.

"Do you believe in abortion, and why?"

I think it is a heinous thing to murder a baby, whether he or she lives inside the mother or outside the mother. Abortion is taking the life of an innocent child, and it’s wrong to murder.

"And do you consider Probe Ministries a hate group?"

Absolutely not! We were tagged a hate group by the Southern Poverty Law Center because we don’t agree with the LGBT agenda. We align ourselves with the Bible’s standards that all sex outside of marriage violates God’s commands for human sexuality. Unfortunately, these days mere disagreement is called hate. I have repeatedly invited people to identify the hate-filled words on our website so I can change them, but no one has ever identified any. I believe that is because you won’t find words of hate on our website, or our podcasts, or any of our recorded messages. (And I do know what hate sounds like. Westboro Baptist Church makes me sick.)

I’m the primary writer and speaker about homosexuality and gender issues for Probe. It might be helpful for you to know that for 18 years I have also served with Living Hope Ministries, which is a Christian organization that helps people deal with unwanted homosexuality, and the family members of those who have chosen to embrace a gay identity. I have known and grown to love more people than I can count, people who are my heroes as they fight their feelings and instead, pursue intimacy with Jesus Christ. I have watched so many people’s hearts change over time, and I have walked with a lot of women as they process the reasons for their attractions and experience a shift in their beliefs and attitudes (and sometimes attractions as well, though not always). They are so very dear to me, and I love being their cheerleader and encourager.

That’s the opposite of hate. That’s what love looks like, and that’s what is the foundation of everything I write and say on this issue.

It might also be helpful for you to know that I have run everything I write and say through the filter of trusted friends who were once part of the LGBT community, asking them to identify anything that is unintentionally hurtful or rude or even untrue so I can change it before it becomes public.

I’m glad you asked, and I am thankful for the opportunity to provide you with some answers.

Have a good day.

Mrs. Bohlin

Sue Bohlin, Probe Ministries 11 Comments [3/17/2019 9:40:52 AM]
Fundie Index: 5

Quote# 142842

As pro-LGBT (lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender) voices and values grow louder and more insistent in the culture, what about those people of faith who experience same-sex attraction and don’t want it? What are they supposed to do with feelings and desires at odds with their faith? How are they supposed to learn to reconcile their faith and their sexuality?

The cultural narrative has become, “LGBT represents normal, healthy variations in human sexuality, so everyone should support and celebrate all forms of sexual diversity. And if you don’t, we’re going to punish you, shame you, and squelch your voice.”

Part of the punishing and shaming includes outrage over “Conversion Therapy.” A growing number of states outlaw it. What makes it so bad and why are people so angry about it?

What is Conversion Therapy?

Conversion Therapy is usually defined as therapy designed to change a person’s sexual orientation. But is that what it really is? Therapy is a shortened form of the word “psychotherapy,” which means the treatment given by a licensed mental health professional such as a psychologist or psychiatrist, a social worker, or a licensed counselor. So Conversion Therapy isn’t therapy without a professional counselor of some kind, with the goal of changing someone’s sexual orientation.{1} But do a Google search for organizations being labelled as doing (or even promoting) Conversion Therapy—which will include a number of churches—and you’ll find neither element happening.

Conversion Therapy is the current buzzword that instantly communicates something that smears hate, shame, judgment and probable suicidality in those who undergo it, forced or not. It is not acceptable to say there’s anything wrong or unhealthy about any form of “sexual diversity.” Those that do—for example, anyone who holds to a biblical, traditional view of marriage and sexuality—are labeled as haters, bigots, prudes, outdated . . . and wrong.

Anne Paulk, director of Restored Hope Network, describes it as “an ideological term used by the GLBTQ activist community and their supporters who seek to link compassionate spiritual care and talk therapy with horrible, clearly disreputable practices.”{2}

These “disreputable practices” include stories of some extremists who used torture, pain and punishment to try and exorcise homosexuality from people. Most notably and recently, the movie Boy Erased purports to show the true story of a teenage boy whose parents sent him to a strict camp that left heartbreaking wounds on his soul. (It should also be noted that the producers took a number of creative liberties to produce the most dramatic moments of the film, none of which actually happened per the book.) The cultural narrative lumps extremists with all those engaged in helping those with unwanted homosexuality, painting them all with a broad brush of condemnation.

Helping Those Who Want the Help

A number of ministries and churches actively seek to help those who don’t want their same-sex feelings or their discomfort with their gender. Or, even if they don’t fight against their feelings, they want to live lives honoring to God despite their desires, which means not giving into them. These ministries and organizations neither offer nor promise conversion of homosexual attractions into heterosexual ones. That would be like offering to make someone stop loving chocolate and start loving kale. Not gonna happen, right?

But they can teach what God’s word says about sexuality, discipleship, and living a life pleasing to God. They can help people (note: choose to, not be forced to) submit every area of their lives to the lordship of Jesus Christ, including sexuality. There are many who define and identify themselves by their sexuality; God’s word calls us to define and identify ourselves by our relationship to Him.

Human sexuality is a complex, many-layered issue comprised of a lifetime of experiences, perceptions, habits, and ways of thinking. There’s nothing simple about it. It has also, for every one of us, been impacted by the Fall and the pervading presence of sin.

But Is Change Even Possible?

Ever hear the pejoratively-used phrase “Pray away the gay”? That’s as effective as praying away fat. A prayer like, “Please Jesus make me stop wanting people/things/food I shouldn’t” has never worked because He doesn’t have a magic wand. He says to all those who want to be His disciples, “If anyone wishes to come after Me, he must deny himself, and take up his cross and follow Me” (Matthew 16:24). That means saying no to ourselves and to our flesh, the part of us that operates independently of God. The apostle Paul instructs us in Romans 12:2 to “be transformed by the renewing of your mind. . .” Cooperating with God to renew our mind means submitting our thoughts and habits to Him, “taking every thought captive to the obedience of Christ” (2 Corinthians 10:5). The call to surrender every part of us, including our sexuality, as the way to obey and honor God, is a difficult one, and it takes community. It takes the support of other Christ-followers to walk alongside us, pray for us, speak God’s truth to us, encourage us, challenge us, restore us when we stumble and fall, and help us keep going.

Change is not only possible, it is the mark of things that are alive. And it is the fruit of the gospel. Lasting change comes not from human effort but from supernatural transformation as we surrender to the work of God in our lives. We experience change as we are transformed into the image of Christ (2 Corinthians 3:18). Christlikeness produces change in how we think, what we believe, how we see ourselves and others, our behavior, and finally—like the caboose on a train—our feelings. But there’s no point in trying to change the feelings apart from the rest of the process.

Discipleship is often what’s happening in ministries and churches that are smeared with the label of “Conversion Therapy,” being lied about and attacked by people who can’t abide any position other than their own.

Next time you see the term “Conversion Therapy,” know that it’s not about shutting down bad therapists. It’s about shutting up people who agree with God about sexuality.

Sue Bohlin, Probe 7 Comments [3/17/2019 9:40:45 AM]
Fundie Index: 4

Quote# 142838

Freaking white liberals can’t even pretend to give shit about muslims long enough. Here they are teaming up with MAGA and attacking young Palestinian woman for daring to call Chelsea Clinton out for helping to instigate and support Islamophobic attack on Omar. Calling out Israel and their crimes against Palestine and those who support it like Aipac makes you an anti-semitic and unAmerican.

Here are white liberals on twitter with their friend MAGA acting like telling Chelsea off is as tragic as that terrorist attack in NZ.

Y’all can take your fake allyship and crocodile (sorry crocs) tears and shove it up your behind. You don’t fool anyone. You also don’t get to control emotions any muslim is feeling right now.

