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Quote# 138120

Here are five reason why God won't go away:

God fingerprints are everywhere on creation.
The historical case for Jesus is actually quite good.
A world without a Creator doesn't make rational sense as worldview--its a dead end of a philosophy. Its relativistic, which would destroy dignity, rationality, freedom, rights, excellence, courage, love and everything we value as humans. Theism makes much more sense than that.
Theism is the wise choice. Theism is rule utiltarianism to atheism's act-utilitarianism. Sometimes it makes more sense to do whats best in the long term--the wise choice. Ethics and integrity are the wise choice. Or did you forget about the crash of 2008 brought on by selfishness and ethical relativism?
Atheist arguments are far more pomp and circumstance than they may look like on paper. Also, people's faiths in Christianity are far more developed and complex than the straw-person characterizations you read in new atheist books or from the atheist echochamber online.

Given all of the above now.

I've also written multiple times how:

and the other ideologies associated with physicalist science

Go check out critiques of Hume's Argument against Miracles, which undermine the very basis of the naturalistic worldview. The 1800's called...they want their hidden assumptions back. Without Hume’s critique of Miracles.....the atheist worldview crumbles into the shadows of theism.

Also, the Scandinavian arguments are all based on one academic's analysis which doesn't fully take into account their actual religion.

Nathan Ketsdever, lifelong theological questioner, Quora 5 Comments [6/16/2018 1:55:51 AM]
Fundie Index: 5
Submitted By: Denizen

Quote# 138118

Does God Support Polygamy?

What do Abraham, Jacob, Esau, David, and Solomon have in common? All of these great men of God had multiple wives. So, does God support polygamy? That’s the question we want to answer today on the B.E.A.T.

INTRODUCTION: Hey what’s up everybody my name is Allen Parr and so the question comes up, “Did God permit Polygamy?” This is a tricky question and one that needs to answered carefully Well there’s actually one verse in the OT that seems to CLEARLY suggest He did (Deut. 21:17). So, in this video I want to look at 1) some of the REASONS why some men had multiple wives; 2) the RESULTS of those decisions and then finally 3) the RELEVANCE for us today.

1. Men had multiple wives for a variety of reasons
a. Barrenness – Sometimes it was because their wife was unable to have children and further the family lineage.
b. Protection for Women – Other times they were providing protection for women because due to many men dying in war there was a disproportionate number of women to men and women were unable to provide for themselves so men would step up and take extra wives to provide support and covering (sadly women were often forced into prostitution to provide for themselves)
i. Deut. 25:5 – There is even a scripture that encourages a man to marry his brother’s wife if the brother died without children.
ii. And so the idea here is do you become a polygamist or do you force that woman to possibly become a prostitute?
c. Alliances – Sometimes it was to forge alliances with other nations and so kings would trade wives to secure the partnership.
d. Greed – Other times men like David chose to take on wives for selfish reasons.
e. But even though, interestingly enough on one occasion God says to David, “Why did you have to go and steal someone else’s wife? If the ones you had weren’t enough I would have given you more…” (Is God condoning polygamy?)

2. The RESULTS of Polygamy
a. Whether it’s a sin or not, interestingly, each time a man took on more than one wife in the Bible it created major problems and divided the home.
b. We can look at Abraham and his two wives, Jacob and his 2 wives + 2 concubines, we can look at the situation between Hannah and Peninnah which was an absolute nightmare, David and his wives and Solomon’s heart turned away from God because of his 700 wives.

3. The RELEVANCE for us today
a. God Established His institution of marriage at creation – The Law of First Mention – God’s design for marriage is very clear and is outlined in both the OT and the NT. In Gen. 2 God says, “And the TWO shall become ONE.” Jesus then confirms this in the NT (Paul says the same thing about church leaders needing to be “the husband of ONE wife.” (see also Eph. 5:22-33 and Col. 3:18-19)) where He repeats the very same scripture found in the OT. So anything outside of God’s original design cannot be His perfect will.
b. Don’t confuse God’s PERMISSIVE will with His PERFECT will – There are many things He allowed but doesn’t desire.
c. Don’t take something that God is DESCRIBING and interpret it as God PRESCRIBING it – David cursed his enemies in prayer does that mean we should do it? When interpreting the Bible be careful not to take isolated events and then make them normative for every believer (poison, snakes, etc.) Does that mean that because it worked for them we should do it?
d. Just like God blesses and uses us despite our many sins in the same way God was patient to bless many men in the OT who took multiple wives. So instead of asking, “Why or how could a holy God bless someone like that?” Instead ask, “How could God overlook some of the stuff that I’ve done and still bless me in spite of what I do?

So did God allow polygamy for various reasons in the OT? I think we have to safely say that He did. But has that ever been God’s perfect will for a marriage relationship? I think we can safely say NO.

The BEAT by Allen Parr, Youtube 5 Comments [6/16/2018 1:54:31 AM]
Fundie Index: 2

Quote# 138117

Laura Lowder: Uh .. . No. Sometimes abortions do not "work. Often conversion --- I prefer to call it reparative therapy --- does. Look. there is no evidence of a biological cause for homosexuality. None. There might be some down the pike, but right now it's wishful thinking. Twin studies have pretty much blown the idea out of the water. So - - - Reparative therapy. If we take a broad view, all psychological therapy is reparative -- repairing something that is damaged or not working at an optimal level. Maybe you want help to quit acting out in ways that are offensive to your spirit and self-sabotaging to what you really want out of life. Would you want to be denied help with that by a blanket ban on reparative therapy? Maybe "going straight" isn't what you want, but you want better-balanced relationships with the same and the opposite sex. Don't you have a right as a human being to be able to pursue that goal? Or maybe, like a lot of straights, you find yourself involved with jerks and want to overcome that disposition to become capable of fostering healthier relationships with a more decent sort of person. Isn't that your right? If you agree with me that it is, then you really want to leave reparative therapy as one of your options.

