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Quote# 138064

Sven2547: What, specifically, about my comment is ignorant? Do you DENY that Al-Qaeda wants war between a united Islam and the "West"? Speaking as a non-religious person, I find it hilariously hypocritical when Christians insist on a 100% literal reading of the Koran, while refusing to hold the Bible to the same standard. The vast, vast majority of the world's Muslims don't abide by every jot and tittle of the Koran any more than the world's Christians abide the Bible.

Mo: Not a word about what I said. You have no clue what that even means, do you?

Sven2547: Not a word about what I said. They're old terms for the "kingdom (house) of Islam" and the "kingdom (house) of war". Note that this is not actually a tenet of the religion itself, but a classification used by some early Islamic scholars during a period of violence in the 8th Century AD.

Mo: Googled it, huh? And yet it's Muslims who use these divisions because they are the ones who are at war with us, all over the world. They've demonstrated it over and over and OVER again - in NYC, in Madrid, in London, in Boston - over and over and over again they prove it. It doesn't matter how many bodies are piled up by those correctly following the teachings of Islam, does it? You are still going to deny it and even claim it's the fault of evangelical Christians. Remarkable Tell me, 1) what was your impression of the Koran's view of unbelievers when you read it and 2) what was your impression of the Koran as you compared it with your reading of the Bible? You can't answer that because you've not done either, have you ? Goodbye.

Sven2547: My question to you is: what do you propose? Making Muslims second-class citizens? Blanket violence against all Muslims? What conclusion should be drawn from your argument, other than "be afraid"?

Mo: How about starting with speaking the facts about Islam? How about everyone actually READING the Koran so that they know what they are talking about? But they refuse. You can't address a problem until you admit there is one. And we're not even at that first stage yet. How much bloodshed by Muslims will it take before we wake up?

Sven2547: The Bible embraces violence and hatred every bit as much as the Koran, yet almost Christian I know is a nice person. It's hypocritical to make the opposite assumption about Muslims. Again I ask: what do you propose? What does "waking up" entail for you? What's your plan? What's your optimal outcome? Repeating over and over "Islam is evil! Muslims are bad people!" isn't a substitute for civil discourse or sane public policy.

Mo: "The Bible embraces violence and hatred every bit as much as the Koran" And that's as far as I read of your comment, and the last I will be engaging in conversation with you. This is a flat out lie. There are no open-ended commands in the OT or the NT for Jews or Christians to commit violence against unbelievers or against anyone. You cannot produce any because they do not exist. Therefore, there are no Jews or Christians committing such acts, on a regular basis, all over the world, in obedience to any such commands. Period.

Butterfly: You have got to be one of the most poorly informed christians I have ever happened upon. Please don't tell me you actually believe that the bible does not contain commands from god to commit atrocious acts of violence against others... The christian god not only commands it multiple times, he promises his followers women and young girls as spoils of war in return for committing genocide. So they not only were told to murder, they were promised the right to rape others as a reward. I'm not going to bother posting the actual scriptures because some of the other folks here have already done that. I will, however, encourage you to Google the Amelekites and do a general search on the topics of war, murder and genocide in the bible and see what you find. Then come back and see if you still (rather stupidly) believe that the biblical god does not ask his people to commit horrible acts of violence against others. Oh, and if you decide to come back here all ruffled and insist upon attacking me instead of addressing what was said in regard to the bible, you'll be ignored. Also, you'd better come prepared, because I was christian for a long time and I used to teach it. Bring it on, baby.

Mo: "I'm not going to bother posting the actual scriptures because some of the other folks here have already done that." You won't bother, because you know they don't exist. Others haven't, because they don't exist. There are no open-ended commands in the OT or the NT for Jews or Christians to commit violence against unbelievers or against anyone. None. Zero. You cannot produce any because they do not exist. That is why we do not see Jews or Christians committing such acts, on a regular basis, all over the world, in obedience to any such commands. Now, how about addressing ISLAM, the focus of this article?

ToTripoli: "You won't bother, because you know they don't exist. Others haven't, because they don't exist." So you are blatantly ignoring the verses in the comments above the one you quoted. Isn't that tantamount to bearing false witness? Or are you actually convinced that the following passages do not exist in the Bible?: Romans 1:32, Leviticus 20:9-10, Deuteronomy 21:20-21, Deuteronomy 22:22, Exodus 21:15, Luke 19:27, Exodus 22:20, Deuteronomy 13:6-10, 2 Chronicles 15:12-13, Deuteronomy 13:13-19, Deuteronomy 13:7-12, Deuteronomy 17:2-5, and Numbers 25:1-9. I am increasingly convinced that you have never read the Torah or the Bible, beyond a handful of verses. Oh, and as for Christians & Jews committing acts of terrorism? Look up "Christian Identity," "Lord's Resistance Army," "Anders Breivik," and "Bat Ayin Underground." (It should be noted that Jewish terrorism is far, far less common than terrorism committed in the name of Christianity.)

Mo: There are ZERO open ended commands for Jews or Christians to commit violence against unbelievers. That's why we're not seeing Jews or Christians AROUND THE WORLD ON A REGULAR BASIS committing any such acts IN OBEDIENCE TO ANY SUCH TEXTS. I hate to shout,but that may be the only way to get through to people like you. Such commands don't exist. You can't provide any. PERIOD. Now, instead of babbling about Christianity or Judaism, how about ISLAM, which is the purpose of this article, since MUSLIMS are the ones slaughtering people around the world in obedience to not only their texts, but their warlord prophet? How about that? Anything to say on Islam? Of course not. Just nonsense about Christianity and Judaism.

Mo, Patheos 6 Comments [6/14/2018 6:46:27 AM]
Fundie Index: 2
Submitted By: Christopher

Quote# 138055

(=Part two of Anne Kennedy's Glenn Doyle Melton rant=)

So yesterday I got through half my thought. To recap, Glenn Doyle Melton recently announced on Facebook that in the wake of finally separating from her husband, she entered into a romantic relationship with another woman. Yesterday I began to answer the question What is love? Insisting, rather lamely, now that I go back and look at it, that self love is not really “love” in a true sense. But in this brave new world self love is the hope and the dream.

Of course, I’ve used the word “love” without really defining it. So let me do that now.

Love in our modern context means something like having powerful lovely feelings for something, someone, or oneself.

Love, however, in a biblical context is the verb used to articulate the nature of God who is One in Being, but Three in Person. God Is Love because the Father eternally pours himself out for the Son who eternally pours himself out for the Father. And so also the Spirit. The three live in a perfect unity of the giving of the self without holding anything back. That is a very different thing than, “what the world needs — in order to grow, in order to relax, in order to find peace, in order to become brave — is to watch one woman at a time live her truth without asking for permission or offering explanation.” Glennon’s articulated self love, so usefully insulated from the world’s criticism, being grounded solely in the rebellious and sin poisoned human soul is of necessity narrow and hard.

Whereas God’s love gives life to the world. As I like to say to my Sunday school children about Jesus, “He didn’t hold anything back from you. He gave his whole life, down to the last drop of blood. Not a single bit of who he was did he guard or keep away from you. How else can we talk about his body being something that we eat, his blood something that we drink?” This is the basis upon which any human being can give anything to any other human being.

If you are busy loving yourself you can only take, you can only demand. And so let’s look at what is demanded of the children in this picture. “They have the love and support of their dad, me, their grandparents, their aunts and uncles, their church, their teachers, their friends’ families –all of whom have fallen as hard for Abby as they have. They’re lucky kids, to be surrounded by so much love. We have family dinners together – all six of us — and Abby cooks. (She is an AMAZING chef because Jesus loves me). We go to the kids’ school parties together. We are a modern, beautiful family. Our children are loved. So loved. And because of all of that love, they are brave.”