(Screenshot of Tweet 1 by Rob Rousseau reads, "Chelsea Clinton sided with a bunch of deranged bigots and helped incite an islamophobic outrage mob against a member of Congress like two weeks ago, so she and the liberal dipshits defending her shouldn't be surprised that a grieving muslim woman wasn't happy to see her today.")

(Screenshot of Tweet 2 by irish beto o'rourke reads, "tonight my thoughts are with the true victims of the christchurch massacre: chelsea clinton & her unborn child. sources say a young peasant woman was rude to her and likely forced a misscarriage.")

blog-sev, Rob Rousseau, irish beto o'rourke, Tumblr 3 Comments [3/17/2019 9:37:20 AM]
Fundie Index: 4

Quote# 142837

(context: Chelsea Clinton was blamed for the attack in Christchurch)

Neo-Liberal pathology. These people will find every conceivable fault in black women, and women of color, but god forbid a rich fail daughter heiress is actually intellectually, ethically, and morally worthless. Say it with me everyone!


scumbag storm trooper, Tumblr 3 Comments [3/17/2019 9:37:16 AM]
Fundie Index: 3

Quote# 142836

Until about a century ago, Christianity was taken for granted as dominant faith and moral pole star of American life. The notion that a mother had a right to murder her child, that two men could marry, or that a boy could become a girl would've been seen as sick humor at best.

Now find me a major motion picture, best selling Big Five novel, or prime time TV show not made by people who celebrate all of the above. You'll have a hard time, as the last holdouts are rapidly being exiled from the industry.

Yet more people worship Luke Skywalker, Mario, and Thor--the comics version--than worship Jesus Christ.


We can't hope to deprogram the pop cultists unless we've got something better to offer them.

A number of independent creators are working hard to produce fun, exciting entertainment that doesn't insult its audience. But it's not easy when you're up against Hollywood and their fellow travelers in Big Tech. That's where readers like you come in.

The crowdfunding campaign for my new martial adventure novel Combat Frame XSeed: Coalition Year 40 has just five days left. The campaign's met its first stretch goal thanks to you, and one more big push can get us to 500% and fund the audio book.

That's an important milestone because audio is the fastest-growing segment of the publishing market. Lots of folks lack time to read, so having your books in audio is a must to reach them.

Now's the time. Claim amazing perks like exclusive trading cards, signed books, and personalized short stories! Help us get the stellar Combat Frame XSeed to the widest possible audience in audio.

Brian Niemeier, Kairos 21 Comments [3/17/2019 9:37:02 AM]
Fundie Index: 7

Quote# 142835

People have always demonized the weird if they start challenging the norm. The "Pedo" rumor is just another invention made by people who couldn't understand that the guy was just genuinely carefree and didnt care if he was childlike.

Originally Posted by Stinger Fan
You're defending him a little too strongly in this thread . One of the lead detective states they found books of children naked in his home ,which were legal as they weren't pornographic but , don't you think that's odd for a man over 30 to own? This detective also went onto state that one of the kids who alleged sexual misconduct , was able to accurately describe what Michael Jackson looked like naked, how is that possible? Jackson admitted he'd have "slumber parties" with under-aged children and sleep in the same bed with them. Don't you find any of this odd? Would you defend him if he wasn't famous? Let me ask you this, would you honestly feel comfortable allowing your own under-aged child to sleep over at a grown mans home if he gave you his word that it was "just innocent"? Let's not forget, he settled out of court, which innocent people don't typically do. You can't ignore the allegations made against him because he's famous, that is not a defense as they aren't incapable of being horrible human beings.

These are exaggerated from everything i'm to understand. The books were fanmail he was sent as a prank be people who thought he was guilty, and the children didn't sleep "with" him. He supposedly slept on the floor whilst the children took his bed. Weird? Yes. Criminal? Unproven.

beatles123, Wrestling Forum 2 Comments [3/17/2019 9:36:56 AM]
Fundie Index: 2

Quote# 142832


In general it is true that
(as to specific particularities, see declaration overleaf):

is in effect the ignominy and shame of Auschwitz, of Hiroshima, and all the scientific trash and waste have already formed garbage dumps even in space (satellites etc.).[b]

That this must be imputed only to the wrong use of science? You must be joking. Technical progress, comforts for the "masses", welfare, medical achievements, … and in exchange for all that there it is, the price to be paid for it: the price itself, the prices, the high and low prices, all prices, prizes and praises, and the price also as value (equivalent, in German: scheissegalgesund, Verwurschtelegalscheiss!*) Shit or health, it makes no difference; or, frankly said, it’s all the same shit! The whole matter has got in a muddle that is equal to health/shit, even as the holy of holiest, i.e. as HEIL-health, as GeSSundheit, that is as precisely that animal-like-Nazi-foolish figment of the mind that is too well known up to puking and by far not only here, in these parts, -: human sacrifices, since the times of the very first and the very last medical priests. Was that really only pre-scientific or pre-empirical, the sacrifices of humans, the highest price, supposedly to praise the Gods? More and more actions of mass extermination since then, in times of war and peace (not more than 3 weeks since 1945!), show the contrary: scientific progress – –. They were planned and executed by the medical classes of the time, while illness was their pretext, and their justification every time afterwards. That is the price to be paid for (what kind of?) progress, especially since you too, dear reader of these lines, are certainly carrying something "ill" all along with you in your "genetic equipment"; yes, you too, and all the others.

* This word is to spare the readers several thousand pages of philosophical-political literature, which they don’t like to
understand anyway, let alone so much as to even read them, not even in the UK or the USA; yes, it’s an ugly word
that comprises the meat and sausage processing mincing and muddling and mixing up in food plants (factories) as
well as anthropomorphical issues and the systemic automatisms of trade market on the base of the iatrocapitalistic
system, by putting them altogether into one, so drastically as unappetizingly, but appropriately; perhaps one should
learn also elsewhere, just for the sake of change, to spell suchlike words, which are more than of common use in
chemistry, in physics, in engineering and elsewhere, letter by letter und read them aloud with a raised voice (vox alta),
in order to learn anew in favor of understanding that every single word in all sciences is sharpening one’s awareness of
the various myths, lies and cock-and-bull stories that, with the regard to history and its results as a whole, link by link,
constitute one single chain of live-damaging action and destruction. Taken literally or letter-by-letter, and in application to
the facts here exposed, it means that millions of people stigmatized by etiquettes are being killed of course any moment,
and that goes without saying as commodities are being sold and bought on the market.

It’s already in its bases that science is precisely the stuff that in all times has made us into throwaway merchandise and, vice versa, turned wares (money, credit) into idols. Scientific basic research? A silly joke. Science has abdicated a long time ago. But far from resigning definitely it is pushing its way forward, more and more (trade with organ banks, genetics = biotechnological genocide). All of us have been inoculated with all that as logic (logo! okay!) since thousands of years. And all of us, be it as scientists and humanists (i.e. as scientists of the science of nature and of the humanities), or be it as the so called physically or mentally "less well-offs" or "less illuminated" in consequence of poverty or whatsoever, in brief: as "idiots", "cripple-idiots", or be it only as "dimwits", we all have adapted to that murderous nonsense to such a degree that it has become to us the guarantor, the base (still another "basic research"!) of our pride and of our philanthropy (humanism). All are guaranteeing, we too, nothing. But a part [SPK/PF(MFE)] has succeeded at least in proving shame for all that. By the force of illness, offend those who are offending you. How else but by your action you can dissociate yourself from this murderous logic, change the conditions, and change yourself?!

What has caused the opportunity we took for the following statement? You might forget it. It was just an opportunity, and by no means the cause, the reason (Ur-Sache): your and our relation to illness. We are, for reason of that cause and on occasion of all the caused opportunities (contradiction in the identity of illness and capitalism), absolutely and decisively in favor of illness (revolutionary moment). But it’s not we that are at stake; as we are already very well off thanks to the forces of illness, for us all doctors can get lost, and that since several decades. And what about you? Should we, at least, still feel sorry for you? Or is it you that, in top secret, should at least feel sorry for yourself? It is said that things like that might happen.