Chip01: Ummm no. Conversation doesn't work. The head of the conversion himself quit. (Exodus International)... I also don't agree with changing the name of something so it won't invoke as horrible of a reaction. (Example: Let's change the name of "torture" to "bunnies" so that it doesn't invoke as horrible of an image... )Nice trick, but a bit obvious. Reparative therapy should be for the group that attacks gay people, and makes them feel like being gay is bad. Donna Cambell of Tx should go first The rest of your comment is from "sex in the city"... Yes, dating is hard for both gays and straight... Why is that? Because people are people. Ps : love doesn't need a "cure". Go sell you're snake oil elsewhere.
Gay is natural. there is nothing wrong with being gay... Your Somme to show your ignorance, as hiv is in the straight community and in some countries rising higher than gay communities... Your mixing social behavior... And trying to use that as an agreement. It doesn't work...

Laura Lowder: HIV is the tip of the iceberg; gay men are vulnerable to a range of injuries and ailments the straight community doesn't think of. As more and more straight couples are being persuaded by pornography to go "creative" those diseases are showing up in more women than before. That is NOT "natural." And even if it were, behaviors are self-determined. And some behaviors are dangerous.


Laura Lowder: There are a lot of people whose testimonies declare that reparative therapy DOES work. Maybe their goals were different from yours; maybe their therapists were more attuned --- Who knows? But your testimony does not legitimate the overwhelming effort to utterly ban reparative therapy for unwanted same-sex-attraction. Gays say, "Who in their right minds would WANT to be gay?" but then they are working hand over fist to prohibit help to get past SSA, to achieve a healthier, better-balanced orientation toward same and opposite sex in all dimensions of human relationship. You do realize that reparative therapy is applicable to someone who just wants help to quit acting out? It's not just about "getting a girlfriend," although learning to orient toward same and opposite sex in all dimensions of human relationship can be part of it.

Laura Lowder, Disqus 2 Comments [6/16/2018 1:53:22 AM]
Fundie Index: 3

Quote# 138116

Religion is Godward-directed attitude and action. It is the divine system whereby estranged humanity may be reconciled to their Heavenly Father.

It is tragic that so many people labor under the delusion that merely being “moral” represents the totality of human responsibility. It does not. Man must be correctly religious as well; morality is included in religion, but it does not exhaust it. There are numerous forms of religious evil.

First, dismissing God from one’s life is an evil common to infidels and apostates alike. In a passage addressed particularly to those on the verge of abandoning Christianity, an inspired writer warned:

[i]“Take heed, brethren, lest haply there shall be in any one of you an evil heart of unbelief in falling away from the living God” (Hebrews 3:12).[i]

Observe the connection between the words we have emphasized.

Second, a refusal to accept the evidence regarding the nature of Jesus Christ and His atoning sacrifice reflects a mentality that is evil. In chapter one of the Gospel of John, we are informed of the work of John the Baptizer, whose mission was to prepare the way for the coming Christ (John 1:6-8).

Our Lord, in this context, is symbolically portrayed as “the light” who purposed to provide illumination for this world of darkness. Later, however, the apostle declared that most men have rejected that light and loved darkness instead, the reason being, “for their works were evil.”

Again, “Every one that practices evil hates the light, and comes not to the light, lest his works should be reproved” (John 3:19-20).

Third, perversion of God’s truth concerning the divine plan of redemption is a form of religious evil. In the first century there were certain Judaizers who contended that the Gospel system alone was insufficient to save. They argued that the Mosaic regime (circumcision in particular) was a requisite to forgiveness of sins (Acts 15:1ff.).

Paul, in his epistle to the Philippians, alluded to such false teachers when he warned: “Beware of the dogs, beware of the evil workers, beware of the concision [a word-play on ‘circumcision’ — WJ]” (3:2).

Here is the important principle that may be deduced: any alteration (whether by addition, subtraction, or modification) of Heaven’s requirements for salvation is evil in the sight of God.In view of such passages as Acts 2:38, Acts 22:16, 1 Pet. 3:21, and others, those in the current religious community who advocate the dogma of “salvation by faith alone,” i.e., without obedience, should seriously reconsider their position.

Fourth, a corruption of Jehovah’s ordered pattern of worship is a manifestation of evil. When Jeroboam assumed the role of northern Israel’s new king, he proceeded to revise the Hebrew system of worship. Golden calves were set up at Bethel and Dan, an unauthorized feast-day was instituted, and a new, non-Levitical priesthood was appointed (1 Kings 12:25ff). This novel program of worship was that which the king “had devised of his own heart” (v. 33).

More than twenty times, the inspired narrative of the Old Testament record speaks of the sins of Jeroboam “who sinned, and made Israel to sin” (1 Kings 14:16). Even though Jeroboam was rebuked by a prophet of the Lord (whose message was confirmed by a divine sign — 1 Kings 13:1-6), his “penitence” was short-lived, for, as the sacred narrative reveals, “after this thing Jeroboam returned not from his evil way ...” (13:33).

Any attempt to worship God apart from divine authority, regardless of one’s sincerity, is a form of evil.

Wayne Jackson, Christian Courier 3 Comments [6/16/2018 1:51:11 AM]
Fundie Index: 2
Submitted By: Skyknight

Quote# 138115

To make a special class of social evil may be rather arbitrary; nevertheless, we make the distinction for the purpose of this study.

Slavery is an example of societal evil. It was never the ideal will of God that one human being should “own” another. Regardless, slavery was a part of the fabric of the antique world, and the Old Testament sought to regulate it and minimize its harshness.

The Hebrews acquired slaves in two ways. First, they frequently made
war-captives their slaves. Second, since property was a family inheritance and could not be sold, a poor Hebrew needing finances would sometimes sell himself into servitude.

