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Quote# 141238

Peter: Forcing lifelong celibacy on people because of a conservative religious way of reading the bible is not a supportive or Christ-like approach.

Martin: The Bible is absolutely clear, sex is for a man and woman in marriage only. That isn’t a conservative religious way of reading the Bible, it is the only way.

Jacqueline Hunter: Brilliant response. Philip Tartaglia (who is a senior clergyman in Scotland) wrote in a newspaper this month that marriage is solely for men and woman and that is God's plan. I'm now slightly wary of posting on this subject on this forum tho because I was threatened by a homosexual on this forum last week.

Martin & Jacqueline Hunter, Premier 5 Comments [11/12/2018 12:35:42 AM]
Fundie Index: 4
Submitted By: CC

Quote# 141233

More proof that Christianity is true.

Last night I had a nightmare of there being a shooting. Today I found out that there was a shooting at a bar in California. God gave me the dream so that I could prove that Christianity is true. How do you explain the fact that I had a dream of a shooting before I found out about an actual one that happened?

Jacob Harrison, FSTDT Forums 24 Comments [11/12/2018 12:27:14 AM]
Fundie Index: 7

Quote# 141230

Instead of obeying the absolute final standard of the Bible (God's holy Word), we have allowed Hollywood to tell us what's right or wrong. What happened to our nation? It's because a handful of preachers cannot out influence hundreds-of-millions of people watching television controlled by the wicked. The Christ-rejecting Jews bought up Hollywood in the 1930's. It all makes sense when you read the Jewish plot for world domination. It's the dead pulpits in America that have led to today's spiritual mess in America. Dead preachers all have televisions. I hate TV and don't watch it. The television, more than any other unholy thing, has destroyed the integrity and morals of our once great nation. You can't walk in the Spirit and walk in the flesh at the same time. It's IMPOSSIBLE!

Men who try to live right for God have a rougher time living right than ungodly men. People who don't care about their weight just eat all they want and get fat. But people who try to diet and lose weight have a rough time. Losing weight is very difficult. Your mind hears every word that mentions food. When I was dieting I heard a preacher mention Brother Bacon. Oh man, that made me hungry, because I was dieting. And when Christian men abstain from sexual sins, it makes them much more tempting. Evil women know this and sport at tempting preachers.

Darkness cannot stand light and the Bible is that precious Light! Psalms 119:105, “Thy word is a lamp unto my feet, and a light unto my path.”

David J. Stewart, Jesus is Savior 7 Comments [11/12/2018 12:26:40 AM]
Fundie Index: 2

Quote# 141227

Republicans lost the House because products of single mothers, Feminists, faggots, dykes, gender-benders and weak men are becoming the majority of America.

Very sad...


Ghost, Gab 12 Comments [11/12/2018 12:26:21 AM]
Fundie Index: 8

Quote# 141225

There has been much disturbing news about the recent thuggish abuse by police in Chandler, Arizona, against soulwinners from the Faithful Word Baptist Church. I think it is a shame! I mean, how does a mother in a peaceful church group end up with her face on the concrete, with two bullies with a badge assaulting her? They were peacefully sharing the Gospel! Something is VERY WRONG with this picture! I'm sure the heathen that called the police enjoyed the spectacle. Christians must not be intimidated by the police! The best way to handle this situation is to go knock on a hundred times more doors with the Gospel. I would make Chandler a frequent place of soulwinning! The best revenge against the Devil is a full church bus!!!

One thing is abundantly clear—hated and hostility against Christians is growing across the country. People know that they can use the police as a weapon to harass Christians. Sadly, the police often foolishly play into that shameful role, lowering themselves as pawns of an angry public, instead of fulfilling their sworn duty to uphold the law and PROTECT citizen's rights. Faithful Word Baptist Church has a legal RIGHT to knock on doors to share the Gospel. That female cop is woefully ignorant of her duty as a police officer. That whole situation was improperly handled. There is no way that slamming a church lady to the ground, slapping handcuffs on her and hauling her away by force for merely sharing the Gospel, can be justified. I mean, really, that's crazy!


The Holy Bible teaches that our weapons of warfare are not carnal, but spiritual. 2nd Corinthians 10:4, “For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal, but mighty through God to the pulling down of strong holds.” The believer's SEVEN spiritual weapons are listed in Ephesians 6:12-17; namely, prayer, faith, the Gospel, salvation, the Word of God, truth and righteousness. It seems that police nowadays only have the power to use brut force against citizens! Is that the best approach? Think about it. This dear Christian mother was obeying the Lord's command in Mark 16:15, “Go ye into all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature.”

