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Quote# 140279

A) You ruined your dad's funeral. B) Bitter, vicious family. C) America was NOT great under Obama. Capitalism under attack. Misery & malaise 4 middle class. U invited Obama 2 funeral. Proving your dad was globalist, socialist sell-out. #DISGRACE

Wayne Allyn Root, Twitter 7 Comments [9/4/2018 6:57:58 PM]
Fundie Index: 6
Submitted By: Chris

Quote# 140278

Today's Laugh 9-4-18

Caption: Let the indoctrination begin: start of kindergarten 2018
Little girl: Trump is a bad man. Republicans are mean. I could be a boy if I wanna. 2 + 2 = five!

Mick Williams, Disqus - Faith & Religion 14 Comments [9/4/2018 6:57:13 PM]
Fundie Index: 7
Submitted By: Jocasta

Quote# 140277

(commenting on story "Billboard by ‘Reproductive Justice’ Group Defends Abortion as ‘Self-Care’ as if Day at the Spa")
(link to story) https://christiannews.net/2018/09/03/billboard-by-reproductive-justice-group-defends-abortion-as-self-care-as-if-day-at-the-spa/

Guest Verified:
Yep, intentionally targeting black families like the racists they are. Margaret Sanger eugenics.

Read it again. It's a group of, by, and for black women.

Guest Verified:
Read it again. Other women of colour have made the same observation I have. The group is run by 3 black women who are figureheads. The actual marches, demonstrations, etc, are attended by liberal white women - you know, like Margaret Sanger.

From their website:
"The Afiya Center (TAC) was established in response to the increasing disparities between HIV incidences worldwide and the extraordinary prevalence of HIV among Black women and girls in Texas. TAC is unique in that it is the only Reproductive Justice (RJ) organization in North Texas founded and directed by Black women. Our mission is to serve Black women and girls by transforming their relationship with their sexual and reproductive health through addressing the consequences of reproduction oppression."
Always so gracious when you're wrong. You don't have to double down every single time.

Guest Verified:
You err again. Yes, go to their website. They are run by 3 women who are figureheads. Go to press releases of actual marches and see who is marching - 1-3 black women, and a host of liberal white women. Anyone can claim anything. The reality is something far different.

Why should we be interested in your conspiracy theory take on it? I can find nothing online that says anything along the lines of what you're suggesting. I saw ONE photo with two white women front and center and every other woman in the photo was black. I saw other photos with mixed black and white, as well as mixed men and women.

James Blue (to Guest Verified):
Just to clarify, you are saying that this is run by white people and the blacks who "founded' it are just powerless pawns?
You are saying this is a Milli Vanilli situation?

Guest Verified, Christian News Network 6 Comments [9/4/2018 6:56:59 PM]
Fundie Index: 6
Submitted By: Jocasta

Quote# 140269

KUALA TERENGGANU, Terengganu: Two Malaysian women were caned Monday (Sep 3) for having lesbian sex in violation of strict Islamic laws, despite an outcry from activists at the "cruel and unjust" punishment.

The case has sparked widespread condemnation and focused attention on what rights groups say is a deteriorating climate for the gay community in the Muslim-majority country.

Campaigners said it was the first time that women in Malaysia have been caned for violating a sharia regulation which forbids same-sex relations.

The country operates a dual-track legal system. Islamic courts can handle religious and family matters for Muslim citizens, as well as cases such as adultery.

The women, aged 22 and 32, were arrested in April by Islamic enforcement officers after they were found in a car in a public square in the northern state of Terengganu, one of the country's most conservative areas.

The pair, whose identities have not been revealed, pleaded guilty last month to breaking Islamic laws and were sentenced to be whipped and fined 3,300 ringgit (US$800).

They were caned at the Sharia High Court in the state capital Kuala Terengganu.

A judge read out their sentence just before 10am (0300 GMT) and then officials meted out the punishment using thin canes in front of a packed courtroom, according to a journalist in the court.


Court official Wan Abdul Malik Wan Sidek defended the punishment, saying it was not as tough as caning carried out for numerous crimes under Malaysia's civil law.

Caning under Islamic law is carried out with a relatively thin cane on subjects who are fully clothed, and is more about humiliation than causing pain.

Kuala Terengganu Sharia High Court and Wan Abdul Malik Wan Sidek, Channel NewsAsia 12 Comments [9/4/2018 3:00:35 AM]
Fundie Index: 9
Submitted By: JeanP

Quote# 140267

I don't agree. All the wickedness that's turning America into a dysfunctional Sodom (liberal activist judges, abortion, homosexual marriage, legalization of drugs, etc, etc, etc) is coming from the democrat party. The most back-slidden RINO republican is still a 100 times better than a liberal democrat.

At the moment, we're winning ... inch by inch. But one can still lose the game if they quit at the 10 yard line. I still say the key to a Christian victory that glorifies GOD is for 100% of Christians to show up in November 2018, 2020, 2022, 2024... and vote democrats out of office. Persistence wears down resistance.

Mary Waterton, Christian News Network 11 Comments [9/4/2018 2:33:27 AM]
Fundie Index: 6
Submitted By: Bob J

Quote# 140266

I've had this conversation a thousand times. There is no likely version where you believe because you have placed your faith in science and what your senses tell you. That is your God given right in this life.

I was confronted with the same information and believed God’s word and in the Lord Jesus Christ and called on him. I was born again as promised. God works in my heart. I can't impart to you my faith nor what I have experienced.

They are not threats, they are promises. I'm looking forward to that day. The Jews certainly will be.

