Quote# 129033

I was watching a YouTube video today where people call in to debate this man on A Radio Station.....

The man on the Radio said he was talking to the dumbest woman in the world.

He said she was so dumb that she would have drink gallons of tea just to get up to the level of a moron.

She was a college student who was in favor of Muslims being allowed to include their Sharia law in the USA.

I can't find the video, but that radio host said she was so dumb he wouldn't allow her to speak anymore and hung up on her.

This is what our children are being taught in colleges now.


dlo_3us2001, Realabortiondebate 22 Comments [7/8/2017 11:07:09 PM]
Fundie Index: 3

Quote# 129016

I have found an indication that the Spartans were one of worst feminist civilizations of earth, an impious assertion that I am terrified to put here, so I warn you that it is extremely offensive to any good man who follow natural law and not the evil human laws:

“Most important, rather than being married off at the age of 12 or 13, Spartan law forbade the marriage of a girl until she was in her late teens or early 20s. The reasons for delaying marriage were to ensure the birth of healthy children, but the effect was to spare Spartan women the hazards and lasting health damage associated with pregnancy among adolescents.”

If this is true it is horrifying and a crime, a violation of the natural law, which requires marriage and pregnancy as soon the girl reaches puberty (you see, like romans and other greeks, at 12 or 13, like 99% of SANE humanity before feminism). Also note that reasons are junk science, because adolescent pregnancy is really healthy, even more young, more healthy is to the girl and the baby, so spartans mens like their modern counterparts are a fine example of female-dominated pricks.

“There is some evidence in ancient sources that the Spartans practiced polyandry. Herodotus says that the bigamy of Anaxandridas II was un-Spartan, along with plural marriage, older men seem to have allowed younger, more fit men, to impregnate their wives”

WTF, so spartan men are not allowed to bang young teen girls and marry multiple women, but women are allowed to bang with multiple and more young men, and spartan men support this insanity! like our modern feminist utopia!

“Spartan women seem to have married relatively late relative to their counterparts elsewhere in Greece. While Athenian girls might have expected to marry for the first time around the age of fourteen, Spartan girls might have waited until they were between eighteen and twenty, and probably married men who were around the age of 25.”

Exactly like this sick modern feminist society!! In short Sparta was a feminist state where women dominated fisically strong but mentally weak men who only live to die at war to defend ungrateful old women and practiced a Nazi eugenics progam who includes kill unwanted children (feminism again), and they were also a democracy, the worst form of government ever created. Did you know that in the SS, marriages were not allowed if there was a difference in age? What I said, effeminate pricks. These societies do not deserve worship, deserve contempt.

Order, HereticTOC 18 Comments [7/8/2017 11:05:52 PM]
Fundie Index: 10

Quote# 129005

“Alternative facts” aren’t new. Young-Earth creationist groups like Answers in Genesis believe the Earth is no more than 6,000 years old despite actual mountains of evidence to the contrary, and they've been playing the “alternative facts” card for years. In lieu of conceding incontrovertible geological evidence, they sidestep it by saying, “Well, we just look at those facts differently.”

Nowhere is this more apparent than the Grand Canyon, which young-Earth creationist groups have long been enamored with. A long geologic record (spanning almost 2 billion years, in total) is on display in the layers of the Grand Canyon thanks to the work of the Colorado River. But many creationists instead assert that the canyon’s rocks—in addition to the spectacular erosion that reveals them—are actually the product of the Biblical “great flood” several thousand years ago.

Andrew Snelling, who got a PhD in geology before joining Answers in Genesis, continues working to interpret the canyon in a way that is consistent with his views. In 2013, he requested permission from the National Park Service to collect some rock samples in the canyon for a new project to that end. The Park Service can grant permits for collecting material, which is otherwise illegal.

Snelling wanted to collect rocks from structures in sedimentary formations known as “soft-sediment deformation”—basically, squiggly disturbances of the layering that occur long before the sediment solidifies into rock. While solid rock layers can fold (bend) on a larger scale under the right pressures, young-Earth creationists assert that all folds are soft sediment structures, since forming them doesn’t require long periods of time.

The National Park Service sent Snelling’s proposal out for review, having three academic geologists who study the canyon look at it. Those reviews were not kind. None felt the project provided any value to justify the collection. One reviewer, the University of New Mexico’s Karl Karlstrom, pointed out that examples of soft-sediment deformation can be found all over the place, so Snelling didn’t need to collect rock from a national park. In the end, Snelling didn’t get his permit.

In May, Snelling filed a lawsuit alleging that his rights had been violated, as he believed his application had been denied by a federal agency because of his religious views. The complaint cites, among other things, President Trump’s executive order on religious freedom.
That lawsuit was withdrawn by Snelling on June 28. According to a story in The Australian, Snelling withdrew his suit because the National Park Service has relented and granted him his permit. He will be able to collect about 40 fist-sized samples, provided that he makes the data from any analyses freely available.