Lo and behold, the next thing you know this Christian mother is seized by police and forced to the ground, handcuffed and thrown in jail, for preaching the Gospel! Oh, great will be her rewards in Heaven! Those cops made her a martyr! Matthew 5:11-12, “Blessed are ye, when men shall revile you, and persecute you, and shall say all manner of evil against you falsely, for my sake. Rejoice, and be exceeding glad: for great is your reward in heaven: for so persecuted they the prophets which were before you.” Those worldly cops merely made her richer in eternity! Do you think that God, Who sees every sparrow that falls from the sky, misses when a soulwinner is assaulted by police? Not a chance! Keep on soulwinning!!!

We must recognize the carnality of such a horrible legal system, which honors the rights of abortionists, homosexuals and Federal Reserve Banking thieves; but brings down the arm of the law on peaceful soulwinning Christians. Certainly, sometimes brut force is justified, but against a Christian lady with a Bible in her hand? Really? Where is justice? The best way to fix the Devil real good is to go knock on even more doors! When the Devil kicks me in the butt, I kick him in the crotch! That is Biblical by the way. Genesis 3:15, “And I will put enmity between thee and the woman, and between thy [Satan's] seed and her seed [Jesus Christ]; it shall bruise thy head, and thou shalt bruise his heel.” Satan has been making trouble for Christians since the Garden of Eden, but the Lord Jesus Christ dealt a deadly blow to the kingdom of Satan on Calvary's cross! Death was the last enemy to be defeated. Because of the sacrifice of our precious Savior, anyone can escape the second death and live eternally, simply by receiving the Gospel (i.e., the Good News of Jesus crucified, buried and bodily risen) by faith. Thank God for the gift of His dear only begotten Son!!!

David J. Stewart, Soulwinning.info 9 Comments [11/12/2018 12:25:52 AM]
Fundie Index: 5

Quote# 141224

You know, obviously, this already passed yesterday, but Halloween. And I know many sermons have been preached on this, but this ticks me off. The pastors — these supposed men of God — never touch this with a ten foot pole! They don’t talk about it at all!

They don’t want to preach against it. You know why? Because their kids are out there going — I was going to say soul winning — Halloweening. You know, their kids are the ones dressing up like devils. Worshipping the devil on the 31st. So they’re too scared to say anything from the pulpit regardless of that because it’ll make them look like what? Like hypocrites. Well, guess what? They’re already hypocrites! Because they’re letting their kids do it. Aww, they’re just trying to have fun. You know what? Sodomites want to have fun, too. Does that make it right, what they do?

So don’t give me this, it’s nothing bad. It’s the Devil’s night!

Well everyone’s doing it. So what? If that person jumped off a bridge, would you do it too? No.

So we as Christians, when this stuff comes around, we need to be the ones who are casting down that imagination and say, “Sorry to crash the party, Christians. But your trunk-or-treat is wicked.” “Sorry to, you know, crash the party on this whole fun you’re having here, I know you already bought your Frozen costume, but trick-or-treating… is wicked as hell, and you’re worshipping Satan actually, and your daughter is dressed like a whore, because that girl in Frozen is a whore. Sorry to crash the party on you about that. She’s not a princess. She’s a whore.”

And every princess from Disney is a rebellious girl who has forsaken her leader, her fathers, okay? She’s forsaken the covenant of her youth. She’s not under authority. And she’s teaching every single person who’s watching her to be the same! Sorry to rain down on your parade, but I’m just here to cast doubt on this stronghold and just kill the party. Okay?

But you know what that’s called? That’s called a reality check that people need. And pastors hate that stuff. They hate when this one pastor or these two pastors get up and they say these things. Well, whether you hate it or not, you know, I hate every false way! So… You pastors need to get right with God and put these children in subjection with all gravity, and say “We’re not doing Halloween anymore.” You know, “I’ll order you a pizza if you want, for the 31st, but you ain’t going nowhere. We’re not doing this. It’s the Devil’s holiday.

Bruce Mejia, Patheos 5 Comments [11/12/2018 12:25:40 AM]
Fundie Index: 5

Quote# 141223

I would advise no Christian to participate in another person [sic] delusion to do such is a [sic] evil thing if the Professor would have addressed the insane man with a female pronouns [sic] would been in agreement with the insane man that God made a mistake and you and i both know God never makes a mistake

CSGO 4153, Christian News Network 8 Comments [11/12/2018 12:25:32 AM]
Fundie Index: 5
Submitted By: Bob J

Quote# 141219

The popularity of Halloween is growing exponentially. Americans spend over $5 billion dollars annually on Halloween, making it the country’s second largest commercial holiday. In addition, a quarter of all annual candy sales occur during the Halloween season in the United States. What is it about Halloween that makes October 31 so popular? Perhaps it's the mystery--or just the candy? Perhaps the excitement of a new costume?

