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Quote# 137753

Polygamy is not promoted or condoned by the OT. There was nothing in the law about taking more than one wife or concubines. If fact, every case of polygamy in the OT led to negative consequences. Genesis 1 and 2 sets God’s standard for marriage. The rest of the Bible must be viewed in context of that. Polygamy in Genesis is always portrayed negatively, from Lamech (a representative of the evil of Cain’s descendents) onward.

Also, you need to understand the genre of literature the Bible was written in. The examples of polygamy are in the historical books. The historical books are presented as history. They’re recorded not because they’re promoting any characters as heroes we should emulate, but because that’s what happened. The only hero of the OT is God. Everyone else is presented as a messed up person, whom God used anyway. It’s history, not Aesop’s Fables. They’re not books of morality that provide us examples to follow. They’re the story of God’s covenant with Israel.

If the OT really promoted polygamy, why then did it disappear after the exile? Remember that after the exile, Israel stopped commonly practicing the sins for which God exiled them in the first place. Among those sins, apparently was polygamy. If the OT really promoted polygamy, why is it that Orthodox Jews today don’t practice it? If fact, they look down on it. To go further, it is actually in part, Israel’s influence on Western culture that causes us to look down on polygamy today.

David, The Discerning Christian 14 Comments [4/9/2018 8:13:17 AM]
Fundie Index: 2
Submitted By: Christopher

Quote# 137750

some of them are working up to a spirit of hate and reviling. but you cant have strong feelings if you have a dumbed down society by putting floride in the water. and the ones that know how to kelate their blood, have the ability to think better and they manipulate the mass population into Not believing in God. just a guess based on personal experience. but history shows that people can be managed by fake news and then on both sides of the conservative - liberal debate . actually its the progressives that are the traitors to american constitutional freedom but there are fake conservatives too

gomakawitnessofjesus, Y! answers 8 Comments [4/8/2018 9:51:03 PM]
Fundie Index: 5

Quote# 137749

The edges [of the flat earth] are what we know as Antarctica. If you look at the UN flag, you will see the Flat Earth model with what you call the North Pole dead center.

The sun is actually far closer than the NWO want you to believe, floating at a height of 100,000 feet. It moves in a generally clockwise direction, centered roughly over the equator. That is why the Arctic Circle is cold, and why you have never been to the edge. Antarctica grows colder and colder, until no one could possibly survive. Compasses become useless at that outer edge, and people get lost in the snow. That's because the true purpose of the magnetic field at the center of the earth is to keep people from wandering off into the Antarctic and dying.

anonymous, Y! answers 14 Comments [4/8/2018 9:50:48 PM]
Fundie Index: 11

Quote# 137748

[Under "Oskar Dirlewanger: The Most Evil Man In The Nazi SS"]

The Dirlewanger Brigade would be a much more effective at dealing with terrorism than anything Merkel could conceive.

Pauly Incorrect, Caveman Circus 7 Comments [4/8/2018 9:44:49 PM]
Fundie Index: 4
Submitted By: JeanP

Quote# 137747

(=A comment on a video teaching the Annhilationist viewpoint of Hell=)

I am very dissapointed because they did a great video proving flat earth and now have shown false teaching?.

Jeffery Young, Youtube 4 Comments [4/8/2018 9:44:31 PM]
Fundie Index: 2
Submitted By: Christopher

Quote# 137746

A Youtube video about Transformers

This video is an in depth examination into the movie franchise "Transformers." In this video I discuss the exoteric and esoteric interpretations of the movies and cartoon to discover the hidden meanings behind them. Included in this examination are key points discussing Saturn worship, cube symbolism, fallen angels, aliens beings, star-gates, Masonic symbolism, trans-humanism, the New World Order, and more.

Before watching this video, it is recommended that you first watch:

White Rabbit, Youtube 13 Comments [4/8/2018 9:44:22 PM]
Fundie Index: 4

Quote# 137742

Can you imagine What we would do if Christ had not died an that sweet cross? There had to be blood
shed for god is just that holy. in the old times people made animal sacrifices for sins that were committed, I don't
know about you but can't even chop the head Of a dead chicken let alone a live goat, so thank God he died for
me yet while I was still a sinner, if you have another God besides the almighty tell me why? What miracles do you
believe they perform, and if you died right now can the blood of your god get you heaven? I know many
people Who have different religions Other than Christianity and everyone thinks theirs IS the right one, but the
bible the holy bible has been dissected over and aver again and has been proven to have accurate accounts of
Jesus Christ. this is not to say that prophets have not existed somewhere else because they have, but Jesus is
Jesus and there is no duplication Of him, his birth Was foretold seven hundred years before his birth just think
about that, look around you nonbelievers look at the proof in front of your face or is the trees to tall? My life and
all the things I have been through I know If it were not for God I would have fainted. there were times that I did
not want to follow him I wanted to give up, my lights were off my fridge was empty and I felt like God could zap
some money my way, but was not faithful to him. I lived in this world and all my lusts came first. I wanted that
car, that man that jewelry never knowing that at any minute I could have did and been lost. The blble is clear on
a few things let me tell you what that is Hell, Heaven, Jesus, Hell _ yep hell is a literal burning suffering painful
place that no one wants to go, I hear people say that if they had a loved one in hell they would not mine as long
as they were together, well that's crap' Who wants to continually burn? Who. If my mother went to hell light
now, it's her fault she has had ample opportunity to change, so if she do not it's because she chose not_ But one
thing is tor sure am not going to ask God to let me burn with her. no way I want the peace that god otters I
want to live in the golden mansion, I want to see the jewel paved Streets, want to see Christ, and all who does
not is lost. Now know we have some Satan worshippers and that's fine but when you get to hell the devil is not
your friend, he will not thank you for serving him, in fact he Will laugh at What you have done, you Will be With
him for the rest of your life being tortured imagine that This life that you live are only for a while so what you do
with it is up to you, but if you choose wrong you will regret it, And for those who believe God is a phony or he is
not real you Will regret it or for your sakes let's hope I am wrong

Faith Mimbs, Blink: And Then It Happened.. (book) 14 Comments [4/8/2018 9:42:08 PM]
Fundie Index: 3
Submitted By: Denizen

Quote# 137614

[Comment under "SS Dirlewanger Brigade: separating fact from fiction"]

Bayoneting babies, raping nuns, crucifying people blah blah blah victor propaganda rubbish.

The SS are the most demonized order in history. The victors have made it so all the uninformed do not even know a single positive thing about the SS. If you were to ask the usual jew fawning German hater about the accomplishments of the SS they wouldn't be able to give you a single positive attribute...

The SS were the embodiment of the European potential. Their fighting ability was unparalleled in history we could talk about their military successes until I have arthritis in my fingers.

They would have been the glue that held Europe together as it sky rocketed to a new European golden age. An age that would have shown the real potential of humanity.

The SA and SS were responsible for the closures of many of the jewish establishments in Germany in the early 30s. The prostitution rings/sex slavery, money launderers/loan sharks, gangs etc. This earned them the demonization and total hatred of world jewry and thus has led them to a status today that is so sinful to mention anything that could be misconstrued as positive that it can lead to career/social suicide.

This ensures such lies like the Nuremberg Trials to remain as just in the eyes of the uneducated, that Hitler was a madman, that Auschwitz murdered billions of jews... etc

In such circumstances where you can literally be beaten up for saying anything positive about the SS or Adolf Hitler it is no surprise that you would find SS Commander Oscar Dirlewanger to be the embodiment of evil. It is encouraged to hate him and with hate comes lies and slander.

Until the day comes when the jewish power base is toppled and the people of the world are free to research historical events without threat of social/career suicide I will not believe a single "atrocity" committed by the Germans unless it is totally backed up by incontrovertible evidence.

The information given to us after the war was given through thousands of filters of lies by people that were taught to hate the Germans. The fact that Oscar Dirlewanger is targeted for such a specific hatred means he must have done something very very good and with that reminds me of a great quote from Adolf Hitler's Mein Kampf:

"The man who is not opposed and vilified and slandered in the Jewish Press is not a staunch German and not a true National Socialist. The best rule whereby the sincerity of his convictions, his character and strength of will, can be measured is the hostility which his name arouses among the mortal enemies of our people."

Mythistory Channel, Stormfront 16 Comments [4/8/2018 11:47:29 AM]
Fundie Index: 13
Submitted By: JeanP

Quote# 137726

Undoubtedly some will be wondering why the mere presence of Jews should be a cause of concern or disunity in the Kingdom of France (since 987 under the House of Capet) but this is to fail to grasp the entire concept of what France was. It was a specifically Catholic kingdom and to be French was to be Catholic and to be Catholic was to be in communion with the body of Christ, the Church, and all other Catholics everywhere. This was the foundation of the kingdom and the highest purpose of the Catholic monarchs was to safeguard the souls of their subjects by ensuring that they were all good Catholics. Obviously, with such a foundation, it is going to be a problem to have a majority of the population which is French and who believe Jesus Christ is God, alongside a minority of people who are not French and who believe Jesus Christ was a criminal deserving of death. That is a pretty stark contrast, not a lot of room for compromise between those two viewpoints. It would inevitably cause tension and problems when a French peasant would be subject to severe punishments for denying the divinity of Christ, whereas Jews were primarily differentiated solely for this same denial.