Now Satan and every one who had rejected will see the coming of Christ as a threat, and I can certainly understand why you would. If they were just my threats you could laugh and pity me, but they are not mine, they are promises the Almighty made in his word. Go on confident in your science, but I beg you to consider the what if the Bible is true? I believe it. I know Jesus Christ will grant me eternal life one day.

Just remember, you made your choice. As long as you have breath, you could change your mind, but when Jesus comes or you die, your decision is your decision. Just be man enough to appreciate the consequences.

Michael Pedigo, Quora 9 Comments [9/4/2018 2:32:37 AM]
Fundie Index: 3
Submitted By: Denizen

Quote# 140263

Recently, there has been an exponential growth of nationalism as a political ideology, across Europe and even beyond our European continental borders. Such a growth is justified, in a succinct assessment, by the multicultural policies and moral, cultural and historical revisionisms that have affected the European people, as well as the people’s nonconformity with the current political system which offers the condition of “served” to the political and bourgeois class and not to the “third estate”.

Today’s nationalists, who face the system, dictatorially disguised and designated as “liberal” and capitalist “democracy”, are labeled as “far right” who hate foreigners, refugees, Islamists, ethnic minorities, and so on. From such criticisms comes only the word hate. They always try to show any identitarian or nationalist movement as hateful. When in fact it is the extreme opposite.

Nationalist movements preach for true love, a love passed down through generations, from father to son, transmitted by our earliest ancestors. Just as we love our family, we love our homeland, which is just an extension of our family. We love our soil, our culture, our identity, our values and our history. This is why our ancestors fought and sacrificed to protect, in the hope of a territory progressively and subsequently develop. And that is why we honour our ancestors, of blood and spiritual level, and we must equally protect our nation and existence. Our feelings go through love, duty and respect. Such sentiments bear responsibility, evoke resistance and drive revolution, in a modern world that increasingly repudiates such values.

But why are we, then, described as hateful? Because while the accuser points a finger at us, there are three others facing him! Globalists and elitists hate traditions and identities. They hate the fact that we have something to love and to fight for. These creatures have as “sanguine” and spiritual roots, the “rectangle-shaped green paper, with algorithms at its center” and the “big, heavy gold bars.” They are not humans. They are international elements, of evil and imperialist nature, that spread throughout the world causing destruction and misery, being such features explicitly visible in Africa. They “throw” people and cultures against each other, hoping for more wars to finance their “pockets” and thus they do not want peace because it is neither profitable nor productive. Because of this, they hate the being who loves his homeland and the one who begins to understand the tactics of their empire-globalist monopoly.

The question that some readers are maybe thinking at the moment is about patriotism and its differences in the face of nationalism, at the political-ideological level. And the answer is simple. The destruction of Europe and its sovereignty, economically, culturally and spiritually, has a price! And a “change”! Revenge is the justice of man and the recovery of his relief and his state of soul of tranquility. It is not enough to live in peace, even because we are far from reaching it. We must fight for peace, for freedom and consequently for revenge, in order to avoid, in the future, the loss of our existential and economic independence. And if you presume that this is hatred and extremism, in its pure state, you are deceived! It is only followed one scientific principle, in the laws of physics of Isaac Newton. “For every action there is a reaction.”

FRANCESCO LATORRE, Forza Nuova USA 7 Comments [9/4/2018 2:22:04 AM]
Fundie Index: 6
Submitted By: hydrolythe

Quote# 140259

The great John McCain "the country of Abe Lincoln." I guess Lincoln would have been elected to kill Obamacare, then made deciding vote to keep Obamacare alive, costing his own supporters trillions of dollars...all to spite one man he hates. #TRAVESTY https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2018/09/awful-meghan-mccain-takes-cheap-shot-at-president-trump-at-fathers-funeral-video/

Wayne Allyn Root, Twitter 13 Comments [9/3/2018 3:51:55 PM]
Fundie Index: 8
Submitted By: Chris

Quote# 140256

Two hundred years ago, human beings were subject to harsh Natural Selection. People born with mutant genes, those who had a poor immune system, simply didn’t grow old enough to procreate. Forty percent of us died before we reached adulthood. This is now down to negligible levels in developed countries.

Accordingly, Woodley of Menie and his team aver that Calhoun’s experiment–which created a “Mouse Utopia”–will provide a good indication of what will happen to us.

In Calhoun’s “Mouse Utopia” at the University of Maryland, there were no predators, no bad weather, no possibility to escape, and no epidemics, because the mice were ensured to be healthy when they entered. There was a huge amount of space. It was, in other words, paradise for mice.

In July 1968, the experiment began. The parallels with the Industrial Revolution are simply spooky. Just as with the Industrial Revolution, which witnessed the collapse of child mortality due to improved medical science and living conditions, there was an enormous population spike. Numbers doubled every 55 days until there were 620 mice.

At this point population growth began to slow down, just as happened in Western countries in the early Twentieth Century. Doubling then only occurred every 145 days. And, just as in the West, Calhoun started to see more and more elderly—and even senile—mice.

By day 315, Calhoun started to notice interesting behavior changes in the mice. More and more males became what he called “the beautiful ones.” These effete males would make no attempt to fight or copulate with females. They simply spend their time washing each other and eating.

By contrast, female behavior became increasingly aggressive: they would attack males, throw their offspring out of the nest too young, attack their young, and actively avoid sex.


Calhoun put this collapse down to the consequences of overcrowding. But Woodley and his team showed that the colony was nowhere close to overcrowded when the population growth began to decline. Woodley and his team see the problem as much more fundamental.

They argue that all health problems, both physical and mental, are interrelated. This is because they all reflect the same phenomenon: what the team call “high mutational load.”

