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Quote# 139771

Today's Laugh 8-12-18

CAPTION: The wax museum's new rogue's gallery exhibit.

Girl, shivering: Creeps!

Mick Williams, Disqus - Faith & Religion 23 Comments [8/13/2018 5:21:47 AM]
Fundie Index: 4
Submitted By: Jocasta

Quote# 139766

I agree totally with you. Moral relativism is ridiculous. There comes a point where you have to draw a line and say somethings are good and somethings are bad. Having sex with 10 year old girls is wrong no matter where you are (I can't believe that I actually have to argue the point). People, keep an open mind, but don't let your brain fall out.

Are you Atheist? Are you rational? On what grounds do you make your moral claims? Intellectually speaking, what's the difference between having sex with someone who is 18, 16, 14, 12 or 10 years old? Why is one 100% morally acceptable while another is 100% morally objectionable? Why is the magic line drawn at 18 and not 16? Why 16 and not 14? Et cetera.

If your basis for moral judgement is zeitgeist, then you've given away the argument.

first, I can't believe that I'm being asked to justify my belief that child rape is wrong, but if you really want to do this, I will take the break. Physical: a ten year old is not physically mature enough to sustain a sexual relationship. Duh. Maturity: a ten year old is not emotionally or mentally mature enough to be "married," you dumb-fuck. This includes brain development. Sociologically: a society like this treats women as property, not people. This has a negative effect on human rights (which I guess is too "western" for your silly ass) and promotes victimization and oppession on a wide scale. If that is too abstract for your brain, then we can play this as a consumer problem where market forces are effected by widespread disenfranchisement. Could you imagine her bachelorette party? Fucking barbie themed for age appropriateness. Oh, and I love the "are you atheist" opening. Very self-righteous of you

You completely missed the point of my questions. Anyone can say that X is wrong, but why? In our culture we view marriage to a 10 year old as rape, but in their culture it's normal. Why is our moral perspective superior? Likewise, many in their culture may argue that abortion is murder and to let a murderer keep his life is unjust. Why is our morality superior in this case?

In order to claim our culture's moral values are superior you'd better have a strong, objective standard of morality to measure things by. Morality is either relative or absolute. If it's absolute, how and why? If it's relative, you've already lost the argument for your culture's moral superiority.

People have been giving their sons and daughters in marriage at that age for thousands of years. Any perceived negative consequences that you have are unique to modern Western culture. Your entire concept of marriage is different than theirs. There's a high probability that this girls mother, grandmother, sisters, cousins and female companions all had similar marriages. To them, it's normal. It's just the way things are. You're projecting your own Western values onto them and judging them when you have absolutely no idea what it's like to be born and raised in such a culture.

Do you think a 10 year old has the same mental capacity as an 18 year old? What does being an atheist have to do with moral claims?

If you're religious then your basis for moral claims is religious belief. If you're a rational atheist then you have to be able to support your claims with reason.

So why is a 18 year old suddenly capable of a healthy marital relationship when a 16/14/12/10 year old isn't? What is an acceptable age to you? Where do you draw the line? Given our society's rampant divorce and generally screwed up relationships, what exactly are the mental requirements of a healthy marital relationship? What makes you think our culture has it right? Given that their culture has been doing this for thousands of years, where is the evidence proving your position?

If you're religious then your basis for moral claims is religious belief. If you're a rational atheist then you have to be able to support your claims with reason.

So why is a 18 year old suddenly capable of a healthy marital relationship when a 16/14/12/10 year old isn't? What is an acceptable age to you? Where do you draw the line? Given our society's rampant divorce and generally screwed up relationships, what exactly are the mental requirements of a healthy marital relationship? What makes you think our culture has it right? Given that their culture has been doing this for thousands of years, where is the evidence proving your position?

Your reaction is a purely emotional one. I'm just illustrating the hypocrisy in taking a moral stance on this issue without being able to back it up.

Morality is either absolute or relative. If it's relative, then you have no argument. If it's absolute, then you need to explain how and why. Religious people claim morality is absolute and back it up with a "higher power" or some other foundational principle. I'm trying to get you to explain what foundational principle your "absolute morality" is based on.

Also, you still haven't answered any of my questions. At what age does this introduction to "rational thought" occur?