Glennon is claiming a multiplication of love. Look, more people to love you. Me, your dad, his new person, my person, your grandparents. We are all here together with love. And we go to the parties together and everyone is completely happy.

And yet, because this has been a business of taking for the self, rather than self giving through death, there cannot really be happiness, in the ultimate sense. I would put cash down that these children have been cut to the heart by the father’s betrayal of the mother, and now the mother’s of the father.

Why? Because marriage is a picture of Christ and his Church. Jesus, who lived in the perfection of self giving love in the Godhead as the eternal Son, set that aside to come and gather us back into that perfect love. He set aside glory and honor and beauty to come and die as the ultimate act of Love. He gained, in his death, a bride, the church. Every marriage is a shadowy retelling of the triumph of the cross. And so each time a marriage fails, that retelling is spoiled. And the whole world feels it, knows it at the core, however much we may lie and say it is good. And the people who know it most are the children, the product of that troubled retelling. Multiplying “love” when something so essential is broken is not really “love”.

Really what the children have learned is that father can’t keep his promises and mother can’t keep hers. Each time a promise is broken “love” apparently abounds. Whereas, that’s just not true. Every time a promise is broken the love that Christ has for his church is lied about. And lying doesn’t really produce happiness. It produces misery and anger.

If lying produced happiness, humanity would be peachy happy and love love love. But we are liars by nature, determined to call good evil and evil good. And observe the roiling anger, the bitterness, the unbending intolerance of individual people for other individual people, the racism, the violence. Where is all the happiness? Where is all the love? It isn’t in the hard defiant gaze of Glennon Doyle Melton. It isn’t in the collective heart of a culture that hates God and loves the self.

As I implored yesterday, prayer is of the essence. But also Christians should cling tightly to the surpassing love of God that sets aside the self, dies to the self, abandons the self, holds nothing in reserve to grasp onto the one who is perishing. His blood and love is sufficient for every grief, every brokenness, every lie.

Anne Kennedy, Patheos 3 Comments [6/14/2018 6:42:31 AM]
Fundie Index: 3

Quote# 138054

(=First of a two part post/rant about Glennon Doyle Melton, a Christian blogger/author who came out as a lesbian and married a woman=)

I mentioned in our podcast yesterday the tragic downfall of Glennon Doyle Melton. I would like to point out a few obvious home truths. Incidentally, of course it would be nice to think nuanced and fascinating thoughts, to grasp at difficult insights that have not been articulated by others, to, in short, be Novel. But this point in Christian history doesn’t seem to be calling for that sort of thinking. We seem to be needing to go back to the most basic point, the expression of the most essential truths. And the most essential of all of them is...

What is love?

This foundation of Christian doctrine has been so muddled and twisted, squandered really, by the modern Westerner, that we have to keep going back to the very beginning point of Christian Faith in order to answer this tragic confusion.

So Glennon, like so many, got married, had some children, and found herself in the usual way of coping with a too difficult life, a broken relationship with herself, and a cheating husband. In the midst of this, she turned out to be a top notch writer and so wrote her way through her difficulties and troubles. Here she has my complete sympathy. I am sitting here at this very minute in desperate pursuit of mental health through writing. Writing is my life line. If I don’t write every day, I become unhinged. And gosh, isn’t it nice if people read your writing? Everyone has been reading Glennon. That I haven’t is my own fault. I need to get out more and read more. I’ve read a few of her blog posts, though, and they are breezy, brilliant. The writing is what you Want when you click on the Internet.

But good writing does not a theologian nor a Christian make. Any one of us can put ourselves out there but the church–the people who know and love God and his Son Jesus Christ through the power of the Holy Spirit of whatever denomination and background–have a duty, an obligation, to articulate the gospel clearly and repudiate those who call themselves Christian but do not adhere to basic Christian doctrine. For the sake of Glennon herself, because she has claimed the name of Christ, I find I must say no to her new way of life.

Let’s just quickly look at what she says about love, both for herself, and more troublingly, for her children. She writes, “I want you to grow so comfortable in your own being, your own skin, your own knowing – that you become more interested in your own joy and freedom and integrity than in what others think about you. That you remember that you only live once, that this is not a dress rehearsal and so you must BE who you are. I want you to refuse to betray yourself. Not just for you. For ALL OF US. Because what the world needs — in order to grow, in order to relax, in order to find peace, in order to become brave — is to watch one woman at a time live her truth without asking for permission or offering explanation.”

And about her children, “They have the love and support of their dad, me, their grandparents, their aunts and uncles, their church, their teachers, their friends’ families –all of whom have fallen as hard for Abby as they have. They’re lucky kids, to be surrounded by so much love. We have family dinners together – all six of us — and Abby cooks. (She is an AMAZING chef because Jesus loves me). We go to the kids’ school parties together. We are a modern, beautiful family. Our children are loved. So loved. And because of all of that love, they are brave.”

You can find the longer post on her Facebook page.

Let me begin by saying that throwing over your broken marriage to join with another woman isn’t actually brave any more. It’s one of the easiest choices on the table. It may not feel easy in the moment, but what you are doing is embracing a copy of yourself, and you are doing it with the culture’s complete approbation. Bravery is when you do something difficult that ought to be done but you don’t want to do it, but you do it against your desires, for the sake of another. The choice of Glennon to be with a woman is the choice to go with self expression and the love of the self over the love of another and of God.

And that’s the confusion, isn’t it? It’s everywhere. In Christianity you are called to die to yourself, to die to the very essential nature of who you are which has been so corrupted and marred by sin that it is irrevocably bound to eternal death. This is the state of the human person. Not a single human person escapes the sentence of death that came when we chose to love ourselves rather than the Other, that is God. And however painful it is to face, no one gets a pass on this sentence. We all go down the grave one by one, dust to dust, because we idolatrously chose to love ourselves rather than our Creator.

No amount of embracing the self will cure the ills of the soul. No Amount. There is nothing you can do to love yourself enough to rescue your soul from death. You can’t. There is no human solution to the death dealing cavern that separates us from God.

That is why God himself had to cross over that cavern by himself. He had to come and absorb our sin and our rejection of him in himself. That is the cross. He took our catastrophic and poisonous self love onto himself and died the death we should have died.

When we cling to him, the death we endure, though it feels very great, is actually very small. Still, it is not easy to say no to the self, to put to death that essential poisoned self. It can’t happen without God himself carrying you through to eternity.

And I really hate to say it, but this is going to have to be part one, because I have somewhere to be. But I will pick up right here tomorrow, and will probably have another part after that. I hope you who know and love Jesus will pray for Glennon and her children and her husband and her new person and plead with God to enlighten the eyes of her heart that she might finally see him for who he is. See you tomorrow!

Anne Kennedy, Patheos 1 Comments [6/14/2018 6:41:41 AM]
Fundie Index: 2

Quote# 138051

A lot of people will mock a Christian husband or wife for being “the jealous type,” but jealousy in and of itself is not a sin, and I submit to you that jealousy can be godly. The Bible says repeatedly that God is jealous, and Paul spoke of his own “godly jealousy” in 2 Corinthians Chapter 11:

“For I am jealous over you with godly jealousy: for I have espoused you to one husband, that I may present you as a chaste virgin to Christ. But I fear, lest by any means, as the serpent beguiled Eve through his subtilty, so your minds should be corrupted from the simplicity that is in Christ.” -- 2 Corinthians 11:2-3

Some of you need to get a little godly jealousy! If you let your wife go out to lunch with another man, you’re worldly. The modern philosophy that says it’s okay to have close friends of the opposite gender is a recipe for disaster, and it’s normal for a husband to feel jealous when it comes to his wife.