For example, consider autism. It is definitely a result of mutant genes because it is more likely to develop the older your father is, meaning it a result of defective, mutant sperm. Autism is associated with all manner of other mental and physical health problems.

The Woodley of Menie team further argue that the brain is extremely sensitive to mutation, because it is fantastically complicated. 84% of our genome relates to the brain. This means that even a small number of mutations can have a massive impact on behavior. The effect is magnified in social animals like mice and men behavior is learned and mutations can interfere with social processes which allow adaptive behavior to be correctly taught.

Woodley of Menie calls these “spiteful mutations.” And as the carriers grow in number, they can pressure even non-carriers to conform to their maladaptive behavior.

For example, childless women may encourage other women not to have children. Mothers are shamed as “failures” because they didn’t focus on a career. Even non-carriers of maladaptive behavior are impacted.

In other words, mice have key evolved instincts which allow them to survive. Every generation, some mutant mice—who lack these instincts–are born. But their maladaptive instincts—no desire to breed or fight, or zero maternal instinct—are a product of mutation. They also carry other mutations, leading to poor immune systems or physical weakness. So they die young, and don’t pass on their mutant genes.

But in Calhoun’s mouse experiment, these mice survived and had children. The children survived and more and more mutations built-up until the potentially normal mice were a tiny minority who didn’t have the chance to learn appropriate behavior or how to relate to other mice.

And, ultimately, almost all the mice were mutants. The rest were totally maladapted and the population died out.

This “Mutational Meltdown” is happening in the West. The authors present clear evidence for it: huge spikes in autism and genetic disorders. This could be extended to include the prevalence of eating disorders, homosexuality, sexual identity problems, and the desire to not have children.

“Spiteful mutations” undermine things like religion, which is little more than a way of promoting evolutionary imperatives. For example: go forth and multiply, cooperative with each other, repel the invader.

But we now have liberal religion, which is basically post-modernism plus a vague religious sense. It reflects the increasing number of people whose instinct is to destroy their own genetic interests.

Humans have evolved instincts. In the past, those with mutant genes causing them to lack them died young without passing on their genes. Now, this is not the case. They live to adulthood, often pass on their own genes and, even they don’t, they still alter the carefully selected nature of the group.

Put simply, we are living in a society increasing composed of and dominated by mutants. And they can be tentatively identified by the fact that they reject the behavioral norms and views which were the unquestioned norm only a few generations ago.

But there is crucial difference between Mouse Utopia and the West. We are the scientists who are maintaining our own utopia. There is a growing body of evidence that intelligence is decreasing. Eventually we won’t be intelligent enough to sustain utopia and we will collapse back to pre-industrial levels of Natural Selection.

The current model of society, like the “Mouse Utopia,” is heading to collapse.

The only questions are whether we can turn it around.

And, if we can’t, what will succeed it.

Lance Welton, VDARE 13 Comments [9/3/2018 2:21:30 PM]
Fundie Index: 7

Quote# 140255

Atheists are genetic mutants who, for the most part, would never have been born if we hadn’t managed to break free of pre-industrial conditions of Darwinian selection. This was the conclusion of a paper published just before Christmas in the leading journal Evolutionary Psychological Science[The Mutant Says in His Heart, “There Is No God”: The Rejection of Collective Religiosity Centred Around the Worship of Moral Gods is Associated with High Mutational Load Edward Dutton, Guy Madison & Curtis Dunkel. (PDF).] and it sent establishment psychologists into spasms of rage.

To be sophisticated, these days, means that you’re an atheist. Academia is overwhelmingly atheist and average intelligence weakly correlates with not believing in God [High IQ turns academics into atheists,’ Times Higher Education, byRebecca Atwood, June 12, 2008]. For SJWs, the religious are at best stupid and, at worst, racist bigots who vote for Donald Trump and Brexit. So it’s no surprise that the paper was greeted with disbelief by the SJWs who fill departments of psychology.

Reactions ranged from “Amazing!” to condemning it as the worst paper of the year and “one of the most egregious papers I’ve ever read.” Reported in newspapers worldwide [Atheists more likely to be left handed, study finds, by Olivia Rudgard,Daily Telegraph, December 21, 2017], its authors presumably delighted in the reaction.

And the reaction was all the more ferocious because the paper’s conclusions are difficult to dispute. The researchers—British anthropologist Dr Edward Dutton, Swedish psychologist Prof. Guy Madison and Western Illinois University psychologist Curtis Dunkel—presented a beautifully simple case:

Until the Industrial Revolution, we were under harsh conditions of Darwinian Selection, meaning that about 40% of children died before they reached adulthood. These children would have been those who had mutant genes, leading to poor immune systems and death from childhood diseases. But they would also have had mutant genes affecting the mind. This is because the brain, home to 84% of the genome, is extraordinarily sensitive to mutation, so mental and physical mutation robustly correlate. If these children had grown up, they might have had autism, schizophrenia, depression... but they had poor immune systems, so they never had the chance.

Under these conditions, prevalent until the nineteenth century, we were individually selected for but we were also “group selected” for. Ethnic groups are simply a genetic extended family and some groups fared better against the environment and enemy groups than others did, due to the kind of partly genetic psychological adaptations they developed.

Among these, the authors argue, was a very specific kind of religiosity which developed in all complex societies: the collective worship of gods concerned with morality. Belief in these kinds of gods was selected for, they maintain, because once we developed cities we had to deal with strangers—people who weren’t part of our extended family. By conceiving of a god who demanded moral behaviour towards other believers, people were compelled to cooperate with these strangers, meaning that large, highly cooperative groups could develop.