The following declaration was distributed to hundreds of people. Against all sorts of party-fractions and fragmentations (e.g. against a meeting organized in Vienna by students of medicine hostile to patients), and in so far against an insignificant fragmentation of the White Army, or, as you might say as well, against a little bit White Army Fraction (WAF – – ). But even at this regard the repercussions were astonishing and flabbergasting, and a few people, who, in the beginning, had thought of our declaration printed overleaf "to be perhaps a little bit exaggerated" were shocked at those reactions. A doctor’s car for emergency calls which, called on for help by the doctors and medical students, had hurried to the doctors’ aid and succeeded in rescuing a few of them. Rescuing them from what? From the following sheet of paper (see declaration overleaf). It’s precisely the same declaration that has been distributed to hundreds of people, and other hundreds have asked us, within the first three days, to allow them to reprint and distribute this declaration unchanged on their own expense, and so they did.


As to the specific particularities:
Subject: Symposium Viennese from the 5th to the 7th of November 1998
(Or: From the Cup of Poison to Genocide-Cannibalism)


As to me, K. S., I, too, am not partaking in this Congress, although I’ve been invited by Mr. Spann, PhD, to organize a bookstand.

Last time it was in January 1998 that I have given my opinion here, as a front-patient of the Patients’ Front. On that occasion, reports were published in the print-media, broadcasting and TV, CNN live included. From January till now no one of those present at that time has learned something new and, according to the schedule of today’s congress, no one of those who has come along since then has learned something new.

Iatrocracy’s international army, the army dressed in white, and their followers and supporters here too, being tied to their interests, can not be taught because they are incorrigible. It goes without saying. At most it’s from the Nazi, against whom they line up here as they say hypocritically, that they can learn something more.

Each and every science, and even and properly the most exact science, as mathematics and the science of nature, has been always the same, right up from its very origin and basics, and even before the Nazi showed up: that is, the murder-market’s logic of the excluded contradiction. What? How that? Nota bene: The Identity-dogma of each trade and change, from monet-Aryan-alike up to … and anyway logic (logo!, okay!): holocaustologic logically! "Authentic identities", from Aristotle and Thomas, the Saint of Aquino, and the stakes (Scheiterhaufen), up to, and it could not be otherwise, could it?: Just take a look on the schedule of this Congress: True, true, true, true = authentically true, exactly as prayer wheels that run at top, Aryan-alike, medico-alike, archiatric-ally, nature-ally, liter-Aryan, and, logically, holo-logically, holocausto-logically!: In the past monet-Aryan-alike, at the present digit-ally, in brief: logistic-Aryan-alike (cf. B. Russell), authentically and identically, but true!

History as science has been ever since that of the winners, who make and fake and patchwork together the "histories".

Ethics and Morality became and remained the matter of single elites nut-cases, instead of being the concern of each and all, originally: defeat of Gods and Idols!, that is against those puffed up blossoms of the swamp and all sorts of ethic-casters.

In brief: all past and future science plus all the congress-garbage belonging to it, all scientific approach and methods, remain as such iatro-capitalistic science, and such ones as Hitler as its henchman is always available. In its basics and its effects, its oppressive actions and its shirking, all of it, from physics to philosophy, with medicine as the crown of all these creations and of this act of creating (doing away with the "ballast-existences" and with the in-equivalent, that is the unworthy, unhealthy lifes), with the genocidal genocide as its last extra gain for the time being.

This is why I’m fighting, and why I’m learning by fighting, ever being willing to learn, but exclusively orientated to Diapathics and Pathopractice in Utopathy, me too.

Off with all the medical fraud!

Put the Doctors’ Class on Diet-zero!

Free yourselves from them and them from themselves!

From the Patients’ Class to the Human Species
through the New-revolution by the Force of Illness!

(Emphasis original)

Patients' Front / Socialist Patients' Collective (H), Patients' Front / Socialist Patients' Collective (H) 17 Comments [3/16/2019 6:02:40 AM]
Fundie Index: 12
Submitted By: Pharaoh Bastethotep

Quote# 142831

Liberal law center demonizes Christian foes of LGBTQ agenda as ‘hate groups’

August 18, 2017 (LifeSiteNews) — In the vast array of leftist lies, one of the most dangerous is that groups and people defending historic Judeo-Christian sexual morality are somehow guilty of "hate." The main perpetrator of that “big lie” these days is the Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC), which has turned smearing and demonizing social conservatives fighting the homosexual-transgender agenda into a very profitable business.

The SPLC is attempting to pull off one of the nastiest and most audacious “bait-and-switch” propaganda coups in history — equating the Christian-conservative led effort to defend biblical morality against the aggressive LGBTQ lobby with vile racists, Neo-Nazis and anti-Semitic extremist groups.

The Birmingham, Alabama-based SPLC’s “hate” campaign is helped along by lazy, biased journalists and online “social justice warriors” who delight in using its past anti-racism credentials to advance the Left's immoral and deviant sex-gender agenda.

CNN lends legitimacy to SPLC

Yesterday, CNN shamefully assisted the SPLC’s bogus “hate” narrative by running a story featuring its “hate map” under the initial headline, “Here are all the active hate groups where you live.” It was accompanied by a graphic of the SPLC’s “hate map” of alleged “hate groups,” which includes, under Illinois, my organization, Americans For Truth About Homosexuality (AFTAH). We have been slandered as an SPLC “hate group” for the last several years.

On the SPLC ‘s Illinois map, AFTAH and other Christian pro-family groups are listed alongside a KKK group, a "white nationalist" outfit, and some affiliates of the Aryan Nations Sadistic Souls MC, another Nazi group. This is the SPLC’s vicious handiwork, treated as “fact” by the media.

After protests by those miscast as “haters,” CNN changed its headline to "The Southern Poverty Law Center’s list of hate groups.”

Similar stories featuring the SPLC’s bogus “hate map” have popped up across the country, including one in the The Boston Globe headlined, “Where hate calls ‘home’ in Massachusetts.”

The following pro-family groups join Americans For Truth in having the distinct “honor” of being lied about by the cunningly deceptive, sleazy and, yes, downright evil SPLC:

Abiding Truth Ministries (Scott Lively)

Alliance Defending Freedom (the SPLC recently attacked Attorney General Jeff Sessions for addressing this group)

American College of Pediatricians (Dr. Michelle Cretella)

American Family Association (Tim Wildmon)

American Vision

Center for Family and Human Rights (C-FAM; Austin Ruse)

Citizens for Community Values

Conservative Republicans of Texas (Dr. Steve Hotze)

Family Research Council (Tony Perkins)

Family Research Institute (Dr. Paul Cameron)

Heterosexuals Organized for a Moral Environment (H.O.M.E.)

Illinois Family Institute

Liberty Counsel (Mat Staver)

Mass Resistance (and its chapters in various states; Brian Camenker)

Mission: America (Linda Harvey)

Pacific Justice Institute (Brad Dacus)

Pass the Salt Ministries (Coach Dave Daubenmire)

Pray in Jesus Name Project (“Chaps” Klingenschmitt)

Public Advocate of the United States (Eugene Delgaudio)

Ruth Institute (Jennifer Roback Morse)

Save California (Randy Thomasson)

Traditional Values Coalition (Andrea Sheldon)

World Congress of Families/Howard Center for Family, Religion and Society (Allan Carlson)
As you can see, this is quite a large group, representing many millions of Americans and including some of the most accomplished and effective pro-family leaders in the United States. Who knew that these great Americans were the moral equivalents of neo-Nazi Stormtroopers and the Ku Klux Klan?