It must be observed, however, that the treatment of servants, as regulated by the Old Testament, was far superior to the antebellum slavery of southern America. Slaves, under the Mosaic law, had civil, domestic, and religious rights. If a man killed his slave, he could lose his life; if he maimed a servant, the bonded one was to be set free. Slaves were frequently treated as family members, afforded certain liberties, and even shared in the religious life of the Jewish community. A Hebrew slave who had indentured himself was to be released after six years of service (see Tenney, pp. 453ff.).

The slavery of the first century Roman world was quite a different matter. It was extremely barbarous. It has been estimated that there were some 60 million slaves in the Roman Empire; they were considered a constant threat to governmental authorities. In Rome’s view, a slave was not a person, but a thing. He could be beaten, branded, or crucified.

Many have wondered why the New Testament writers did not boldly condemn this horrible institution. In the first place, it was not the essence of the Christian religion to precipitate a violent revolution — and that is what would have happened if the cry, “Emancipation!” had gone forth.

Rather, it was in the nature of the teaching of Jesus to provide a leavening influence that would enter the hearts of humanity and initiate a disposition of equality respecting human rights, which, in time, would reveal the evil of human bondage. The “Golden Rule” (Matthew 7:12) strikes at the very heart of this matter. William Barclay’s discussion of slavery, in the introduction to his commentary on the book of Philemon, is a masterpiece in addressing this theme.

Wayne Jackson, Christian Courier 3 Comments [6/16/2018 1:50:23 AM]
Fundie Index: 3
Submitted By: Skyknight

Quote# 138114

(=Two comments by the same fundie on the same thread regarding a Christian rockstar coming out as gay=)

1. Well, I don't condemn Christianity, as the Judeo-Christian paradigm is the only one in history that has elevated women to a high status and recognized our value as equal in value to men. Men with a predilection for men and boys ought not to have married, used women to hide behind; there's never been anything shameful about being a bachelor. And certainly they shouldn't be treated like heroes, now.

2. Well, I'm not surprised. The CCM industry has turned religious music into another branch of the entertainment industry instead of a discipleship. Superficial "faith" and superficial life go hand in hand.
There is no room for homosexuality in a Disciple of Jesus Christ. Homosexuality is part of pagan culture -- it's what the Gentiles left behind to become bondservants of Christ. There are no "committed gay relationships" in Christianity, except those invented by gay deconstructionists and revisionists. One simply cannot serve the One True God and the Baals, the Ashteroths and Moloch.
My heart is with this guy's wife and kids. It's a helluva rough and rotten life and a stinkin' lousy way to treat them. But of course they must be sacrificed, we all must be sacrificed to the false gods.
Lord have mercy.

Laura Lowder, Religon News Service 3 Comments [6/16/2018 1:47:56 AM]
Fundie Index: 3

Quote# 138110

(=Another regarding Chuck McKnight's support for polygamy=)

me guess, many of you 'Christians' already accepting the practice of
same sex sin didn't see this coming sooner or later for you to have to
accept? Let's see how long it takes for you to accept and affirm this
sin too.

You should do the wise thing, realize who
is behind this sex acceptance nonsense renounce same sex relations
especially for those saying they are 'Christian' and do what is good in
the sight of the God you claim to know.

You ppl are being influenced by Satan. And this article here should be more than enough for you to see it now

Clayton Gafne James, Patheos 4 Comments [6/16/2018 1:37:10 AM]
Fundie Index: 1

Quote# 138105

Homosexuality is sin.
Polyamory is sin.
Bearing false witness by claiming to be a gender other than what God desigbed you to be is sin.
How is ANY of this unclear?
The question is not whether anyone who practices these lifestyle choices can have a relationship with God -- of course they can. But to suggest. that this is something God smiles upon is ludicrous. I don't need to search my feelings on the Nashville Statement to come to that conclusion; I need only read the Bible.

Zach W. Lorton, Patheos 8 Comments [6/15/2018 2:23:47 PM]
Fundie Index: 3
Submitted By: Christopher

Quote# 138104

(NOTE: This is gonna be part of a series of quotes directed towards/regarding pastor Chuck McKnight, a pastor who supports and practices polygamy)

LGBTQ, Trans, now Poly. I applaud the fact that you and Mrs. Chuck came out of the closet and publically declared your infidelity! Will you guys be wanting your own separate public toilets too?

"Additionally, there are many more faithful Christians who either feel that they are poly or feel drawn to see if they are, but they’re not sure whether it is compatible with their faith."
Newsflash Chuck: every guy on planet earth is "drawn" to polyamory or whatever you call it. That's why guys watch porn, stare at women with big boobs or wonder what it would be like to have sex with women who are NOT their wife, etc.. Christians are told in the bible all this is bad. It's called "fornication", "lust" and a bunch of other names.
Also, running around on your wife banging other chicks... that's called "adultery" Chuck. I'm pretty sure adultery or "defiling the marriage bed" is a sin.
So "exploring non-monogamous sexual relationships", isn't compatible with Christianity.
Finally, you should have a read of the bible Chuck. You'll notice it's loaded with all kinds of cautionary stories about guys who thought poly was cool and the unfortunate consequences of their shenanigans (unwanted children, infanticide, family feuds, murder and all that). Pretty eye-opening stuff.

Mr. Meow, Patheos 5 Comments [6/15/2018 2:22:41 PM]
Fundie Index: 1
Submitted By: Christopher

Quote# 138106

God never blessed polygamous marriage and you can quickly realize that by the destructive results that happened to those who practiced it throughout history. We have wars today because of the choices made by Abraham and Solomon thousands of years ago. Scripture assures us, our sin will find us out.

Andrew, Patheos 7 Comments [6/15/2018 12:53:51 PM]
Fundie Index: 4
Submitted By: Christopher

Quote# 138100

I've never seen so many people marked with tattoos as nowadays. Tattoos are worldly. No Christian should get a tattoo. I saw one tattoo shop called, “Wicked Tattoo.” You don't go to church to get a tattoo; but rather, you have to go to a house of sin, a worldly establishment, a place where the artist doing the tattoos is as worldly, wicked and saturated with marks of Satan as can be. As with all things that are wrong, many people have seemingly reasonable excuses for getting tattoos. The truth is that the human body is the temple of the Holy Spirit if you are a born-again Christian (1st Corinthians 3:16-17). God literally lives within your body if you are saved (Romans 8:9). Thus, the Lord doesn't want us to defile our bodies with tattoos, cigarettes, fornication or substance abuse. Satan knows that if he can get you to disrespect your body, then he owns you. Don't let the Devil advertise on your body.