Not that anything he collects will matter. “Even if I don’t find the evidence I think I will find, it wouldn’t assault my core beliefs,” Snelling told The Australian. “We already have evidence that is consistent with a great flood that swept the world.”
Again, in actuality, that hypothesis is in conflict with the entirety of Earth’s surface geology.

Snelling says he will publish his results in a peer-reviewed scientific journal. That likely means Answers in Genesis’ own Answers Research Journal, of which he is editor-in-chief.

Andrew Snelling, Ars Technica 4 Comments [7/8/2017 11:05:41 PM]
Fundie Index: 6
Submitted By: zyr

Quote# 128995

[Comment on article about sex robots]

I can't help but to agree with many like " CatsWithShoes " and I am a devout Christian male with an attractive lovely wife who turns me on. It has become more and more obvious that white women have alienated their white men and turned to the nasty evil negros and muslims...which believe you me is a TOTAL ABOMINATION in the sight of our God. Still yet, I can't help but to also acknowledge that Satan and his agents { negros/ muslim/ ungodly } have their evil paws ALL over this one as they did in the days of Noah to corrupt the pure seedline of white men to stop the birth of Jesus through one PURE race. They know that sex with dolls can't produce offspring, so while white males will rush to get these dolls, white women continue to rush to the ungodly to produce Nephilims { so to speak }. Satan is NOT pulling new tricks, like the garden of Eden he corrupted woman NOT man. Adam was the first victim of sin brought by YES woman. Satan then does it again with the fallen ones { corrupted angels, who were once Son's of God, but got kicked out of heaven..... different subject } and came to earth to seduce....YES women again { daughters of men }.

Satan only sticks with what has worked time and time again.

White women will have much to answer for to the Father our Lord for it coming to this abominations.

Danie your a star, Breitbart  15 Comments [7/8/2017 11:05:24 PM]
Fundie Index: 12
Submitted By: Damned at Random

Quote# 128955

At its core, the radical left is at war with God and His laws of life.

David Kupelian, WND 16 Comments [7/8/2017 11:03:50 PM]
Fundie Index: 7
Submitted By: Demon Duck of Doom

Quote# 128954

The Season has come, this warning is from the Lord

Hear Ye O mankind time is short ye are in the Season spoke by the prophets in which sudden destruction shall come, great shall it be in that time and many sorrows to follow, as above so below the signs are in the stars the revelations in process of fulfilling, the Son of man soon rises and who can stand worthy before him who has lived righteously enough to meet the ends of the law. Take heed of this warning in which is now given for time is indeed short, and those who listen ye may be spared great suffering more than you can imagine, for it is by the mercy and grace of the Son to offer all a chance to repent and be saved from what is to come.

Many Shall perish in those days and shall find themselves in dark and deary places, dimensions of underworlds similar to mankinds idea of hell. O mankind listen now as I plead unto ye from One who knows what he is speaking, having overcome it all, ye know not the sorrows the future holds or what awaits for those whom die in their sins. Those who will not let it go and repent and accept the Son of God Yehoshua 'Jesus Christ's' offer of grace in his atonement, who will not strive in righteousness and follow Gods rules will have to taste of the dregs of the cup in which the Son has already drank, ye shall pay thy own sentence of sins and shall not be able to repent until it is over.

It is not worth it mankind whatever this evil world has to offer you, whatever this trap of Babylon has for you, whatever Mammon is offering you is not worth it, the cost of losing your soul for loving the things in this world is great, many have sold their souls without realising it by setting their hearts upon the things of Babylon and Mammon, it is enough for Satan to bind you to the various dimensions of underworlds each according to decree of horror based on a persons lusts, desires and sins. Now is the time to flee from the world of Babylon, let it go, let go of it's sins, repent ye repent and accept the grace of the Son of God Yehoshua 'Jesus Christ' before it's to late. For I say unto you now, a time will come that ye will not be able to repent, that the spirit of God even the Light of the World will be withdrawn and ye shall be in spiritual famine, ye shall thirst for the Light of the Lord and shall not find it, ye shall hunger for his bread and have but moldy breadcrumbs to eat, thy bodies shall be tainted in corruption and full of filth, ye shall wonder what has happened to me and be lost in confusion as the Lord God sends a strong delusion unto mankind in such days.

