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Quote# 141178

I Wish We'd All Been Ready

Life was filled with guns and war
And all of us got trampled on the floor
I wish wed all been ready
The children died, the days grew cold
A piece of bread could buy a bag of gold
I wish wed all been ready
There's no time to change your mind
The son has come and you've been left behind
A man and wife asleep in bed
She hears a noise and turns her head he's gone
I wish wed all been ready
Two men walking up a hill
One disappears and ones left standing still
I wish wed all been ready
The father spoke, the demons dined
How could you have been so blind?
There's no time to change your mind
The son has come and you've been left behind
There's no time to change your mind
The son has come and you've been left behind
I hope well all be ready
You've been left behind [Repeat: x3]

Larry Norman, Genius Lyrics 6 Comments [11/11/2018 10:23:14 PM]
Fundie Index: 1

Quote# 141174

Kids today are being brainwashed by television (i.e., hellivision) and music to have no morals, and to backtalk (sass) their parents. That's exactly what the Communists want. It's not uncommon these days to hear children on TV telling their parents to grow up or to be quiet. The same defiance is found in movies, whether by Walt Disney or Warner Brothers. Music is without a doubt the biggest offender. There is nothing more detrimental to the spiritual growth of a teenager than worldly music, which captivates the soul, and preaches a gospel of SELF, SEX, and SATAN.

There is a sinister agenda at work in television and movies today, which is committed to the corruption of our youth's morals and faith in the Bible. Take for example, Walt Disney's blasphemous Bridge to Terabithia, which denies the existence of Hell, and teaches youth that open-minded people could never believe in eternal damnation. Teenagers today are under attack by Satan like never before!

The Sinister Agenda Behind the Moral Corruption of American Society

It is not by coincidence, nor by natural occurrence, that America is plagued today with whorish singers and actors who are being featured on Prime-time TV, Sesame Street, Nickelodeon, and everything pertaining to teenagers. It's all deliberate, intended to eliminate courtship, replaced by sexual promiscuity. Teen girls are being conditioned to behave like homosexuals, who don't marry and have children...

David J. Stewart, Jesus is Savior 6 Comments [11/11/2018 10:22:50 PM]
Fundie Index: 4

Quote# 141163

I used to live in Chicago. There was a openly homosexual man renting next door to us. Now, I never judged him, always said "hello," and I didn't mistreat him in any way; BUT, I wouldn't go anywhere with him, nor would I let my children play with his children, etc. Why? Because he is living for the Devil. He is violating God's laws against the vile sin of homosexuality. I did not condemn him. Many people today would accuse me of being "homophobic," or a discriminatory person. You're absolutely right I am discriminatory! The definition of "discrimination" is: Unfair treatment of a person or group on the basis of prejudice. If I am being unfair to homosexuals by preventing my children from playing with their children, then brother I'm discriminatory! But you say, you should let your children make their own decisions. No, Proverb 29:15 states, "...a child left to himself bringeth his mother to shame." We read in Proverb 22:6, "Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it." Only a careless moron for a parent would allow their children to be influence be degenerate sodomites, fornicators, adulterers, and God-haters. We are responsible to God to educate our children of the evils of homosexuality, and it's destructiveness of society. It's common sense folks, every child needs a mother and a father.

David J. Stewart, Jesus is Savior 7 Comments [11/11/2018 10:22:11 PM]
Fundie Index: 4

Quote# 141095

[they want to drag every detractor and critic to secret labor camps]

oh i will it will not be sued as much as controlled
You do not get it you are not free. they come you will go or you will not breathe they are not friendly and they do not care. tehy even made a movie about them and you had no clue what they really are or do.

But do know you do not listen no one will ever know you are missing because there will be no one that knew you left. as a kid i loved having them babysitting me. we got to play in object 2. it was intact all it did is blow the ports out. they would not let us touch any controls but we got to play in it.

it is so funny to think you are free. i am not talking about dragging then to court. i am talking about dragging them off and working them till they die in a camp......... the ones you do not really know about.

Dee Price, Kiwi Farms 0 Comments [11/11/2018 10:21:20 PM]
Fundie Index: 2

Quote# 141171

In an article about the Google walkouts. Relevant bolded.

mob rule

It's ironic. We must not see this as a negative, Sousa. This is a positive. The left, just as they were gaining power, got impatient and validated the tactics the new minority, the right, shall require. We have been blessed by their foolishness. Who has the greatest ability to maintain social structures apart from work and official systems, the right or the left? In America, the right overwhelmingly has maintained religious facilities. Who has the greatest ability to maintain social norms, and bring shame to bear on non-conforming members? In America, again, it is the right which has the tireless volunteers.

There is a new app, which you may not be aware of, so I want to encourage you to use it. It is called VoteWithMe. It's motto is "flip the house". But you can use it to find likely Republicans in your contacts list and then, hear me out, give them a phone. Don't text them. Ineffective. And let me tell you, you can also look up other people who are not in your list. It's very easy and obvious how to do it.

And there is a secret weapon which doesn't exist, according to the left. There is the power of prayer. I do not know if you are devout, but if you are, spend at minimum 15 minutes in prayer, on your knees, daily, concerning this matter. SCOTUS shall be our thin red line, as the flood of blue destroys every last ethical principle remaining. The first to go is honesty, I will warn you about this! If you discover someone is a Democrat, be suspicious! As O'Keefe has revealed, breaking rules is common for that sort of person. You can look them up in this app, and find out who is a dishonest person (Democrat). Today, Democrats are a little bit inclined to be honest. This shall change, I can assure you. But already, telling the truth has slid. It's much less important now. It's more important to achieve "more important" goals. God help you if the Democrat decides to lie to you, for whatever the Democrat has decided is "more important" than truth!

