Quote# 131583

(This fundie is talking about gangstalking, which is a delusional belief that they are being stalked by people for reasons unknown.)

Dna and beliefs.

For those laughing, laugh all you want.

You know no idea the hell people like us have gone through.

You have no idea what its like when your own family is in on it. Do you know what its like to be followed around by strangers, mimicked, attempted to have been run off the road, etc. Basically having everything in your entire life to be sabotaged?

No, you don't know. Its a horrible thing when you have no true family left.

Don't worry OP, Jesus conquered and endured it, and so will we. Take it as an honor!

Anonymous Coward, Godlike Productions 18 Comments [9/12/2017 10:41:25 AM]
Fundie Index: 2
Submitted By: Katie

Quote# 131582

I would say Holy Spirit at birth but I believe those that come back in that state (first resurrection) bypass the fiery trial (what you call gangstalking).

In order to feel/experience the electronic warfare you need a higher vibration; i.e. you have to have the Holy Spirit (quickening spirit (1 Cor 15:45)). AND YES I've heard of this...a woman said they were doing it to her disabled child; that's the level of evil you're dealing with here.

I don't know what's up but possibly it relates to someone with the Holy Spirit acting outside of GOD's will, running around giving people the Holy Spirit. I don't recall ever doing that, I would heal them outright, but give them the Holy Spirit? No. I know what's involved with that...it was crossing a line even for me at that point.

This is something I don't like to mention and you really need to do some reflection on the topic you've posted in relation to the doctrines of the church...okay folks? Do you understand what I'm saying?

Anonymous Coward, Godlike Productions 8 Comments [9/12/2017 10:39:25 AM]
Fundie Index: 3
Submitted By: Katie

Quote# 131581

"crude, backwards and brutalistic view of the world?" more presumptuous insults from the pseudo-liberals really on the religious-right... can't believe the assaults upon me for expressing a viewpoint that asserts human sexual liberation!

ahem, the opposite. every 10 years since 1970 there's been this group has done videotaped 1-week live-in that includes in-depth interviews of all living in the household. a key focus has always been how much displayed affection, love there is in the average american household. guess what; wanna talk brutality? shows of affection have nearly disappeared here. consequently, as this lack of birthright loving nurture increases, so does youthful & all others frustration, violence, wars, torture and the recruiters find em easier & easier prey.

as i've written til my fingers ache, my 1st granting of ENTIRELY CONSCIOUS CONSENT TO HAVE SEX WAS WHEN I WAS ALMOST 12 AND HE WAS MY CRUSH OF 15. now he'd be put away & have his life ruined for that afternoon in 1966 and i'd likely be hauled off for 'professional help' in some psych-pharma hell! affectioinate sex is plainly that; rape is plainly that.

freud didn't hit the bull's eye when wrote "when sex is suppressed the result is civilization.' no, the opposite. when sex is suppressed (think moses...), love & affection also suffer and the result is that CIVILIZATION BECOMES IMPOSSIBLE AND IS REPLACED BY EVIL EMPIRES OF OPPRESSION AND INCREASINGLY DEALY WARS, dur.

the native world as seen through the pens of the early, pre-colonization native world showed naked, loving people who had open nudity, sex, communal shamanic-animist rituals of orgiastic sorts worldwide, with, of course, exceptions proved the rule. captain cook was indeed eaten by cannibals but he stated that having met many cultures in the pacific, "they are mostly so gentle they flee from even the violence of our european tongues!"

and early studies, of pacific, for example by marchand-marquesas or the later margaret mead, showed upwards of 1500 sexual events by adulthood... compared with just a dozen at age 21 in the US, 20 if not in college. women got it better what with sexual peak 14-28; boys is over by 18... never be that great again and all they got was the love of their own hands! here in new york the insane 'age of consent' is now 18 and kids can & do go to jail for defying this anti-nature, anti-sex laws! no frigging wonder teen suicide has soared 7x since 1950... and still largely a gay problem. most typical suicide note? "can't get any love."

more rage directed at such as michael jackson, none of whose boys turned on him even when money, DA, parents raged at them to, ever testified against him.... while a million iraqi children died w/no such protest in gulfwar, 12-year embargo, iraq war. the ever-more brutal west shouts 'yahooooo, bomb's away on the innocents!'

the intent in suppressing youth's sex or the mingling of the ages has never had anything to do with making life better for anyone but a shriveled up, vile & contemptuous evil religion's and empires dictatorship over the soul, heart, groin.