Yes, jealousy can cause strife in a relationship, but if your husband is acting jealous, maybe it’s because you are dressing provocatively or having close friendships with other men. Or perhaps your wife resents the fact that you are becoming too close with a female coworker. Confiding in someone of the opposite gender about problems in your marriage is a form of infidelity and can lead to full blown adultery.

It’s okay to be friendly and talk to people of the opposite gender, but always keep things professional. My old pastor used to say that men and women should have “short conversations” with each other. He also said that he never hugged another woman unless she was old enough to be his grandmother. Your wife belongs to you, and you belong to her, so it’s normal for both of you to feel protective of your marriage and try to safeguard it from outside threats.

Steven Anderson, Steven L Anderson Blogspot 4 Comments [6/14/2018 6:40:56 AM]
Fundie Index: 3

Quote# 138043

(commenting on story "UK Syphilis Cases Up 20 Percent in One Year"):

Amos Moses:
Gee ..... this is REALLY OLD data ..... it is over 10 days old ...... how can we trust this data ...... and its "mostly-obviously-biased sources " ...... but you know ..... none of these cases had anything to do with "monogamous homosexual partners" and we know that all "married" homosexuals are monogamous ...... and shyphlis and gonorrhoea ........ they do not effect society and the families of these monogamous homosexual MSM partners ............... /////SARC OFF .................

well obviously none of the cases have to do with monogamous partners, you dont catch stds if you are monogamous and that goes for gay or straight

Amos Moses:
The myth is that homosexuals were ever monogamous ...........

some are and some are not, just like heteros

Amos Moses:
MYTH ........

google gay men and monogamy and report back to me

Amos Moses:
Comparing the Lifestyles of Homosexual Couples to Married Couples
by: Timothy J. Dailey, Ph. D.
(article removed)

timothy dailey is a widely debunked idiot. opinion pieces mean nothing and this article STILL doesn't say there are no gay monogamous couples. why are you trying to hard to prove something impossible?

Amos Moses:
right ... a scientific study you do not want to agree with as it leaves you butt hurt with the facts .......

his study doesnt say there are no monogamous gay couples. read it again

Amos Moses:
it says what YOU want to call monogamy ..... and what homosexuals call monogamy ...... and what monogamy REALLY is ......... is not what homosexuals are portraying it to be ..... they are lying through obfuscation, sophistry, and casuistry ......... and a lie is still just a lie .....

nice try. you cant say that his words really mean something other than what they say. youre making a crazy unsupportable statement when you say there is no such thing as a faithful gay or lesbian couple especially when there are millions of examples online that shoot your pathetic lie down.

Amos Moses:
there is no evidence ..... length of time spent together is not evidence of monogamy .....

in that case you cant prove that anyone is monogamous and faithful. gay or straight

Amos Moses, Christian News Network 11 Comments [6/14/2018 6:37:51 AM]
Fundie Index: 2
Submitted By: Jocasta

Quote# 138062

One reason there are such a microscopic number of blacks at Stuyvesant is because the handful who could ace the test are more likely to accept a $40k per year scholarship to bring diversity to elite private schools like Dalton. You’d be crazy to send your kid to Stuyvesant to hang out with and compete against Asian immigrant grinds if, for the same price, your child could be the Cool Black Friend of the scions of America’s ruling class at a Manhattan prep school that rich white families are desperate to get into.

Steve Sailer, Unz  0 Comments [6/13/2018 9:10:36 PM]
Fundie Index: 2

Quote# 138060

Suppose a worldwide genetic cleansing was happening. Every man would be an attractive Chad. Sure, there would be variations of Chad, but all men would be attractive and get tons of pussy nonetheless. All women would also be highly attractive and cute as well, variations occurring as well. Hell, some women would be futanaris. Traps would naturally be added too. It would be a hentai come true.

There would be no ugly or unattractive people. Everyone would have sex regularly and easily. To accomplish the eugenics, anyone deemed genetically inferior will be sterilized. Incels and ugly people will receive free surgeries to alter their appearances to become attractive, but they will not be allowed to reproduce. They will be able to have all the sex they want without worrying about ruining the gene pool or getting some bitch pregnant.

No genocide needed at all, just a mass sterilization and compensation. We would all become attractive even before we successfully cleaned the gene pool. If a rare genetic dud is made, then they will be compensated for so that they may live a normal life. They won't be allowed to reproduce, of course. Everyone wins in this scenario, even the incels. Think about it.

CroMagnonBoy, incels.me 5 Comments [6/13/2018 9:09:13 PM]
Fundie Index: 3
Submitted By: Katie

Quote# 138056

(=Comments on Christian author Glen Melton Doyle coming out as a lesbian and subsequent marriage to a woman=)

Susan Foley: One can only imagine what the children here really think of this. Have they actually "fallen for Abby"? Is it really their desire "to watch one woman at a time live her truth without asking for permission or offering explanation" when that one woman is their mother, and "living her truth" means tearing up their family, and the permission and explanation would should have been asked from them, given to them? "Oh no, who cares what you think dear, I'm off "living my truth" and you'll just have to adapt. You'd better pretend to be happy about it too or you'll ruin the story!" We won't hear from them until they are old enough to get out from under this monster self-absorbed mother they've got.

Charlie Sutton: My bet: within three years, there will be a tempestuous break-up.

Susan Foley: Count on it. When what matters is the gratification of the present desire, because people are inconstant, when the desire changes, more promises are broken.

Susan Foley, Patheos 4 Comments [6/13/2018 9:06:58 PM]
Fundie Index: 2

Quote# 138052

Why God Wants You to Stay in an Abusive Relationship

The natural follow up question to what we have just said about a woman and her children being able to free from a man who physically abuses them(by Biblical standards of course) is “What about non-physical abuse like emotional and verbal abuse? What recourse does a wife have in such situations?”

First I will fully agree that men can abuse their wives in non-physical and less extreme ways than what I have previously mentioned. A husband may not be a drug dealer who places his family’s life in jeopardy by his wicked lifestyle and he may not ever lay a hand on either his wife or children in a sinful manner. But perhaps he has a problem with anger and flying off the handle and saying hurtful things.

Maybe he has a problem with bitterness and taking that out on the family in various emotional or verbal ways. Maybe he is hyper critical toward his wife and children and never uplifts them. Maybe he even abuses his authority and gets off on power kicks and trying to humiliate his wife or children by various unreasonable demands. Maybe he isolates his family not for their protection but to project his power over them. There could be a myriad of ways that a husband either verbally or emotionally abuses his wife and children or he simply abuses his power to meet his own ego needs.

I also want to stop here for a second and make a very important point on this subject of abuse. Often times we center these discussions of domestic abuse on husbands and fathers but we forget that wives and moms can and do physically, verbally and emotionally abuse their husbands and children as well. Do wives or moms sometimes engage in hypercritical behavior toward their husbands or children? You bet they do. Do some wives or moms even punch, shove or engage in other forms of physical abuse toward their husbands or children? You bet they do. Do some wives play emotional games with their husbands and insult their manliness or sexual ability? You bet they do. Do some women push their husbands away sexually which is a form of emotional abuse toward men? Absolutely there are many women who engage in these behaviors.

Also children sometimes abuse their parents in various ways. Do children steal money from their parents? Yes they do. Do children despise and curse their parents? Yes they do. Do some children strike their parents? Yes they do. Do children reject their parent’s authority over them? This happens all the time in our day and age.