Whatever the draw, Halloween is here to stay. But what does the Bible say about it? Is Halloween wrong or evil? Are there any clues in the Bible as to whether a Christian should celebrate Halloween?

What Does the Bible Say About Halloween?
First of all, understand that Halloween is mostly a western custom and it has no direct reference in the Bible. However, there are Biblical principles that directly relate to the celebration of Halloween. Perhaps the best way to understand how Halloween relates to the Bible is to look at the meaning of Halloween and its history.

Let’s look at what the Bible adds to this topic in Ephesians 5:11, “And have no fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness, but rather expose them.” This text is calling us to not only have no association with any type of dark activity BUT ALSO to shed light upon this topic to those around us. As stated earlier in this article, Halloween was not exposed by the church for what it was, but rather was incorporated into church holy days. Are Christians responding in the same way today?

As you think about Halloween—its origins and what it stands for—would it be best to spend time dwelling upon its themes or to shed light upon what lies below the surface of this holiday's celebration. God is calling humanity to follow Him and to "come out from among them, and be ye separate, saith the Lord, and touch not the unclean thing” (2 Corinthians 6:17).

A & O Productions, Youtube 9 Comments [11/12/2018 12:24:51 AM]
Fundie Index: 6
Submitted By: I

Quote# 141216

Read what Biblica states on their website concerning the original autographs of the Word of God:


Of course, for Christians, the Bible is more than just a human book. It is the authoritative, written Word of God. Through this ancient collection of books, God speaks into our world, revealing who he is and how he’s at work—then and now—repairing all that is broken. God did not simply give dictation to the human authors of Scripture; their contribution is real. Their personalities, perspectives, and writing styles are all discernable in the text—as are the unique situations and circumstances of those to whom they were writing. Yet God’s universal message is present from Genesis to Revelation.” [emphasis added]

SOURCE: https://www.biblica.com/resources/bible-faqs/why-are-there-so-many-versions-of-the-bible-in-english

Did you understand that garbage? In other words, they say God did not directly give His “very pure” words (Psalms 119:140) to men; but rather, He gave them HIS THOUGHTS (as you will see in the next quote), and then those earthly, sinful, flawed, finite and imperfect creatures did the best they could IN THEIR OWN INTERPRETATION to pen the Scriptures!!! That is exactly what is meant by God in 2nd Peter 1:20a-21, “Knowing this first, that no prophecy of the scripture is of any private interpretation. For the prophecy came not in old time by the will of man: but holy men of God spake as they were moved by the Holy Ghost.” Biblica is calling God a liar!

Read what else they say at Biblical:

“You don’t really obtain accuracy, they contend, by a word-for-word translation, but you do when you convey the concept, the message, of the original, so that the reader understands it. In the end, they [Biblica] say, a thought-for-thought translation is actually more accurate as well as more understandable.” [emphasis added]

SOURCE: https://www.biblica.com/resources/bible-faqs/why-are-there-so-many-versions-of-the-bible-in-english

My dear reader (and please don't miss this), a THOUGHT-FOR-THOUGHT translation is NOT a Bible translation, it is a paraphrase! Only a WORD-FOR-WORD translation is a true translation! That is exactly what the Word of God is warning us in 2nd Peter 1:20a-21, “Knowing this first, that no prophecy of the scripture is of any private interpretation. For the prophecy came not in old time by the will of man: but holy men of God spake as they were moved by the Holy Ghost.” Biblica is calling God a liar! No portion of Scripture is of any writer's private interpretation!

That is why the communist Cuban government this year in 2018 admirably REJECTED 17,000 NIV perversions shipped into their country! Yeah buddy! Cuban officials told them to go back to Hell where they came from!!! Glory to God, I'm having a shouting moment here! Right now I have more respect for King James Bible only communists, than I do for these Caspar Milquetoast, pink-tea-and-lemonade, soft-soapin', sissy-britches-wearing, ear-ticklin', back-scratchin', yellowbellied, Clark Kent, pantywaist, compromising, pussyfootin', unmanly, lazy-boy preachers who can't preach their way out of a paperbag! These new evangelical wimps lack the gonads to take a stand for the purity and accuracy of God's Word!!! God give us some leather-lunged, barn-stormin', window-rattlin', shingle-pullin', truth-loving, uncompromising, manly, hell-fire and damnation PREACHERS!!! America needs PREACHING PREACHERS!!! The reason why men don't preach anymore is because they're being mentored by apostates, false teachers, heretics, sissies and old fuddy-duddy professors. JUST GIVE ME THE KING JAMES BIBLE!!! God is the preacher's mentor! We'd have a lot more TRUE WORSHIPPERS in America if we had a lot more TRUE BIBLES, TRUE CHRISTIANS, TRUE CHURCHES and TRUE PREACHERS!!!