StopStopForumSpam, Ars Technica 9 Comments [11/11/2018 11:54:58 AM]
Fundie Index: 4
Submitted By: zyr

Quote# 141170

[From the comments section of an SF Gate article titled "United Nations report: SF homeless problem is 'violation of human rights'":]

The UN brings up a good point, we should probably just put the homeless out of their misery and just get rid of the problem for us

immagathat, SF Gate 7 Comments [11/11/2018 11:52:32 AM]
Fundie Index: 8
Submitted By: Pax Prosperitas Sophia

Quote# 141166

Support? Easy. The Bible proves itself. Prophecies that came true and are coming true now. Creation alone is all the proof one needs. No manmade atheistic-based theories can explain where the universe came from. Not one single man made theory has any real proof, just more postulation and guessing. The Bible, on the other hand, is accurate. Evidence? Look at a sunset or a sunrise and explain it. Evidence? Look into the face of a newborn baby and explain how he "Just Formed totally by accident." Thousands of gods? Yes, all #fakegods. Only God has a Son that was crucified and rose again. Proof, yes. Witnesses who risked their lives and under penalty of death did not change their true accounts of the resurrection. Proof? Yes, Jesus lives. Evidence that science is wrong? How about the pig's tooth years ago that was supposed to be the "missing link?" How about that missing link? Where is it? And, where are the "partially evolved monkeys / men?" There are none. Where are the dogs that morphed into cats? They don't. Evolution is a lie dreamed up by a disgruntled, angry preacher-turned-disbeliever until on his death bed when he recanted his theories that now are espoused as a religion. Atheism is a false religion....YES, it is a religion. Worshiping hating God and His people. Spending time on threads such as this demanding "proof" of that which is right before one's eyes. It takes much more faith to believe in scientific, man made theories than to understand that God created Heaven and the Earth and all that is in it. Science proves nothing. All it does is give people an excuse not to believe and accept the obvious truth. Do you reject the Bible because you have proof or because a scientist told you that he is right and God is wrong? Do you have a basic understanding of science or do you just parrot the talking points of atheists? Do you have any understanding of the Bible or just hate it? I am praying for you, even though you hate me for saying that. I am praying that the scales of the lies you have absorbed fall from your eyes. No, God won't pry them off. But, I do pray that your heart changes from believing a lie to learning what the real truth and where it really is.

pastoredsmith, Christian News Network 24 Comments [11/10/2018 12:24:49 PM]
Fundie Index: 11
Submitted By: Bob J

Quote# 141165

Dose of reality: If Christians looked into it, they would find that halloween is the biggest event of the year for satanists, warlocks, witches. Infants are sired for this one specific day of the year. Babies, boys and girls, men and women - some unknowingly, some kidnapped for the rituals, some willingly, tortured and slain, their blood drank, their hearts passed around and eaten raw, all to honor satan. If Christians looked into it, I feel pretty certain that they would choose to not participate in halloween. Does God have grace in our ignorance? Absolutely. I thank God for His grace but I do pray for my brothers and sisters in Christ to come to a knowledge of the truth and walk the talk.

khoregon, Christian News Network 13 Comments [11/10/2018 12:23:07 PM]
Fundie Index: 5
Submitted By: Bob J

Quote# 141157

One can see crystal clear that the mass immigration in the dimension of so many millions of culture strangers like how it is seen in the pact a populous country like Germany with limited resources will have to face an obligatory "whole or partial bodily destruction" of the indigenous people. In part this already happens without the whole "pact" and increases daily by which Germans get slaughtered and raped from no small part of the invaders. This will because of that definitely lead to a "birth prevention within the group". The failure of most migrants to have welfare and self-reliance will force the foreign-smashed government that except by compensating through increases in taxes and spending and through direct and indirect confiscation of wealth from indigenous, so that they birth little to no children. And finally there's a "forced overpass from children in one group to another group" because pure German schools and educational establishments don't exist. On the contrary, foreign children should already get ready to overtake the next generation. Genocide can also be played over bands. Thus don't tell any shit here, UN!

Original German:
Es ist glasklar abzusehen, daß die Massenmigration in der Dimension von zig Millionen Kulturfremder wie es der Pakt vorsieht in ein dichtbesiedeltes Land wie Deutschland mit begrenzten Ressourcen zwangsläufig eine “körperliche Zerstörung ganz oder teilweise” des indigenen Volkes zur Folge haben wird. Zum Teil geschieht dies heute schon ohne ganz “Pakt” und steigert sich tagtäglich, indem Deutsche von keinem geringen Teil nämlicher Invasoren täglich abgeschlachtet und vergewaltigt werden. Auch wird es dadurch sehr wohl zu einer “Geburtenverhinderung innerhalb der Gruppe” kommen. Das Unvermögen der meisten Migranten zur Wohlstandsschaffung und Selbstversorgung wird die ausländerbesoffene Regierung dazu zwingen, das Minus über Erhöhung von Steuern und Abgaben und durch direkte und indirekte Konfiszierung von Vermögen der Indigenen zu kompensieren, so daß diese wenige bis gar keine Kinder mehr in die Welt setzen werden. Und schließlich findet doch eine “gewaltsame Überführung von Kindern der Gruppe in eine andere Gruppe” statt, da ja keine rein deutsche Schulen und Bildungsanstalten existieren, im Gegenteil, ausländische Kinder schon heute sich qua Masse anschicken, die kommenden Generationen zu übernehmen. Völkermord kann man auch über Bande spielen. Also erzähl hier keinen Scheiß, UNO!