Mad Monarchist, madmonarchist.blogspot.co.nz 12 Comments [4/7/2018 6:36:27 AM]
Fundie Index: 7

Quote# 137723


Creative Blkk coming with a new video expression my emotions on my experience as a homosexual, and just wanting to get closer to God, and the reason why I couldn't because of the sin I was holding on to.. I am not here to judge anyone only God can do those things. I ask you pray for me as I pray for you.. Be bless, so many more videos coming soon. LIKE, SUBSCRIBE, AND COMMENT I would love to hear you story, and if you or struggling with this you are not alone please reach out to someone if you feel it is me email me at [email protected]

creative_blkk, YouTube 25 Comments [4/7/2018 6:35:28 AM]
Fundie Index: 4

Quote# 137722

(=A comment on a Universalist video=)

No fire in the grave friend. Hell is a real place Gods word says there is you say they are not a Hell. Who is lieing now? Sad that people dont want to believe gods word but thats ok one day everybody will know that Gods word is true and that there is a real Hell. . It wont go away because you dont want to believe it. Written by Dale

Tigress Kamori, Youtube 14 Comments [4/7/2018 6:35:26 AM]
Fundie Index: 4

Quote# 137434

[Archive link in case of original's removal: http://archive.is/XWFDp]

A Military Coup May Be Our Only Hope

Of course we won’t call it that because we haven’t admitted to ourselves that we are a banana republic, but that’s really the only hope, I think, we have in the event that Trump and Bolton spark off what could be a World War. All of this sounds so hyperbolic? They said irony died after 9/11. Hyperbole died after 11/9.

Many posters here are anti-military. You shouldn’t be. You might be anti-war, but that’s different. The military is one of the most representative bodies of American diversity, a means to middle-class jobs that doesn’t require six figures of student loans, and one that mostly preaches good policies even if it doesn’t always follow them.

Even though I am a strong believer in our military, I don’t think a junta of generals should be running our country. Some kind of legal fiction involving the 25th Amendment seems to be the likely cover.

I hope it doesn’t come to this, but there are no other checks left on Trump. Congress is his patsy. Anyone who doesn’t kiss his ass and call it ice cream is out of the executive branch.

Attorney at Arms, Daily Kos 12 Comments [4/6/2018 5:18:56 PM]
Fundie Index: 7

Quote# 137399

alckansksb there's a little poster board in the lobby of my dorm about how “sexuality is a spectrum” and if references the fucking kinsey scale and the whole thing says homosexual instead of gay I've never seen something so clearly either made by a mogai or a straight person

another poster board says “consent is sexy” guys I thought we agreed not to ever use this phrase again because consent isn't some kink, it's mandatory

#or.. a really dumb gay which is also likely tbh #but its.. such a hetero analysis of sexuality im dead #and such a bad take on consent!! #jfc college kids #personal

tchaikovsgay, Tumblr 14 Comments [4/6/2018 5:10:27 PM]
Fundie Index: 2
Submitted By: Thanos6

Quote# 137380

Jesus said “great” shall be the reward in Heaven of those believers who are persecuted for His names' sake. If you are a God-fearing Christian who loves the Lord, then you know that the unrighteous hold you to an unfair standard. A wicked man can do evil an hundred times and no one cares; but just let a child of God sin once and every hypocrite will condemn him as a fraud and a phony. In the eyes of the wicked, a righteous man has to be perfect or else suffer severe slander.


You will be persecuted if you speak out against evolution, abortion, homosexuality, nightclubs, Harry Potter, SIN CITY Las Vegas, adultery and violence on television, false religion, immodest dress on women, drunkenness, sinful partying, Communism, pornography, and all other forms of wickedness. Ephesians 5:11 commands us not to fellowship with darkness; but rather, expose it.

The lifestyle and conversation of the born-again Christian who loves Jesus is drastically different from that of the sin-loving world. They will condemn us, and hate us, and place us under their magnifying glass for scrutiny. Any fault we have will be used to destroy our credibility and slander us. The Apostle Paul said in Romans 3:8, “we be slanderously reported.” If evil men slandered Jesus and the Apostle Paul, then you can rest assure they will slander us too. And so it is. Jesus said our reward is great in Heaven.