Hating truth

They are not, of course. Not even close. Could it be that leftists who deliberately conflate mere opposition to the LGBTQ agenda — a revolutionary sin movement that has destroyed the sanctity of marriage in the law and is leading the assault on citizens’ right to live according to the dictates of their faith with hatred— are the ones truly guilty of hate-mongering?

Common sense and logic tell us that those who resist a deviant-sex movement that has produced such profound evils as “pregnant men”; perversion-positive “Christianity”; and teaching little children that they can “become” the opposite sex though medical manipulations of their young bodies, are motivated not by malice or bigotry but rather a heartfelt desire to ward off the social destruction that comes from celebrating unnatural behaviors.

There is a popular saying in Christian, pro-family circles today: “Those who hate the truth call truth hate.”

I believe that at some level that is true, because when “journalists” cavalierly repeat politically calculated tripe like the SPLC’s “hate” smear as if it is authoritative and meaningful, they demonstrate contempt for sincere people of faith simply trying to follow God.

Besides, one of the “old school” rules of “fair” journalism is that in covering a cultural debate, you do not rely on one group’s biased characterization of its opponents, to preserve the ideal of a disinterested, neutral news story. Of course, those days are long gone as most media have shorn any pretense of objectivity and are increasingly fanatical cheerleaders for Big Gay and Big Trans. (What’s next, Big Poly?)

Go with the Big Lie

And so we behold a Fourth Estate very much interested and dutiful in advancing the “narrative” of one side of the “culture war” over homosexuality and “transgenderism,” using the noble-sounding cover of “civil rights.” Most media don’t even bother anymore to get viewpoints of the “other side” on this issue, or if they do, it’s often just a token quote to help reporters feel like they’re being fair.

This makes the SPLC’s goal of advancing its bold, pro-LGBT “hate” lie much easier than it should be.

It turns out that the “Big Lie” tactic attributed to Hitler was something he accused “the Jews” of doing in his 1925 autobiography, Mein Kampf, years before he led a demonization- and then genocidal government campaign against them. But history records that the mustached Nazi dictator and his henchmen (most notably Nazi propaganda minister Josef Goebbels) became masters of the tactic, ultimately using it as part of their horrifyingly evil program against Jews, Poles, and other “undesirables.”

Hitler wrote: “For the grossly impudent lie always leaves traces behind it, even after it has been nailed down, a fact which is known to all expert liars in this world and to all who conspire together in the art of lying.”

Today’s leftist liars understand this harsh reality and know that their “end justifies the means” approach toward delegitimizing pro-family conservatives as “hateful” bigots yields big political and cultural dividends — and scares the media away from featuring conservatives in their stories.

So rather than oppose pro-family groups civilly on public-policy issues concerning homosexuality and gender confusion (transgenderism), the Left resorts to a sophisticated version of name-calling. It began in the post-Stonewall ‘70s, as radical “gay” activists held up signs equating prominent religious opponents of organized homosexuality, like Anita Bryant, with Hitler.

From there it went to tarring their foes as “homophobes,” a term invented by pro-“gay” psychologist George Weinberg, who neatly flipped the pathology from homosexual behavior itself to opposing homosexuality.

Ultimately, the SPLC “codified” that Big Lie, as it were, with its “hate-labeling” strategy that preposterously mixes Christian, pro-family groups opposed to the LGBTQ (Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer) Lobby with vile neo-Nazis and white race-warriors.

The SPLC claims it is not demonizing moral and religious opposition to homosexuality but only the methods that the above conservative groups use to oppose the LGBTQ movement, but this is an absurd technicality. In another column, I will expose the arbitrariness of the SPLC’s “criteria” for determining which groups belong on its “anti-LGBT” “hate map.”

‘I’m not a hater?’

And yet, despicable as the SPLC’s hate-smear campaign is, it is highly effective. Making the spurious charge against morality-defenders as “haters” is far easier to do in our post-Christian, morally dumbed-down culture than defending oneself against the loaded accusation.

Indeed, forcing conservatives and Christians to plead defensively, “I’m not … ” is part of the SPLC’s propaganda strategy. We have become a society of simplistic slogans, like “Love is love” and “marriage equality.” In such a culture, accusing good-hearted Christians and conservatives of “hating gays” merely because they oppose (very unhealthy) homosexual behavior, “gay marriage” and creating sin-based “rights” is par for the course.

Denying that you are a “hater” when the most powerful forces in society — media, corporations, academia — are matter-of-factly echoing the SPLC smear — is sort of like denying that you beat your wife. You would never beat your wife — you are called to love her sacrificially as Christ loved the Church — but suddenly you are accused of having abused her, by an organization lionized by the press. A cunning, well-funded organization masquerading as a “civil rights” champion whose allegations are repeated far and wide with an air of moral authority and respectability.

Your pleas about the falseness of the outrageous smear are shared by friends (some similarly accused of beating their wives) but together you are drowned out by a chorus of enemies who have won the sympathy of the corrupt media.

Your only hope for justice is that a large and growing army of people — aided by some counter-cultural media leaders — comes to your aid and exposes the hateful slanders and the wicked organization behind them, so that nobody will ever believe its lies again.

This is how we must counter the SPLC’s calculated, cynical “Big Lie” against people of faith who humbly set out to speak truth, in the love of Christ, about one of the most difficult issues of our age.

Next: The shoddy research, irrationality and arbitrariness of the SPLC’s LGBT “hate group” lie.

Peter LaBarbera, Lifesite News 13 Comments [3/16/2019 6:02:32 AM]
Fundie Index: 5

Quote# 142830


The equals sign corresponds to the iatrocapitalistic principle of equivalence, for instance: 1 kg ham = 12 US $, or 1 labor force = 60 US $ per day, or 1 kidney = 24.000 US $, travel expenses and transplantation included, or 1 pair of imported eye cornea = 4.500 US $.

The genETHICS („bioETHICS“) gets its prattling nonentity paid with 5% of the Human Genom Project’s budget.

Each science with its „heads and tails“ (i.e. with the one and the other side of the coin respectively), from the most exact science to the ethics, has been ever since and continues to be from its very foundation and long before the Nazis appeared: a murder-market’s logic of the exclusion of contradictions … fundamentalist dogma of the identity of all commerce & ex/change, doings and dealings, from monet-Aryanism to euGENazics, no matter under which sign whatsoever, positive or negative alike, it makes no difference. We pointed out those relations already two years ago, in Vienna, because of then current events, and the doctors had to call for the ambulance and were forced to take their leave in the French manner, to the astonishment of the international participants of the conference.

This bioETHICS is one of the many marsh plants of the capitalist production process in which [b]production is identical to destruction of life. Since the years of 1970/71 in the Socialist Patients’ Collective (SPK), we have denounced this process as differential euthanasia because of its permanent, methodical and systematic character of selection of its victims. „The products are valuable only because they contain life being destroyed, the lives of the exploited being used up. They are, therefore, murder weapons and valuable because they have blood on them. The exchange of products is equivalent to the exchange of life being murdered by installments, is equivalent to the exchange of illness“ (SPK-Dokumentation II). What counts are the economic necessities that is the ravenous hungering for surplus value, at the advantage of only a few people. The one who is not efficient or capable of producing surplus value is selected either for being repaired (what they call „healing“) or for being definitely rejected as unfit. During a public discussion (20.2.1970, thus shortly after the first self-organized plenum of patients in world and history on 12.2.70) one week before the foundation of the SPK, in February 1970, professors of Medicine of all medical specialization had to admit unwillingly in front of the public that „physicians do not certify and treat illness but incapability to work, and therefore they do not exercise any medicine but rather carry on some kind of tool making business, and that from the childbed to the dissection table“ (Huber, founder of the SPK: „Der vollständige Krankheitsbegriff“ in SPK-Dokumentation III).