Akif Pirinçci, Der Kleine Akif 9 Comments [11/7/2018 2:20:18 PM]
Fundie Index: 7
Submitted By: hydrolythe

Quote# 141155

They installed one of those giant plasma TV screens in the waiting room of the doctor's office a few months ago. Recently I complained because they were showing famous celebrity murders. I told the receptionist that I was offended by what they were showing on TV. The last thing a person in agonizing pain wants to see is blood-stained walls and hear people screaming on 911 calls. It was really sick. What is wrong with people these days that they enjoy watching garbage like that? People are so far from God. It's bad enough that the daily news is filled with so much tragic news. No wonder violence is increasing in America. Christians ought not watch violent shows on television.

Anyway, the receptionist changed the station to the Food Network. Rachael Ray came on promoting “Sin City” Las Vegas, showing a bunch of whores doing gymnastics with their underwear exposed, and boasting of all the sinful glamour of “Sin City.” I was so disgusted by their glorification of sin. You can't even watch a cooking program anymore without the Devil putting a bunch of filth and temptation in your face. It makes me angry as a Christian. I got up and walked to the other side of the waiting room. Rachael Ray is living for the Devil, working for a heathen company, and is in trouble with God for making light of wickedness. Las Vegas is a disgrace to America. Every website that promotes “Sin City” Las Vegas promotes immoral topless dancing, strip clubs, pornography, prostitutes and fornication. Las Vegas is of the Devil.

I pray for God to curse America, because we deserve nothing less. Why should God bless a nation that commits so much sin, openly, with no remorse nor shame?

David J. Stewart, Jesus is Savior 30 Comments [11/7/2018 2:18:49 PM]
Fundie Index: 13

Quote# 141153

You have no idea what the Holy Spirit teaches. If you did you would be seeking to be holy instead of advocating the sexual sin of homosexuality and the mental illness of transgender. It is simply evil to encourage people in such things.

Martin, Premier 9 Comments [11/7/2018 2:16:52 PM]
Fundie Index: 8

Quote# 141147

The same Gospel of believing on the Lord was preached in the Old Testament. Hebrews 4:1-3 plainly teaches that Moses preached the Good News of faith in Christ to be saved.

David J. Stewart, Jesus is Precious 13 Comments [11/7/2018 2:13:23 PM]
Fundie Index: 11

Quote# 141161

Pakistan province bans males from all-girl schools

Khyber Pakhtunkhwa province’s chief minister has banned males from going into female educational institutions across the region

A province in Pakistan that was once a Taliban stronghold has placed restrictions on gender integration in educational institutions and banned males from working with female students.

On Sunday, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa province’s chief minister Mahmood Khan enforced an Islamic ethos by banning males from entering female educational institutions across the province. He also restricted all male guests and banned media coverage at events at girls’ schools.

Ziauddin Yousafzai, the father of Nobel laurate Malala Yousafzai, tweeted: “Dear PM @ImranKhanPTI, Is this the “Change” and “Naya {new} Pakistan” you promised us? Institutionalization of Talibanization?! “No male minister, MNAs, MPAs & officers shall be invited to the girls’ schools as Chief Guests. Entry … strictly banned”

Liberals, academics and moderates criticized the bans, saying the move was politically motivated to appease religious forces amid the fast depleting popularity of the government.

“Religion is a tool that Pakistani politicians use frequently to further their ambitions and just as often to cover up for their financial or other crimes. The out-of-the-blue announcement by KP’s chief minister banning males from entering all-girls’ schools is certainly despicable and stupid,” Pervez Hoodbhoy, a Pakistani nuclear physicist, activist, columnist and a distinguished professor at the Forman Christian College and the Quaid-e-Azam University told Asia Times.

He said it left one wondering what had motivated the chief minister.

“Is the man just a run-of-the-mill fanatic who thinks women should never be seen or heard or is his newfound holiness connected with his dubious past?” he asked. He recalled that in 2014 the Peshawar High Court had removed him from the position of provincial minister on charges of embezzlement and corruption.

“Unfortunately crookedness and professed piety are known to get along famously well in Islamic Pakistan,” he added.

Chief Minister Mahmood Khan, while banning gender integration in girls’ schools, also directed the education department to discourage the publicity of social, literary, sports and annual day activities of female students on social and mainstream media.

By doing so, he claimed, girls would get an education “in the true spirit of social, culture and Islamic values” in the province. The advisor to the chief minister, Zia Ullah Khan Bangash, who passed on the chief executive’s instructions, was not available for comment despite Asia Times’ repeated attempts.

“The founding father, Muhammad Ali Jinnah, had no qualms in involving his sister Fathma Jinnah in the political struggle for Pakistan in 1947 and his party men used to honor her as a colleague without gender discrimination,” Pakistan Muslim League (Nawaz) senator Pervaiz Rasheed told Asia Times.

He said Jinnah’s ideology and vision needed to be followed. Jinnah, he pointed out, always stood for gender, racial, sectarian and linguistic integration.

“Every citizen irrespective of his or her sexual categorization has equal rights and obligations. The constitution does not allow discrimination because of sex, creed, sect, color, language and race,” the veteran politician said.

PTI chairperson Imran Khan, who is known to be soft on the Taliban, demanded reproachment with the Islamist group and called for the provision of offices in Pakistan for their leadership. Khan’s opponents, including the leader of the right-wing nationalist Awami National Party (ANP), called him “Taliban Khan.”

The spokesperson for the ANP, Zahid Khan, when contacted by Asia Times asked what else could be expected from a man who was an ardent supporter of the Taliban.