David J. Stewart, Jesus is Savior 15 Comments [6/15/2018 11:15:14 AM]
Fundie Index: 3

Quote# 138092

Its time for a witch hunt.

We need to find the deceivers among us, they are NOT our friends!!! Its time to start naming name's of people whom you suspect are fakecels. Not accusing anybody of course but I think @EthnicelNL @Redpill Robert, @Barry and @yungcel are all suspect af.
I am disgusted that some of you shelter these animals, these traitors, you are just as guilty as them, do the honorable thing and call them out, throw them to the wolves, we need justice. It shouldnt have taken so long to expose @whogivesafucc or @blackletcel .

You have full immunity here, dont be afraid to speak up. We need to keep this community pure. Its our job as the trucel vanguard to keep this place free of LARPers and fakecels.

Incelibate Anarchist, incels.me 14 Comments [6/15/2018 2:30:50 AM]
Fundie Index: 3
Submitted By: Pharaoh Bastethotep

Quote# 138090

(In response to: "I’d ask him why he demanded animal sacrifices, and why he murdered the firstborn of Egypt because he was annoyed with their ruler.")

The answers to these questions are actually in the bible, but you have to take the time to re-read and study it. The original plan of God’s was NEVER to have His animals be killed for sin… but He made the covenant with the human race that when one sinned against God, blood must be shed as payment for those sins. This was done by ‘passing’ the sins onto the animal and then killing the animal. God did not want this to go on forever and this is the entire reason Jesus was born, lived, and died. He was the ultimate and last blood sacrifice for past sin, current sin at the time and future sin of all who accept Jesus’ blood covering.

Also, Egypt was a mighty nation that was stubborn and mocking God and His people. Time and time again he gave the people warnings up to that fateful day. There is also HEAVY symbolism about the coming of Jesus and future events, in the events of the plagues and the story of Exodus. God does not do things arbitrarily nor does He do things out of revenge or evil. He leaves clear warnings and signs for people to follow, He encourages positive ways, and He desires that all people be saved and save and happy. But people can be easily deceived by their own heart and minds.

Trini Cariaga, Quora 8 Comments [6/15/2018 2:29:21 AM]
Fundie Index: 3
Submitted By: Denizen

Quote# 138089

Where speech isn't regulated and sanitized by government or corporate oversight, "far right" populism flourishes. Where speech is heavily regulated, redacted, and shadow banned, neoliberalism finds a home.

How curious!

Heartiste, Gab 15 Comments [6/15/2018 2:28:24 AM]
Fundie Index: 2

Quote# 138088

(Commenting on story "Children's Cartoon 'Drag Tots' to Feature ‘Baby Drag Queens’ Voiced by Cast of ‘RuPaul’s Drag Race’"):

and the TIDAL WAVE of depravity continues to flow in ...... gotta have them kids GROOMED ..... to make way for the legalization of Pedophilia ............. and all those who want to say no one wants to legalize that ..... all you have to do is look at 80s and 90s and 2000s TV to see how we were inundated with homosexual characters and that agenda so they could finally deceive everyone into homomirage into this country ..... the PIT of depravity has no bottom .........

Amos Moses, Christian News Network 8 Comments [6/15/2018 2:27:50 AM]
Fundie Index: 3
Submitted By: Jocasta

Quote# 138086

(By ONA they mean a neo-Nazi Satanic cult called the Order of Nine Angles.)

Nazism isn't mindless, if they were so mindless, the Allies wouldn't have needed to form an alliance in the first place, now would they? You're just a little nerdy American who is incapable of breaking away from the moral dogma they've instilled in you from a very young age. Dictatorship works, in recent history, look at Gaddafi, Sadam, and today Putin, and then look at what happened to their countries when they became democratic? To imply democracy is successful is disingenuous, when the only "successful" democratic societies are built on the foundations of monarchy, dictatorship, and imperialism, that means the Western world and Japan. They were all successful before democracy, with the exception of America, which wasn't always liberal or inclusive either.

Now, let's get to the subject at hand, the ONA is not an actual order, there was initially a group of people that formed their own nexion (kind of like a cult or coven), and that made people believe that there was some internal initiatory path, akin to that of the O.T.O, which is incorrect. The principles and ideals of the ONA, are all outlined in the literature made freely available online. Nexions are made all over the world, with a great deal of variation in regards to ideals, morality, and goals, and this is the ultimate goal of the ONA, to inspire cells or nexions to form, to presence the sinister onto our world.

The thing about the ONA is, that even though there is so much freely available material, it is truly for the strong of will. Those that aren't posers undergo the intense physical training outlined in certain manuals, and also, it requires a great deal of time to actually understand what it's about. I first had interest in the ONA about 9 years ago, the Temple of Them to be specific, since I knew an actual nexion operating in my area of Pretoria, I'm a white South African. So the ideals sounded awesome, but there was no structure, so I lost interest, and started delving into Tantra, but it was pretty tame, then Nishiren Buddhism, but it was pacifist, and then Aryan Paganism, including Germanic, Celtic, Roman, Greek, Egyptians (yes ancient Egyptians are scientifically proven to have been related to Numidians and Berbers, who are Aryans, 50% of Western Europeans share their DNA), and to a lesser extent Vedic traditions.

Eventually I realized that it wasn't about what you studied, it's about the approach taken. I was interested in the Left-hand path, and that could apply to Germanic, Celtic, Roman, Greek, Egyptian, and Vedic pagan traditions, and so could the Right-hand path. So while I believe that I am to some extent a pagan that respects Germanic, Celtic, and Roman cultures, I am also a Luciferian, because the ONA had such a great influence on me. Having grown up in a highly religious Afrikaner environment, I guess you could say I already had an insight role, but I also adopted Islam as an insight role for a year.