David J. Stewart, Jesus is Savior 3 Comments [11/12/2018 12:24:20 AM]
Fundie Index: 7

Quote# 141212

If your son is a child molester/sociopath and you just found out he is engaged and she doesn't know what would you do?

Funny enough that the op put child molester and sociopath in one category.

Anyway, if it would happen to be that I somehow abuse my child so it becomes a sociopath and this individual is going to marry a woman, then I wouldn't do anything. It's his life and he must be Highfunctioning one, or he would sit in jail instead of being engaged. He would maintain his mask and stays as long as the consent and trust is there.

Edit: I forgot the child molester. I wouldn't tell her anything, because as soon as he wouldn't live with me I wouldn't care what he is doing all day long.

David horst, Quora 3 Comments [11/12/2018 12:23:35 AM]
Fundie Index: 4

Quote# 141209

There have been laboratory studies in which dogs that have never had contact with humans will automatically defer to humans as alpha when introduced to them for the first time, even in the presence of their pack’s alpha dog. That is because domesticated dogs were bred over thousands of years to defer to humans.

It only took a few hundred years for the Spanish to domesticate Filipinos via the Catholic Church to worship white Jesus, white Mary, and the parade of European saints. They did this by killing the disobedient Filipinos and raping the more docile ones. So the next time you see Filipinos kissing the ground that white people walk on, you will understand why. They were bred to defer to white people. Even among woke Pinoys, the urge to bow down to white people is very powerful. It’s written in our DNA.

Soulsnax, Reddit 7 Comments [11/12/2018 12:19:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 7

Quote# 141208

Lady Checkmate's headline: "FIRST Infowars, THEN Gab…NOW They’re Coming For You—Unhinged Attack Happening NOW"


The Kazar Mafia & their Globalist Minions were named reported on constantly. They own & control Silicon Valley & perhaps 90% of MSM, not to mention corrupt politicians & Leftist Special Interests Groups. The Kazar Mafia used the shooter as a reason to vilify GAB & force Hosts etc. to cancel services. Keep fighting these Slavers.

The Socialist RATS are hyperventilating behind not being able to control the voices of the Silenced Americans..... they did well when they bought out the MSM and could control that way.... now there is an array of platforms for people to express themselves, and they are not liking that one bit..... The Socialist RATS Hate the middle class...… they have to demolish it in order for their Socialism/Communism to be viable alternative to capitalism. As long as the Middle Class survives.... They DON'T and CAN'T

Skamania Steelie:
Thank you, LC! Everyone deserves to know the truth. Keep spreading it LC! Our media and their masters are spreading half truths and lies. Thank God Trump's presidency is exposing many vile creatures! Trump speaks the truth about term limits in Congress. We must rid ourselves of this Scourge!

Lady Checkmate, Disqus - News Network 4 Comments [11/12/2018 12:18:55 AM]
Fundie Index: 3
Submitted By: Jocasta

Quote# 141203

It's so disgusting to see so many Americans adopt this black urban/gangsta flava. I'm honestly of the opinion that these speech patterns affect the way they think and behave. Utterly disgusting.

They do. See: Sapir-Whorf hypothesis.

The hypothesis says (roughly) that language affects your reality and your perception of it, and the evidence is in brain activation patterns shown by fmri scans. Some languages, for example, have more words for one color and its many shades, whereas another will have just one word.

When they did fmri scans of people coming from a culture where their language described the many shades and were shown different shades, different parts of their brains lit up to allow them to perceive the different shades of a color. The same test on a different group with just one word for the color showed little (or none, can't recall the details) activation in the brain. This means that because they didn't have a word for it, they literally were unable to perceive it.

The implications of this hypothesis are incredible and, quite frankly, amazing in the truest sense of the word. The elites probably knew of this already and helped push for all of this gender identity language bullshit with all of the made up words in cultural Marxism, which explains why the SJW types are the way they are (toxic and utterly stupid, completely void of logical reasoning, and this easily controllable). The language they've made up has warped their perception of reality.