A senior government official, who asked not be identified, said the ban on the entry of males at girls’ schools was initially enforced at the primary and middle level. It will be extended to the higher level once the order is fully implemented and the system is purged of “un-Islamic tenets.”

The chief minister, he said, instructed the province’s education department that “the schools should invite female dignitaries as chief guests in the sports and other functions.”

Unlike the general perception in educated and liberal circles, which do not see eye to eye with the provincial government on the gender discrimination issue, the lower middle class, whose children study in government schools, are quite content with the order.

“It’s a very good decision and hopefully our girls would be feeling more secure and happy now,” said Muhammad Aslam, who runs a grocery shop in the Tehkal area of Peshawar. Two of his daughters were studying at a local girls’ primary school.

Firdous Khan works in a shop on the main road in Peshawar city and has two daughters going to school. He said the ban would benefit the school-going girls as they would get more freedom to participate in the functions and sports events.

“One should realize that CM instructions would help preserve the KP-specific cultural and religious values,” he said.

Chief Minister Mahmood Khan, Asia Times 8 Comments [11/4/2018 1:39:54 PM]
Fundie Index: 7

Quote# 141158

(In the game THE ELDER SCROLLS V: SKYRIM, the player encounters the Dark Brotherhood, a group of assassins for hire, and is given the choice of joining them and becoming an assassin, or killing them and destroying the Dark Brotherhood.

Joining gives you several extra quests and some of the game's best gear, while defeating them is a fairly brief quest with a large but one-time gold reward.

In this thread, people are debating the merits of getting the extra stuff vs. staying true to their/their character's morals, and the ethics of the Dark Brotherhood itself. Then this guy pipes up.)

i think the main problem here is atheism, atheists are far far more likely to join the dark brotherhood because they lack a lot of morals that people that accept god as their creator, god is true, i assure you that, ive talked to him myself, not with my lips, not with my mind, but with energy. lets face it, a lot of roleplayers are atheists and are gonna go to hell. i can go through this thread and tell you who is 100% a atheists but i wont but the majority are atheists so its only natural the majority are in the dark brotherhood..

John Floras, Skyrim Forums 20 Comments [11/4/2018 1:35:29 PM]
Fundie Index: 14

Quote# 141154

“Has God not spoken for Himself? Why do Christians share the gospel with others?“

1. "Why do Christians share the gospel of Jesus Christ?"
2. "Do they think they speak for God?"
3. "How do they (Christians) know what God wants?"
4. "Do you Christians know that sharing the gospel Truth is judging others? And it's also hatred and bigotry?"
5. "Why won't those Christians just shut up and let me sin in peace spend eternity separated from God, in peace?"

Christians come across these questions a lot from those who are running from Truth, runnning from God and facing eternity separated from God. Many use Christians as a proxy for their Christophobia and hatred of God and all things holy, others are plain reprobate, but some are just dealing with spiritual conviction and simply responding in their flesh, unlearned. So let's answer, based on scripture, Truth.

(Irrelevant scripture removed)

Don't forget to RECOMMEND. Lets get the Truth out so that Light may shine bright in this dark place and Jesus Christ may be glorified. Even if the discussion is closed, please still RECOMMEND. May God bless you and keep you.

Lady Checkmate, Disqus - Faith & Religion 9 Comments [11/4/2018 1:32:15 PM]
Fundie Index: 5
Submitted By: Jocasta

Quote# 141151

The high strangeness continues. The rational world – if such a thing ever existed except in the minds of a few intellectuals and atheists – is in tatters. Whether our current political and environmental disasters are its cause or its symptom is a matter of debate, but what is not up for debate – except by those who refuse to see what’s plainly there – is that we are experiencing Otherworldly phenomena at a rate and intensity not seen in generations and possibly in millennia.

I’ve experienced some of this myself. And because I write publicly about this and related issues in a respectful manner, I get comments and questions from others who’ve experienced it too, or who want to experience it for themselves.

Lately I’m getting questions about the fae.

The fae, the sidhe, the fair folk, the gentry, the good neighbors, the Aos Sí – there are many names for them. Some say they’re nature spirits, some say they’re lesser Gods, some say they’re the people who occupied these lands (especially the lands of Northwestern Europe) before our ancestors arrived. I see them as a wide range of spiritual beings who mostly keep to themselves but occasionally wander into the ordinary world for one reason or another.

The Fair Folk are not my area of expertise. If you have any interest in them at all I strongly, strongly encourage you to do some deeper reading.

Start with The Fairy-Faith in Celtic Countries by Walter Yeeling Evans-Wentz. It’s a survey of encounters with a variety of fae in the Celtic lands. It was first published in 1911 – most of the stories in it are from the 19th century. It’s a book that likely could not be written today, in part because most of the believers in the Otherfolk have died off, and in part because no serious academic today could dare write a book so sympathetic to the supernatural without killing their career.

A quote:

The great majority of men in cities are apt to pride themselves on their own exemption from ‘superstition’ and to smile pityingly at the poor countrymen and countrywomen who believe in fairies. But when they do so they forget that, with all their own admirable progress in material invention, with all the far-reaching data of their acquired science, with all the vast extent of their commercial and economic conquests, they themselves have ceased to be natural.

After that, get Morgan Daimler’s book Fairycraft: Following The Path Of Fairy Witchcraft, particularly if you think you want to “work with the faeries.” I did a brief review of it last September and I highly recommend it.