tazdelaney, Disqus 2 Comments [9/12/2017 10:39:01 AM]
Fundie Index: 7

Quote# 131580

The whole 'pedophile' thing has been hysterically blown out of rational proportion... in arkansas 1980s still could mary a 12 year old boy or girl. 1900 england average age of marriage, as with most of human history, girls 13, boys 15. native peoples, unlike the antisexual west since moses, john the baptist and mohammed... lived naked; had sex in public; shamanic-animist rituals included live communal sex to which none were excluded... these largely extremely non-violent societies (direct result of sex-love-affection nurtured as birthright...) had no rape as unnecessary; little violencec; hardly any wars at all. consider that ben & jefferson marveled the natives prior to the rabid white euro-'christians' would wipe them all out had peace by treaty 6-800 years from mississippi east and gulf to the arctic... us? can't have peace for a day evereverever.

the world's greatest historians, will&ariel durant, met when he was 28, she 14 and him her history teach; worked together for 70 years. today? jail for will durant! my dad first had sex w/me mum when he 39, she 17. jail, dad, you pervert! painter georgia o'keefe had the romance of heer life in her late 70s-80s and he was 20 when it began. robbing the cradle?

nature really does not make youth so beautiful so as to entrap elders with eyes and drives. rape is rape and is invariably brutal, obvious. i gave consent, YES I GAVE MY CONSCIOUS CONSENT TO HAVE SEX when i was almost 12 with a boy of 15. when whole small town found out, mom told me she was gonna sue him for statutory rape. i told her i'd neever testify. she said she'd do it anyway and i said i'd runa away. then i told her i'd wanted to do it and that, anyway, was more fun thatn watching another beverly hillbillies rerun.

sex is good. violence is bad. the difference is very clear.

tazdelaney, Disqus 6 Comments [9/12/2017 10:38:43 AM]
Fundie Index: 7

Quote# 131579

Inappropriate over-reaction to a storm in a teacup. The witch-hunt mentality probably arose as the result of a conservative American-style Christian upbringing that views all expression of sexuality as "evil", regardless of the consequences for the actors and any of their recipients.

People who download child porn are not necessarily the ones who act on it. It could have been a useful release for a guy with feelings he needed to contain in the real world. I am repulsed by people who indulge pornographic fantasies but it is their life, not mine. If they are doing no harm to others, or to themselves, then I have no right to use my repulsion to condemn or punish them. That is a moral maturational level that this Federal Agent has apparently not yet reached.

The acts of this School Principle are far less serious that the rampant active sex abuse of children by Catholic clergy, and the less frequent, but also egregious, sexual exploitation of parishioners by non-Catholic clergy.

In this particular case there appears to be no evidence that the legally tortured Principal did anything more than just look at electronic images. Unless such evidence has been repressed (and why would the media want to suppress such salacious material?) there did not seem to be any people harmed by what was
happening - until this self-righteous authoritarian started formal legal proceedings. It was =that= act that caused an avalanche of damage. It smashed friendships, broke up a marriage, deprived children of a father, caused irreparable damage to the mental well-being of everyone in that family, deprived a school of its Principle, and probably unnecessarily upset a lot of the kids at that school and their parents. If we look at the results, then this rigid FBI agent is the real criminal, He is the one causing all the harm.

In the higher stages of moral development people recognize that it is the consequences of actions that make them "moral" or "immoral". If the only thing harmed is the transgression of some asserted set of "absolute morals" on which there has never been anything close to a universal consensus, or the sensibilities of some cult-specific version of a supernatural being for which there is even less valid evidence, then we are looking at the operation of moral reasoning that is at the immature end of the normal moral maturational ladder.

rlwemm, Disqus 5 Comments [9/12/2017 10:38:34 AM]
Fundie Index: 5

Quote# 131578

Yah sent Harvey on Friday night -- the beginning of the 7th day shabbat as outlined in the 4th commandment of every Bible in this United States of America.

And, according to this chart, Irma made landfall as the 7th strongest storm of all time:

Yahshua is trying to tell the Body of Christ in America to STOP breaking the 7th day shabbat.