As an aside, I'm beginning to understand why someone like Chris Langan made up a ton of neologisms to help explain his ontological theories.

based_meme, r/Braincels 0 Comments [11/12/2018 12:17:39 AM]
Fundie Index: 3

Quote# 141202

[Lyrics of "Things I Remember"]

When I sit in the grass in the summer
Birds are singing songs in the trees
I see White children playing games in the sun
And it seems so peaceful and free
It reminds me of the old days
When everything was different and right
When our people were stuck together
And were proud to be White

This is things that I remember
Things that goes right into my heart
This is things that I remember
That's why I want a race-apart

It was a time when people marched our streets
With their flags flying in the wind
They were marching for our race and nation
Singing song they were proud to sing

Then the communist began to take over
And to destroy all our national pride
And when they put their flag in Berlin
It was then Europe began to die
When I sit here on my own
And I think about what we had
It is like a stone right in my heart
And I feel so bad
Our once great Europe
Has been knocked down to the ground
Our once great Europe
Has begun to die

Firlewanger, Flashlyrics 1 Comments [11/11/2018 11:34:45 PM]
Fundie Index: 4
Submitted By: JeanP

Quote# 141200

(Snopes has confirmed this billboard is real, but not who paid for it.)

anonymous, Democratic Underground 14 Comments [11/11/2018 11:34:16 PM]
Fundie Index: 9
Submitted By: skybison

Quote# 141198

Antisemitism is a form of truth. In every statement that is simply stating the truth, the one-size-fits-all objection is that it is anti-Semitism. That is its purpose, to nullify the truth. A user of the tactic of crying antisemitism is against the truth. Of course they are against the truth, they are against Jesus, they are anti-Truth, and anti-Christ. The word itself is an attempt to mimic the word “anti-Christ”, to impart the same negative meaning, to make in essence anything said about the Jews as bad as saying that someone is the anti-Christ. Therefore it is blasphemy, a perversion of truth and logic, against the will of God. It is a control attempt, a snake-consciousness control attempt to deceive. I am not at all an anti-Semite. I am against Jews . I am anti-Jewry, and for very good reasons that are based on fact and reality and justice and truth. I am as much anti-Jew as I am anti-Satan...word games? anti-Setanic, anti-Semantic, anti-Satanic, Semtanic, anti-Semitic...... It is all a misdirection away from the actual truth, because the truth is death to the Jews.

Ronnie Thompson , Truthers Against Zionist Lobbies via Twitter  0 Comments [11/11/2018 11:33:55 PM]
Fundie Index: 6

Quote# 141197

James Polite was a Democrat activist who worked on the Obama Campaign. His foster parents were Jewish. And he was profiled in The New York Times.
Polite wrote, “Die Jew Rats” on the Union Temple of Brooklyn after the Pittsburgh massacre at a Jewish synagogue.
The Daily Caller reported:
The suspect in the vandalism of a New York synagogue was a Democratic activist and former City Hall intern who worked on anti-hate crime issues, The Daily Caller News Foundation has learned.
He is a “queer” black man informally adopted by a Jewish couple, and The New York Times’ charity, the Neediest Cases, helped pay for him to go to college where his focus was African American studies, according to a 2017 New York Times profile.
A political event with two Democratic candidates at the Union Temple of Brooklyn was canceled Friday after attendees found graffiti saying “Die Jew Rats” and “Hitler,” which one of the candidates said highlighted the need to vote out “hate.” Police arrested 26-year old James Polite later that night based on surveillance footage.
A year ago, The New York Times profiled Polite, noting that he was an LGBT foster youth who “could defy the statistics” after becoming the “adopted child of the Quinn administration,” as Christine Quinn, then the speaker of the New York city council, put it. “And it wasn’t just me. It was the entire City Council staff.”
The New York Times ran a big story on Polite in December 2017.

Jim Hoft, Gateway Pundit 1 Comments [11/11/2018 11:33:37 PM]
Fundie Index: 1

Quote# 141195

It is quite appearing, to any who see with correct vision, NDE 98 percent are satanic deception. The intent is to provide you with a false sense of security concerning the afterlife. To turn you away from the idea of a supreme God who judges sin. Yes. This may not be comfortable for you. Satan deceives you while you live, and deceives after you pass thru, showing false light, false family. You come back and show great disdain toward the unenlighten ones who worship God. You get puffed up and feel special because of your experience.
You experience increased paranormal activity post NDE because Satan is reenforcing the lie. He is delighted for you to continue on thru life with this false hope. The 2 percent that are real, by real I mean that God revealed spiritual realities to them, they return and accept Jesus as Lord. Do not be deceived my friend.???