But let’s now return specifically to the subject of wives and children enduring emotional, verbal and other forms of abuse that are not the physical or life threatening types of abuse we have previously mentioned that would warrant outside intervention and in many cases divorce.

As I mentioned at the introduction of this article our modern culture has an attitude that we should never endure any kind of abuse from anyone whether it be someone who is our equal and especially from someone who is our authority. We are told to confront the person and then flee the relationship if the abuser does not repent and change their ways.

But when we read the Scriptures we see a very different view of how we should respond to abuse:

“18 Servants, be subject to your masters with all fear; not only to the good and gentle, but also to the froward. 19 For this is thankworthy, if a man for conscience toward God endure grief, suffering wrongfully.20 For what glory is it, if, when ye be buffeted for your faults, ye shall take it patiently? but if, when ye do well, and suffer for it, ye take it patiently, this is acceptable with God.

21 For even hereunto were ye called: because Christ also suffered for us, leaving us an example, that ye should follow his steps: 22 Who did no sin, neither was guile found in his mouth: 23 Who, when he was reviled, reviled not again; when he suffered, he threatened not; but committed himself to him that judgeth righteously: 24 Who his own self bare our sins in his own body on the tree, that we, being dead to sins, should live unto righteousness: by whose stripes ye were healed.”

I Peter 2:18-24 (KJV)

When we endure grief or suffer wrongly at the hands of others, in other words when we endure mistreatment which is abuse and take it patiently the Scriptures tell us “this is acceptable with God”. God is not excusing the actions of the abusers. But God is saying when we are on the receiving end of various kinds of abuse and we take it patiently that this is acceptable with God.

Such a thought is foreign to our thinking but the Scriptures tell us “For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways, saith the Lord” (Isaiah 55:8).

We often talk on this blog about how God likes to image or model things. Man was created to image God and thereby bring him glory (I Corinthians 11:7) and woman and by extension marriage was created to help man fully image God as a husband and father (I Corinthians 11:9, Ephesians 5:22-33). When it comes to this matter of suffering abuse – we, both men and women, actually model Christ when we suffer abuse from others taking it patiently as he did. And that is why God wants you to stay in an abusive relationship.

biblicalgenderroles, Biblical Gender Roles 16 Comments [6/13/2018 12:25:16 PM]
Fundie Index: 10

Quote# 138041

And that's the funny thing: I am bipolar with schizophrenia on top. I have brain damage. I can't even drive. No person would use me, but God does. It's even funnier when Ron comes along, blind, in his wheelchair. I am getting better distribution when he comes with me, lately.

Things aren't what they were. Used to be I could do 100 in an hour, now I am "lucky" to do 30 in an hour, but I keep going. Glad God can use me.

Acts5:41, Rapture Ready 6 Comments [6/13/2018 5:40:45 AM]
Fundie Index: 1

Quote# 138040

I feel we have to be very careful about Muslims coming in because unless they are willing to assimilate, there are problems. Unfortunately, the Koran tells them not to assimilate. The ones who are secular do and get along.

We have many problems here where I am...related to Muslim youths in gangs.

The problem is, their religion teaches them to hate us. Unless they are willing to give up their religion, we have a clash of civilizations.

They tell you to your face they want sharia law. Since when do we let people come here who are not willing to assimilate? When did this start?

You would think we would learn as we watch Paris and Scandinavia, Brussels, London, etc. instead they will actually lie to say nah...they do not have no go zones. They have no problems...and liberals say...I am talking to one right now and everything that is said about this isn't true. Yet an American who goes there is given a map at the hotels showing where not to go.

As I said, it is the darnedest thing ice ever seen...where women are raped but won't testify because they don't want to be the fault of a Muslim being deported from their country.

Liberals lie about it because they want them here for division, chaos and votes because Americans are figuring out they run on division and they do better with conservative policies.

Blacks...I have no problems with anyone black. They speak English, they care about their kids and how they do in school, they don't want to be forced to buy electric cars or pay to drive on the freeway and so on. We get each other's Mail when they or we are away and are very pleasant. We share cookies or whatever with each other and stop and chat if we run into each other at the grocery store.

There may be black gangs but not here. There are Muslim and Hispanic gangs here...tattoos all over them.


FairSharFairShar, Realabortiondebate 9 Comments [6/13/2018 5:40:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 4

Quote# 138039

He Anoints Me to Be His Servant

He's Looking for People Who Will Stand on the Authority of His Word

From 1989 to 1992, about two and one-half years, the Lord took me through a season of discipleship. When I arrived in Charleston, South Carolina, the Lord met me again in my sleep to explain to me what was on His heart and what He was looking for from me in the upcoming season. I began to notice that the Lord shifted His focus in the visitations from teaching and instruction to commissioning and commanding me with mandates and divine assignments. I entered into a new level of servanthood with the Lord. Now my life and walk with Him were taking on a drastic turn as He began commissioning me to be His servant.

It was during this period that Jesus appeared to me to answer questions I had concerning the latter rain. Suddenly I was with Him in the air above a church. Jesus had on the most beautiful white robe that I had ever seen! Every time he appears to me His robe looks more glorious to me. As I stood beside Jesus, high above the church, I saw what appeared to be a huge, golden vessel in His hands that had beautiful, golden, latter-rain anointing oil in it. I knew He wanted to pour the full contents of this vessel out on His church but could not.

He said, "David, I brought you here to answer your questions concerning why you don't see My power in the church." Then He began pointing things out to me that were going on in His church that He wasn't pleased with. The first thing He showed me was that some of those in the pews, the youth and adults alike, were committing sexual sin and fornication; there was so much flesh in operation in His house. Secondly, He pointed out to me the choir, those who led praise and worship, and that they brought Christian rap into His house and started singing. He was so displeased by this! I saw it in the expression on His face when He pointed it out to me.

He Called Me Into Ministry and Urged Me to Be Faithful to Him

Then He instructed me to correct and rebuke those in His house. As I did this, He did something that was unusual. While dipping one of His fingers in the latter-rain, glory oil He looked at me and said, "Be faithful." Then He stretched out His finger over the church and allowed one drop to hit the whole church. When this drop fell from His finger it sprayed or sprinkled into drops of rain onto the people. When the drop hit the congregation, the whole crowd erupted in spontaneous praises. It was high praise and very beautiful to watch. The move of God caused by the drop died out. Jesus and I stood there, and I knew that He wanted to pour out the fullness of the latter-rain on His church but couldn't because it was short-circuited by sin, the flesh, and worldliness.

Jesus brought another problem He was displeased with to my attention. He showed me the pastor standing at His pulpit. The pastor saw all these wrong things going on in the congregation and in the choir but he wouldn't speak out against them. Jesus was very displeased with this Shepherd who allowed all these things to take place in the Lord's house. I saw the pastor of the church preaching while He was lying flat on his back. Jesus then showed me that a lot of His leaders and pastors were preaching His word, but they were doing it while lying down instead of standing up! He then instructed me to intercede for His pastors and leaders. Oh, I do intercede for them, because 1 love God's Shepherds so much. They go through a lot. Jesus put me back in my body, but I was still in a deep sleep when I heard a voice that said these words that shook me, "I need a man who will stand on the authority of My word!"

He Gave Me My First Assignment and Commissioned Me

It was the voice of Jesus. My whole being was shaking and trembling because I realized that He didn't say, "David, I need you to stand on the authority of my word!" Instead, He said he needed a man and He left the choice up to me. The Almighty Son of God was looking for a man to do this.

And I sought for a man among them, that should make up the hedge, and stand in the gap before me for the land, that I should not destroy it: but I found none (Ezekiel 22:30).