Ovid, the great Roman poet once said that it is right to learn, even from your enemies, and I agree, this is the value of insight roles. I greatly respect martyrdom in Islam, it's noble, like our pagan ancestors who were willing to live and die according to their ideals. I also respect the Christian mythology as transformed during the Romantic age by the likes of William Blake and Lord Byron. The ONA is truly a path of wisdom if you actually have the balls to practice what you preach, and if your ideals extend beyond the tip of your tongue. And yes, I support terrorism in America, you supported the ANC terrorists in South Africa so, I guess it's poetic justice. Blow up more homosexuals, transgenders, Christians, Jews, and hippies please.

theodore tait, YouTube 13 Comments [6/14/2018 4:37:38 PM]
Fundie Index: 4
Submitted By: Katie

Quote# 138069

the ULTIMATE blackpill

this for me was bigger than any blackpill i had witnessed or seen online.

looksmaxxing to a point where you can no longer go further, and STILL not being enough for anything close to your looksmatch

at this point you are effectively finished, you have maximised your genetic potential and there is no more "oh if i just do X" or "if i just get Y", you failed.

having reached this point myself and still being considered subhuman because of my genetics, this has been the most difficult thing to accept.

also its even worse when you get told to "just do this bro" when you've carefully and gradually improved your appearance over many years

5ft3mentalcel3rdban, r/Braincels 8 Comments [6/14/2018 4:34:37 PM]
Fundie Index: 3
Submitted By: Pharaoh Bastethotep

Quote# 138067

People who pretend to see ugly guys with hot girls all the time are delusional.

I legit never see that. I mean it might happen, but it is an extremely rare occurrence.

More likely explanation: they see guys THEY FIND ugly with hot girls all the time.

Considering women find most men ugly, this would make a lot of sense.

PostWerget, r/braincels 3 Comments [6/14/2018 4:33:48 PM]
Fundie Index: 2
Submitted By: Pharaoh Bastethotep

Quote# 138066

the-at-symbol asked:

How do you feel about birth control being offered to girls under 16 (the general age of consent)

It is not good.

1. Everyone reacts to hormonal medication differently. Side effects can range from uncomfortable to lethal. It’s not something to choose lightly, especially without parental input.

2. Birth control is not 100% effective. If a girl is on the pill, she needs to take it at the same time every day. For a young teenager, this may not be realistic.

3. Long-term birth control methods such as an IUD have been associated with dangerous complications that have resulted in infertility. Allowing a teenager to risk losing her fertility permanently is irresponsible.

4. Self-control and self-discipline are skills that need to be taught. Throwing our hands up and saying, “Teenagers will be teenagers” means we are failing those teenagers. We gave up on teaching responsibility and self-control. Anyone else see the consequences of that?

5. For reproductive health issues there are more effective ways to actually treat the underlying problem rather than put a bandaid on it. If a girl has endometriosis, ovarian cysts, etc., those problems need to be treated, not covered up. If you mask the symptoms and the underlying problem persists, she’ll face the same difficulty if she decides to have kids and goes off the birth control. If you treat the problem, her quality of life will go up dramatically.

prolifeproliberty, Tumblr 4 Comments [6/14/2018 12:21:51 PM]
Fundie Index: 4

Quote# 138084

As Dafa practitioners, we do not belong within the Three Realms, and this human world should not have any effect on us. Human notions may however sometimes create additional difficulties for cultivators. I would like to share some of my personal experiences in breaking though human notions. I woke up one morning to a swollen and painful throat. I instantly attributed these symptoms to certain foods I had eaten the day before, and a few glasses of water effectively relieved my sore throat. My symptoms recurred the following morning, and two glasses of water again helped to relieve the discomfort and pain. On the third day however, the symptoms refused to go away no matter how much water I consumed.

That evening, while contemplating why the water was not working, the word “human notion” suddenly appeared in my mind. I pondered over these two words before suddenly realizing that I had been treating the issue like an ordinary person. I was believing that my condition was an illness and viewing water as a medication to relieve the symptoms. Practitioners should strive to think otherwise, and I resolved to eliminate this human notion. This realization prompted me to search inward for the cause of my sore throat. A few days prior, I had a conflict with my wife. Though I refrained from arguing with her, I was upset, and the resentful, accusatory, and hostile thoughts I harbored against her were unbecoming of a cultivator. My sore throat disappeared as soon as I recognized and eliminated this shortcoming.

I had suffered from severe backaches for a long time. The pain would flare up in the midst of my daily activities, forcing me to lie down for a while to relieve the aching. As cultivators should be free of illnesses, I started searching within myself for the root cause. Although I uncovered a number of attachments, none resolved the pain. One morning, while eating white melon seeds, I suddenly recalled why I had started eating them regularly. Several years ago, I had hit upon the notion that my backaches were due to a calcium deficiency. As white melon seeds were supposed to be rich in calcium, I had developed the habit of eating them regularly. Over time I had forgotten the reason for this habit, but the idea was certainly based on an everyday person’s notion.

This revelation led me to recall the circumstances under which my back had been injured. Seven or eight years ago, while attempting to cross a blocked-off part of a street, I was forced to climb through a gap in the wall and jump down to reach the adjourning street below. I landed abruptly and begged Master for help. Master helped banish my pain and I was able to stand and continue my journey. If I had immediately rejected the human notion of sustaining an injury, I would not have needed to seek Master’s help. My backache disappeared after this attachment was eliminated.