In Jewish culture going back thousands of years, you were an adult when you reached the age of 12, and betrothals and marriages at this age weren't unusual. Up to nearly a hundred years ago, most Western countries set the age of consent between 10-13 years old. In modern Spain the age of consent is 13. In several countries in Europe and most of South America sets the age of consent at 14. In several countries, including North Korea set it at 15. The most common age of consent for most countries is 16. In the USA it varies between 16 and 18 depending on the state. Some countries set the age of consent at puberty instead of a specific age.

Which countries would you accuse of supporting pedophilia? Why are your moral values superior to that of millions, if not billions, of people around the world? I'm just looking for you to provide some underlying foundational principle for your (rather bold) position that doesn't depend on feigning shock and painting me (or anyone else) as a pedophile supporter.

novanleon, reddit 5 Comments [8/13/2018 5:17:37 AM]
Fundie Index: 5

Quote# 139765

i always kind of thought on that myself. I mean, we; humans; make our puberty around 13 but society ants us to wait some more years that depend on where you live and people view it as wrong for a grown-up( like 35) to wanting having sex with teenage. But back when you were considered old at your 25s, wasn't it normal for us to breed no matter how long we had been living ? and with that i wonder if pedophilia isn't a problem created by moral ethics and laws.

I know my point of view is not really unanimous ( far from that ) but i think this is the truth biologically speaking

Nonononononononono pedophilia isn't a problem that was created by moral ethics and laws, it's a problem that's corrected and punished by moral ethics and the law.

Yes, it's biologically possible to have children like this. And as civilization has grown through thousands of years, maybe we've realized that an older person with vastly more developed maturity is very much taking advantage of a developing child when this happens. The difference is so vast that there isn't any semblance of a level playing field.

You know why redpillers love the young girls and teenagers? It's because the horribly uneven playing field makes it easier for them make people fall for their kind of thinking. 25 years old is 'too old' for them because very few 25 year olds are going to accept the red pill into their lives.

Yes that makes sense, but still, i think that biologically speaking there is nothing wrong in a 21 year old having sex with a girl that hit puberty and vice-versa. However i understand that my view is controversial and probably not widly shared but this thought was on my mind for too long so here it is, i have nothing more to say.

[deleted], r/TheRedPill 2 Comments [8/13/2018 4:57:47 AM]
Fundie Index: 4

Quote# 139764

lets not kid ourselves. the best looking pussy is 14-22 depending on how hard she hit puberty. tits dont magically appear when she turns 18. pedophiles like girls who are PRE-pubescent, that term is just used to shame you for having a hot 19 year old girl. just-developed (or in the process) is the biological prime. the whole 18 thing is government sanctioned prime based on how long it takes to finish school in the United States, to keep girls from getting pregnant while she still in high school (outdated laws from pre-birthcontrol times). old enough to bleed, old enough to breed

Ohh fuck thank you so much. It pisses me off that this is the first time I've seen this opinion openly expressed on reddit.

I feel very strongly about the way pedophiles are treated. They are one of the only groups of people who cannot form support groups without fear of losing their jobs, their friends, or worse. Drug addicts and drunks are both allowed and encouraged to meet up, and we trust that they are actively seeking to deal with their problems, not encouraging each other to continue. Yet there is this fear of pedophiles, to the point that if non-offending pedophiles tried to meet up to talk about and deal with their problems, it would probably end in disaster. They also can't talk to a psychologist, for fear that that psychologist will allow their own feelings to get in the way and report the pedophile seeking help. Once the word is out, they're fucked.

The point is, calling someone a pedophile is arguably one of the worst insults someone could use, especially when you take into account all the things that are said about pedophiles: the death threats, the suggestions that they should all be castrated, the idea that all pedophiles will heartlessly rape little girls and damage them forever if they're allowed to live. When you call someone a pedophile, you're calling them a heartless monster who only sees children as empty vagina holes to fill in order to satisfy their perverted sexual deviancy. You're saying they deserve to be imprisoned, castrated, killed, ostracized, and hated. And that applies to people who have never offended. It's hating someone for the thoughts they think, even if they never express those thoughts in any way.

Now calling someone a pedophile when said "pedo" is attracted to a mature girl, with full reproductive capacity, who is dressing in such a way as to suggest that she is aware of her sexual nature... That's just disgusting. People demonize the idea of being attracted to anyone below the arbitrary line of 18, and flat out deny that anyone below 18 is attractive. I can't even begin to express how mad this makes me, so I'll just stop here.