This is not a “what are the fae?” post, but I will say this: everything Disney taught you about faeries is wrong, and dangerous. They are not small, cute, and harmless. They range in size from tiny to giants, and while some are creatures of amazing beauty, others are the stuff of nightmares. As with humans, outward appearance is no guide to inner qualities. Some see us as occasionally useful simpletons, some as entertaining playthings, and some as lunch.

Almost all the legends and tales say they either cannot lie or will not lie, but they can and will twist the truth so grotesquely you’ll think up is down. If you deal with them, pay careful attention and be scrupulous with your word. Do not promise what you cannot, will not, or do not want to do.

I say the Fair Folk are re-emerging in the ordinary world (do not call it “our world” for it was once theirs, and they have not forgotten this), but they never really went away, not entirely. Perhaps they came into this world less often, but mainly we stopped noticing them, and we ridiculed those who did.

Now we’re seeing them, hearing them, and feeling the impact of their presence on an increasingly frequent basis. Maybe it’s because the Veil Between the Worlds isn’t what it once was. Maybe it’s because there are too many open portals. Maybe the Good Neighbors themselves are opening them. I don’t know why, I just know this is what we’re experiencing.

We’d best pay attention.

Given what our ancestors thought of the fae, why should we deal with them at all? Why not just ignore them when we can and placate them with whiskey and cream when we can’t?

Because there is much we can learn from them. Now, do not think for a minute they are here to be our teachers. If they are in this world, they are here for their own reasons, not to “help us learn and grow in love and light” or anything naïve and self-centered like that. That’s one of the things we can learn from them – to remember that life isn’t all about us and to respect the sovereignty of all beings. We can learn to be true to our word, and we can learn to be so precise in our language that our magic improves because we’re always working for exactly what we want.

We should interact with the Fair Folk because we have common interests. Again, do not think for a minute they are “on our side.” They are on no one’s side but their own – forget that at your peril. While certain fae would be quite happy if we drove ourselves to extinction, we share this world with them, or at least parts of it. And if the Earth becomes inhospitable for us, it is likely to become inhospitable for them as well. We have a common interest in caring for the Earth, or at least not screwing it up even worse than we already have.

Mainly, though, we should deal honestly with the Good Neighbors because they are our neighbors. If we treat them like good neighbors, then good neighbors they will be. If we treat them condescendingly, dismissively, or aggressively, then they will be our enemies and they will make our lives far more difficult and unpleasant than they need to be.

The virtues of hospitality and reciprocity apply to all our neighbors.

I cannot tell you how to see the fae or how to contact them and I would not if I could. Too many people have too many silly Disneyfied misconceptions about who they are and what they want and I will not be responsible for you getting yourself locked in a fairy ring to dance until you die.

But our world is changing rapidly and not for the better. We need the help of all our allies, which means we need to be allies worthy of help. The Fair Folk are re-emerging in the ordinary world. Take the time to learn a thing or two about them so they will be more likely to see you as an honorable person who they can deal with honorably.

John Beckett, Patheos 13 Comments [11/4/2018 1:29:19 PM]
Fundie Index: 8

Quote# 141149

I have read Ezekiel thanks,I've also read Jude 1:7,the only possibility for the two texts to be congruent,is if the 'so they committed abominations' ..refers to the sexual immorality we see on display in Genesis 19
where all of the men of Sodom expressed their desire for homosexuality..

"who indulged in sexual immorality and pursued strange flesh, are on display as an example of those who suffer the punishment of eternal fire."

Jude 1:7

(as Jude requires an example)to act as a warning to others,we have this in Genesis 19 ,where all the men of Sodom desire to have homosexual sex with Angels they believed to be men.

So although they did commit other sins,they were not the reason given for their destruction.

As you will notice,the sins of not having regard for the poor and needy,being overfed and complacent,although sinful are not punishable by death under Levitical law....homosexuality however is.

LIBERALFACISTS, Premier 12 Comments [11/4/2018 1:23:43 PM]
Fundie Index: 7
Submitted By: CC

Quote# 141148

(In response to: "Thanos instantly wiped out half of existence. The God of the Bible murdered the whole population in painful circumstances except for 8 people. Why is one considered a villain and the other is worshipped?")

Because one deserves worship.

Think about it. God created us. He has the right to do with us however He sees fit. If you make a vase, don't you have the right to smash it if you don't want it anymore? God has ownership over us, and He has the right to do with us as He sees fit.

But God was merciful compared to what He could have done.

God made a very distinct set of rules. We as His creations are required to follow them. But what do we do? We break them. Therefore, we are at God's mercy. The fact that God does not strike us down at our FIRST sin shows incredible mercy and grace from God's side of the law.

Thanos, on the other hand, is one of God's creations, and is therefore accountable to God's law. When he committed mass genocide, he may have seen it as an act of mercy, but it was still murder. Sure, resources may be less spread out for the next few generations, but given enough time, the universe will be back to the way it was before the Snap.

When God sent the Flood (or any sort of massive cause of death), there was a very good reason. The Flood exterminated all of the people who were committing sins that would be considered heinous, even to today's standards. When Pompeii was wiped out, they were an incredibly evil group of people (what you never see in a museum, are all the paintings of horrid acts that the people of Pompeii did DAILY, such as beastuality). So yeah, there's still sin in the world. But the sins today are minimal by the people's pre-flood sins.

Christian Swanson, Living in Wisconsin, Quora 25 Comments [11/4/2018 1:21:00 PM]
Fundie Index: 11
Submitted By: Denizen

Quote# 141146

One of the most evil aspects of Nazi ideology was the dehumanization of its opponents: the Jews, communists, Poles, Gypsies, gays and so forth. It was a necessary precondition, psychologically, for what ultimately became mass murder.