Scientific progress is unstoppable? Nobel Prize Winner Werner Heisenberg 1970: „The Patients’ Front in the SPK cannot at all be overtaken“, Nobel Prize Winner Werner Heisenberg 1970 in Heidelberg (remembering his scientific contributions to atomic damages). REVOLUTIONARY ILLNESS THE ONLY BASIC MATTER AND MEANS OF KNOW-HOW AND CHANGE.

„Health“ is a nazi-biologist figment of the mind, meaning simply that the symptoms are situated in such a way that the sick fits in with the process of exploitation without difficulties. By consequence, „healing“ is the process of alienation and expropriation of illness, and being „healthy“ means being dead alive.

No matter whether being repaired or sorted out, the doctors’ class has a firm grip of the labor force, of yours too and of each and every one. Just as Huber put it, in 1976:

„The specific, species-creating characteristic of the human species which, by the scholastic-patristic tradition, was covered up as atomon eidos and differentia specifica and handed over to the responsibility of the therapists who, unfortunately, did not limit themselves to split only hairs and such alike [in the Greek ecclesiastical doctrine the term therapeutes means cleric (German: Pfaffe)], and which was determined biologically by L. Feuerbach but discovered and generalized as labor only with Marx, this specific, species-creating characteristic of the human species has now become entirely the medical profession’s secret cause. …
Medicine does not only just program the human species in general and in particular –: all medicine is industrial medicine. Every one takes part and contributes to it, and more than only taxes. And where does that journey go to? … Where automation and computer technology are leaving the species-creating principle labor to the past, more speedily in Capitalism and more thoroughly in Socialism, there Iatrocracy (the medical doctors’ dictatorship) needs no longer restrain itself to find its limited fulfillment in the treatment of sick labor force (medicalized industry, industrialized clinics). Iatrocracy is setting itself up as the species-creating principle, is becoming labor of labor, labor as such, the one and only labor. It finishes off (German: „schafft“, here with the sense of „erledigt“) Man: as a test-tube cross-breed in its own image, finishing planetary imperialism up to brain-imperialism, and makes the productive proletariat go to the dogs via its cock (German: über den Schwanz auf den Hund) by the means of coercive differential euthanasia. Just as before. Dying without end is a politically programmed species-universality, if not under the venture’s trade mark of the staff of Aesculapius so under the MO Chief of Staff (medical officer in command)“ (SPK-Dokumentation III).

The statements of medical doctors and of their bioethical accomplices about the structure of the cell nucleus („good / bad genes“, „desired / undesired genes“, „worthy / unworthy“) are actually and always implying a selection pursuant to medical criteria: the loading platform of Auschwitz in the clinic and in the test-tube, without the victims’ sobs and screams of pain, and without their resistance too – EuthaNAZIa / EugeNAZIcs.

Talking about fighting „hereditary diseases“ means obscuring and covering up the facts, that is the extermination on a huge scale of their carriers and the preventive death penalty against them. It’s exactly this difference that those obscurantists in their white coats try to keep hidden.

Under the false pretense to „heal humanity from its slavery caused by the genes“, the eugenETHICist doctors are promoting the geneticallization of the whole society, of the whole planet. In order to get everybody’s consent, they transform the „hereditary defect“ Iatrocapitalism, the only hereditary defect which really exists, into a „genetic defect“ of the persons themselves, into the „inevitable fate“ of those „afflicted by a genetic defect“. In this way they try to make us all accomplices of our own exploitation and alienation, in order to make us to lose sight of the fact that the only possibility to liberate ourselves from Iatrocapitalism is to turn into action on the basis of illness as a protest against the iatrocapitalistic relations of production.

Talking of the „free will“ of those concerned („we don’t force anyone“) – and all of us are affected – in a class society under the dictatorship of economic necessities is demagogy and medicynical mockery of the victims. – The proof to the contrary is the enemy’s concern. We have decided, for a long time already: in favor of illness.

Abortion – in favor of or against it? Behold those of the doctors’ class who are aborting cheerfully the human species even before it has come into existence. And without questioning as to whether it is the human species that is missing. And there is lacking even the idea that species is lacking. Or do you know anyone, be it an average citizen or a university philosopher, who has raised that question, let alone give an answer to it? Bring him up, if you have one! You can be sure of the gratitude of future generations; or should one call them clones meanwhile instead of generations, in order to keep up with the times?

In this iatrocapitalist system, in which the ruling law is that of the economic strongest, that is the genetically strongest, it’s always illness that is in the right. Illness can’t be eradicated like weed, can’t be brought into line with the mechanisms of exchange and of value concepts.

Those who genETHICally justify the anticipation of death by euthaNAZIa or through „genetic intervention“ cling to an allegedly „social demand“ (i.e. the market, see above) in order to „avoid an evil“, to end „a life which is not worth being lived“, be it „on demand“ of the affected ones or of their next of kin or be it without even asking the „affected ones“ who have not been born yet. Apart from being the basis of production, „demand“ itself, in order to be „demand“, is depending on a certain object being produced, i.e. „demand“ is a product itself, the result of the production process. – If someone suffers from an „incurable“ disease or from „unbearable conditions“ of illness, e.g. for being the victim of a car accident, then this is not an unfathomable fate but the consequence of a preliminary decision of economic and political „nature“ taken by those in power. If someone dies of cancer, this is due to the fact that long before his birth already the course of his life has been set in such a way that his life is kept on low heat in order to fit with economic necessities that serve only a few people. But a life kept on low heat is susceptible to all sorts of damages provoked by external influences. And it is exactly medical „experts“ who determine the „threshold value“ for the daily portion of poison which we are forced to embody. „Unfathomable fate“? „It is you yourself that is to blame“? „Hereditary disease“? Go, ask the doctors and their bioethical accomplices! They will answer to you that, examining the cell nucleus under the microscope, they have not yet seen such a thing as Capitalism, and even more unlikely such a thing as Iatrocapitalism. Narrow-mindedness or are they protecting their professional interests and acting in self-defense? – We have read their articles very carefully, indeed. Did you, too? Did you understand everything? What are the interests that you are pursuing? The interests of patients or the vested interests of your profession? Be aware that your interests as patients carry thousand times more weight than any other interest, because once your „genetic defects“ will be discovered, the one or the other of your promising professional careers will be destroyed. Then you will get a fat pension, or may be you will not. The doctors’ class with its auxiliary services is following you, as long as you live, at every step, from the closet to the consultation hours at the out-patient’s department. They are waiting, with patience or not, for your consent to your death (euthaNAZIa). Who is just about losing his patience first? For this you can eagerly wait in suspense. But then it will be too late for any protest, rebellion and revolution. Because the world doesn’t have time for everything eternally.

The question whether „you want to continue to live“ you have answered positively already by reading this pamphlet. But have you asked yourselves already if you want to continue to live that way? The decision is all yours!


Clones? No, not at all!
But generation of a Patients’ Class against the Doctors’ Class,
revolutionary generation, generation by generation!
SPK, the very first beginning.

Create Patients’ Collectives, everywhere!


(Emphasis original)

Patients' Front / Socialist Patients' Collective (H), Patients' Front / Socialist Patients' Collective (H) 6 Comments [3/16/2019 6:02:10 AM]
Fundie Index: 9
Submitted By: Pharaoh Bastethotep

Quote# 142829

Theses and Principles

(From the book "SPK – Turn Illness into a Weapon",
KRRIM – PF-Verlag fuer Krankheit)


1. Illness is condition and result (Voraussetzung und Resultat) of the relations of production (Produktionsverhältnisse) in capitalism.

2. Illness being the totality of conditions of capitalist relations of production is the productive power (force of production, Produktivkraft) par excellence for capitalism.