I used to suffer from severe knee pain, which forced me to walk slowly. Despite searching within, I was unable to discern the reason I had this condition. One morning while practicing the exercises, my leg suddenly went limp and I fell to the ground. I knew that Master was adjusting my body and immediately thanked Master before standing up and continuing the exercises. However my knee continued to hurt even after I completed the exercises. I was puzzled. Master had adjusted my body, why did the pain remain? A phrase from Master's teachings suddenly surfaced in my mind,

“When a tribulation arrives, if you, a disciple, can truly maintain an unshakable calm or be determined to meet different requirements at different levels, this should be sufficient for you to pass the test. If it continues endlessly and if there do not exist other problems in your xinxing or conduct, it must be that the evil demons are capitalizing on the weak spots caused by your lack of control.” (“Expounding on the Fa” from Essentials for Further Advancement)

The word “conduct” continued reverberating in my head. I then realized that this referred to the way I had treated this tribulation. I deliberately adopted a slower walking pace to accommodate my knee pain. By doing so, I was acknowledging the existence of the condition, even though Master had already eliminated the cause. I started walking briskly and found that my knee pain vanished.

Because of our special environment and circumstances, attachments to various fears easily surface. In such situations, acknowledging the fears is equivalent to treating oneself as an ordinary person. These fears occasionally strike me when I run into patrolling police officers, or when a random passerby walks behind me. My sense of fear and danger is heightened, even though there is nothing to be suspicious or fearful about. My irrational fears came to a head one day when I started experiencing debilitating fear while walking around my own house. This continued for a few days until I was seriously contemplating selling my own home. At this point, I stumbled across a paragraph in Zhuan Falun (Lecture Six, Cultivation Insanity):

“With this fear, it may indeed bring this person some trouble. Once you are scared, it is an attachment of fear. Isn’t that an attachment? Once your attachment surfaces, shouldn’t it be removed? The more you fear it, the more it will appear like a sickness. This attachment of yours must be removed. You will be made to learn from this lesson so that you can remove your fear and improve.”

Upon analyzing my previous experiences I realized there had been nothing to fear. During my first encounter, I had let my human notions take over and this increased my sense of paranoia, which fanned the flames of suspicion and fear. Master had taken mercy on me and pointed out this paragraph so I could realize and effectively eliminate this attachment.

Unknown author, Minghui 2 Comments [6/14/2018 11:02:01 AM]
Fundie Index: 4
Submitted By: Katie

Quote# 138082

(This happened in 2014.)

Ahmad Salek, chairman of Iran’s parliamentary cultural commission, on Tuesday accused his country’s Baha’i community of spying for Israel and the United States.

“I declare very explicitly that Baha’ism is an espionage organization which gathers intelligence for the CIA and Mossad, and there are abundant documents to prove this,” the Fars news agency quoted Salek saying.

Fars, which is affiliated with the Revolutionary Guard, reported in the same article comments Iran’s then-prosecutor-general Qorban-Ali Dorri-Najafabadi made in 2009: “We [as the state] offer a variety of services to the Baha’i sect in Iran and respect them as human beings, but not as insiders, spies, or a political grouplet supported by Britain and Israel to cause disturbance in Iran.” The Baha’i community faces intense persecution from the regime. Last October, Dr. Ahmed Shaheed, the UN special rapporteur on human rights in Iran, issued a report that included a section on the persecution.

He wrote, ”The special rapporteur continues to observe what appears to be an escalating pattern of systematic human rights violations targeting members of the Baha’i community, who face arbitrary detention, torture and ill-treatment, national security charges for active involvement in religious affairs, restrictions on religious practice, denial of higher education, obstacles to state employment and abuses within schools.”

Last August, Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei issued an edict – or fatwa – calling on all Iranians to ostracize the Baha’is. After Khamenei issued the fatwa, Ataollah Rezvani, a popular Baha’i leader, was murdered. It is unclear who killed Rezvani.

Salek’s comments triggered reactions in cyber space. The Financial Times Middle East and North Africa correspondent tweeted on Tuesday, “Outrageous: #Iran lawmaker claims entire Baha’i faith is an espionage outfit for the CIA & Mossad.“ Earlier this month, the Baha’i World New Service reported a stabbing attack on a Baha’i family in Birjand in eastern Iran. According to the report, the three victims – husband, wife and daughter – survived the attack. “The attacker – who was masked – entered the home of Ghodratollah Moodi and his wife, Touba Sabzehjou,” the news service wrote.

Diane Ala’i, the Baha’i International Community’s representative to the United Nations in Geneva, said, “There can be no doubt that this crime was religiously motivated. Mr. Moodi was well-known as a leader in the Baha’i community in Birjand. “Our immediate concern is for the recovery of the Moodi family. But we are also concerned that authorities in Iran begin immediately to investigate this crime and bring the perpetrator to justice.

“The sad fact is that there have been more than 50 physical assaults on Iranian Baha’is since 2005 – and none of the attackers has been prosecuted or otherwise brought to justice. And at least nine Baha’is have been murdered under suspicious circumstances in the same period,” Ala’i said.

Ahmad Salek, Jerusalem Post 3 Comments [6/14/2018 11:01:01 AM]
Fundie Index: 6
Submitted By: Katie

Quote# 138077

A prosperity gospel televangelist from Louisiana says Jesus has asked him to buy a new private jet. And wouldn't you know it, Jesus has real nice taste in planes.

Jesse Duplantis, leader of Jesse Duplantis Ministries and the owner of three other private jets, is asking his followers to chip in so his ministry can purchase a brand new Dassault Falcon 7X, which runs about $54 million.

In a video recently published on his website, Duplantis says the planes get him closer to the Lord -- both literally and figuratively -- and he had a divine conversation in which Jesus asked for the new aircraft by name.

"It was one of the greatest statements the Lord ever told me, he said, 'Jesse do you want to come up where I'm at?'" the minister says. "'I want you to bleed me for a Falcon 7X.'"
By "bleed," Duplantis -- er, Jesus -- apparently meant "ask for donations."

Duplantis goes on to tell his followers that jets, especially nice ones with good fuel efficiency, allow him and his ministries to reach more people around the world. And no, it wouldn't technically be his, it would be the ministry's.