But it takes other forms, too, that are harder to spot. We may use them ourselves occasionally in considering political opponents and not even realize it. The effect, though, is no less dehumanizing.

A very recent example of the dehumanization of conservatives came against Sen. Ted Cruz, who was confronted by activist Tammy Talpas over his support for repealing Obamacare, “If you force me into a high-risk pool, you will either bankrupt me or kill me. I take these threats of medical aggression personally and seriously, and I can assure you I’m not the only Texan who does. My question is: Will you pledge to submit to a DNA test to prove that you’re human?”

The implication, of course, is that if you support repealing Obamacare, you lack human compassion. You’re less than human.

This is a rather mild form, yet still pretty common, of dehumanization tactics by the left.

It has also been used to legitimize forms of political violence. U.S. Senator Kamala Harris (D-Calif.), said to be a serious contender for the Democratic nomination in 2020, when asked a silly question by Ellen DeGeneres on television of who she’d rather be stuck in an elevator with, President Trump, Attorney General Jeff Sessions or Vice President Mike Pence, joked, “Does one of us have to come out alive?”

Now potential political violence against the President and those in his administration has become a punchline on daytime talk shows.

Last year, other forms of political violence described against the President included portraying the assassination of President Donald Trump in Shakespeare’s “Julius Caesar,” or Kathy Griffin’s depicted decapitation of Trump.

President Trump himself has been repeatedly portrayed as a modern-day Hitler. If you support him, you must be a Nazi. “Dilbert” creator Scott Adams has written often on the dangers of this Hitlerization of our politics.

The “punch a Nazi” campaign itself was a somewhat ironic twist of history, insofar as the dehumanizing tactic since World War II has become to portray one’s opponents as Nazi monsters, in this case Trump supporters, who are similarly bereft of the right to live without fear of violence.

To be clear, neither Trump nor his supporters are Nazis. They are being portrayed as Nazis by the left, which makes it easier, psychologically, to deck one on the street.

Ask yourself: Do you own a “Make America Great Again” hat? Would you think twice before putting it on and walking down a city street today? If you answer the latter in the affirmative, congratulations, you too are a victim of political intimidation.

There is little wonder why this demonization led to violent riots in San Jose and Chicago during the election campaign with Trump supporters being physically assaulted. Then there was the attempted assassination of U.S. Rep. Steve Scalise, Sen. Rand Paul and other Republicans at a Congressional baseball game practice in June 2017 by James Hodgkinson, a radicalized nut who thought President Trump colluded with the Russians to steal the election.

This dehumanization also legitimizes using the color of law to prosecute one’s political opponents, for example with Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s prosecution of Trump campaign officials as somehow being foreign agents in league with Russia.

In a recent Saturday Night Live skit portraying Mueller, Becca K. played by Cecily Strong, representing Democrats, is devastated to learn that President Donald Trump might not be prosecuted by Mueller. But, Kate McKinnon, depicting Mueller, offers a consolation prize: “If it makes you feel any better, the Kush is cooked,” referring to the President’s son-in-law Jared Kushner as potentially being the target of prosecution.

In short, they might not be able to get the President, but destroying the First Family will have to do. That’ll show him and everyone else what the consequences of opposition are.

Similarly, any communication by Trump with Russia — principal among the President’s Article II constitutional power to conduct foreign affairs — is viewed as tantamount to treason. This has manifested itself even at the White House, where almost every diplomatic visit or call with Russia instantly leaks and then is criminalized by media outlets.

Most recently President Trump’s conversation with Russian President Vladimir Putin calling for talks on preventing another nuclear arms race — you know, which might prevent a nuclear war — was leaked and again used to portray the President as a foreign agent. This, despite a long history of American presidents since John F. Kennedy and Nikita Khrushchev installed the red telephone after the Cuban Missile Crisis, who engaged with talks with Russia first on strategic arms limitations and then eventually, reductions.

Elsewhere, this dehumanization has resulted in opponents of gun control measures — which really amount to gun confiscation — by the March for our Lives movement being accused of complicity in the murdering of children by Nikolas Cruz. Surviving Parkland student Cameron Kasky told Sen. Marco Rubio, at the CNN forum on Feb. 21, “Senator Rubio, it’s hard to look at you and not look down the barrel of an AR-15 and not look at Nikolas Cruz.” Disagree with them, and you support mass murder. You’re an accomplice.

The dehumanization of the opposition can even be used to delegitimize reasonable discourse itself. There was the push to “unfriend” Trump supporters on Facebook. Actor Robert De Niro’s reaction to the success of the new Roseanne show, said to be pro-Trump (perhaps insofar as it’s not anti-Trump), was to suggest it wasn’t worth discussing, “We’re at a point … where it’s beyond trying to see another person’s point of view.”

In 2016, De Niro blatantly used the dehumanizing tactic, calling Trump a “dog” who he’d like to “punch in the face.”

Mind you, this is not merely about the animalization of the opposition, portraying opponents in the guise of animals or other creatures, often quite common for example in political cartoons. That’s not what we’re talking about here.

When combined with some of the other elements described above, fed by a genuine belief that the opponent truly is less than human, then yes, the animalization of political enemies — which was absolutely used by the Nazis — can become a potent weapon. Couple it with, say, a call to violence or use it to portray entire groups or races of people as subhuman, and you’ve probably crossed that line.

That’s plenty of examples. They are by no means exhaustive. And dehumanization is not merely the province of the left, but recently it has become increasingly prevalent with gathering support in the mainstream.

It should be alarming.

But it isn’t.

The Ted Cruz story where he’s supposed to take a DNA test to prove he’s human was shared tens of thousands of times as it was reported across media outlets almost as an afterthought. Maybe you saw it on your Facebook feed this week. It’s just a joke, right?