The child of God, who has a pure and tender heart, will never mix with cold-hearted people. Unfortunately, we have to work to eat and oftentimes have little choice in the matter. Let me encourage you, whoever you may be in the Lord, to rejoice in knowing that God has great rewards laid up for you in Heaven; where neither moth, rust, nor thieves can take them from you (Matthew 6:20). Jesus is precious and He has promised to reward us, even for giving a cup of water in a disciple's name (Matthew 10:42). Likewise, men will be judged for every word spoken on Judgment Day (Matthew 12:36).

David J. Stewart, Jesus is Savior 77 Comments [4/6/2018 5:03:40 PM]
Fundie Index: 6

Quote# 137719

A PSA for queer boys

If a dude has anything to the effect of “dom and top” or “masc4masc” or “I only top” or “no femmes” in his bio for apps, social media, hookup shit or whatever lol literally dont even give him the time of day. Hes trash.

You dont need that manchild toxic masculinity, boring behavior, and stupidness in your life. Suck a D, take a D, and date boys that do the same. Mature men are versatile.

#gay men #queer men #bi men #men #gay culture #Im super sick of basic dudes lol #open your brains and hearts and grow up #mature men are vers 2k18

this-divine-intervention, Tumblr 9 Comments [4/6/2018 12:51:09 PM]
Fundie Index: -1
Submitted By: Thanos6

Quote# 137717

What’s most tragic, is the rejection of God that our society's celebration of homosexuality demonstrates. It
utterly breaks my heart.

What actually matters is whether we'll spend eternity with Him. But if we're
going to, it means we've chosen to follow Him; this will mean that our
hearts desire to live by His guidelines, and not hold ceremonies rejoicing in
other people (who we should be trying to point towards God) rejecting God's
guidelines. Most people around us (regardless of their sexuality) don't realise
that they're at risk of missing their opportunity to have a relationship that's
infinitely better than any sex. We must continually seek with urgency to do all
we can to to do all
we can to show that Jesus's offer is real, and indisputably worth being
celibate for.

Grace Dalton, Premier 14 Comments [4/6/2018 9:22:47 AM]
Fundie Index: 5
Submitted By: Christopher

Quote# 137715

(In reply to another member, who wrote:

"Without even telling me why, Twitter did this:
Your account [...] is currently suspended. For more information, please visit Suspended Accounts.
I wasn't even given a notice about any tweet that I had posted.
I definitely believe Twitter has a bias against conservatives.):

***** I knew it would come Kirk. Satan is really angry and using anyone who doesn't know The Lord. Sorry for what happened. God is in control. We need to keep praying for our country.

d_1goodt, Realabortiondebate 7 Comments [4/6/2018 9:22:33 AM]
Fundie Index: 3

Quote# 137713

A Republican lieutenant governor candidate on Tuesday softened his stance that women who get an abortion should be punished if it is ever criminalized in Idaho, a day after saying the punishment should include the death penalty.

“Prosecutions have always been focused on the abortionist,” said Bob Nonini in a statement. “There is no way a woman would go to jail let alone face the death penalty. The statute alone, the threat of prosecution, would dramatically reduce abortion. That is my goal.”

Nonini first raised eyebrows on the divisive social issue during a Monday candidate forum in Moscow hosted by the conservative Christian podcast CrossPolitic.

“There should be no abortion and anyone who has an abortion should pay,” Nonini said.

Pressed by moderators on the nature of the punishment, Nonini nodded in agreement when asked if he supported the death penalty as a possible outcome for abortion.

Nonini, a three term state senator from Coeur d'Alene, confirmed that position in a phone interview with The Associated Press.

However, several hours later, Nonini issued a statement seeking to take back his strict stance.

“I strongly support the overturning of Roe v. Wade,” Nonini said. “That would allow states like Idaho to re-criminalize abortion as a deterrent. However, it is my understanding that in the history of the United States, long before Roe was foisted upon this country; no woman has ever been prosecuted for undergoing abortion. That is for practical reasons, as well as for reasons of compassion”

Bon Nonini, Idaho Statesman 8 Comments [4/6/2018 9:21:59 AM]
Fundie Index: 10
Submitted By: Yossarian Lives

Quote# 137302

The sad truth is that most churches these days are just a lousy 501c3 state-licensed business. They're making a comfortable living. The Independent Baptist church down the street from me has a big religious school with 1,000 students, and a Bible college, which bring in millions-of-dollars a year. Since there are Jehovah's Witnesses, Roman Catholics and other false religions in the church, the pastor won't preach on the offensive topics of eternal punishment, Hell, fire and damnation. What kind of church is that? Something is wrong when churches are afraid to stand and tell the truth. You'll never hear a fiery sermon on Sunday morning when the bulk of the church family is there.