Computer models have proven that the more internally cooperative group—which is also hostile to infidel outsiders—wins the battle of group selection [The Evolutionary Dominance of Ethnocentric Cooperation. Journal of Artificial Societies and Social Simulation by Max Hartshorn, June 2013]. This very specific kind of religiousness was selected for and, indeed, it correlates with positive and negative ethnocentrism even today.

The authors demonstrate that this kind of religiousness has clearly been selected for in itself. It is about 40% genetic according to twin studies, it is associated with strongly elevated fertility, it can be traced to activity in specific regions of the brain, and it is associated with elevated health: all the key markers that something has been selected for.

And it is from here that the authors make the leap that has made SJW blood boil. Drawing on research by Michael Woodley of Menie and his team (see here and here)they argue that conditions of Darwinian selection have now massively weakened, leading to a huge rise in people with damaging mutations. This is evidenced in increasing rates of autism, schizophrenia, homosexuality, sex-dysmorphia, left-handedness, asymmetrical bodies and much else. These are all indicators of mutant genes.

Woodley suggests that weakened Darwinian selection would have led to the spread of “spiteful mutations” of the mind, which would help to destroy the increasingly physically and mentally sick group, even influencing the non-carriers to behave against their genetic interests, as carriers would help undermine the structures through which members learnt adaptive behaviour.

This is exactly what happened in the infamous Mouse Utopia experiment in the late 1960s, where a colony of mice was placed in conditions of zero Darwinian selection and eventually died out. [Death squared: The explosive growth and demise of a mouse population. Proceedings of the Royal Society of Medicine, January 1973(PDF)].

So Dutton and his team argue that, this being the case, deviation from this very specific form of religiousness—the collective worship of moral gods in which almost everyone engaged in 1800—should be associated with these markers of mutation. In other words, both atheists and those interested in spirituality with no moral gods (such as the paranormal) should be disproportionately mutants.

And this is precisely what they show. Poor physical and mental health are both significantly genetic and imply high mutational load. Dutton and his team demonstrate that this specific form of religiousness, when controlling for key factors such as SES, predicts much better objective mental and physical health, recovery from illness, and longevity than atheism.

It’s generally believed that religiousness makes you healthier because it makes you worry less and elevates your mood, but they turn this view on its head, showing that religious worshippers are more likely to carry gene forms associated with being low in anxiety. Schizophrenia, they show, is associated with extreme and anti-social religiosity, rather than collective worship. Similarly, belief in the paranormal is predicted by schizophrenia, and this is a marker of genetic mutation.

Next, they test autism, another widely accepted marker of mutation, as evidenced by the fact that it’s more common among the children of older men, whose fathers are prone to mutant sperm. Autism predicts atheism.

They then look at data on left-handedness. In agricultural societies we are overwhelmingly right-handed. Left-handedness means an asymmetrical brain and thus, to some extent, mutation. They show that there is a weak but significant trend whereby the more strongly religious you are the more likely you are to be right-handed, just as the theory would predict. Finally, they turn to plain ugliness—asymmetry. This shows that your immune system is so deficient that you haven’t been able to maintain a symmetrical phenotype in the face of disease or that you simply have mutant genes that make you asymmetrical. Believers in the paranormal have less symmetrical hands than do controls.


Dutton & Co.’s research is so incendiary because it is presenting the SJWs with what they really are: mutants; maladapted people who undermine carefully evolved, evolutionarily useful structures—such as religion—meaning they make even non-carriers maladapted; discouraging them from breeding or from defending their ethnic group.

Under normal Darwinian conditions, prevalent until the Industrial Revolution, these mutants would simply never have been born. They are, just like the mutant mice, people whose influence will ultimately lead to the collapse of society, as intelligence declines, and we return to a new Dark Age in which people are likely to be very religious indeed.

But perhaps there is some good news. It’s quite clear from the Mouse Utopia experiments that if the mutants are removed, then the society will recover.

Lance Welton, VDARE 21 Comments [9/3/2018 2:17:09 PM]
Fundie Index: 12

Quote# 140254

If there’s one thing that unites wealthy Leftists, it’s the need to pretend they are compassionate.

And there are few better ways of doing this than campaigning against the death penalty.

Increasingly, Leftists take advantage of modern technology to do this: Activist groups like the National Coalition to Abolish the Death Penalty have created a virtual cottage industry geared toward virtue-signalling on the death penalty. They use their websites to direct the bleeding hearts to the next execution site, so they can launch a protest rally.

Cutting-edge research, however, reveals just how fantastically ironic this is. It seems that without the death penalty there’d be no internet, no television; in fact, very little civilization.

The first scholars to develop this king of all Left-triggering ideas were Canadian anthropologist Peter Frost and the late University of Utah anthropologist Henry Harpending. They published their landmark research in 2015 under the title Western Europe, State Formation, and Genetic Pacification in the journal Evolutionary Psychology.[PDF]

It was a truly ingenious argument.

When Europe became Christian, the death penalty was abolished. Right up until the beginning of the Middle Ages, people were left to settle their own disputes by fighting each other or demanding, from the state, that the murderer pay a fine for killing their relative. But, as Frost and Harpending put it, the Church gradually came to accept that, the "wicked" should be executed "so that the good can live in peace."

With biblical justification, more and more crimes became subject to the death penalty. By the High Middle Ages, every single felony (any crime serious enough to have traditionally warranted the confiscation of property) was met with the hangman’s noose.

Those sent to the gallows were almost always high-testosterone young men prone to violent crime. In fact, Frost and Harpending calculated that one percent of the male population were executed every generation throughout the Middle Ages. And another one percent were killed at the scene of the crime or died in fetid prisons awaiting trial or execution. So two percent of young men were eliminated every generation.