It's incredible that one of the most hated subreddits is the only one where I can find some goddamn rational thought.

biggerproblems, r/TheRedPill 5 Comments [8/13/2018 4:56:36 AM]
Fundie Index: 4

Quote# 139762

[on adults marrying 10 year olds in yemen]

It's wrong to my culture, but it isn't to their culture. I don't like that the world goes toestepping on other people's cultures because they don't think something is right or fair. As if their whining actually does anything. To me this isn't right. I'm not saying I agree with what goes on in other countries, I just don't think it's any of our business if it doesn't effect us.

[deleted], reddit 4 Comments [8/13/2018 4:53:39 AM]
Fundie Index: 4

Quote# 139474

The homosexual lifestyle is really a “deathstyle.” Statistics Reveal 83% Of Homosexuals Have Had Sex With More Than 50 Partners (Gay love?) It is not surprising that America's fornicating “hook-up” culture no longer see the harm of homosexuality. Married couples, who honor God in a committed heterosexual relationship with each other, clearly see the horrible reality of homosexuality. However, the younger generation (who've have been indoctrinated by Hollywood and Walt Disney to have pre-marital sex, with dozens if not hundreds of sex partners) are desensitized to the awfulness of homosexuality. Satanic influences like Taylor Swift are destroying our youth. Homosexuality nearly always means having dozens, hundreds, even thousands of sex partners. The statistics cannot be erased! A disgusting 28% of homosexuals admitted to having over 1,000 sexual partners! Only an adulterer or fornicator with dozens of sex partners would see no harm, or defend, homosexuality (because they're all in the same boat)! Now you understand why Satan is relentlessly pushing sex, sex, sex on young people today, to demoralize them, so they'll go along with homosexuality, then incest and pedophilia, and ultimately sell their souls to worship (sexual perversion in the churches) the man of sin, the Anti-Christ! Think I'm kidding? Read about The Naked Cowboy (a pastor at Hillsong Church). Or how about this naked pastor in Virginia?

Think about this. If someone truly wanted to hurt you, they would hurt those whom you love. Usually this is a person's family. Well, Satan hates God and wants to hurt Him, so the Devil hurts the object of God's love, which is mankind. Satan loves to hurt God's children, the born-again Christian believer, to hurt the heart of our great God. Satan wants to destroy you my friend, because God loves you! God has no pleasure in the death of the wicked!

Our nation's pulpits died in the 1980's. Although fundamentalism surged for a time in the 1970's and thousands of Baptist churches were going strong by the late 1970's, the popularity of the new International Version (NIV) killed the churches, removing their authority. “PREACHING WITH AUTHORITY!” (MP3 sermon by Brother Roloff). America is going to hell. Sadly, too many youth today are bratty, undisciplined, lacking personal character, rude, bitter toward authority, sexually perverse, mentally confused, irresponsible, spiritually ignorant and without respect for elders. They are not saved! No one has told them about the Lord Jesus Christ.

David J. Stewart, Love the Truth 12 Comments [8/12/2018 7:20:08 PM]
Fundie Index: 8

Quote# 139463

Sometimes people need to die. Pacifism is reactionary. I personally support the liberation of the homosexual proletariat, but such a stance was not widely held among Marxists from Stalin through the 90s. I wouldn't uphold them as my ideal people's army but I admire their social ideas and willingness to resist both imperialism and the neoliberal regime.


Shining Path were heroes. Those who died should feel honored to have been martyred in the name of the Peruvian proletariat and Revolution. First, I appreciate that you actually respond to my posts and engage in a reasonable manner.


Second, I'm a pretty big admirer of early DPRK as well. Kim Il-sung was pretty solid and he managed to create one of the most advanced socialist societies out of rubble after the Victorious Fatherland Liberation War. Juche, while clearly revisionist in ideological substance, is a fascinating attempt at creating a Marxism that rejects dialectical materialism. I follow the Korean Friendship Association and enjoy reading their "Juche classroom" articles. No, we want to liquidate the bourgeoisie and establish a dictatorship of the proletariat. It's going to be bloody and if you're not comfortable with that, there's a spot in the gulag for you.