The question perhaps we should ask is what impact this might be having on the nation at large? Because it appears that it is really beginning to take its toll.

Recall, not only can dehumanization be used to legitimize political violence, in its most extreme form, in Germany, after years of endless state-run propaganda, it was channeled toward the destruction of millions of people.

Right now, we’re clearly not there yet in this country. But when one half of the nation starts to believe the other half is no longer worthy of rights or even basic respect, the country is in trouble.

There are consequences for this tactic, which on the surface may appear to simply serve a partisan agenda. Something to agitate supporters in preparation of the next round of elections. But underneath, it seems to bear all the hallmarks of pure hatred. This is not how you win elections. It’s how you create social discord.

The real danger is that this demonization of Trump, his supporters, conservatives and others is that it could be generating true believers, who no longer see their opponents as fellow Americans — and perhaps not even from the same species.

Robert Romano, Tennessee Star 16 Comments [11/4/2018 1:19:17 PM]
Fundie Index: 8
Submitted By: Shakesmyhead

Quote# 141143

Cosmology is guess work, we still don't know exactly how light travels, especially beyond our own orbit! And please don't add TIME to it... whoah!

C14 and other dating methods don't work. C14 is in dinosaurs, thusly null and voiding ALL dates. Radiation stuff... gets whacko numbers... labs won't do blind tests!

Every geological formation has been seen to occur in hours, days... volcanoes, mountains, sedimentary layers, diamonds, oil. Even fossils require catastrophe... NONE have been seen to occur over millions of years. ... I mean... just think of 1 million years!...???

Don't get me started on biology and anatomy!!!

Crusader Ron :E, Christian News Network 13 Comments [11/4/2018 1:16:48 PM]
Fundie Index: 7
Submitted By: Bob J

Quote# 141136

(Context: Regarding Brett Kavanaugh)

1. Regrettably, the present circumstances require a GOP dance. Unless the red state Dems flip, they have to hold every vote to confirm Kavanaugh. The RINOs and others in tight election races have to at least give lip service to their liberal constituents that accusations of this nature are taken seriously. That entails a hearing to give both sides an opportunity to speak.
All of this is of course outrageously stupid. The facts show that this is CLEARLY a political hit, and the GOP, in a perfect world, should state so and confirm Kavanaugh immediately. Sadly, we have to live in a world where the ideal intersects with reality. So, IF the RINOs intend to vote for Kavanaugh but feel they've got to temporarily play the game, we'll have to live with it.

2. If unproven accusations are now the standard for disqualifying SCOTUS nominees, the GOP should start lining up women against all potential Democratic nominees if and when they occupy the White House.
EDIT: I should add, in case anybody didn't get it, that my tongue is firmly planted in my cheek.

3. Yet, she told her therapist that four males were involved. Her husband now says that the therapist was mistaken! She can't remember when it occurred, or why or how they had gotten together. This is supposed to be "extremely serious," to use Feinstein's faux outrage, yet she sat on it since July, never brought it up when Kavanaugh privately met with her, and of the 1,000 questions the Democrats submitted to Kavanaugh, not one of them mentioned this "extremely serious" allegation. Please.
Even if true, Kavanaugh was a minor who has passed three FBI background checks since becoming an adult. Couple that with the fact that Ford is a left-wing activist, this has all the trappings of fabrication. Moreover, if Kavanaugh was a minor, and no rape occurred, I couldn't care less.

Scalia, Wizbang Blog 12 Comments [11/4/2018 1:15:29 PM]
Fundie Index: 2

Quote# 141131

Hi! You allege Leviticus 18:10,17 countenances polygamy and pedophilia. You then use that as the backdrop for arguing that ministers who preach against homosexuality from Leviticus 18 are inconsistent and, hence, wrong about homosexuality.

Your argument is flawed because you're attempting to refute a claim by attacking the consistency of some ministers. A claim or argument is independent of its proponents' consistency or lack thereof. When you attack the person, his/her argument is left alone and, consequently, unaddressed. This is known as the ad-hominem fallacy. In short, your argument is completely irrelevant to whether the Bible teaches against homosexuality.

Leviticus 18:22 clearly teaches against homosexual acts and that message is plain REGARDLESS what the other verses teach.

That being said, the verses you cite DO NOT teach what you allege:

Lev. 18:10: The nakedness of thy son's daughter, or of thy daughter's daughter, even their nakedness thou shalt not uncover: for theirs is thine own nakedness.

This is a proscription of intrafamilial intercourse. As such, there is NO implication or explication for pedophilia. You assert an implication unwarranted by the text. It is unwarranted because we are not told how old these "grandchildren" are. One cannot legitimately read into the text what it does not say. Let's say you're a single grandparent. The BIble prohibits you from marrying your grandchild, but it doesn't prohibit you from marrying in general; and, mind you, anybody else you DO marry will be somebody's grandchild, regardless his age.

Lev. 18:17: Thou shalt not uncover the nakedness of a woman and her daughter, neither shalt thou take her son's daughter, or her daughter's daughter, to uncover her nakedness; for they are her near kinswomen: it is wickedness.

Again, we're not told the age of these sons and daughters, so it is incorrect to assume they are seven or eight years old. The Hebrew words used here are used elsewhere in the Bible to include *adult* children as well as prepubescent ones. This DOES NOT say God likes polygamy nor does it say He countenances it. You're again turning a proscription into an endorsement which is to read into the text what it does not say.

The "fundamentalist" teaching on homosexuality is far more comprehensive than you indicate in your question. They use many verses from the Old & New Testaments and the laws of nature when teaching on that subject.