And because they tended to be young, this process meant that they had fewer children than if they hadn't been executed. Thus, they would have passed on fewer of their genes.

It’s here that Frost and Harpending perceptively draw their conclusion. Capital punishment must have changed the nature of European personality—by, in effect, culling out the psychopaths.

Criminality is strongly predicted by three key traits associated with psychopathology:

Low impulse control
Low altruism
Low mental stability.

These traits are at least 50 percent genetic. [See Personality: What Makes You the Way You Are, by Daniel Nettle, OUP, 2007]

The murder rate collapsed between the 14th and 20th centuries and they statistically proved that part of the reason for this was the continual killing of the most impulsive and disagreeable young males every generation. The pool of violent men essentially dried up.

Those who were executed were overwhelmingly poor, with poverty associated with poor impulse control and low altruism. They had to be extremely poor because, in England at least, if you could read, then you could avoid execution by claiming "benefit of the clergy."

Frost and Harpending are clear: Widespread execution led to the genetic "pacification" of Western Europe. It made people more cooperative, more forward-thinking, less impulsive . . . in other words more psychologically able to develop civilization. And as the late Canadian psychologist J. Philippe Rushton showed in his 1995 book Race, Evolution and Behavior, that it is the ethnic groups with these personality traits that develop civilization.

More recently, anthropologist Edward Dutton and Swedish psychologist Guy Madison have taken this insight further. In a 2018 article in the journal Evolutionary Psychological Science [Execution, Violent Punishment and Selection for Religiousness in Medieval England] they point out that this system of widespread execution would also have selected strongly for intelligence. Low socioeconomic status is predicted by low intelligence and it was overwhelmingly young, low SES men who met the hangman's noose. Low IQ predicts living for the now and not thinking about the future. And considering the dire consequences of breaking the law up until the 19th century, in England for example, you’d have to have been fairly stupid to do it.

And it is quite clear that national-average intelligence is the motor of civilization. In their huge 2012 study, Richard Lynn and Tatu Vanhanen showed that average national IQ strongly predicts national levels of education, research and development, wealth, earnings, employment, lack of poverty, lack of crime, democracy, honesty, health, life expectancy, sanitation, openness to change, lack of religious extremism . . . the list goes on [Intelligence: A Unifying Construct for the Social Sciences].

But central to Dutton and Madison’s study is something which, on the surface, might seem rather counter-intuitive in terms of the importance of the death penalty to civilization. They use the same statistical methods as Frost and Harpending to show that widespread execution was partly behind English people becoming more religious between the Medieval Era and the 16th century.

They argue that the English definitely became more religious, as evidenced by higher and higher percentages becoming monks and nuns, while heresy and witchcraft, deviations from accepted practice, grew increasingly unacceptable. And they estimate that religiousness is about 40 percent genetic, based on twin studies, and is predicted by exactly the same characteristics that predict not being a criminal: high altruism, high impulse control, and high mental stability.

Religiousness is also associated with low levels of autistic traits. Dutton and Madison demonstrate that there is a degree to which autism is associated with criminality. So the Medieval system of executing almost all criminals also effectively involved curtailing the fertility of the least religious young men every generation.

This policy bore fruit in the 16th and 17th centuries, according to the two researchers, with wars based around religion.

However, it also had another consequence, which they don’t look at but which has been explored by the German biologist Gerhard Meisenberg in his 2007 book In God’s Image. Precisely because Europeans were so intensely Christian, they didn’t adopt contraception, something which all previous civilizations had done when they got to about the stage the West reached in the early 18th century. Once contraception was adopted, it was taken up by cleverer and more educated people and used more efficiently by them, due to their higher IQ and better foresight. This has eventually resulted in a negative associated between SES [Socio-Economic Status] /intelligence fertility. Since the early 20th century, stupidity has predicted having lots of children.

Meisenberg shows this is exactly what happened in Greece and Rome. But because of this religious rejection of contraception, it didn’t happen in the modern West until much later in our development. This meant that we could get to the Industrial Revolution before the positive correlation between IQ and number of surviving children, which you see in all primitive societies, went into reverse due to contraception.

So, in a roundabout way, widespread execution made us more religious. And, paradoxically, if that hadn’t happened, there’d be no websites telling when and where the next execution will be, so we can Virtue-Signal about the death penalty. IQ would have declined, and we would have returned to the Dark Ages, just like the Romans and Greeks and Muslims did before us.

Put it this way: In April 2017, Johnny Depp made his way to Arkansas to protest against the planned execution of seven murderers that month. However, if it wasn’t for the widespread execution of young criminals, it’s very likely civilization would never have progressed beyond the technology and morality of Pirates of the Caribbean.

Lance Welton, VDARE 8 Comments [9/3/2018 2:12:40 PM]
Fundie Index: 8

Quote# 140253

As long as they are discriminating against the Christian flag and hoisting the abomination of the rainbow flag, God's impending judgment will hit landfall!

And that's how it is, regardless of how many morons reply with their idiotic nonsensical responses. You are already refuted. Period. I'm not wasting my time to look back here again.

Lydia Church, Christian News Network 15 Comments [9/3/2018 2:07:28 PM]
Fundie Index: 7
Submitted By: Bob J

Quote# 140252


You talking to me? This Christian is no member of the lieberal Westboro (Hellsboro) "Baptist" Church! Just because they have learned a couple things about the sodomite, doesn't mean they are right about other things of the Bible. That's despite being corrected by numerous preachers (see James the Preacher) in a multitudinous manner.