Little Red Bean, AlternateHistory 9 Comments [8/12/2018 7:19:44 PM]
Fundie Index: 5
Submitted By: Katie

Quote# 139760

[From "Daily Stormer Health Organization Declares August 12th International Obesity Awareness Day"]

In honor of the tragic death of the morbidly obese communist activist Heather Heyer, who had a heart attack and died on August 12, 2017 at the ripe age of 32 after she was standing next to a car accident, the Daily Stormer is declaring August 12th International Obesity Awareness Day.

Here are the top five facts every person needs to know about obesity.

5. Fat People Have No Self-Respect
The first thing you instinctively note when you notice a fat person is that they have no respect for themselves. And it is impossible for a person who has no self-respect to respect any other person, or society.

They are declaring to the world that they do not believe they have any value as people.

The world does not value them as people either, and no one really cared when Heather Heyer died of a heart attack. They simply used her as a political weapon.

No fat person can ever be loved or even considered to have any form of value at all by any human being. This is why fat people often keep cats.

4. Fat People are Worthless
Fat people are of virtually no use to society, whatsoever, as they are incapable of performing virtually any physical task, and because the fat infects their brains, they are incapable of even performing menial mental activities.

A fat person’s only real purpose for their existence is to consume food.

Fat white women can also provide sex to black people.

Though the benefit of that to society is questionable.

3. Fat People are Disgusting
There is nothing more offensive than seeing a fat person, other than possibly seeing someone with Down Syndrome.

No one wants to look at a bulbous blob. It is fundamentally repulsive. The reality of this is evidenced by the fact that no memorial to Heather Heyer shows her as she actually was, instead portraying her as thin.


2. Being Fat is an Anti-Social Act
Just as rioting in the street and attacking random people in cars is anti-social, being fat is anti-social.

It not only demonstrates that you have no respect for yourself, but also demonstrates that you have no respect for other people. Forcing other people to view your disgusting form is a hateful act against everyone on earth.

1. Obesity Shortens Life and Causes Heart Attacks
The main issue that was brought to light by the events of Charlottesville last year is that a morbidly obese woman of a mere 32 years was killed by a heart attack caused by a loud sound.

It was impossible to perform CPR on her bulbous form, because you can’t push through that fat. You just bounce off. It is like pushing against a bouncy house.

So if you want to stay alive, folks, stay fit. Stay lean.


Andrew Anglin, The Daily Stormer 27 Comments [8/12/2018 2:46:52 PM]
Fundie Index: 16
Submitted By: JeanP

Quote# 139754


I downloaded Tinder yesterday and "liked" profiles of 200 women in my area. A day later and 0 matches. Keep in mind that when you first create an account, you get what is called a "noob boost" which makes it so that you are far more likely to get matches on the first day than afterwards.

I always thought my problem was that I just wasn't meeting enough women, and that if I met more women I would have gotten a gf. But Tinder has showed me that the problem is my looks.

incel4life, incels.me 8 Comments [8/12/2018 9:28:48 AM]
Fundie Index: 3
Submitted By: Pharaoh Bastethotep

Quote# 139753

Women aren't stupid or irrational for wanting Chad. It's in women's best interests to pick a stupid Chad over successful intelligent incel

Incels might be better at survival, but in a prosperous society there is no need for survival since all you need to do is be smart enough to work a fast food job. What's important to her genetic line's survival is whether or not her sons will reproduce, and if she marries an incel, her sons will probably not reproduce. Incels might be able to provide the kids a better upbringing, but in the end, Chad's kids will have better lives since they have no problem finding a woman that wants to be with them. It's utterly irrational for women in our culture to be atracted to incels. In fact, if a certain young woman were attracted to intelligent successful incels, it would make sense for genetic line's survival to change her attraction so that she is attracted to stupid Chads.

incel4life, incels.me 13 Comments [8/12/2018 9:28:39 AM]
Fundie Index: 3
Submitted By: Pharaoh Bastethotep

Quote# 139752

The bluepill is a drug that keeps the human race from commiting suicide en masse

Most people are outstandingly receptive to blue-pill like encouragement, so much so that they'll forego logic to buy into some fanciful dream that "anything is possible".

I'm certain if some girl told any member of this site that he is attractive, 90% will block out the years of rejection, looks based social isolation, and loathesome angst and start believing that there's hope things will one day be alright.