Kanayo Easley, Youtube 3 Comments [11/11/2018 11:19:46 PM]
Fundie Index: 3
Submitted By: I

Quote# 141193

Expressing its arrogance over the senseless Indian Polity and Judiciary, the highest forum of ‘Akhil Bharatiya Sant Samiti’ assembled in its Special Central Committee Meeting in Delhi which cautioned the Govt and its Judiciary to take care of issues of Hindu interest without ignoring those anymore.

The Two days Special Sitting (2nd and 3rd Nov), held at Param Dham of Mahamandleshwar Paramananda Giri Ji in Dilshad Garden area of Delhi, urged the Central Govt to pass ordinances on Ram Temple, Cow Slaughter Ban, Protection of Ganga and Uniform Civil Code in the coming winter session of the parliament. The prominent saints and seers present in the Dharma Sansad also demanded Govt’s strong intervention to stop Love Jihad and Conversion along with the proper rehabilitation of Pandits and Hindus in Kashmir valley.

The demand for a Ram Temple at Ayodhya cannot be left to the mercy of the judiciary for eternity and it is now up to the central government to bring a law on the lines of the legislation that facilitated the construction of the Somnath Temple, an influential assembly of sants has said.

A press statement after the two-day deliberations here on Saturday said various legal devices have been used to delay a judgement on the Ayodhya issue such as a reference to a 1994 SC verdict that ruled that a mosque is not an integral part of Islam. “This issue had nothing to do with the Ram Temple,” it said. The press release also demanded daily hearing of Ayodhya case in the Supreme court to dispose the same within a month.

Akhil Bharatiya Sant Samiti, Hindu Existence 0 Comments [11/11/2018 11:19:23 PM]
Fundie Index: 1
Submitted By: hydrolythe

Quote# 141192

so are you claiming it is a right for an admitted pedophile to be allowed to work around children if he so chooses to?

zantos: Yes. They are Not a rapist. They have committed no crimes. In some cases, when someone is afraid of something, exposure is actually the best cure.

buck008 :I'm telling you that you would never know if they didn't tell you anyway. This is a person that has not committed a crime. Do you really want to be in the business of punishing people that aren't actually guilty of anything? I thought we "SJW's" were supposed to be the facist thought police.

zantos,buck008, MMO Champion 34 Comments [11/11/2018 11:19:03 PM]
Fundie Index: 2

Quote# 141191

I would never compare Occupy Democrats to Nazis, but they might unknowingly do it to themselves.

The Meme Policeman, Facebook 6 Comments [11/11/2018 11:18:45 PM]
Fundie Index: 3

Quote# 141190

As it's been mentioned, many in the world today do not believe there is a Creator. Much of mankind has this thinking that it all just happened from something else. The Earth, sun, moon, stars, and all the other heavenly bodies or objects must have formed from some kind of a cosmic accident that was originally formed from something else in the second heaven. Even if it was formed from some kind of a cosmic accident, could there be a reason for it? Is it possible that these things were created from nothing? Could Earth just have appeared from zilch? Because of the way we are taught, I can truly understand why it would be assumed by many that Earth came from the heart of nowhere.

The first verse in the Bible is a passage of scripture which many people are familiar with. As I had mentioned, it tells us where our universe and our world came from. There is a great company of people who believe that this account is simply a myth, along with most of the other stories found in the first eleven chapters of Genesis. However, these chapters are widely quoted throughout the rest of the Bible in other ways. Either the information in Genesis is factual, or the entire Bible cannot be trusted to be true. It's really your call, as the Creator did give us all separate minds and a free will. Actually, there is no logical reason to doubt the facts presented in Genesis, but there are many reasons to be wary or skeptical about the doubters or unbelievers. There are so many who don't want to believe that our universe was created by an extremely higher intelligence or authority. However they must, but won't, explain how this world came to be without a Creator. Maybe they don't really care one way or the other. If you are one that cares, then perhaps we can look at the fact of how well this Earth runs in accordance with the rest of the second heaven. I wrote about a similar subject concerning the universe earlier in this book. There are too many facts that all fit together in a perfect manner to say that it all just came from something else,

that in turn, came from something else again, and that it happened to come together and finalize from some sort of a cosmic blast. It would be like saying that a word factory exploded, and this book came into being. Suppose you were walking down the street and you stumbled across a laptop computer lying on the side of the road. Would you come to the conclusion that the elements just happened to shape and form the laptop at that particular spot, or would you conclude that a computer company did the assembly, and someone lost it? I'm sure you would assume a computer company made the laptop because we know that for a fact and can see that elements rarely shape things into modern-day tools. The natural process tends to tear most things down, not build things up. Only when some intelligence is applied do we get complex function. When we look at Earth and its complex function, the natural conclusion is that there must have been some intelligence at work to put the second heaven into operation. Doesn't this imply that there must be a Creator? The only alternative to a Creator is to believe that the universe came into existence through random events. In my view, for what it's worth, there are far too many deep rivers to cross without bridges, to think that way.