From Friday sundown to Saturday sundown we, as followers of Christ are:

1. NOT to do any work.

2. Not buy and/or sell

3. Not make anyone else buy and/or sell.

We are supposed to use Fri night to Sat night to:

1. Pray,
2. Praise and worship Messiah Yahshua
3. Gather with friends and family to study the Bible and pray and fellowship
4. Eat really good food
5. Go on nice hikes
6. Enjoy His creation -- looking at the beautiful world he has made
7. Take a nap, rest, relax!!!

Shabbat is a blessing for those who observe it and it is COMMANDED for any follower of Christ to do!

trumpsupporter, Godlike Productions 14 Comments [9/12/2017 10:38:17 AM]
Fundie Index: 4
Submitted By: Katie

Quote# 131575

[=Calvinisn vs Universalism; The Adam Ford edition=]

Man: I'll tell you one thing that honestly trips me up; the idea election. You know, that God chooses in advance who will be saved and who won't. I know it's biblical, but... I don't like it. It doesn't seem fair. Or right.

Woman: Yeah I've heard people say that before. So I've gotta ask; how would YOU do it, if you where God. What would you do that would seem right or fair ?

Man: Well I certainly wouldn't choose in advance who's in or who's out! I would give everyone an equal chance to be saved. I'd make it so that everyone who has ever lived had a chance to hear the gospel somehow in their lifetime. And everyone would have a fair, equal chance to make a choice without me deciding their fate before they are even born!

Woman: K...but being God would be omnesiant...all knowing...yes ?

Man: Well, yeah. Of course.

Woman: Then you'd aleesdy know someone's every persons eternal fate before you created them. So then, your act of creating them, knowing wether they go to Heaven or Hell is causative. See even within in your system, you would in fact be choosing everyone's eternal destiny in advance. Just by creating them.

Man: I guess the heart of the question is; why does God choose to save SOME people, but not OTHERS. Why doesn't he just save EVERYONE ?

Woman: I asked that question for a long time...but then I had a realization and it didn't come from some hard theological theory but from the basic gospel message I had known since forever ago. Kinda the ground floor of christianity is that we're all sinners. We all need a saviour. We all need Jeus and without him, we have no hope. Right ?

Man: Yeah.

Woman: And we need a saviour becaus we are all sinful and...we all deserve judgement for our sinfulness. Yes ?

Man: Of course.

Woman: We ALL deserve Hell. It's a tough thing to say, but admitting it is a crucial step in accepting Jesus' atoning sacrifice to save us from this terrible fate. So if every single one of us deserves God's judgement, we shouldn't get hung up on the question "Why doesn't God save everyone ?" The question that should really boggle our minds is this..."Why does God save ANYONE ?"

Adam Ford, Adam4D 18 Comments [9/12/2017 7:36:13 AM]
Fundie Index: 7
Submitted By: Christopher

Internet Tough Guy Award

This is indeed not the reality of shooter games.

Quote# 131574

[Commenting under "Antifa forms a hit team, distributes hit list"]

Find a high spot (hilltop, rooftop, etc.) and bring one of these

10 points for every masked 'protester' you take out.

20 points for headshots

50 points if you hit multiple targets with a single shot.

thisisnotmyreality, Reddit - r/conspiracy 25 Comments [9/12/2017 7:29:33 AM]
Fundie Index: 4
Submitted By: JeanP

Quote# 131573

I have experienced [sleep paralysis] more than once myself, and I know it is demonic.

Anyone who is convinced there is no such thing as demons is under the deception of demons.

john b. loved, Y! answers 10 Comments [9/12/2017 7:29:03 AM]
Fundie Index: 3

Quote# 131572

[to the face of Canadian politician Jagmeet Singh, who is Sikh]

We know you're about Sharia Law. We know you're about the Muslim Brotherhood. We know about your vote, we know you’re in bed with Sharia. We know you’re in bed with the Muslim Brotherhood... When is your Sharia going to end? At what point, when we're throwing gays off rooftops?

Jennifer Bush, YouTube 17 Comments [9/12/2017 7:28:45 AM]
Fundie Index: 4
Submitted By: Citizen Justin

Quote# 131571

In a couple of years, people will be voting… who weren’t even born in 2001. It’s just some more old video, like the rest of the boring stuff on the History Channel.

They have no personal outrage, no personal drive for revenge. We failed. They have their own causes, and no particular desire to shoulder the ones we flubbed.