3. As the result of capitalist relations of production illness in its developed form as protest of life against capitalism is the revolutionary productive power par excellence for all human beings.

4. Illness is the only form in which "life" in capitalism is possible.

5. Illness and capitalism are identical: in the same measure in which dead capital (totes Kapital) is accumulated, a process which runs parallel to the annihilation of human work, so-called capital-annihilation (Kapitalvernichtung), becoming a common matter, illness becomes more widespread and increasingly malign (Verbreitung und Intensität von Krankheit nimmt zu).

6. Relations of production in capitalism involve that living work (lebendige Arbeit) has to be turned into dead matter (tote Materie: commodities, capital). Illness expresses this process, which is in permanent progress and gaining ground.

7. Illness is the veiled unemployment and in the form of social security contributions being imposed (Sozialabgaben) illness is crisis-buffer (Krisenpuffer) par excellence in iatro-capitalism.

8. Illness in its undeveloped form is inhibition and impediment and therefore the inner prison of the lonely ones (der Einzelnen).

9. If we get illness released from administration, exploitation (Verwertung)[/i] and the custody (Verwahrung) through the institutions of health and if illness emerges in the form of collective resistance there is the situation, that the state has to intervene in order to substitute the inner prison of the patients by external, "real" (richtige) prisons.

10. The health system can get along with illness only on condition that patients are totally outlawed.

11. Health is nothing but a biologistic-nazistic figment of the mind (Gesundheit ist ein biologistisch-nazistisches Hirngespinst), the function of this figment is to veil in the heads of the making-stupids and of the made-stupids (Verdummer und Verdummten dieser Erde) that illness is conditioned by society and also to veil the social function of illness.

(Emphasis original; the parts in italics are the original German terms thrown in for no apparent reason)

Patients' Front / Socialist Patients' Collective (H), Patients' Front / Socialist Patients' Collective (H) 3 Comments [3/16/2019 6:02:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 7
Submitted By: Pharaoh Bastethotep

Cult of Nurgle Award

Quote# 142828

Here and today the existing systems, structures, conditions, relations and dependencies on societal and cosmic influences have to be overcome. The main interest can no longer be, as in the Middle Ages, to have, as a single person, an ending as happy as possible. Instead the exterior conditions have to be changed by those who are working against these conditions by their pro-illness-decision in their own special way and who, contrary to all others, have united for that purpose. They abolish everything that others take merely for their destiny, politically induced, for inherent, genetically rooted and astrologically determined, melt the whole of these influences, called destiny, carefree and regardless of their own illnesses and courses of disease, offend together by the strength of illness who and whatever there is to be offended, that is preferably the nowadays only ruling and all dominating class of medical doctors, while its weakening, starting with the loss of trust, is the yardstick for conditions and opportunities for human species to gain ground on earth for the first time, however sporadically and limited. The yardsticks of what is to be materialised and achieved can be looked for and found exclusively in the future as human species, and the presence with the sum of particular illness mankind is the evidence of the realisation of speciesness and its inevitable implementation, one way or another.


Stop the medical doctors' iatrobiontic warfare all over the world!
Stop the medical health dictatorship!

(Emphasis original)

Patients' Front / Socialist Patients' Collective (H), Patients' Front / Socialist Patients' Collective (H) 5 Comments [3/16/2019 6:01:06 AM]
Fundie Index: 5
Submitted By: Pharaoh Bastethotep

Quote# 142827

I just watched the video of that New Zealand shooting. Dude was thorough.

Chris Cantwell, Gab 7 Comments [3/16/2019 6:00:23 AM]
Fundie Index: 11
Submitted By: Citizen Justin

Quote# 142826

For every ten thousand Ruths there is one abortionist: icy; conscienceless; remorselessly perverting his medical skills; defiling his ethical charge; and helping, nay seducing, with his clinical calm, his oh-so-comforting professionalism, women into the act that comes closest to self-slaughter. It is no accident that the next step in the perverse mutation of medical skills is to be played where physicians are endowed by the state to assist, always in the name of compassion, in the act of suicide. How the world would have been changed had some misguided "expert" in the calculus of suffering climbed up on the cross and fed Jesus a dose of hemlock within an hour of His crucifixion.

Bernard Nathanson, Hand of God: A Journey from Death to Life by The Abortion Doctor Who Changed His Mind 6 Comments [3/16/2019 6:00:19 AM]
Fundie Index: 4
Submitted By: Denizen

Quote# 142824

Today's Laugh 3-15-19

It's the climactic boss fight of the Swamp Wars video game. You've waded through hordes of terrorists swarming across the wide-open border; defeated the demonic Moscow Media; now it's on to the lair of the Illuminati Vulture Lord! It won't be easy, because he has the traitorous Deep State at his command.

(Picture shows Brennan, Ocasio-Cortez, Schumer, and Pelosi in a swamp. Brennan has "666" on his forehead. It is a video game sequence and a child playing the game is saying "This guy keeps summoning all these freaks to protect him." A white-haired man is in the sky above them rendered as a bat, laughing. Likely this man's identity is key to the "comic" but I have no idea who he is supposed to be. Possibly George Soros. Someone here will know.)

Mick Williams:
Tribulation bait, every one of them.

Mick Williams, Disqus - Faith & Religion 9 Comments [3/16/2019 5:59:43 AM]
Fundie Index: 7
Submitted By: Jocasta

Quote# 142823

rene jax: How many more thousands of children will suffer at the hands of a medical profession with these Nazi-esque experimental procedures before they are called out for what they are? Why does your medical profession allow these treatments for a condition they do not know the cause of? Giving cross sex identity confused children these drugs, when there has been NO proven research as to the actual cause of the condition is nothing short of child abuse. It is experimentation worthy of Dr. Mengele. Keep up the good work Turban, your name will go down in history books with Josephs.

Jack Turban MD MHS: I'm afraid you are misrepresenting history here. The Nazis sadly destroyed institutes in Germany that provided medical care and support for transgender individuals. The Institute of Sex Research in Berlin was one such target. Magnus Hirschfeld, director of the institute, was one of the earliest advocates for gay and transgender rights. With the rise of the Nazis and the destruction of his institute, he ultimately went into exile in France. His books supporting transgender and gay rights were burned along with those of Jewish authors, those that discussed evolution, etc.

rene jax: Mr. Turban. Once again your LGBT politics is blinding you to reality. The only thing that separates your TS hormone therapy and SRS from the work Joseph Mengele performed in the camps is a signed consent form. There is no valid science behind the "science" of your medical treatments for people with this condition. Simply following your medical predecessors line of treatments, and regurgitating their beliefs that gender confusion is not a treatable/curable condition shows intellectual laziness and an unimaginable hubris. While your education background is impressive. My knowledge comes from a half century of living as a transsexual and the now clear knowledge that the medical profession's propensity toward writing scripts for hormones and sexual mutilation is false. Even Stoller had to eventually come to grips with the fact that SRS outcomes were a failure. They and yours are all inline with those very same ideas that Hirschfeld, Benjamin, Mengele, Money and Freeman promoted and ruined the lives of so many. Let's agree to disagree.

Rene Jax, Psychology Today 4 Comments [3/16/2019 5:59:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 4
Submitted By: Christopher

Quote# 142818

For those who understand the occult and their subversive agenda for a New World Order, you know that the theme of rebellion (represented by the number 13) is commonly used in the rock music industry, particularly heavy metal. From AC/DC's song “Shoot To Thrill,” to Ozzy Osbourne's song “ Suicide,” murder and death are promoted by the bands. AC/DC's song “She'll Be All Night Long,” has almost become the national anthem in America, which promotes the woeful sin of fornication (which has become prevalent across America). Another popular song beloved by Americans is AC/DC's blasphemous, “Highway To Hell.” Music doesn't make people sin, but it inspires sinful people to commit sin, stirring unholy passions. Adulterous men make adulterous movies that inspire adulterous people! The Devil knows just how to encourage people to sin! There are certain types of music that our flesh likes, but we ought not listen to. That is why I don't listen to Heavy Metal, even though it is appealing. Rock singers and band members have often been called “gods.” Men and women throw themselves at celebrities, surrendering their will and body to them, which is ungodly!