Feel free to email me if you'd like to discuss this further.

Best wishes,


Since you clarified what answer you're looking for, I shall add to this post what I've sent you via email...

As I stated, our doctrine is based upon Scriptural teaching and the Natural Law (since God is the Author of nature). God designed human beings with the ability to reproduce only after physical maturity. Since sex is designed primarily for procreation (see Genesis 1 & 2), you cannot procreate with children. The Natural Law forbids sexual relations with children and God's word ONLY countenances heterosexual marriage between one man and one woman.

Gen. 2:24. Therefore shall a man leave his father and his mother, and shall cleave unto his wife: and they shall be one flesh.

Mt.19:4-5...4. And he answered and said unto them, Have ye not read, that he which made them at the beginning made them male and female,
5. And said, For this cause shall a man leave father and mother, and shall cleave to his wife: and they twain shall be one flesh?

Notice, marriage is between one man and one woman. The only sexual relationship countenanced in the Bible is the marital one:

Heb. 13:4. Marriage is honourable in all, and the bed undefiled: but whoremongers and adulterers God will judge.

You are incorrect to say God allows pedophilia. I've offered you a rational argument. If you disagree, please give me a rational reason why.

With respect to a *specific* Scriptural reference against pedophilia, none is needed. The Bible clearly teaches what marriage is and that any sexual relationship outside of marriage is sin. No specific verse is needed in this case.

There are many things the Bible teaches against without specifically naming the practice. For example, Christ taught that any man looking upon a woman with lust has committed adultery in his heart. This is sufficient to teach against pornography and similar forms of "entertainment." There were many forms of sexual entertainment in the Roman Empire, but very few of them, if any, are mentioned in the Bible. This verse, along with similar ones, is more than sufficient to proscribe that behavior.

ScaliaAlito, Yahoo Answers 4 Comments [11/4/2018 1:13:37 PM]
Fundie Index: 1
Submitted By: I

Quote# 141108

(reply to 'If gay people are destined for hell, why make earth hell for them too?')

Because I love them and don't want them to go to hell. It's the same reason why slut shaming and fat shaming is ok. I want the best for my brothers. Being a lard ass and being a whore is terrible for society and yourself. Being a queer is on another level though. You are destroying not only your mind and body, but your salvation and contributing to societal decay. I don't shame queers though because they are usually suicidal and depression ridden (why they're gay in the first place). Any haters can check out the stats, gays are considerably more likely to have anxiety, depression, and antisocial tendencies. These things are found in just about all transgenders.

EDIT: And no, it's not a chicken-egg problem. They aren't depressed because we are mean to them or anything. In countries like Thailand and the Philippines where ladybois are accepted they still have extremely high suicide and drug use rates.

youngman15, Reddit - /r/AganistGayMarriage 10 Comments [11/4/2018 11:53:53 AM]
Fundie Index: 7

Quote# 141105

"An Australian woman who spent eight months in prison in the United Arab Emirates (UAE) on charges of having sex outside of marriage after she was gang-raped told her harrowing story to Yahoo 7 News.

What is happening in the UAE isn't acceptable by our standards, and I don't think it is right to imprison victims, but I think it is even more wrong, to impose our morale views and opinions on another nation. They've built their society to support the needs of Western & Middle-Eastern Businesses. If they start to give more to either side, it becomes too extreme for either party.

It isn't fair on the girl, and my views on rapists are fairly extreme themselves (Castration as punishment), but to go around trying to moralise their world is what has started almost every war, battle and conflict in the Middle East. Just leave their world alone. If you've not done deals, worked and been to these places and seen the people, you can't pretend to know how it really works.

I was unable to sit in on an online video meeting with a few people from the Middle East, because they thought I was too pale and untrustworthy. If you don't look right, or they don't trust you, you don't get the deal. The UAE acts as the middle man, they've got the people needed for all your business desires and needs, and you just tell them what you want to be said and done.

They take a cut, get rich and live happily ever after. If they start allowing women to live a westernised lifestyle, then that Middleman Status is gone.

I don't hold to the notion of moral relativism. What the UAE does is reprehensible regardless of whether or not it might be profitable or convenient, and they should be called out for it.

Why? Please explain why our values, morals and way of life is better then theirs? They're the rich, powerful and successful society with less domestic issues.

I'm well aware mate, just saying we are usually not expressing our concerns with these kind of issues sufficiently. I realize thats part of the game as far as diplomacy goes but it doesn't make it any less hypocritical on our parts.

But why should we express our concerns? That is their way of life. They don't make big public announcements on how they believe our women dress like whores, and how the men are homosexual scum.

We don't interfere with them, they don't interfere with us. It isn't just diplomacy, it is just common sense. This belief that we should all be international policy, spread our amazing society around the world, is just bullshit. All of Western Society is fucked up beyond repair, and we want to start enforcing our values on them?

I'm not claiming their society is perfect, far from it, but I would much rather live in their society, and then Western Society, and the Billionaires who visit and live there, seem to think the same.

Hyve, MMO Champion 4 Comments [11/4/2018 11:52:40 AM]
Fundie Index: 3

Quote# 141104

Actually, I am posting on HERE and on Facebook that the return of the Lord is very NEAR so when millions of people disappear from the face of the earth in our generation just remember this comment. I have a few videos on Youtube about what will occur after that. I pray you’ll watch them and turn to Christ yourself at that time. [If not before] In Christ, dana

Dana, Quora 6 Comments [11/4/2018 11:50:46 AM]
Fundie Index: 3
Submitted By: Denizen
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