Have you seen whom they got out there preaching against f@ggotry? Females! What does the Bible say about the female opening her mouth relative to the matters of Biblical instruction? To wit: "But I suffer not a woman to teach, nor to usurp authority over the man, but to be in silence." 1 Tim 2:12

So next time you see WBC out there, make sure to tell their females to be in silence, to dress properly and not like slatterns, and to study their Bibles under direction of their men, as the Scripture commands.

Tony Demarcus, Ph.D., D.D., Disqus Grace and Truth 9 Comments [9/3/2018 2:06:45 PM]
Fundie Index: 8

Quote# 140251

Yes, ma'am. Those who demand obedience GET obedience. I keep seeing this over and over, from so many. If we don't back down, and just keep demanding obedience, then we will GET obedience. Many of us find it hard to believe, but only because we haven't pushed hard enough.

Those children who "refuse" to be spanked, who "refuse" to bring the cane, or the strap, or the paddle, who "refuse" to get into position for it - - apparently they CAN LEARN that "refusal" is not an option.

It is up to us, the parents, to keep insisting, and to keep punishing for disobedience.

Some say they will BRING the cane or strap, and ASK for the whipping, and THANK the parents afterwards. This sounds almost beyond belief to some of us. But there has to be some value in persistence.

The child has to eventually back down, as long as the parent does NOT back down!

Janice, Circle of Moms 18 Comments [9/3/2018 2:06:24 PM]
Fundie Index: 11

Quote# 140250

I just have a 7-year-old daughter. I am able to control her by myself, but I have no experience controlling boys. At least I can tell you what I do, and hope it would work for you too.

It could be that he isn't taking you seriously because you are more easy-going, in a general sense. This is a good thing not a bad thing, if it means you are the one he can go to for help with a problem.

But when you want him to do something in a certain way, he becomes confused, because you don't speak to him in a forceful and demanding way.

I would suggest you buy a few paddleball toys. You can let him play with them, or force him to play with one for a few minutes each day. But of course, you have to remove the ball and string to use it for spanking.

Write his name on the paddle with a felt-tip pen. This is easy if it's wood. If it's plastic, then you can also buy some large white labels that will stick to it. Cover one side with labels, fitted together, and write his name on the labels. Make sure it's written as big as you can write it, so it's very easy for him to see his name written on it.

When you want to tell him to do something, don't just tell him, and then tell him again, and then threaten to get the paddle.

Get the paddle in your hand, and make sure he can see it clearly, BEFORE you tell him what to do.

You could get right up in his face and say, "I've got this paddle with your name on it. Now, you are going to do exactly what I tell you to do, or else I'm going to beat your butt. Do you understand me?"

You don't have to shout. Speak gently and calmly, but with a commanding tone.

The spanking itself is a form of "communication," but the THREAT of a spanking is even more so. The threat might even be more effective than the spanking itself.

But in order for the threat-of-a-spanking to be effective, he has to believe you are serious about spanking him.

DON'T wait until he continues to be disobedient or defiant for some period of time, and then try to make a big production out of beating his butt. INSTEAD OF THAT, give him small commands often, and a quick smack or two when he doesn't respond immediately.

Suppose you tell him, "It's time for your bath now," and he says, "In a few minutes." Just say, "I'm getting your paddle," and go get it out from wherever it's "hidden." He should start moving immediately at that point. If not, he gets a whack or two, and you tell him again what he has to do.

You should keep the paddle out of sight, UNTIL you want to threaten an immediate spanking. This way, the act of getting it out of its hiding place, and TELLING HIM that you're getting it, will have an effect that it could not have if you left it on display all the time.

You have to be UNAPOLOGETIC about spanking him. DON'T say, "Come on now, I don't want to have to get the paddle! Come on now, I don't want to have to give you a spanking!"

Just say, "I'm getting the paddle!" and quickly get it in your hand so he can see it. DON'T "beg him" to obey you. And don't wait until you are furious.

You might end up actually spanking him less, and getting better cooperation, if you "communicate" your seriousness up-front.

His defiance or disobedience is basically a "misunderstanding." He has the illusion in his mind that you WON'T SPANK HIM, because the last time you spanked him was "so long ago." And you have the illusion in your mind that he WILL OBEY YOU, because you spanked him so recently.

As for actually spanking him, you could still primarily use your hand. The paddle is meant to be symbolic. He should feel the paddle on his bare butt enough to sting, enough so he associates seeing the paddle with getting a spanking. But with any implement, you have to worry about causing an injury. With your hand, at least you have more control.

You can smack him with your hand, and not just on the butt but on the legs. Or you could have a wooden spoon, or a fly-swatter, or a belt folded-up and used lightly.

I had a problem with the fly-swatter recently, because I was experimenting by taping two of them together, and whacking the front of my leg to see how it worked. I ended up cutting my leg with it, so that it drew blood.

With any implement, we have to be very careful. I ended up hitting my leg with the handle, instead of the end-piece. Carol warned me about plastic being "sharp," and I didn't know what she meant. Well, now I know.

Anyhow, you can use these implements, but be careful with them.

Use the paddle to SHOW him that you are prepared to spank him. Get it out of its hiding place WITHIN SECONDS of not getting the proper response. Sometimes you can get it in your hand before you even START telling him what to do. But you can do most of the actual spanking with your hand, even though you have the paddle as a "visual signalling device."

Of course, when he wants something from you, YOU can say, "In a minute." And maybe he has a good reason for saying that, also. But his "good reason" is less important than his obedience.

Any refusal or hesitation, anything short of instant obedience, you say "I'm getting the paddle!" And then you quickly get that paddle in your hand, so he can see it. Even if he suddenly starts moving fast, you should still get it out, and make sure he sees that paddle in your hand, because you TOLD HIM YOU WOULD GET IT.