TRX, According to Hoyt 15 Comments [9/12/2017 7:27:59 AM]
Fundie Index: 0
Submitted By: yamamanama

Quote# 131570

This is actually what happened with regards the Buddhists. All that condemnation for Aum Sun Kyii (I can’t remember the exact spelling of her name, sorry) and yelling about the Rohingya? It started with the Rohingya tribes slaughtering their non-Muslim neighbors and taking over the villages. There was an incident reported in ReligionOfPeace’s website and, I think Jihadwatch, where the Rohingya set fire to a few of their houses with the intent that the fire spread to the Buddhist side of the village. The wind turned, and destroyed the Muslim side of the village. I can’t recall exactly if it was that incident, but the Rohingya then proceeded to claim that the Buddhists had tried to kill them all…

Of course none of these stories really make it out of the region, given the Western kowtowing to Islamic groups but pretty much, the Buddhists collectively had enough and now we have tribal genocide in the region.

Shadowdancer Duskstar / Cutelildrow, According To Hoyt 9 Comments [9/12/2017 7:24:22 AM]
Fundie Index: 4
Submitted By: Yamamanama

Quote# 131569

(In response to the posting of an article entitled "Abortion Mind Control" http://www.arhataosho.com/index.php/2017/09/07/abortion-mind-control/):

Isn't it great the way God made men and women different. He gave women maternal instinct so she protects her baby -- unless her mind gets screwed up. This is probably why God decided it should be women who have babies. Even now as my husband and I are older, I am the one with the maternal instinct toward the grandchildren. Unless you have had children, it may be hard to understand this. It is nature, it is natural and it is beautiful.


FairSharFairShar, Realabortiondebate 8 Comments [9/12/2017 7:24:10 AM]
Fundie Index: 7

Quote# 131568

(In response to another member, who stated, "If abortion is murder as you say, and from inception, the mother, doctor and assistants should stand trial for murder.")

[T]hat is not possible because this country stupidly made abortion legal. The Supreme Court ruled on this when they never should have. It should have been thrown back to the states.

I hate when people say a woman should have a choice because that lets the scumbag guys off the hook. Most of them will weasel out by saying -- WELL, HONEY, IT IS YOUR BODY AND YOUR CHOICE as if they are being magnanimous. That is NOT what she wants to hear. Even if she decides not to keep her baby, she wants to hear that he will be there to help her and support it.

Men cop out. Women feel so vulnerable at that time.

Some day maybe the Supreme Court will undo the law. But this country has become so morally upside down that many think abortion is perfectly okay and are all for it.

It was supposed to be rare and it most certainly isn't. I knew it wouldn't be. I knew when the Supremes ruled on it that it would become so commonplace that no one would blink an eye. I knew that they would want to do it into the 9th month...even the 8th month.

It hurts the consciousness of this country as a whole.

Today I read that one of the major doctors in Germany that butchered little children for medical experiments fled to Brazil and immediately became an abortion doctor. No big surprise there.


FairSharFairShar, Realabortiondebate 5 Comments [9/12/2017 7:24:04 AM]
Fundie Index: 3

Quote# 131567

We are now in a country that is punishing people for standing up for their religious beliefs. Even at a school in America, kids were told not to display American flags. Next day all the kids' trucks were lined up with American flags on them. It is a plan that the progressive left has had for a long time to shut us down.

At universities speakers cannot talk if they are conservative. At Harvard last week, Barry Shapiro spoke and afterwards kids were offered counseling if it upset them.

I wonder if they offer counseling for the students who have had Howard Zinn shoved down their throats.

Since many people are leaving churches, I guess pastors are compromising.

Read Alinsky Rules...that is how they have done this to us, to shut us up and make it a crime to believe gay marriage is wrong or that you shouldn't bake a cake for someone's gay wedding, or you call a he a he instead of a she even though it is very clear it is a he. And now some are trying to criminalize saying climate change caused by man is a hoax. They want to put you in jail for using common sense and thinking.


FairSharFairShar, Realabortiondebate 11 Comments [9/12/2017 7:23:41 AM]
Fundie Index: 4

Quote# 131565

there whole life they have had it easy,barley lonely,never had to deal with mental illness,and yet they pass judgment on us,we have every right to dislike them

Lonesomedrifter1 , r/Incels 26 Comments [9/12/2017 7:22:31 AM]
Fundie Index: 3

Quote# 131564

The government's purpose in bringing us was to balance the overwhelmingly negative narrative coming from the Rohingya refugees arriving in Bangladesh, who have almost all spoken of a deliberate campaign of destruction by the Myanmar military and Rakhine mobs, and appalling human rights abuses.