I'm not trying to be unkind, but God didn't call us to operate religious schools. God didn't call us to teach children how to play orchestral instruments. The Church is supposed to be the ground and pillar of THE TRUTH, but most churches today cannot even settle on which Bible they believe. Unless you believe that both Easter and Passover can interchangeably be used in Acts 12:4, then you cannot support both the ERV and the KJB. The Baptist church down the street from me officially uses the KJB and the ERV. The KJB says Easter and the ERV says Passover in Acts 12:4. The pastor doesn't see a problem! WELL I DO AND SO DOES GOD!!!

David J. Stewart, Jesus is Precious 15 Comments [4/6/2018 9:14:54 AM]
Fundie Index: 5

Quote# 137712

Why I shouldn’t be King of Great Britain: The UK embassy in Washington DC would be home to the world’s largest statue of King George III. If at all possible, I would try to face him toward Mt Vernon. Since I wish nothing more than for the English-speaking countries to be drawn ever closer together, this would not be a good thing for Anglo-American relations and yet, I know I would not be able to stop myself from doing it.

Why I shouldn’t be King of Spain: First visit to Mexico, I’d show up dressed like Cortes and carrying a flag. And, you know, they probably wouldn’t like that. Recently, King Felipe VI met with Martin Schulz and that highlights another reason because I could certainly never stomach shaking hands with the likes of Martin Schulz. (shudder) In dealing with certain Latin American leaders, I would not be able to stop myself at asking them to “shut up” but would probably include a string of epithets that would certainly not be conducive to Hispanic solidarity, which I would like to see more of.

Why I shouldn’t be Grand Duke of Luxembourg: I would spend all my time campaigning to be elected Holy Roman Emperor. I just couldn’t help it. Campaigning to evict the European Court of Justice from Luxembourg soil would probably also be seen as “too political” and “interfering” in government matters for current sensibilities.

Why I shouldn’t be King of Belgium: All foreign aid to the Congo would be in special currency bearing a portrait of King Leopold II. And that would be evil! They would probably also misunderstand it, assuming sympathy with atrocities carried out in his name rather than a swipe at the nature of “independent” countries being on the dole of former colonial powers.

Why I shouldn’t be King of The Netherlands: I would offer to annex any remaining Boer areas of South Africa. And I doubt that would go over well. Problems with Indonesia would also doubtless be unavoidable and I doubt the Dutch public could cash the checks my mouth would be writing -if you know what I mean. Referring, even in a joking way, to Belgium as “the Southern Netherlands” would probably also ruffle some feathers.

Why I shouldn’t be King of Denmark: The national coat-of-arms would be changed to show Reptilicus devouring Germany. And that would be weird. Hardly in keeping with the dignity and integrity of the oldest monarchy in Europe. (Bonus points to anyone playing along at home who actually knows who “Reptilicus” is)

Why I shouldn’t be King of Norway: I’m not proud of it, I don’t like to admit, but I must face facts and I have to be honest. At some point I would have to wear a helmet with two big horns on it and would constantly be threatening to raid someone.

Why I shouldn’t be King of Sweden: Constantly hitting on Finland and asking when we can get back together would probably not be considered a legitimate foreign policy. It would probably upset the Russians too.

Why I shouldn’t be Prince of Liechtenstein: I’d form a military and declare war on San Marino.

Why I shouldn’t be Prince of Monaco: I would probably bankrupt the place trying to buy Menton and Roquebrune from France. There would also be family tensions anytime Gad came up as absolutely no one is good enough for my dear Charlotte.

Why I shouldn’t be Pope: Perhaps this one shouldn’t count but the Pope is technically the sovereign of a legal state so it is included for that reason. My “Renaissance” style papacy would give the entire Catholic world whiplash after the reign of Pope Frank. Not good. Every address to the world would probably consist of me screaming, “You’re all going to burn in Hell you godless heathens!” Can’t see that winning many over honestly.

Why I shouldn’t be King of (insert name of predominately Muslim country here): I doubt an infidel monarch would last long. Aside from differences of belief, I don’t drink anymore so that’s not a problem and I can live without pork but…a whole month without being able to smoke? I would explode.

Why I shouldn’t be King of Lesotho: I would absolutely refuse to have any dealings with South Africa, which for Lesotho would make life pretty damn difficult considering that the country is entirely surrounded by South Africa.

Why I shouldn’t be King of Swaziland: Aside from how positively ridiculous I would look in the national costume, there are other aspects of life I could never adjust to. For one, I couldn’t do the whole polygamy thing. The idea of one wife is frightening enough. Good. God.