Rock singers are liars! I heard Angus and Malcolm Young from AC/DC explaining the meaning behind their album and song, “Highway To Hell.” They said that the song merely describes hard life on the road while touring. What a bunch of liars! They have to lie, to avoid more criticism than they already receive. AC/DC lies, claiming that it's just about the music, and not promoting Satan or Hell. If that be true, then how do they explain their next album in 1980, with hit songs like, “Hell's Bells” and “Back In Black”? The lyrics to Back In Black include phrases like, “If you're into evil you're a friend of mine!” In Hell's Bells Brian Johnson sings the sinful words, “I got my bell, I'm gonna take you to hell, I'm gonna get you, Satan get you!” If you are blind enough to think this is merely about hard times, for a rock band on the road while traveling from one city to the next, you're an idiot! The lyrics praise Satan, Hell and evil! I am tired of hearing wicked groups like Ozzy Osbourne, AC/DC, Black Sabbath, Megadeth and other Satan-promoting bands, try to dismiss their Satanism with lame excuses. The entire rock music industry is saturated with occult symbols and Satanism, the god of this evil world whom they serve!

David Lee Roth is no hero, yet the ungodly modern newsmedia promote and honor these wicked celebrities, while sinfully tearing down godly preachers who uncompromisingly take a stand against sin in America! A preacher can make one mistake, and the world will condemn him for the rest of his life, and destroy his ministry; but an ungodly celebrity can sin thousands of times, and make as many mistakes as possible, and it is hardly noticed, if mentioned at all. This proves the Holy Bible to be true, confirming the Lord's teaching in John 15:19 that the world will love their own, but hate a born-again Christian, especially one who is living a godly life (2nd Timothy 3:12). When you are a Christian believer, the whole world is waiting for you to fall!

David J. Stewart, Jesus is Savior 11 Comments [3/16/2019 5:58:41 AM]
Fundie Index: 5

Quote# 142817

As with all approved "comedians", Maher's job is to perpetually tell coastal urbanites the only joke they'll tolerate, because it strokes their all-consuming vanity: "You are morally and materially superior to those rubes in flyover country. You're on the right side of history."

Maher's brand of compulsive back-patting also serves to salve urban bubble dwellers' inescapable realization that they're essentially parasites living off the flyover rubes' useful labor.

The cosmopolitan jet set's deep, festering resentment over their total dependence on normal people also drives their compulsive need to viciously mock real America's beliefs. It's why we have nine-year-old drag queens shoved in our faces on TV.

The main focus of our elites' diabolical hatred is, of course, America's traditional Christian faith. Hence the relentless push for same-sex "marriage" and transgenderism and the merciless persecution of those who object.

Most people who wake up to the spiritual nature of the current conflict attribute the problem to a sudden rise in anti-Christian sentiment. Another red pill moment is understanding that this is a reversal of cause and effect.

An anomalous rise in secularism/nu-paganism isn't to blame for renewed persecution of the Church. Matters have only deteriorated to this point because widespread apostasy has made the Church vulnerable.

Ask yourself: If a majority of Americans truly followed a robust, traditional Christianity, would the Clown World circus still be in town?

To ask the question is to answer it. Anytime before the cultural revolution of the 60s, the freak show would've been run out of town on a rail.

Here's the red pill that's hardest for ex-normies to swallow: The West's decline is a direct consequence of the Enlightenment thinking that overturned centuries of tradition ca. 300 years ago. Clown World was baked into the Classical Liberal cake.

The advent of Liberalism started the countdown to the day when our store of Christian cultural capital ran out. When a people toss out a worldview based on objective truth and embrace a philosophy based on compromise, fallen human nature takes over, and this is the result.

But that's not the last pill in the bottle.

The Leftist death cult that is the ultimate logical conclusion of Liberalism tries to replace absolute truth by attempting to absolutize freedom. Thus, it's at odds with reality. God is undefeated. Clown world is destined for a fall.

That means what comes next, by necessity, will bear little resemblance to the neoliberal order we've known our whole lives. Clinging to Liberal concepts like freedom of speech, freedom of religion, and blank slate equality only holds the door to Clown World open.

Here's the real choice:
You take the blue pill. You go back to sleep and persist in delusions like absolute freedom and equality. Clown World marches ahead on squeaky shoes.

You take the red pill. You wake up and embrace the fact that Christianity, in its traditional orthodox form is a necessary pillar of Western civilization. You realize that error has no rights and live your life accordingly.
I should have mentioned that there's also a time limit and a gun to your head--to everyone's heads. Either enough of us take the red pill to turn this clown car around, or the West lapses into a dark age--not the fedora-tipping fake kind, the real deal--from which no light can emerge.

Brian Niemeier, Kairos 10 Comments [3/16/2019 5:58:39 AM]
Fundie Index: 6

Quote# 142737

(Dan Reed is the director of a "documentary" (a hit-piece really) called Leaving Neverland, which is about Michael Jackson and aims to smear him as a predator based on the word of people known for lying.)

(LA Times Question): "Both Robson and Safechuck previously testified in court that Jackson never abused them, and now they say they lied because they have since come to terms with what was done to them. Were you skeptical of their stories going into this?"

(Dan Reed): When Wade told me that he loved Michael, then everything suddenly crystallized and made sense. This is difficult to say, but he had a fulfilling sexual and emotional relationship at the age of 7 with a 30-year-old man who happened to be the King of Pop. And because he enjoyed it, he loved Michael, and the sex was pleasant. I’m sorry, that’s just the reality.

Dan Reed, LA Times 7 Comments [3/15/2019 6:50:30 PM]
Fundie Index: 1
Submitted By: Katie

Quote# 142733

In Washington, Regime Change Is Truly and Urgently Needed!

I am surprised that no one else is saying it, writing it, shouting it at each and every corner:

It is not Venezuela, Cuba, Nicaragua, and Iran that are in dire and crucial need of ‘regime change’. It is the United States of America, it is the entire European Union; in fact, the entire West.

And the situation is urgent.

The West has gone mad; it has gone so to speak, bananas; mental. And people there are too scared to even say it, to write about it.

One country after another is falling, being destroyed, antagonized, humiliated, impoverished. Entire continents are treated as if they were inhabited by irresponsible toddlers, who are being chased and disciplined by sadistic adults, with rulers and belts in their hands yelling with maniacal expressions on their faces: “Behave, do as we say, or else!”

It all would be truly comical, if it weren’t so depressing. But… nobody is laughing. People are shaking, sweating, crying, begging, puking, but they are not chuckling.

I see it everywhere where I work: in Asia, Latin America, Asia and the Middle East.

But why?

It is because North American and European countries are actually seriously delivering their ultimatum: you either, obey us and prostrate yourself in front of us, or we will break you, violate you, and if everything else fails, we will kill your leaders and all of those who are standing in our way.

This is not really funny, is it? Especially considering that it is being done to almost all the countries in what is called Latin America, to many African and Middle Eastern nations, and to various states on the Asian continent.

And it is all done ‘professionally’, with great sadistic craftsmanship and rituals. No one has yet withstood ‘regime change’ tactics, not even the once mighty Soviet Union, nor tremendous China, or proud and determined Afghanistan.

Cuba, Venezuela, DPRK and Syria may be the only countries that are still standing. They resisted and mobilized all their resources in order to survive; and they have survived, but at a tremendous price.