But right away these efforts faltered.

We were first taken to a small school in Maungdaw, now crowded with displaced Hindu families. They all had the same story to tell of Muslims attacking, of fleeing in fear. Oddly, Hindus who have fled to Bangladesh all say they were attacked by local Rakhine Buddhists, because they resemble Rohingyas.

In the school we were accompanied by armed police and officials. Could they speak freely? One man started to tell me how soldiers had been firing at his village, and he was quickly corrected by a neighbour.

A woman in an orange, lacy blouse and distinctive grey and mauve longyi was especially animated about the abuses by Muslims.

We were then taken to a Buddhist temple, where a monk described Muslims burning down their own homes, nearby. We were given photographs catching them in the act. They looked strange.

Men in white haji caps posed as they set light to the palm-thatch roof. Women wearing what appeared to be lacy tablecloths on their heads melodramatically waved swords and machetes. Later I found that one of the women was in fact the animated Hindu woman from the school, and I saw that one of the men had also been present in among the displaced Hindu.

They had faked the photos to make it look as though Muslims were doing the burning.


We spotted black smoke billowing out of some trees, over the rice fields. It was another village going up, right by the road. And the fires had only just started. We all shouted at our police escort to stop the van. When they did, we just ran, leaving our bewildered government minder behind. The police came with us, but then declared it was unsafe to enter the village. So we went ahead of them.

The sound of burning and crackling was everywhere. Women's clothing, clearly Muslim, was strewn on the muddy path. And there were muscular young men, holding swords and machetes, standing on the path, baffled by the sight of 18 sweaty journalists rushing towards them. They tried to avoid being filmed, and two of them dashed further into the village, bringing out the last of their group and making a hasty exit.

They said they were Rakhine Buddhists. One of my colleagues managed a quick conversation with one of them, who admitted they had set the houses on fire, with the help of the police.

As we walked in, we could see the roof of the madrassa has just been set alight. School texts with Arabic script had been thrown outside. An empty plastic jug, reeking of petrol, had been left on the path.

The village was called Gawdu Thar Ya. It was a Muslim village. There was no sign of the inhabitants. The Rakhine men who had torched the village walked out, past our police escort, some carrying household items they had looted.

The burning took place close to a number of large police barracks. No-one did anything to stop it.

Myanmar government, BBC 3 Comments [9/12/2017 7:22:12 AM]
Fundie Index: 7
Submitted By: A'isha

Quote# 131559

Wow. How nice to make fun of vegans instead of using your brains for once second and thinking about the pain animals go through so you can eat them. And no, plants can’t feel pain and they are not sentient. So there is not “chekmate” and this isn’t funny. It just shows how pathetic and insensitive you’all are. Now go eat your disgusting animals products and continue pretending that you do no harm because you’d need a heart of care and feel guilty and you don’t have one. Just do that without bothering those who are doing something to help animals.

tragicallyphosphorescent, Tumblr 23 Comments [9/11/2017 10:41:34 AM]
Fundie Index: 2

Quote# 131558

Giants skeletons have been found in Minnesota, Iowa, Illinois, Ohio, Kentucky and New York.

The Smithsonian admitted to destroying them in the 1900's. A US Supreme Court ruling forced the Smithsonian institution to release classified papers dating from the early 1900’s thay proved the organization was involved in a major historical cover up of evidence showing giants human remains in the tens of thousands had been uncovered all across America and were ordered to be destroyed by high level administrators to protect the mainstream chronology of human evolution at the time.

worthy, Worthy Christian Forums 24 Comments [9/11/2017 10:38:18 AM]
Fundie Index: 5
Submitted By: Hog

Quote# 131556

Lady Checkmate's headline: "Alt-left's Lies: "If Christians Obey God, They're 'Fake' Christians"

This exchange played out on a Christian forum. The topic they're discussing is,
"Trump's Administration Backs Baker Who Declined to Make Cake for Same-Sex Celebration". I've blotted out the user names, but it's clear from the exchange that the troll is deranged and has declared good evil and evil good. He has decided that Christians who obey God's word are fakes. It seems, he believes that only rebellious non-Christians who disobey God are real. Sadly, he ignores the word that says, if you love God you will obey Him (John 14:15). The Christian's response is correct, but the troll can't accept truth and then starts suggesting "God is punishing you with Irma." Obviously, that's "interesting" as many people, not just Christians, are dealing with Irma. No logic, but that's what alt-left trolls do when they don't have a rational response AND refuse to accept God's Truth.
Here is the exchange:

Seek Jesus Christ for yourself. The world continues to lie and try to lead others away from God.