Paul Theriault, Outer Space, Aliens, and the Holy Bible: Are the Three Connected? 9 Comments [11/11/2018 11:18:38 PM]
Fundie Index: 1
Submitted By: Denizen

Quote# 141184

The very second that theoretical physicist, Stephen Hawking, entered into eternity, he was no longer an atheist. Romans 1:20, “For the invisible things of him from the creation of the world are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made, even his eternal power and Godhead; so that they are without excuse.” Mr. Hawking was a damned fool! Proverb 14:1, “The fool hath said in his heart, There is no God. They are corrupt, they have done abominable works, there is none that doeth good.” Sadly, Mr. Hawking now tragically KNOWS that God exists, and he is burning in Hell, having perished in his sins and unbelief.

Stephen Hawking foolishly said, “An expanding universe does not preclude a Creator.” That is a senseless assumption based upon finite human reasoning! How in any way does an expanding universe deny an omnipotent Creator? It doesn't! Zechariah 12:1,“The burden of the word of the LORD for Israel, saith the LORD, which stretcheth forth the heavens, and layeth the foundation of the earth, and formeth the spirit of man within him.” Stephen Hawking spoke boldly in his atheistic rhetoric, as one alleging to have scientific authority, but he never proved anything to anyone. He was a fool who was bold in his blasphemy against a holy God! ...

“I regard the brain as a computer which will stop working when its components fail,” he told the Guardian. “There is no heaven or afterlife for broken down computers; that is a fairy story for people afraid of the dark.”

“God is the name people give to the reason we are here,” he said. “But I think that reason is the laws of physics rather than someone with whom one can have a personal relationship. An impersonal God.”

SOURCE: http://time.com/5199149/stephen-hawking-death-god-atheist

If Mr. Hawking had embraced Christianity, I can assure you that the world would have abandoned him long ago. He never would have seen the inside of a space shuttle. Nor would he have been invited to numerous foreign countries. The heathen world loves their own Jesus said. John 15:19, “ If ye were of the world, the world would love his own: but because ye are not of the world, but I have chosen you out of the world, therefore the world hateth you.” If you become a born-again Christian, and make it known publicly, the world will hate you and desert you quickly! Stephen Hawking was a celebrity atheist fool. Like comedian George Carlin, Mr. Hawking was an icon in the atheist community. There are no atheists in Hell!!!

Respectfully, Mr. Hawking says that an afterlife or Heaven is “a fairytale story for people afraid of the dark.” Heaven, a fairytale for people afraid of the dark? No my dear friend, I am not afraid of the dark, I am afraid of God!!! And if you have any Horsesense at all, you'll fear God too!!! Matthew 10:28, “And fear not them which kill the body, but are not able to kill the soul: but rather fear him which is able to destroy both soul and body in hell.” I promise you that Stephen hawking fears God now!

David J. Stewart, Jesus is Savior 9 Comments [11/11/2018 10:24:07 PM]
Fundie Index: 7

Quote# 141183

Lately..my husband gets really aroused.when i spank the kids and we have sex after the spankings..i will admit..i have spanked them.just to get good sex from him after..

Spanking, Circle of Moms 11 Comments [11/11/2018 10:23:54 PM]
Fundie Index: 15

Quote# 141181

JoKing: Martin,
I have never done anything to promote sexual immorality. I have led a heterosexual life, entirely within marriage. You are confused, and abusive. Making false accusations really is wickedness, according to Jesus. I do not decry the Old Testament. I apportion to it a lesser authority than you do, by submitting it to the authority of Jesus, my Lord. Honouring Jesus is not wickedness. I question the infallibility of the Old Testament, because Scripture makes no claim for it. The word "infallible" does not occur in any text. That is not wickedness; it is honouring the text, without adding to it, as you do. Your attachment to human invention above Scripture, seems close to wickedness.

Martin: Seems to me that you are promoting homosexuality here.
The authority of Jesus gives the same authority to the Old Testament as the New, you are not honouring Jesus.
Does that which comes from the mouth of God Himself have the capability of error?
So where have I added to Revelation?