Why I shouldn’t be King of Bhutan: There is no way I could stop myself from hitting on pretty much every female member of the royal family -and that would be awkward. (seriously, they are ridiculously gorgeous)

Why I shouldn’t be King of Thailand: Constantly playing “One Night in Bangkok” would probably not be considered appropriate royal behavior. Some people are really offended by that…I know.

Why I shouldn’t be King of Cambodia: Pretty simple. On day one I would fire Hun Sen, upsetting Vietnam, end friendly relations with China and North Korea and probably be assassinated in quick order, plunging the country into chaos.

Why I shouldn’t be Emperor of Japan: I’d go to pray at Yasukuni Shrine wearing a kimono with a big rising sun on it and all the Chinese and Koreans heads would explode in a fit of rage that might start World War III. And nobody wants that. But, I’d probably also be assassinated by right-wing extremists for not going along with their ‘Japan is the only country that never did anything wrong ever’ mentality.

Why I shouldn’t be King of Tonga: After some rather rotund monarchs, having a king who looks like he was just rescued from the world’s worst POW camp would probably be too great a shock for the people of Tonga.

Mad Monarchist, madmonarchist.blogspot.co.nz 17 Comments [4/6/2018 9:04:42 AM]
Fundie Index: 5
Submitted By: Michael

Quote# 137700

Having recently enjoyed the wonderful, joy filled celebrations of Easter with fellow Christians, it is truly depressing and sad to return to the dreadful negativity put forward to deny God's existence on this forum.

Of course God's existence is an objective fact. For anything to exist at all, there has to be an ultimate source for any existence - and it is not in this material universe which itself came into existence from a source beyond our understanding.

What saddens me, and God I feel, is that humans are so capable of wilfully refuting any evidence for God by using their God given gifts of intelligence and free thought to concoct reasons not to believe. I feel the key to discover God will only be found if you truly want to search for Him. The Devil will always provide an abundance of reasons not to believe for those who do not wish to find God.

Alan Burns, Religion and Ethics 17 Comments [4/5/2018 8:14:13 AM]
Fundie Index: 9
Submitted By: NearlySane

Quote# 137699

Global Islamic Terrorism must be eliminated.

Stand against domestic separatist terrorists creating division and instability:
-Black Lives Matter
-Occupy Wall Street
-Hitler Loyalists
-Nation of Islam
-La Raza
-Soros funded leftist groups
-Politicians & Media who enable these

Jewish Defense League, Jewish Defense League 14 Comments [4/5/2018 8:14:01 AM]
Fundie Index: 6
Submitted By: hydrolythe

Quote# 137698

You may not know this, but the rainbow had never been seen until AFTER the great flood of Noah's day.

And God said this will be a sign to us to remember that God will never again send a worldwide flood to this earth.

Prior to the flood, they had never seen a rainbow in the sky. Why? Because the entire earth had a layer of water or water vapor around it up by the stratosphere that prevented direct sunlight. That was removed at the time of the great flood.

And that is why they saw a rainbow for the first time.

A Yahoo! User, Y! answers 15 Comments [4/5/2018 8:13:34 AM]
Fundie Index: 2

Quote# 137697

The King James Bible Mystery Babylon Connection

Acts 12:4 1599 Geneva Bible (GNV)
4 And when he had caught him, he put him in prison, and delivered him to four quaternions of soldiers to be kept, intending after the Passover to bring him forth to the people.

Acts 12:4 Authorized (King James) Version (AKJV)
4 And when he had apprehended him, he put him in prison, and delivered him to four quaternions of soldiers to keep him; intending after Easter to bring him forth to the people.

Nowhere in Scripture did God promise a perfect English translation by a Mason King. The irrational mind control slave Roman Jesuit Masonic fronts want to mind control you into thinking so.

After an introduction we begin to present the data.
This video will begin to help you ask the question. Who of the KJVOnlyists are Roman Catholic Jesuit fronts. By saying this we are not implicating anyone apart from facts and data that prove they are Roman Counter Reformation Jesuit fronts. The point of the statement is to help you beware where KJOnlyism leads to. That is the gates of hell in Rome.

In this video we extort and show you how to purge out the purposeful mistranslated text of the KJV. The research in this video is drawn from over 20 years of study, prayer and revelation from God on the refutation of Gnosticism. We present this to you since no one has made the connection, and we see it is necessary when the NWO is promoting the KJV. This video reveals why.

We did get hacked in the process of creating this video. They did not want you to see the connection. Through perseverance we now present it to you. If you appreciate more uncompromising videos like this one, please help fund more projects.