Humans will clasp to the faintest hint of hope and use it to perservere against any rational argument. Evolutionary men are programmed to vastly overestimate their chances of mating success, so that they don't despair and keep trying until they can finally secure a chance to pass on their genes.

Examples of blue-pilled hope bombs:

"You can be a ladies man, it just takes the right attitude and confidence to know what women want"

"You've got a great smile, I'm sure girls just find you a bit intimidating"

"I'm sure girls will be lining up to date you when you get to college. Things will be different there"

"Girls are more worried about you rejecting them than you are about them rejecting you."

"If she rejects you, it's definitely not because of your looks, you just didn't present yourself well enough"

"Penis size doesn't matter, it's about how you use it"

gylo, incels.me 7 Comments [8/12/2018 9:28:35 AM]
Fundie Index: 3
Submitted By: Pharaoh Bastethotep

Quote# 139751


It's fucking creepy because a 16-year-old is mentally underdeveloped and in many ways still a child, regardless of physical development. Hell your brain does not stop developing until your mid-20s, but teenagers especially lack the frontal lobe development that would allow them to accurately gauge risk and develop informed inhibition. If you think the distinction between a 16-year-old and a 24-year-old is "arbitrary" (because what? They both have tits?), then yeah... Maybe you do belong on some list.
I've already addressed the difference between legality and morality in another comment. Your* entire rant relies on legality being the sole boundary between right and wrong, not to mention you've entirely missed the point of what I said in favor of listening to yourself harp about how adults should be allowed to have sex with kids

the reason my rant relies on the LEGALITY of a topic discussion LEGAL AGE OF CONSENT should be fairly obvious. Also you will note in my comment I state that I think an adult having sex with a 16 year old isnt right. I have taken a stance on morality. My comment was focusing solely on the legal aspect, and I agree with you on the morality part (which you would understand if you read my comment with any level of reading comprehension).My comment doesnt "rely" on the legality issue, i just decided that I would only join in on the debate on the legality side of things. That would be like saying a physics paper "enirely relies on the laws of physics". well no shit, its a specific paper that specializes in that one topic, that doesnt mean that I dont acknowledge all other fields of study just because I wrote something up about one of them.

But anyway, It doesnt matter what is morally wrong, or creepy, the law doesnt cater to your personal code of ethics. And that is my point. Just because someone else is immoral and unethical by YOUR standards does not mean it is immoral and unethical by everyone elses standards. And it certainly doesnt mean we should throw people in jail and ruin their lives because you, specifically you /u/butyourenice dont agree with it. The entire population of a country should follow exactly your moral code? get the fuck out of here you pretentious fuck. Is cheating on your spouse immoral and unethical? yes. Is it immoral and unethical to deny a hungry child food because he doesnt have enough money to pay for it? yes. Is it illegal to cheat on your wife or expect payment for your goods? Im not saying having sex with a 16 year old as a 65 year old ISNT unethical or immoral, what Im saying is that it doesnt matter. Legality is what the state has decided is right and wrong, and everyone living there is forced to follow it. Morality and ethics is how you personally chose to live your life. So if something is legal, then it doesnt matter whether or not you find it immoral, because someone else might not and they have every right to do so just like you. Im not saying having sex with a 16 year old isnt morally wrong, Im saying morality is highly subjective and personal, so if your morals say you shouldnt have sex with a 16 year old as an adult, then there is an easy solution. Dont have sex with a 16 year old as an adult. See? problem solved. And if someone else doesnt think that it is immoral and does have sex with a 16 year old as an adult, then guess what? they have their own set of morals and code of ethics that they chose to live their life by, and thats fine because they arent you, so your morals dont fucking matter to them! Its such an easy concept, but you people who think the whole world should cater only to people who share the exact same opinions and lifestyle as themselves are narrow minded and ignorant. Are 16 year old girls old enough and developed enough to decide if they should have sex? are you a 16 year old girl? Are all 16 year olds the exact same level of maturity? Yes it is something that needs to be determined on a case by case basis. And its a good thing that because it is legal, and rape is still illegal, then having sex as a 16 year old is a choice that they are free to make. If they have a parent/guardian who helps them make that decision, even better. But 16 year olds have a lot of decisions and responsibilities in their lives that require a much higher level of maturity than being allowed to have a penis inside of them.

kugel, reddit 3 Comments [8/12/2018 9:28:29 AM]
Fundie Index: 3

Quote# 139750

Former Cecilia Junior High teacher pleads guilty, sentenced

A former St. Martin Parish teacher pleaded guilty in connection with improper conduct with a student.