I decided I would be this man, knowing He wouldn't have brought this to my attention if He didn't want me to respond. I was completely shaken in my whole being from His words. They went through me like liquid fire. From that experience I received my commission from the Lord: to be a man who would stand on the authority of His word. Then suddenly I woke up. I was still shaking. It was very early in the morning around 4:00 am.

I felt currents of electricity going through my whole being! My body was trembling with currents of liquid fire that went through me from my head down all the way to my feet. My whole heart cried out in response to Him when He shared the need and His desire for a man who would stand on the Authority of His word! I said, "Lord, I'll be faithful in doing it." At this point, the Lord revealed to me that this rebuke was going to be the prerequisite of the latter-rain glory that He wants to pour out on His Church.

David Taylor, My Trip to Heaven: Face to Face with Jesus (book) 7 Comments [6/13/2018 3:46:24 AM]
Fundie Index: 2
Submitted By: Denizen

Quote# 138038

You stated, “And yes, it is narrow mindedness, fundamentalism is inherently narrow minded.”

Jesus said the following, “Enter ye in at the strait gate: for wide is the gate, and broad is the way, that leadeth to destruction, and many there be which go in thereat: Because strait is the gate, and narrow is the way, which leadeth unto life, and few there be that find it. ”
(Matt. 7:14)

I’m glad to be narrow-minded and SAVED.

S.P, Jon Pavlovitz 5 Comments [6/12/2018 9:18:40 PM]
Fundie Index: 7

Quote# 138036

The art of avoiding definitions: A review of ‘Trans*: A Quick and Quirky Account of Gender Variability’

“Let me define the terms, and I’ll win any debate,” a friend told me years ago, an insight I’ve seen confirmed many times in intellectual and political arenas.

But after reading Jack Halberstam’s new book, Trans*: A Quick and Quirky Account of Gender Variability, I would amend that observation: Debates also can be won by making sure a term is never clearly defined. The transgender movement has yet to offer coherent explanations of the concepts on which its policy proposals are based, yet support is nearly universal in left/liberal circles. Whether or not it was the author’s intention, Trans* feels like an attempt at an outline of such explanation, but I’m sorry to report that the book offers neither clarity nor coherence.

I say sorry, because I came to the book hoping to gain greater understanding of the claims of the transgender movement, which I have not found elsewhere. Halberstam — a professor in Department of English and Comparative Literature and the Institute for Research on Women, Gender, and Sexuality at Columbia University — has been writing about this subject for more than two decades and is one of the most prominent U.S. trans* intellectuals. The table of contents looked promising, but the book only deepened my belief that a radical feminist and ecological critique of the transgender movement’s ideology is necessary.

Rather than be defensive about the ambiguity of the transgender argument, Halberstam celebrates the lack of definition as a strength of the movement, an indication that trans* offers deep insights for everyone. If we shift our focus from “the housing of the body” and embrace “perpetual transition” then “we can commit to a horizon of possibility where the future is not male or female but transgender,” he writes. Instead of “male-ish” and “female-ish” bodies we can realize “the body is always under construction” and “consider whether the foundational binary of male-female may possibly have run its course.”

The very act of naming and categorizing imposes limits that constrain the imagination, according to Halberstam, hence the use of the asterisk:

“I have selected the term ‘trans*’ for this book precisely to open the term up to unfolding categories of being organized around but not confined to forms of gender variance. As we will see, the asterisk modifies the meaning of transitivity by refusing to situate transition in relation to a destination, a final form, a specific shape, or an established configuration of desire and identity. The asterisk holds off the certainty of diagnosis; it keeps at bay any sense of knowing in advance what the meaning of this or that gender variant form may be, and perhaps most importantly, it makes trans* people the authors of their own categorizations. As this book will show, trans* can be a name for expansive forms of difference, haptic [relating to the sense of touch] relations to knowing, uncertain modes of being, and the disaggregation of identity politics predicated upon the separating out of many kinds of experience that actually blend together, intersect, and mix. This terminology, trans*, stands at odds with the history of gender variance, which has been collapsed into concise definitions, sure medical pronouncements, and fierce exclusions.”

I quote at length to demonstrate that in using shorter excerpts from the book I am not cherry-picking a few particularly abstruse phrases to poke fun at a certain form of postmodern academic writing. My concern is not stylistic but about the arguments being presented. After reading that passage a couple of times, I think I can figure out what Halberstam’s trying to say. The problem is that it doesn’t say anything very helpful.

To be fair, Halberstam is correct in pointing out that the instinct to categorize all the world’s life, human and otherwise — “the mania for the godlike function of naming” — went hand in hand with colonialism, part of the overreach of a certain mix of politics and science in attempting to control the world. But like it or not, humans make sense of the world by naming, which need not go forward with claims of imperial domination or divine insight. We define the terms we use in trying to explain the world so that we can meaningfully communicate about that world; when a term means nothing specific, or means everything, or means nothing and everything at the same time, it is of no value unless one wants to obfuscate.

But, if Halberstam is to be believed, this criticism is irrelevant, because transgenderism “has never been simply a new identity among many others competing for space under the rainbow umbrella. Rather, it constitutes radically new knowledge about the experience of being in a body and can be the basis for very different ways of seeing the world.” So, if I don’t get it, the problem apparently is the limits of my imagination — I don’t grasp the radically new knowledge — not because the explanation is lacking.

After reading the book, I continue to believe that the intellectual project of the transgender movement isn’t so much wrong as it is incoherent, and the political project is not liberatory but regressive. What this book “keeps at bay” is a reasonable, honest request: What does any of this mean?

In other writing — here in 2014 and again in 2016, along with a chapter in my 2017 book The End of Patriarchy: Radical Feminism for Men — I’ve asked how we should understand transgenderism if the movement’s claim is that a male human can actually be female (or vice versa) in biological terms. If transgender signals a dissatisfaction with the culturally constructed gender norms of patriarchy — which are rigid, repressive, and reactionary — I’ve suggested it would be more effective to embrace the longstanding radical feminist critique of patriarchy.

Rather than repeat those arguments here, I want to try another approach, stating simply that I have good reason to believe I’m real, that the human species of which I am a member is real, and that the ecosphere of which we are a part is real. That is, there is a material reality to the world within which I, and all other carbon-based life forms, operate. I cannot know everything there is to know about that material world, of course, but I can trust that it is real.

The cultural/political/economic systems that shape human societies make living in the real world complex and confusing, and the ways those systems distribute wealth and power are often morally unacceptable. But to challenge that injustice, it’s necessary to understand that real world and communicate my understanding to others in clear fashion.

In left/liberal circles, especially on college campuses, “trans*” increasingly is where the action is for those concerned with social justice. It offers — for everyone, whether transgender-identified or not — the appearance of serious intellectual work and progressive politics. Endorsing the transgender project is a way to signal one is on the cutting edge, and work like Halberstam’s is embraced in these circles, where support for the transgender movement is required to be truly intersectional.

My challenge to those whose goal is liberation is simple: How does this help us understand the real world we are trying to change? How does it help us understand patriarchy, the system of institutionalized male dominance out of which so much injustice emerges?

Halberstam likely would put me in the category of “transphobic feminism” for “refusing to seriously engage” with transfeminism, but I am not transphobic (if, by that term, we mean one who is afraid of, or hateful toward, people who identify as transgender). Nor do I refuse to seriously engage other views (unless we describe a critique of another intellectual position as de facto evidence of a lack of serious engagement). I am rooted in radical feminism, one of those “versions of feminism that still insist on the centrality of female-bodied women,” according to Halberstam.