"All it's gonna do is it's going to touch people, it's going to reach people, it's going to change lives one soul at a time," Duplantis said of the aircraft.

"I really believe that if Jesus was physically on the earth today, he wouldn't be riding a donkey," he added with a chuckle.

Jesse Duplantis, CNN 11 Comments [6/14/2018 10:58:49 AM]
Fundie Index: 2

Quote# 138076

The Government’s Definition of Abuse Vs The Bible’s Definition of Abuse

“Physical Abuse: Hitting, slapping, shoving, grabbing, pinching, biting, hair pulling, etc are types of physical abuse. This type of abuse also includes denying a partner medical care or forcing alcohol and/or drug use upon him or her.”

The first problem with this definition is that it completely negates any type of physical discipline which is commanded by God for children (Proverbs 23:13-14) and is also allowed by God for adults (Deuteronomy 25:1-3, Proverbs 19:29 and Proverbs 26:3). Under this definition of physical abuse spanking of one’s child or one’s wife would be consider abuse (See my article “Does the Bible Allow Wife Spanking” for more on that issue). A mother or father slapping their rebellious child even with an open palm (front handed) would be guilty of physical abuse under this definition.

I agreed in my previous article on abuse that things like shoving and punching have no place in the home not even as methods of discipline because they risk serious bodily injury or even death in violation of God’s law regarding limits on discipline (Exodus 21:26-27). I also agreed that things like biting, kicking and hair pulling have no place in the home as methods of discipline as it should be done in love and in control and not as brawl or a fight. But again overall the biggest problem with the government’s definition of physical abuse is that its definition negates physical discipline in the home which God allows.

“Sexual Abuse: Coercing or attempting to coerce any sexual contact or behavior without consent. Sexual abuse includes, but is certainly not limited to, marital rape, attacks on sexual parts of the body, forcing sex after physical violence has occurred, or treating one in a sexually demeaning manner.”

First we will address where this government definition of sexual abuse aligns with God’s moral law and that is regarding children. A parent has absolutely no right under God’s law to touch their child in a sexual way, to coerce them or force them to have sex. This is a violation of God’s moral laws regarding incest (Leviticus 18:6).

But really the heart of this definition is directed at husbands in regard to how they engage in sexual activity with their wives. And when applied to the husband/wife relationship this definition of sexual abuse for the most part nullifies God’s Word.

This government’s definition of sexual abuse as with physical abuse nullifies a husband’s God given sexual rights to his wife’s body in marriage. It also nullifies his right to discipline her for sexual refusal. The Bible says that sex is both a right and responsibility in marriage (Exodus 21:10-11, Proverbs 5:18-19, I Corinthians 7:3-4) and that the only thing that must be mutually agreed upon in the area of sex is when a couple will NOT have sex (I Corinthians 7:5) for a short time. See my articles on sexual refusal, sexual consent and forced sex in marriage for more on what the Bible says about these topics.

Emotional Abuse: Undermining an individual’s sense of self-worth and/or self-esteem is abusive. This may include, but is not limited to constant criticism, diminishing one’s abilities, name-calling, or damaging one’s relationship with his or her children.

While we need to be careful of how subjective this government definition of emotional abuse is I think for the most part it aligns with what the Scriptures say that we should generally be trying to build people up and not tear them down(Ephesians 4:29,James 3:8-10). See my article on “What Does the Bible Say About Abuse?” for more on the subject of emotional abuse.

Economic Abuse: Is defined as making or attempting to make an individual financially dependent by maintaining total control over financial resources, withholding one’s access to money, or forbidding one’s attendance at school or employment.

This government definition of “Economic Abuse” is a complete addition to God’s moral law and it also nullifies a husband’s rights toward his wife under God’s law. And again let’s not kid ourselves that they are speaking equally to husbands and wives. This is an attack on patriarchy and men having their wives being economically dependent on them.

The fact is this definition of Economic abuse is exactly the opposite of God’s moral law on this issue. In Exodus 21:10-11 we are told that if a man does not provide his wife with food and clothing she may be free of him (divorced from him). God considers it economic abuse when a man forces his wife to economically independent of him, not when he forces his wife to be economically dependent on him.

And yes husbands under God’s law can absolutely forbid their wives from going to college or seeking careers as wives are to be subject their husbands in EVERYTHING as the Church submits to Christ in everything (Ephesians 5:24).

Also as far as household finances go – whether a husband allows his wife to work or not all the financial decision making comes under his direction. If he wants to take away his wife’s ATM card he can do that under God’s law.

Psychological Abuse: Elements of psychological abuse include – but are not limited to – causing fear by intimidation; threatening physical harm to self, partner, children, or partner’s family or friends; destruction of pets and property; and forcing isolation from family, friends, or school and/or work.

If read in a certain way, the government’s definition of psychological abuse may actually align with the Scriptures. God does forbid the use of threatening (Ephesians 6:9). If a husband or wife threatens to kill themselves or their children or pets or to destroy property if they don’t get what they want that is the very definition of threatening behavior which is condemned by the Word of God.

However a warning from an authority toward one under them of the consequences of their actions is not engaging in threatening or psychological abuse. If I isolate my teen son from friends that are bad influences on him is that psychological abuse? The answer is no. It all depends on my motivation. Is my intent simply to exert my power over him or is it actually for his own good? If it is the latter there is nothing immoral about this from a Biblical perspective.

Many people would agree that the example I gave is not immoral. But what if I replaced my son in that example with my wife? OH NO – that is completely different right? Why? Because she is an adult? The Bible however makes no such distinction when it comes to the discipline of wives and children. If my wife was talking to or hanging out with other women who were bad spiritual influences on her affecting her morals, relationship with God or with me I have absolutely ever right before God as her spiritual authority to restrict her access to those women.

The Bible teaches a clear social order – the husband, an adult male, is the head of the wife, an adult female and children are under the authority of their parents(Ephesians 5:23-24, Ephesians 6:1-3).