Kaylyn Huval, 28, of Breaux Bridge was charged and pleaded guilty to one count of carnal knowledge of a juvenile, said Assistant District Attorney Chester Cedars.

Cue the faux outrage from morality fetishists who have no problem with priests molesting children but flip out when young adults get giggity with the hot teacher.

Dirtypirate, reddit 4 Comments [8/12/2018 9:28:01 AM]
Fundie Index: 5

Quote# 139744

You see why Jesus Christ is so important in our lives...because hordes will gang up and try and reduce you to their level of inability. It won't work. My science has been tested to my own standards of satisfaction and found to be very useful indeed in everyday situations...never mind in our forthcoming salvation. If you weren't so determined to ridicule and shout abuse we could have gotten into a deep and meaningful conversation about it all but I'm afraid that has become impossible.

The message remains unchanged...the universe is the reconstruction of a wonderful dynamic energy that erupted after forming into many, many, huge dense clouds, of lightyear proportions. It is the core understanding found within the Holy Bible and dictates the terms and conditions of every known science.

Energy and force are two parts of the same thing and combine to make mass else you rubbish Einstein's most famous equation at a stroke, Stranger, and by the same reasoning, Almighty God = all mass because his dynamic energy was transformed by his Hadron Collider that sprung into life after galaxy clouds drifted into each other...Now, Seb...How can, 'follow the accurate teaching of Jesus Christ' be attributable to Satan...only the antiChrist could make such an assertion and you know it is all this type of confusion planted in peoples minds by the antiChrist that is causing all the mayhem in the world today...so...well done.

NicholasMarks, Religion and Ethics 9 Comments [8/12/2018 9:26:51 AM]
Fundie Index: 6
Submitted By: NearlySane

Quote# 139743

Are you going to share with us anything of practical use you have learned in your studies?

No! It isn't time. The more I leap forward the farther behind I feel! I could explain a bunch of bullshit yet, my questions do not equate to answers. Give me a break! This is sheer frustration! I am surrounded by really smart good people. Today I learned that the energy passes through the electric material and is controlled through the dielectric material. Yet, the opposite is also true! SHIT! God damned baby steps "to boldly go where no man has gone before!"

When I do fly: I am highly motivated to do so. There are people depending on me to succeed! Yet, I will not fail! I am sooo close! Yet, so far away. It is solvable and I will solve it. It is simple in its complexity like fractal geometry. Yet, as simplex as simple observation. Yet, the more I understand the simplicity of nature, the more complex she becomes! I am being led to this end and why makes no sense now except personal. 

I'm on a fucking mission from God!

Haipule, Atheistforums.org 7 Comments [8/12/2018 9:26:38 AM]
Fundie Index: 4
Submitted By: SteveW

Quote# 139741

(=Bible scholar claims passage condemning homosexuals was rewritten=)

Note to said "Scholar"; No it wasn't rewritten, you just don't understand it.

Well, I guess if his goal was attention, he's getting that.

But his position is nonsense.

Deut 22:5, 23:1, Lev 18:22, etc were not rewritten.

And if they didn't say what they said, they would be wrong, and incoherent scripturally.

Honey Crisis, Premier 8 Comments [8/12/2018 9:26:28 AM]
Fundie Index: 3

Quote# 139739

Former director of "Guardians of the Galaxy" (James Gunn), who was removed as director because of "old Tweets" of him joking about pedophilia, now has pics circulating of him at a "Pedophile Themed" party.

I keep saying that those who vote Democrat in 2018 are CONDONING child sex abuse.

How much more proof does one need?



Ghost, Gab 8 Comments [8/12/2018 9:26:20 AM]
Fundie Index: 5

Quote# 139742

So, Asian clustering brings more Asians. As for how the clustering will affect the city, one only needs to look to the other suburban Chinatowns in So Cal to see the result. Hacienda Heights, Rowland Heights, Diamond Bar, Walnut, City of Industry, Arcadia, Monterrey Park, San Marino, and San Gabriel are good places to find an answer. Obviously, when a racial tipping point is reached, whites and Hispanics move out, and the culture radically changes in those areas.