On that point, Halberstam is accurate: radical feminists argue that patriarchy is rooted in men’s claim to own or control women’s reproductive power and sexuality. Radical feminists distinguish between sex (male XY and female XX, a matter of biology) and gender (masculinity and femininity, a matter of culture and power), which means that there is no way to understand the rigid gender norms of patriarchy without recognizing the relevance of the category of “female-bodied women.” It’s hard to imagine how the binary of male-female could “run its course” given the reality of sexual reproduction.

This is where an ecological perspective, alongside and consistent with a radical feminist critique, reminds us that the world is real and we are living beings, not machines. In discussing his own top surgery (the removal of breasts), Halberstam speaks of working with the doctor:

“Together we were building something in flesh, changing the architecture of my body forever. The procedure was not about building maleness into my body; it was about editing some part of the femaleness that currently defined me. I did not think I would awake as a new self, only that some of my bodily contours would shift in ways that gave me a different bodily abode.”

We all have a right to understand ourselves as we please, and so here’s my response: My body is not a house that was constructed by an architect but rather — like all other life on the planet — is a product of evolution. I resist the suggestion I can “build” myself and recognize that a sustainable human presence on the planet is more likely if we accept that we are part of a larger living world, which has been profoundly damaged when humans treat it as our property to dominate and control.

This is the irony of Halberstam’s book and the transgender project more generally. After labeling the project of categorizing/defining as imperialist and critiquing the “mania for the godlike function of naming,” he has no problem endorsing the “godlike function” of reshaping bodies as if they were construction materials. There’s a deepening ecological sensibility in progressive politics, an awareness of what happens when humans convince ourselves that we can remake the world and ignore the biophysical limits of the ecosphere. While compassionately recognizing the reasons people who identify as transgender may seek surgery and hormone/drug treatments, we shouldn’t suppress concerns about the movement’s embrace of extreme high-tech intervention into the body, including the surgical destruction of healthy tissue and long-term health issues due to cross-sex hormones and hormone-like drugs.

I have long tried to observe what in rhetoric is sometimes called “the principle of charity,” a commitment in debate to formulating an opponent’s argument in the strongest possible version so that one’s critique is on firm footing. I have tried to do that in this review, though I concede that I’m not always sure what Halberstam is arguing, and so I may not be doing his arguments justice. But that is one of my central points: When I read this book — and many other arguments from transgender people and their allies — I routinely find myself confused, unable to understand just what is being proposed. So, again, I’ll quote at length in the hopes of being fair in my assessment, this time the book’s closing paragraph:

“Trans* bodies, in their fragmented, unfinished, broken-beyond-repair forms, remind all of us that the body is always under construction. Whether trans* bodies are policed in bathrooms or seen as killers and loners, as thwarted, lonely, violent, or tormented, they are also a site for invention, imagination, fabulous projection. Trans* bodies represent the art of becoming, the necessity of imagining, and the fleshy insistence of transitivity.”

Once again, after reading that passage a couple of times, I think I understand, sort of, the point. But, once again, I don’t see how it advances our understanding of sex and gender, of patriarchy and power. I am not alone in this assessment; people I know, including some who are sympathetic to the transgender movement’s political project, have shared similar concerns, though they often mute themselves in public to avoid being labeled transphobic.

I’m not asking of the transgender movement some grand theory to explain all the complexity of sex and gender. I just need a clear and coherent place to start. Asking questions is not transphobic, nor is observing that such clarity and coherence are lacking.

ROBERT JENSEN, Feminist Current 7 Comments [6/12/2018 9:13:42 PM]
Fundie Index: 1

Quote# 138035

He's pro-incest, pedophilia, and rape. He's also running for Congress from his parents' house.

Nathan Larson lives with his parents, and spends most of his waking hours on the Internet in between intermittent work as an accountant. And it's mostly there that he's developed some views that put him on the extreme fringes of society.

He believes in instituting a patriarchal system, with women under the authority of men; he supports abolishing age restrictions for marriage and laws against marital rape; he believes that white supremacy is a "system that works," that Hitler was a "good thing for Germany," and that incest should be legalized, at least in the context of marriage. And at one point in a conversation with The Post, he seemed to express admiration for the system run by the Taliban in Afghanistan, noting that the country's birthrate fell as a consequence of increased opportunities for women after the United States' more than decade-long intervention.

But Larson, 37, is hoping to take his views toward the mainstream by mounting a campaign for a congressional seat in Virginia, running as a Libertarian for the state's 10th district, a swath of land across three counties in northern Virginia outside the Washington suburbs. The seat is currently held by Republican Barbara Comstock, but has attracted strong Democratic interest; Hillary Clinton won the district by 10 percentage points in 2016.

Larson's campaign, which is his latest run after failed campaigns for Virginia's governorship and state legislature, has drawn attention for Larson's unabashedly extreme views. The HuffPost reported this week that Larson had created two websites that catered to the furthest fringes of the Internet: suiped.org and incelocalpse.today, information that Larson confirmed in an interview with The Post.

Both websites have since been removed by their domain hosts. Suiped or Suicidal Pedophiles, was a site and self-described organization created to lobby for pedophiles and other convicted or potential sex offenders to be able to kill themselves at clinics legally, according to cached images.

According to a cached image, Incelocalypse was created to "serve as both headquarters and casual hangout for the hardest core of the hardcore incels," the small but vocal community of "involuntary celibates" online who rage against feminism and a system of female empowerment that has deprived them of sexual gratification, an Internet subculture that has begun to draw some attention by mainstream media outlets.

Larson said he considers himself to be part of the "incel movement" and said his views took a turn for the more extreme after an acrimonious divorce. In 2015, his former wife was granted a restraining order against him after Larson returned to Virginia, where he grew up, from Colorado. And though his ex-wife later committed suicide, a custody battle unfolded for a child of his that she gave birth to after they split up, according to local media accounts. The El Paso County Attorney at the time, Robert Kern, argued successfully that Larson would not be a fit parent, according to the Colorado Springs Independent. Larson said he has only met his daughter once, during a supervised visit with a social worker.

Larson also has a criminal record. In 2009, he pleaded guilty to threatening to kill the U.S. president, for which he served 16 months in federal prison and three years of supervision upon his release. In a previous interview with The Post, he called a letter he sent to the Secret Service in 2008 warning of imminent plans to assassinate either President George W. Bush or President Barack Obama, an act of civil disobedience meant to call attention to the tyranny of the U.S. government. He also has a couple of misdemeanor convictions: One for the "use of computer for harassment," which Larson says was related to a lewd email he sent a woman while he was in college, and two others that pertain to marijuana possession.

Some conservatives have used Larson's candidacy to attack Virginia's voting laws, after Gov. Terry McAuliffe, D, restored voting and other civil rights to thousands of convicted felons across the state, including Larson.

Larson filed the initial paperwork with the Virginia Board of Elections to certify his latest candidacy in May. He said that he has also submitted the 1,000 signatures of potential voters required to run for Congress in Virginia. He said the goal of his candidacy was to try to "build a movement" and wasn't too worried about whether his message would resonate with voters.

"Build the morale among the incels help get them focused and get some traction," he said.

According to Larson, he never interacts in person with people from the forums that he built online.

He said he voted for Libertarian candidate Gary Johnson in the 2016 presidential election, though he supports some of the cultural changes that President Donald Trump has wrought.

Nathan Larson, SFgate 4 Comments [6/12/2018 9:11:39 PM]
Fundie Index: 11

Quote# 138030

B.C. couple loses child custody after stuffed lion purportedly transmitting the word of God acted as their lawyer

A B.C. couple whose religious views are too extreme even for churches and pastors and put them at odds with family, doctors, social workers and anyone else trying to help them with their daughter, have lost their battle for custody of her.