If after seeing the leaven connection about the KJV in this video, if you still want to throw away your KJV Bible, even after we explained to you to judge every verse by it's original language meaning. You can always get the Geneva Bible and better yet, a KJ3 Literal Translation on e-sword.

Part 2
British Israelism & The KJV English Onlyism Mystery Babylon Connection ?.

Confuting KJOnlyism, Psalm 12 Is The Refutation of Gnosticism, More Refutation of False KJOnlyism Gnosis ?.

Vain Puffed Up KJOnlyism Mythologies of Flattering Double Heart Gnosticism Confuted ?.

All the manuscript evidence for passover in Acts 12:4 ?.

See an example why God did not "use" the faulty Easter translation to change the original intent of God's foundational Word ?.

The oldest existing record of the King James Lodge, records "The Mutual Agreement" of 24 December, 1658. It records that James was "entered Freemason and Fellowcraft of the Lodge of Scoon" on 15 April, 1601."

This is concrete evidence of how King James was a Mason. Do not let others beguile you into duplicitous words that this is not hard concrete evidence. In those times there were no "Masonic certificates of initiation". The watershed process of "Masonic certificates of initiation" is generally taken to be the formation of the first Grand Lodge in London in 1717. Therefore the concrete evidence of the "record" for "The Mutual Agreement" of 24 December, 1658, records that James was "entered Freemason and Fellowcraft of the Lodge of Scoon" on 15 April, 1601." is factual as an ancient record.

Note: The Edward Macbean speculative Masonry research, post-1717, is just that. Duplicitous statements by "speculative" Masons, that always giving duplicitous statements about the true "record" being exposed, and when their dirty laundry is being exposed to the light of truth. They bring out the contradiction in an attempt to nullify their previous statements.

Also, the Stone of Scone that all the Kings and Queens of England have sat on during coronation. Also makes the King of England the head of the Masonic hierarchy. Therefore it is not logical that any King of England is not a Mason. Since they "sit" on their mythological Masonic "stone". Since at least the signing of the 1328 Treaty of Edinburgh. When Edward III agreed to return the Stone of Destiny to Scotland.

Hanss, Ezekiel 38 Rapture 9 Comments [4/5/2018 8:13:10 AM]
Fundie Index: 3

Quote# 137695

Answering President Jed Bartlet on the Bible and Sexuality

I have been very gradually working my way through The West Wing, currently up to Season 2 and I just saw this epic scene where President Jed Bartlett lays into some conservative Christian radio show host for her views about homosexuality.

I’ve heard this line of argument several times, it latches onto something genuinely problematic which most Christians have a hard time explaining, so I thought it might be a good idea to offer my own response to President Jed Bartlet:

Dear President Bartlet,

Sir, I just saw your rather dramatic lambasting of Dr. Jenna Jacobs for her views on homosexuality. You speak with great passion and conviction on the subject and are rightly concerned that pious people will use religious texts as a license to treat LGBT persons with hatred and indifference. I sincerely appreciate that concern and I applaud it.

As a biblical scholar myself I have to confess that I was seriously impressed with your ability to recall biblical passages from the Pentateuch by memory. You are obviously a veteran of a very rigorous Sunday School program and you can recall Scripture with a precision that would leave many rabbis envious of your abilities. You obviously have spent a lot of time reading the Bible and you take it very seriously. I appreciate that too.

Let me say also that I don’t know Dr. Jacobs, I don’t listen to her show, I have no desire to defend her as I imagine that she and I probably do not see eye to eye on social issues and how to express a Christian view point about them. Still, I do wonder if you gave a Christian view of the Bible and sexuality a fair go, at least as a biblical theologian might express them.

The problem is that you are right, there are some very strange prohibitions in the Bible about combining fabrics together, planting crops side by side, laws pertaining to slavery, and stoning the less scrupulously observant of religion. The Old Testament contains things that are not only weird, but look callous and cruel even to those brought up with a deep reverence for the Bible.

Sir, I do not presume to lecture you on matters of religion, but it seems to me like you want to say in effect, “You believe what the Old Testament says about homosexuality, so then, do you believe all the crazy rules and regulations in the Old Testament too?” That is a good question and such a question requires an obvious “no,” since Christians themselves would concur that they are not bound to obey all the Old Testament regulations. But the matter I wish to press Mr. President is that you have overlooked how Christians read the Old Testament as Scripture and how they use Scripture to construct their own mode of moral discourse.

Please indulge me for a few short moments Mr. President in the hope that I can illuminate your understanding of the Bible and help you better appreciate how Christians use the Bible in their moral reasoning.