I am Caucasian and currently live in a suburban Chinatown in So Cal. This town is for all intents and purposes a Chinese territory on American soil. It is a self-serving Chinese community comprised of people who couldn't care less about diversity. The Chinese here snub their noses at the idea of the American melting pot -- many different people with one national identity. it's Chinese tribalism and Chinese thinking exported from one side of the world to the other. Why on earth would I want to live in such a place?

I can't blame the Chinese. After all, it is the U.S. government that gives tens of thousands of Chinese citizenship or permanent residency every year. No questions asked about their ill gotten gains from mainland China, all that crooked communist money. Also, it is the U.S. government that allows foreign nationals to own property and companies in America. The Chinese are just being Chinese; that's the way they are. Their socio-cultural isolationism obviously exports nicely. Like they say, you can take a Chinaman out of China but you can't take China out of a Chinaman. Just the other day I saw a Chinese guy snot rocketing onto the pavement in a parking lot. You know, Chinese people are made in China, so there's a quality control issue.

Stan Simmons, OC Register 7 Comments [8/12/2018 4:09:42 AM]
Fundie Index: 2

Quote# 139738

>queer autistic person
Guess what you little shit? Because you're a queer autist nb you're inherently LESSER. Which means you DON'T DESERVE PROTECTION. You are not entitled to anything, you need to be experimented on and your genetics eliminated from the gene pool

Anon, Curiouscat 11 Comments [8/12/2018 4:07:27 AM]
Fundie Index: 5

Quote# 139736

In response to the question "How dangerous are same sex marriages?"

Tony Venuti:
Pervs once allowed IN...will never support things that are "square"..just BECAUSE...that's how identity politics works...in stead of all of US BEING AMERICAN.......the isms newly created and or otherwise...being the exceptions to the RULE...NOW RULE....

The media magnifying the minimum while minimizing the maximum.....

and now one fights the media...I say Picket the Media get in their face

Alien child: So dad, how did the Earthlings go extinct?
Alien father: Well son, they kept trying to breed with the same gender, males with males and females with females, and they also killed their unborn before they were even born.

If battery terminals were man and woman instead of positive and negative, would there still be an argument on same sex marriage?

HETEROPHOBIA n. An unrelenting fear of waking up some morning as a heterosexual

Tony Venuti, Disqus - Philosophy 22 Comments [8/11/2018 2:52:46 PM]
Fundie Index: 5
Submitted By: Jocasta

Quote# 139729

Wayne Borean:
How we understand (scripture) may differ. I’ve seen some interesting disagreements over what various sections mean.

Amos Moses:
"But how we understand it may differ"
there is Gods understanding ... the rest is garbage and not scripture

Practically all Christians will say they follow God’s understanding.

Amos Moses:
and we are to test those spirits to see if they do ............ so what ..........

Are you willing to be tested yourself by other Christians?

Amos Moses:
every day .....

And what happens when they find you to be incorrect about something pertaining to scripture?

Amos Moses:
many have used false theology here .... thinking they were correct ..... trying to make scripture say what they wanted it to say .... and it happens frequently ...... they do not last long .......... they are no longer here ............…

OK, but my question was about the times you have been corrected because you happened to be incorrect regarding something in scripture.

Amos Moses:
as i said ..... many have tried .... failed ....... go for it champ .............

My intent was not to test you. You have answered my question. Thanks.

Amos Moses, Christian News Network 12 Comments [8/11/2018 1:52:25 PM]
Fundie Index: 4
Submitted By: Jocasta

Quote# 139724

fucking hell, my grandmother had 2 babies and 500 head of cattle by the time she was 14, she had 3 babies and was widowed and sold the cattle to open a whore house when she was 16.

tell me again how a 14 year old is not a woman and I'll show 40 generations of my family that married and reproduced before they were 15.

That's great for her, but for every 14 year old girl like her, there are hundreds who get used by much older men and end up being scarred for life by it.

who are you to judge what's good for someone else? who are you to tell other cultures how to transfer land, fortune and DNA? Your judgement of people and desire to place your societal norms on others reeks of fascism.

someone else in this thread pointed it out better, millions of years of evolution can't be overcome by 100 years of societal change, the virility of youth is the whole point of discussion here.