The unusual child custody trial featured the couple speaking in tongues to a stuffed animal they said transmitted the word of God directly to them and refusing legal assistance because Jesus Christ — through the stuffed lion — was their lawyer, witness and judge.

In November, when the girl was one, the Provincial Court of British Columbia formally declared she was in need of protection and placed her in provincial custody, a decision the parents appealed to the B.C. Supreme Court. The parents claimed the judge violated their Charter rights, discriminated against them as Christians and made procedural errors.


“It appears that, due to their strong religious beliefs, they are intolerant of those who do not espouse identical views. This includes other Christians,” Justice Diane MacDonald wrote in her ruling, released this week.

After the woman found she was pregnant, she told a social worker her husband sometimes choked her to make her stop crying, had once tied her hands and covered her mouth with tape, which scared her, and occasionally beat her, court heard.

She told the worker her husband grew up in a cult and believes sexual relations between children should be encouraged and that they “role-play” sins where she plays the victim and he plays the perpetrator, court heard.


After the birth of their daughter, the parents refused all medical tests and procedures for her, including a hearing test, blood test, eye drops and a vitamin K shot. The mother also said she was unwilling to have her vaccinated.

Because of concerns over family violence and mental health, the ministry monitored the family. The couple refused to have parental capacity assessments, despite a court order.

A month after the girl’s birth, she was removed from the home and the parents continued to have supervised access.

The mother applied to change her daughter’s name to Jesus JoyoftheLord and her own first name to Risen Lord Jesus, her middle name to Refinersfire and her last name to Christ (with a hyphenation including her real name.)

When their child custody case came to court, the couple refused legal aid.

They said they had legal help, however, which came in the formed of a stuffed lion. During trial, the couple spoke to the lion in non-discernible words, presented as “speaking in tongues,” and said that through the lion they heard directly from God.

They said Jesus Christ was their “lawyer, witness and judge.”

When they cross-examined witnesses, they told each witness that their lawyer Jesus was asking the questions through them.

In the end, the judge did not find them to be credible and ruled in favour of the ministry and placed the baby in continuing care. The parents appealed that decision, claiming it infringed on their religious freedoms “as Christian parents.”

Unnamed couple, Vancouver Sun 12 Comments [6/11/2018 4:00:59 PM]
Fundie Index: 11

Quote# 138024

(Commenting on story "Todd Starnes: A win for Masterpiece Cakeshop (Christians), but it ain’t over yet"):

When the alt-left is losing it's anti-christ campaign to promote sin and make it illegal to reject their sin, (out of desperation and hoping someone, anyone, is still open to their manipulation and lies), they try to co-opt the African-American experience (particularly slavery) attempting to draw parallels between their sins and the terrible abuse AA slaves suffered at the hands of VERY evil men and women (parallels that DO NOT exist btw) to garner sympathy for their sin in some sort of weird by proxy exchange of experience and sympathy. Note, the manipulators are usually NOT descendants of slaves nor even AA, but have the audacity to attempt to pimp the AA experience to further their own wicked agenda. It's VERY disrespectful. They overlook the fact that the two have NOTHING in common - behavior is sin, skin color is not sin. They essentially equate their sin to the color of AA's skin...smh. Also, notice that they only do that to AA, not Jewish people (May peace be in Israel. God bless Israel), Japanese people (prayers for them) nor any other people who have suffered such crimes against humanity. VERY DISRESPECTFUL.

Lady Checkmate, Disqus - News Network 5 Comments [6/11/2018 9:01:40 AM]
Fundie Index: 3
Submitted By: Jocasta

Quote# 138023

Jesus healed the deaf. We provide them with a sign language interpreter.

Jesus opened blind eyes. We provide them with books and Bibles written in Braille.

Jesus cured the lame. We provide them with walking canes and wheelchairs.

Jesus cleansed the lepers. We send them to a dermatologist.

Jesus rebuked cancer and it left. We run races for it; and it stays.

Jesus cured the mentally insane by casting demons out of them. We send them to the psychiatrist, and put them on Abilify and Risperdal.

Parents brought their kids to Jesus; and He blessed them by laying hands on them. We take our kids to the local priest; and he 'lays' with them.

Jesus rebuked the winds and the storm: and they obeyed His voice. We pick up the pieces after the storm has destroyed everything we own.

Jesus sent His word and healed them. We send our word to share the latest celebrity gossip.

Something's wrong saints! And we can't keep pretending like there isn't. Why does our Christianity look so different from the Christianity in the Bible?

Why do we champion sin and make light of holiness; when our forefathers in the faith preached freedom from sin and declared holiness to be the only way to see God? Why do we harp more on tithes and offerings, and harp little on repentance from dead works?

The world looks at us and laughs. They looked at Paul and declared "He's turning the world upside down!" 'Jezebels' and 'Ahabs' run rampant in our churches, because there aren't many 'Elijahs' and 'Elishas' around willing to confront them.

The problem is simple: the church has been sapped of her power. We've replaced Holy Ghost anointing with human ability. Like kryptonite is to Superman, sin is our weakness.

But we're different in this respect: we seem to LOVE our kryptonite! At least superman had enough sense to get far away from his.
We need solutions that are soaked in the wisdom of God. And my ebook provides them. It's titled HEDONISM: DESTROYING DEMONIC SEXUAL STRONGHOLDS.

This is one of the biggest problems in the church: nobody wants to talk about sex! Yet it's the one big sin that we grapple with the most.
I wrote this ebook out of frustration. Because I'm tired of watching demons kicking Christians' heads in. And it's time to FIGHT BACK!

This ebook will show you exactly what's holding you back from walking in the divine power Christ has given us.

Perhaps it's the tattoo you got that opened a demonic portal. Or maybe it's the spirit that went home with you the same night you visited that nightclub. And what exactly is a Christian doing in a nightclub anyway???

It could be the oath you swore years ago to ancient Egyptian/Greek gods, when you pledged Greek. Or the covenant you made with your eyes when you watched those dirty movies.

Whatever's been holding you back, it's time to lay aside those silly distractions and move purposely in the direction of power and victory in Jesus Christ!

"Since we are surrounded by so many examples [of faith], we must get rid of everything that slows us down, especially sin that distracts us. We must run the race that lies ahead of us and never give up." *Hebrews 12:1 (GWT)

Mack Major, Facebook 15 Comments [6/11/2018 9:01:05 AM]
Fundie Index: 9
Submitted By: Yossarian Lives

Quote# 138022

The dialectic between conservatives and progressives under liberalism is boring, predictable and exposes both as having no standing with objective truth. Soon, conservatives will endorse sodomy but say pedophilia is bad as progs move to make child rape easier.

dimashqee, Twitter 9 Comments [6/11/2018 9:00:48 AM]
Fundie Index: 3
Submitted By: Yossarian Lives

Quote# 138021


My Dd and I attend a very loving, and wonderful church. This morning, after a wonderful message from the pastor, and a time of reflection as we were partaking in holy communion, we were leaving our pew and heading to the door............and, two women behind me were discussing and totally bashing another woman who was offering service at an event during the week and didn't do it exactly the way they wanted her to do it. They couldn't even mange to remain quiet on their way out of the church!!! I am so bummed about this. What is the matter with people now-a-days??? Not just the lost and the ignorant, but the members of the church!!!! Where is the love and patience and good manners anymore??? I'm sure God was shaking his head at them as they walked away............................ I know I was.

kathymendel, Rapture Ready 11 Comments [6/11/2018 9:00:30 AM]
Fundie Index: -9

Quote# 138020

My oldest daughter is into all of this new age stuff, aka worshipping Satan.