JoKing: By your "Seems to me that you are promoting homosexuality" based on absolutely no evidence, shows what is quite obvious to all who read you: that you are so obsessive about attacking homosexuals, that your judgment is blinded by any disagreement. Anyone who opposes you. on any issue, you lump together with the "hateful sexual deviants", and pour your bile over all of us.
Well, I rank your rank company less bearable than some homosexuals I have had the privilege of knowing. Your addiction to what seems like a ultra-reformed system of dogma, and the way you express it, is entirely antithetical to the tender mercies of a compassionate God. That causes real concern that you have no real knowledge of Jesus, his character and purposes.
In your fleshly attempts at arguing for the "truth", you betray the cause of Jesus in all you say. You really need to beware of the real risk that your claims of faithful service will be met with "Go away, you worker of iniquity, I never knew you".
To all you people who read this, my apologies to have to speak so directly, but this man is presenting a terrible, harsh, substitute for the truth of the Gospel of Jesus.

Martin: Based on the fact that you are busily supporting those who are pushing sexual immorality here. If that isn't promoting homosexuality I don't know what is. I'd be quite happy to debate o.ther matters, and in fact do. It is preferable to having to say the same things over and over to those who will not listen. The doctrines of grace are the tender mercies of a loving God. A God who cares so much for His Creation that He will enter it and suffer abuse at the hands of His Creation in order to redeem His Creation.

JoKing: Martin, your "fact" is a fabrication of your dubious thought-processes. I do not, and have not, supported homosexuals, beyond offering them social acceptance. I oppose the rejection by some of the authority of NT authors. I would do that to anyone regardless of their sexual behaviour. I have repeatedly said this.
You seem utterly unable get your rigid thought-patterns to grasp the difference.
But I do subject the OT to the authority of Jesus. And it seems you reject that stance, but have no argument to back up your opposition to it. I wonder if your stand is as real as you make out. Do have plans to stone adulteresses?

Martin: That you have attacked me for my response to those who are making LGBT supporting claims gives the lie to your first statement.
That you imagine you are qualified to "subject the OT to the authority of Jesus" demonstrates that you do not understand that the OT is as much the words of the Lord Jesus as any words written in red in your Bible.
Clearly you do not understand the nature of the Bible, as your question "Do have plans to stone adulteresses" demonstrates.
You seem to delight in abusing me, when you are claiming to be addressing my abuse. It seems to me that you are entirely dishonest.

JoKing: Martin. It is you who first used uncivil terms to attack me, and you might notice that My responses a\re always more measured. Yet you continue to do so. You say I "attacked you", that I "imagine I am qualified", I "do not understand",(twice), I "delight in abusing" you, I am "entirely dishonest". Quite a catch! None of this is acceptable. I would encourage you to see if you can say what you want to, without such abuse.

Martin: I see nothing 'uncivil' in what I said. My interactions with David and Peter have taken place over a considerably longer period than you have been around. It has been necessary to become more forceful in that period.

JoKing: "Martin. These are the abusive personal comments in your last:
you have attacked me
you imagine you are qualified...
you do not understand (twice)
You seem to delight in abusing me,
you are entirely dishonest"
You could have made your points with phrasing such as:
"You apposed me strongly
You may not be qualified...
I suggest you may have not understood/.misunderstood
???? no suitable phrase comes to mind - perhaps the thought is too abusive
I fear I have to doubt your honesty"
Even like that the personal nature of your comments is aggressive because you are not debating the points, just accusing me of various failings. Peter has expressed a similar opinion of your mode of expression, and he has a longer experience of you, apparently.
With absolutely no interest in being provocative, and with no intention of personal attack, I have no aim beyond finding out how your reconcile - Lev 20 10: “If a man commits adultery with another man’s wife – with the wife of his neighbour – both the adulterer and the adulteress are to be put to death."
- with your current position. What do you think? Is it a practice that would be good for our society to adopt? Would you, if you had the power. It is God's inspired word, is it not?
see more

Martin: It is very simple, Leviticus contains three strands of law, the moral, the ceremonial and the civil law. The Christian does not live in the ancient state of Israel, so the civil law has no role. Of such is those laws with a penalty attached for breaking them such as the one for adultery. Equally, the Temple and it's sacrifices are no more, so the ceremonial is done away with by the sacrifice of Christ on the cross. The only law that remains is the moral law, which the Christian seeks to keep from love of His Saviour.

Martin, Premier 3 Comments [11/11/2018 10:23:32 PM]
Fundie Index: 6
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