What the fuck are you gonna talk about with a teenager?

Nobody gives a fuck what a young woman says anyway.

What possible fucking common interests could you have?

obviously the only common interest would be procreation, young men are not capable of maintaining a family and older women are not capable of creating a family.

Doesn't make it right. You really think your grandmother appreciated being used like a breed mare that young? Being capable is much different from being physically and emotionally ready.

oh shit, who are you to judge 40 generations of my family? Who are you to determine how mature a woman that died 100 years ago is?

And guess what.. she was the fucking MADAM, (you don't really think the owner of the whore house is turning tricks?), it's actually a pretty good commentary of what she thought of men.. she wrote about what dumb brutes men were controlled only by their sex and how easy it was for her to exploit that. She also killed 8 men over the course of her lifetime.

your judgment is shit, you're ideas are bad and deserve to be ridiculed.

dirtyPirate, Reddit 16 Comments [8/11/2018 1:48:33 PM]
Fundie Index: 5
Submitted By: Menomaru

Quote# 139733

Leftists believe diversity is important inasmuch as it disempowers those who they think are unjustly at the top of the socioeconomic hierarchy, that is people of european ancestry.
They couldn't care less about diversity qua diversity, in fact you'll often hear them praise a hypothetical future in which the whole human species is so thoroughly mixed that you can't tell anyone's ethnicity by looking at them, in other words a world with the lowest amount of diversity possible.

Anyone who actually cares about diversity immediately realizes that the only way in which you can guarantee the presence of a great deal of variety in the world is to have different areas for different people.

Now, it's not that leftists are stupid or that they don't know this, it's just that it's a political matter so their brains shut down as soon as you talk about it. They understand pretty much every identitarian talking point as long as it's not about ancestry in humans.

If you tell them that a certain subspecies of rhinos that it's not even clear if it's actually a subspecies or not but it's peculiar enough to stand out, is probably going to die out because of, say, climate change pushing other rhinos in their areas, they immediately mobilize to try to preserve those handful of rhinos: not even one of them goes "but who cares about genes" or "why does it matter if those rhinos die out, there are still going to be other rhinos around!". Not a single one of them says anything of the sort, in fact, those are probably the parodies they're going to create when they satirize the "conservatives" who don't care about the preservation of nature.

Dissidentstuffacc, Reddit 7 Comments [8/11/2018 1:02:30 PM]
Fundie Index: 5

Quote# 139707

"For the liberal’s view of society, which seems to accord the queer a place, endorses no more than the conservative right’s the queerness of resistance to futurism and thus the queerness of the queer. While the right wing imagines the elimination of queers (or of the need to confront their existence), the left would eliminate queerness by shining the cool light of reason upon it, hoping thereby to expose it as merely a mode of sexual expression free of the all-pervasive coloring, the determining fantasy formation, by means of which it can seem to portend, and not for the right alone, the undoing of the social order and its cynosure, the Child. Queerness thus comes to mean nothing for both: for the right wing, the nothingness always at war with the positivity of civil society; for the left, nothing more than a sexual practice in need of demystification."
- Lee Edelman, queer theorist, and author of No Future
He's a bit ahead of the evolutionary biologists in understanding the purpose of our aberant sexualities and unruly genders.
He understands we're here to corrupt the social order, so that it can be adaptable in the face of change.
We are the gravediggers of society. And yes, our existence influences and alters your society, and thus all of us who live under it.

Honey Crisis, Disqus 5 Comments [8/11/2018 12:44:16 PM]
Fundie Index: 2

Quote# 139728

Bruh. If you consume child pornography, you are complicit in the violence involved in producing it.

Welp, close-minded, aren't we? In such case that you can easily tie rape, violence, molesting to just keeping DVD's, then I don't see any salvation in this world. I can really understand where people are coming from. Of course, keeping such things are kinda awful and disgusting, but go easy on the judgment. Watsuki may have admitted he liked young girls, but that doesn't automatically make him a rapist, child molester and anything. There are many kinds of pervert who doesn't go further than just obsessing from afar. Sure, they are pitiful people though.

Again, for argument's sake, as I am a big Watsuki fan, I won't be easily judging him like some others here just to stay relevant on the justified side.

Saku-dono, Anime News Network 6 Comments [8/11/2018 9:51:17 AM]
Fundie Index: 5
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