For me, I don't even like the word religion. Or what I mean, is that I agree with atheists, I HATE all "religion". Because all religion is in worship to Satan. What I believe in, is TRUTH. That truth is in the Bible. That truth is Jesus Christ. Everything else = religion, satan and man made, worship of Satan.

I've learned so much about new age. Because of my daughter, and also because I myself was demonically attacked for a period of time, due to me needing to change a thing about my life, me being intentionally out of God's Will. My problem was alcohol. And I was again and again "messing up", giving in and drinking after Jesus had clearly told me NO. Because I wasn't listening to Him, I was left open to attack.

tiffanybw, Rapture Ready 12 Comments [6/11/2018 9:00:07 AM]
Fundie Index: 7

Quote# 138015

The SpaceX live feed footage made it appear that the rocket turned sideways and then went straight down. I assumed it was just the camera angle. However, footage taken from a nearby highway proves it did in fact go straight back down. If it were following the curve of the earth like planes are said to be doing, it would appear to be flying straight like planes do when flying with the "curve." However, unlike planes, Rockets don't have wings, rudders, or ability to adjust the trim to stay straight and level. I mean curved and arched lol. Once they tip over they have no choice but to go straight back down to the ocean.

Many are commenting that I'm not aware of how rockets get to space. I am aware of this process, but if you take a screenshot at 2:35 in the video and then use a program that allows you to drag a picture of the ball earth into the curved flight path, you will reveal that the earth is really tiny or the rocket did fly into the ocean as it appears. Here is a link to a video where I admit to being wrong about the flight path. It proves the globe model as well ?? https://youtu.be/9Rx6_ynBtNM
Please refrain from using bad language. It doesn't make you look any smarter although it does make you look cool in certain crowds :)

Flat Earth Brothers, Youtube 6 Comments [6/10/2018 10:17:25 PM]
Fundie Index: 5
Submitted By: Christopher

Quote# 138012

(This fundie is talking about Obama)

If he is under a curse, he earned it. Scripture says those who curse Israel will themselves be cursed, and those who bless Israel will be blessed. He was not a friend to Israel or to Bibi Netanyahu, in fact made him come to the back door of the white house while entering or leaving, I can't remember which.

There was nothing remotely Christian about the man, promoted gay lifestyle, gay marriage, pro abortion, ruined economy, stifling laws on corporations, anti fossil fuels, coal miners, loss of jobs, high unemployment, high crime and gang activity, perpetuated anti police mentality by meddling in police actions like Ferguson and supporting BLM and did nothing to stop the town burning down , gave guns to mexican cartels who killed a U.S. border agent and the list goes on and on. I am trying to think of one good thing he did,,,,,

chaser, Rapture Ready 14 Comments [6/10/2018 3:20:46 PM]
Fundie Index: 4
Submitted By: Katie

Quote# 138006

Not a single argument of the from the ones that are obviously brought by side of the state to the political justification of the ethnic settling politics has been examined as being actually justifying and convincing, which is something that should already be known if you read the second part. Politically conclusive are - aside from the lastly named argument of profane profit greed - only the above discuted ideological and strategical motives. All these motives have despite their partially substantial political differences one thing in common: The spiritual direction aims as its final consequence always against the Germans, their culture, their right to have their own country, the from them inhabited settlement area, their biological gene pool, their political playing space. The settling of other people nations in Germany is because of this always a machination for the same goal, to damage the natives one way or another and to cut their influence in their own country. Its because such a goal was set that the definition of "Umvolkung" was defined. What we experience in Germany for decades, is with that said in the end nothing but a classical, aggressively native aimed "Umvolkung" politics, even if the state actor is in this case not foreign, but their own. In the end it doesn't matter for the people whether or not the settling-political aggression originally came from what was originally a foreign country or the own. In the end the people of the nation are equally and powerlessly delivered on the side of the historical losers to the state settled colonists in what was once their own country.

Original German:
Nicht ein einziges der von staatlicher Seite üblicherweise vorgebrachten Argumente zur politischen Rechtfertigung der ethnischen Siedlungspolitik hat sich als tatsächlich begründet und überzeugend herausgestellt, wie sich bereits im zweiten Teil dieser Serie erkennen ließ. Politisch schlüssig sind – neben dem zuletzt genannten Argument profaner Profitgier – allein die oben diskutierten ideologischen und strategischen Motive. All diesen Motiven ist trotz ihrer teils erheblichen politischen Unterschiede eines gemeinsam: Die geistige Stoßrichtung richtet sich in letzter Konsequenz immer gegen die Deutschen, ihre Kultur, ihr Recht auf ein eigenes Land, den von ihnen bewohnten zusammenhängenden Siedlungsraum, ihre biologisches Gen-Pool, ihren machtpolitischen Spielraum. Die Ansiedlung anderer Völkerschaften in Deutschland ist daher grundsätzlich immer ein Mittel zum selben Zweck, den Einheimischen in der ein oder anderen Form zu schaden und ihren politischen Einfluss im eigenen Land zu beschneiden. Genau durch eine solche Zielsetzung wird der Begriff der Umvolkung definiert. Was wir in Deutschland seit Jahrzehnten erleben, ist somit tatsächlich nichts anderes als eine klassische, aggressiv gegen die einheimische Bevölkerung gerichtete Umvolkungspolitik, auch wenn der staatliche Akteur in diesem Fall kein fremder Staat ist, sondern der eigene. Im Ergebnis macht es für ein von Umvolkung betroffenes Volk keinen Unterschied, ob die siedlungspolitische Aggression ursprünglich von einem fremden Staat oder ihrem eigenen Staat ausging. Am Ende stehen die Menschen dieses Volkes gleichermaßen als politisch einflusslose Minderheit im ehemals eigenen Land, den staatlich angesiedelten Kolonisten machtlos ausgeliefert, auf der historischen Verliererseite.

C. Jahn, PI News 4 Comments [6/10/2018 3:05:03 PM]
Fundie Index: 4
Submitted By: hydrolythe

Quote# 138005

Ugandan Pastor Martin Ssempa is back on the warpath against gay rights. In a new video, he states that, after a sabbatical, he has returned to the fray to combat “the gay agenda” once again.

In an attempt to elicit disgust from church members, Ssempa is notorious for showing gay pornography in churches and declaring that gay men “eat the poo poo.”

Now he claims that he and anti-gay allies such as Ethics Minister Simon Lokodo and U.S. pastor Scott Lively are victims of a gay conspiracy.

It’s time to push back against gay rights, he says, because former U.S. President Barack Obama is out of office. Ssempa declares outrageously that Obama made “promotion of homosexuality” his No. 1 priority, which Ssempa says hampered efforts to fight poverty and AIDS.

In fact, Ssempa and other homophobes have been hindering the fight against AIDS for years, limiting LGBT people’s access to health information and health care by opposing programs that serve the LGBT community.

Similarly, as gay-rights activist the Rev. Albert Ogle explained in 2012, Ssempa blocked efforts to curb the HIV epidemic among LGBT Ugandans because he and other anti-gay crusaders persuaded health-care professionals that gays are deviants who should be locked up. Ogle’s attempts to provide Ugandan doctors and nurses with training about the needs and realities of minority sexuality were unsuccessful.

Ssempa claims that he is a victim because a 2013 court case and a related petition sought to persuade the International Criminal Court to prosecute Ssempa for crimes against humanity. That appeal to the ICC also sought prosecution of anti-gay Ugandan legislator David Bahati and anti-gay Ugandan publisher Giles Muhame.

Pastor Martin Ssempa, Erasing 76 Crimes 5 Comments [6/10/2018 3:03:38 PM]
Fundie Index: 9
Submitted By: Yossarian Lives
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