Janice, Circle of Moms 11 Comments [9/3/2018 2:05:24 PM]
Fundie Index: 12

Quote# 140249

Considering your approach to discipline, I think what you need is a large dog cage. You can put blankets over the outside of the cage, for top and sides. Then you could look inside whenever you want to, or cover it when you want to, without opening the cage.

Also, there should be a blanket inside the cage for her to lay on.

The next step would be to get a metal chain and a padlock, to make sure she can't open it from the inside.

Assuming that she gets bigger, of course you would need a big enough cage to accommodate a full-grown young woman. She might stop growing taller at about 15, but she would still be legally subject to your discipline.

With the baby pacifier or "dummy" device, this can limit the backtalk, as Rachel says, or reduce the amount of crying.

They do sell "adult baby" pacifiers or "dummy" mouthpieces, some of which have buckling straps to go around the back of the neck.

Again, there is always the possibility of using a small padlock to keep her from unfastening it herself.

There are a lot of cute items you could buy, which are sold as "adult baby" supplies.

You can remind your daughter that she is not a grown woman. She is a child. She acts like a child. And she will be treated like a child.

When she gets whiny, and she's acting like a big "cry-baby," then she can wear a pacifier in her mouth.

They also have cages that look like large baby cribs, with wood beams like "jail-cell" bars.



If you have a large enough cage, you could cover the top and sides with blankets, and this could be your spanking room, if you can fit inside of the space with her.

Of course, you want to lock the door in the OPEN position, whenever you have to get inside of it yourself.

In any case, as I say, you should plan on her growing taller, and get a large enough cage that she can lay down in it.

A lot of closets might be wide enough, and with wide doors, but not deep enough. You could still use the closet space you have, and add to it by building a new wall a few feet out into the room.

Just tell a carpenter that you need a bigger closet.

Janice, Circle of Moms 21 Comments [9/3/2018 2:03:29 PM]
Fundie Index: 19

Quote# 140248

Today's Laugh 8-31-18

Mick Williams, Disqus - Faith & Religion 16 Comments [9/3/2018 2:02:40 PM]
Fundie Index: 6
Submitted By: Jocasta

Quote# 140245

The world turned upside down. Who would have guessed when Ronald Reagan was President, that in a few years Russia would be the bastion of Christianity and protector of traditional Western values?

Solzhenitsyn saw this coming, and warned us.

Governor Dinwiddie, Free Republic 8 Comments [9/3/2018 2:00:14 PM]
Fundie Index: 4
Submitted By: Katie

Quote# 140236

(Amos continues to conflate homosexuality and narcissism, claiming scripture says so)

Amos Moses:
Romans (this entire passage is about NARCISSISM)
1:26 For this cause God gave them up unto vile affections: for even their women did change the natural use into that which is against nature: (LESBIANS ADDRESSED)
1:27 And likewise also the men, leaving the natural use of the woman, burned in their lust one toward another; men with men working that which is unseemly, and receiving in themselves that recompence of their error which was meet. (HOMOSEXUALS ADDRESSED)
1:28 And even as they did not like to retain God in their knowledge, God gave them over to a reprobate mind, to do those things which are not convenient;
1:29 Being filled with all unrighteousness, fornication, wickedness, covetousness, maliciousness; full of envy, murder, debate, deceit, malignity; whisperers,
1:30 Backbiters, haters of God, despiteful, proud, boasters, inventors of evil things, disobedient to parents, (NARCISSISM ADDRESSED)
1:31 Without understanding, covenantbreakers, without natural affection, implacable, unmerciful:(MORE NARCISSISM)
1:32 Who knowing the judgment of God, that they which commit such things are worthy of death, not only do the same, but have pleasure in them that do them.(MORE NARCISSISM and the PENALTY)

Not one of those passages LINKS narcissism with homosexuality, they are addressed as SEPARATE things. It is YOU who is attempting to link them. Your scripture IS NOT doing that.

Amos Moses:
they are discussed in the exact same part of scripture ...... and you are not a competent judge of scripture ............ they are not separate issues

They are discussed in the exact same part of scripture. I don't DISPUTE that.
BUT THEY ARE NOT THE SAME THING. If in some part of scripture they condemn murder and in the next sentence they condemn rape, does it mean rape and murder are the same thing? Are you always this obtuse?

Amos Moses:
they are inextricably linked ..........

So a rapist is always a murderer too?

Amos Moses:
YUP .....

Amos Moses, Christian News Network 10 Comments [9/3/2018 1:46:57 PM]
Fundie Index: 3
Submitted By: Jocasta

Quote# 140235

Janice they kneel on a hard floor and I expect them to thank me for taking the time to properly discipline them. If they don't they go back over for 2-3 strokes of the stick

I also don't allow tights - white socks and shirt with white knickers which come down when a spanking is applied. Except at bedtime Jane and Michael have to change into their school uniforms b4 being disrobed. That way it emphasises the connection between being the spanking and being obedient at school as well as being a ritual that encourages them to conform.

I also tend to unbutton Michael's trousers and slip his underpants down and likewise unzip Jane's skirt before lowering her knickers for the stick

Michelle_williams, Circle of Moms 9 Comments [9/3/2018 1:40:54 PM]
Fundie Index: 7

Quote# 140234

it's good that the pain last for some days....so they won't missbeheave too soon...my daughter Mariela (11), after a good whipping or canning, is very quiet and obedient, until the pain goes away totally...