Don't forget to RECOMMEND. Lets get the Truth out so that Light may shine bright in this dark place and Jesus Christ may be glorified. Even if the discussion is closed, please still RECOMMEND.

Lady Checkmate, Disqus - Faith & Religion 13 Comments [9/11/2017 10:37:46 AM]
Fundie Index: 2
Submitted By: Jocasta

Quote# 131554

[OP of "Slavery in a modern fascist society?"]

This is generally aimed at other fascists however those of other ideologies can comment too. What are your thoughts on criminals convicted of major life-sentence crimes like murder and rape, instead of being killed or imprisoned- be put to work in a slave sort of manner. Slave status wouldn't be inheritable so their children would be normal citizens. They would have basic rights, allowed food, water and minimal living quarters. It could maybe be an interesting alternative to life imprisonment or capital punishment which would contribute more to society. I've been turning this over in my head and not sure about it, seems to similar to just flat out imprisonment, feel free to ask questions about how this would work or criticise my thoughts.

JudasMartyr, Reddit - r/DebateFascism 8 Comments [9/11/2017 10:35:49 AM]
Fundie Index: 0
Submitted By: JeanP

Quote# 131552

Islam and its perverted followers are very easy to understand and even ISIS are up front what its ALL really about…All you have to do is read the Blood soaked Porno magazine called The Koran…Mohameeds (May Pig Shit be upon him) words are quite clear on many subjects..Murder of Jews..Murder of Gays…Murder or Slavery of Unbeilvers…Sex with Animals…Genocide…and one of the choice Death Cults habits is Paedophilia,Sex Slavery and Female Genital Mutilation.

No one should fool themselves that Islam is just a collection of Genocidal,Violent Perverts..Just look at their record down the ages..say no more.1700 years of intensive inbreeding has produced a collection of Genocidal Sexual Perverted Scum.

Ozgaza, Bare Naked Islam 7 Comments [9/11/2017 10:35:05 AM]
Fundie Index: 5
Submitted By: Katie

Quote# 131551

Very sad, this is done by Islam this was instructed in Quran. Islam is evil, Muslims were devils, Muslims will kill every non Muslim on this earth. It’s been 14 years but still we can’t learn anything about how cruel Islam is. Kill all Muslims kill all of them every single Muslim is a threat. Destroy Islam to its shores, Islam is cancer. Death to Islam Death to Muslims.

Ajay, Bare Naked Islam 14 Comments [9/11/2017 10:29:42 AM]
Fundie Index: 4
Submitted By: Katie

Quote# 131550

We are at war with Islam and have been for 14 years now, we just don’t fully realize it yet. The day will have to come when Islam is criminalized and declared a hate filled racist Geopolitical party. Islam will have to be treated like communism was during the McCarthy years. The Quran must be banned, halal foods prohibited, mosques destroyed and foreign born Muslims must renounce Islam or be deported.

Home grown Muslims must be treated like McCarthy era communists. Islam must be stamped out globally starting here in the USA. Then we should partner with Russia, China and Europe to eradicate Islam worldwide. I’m sure that Russia, China and Eastern Europe would enthusiastically be our allies in that fight. A few more years of Muslim infestation in politically correct Western Europe and they too will eagerly join in.

Baconisinfidelicious, Bare Naked Islam 5 Comments [9/11/2017 10:29:13 AM]
Fundie Index: 3
Submitted By: Katie

Quote# 131549

Q. What is the difference between a MUSLIM and a TERRORIST??

A. Its the same difference between HIV & AIDS.

Q. How can you maintain Peace in the world?

A. Terminate all MUSLIMS (PESTS)

Q. Why do the politicians don’t understand this?

A. They believe in ALLAH.

Q. How will you clean politics and make sure that 9/11 or 26/11 (Mumbai, India) won’t repeat?

A. Give common people rights to search and terminate. There should be no conviction, no fine, no warning against any person who kills a MUSLIM or a MUSLIM supporter (as they are all the same) on suspicious behavior.

Q. Will any MUSLIM survive?


Hindu, Bare Naked Islam 13 Comments [9/11/2017 10:28:18 AM]
Fundie Index: 7
Submitted By: Katie