The victims keep crying. A few independent countries keep expressing their outrage. But so far, there is no grand coalition, which would be ready to fight and defend each other: “one for all, all for one”.

Until the recent ‘rebellion’ at the UN, no one has been openly and seriously suggesting that international law should apply to all nations of the world, equally.

People talk about ‘peace’. Many are begging the brigands to ‘to stop’, to ‘have mercy’, to show some compassion. But, neither Europe nor North America has ever shown any compassion, for long, terrible centuries. Look at the map of the beginning of the 20th century, for instance: the entire world was colonized, plundered and subjugated.

Now it is all moving in the same direction. If the West is not stopped, our planet may not survive at all. And let us be realistic: begging, logical arguments and goodwill will not stop Washington, Paris or London from plundering and enslaving.

Anyone who has at least some basic knowledge of world history knows that.

So why is the world still not forging some true resistance?

Is Venezuela going to be the last straw? And if not Venezuela, that is if Venezuela is allowed to fall, is it going to be Nicaragua, Cuba or Iran next? Is anything going to propel people into action?

Are we all just going to look passively how, the socialist Venezuela, a country which has already given so much to the world, Venezuela which managed to create beautiful visions and concepts for our humanity, is going to be burned to ashes, and then robbed of all of its dreams, its resources and of its freedom?

Are we all such cowards? Is this what we – human beings – have actually become; been reduced to? Cowards and cattle, selfish and submissive beings; slaves?

All this, simply because people are too scared to confront the empire? Because they prefer to hide and to pretend that what is so obvious, is actually not taking place?

Therefore, let me pronounce it, so at least my readers do not have that ‘luxury’ of claiming that they were not told:

“This world is being brutalized and controlled by the fascist clique of Western nations. There is no ‘democracy’ left in this world, as there is near zero respect for international law in North American and European capitals. Colonialism has returned in full force. Western imperialism is now almost fully controlling the world.”

And begging, trust me – begging and talking of peace is not going to help.

During WWII, fascism had to be stopped. If not, it was going to devour the entire planet.

In the past, tens of millions have already died fighting for freedom and for our mankind.

Yes, some nations tried to compromise and negotiate with Nazi Germany, but we all know where it all ended.

Now, the situation is the same. Or worse, perhaps much worse, because the West has nukes and a tremendous propaganda apparatus: it controls human brains all over the world with ‘mass media’, and ‘education’.

And because the citizens of the West are now much more brainwashed than the Germans and Italians were in the late 1930’s and early 1940’s; more brainwashed, more scared, submissive and more ‘disciplined’.

Look, seriously: are the people who are now writing those “peace essays”, in which they argue with the Western regime about who is right and who is wrong, seriously thinking that they are going to move people like Donald Trump, or Pompeo, or Abrams, or Rubio?

Do they believe that Washington is going to stop murdering millions of people all over the world? Or that the neo-colonialist plunder would stop, after the US Congress and Senate suddenly understands that it has been at the wrong side of history?

This is not some rhetorical question. I am serious: I demand answers!

Does ‘peace movement’ thinks that by amassing arguments it could stop Western expansionism? Yes or no?

Do they believe that Pompeo or Trump will suddenly hit their foreheads and exclaim: “You people are correct! We did not see this!” And call their troops, their thugs and mercenaries back?

If not, if this is not what peace movements believe would be done by North American and European leaders, then why all those thousands of wasted pages?

Would you go near a crocodile that is ready to devour an innocent child, and try to reason with it? Would you, seriously? Do you think it would stop, drop a few tears, wag its tail and leave?

Sometimes I tend to believe that ‘peace movements’ in the West are making things worse. They create false hopes, and they behave as if the empire is some entity that has a soul, and understands logic. They grossly underestimate the threat; the danger.

And they tend to analyze the Western threat from a Western perspective, using Western logic.

It somehow gets lost in interpretation that fascism, terror, and bestiality have to be confronted and fought.

One cannot negotiate with a group of countries which are already bathed in the blood of some 80% of the planet. If it was to happen, it would just be a mockery and it would simply humiliate everyone that is sincerely trying to stop the assassins.

Right now, Venezuela needs solidarity. It requires direct help, actions; not words. And so do many other countries.

Instead, it gets an endless avalanche of best wishes, as well as premature obituaries.

The Bolivarian Revolution has gotten plenty of colorful words. But what it urgently needs is volunteers, money, and internationalist brigades!

I know that billions of people all over the world are now cheering from their armchairs; in fact, doing absolutely nothing, while also spending zero. Their love for Venezuela is ‘platonic’.

I have just left Syria, where I was covering the Idlib war zone. There was not one single foreigner near me, during those days. Eva Bartlett and Vanessa Beeley usually work all over the toughest areas in Syria, but how many others do? And most of the time we work with near zero backing, just because we feel that it is our moral obligation to inform humanity.

I am wondering, how many foreigners are fighting for Venezuela, right now?

Who is going to face the Western spooks implanted into the Caracas and the Venezuelan borders with Colombia and Brazil? A few RT and TeleSur reporters, those true heroes, yes, but who else?

Only direct action can save Venezuela, and the world.

This is no time for debates.

This is worse, much worse than the late 1930’s.

The proverbial crocodile is here; its enormous ugly mouth open, ready to devour yet one more brilliant, proud country.

It is time to stick a big metal rod into its mouth. Now, immediately; before it gets too late.

Let us shout LONG LIVE VENEZUELA! But with our hands, muscles and purses, not just with our mouths.

And let us not be scared to declare: if anywhere, it is Washington where regime change is truly and urgently needed!

Andre Vltchek, 21st Century Wire 6 Comments [3/15/2019 6:49:43 PM]
Fundie Index: 4

Quote# 142723

[Supreme Court upoholds the New Jersey State Constitution which prohibits tax money from being spent on churches]

Kavanaugh said the New Jersey Supreme Court ruling was “in serious tension” with past U.S. Supreme Court decisions. His five-page statement came as the high court declined Monday to hear an appeal in the New Jersey case.

Barring religious organizations because they are religious from a general historic-preservation grants program is pure discrimination against religion

Brett Kavanaug, Samuel Alito and Neil Gorsuch, Bloomberg 9 Comments [3/15/2019 6:48:22 PM]
Fundie Index: 5

Quote# 142676

[Flyer distributed in Birmingham, England]

All Parents Be Aware!

There is a general policy to push gay and lesbian values to children in our schools

This policy aims to teach gay and lesbian equality. However equality cannot be taught by discriminating against our children’s belief

Parents are forced to accept the policy when school claims: “It is the law! We have to teach it!”

Nowhere in the law, Equality Act 2010, does it state you have to teach gay and lesbian values

It is blatant discrimination against our ethos to promote a gay ethos in our schools

Form a Parent’s Community Group in your school and start a campaign against such policies to safeguard your children

Meeting: Every Sunday

(Somali) 4:30 - 5:30pm
(English) 5:30 - 6:30pm

Masjid Ali, Aston Church Road, B8 1QF (please confirm venue)

Alum Rock Parent’s Community Group

Alum Rock Parent’s Community Group , Twitter  5 Comments [3/15/2019 6:43:04 PM]
Fundie Index: 4

Quote# 142541

(Note:A series of quotes on this guys page ranting about the late night Amber alert that culminated in the murder of a missing girl. Some of these tweets were posted after her murder.)

and did this amber alert help ...NO! It s up to the police to look for the child not 99.9999999999 percent in bed... at least we should be able to opt out saint scott..

really ... when .00000008 percent affects us all then we have a problem.




Motherpuker67, Twitter 6 Comments [3/15/2019 6:41:22 PM]
Fundie Index: 4
Submitted By: Christopher
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