Andrea, Circle of Moms 9 Comments [9/3/2018 1:39:05 PM]
Fundie Index: 6

Quote# 140233


Do you let them kneel on soft cushions, or do you make them kneel on a hard floor? Or does it depend on their score for the week?

When respect for parents is connected to respect for God, this is a powerful combination. This means that disrespect for parents is connected to disrespect for God.

You can tell them to say whatever words you want them to say. They can say these words as a prayer to God, while on their knees.

If they don't say exactly what you tell them to say, in exactly the way you tell them to say it, this is disrespecting God, since they are supposed to be in prayerful repentance.

They can apologize for being disobedient. They can ask God to give mom and dad the strength to punish them. They can thank God for giving them a butt to be spanked, and giving you a cane and a strap to spank it with.

Mom and Dad and God are to them a completely unified authority, which they have no choice but to respect.

Janice, Circle of Moms 6 Comments [9/3/2018 1:38:52 PM]
Fundie Index: 6

Quote# 140232


The offense was against YOU, and it was a very personal insult directed at you. You have to be the one to control him, ultimately.

Do you do obedience exercises, as a routine thing?

When they take their bath or shower, you should spend some time with them in the bathroom. While they are naked, you should have them do short obedience exercises.

I like to have a continuous series of orders or commands, and my daughter will do some things for as long as two minutes, but no longer. She can stand in the corner in a certain pose, hands on top of her head for example, and I look at a digital clock or wristwatch. When it counts a gap of two minutes, that is between one and two minutes.

I have her doing things that take much less time, also. I spend somewhere between 10 and 20 minutes, while holding a fly-swatter in my hand, or a paddle with her name written on it.

I don't beat her butt severely, very often, because I don't see the need to. But she is routinely getting a single whack on a butt cheek.

I do the same thing at an earlier time of day, with her clothes on. All except her feet. She has to be barefoot for any sort of discipline.

Any kind of resistance, and that butt is bare in a few seconds.

This is NOT "punishment." It's "obedience." A continuous series of commands. Stand this way. Stand that way. Bring this to me. Bring that to me. Stand in the corner. Hold your arms like this.

I get the feeling you don't do regular obedience exercises. Maybe they would be easier to control if you did.

Janice, Circle of Moms 10 Comments [9/3/2018 1:37:54 PM]
Fundie Index: 6

Quote# 140203

The majority of the images and videos he possesed were children and BABIES being brutally raped on film and camera and Mark Salling as the audience for those photos and videos. Do some research please... Articles are stating the images were masochistic and violent on top of the rape itself. Defend these victims not him. He could have gotten help at any time and CHOSE not to. Instead he chose to create a demand for raping children

He didn’t “create a demand.” It’s not like he went out and announced to the world that he was addicted to child pornography. And for the last time, I was not defending his actions. You people constantly describing to me what he did isn’t changing anything. I’m aware. But that doesn’t change the fact that he was a human who deserved to be helped and understood. And it is OKAY for him to be mourned. It is OKAY for people to be sad about his death. Please stop bombarding me with useless messages as if I have no idea what’s going on. Yes, he did terrible things, but the root of all of this is mental illness, whether you people can accept that or not. Mark was sick. And that made him do some terrible things. I am NOT defending that, and obviously shit like that needs to STOP. But he is dead. He fucking killed himself, so yeah, I have a little sympathy for him.

reyheyy, tumblr 4 Comments [9/3/2018 7:52:30 AM]
Fundie Index: 1

Quote# 140180

To set the record straight, he says, Keith Hudson denied on The Alex Jones Show having ever called his daughter a “devil child.” In the one hour interview Hudson says that he “would never say something like that.” Well, I have a right to my opinion and I kindly say that Katy Perry is very much a little Devil. Perry's music video are raunchy, lewd and vulgar. Alex Jones is so full of crap sometimes, Like in this MP3 interview where he tells Katy Perry's shameful father that Perry could be the biggest weapon to date against the New World Order. Huh? Katy Perry is a total puppet for the NWO. She has sold her soul.

It's a joke hearing Alex Jones speak of Katy Perry as a blessing from God against the NWO, when in reality she is public enemy number one, leading millions of young girls into whoredom and a life without God. Katy Perry mocks the name of Jesus Christ. Katy's faith is a synthetic shell, canned religion, where you profess Christ but live for yourself (which is exactly what Satan wants you to do). Remember what Aleister Crowley (the biggest scumbag satanist of the 20th century) said was his life's motto: “DO AS THOU WILT SHALL BE THE WHOLE OF THE LAW!” The following passage of Scripture describes Katy Perry precisely. Jude 1:17-19, “But, beloved, remember ye the words which were spoken before of the apostles of our Lord Jesus Christ; How that they told you there should be mockers in the last time, who should walk after their own ungodly lusts. These be they who separate themselves, sensual, having not the Spirit.”

Alex Jones continually says throughout the interview that none of has the right to judge Katy Perry or anyone else, but Alex perverts the Biblical truth. It is our duty as Christians to expose wickedness in public. True, we don't condemn anyone who has sinned (past tense), but we ought to judge those who are presently living in sin and glorifying sin. In the interview Alex perverts the Word of God, saying that anyone who criticizes Katy Perry's immoral slutty behavior in her music videos is driving people away from Christ. This is the worst wrestling of the Scriptures possible, attempting to justify sin. Instead of rebuking and shaming Katy Perry for her public lewdness and raunchy behavior, Jones praises her as a role model better than some others. That's like saying that you'd be better off eating out of the toilet than to eat out of the sewer!!! Who's kidding who? Perry is of the Devil.

David J. Stewart, Jesus is Precious 18 Comments [9/2/2018 1:08:26 PM]
Fundie Index: 3
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