First, the Old Testament regulations were for a specific moment in Israel’s history and are not prescriptive for all time. The purpose of the law was to equip the Israelites to survive in the harsh context of the ancient near east. To tease that our further, the purpose of the law was to protract Israel’s capacity to worship God, to cocoon God’s purposes around Israel, to keep the Israelites separate from the peoples of Canaan, to teach Israel about human sin and divine holiness, and to point to the messianic deliverer whom God would send in the future. Many of these laws are not ideal (such as divorce as Jesus himself taught), other laws are a liberalization of ancient practices but still not particularly pleasant (like the treatment of slaves), many laws are related to the specific context of the ancient near east (like inter-tribal warfare), and several laws censure things that seem odd to us like consuming blood (because of its link to pagan worship). So, even from a Christian perspective, we have to say that Old Testament laws were a survival measure in a hostile environment, they were addressing cultures as they were rather than how they might be, they were incremental attempts to bring light to a world that was brutal and dark, and the laws were preparatory for something better rather than final. These laws might be God’s first word on how human should live before him, but they were certainly not the last word either.

Second, the Old Testament is strictly speaking not prescriptive for Christian ethics. That is not because the Old Testament is a bad thing that has been done away with, but because it is a good thing that has been fulfilled by Jesus Christ. I would suggest that the basis of Christian ethics is largely three things: (1) The example of Jesus and the apostles; (2) The teachings of Jesus and the apostles; and (3) Life in the Spirit. The Old Testament Law then is not the constitution for a Christian society, not the content of Christian ethics, nor the catalyst for Christian social reform. Instead, the Law is more like a consultant for Christian beliefs, embodying a form of wisdom on how to fear the Lord, how to walk in his ways, and how to love him. We are not bound to its letter, but we ignore its teachings to the peril our own spiritual ignorance.
Third, if the Old and New agree on one thing, it is this: the supremacy of love. Both Testaments agree that love of God and love of neighbour are the core concerns and truest teachings of Law. We read the commands: “Love the LORD your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength” (Deut 6:5) and similarly “love your neighbor as yourself” (Lev 19:18). This is precisely what Jesus himself argued according to the Evangelists where Jesus said: “’Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.’ This is the first and greatest commandment. And the second is like it: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’ All the Law and the Prophets hang on these two commandments” (Matt 22:37-40). Even the Apostle Paul, though often maligned for his views of women and homosexual behavior, said: “For the entire law is fulfilled in keeping this one command: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself’” (Gal 5:14).

When it comes to the issue of sexuality and marriage, Christians should not rush to Leviticus or Deuteronomy searching for proof texts for their beliefs. The first thing to note is that Genesis teaches that God made men and women in his image, and that marriage is rooted in a sexual ecology of the complementarity of men and women oriented towards the creation of a family (Gen 1:26-28). What is more, this is something that Jesus affirmed (Mark 10:6-9). On top of that, there are prescriptions about homosexual acts outside Leviticus made by the Apostle Paul (Rom 1:26-27; 1 Cor 6:9; 1 Tim 1:10). And while these prescriptions are disputed – are they only about pederasty, an aggressive bi-sexuality, excessive lust, or limited to cultic prostitution – generally they are regarded by most scholars as censuring homoerotic behavior. Of course, if you think Jesus and Paul were just wrong and you care to disagree with them, that is fine, but please understand that that is not an attractive option for those of us who wish to affirm what our own tradition teaches on marriage and sexuality.

Mr. President, at the end of the day Christian ethics are based on love not law: love for God and love for our neighbors. Christians, within the precincts of their own consciences, cannot affirm behavior that they believe Scripture prohibits. The wisdom of our tradition is that sexuality is a gift from God, leading us to affirm celibacy in singleness and faithfulness in marriage. Yet because of the command to love their neighbours, you can expect Christians to always treat people, irrespective of gender, race, religion, and sexual orientation, with compassion and dignity, as we ourselves would want to be treated. If you wish to wag a finger at Christians for their hypocrisy, and I hope you do, citing texts from Leviticus is probably not the best way to do that. Much better is to accuse Christians of not keeping Jesus’ commands to love their gay neighbor, point out that they have not followed Jesus’ example to welcome those who polite society has rejected, and they have not embraced the lost for whom Jesus said he came to save! That is a word of rebuke Christians need to hear time and again.

That is my two cents on the matter Sir. I wish you all the best in the coming election season.

PS, watch out for that Jeff Haffley guy, he’s a sly old critter!

Mike Bird, Patheos 12 Comments [4/5/2018 8:12:46 AM]
Fundie Index: 2
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