And for all you feminists out there the practice of a husband exercising his spiritual authority over his wife in these ways does not infantilize her or make her equal with her children. God has granted a wife and mother more rights than he has her children. She has sexual rights to her husbands body and she is given the position of manager of the home and of the children which are sacred and honored roles. She of course exercises these positions under the authority of her husband but by no means does the Bible make wives and children equals with another.

So when we throw out the straw-man argument that a husband exercising control over his wife infantilizes her we come to the real heart of the issue. Feminists don’t like the fact that while God gives women more rights than children he does not give women equal rights with men. In other words, its not about women be treated as children but its about women be treated as women. Feminists want women treated as men.

biblicalgenderroles, Biblical Gender Roles 5 Comments [6/14/2018 10:58:34 AM]
Fundie Index: 4

Quote# 138075

Kindly, the apostate Harvest Baptist Church (HBC) on Guam, in Micronesia, openly promotes false prophet Dr. John MacArthur. When I attended the church for a year—before they forced me out in 2014 because I kindly and faithfully stood for THE TRUTH of the Word of God, exposing the corrupt Alexandrian versions—the church distributed John MacArthur study materials to the congregation. The pastor praised Mr. MacArthur from the pulpit. The pastor literally taught the error that Mr. MacArthur teaches, that admitting you're a sinner is not enough to be saved, but also, [he says] “you must turn away from a lifestyle of sin.” I heard him say that with my own two ears! HERESY!!! That is Calvinism, not the Gospel!!! I still love the folks at Harvest, more than they want to admit, but they are pathetically lukewarm, having left their first love, and they are serving mammon (money) instead of God. According to the Holy Bible in Revelation 3:15-16, God is disgusted with churches like Harvest Baptist Church (HBC) on Guam, wanting to vomit!!! Barf! Barf!

Many Churches Today Have Been Deceived By the Devil

That is why Harvest Baptist Church on Guam invited and honored the wicked false prophet, Ravi Zacharias, in June of 2017. What a sad day at Harvest when they bid Godspeed to an ecumenical kingpin, devil-preacher!!! They should rename their “Family Living Center” at HBC to the “Family Dying Center”! Ravi Zacharias is a religious bastard in the pulpit! I say that kindly, and respectfully toward anyone who may be offended, but it is 100% true!!! Ravi Zacharias stands for NOT STANDING!!! What a sad joke for a minister! I am not saying that Ravi is a bad man. I am not saying that he is not sincere. I am not saying that he is a dishonest man. I am saying that he is a big time FALSE PROPHET!!! You can always tell a false prophet by WHAT HE DOESN'T SAY!!!

Harvest Baptist Church on Guam has sinfully shunned me away since 2014 for merely telling THE TRUTH, despising me, literally banning me in writing from returning to even attend weekly church services; but yet they sinfully invite, love and honor a bastard like Ravi Zacharias instead. God will judge between me and Harvest Baptist Church in eternity at the Judgment Seat of Christ, if they are even there (i.e., if they are really born-again). People don't want to hear THE TRUTH nowadays. I'm talking about the snobby, yuppie, arrogant, ungrateful, spoiled, deceived, Bob Jones University crowd! They love and promote John MacArthur, a devil-preacher, who used to attend BJU. John MacArthur is a reprobate concerning the faith!

And to make matters worse, Harvest Baptist Church loves and promotes Calvinist kingpin, devil-preacher, John MacArthur; who, respectfully, is of the Devil. Mr. MacArthur teaches that God predestinates who will or won't be saved, which is a lie of the Devil. Mr. MacArthur is a heretic, a 5-point Calvinist! Also, John MacArthur teaches the lie that Jesus' precious blood is not sprinkled on the heavenly Mercy Seat. Mr. MacArthur's plan of salvation is so complicated and difficult, that he says, “There is no such thing as a childhood conversion.” Dr. John MacArthur is a natural leader, suave and he makes some great theological insights, which is why so many pastors are being deceived. But my friend, I have learned some great truths from Jehovah's Witnesses too! Satan fully knows that the most effect LIE is the half-truth, because in part it can be defended with incontestable logic!

Harvest Baptist Church on Guam also uses the Easy-To-Read Version (the ERV, a satanic Alexandrian PERversion)!!! Despite being warned repeatedly, the pastors, staff and members of Harvest Baptist Church love heresy. This is nothing new! Look what the Word of God says about idolatrous Old Testament Israel in Jeremiah 5:31, “The prophets prophesy falsely, and the priests bear rule by their means; and my people love to have it so: and what will ye do in the end thereof?” Woe unto any so-called “church” that disregards THE TRUTH!!! I am going to expose false prophets, false churches, false Bibles, false Christs, and every falsehood! Psalms 119:104, “Through thy precepts I get understanding: therefore I hate every false way.” No minister truly walks with God who bids Godspeed to devil-preachers (Calvinists), embraces satanic corrupt Bible versions (e.g., the ERV, NIV, NKJV and ESV), makes light of the verbal inspiration of the King James Bible (as do BJU and their alumni), and honor wolves in sheep's clothing like Dr. Ravi Zacharias. This is Harvest Baptist Church (HBC) on Guam!!! And anybody who bids HBC Godspeed is as bad as they are, not right with God!

David J. Stewart, Jesus is Precious 9 Comments [6/14/2018 10:58:23 AM]
Fundie Index: 2

Quote# 138074

Cancel Wrote:
What laws would be the ones which would need fixing, or removing, to help us out? For example, age ones, rape ones, female voting ones, etc.

Just think about what our problems are and what political changes would we need to target? To help think of things, what were good laws which were changed for the worse?

Stop the ban on judges approving child marriage being imposed by many states. We still have time for this one. A lot of big name opponents to banning child marriage exist and have been successful, including the ACLU in California! Delaware thus far has been the only successful state to impose the ban fully. We should overturn it there too!

galileo1439, Incelocalypse 1 Comments [6/14/2018 10:57:52 AM]
Fundie Index: 7
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