Mankind ye can say I am fear mongering, but behold I tell ye now that ye have great reason to fear God, for the Devil is soon cast down upon you and comes in great wrath and shall have power over all who has not repented and accepted the grace of the Son of God Yehoshua 'Jesus Christ', those who are not righteous whom live as hypocrites shall be left outside with the dogs, not measured in the temple and sealed. Such days I speak of soon come and great is the torment in that time, great are the cry's and sorrows, many whom were filled in pride who thought they could not be touched will be broken down. Do not procrastinate the time you have left to repent, for I know first had the sorrows to come and say to ye all repent, be ye not as the unwise who tempt fate.

I give ye also this promise of hope, if thou be as the foolish in which does fall know it is not forever, but ye shall pay thy own debts of sin first and it shall be worse than anything imagined. But a day will come ye shall be resurrected with the unjust and shall be before the Lord God in which you doubted in, in which ye spoke against and cursed. And he shall again extend his mercy and offer you his grace. Therefore hold to that hope and know that the debts when paid are forgiven but ye shall go through hell in getting to that point and learn the hard way unless repent now and procrastinate not your day of repentance any longer. But behold ye who are wise shall sincerely and truly repent before that hour and shall be forgiven if repenting in proper spirit, forsaking thine sins in truth and ye shall avoid much if do so. Some if they be called to give their life for Christ to hold to the faith in peace, do so with a guaranteed promise to receive life eternal and be taken into a paradise spirit world of waiting. As for many with spirit debts and weight upon spirit, the scale of eternal law must needs be met. Therefore know, ye whom are the servants of God, though ye may be called to tribulation and even if the jaws of Hell open up after ye, know that thy God shall not forsake ye and it shall be for thy own good. Ye shall rise again and shall be given thy just reward, yay even eternal life and a first resurrection, all things according to thy works in the book of life.

Now in closing, I bear my testimony that what has been spoken shall surely come to pass and I warn any whom would dare mock, scoff and speak insults against such, there are consequences in mocking such things. Let all be wise and speak not against this warning. These things are spoken in the name of Yehoshua Christ whom is One and the same as Jesus Christ, even the Son of the Eternal Father God. Amen

LightofTruth111, Godlike Productions 3 Comments [7/8/2017 11:03:38 PM]
Fundie Index: 6

Quote# 129015

(on a guy getting permission to get rocks from the grand Canyon to conduct an experiment to prove his belief in a 6k year old earth)

“Even if I don’t find the evidence I think I will find, it wouldn’t assault my core beliefs,” Snelling told The Australian.

And this is where he fails as a Scientist.

There is a lot of evidence that the global flood occurred, however some of the specifics are unclear. He is testing a specific flood model. If this model turns out to be false, his fact based belief that the flood occurred will not change.

Evidence other than Bible or other religious text? Because of the thousands of other civilisations around at the time, none of them mentioned anything more than "it's raining a bit today".

How about the large flat regions in Africa. Small scale erosion cannot do that, you need large scale erosion.

stratthinker, Ars Technica 14 Comments [7/8/2017 6:17:09 AM]
Fundie Index: 8
Submitted By: zyr

Quote# 129014

Though most paedophile-child relationships are chaste there is a significant proportion in which the child wishes for, and consents to, intimacy.

One of the fallacious uses of language common in the popular discourse round this issue is to talk about paedophiles wanting, or having, ‘Sex’ with children. To most non-paedophiles ‘sex’ means ‘intercourse’ and so by a leap of logic the public thinks of paedophiles as wanting to have intercourse with children. This is wrong. What the typical paedophiles think of as ‘sex’ differs from what adult teleiophiles consider as ‘sex’.

The most important difference is that any form of penetration cannot have the same place it has in adult-adult relationships: the typical paedophile would not wish to do anything that the child would not enjoy, be hurt by or that would betray the trust and friendship shared by the adult and child.

Rather than the adult imposing his desires on the child it is very much about allowing the child to determine what takes place and responding to the child’s interest, – much as an adult playing football with a 7-year old adapts his mode of play to ensure that the experience is enjoyable and constructive for the child so does a caring paedophile.

Essentially what most ‘turns on’ a paedophile is a happy, relaxed child who is herself turned-on and enjoying herself – forcing or manipulating a child would be repugnant to the normal paedophile.

‘Sexual’ activities, if they occur at all, range from playful sensuality (tickling, kissing and stroking…) to acts that would be classed as ‘foreplay’ in the context of adult-adult sex.

Leonard Sisyphus Mann, consentinghumans 17 Comments [7/8/2017 6:16:48 AM]
Fundie Index: 11

Quote# 129013

We should be doing everything and anything to overturn the indoctrination of the young- with the classic 'good touch vs bad touch".
These days they are indoctrinating ever younger children with this nonsense.
Even before they enter primary schooling.
In kindergarten or daycare, this obnoxious notion is being infused into the impressionable little minds.
A child that is positive about physicality at three may assume the opposing views at four- it is what they teach them.
This is truly sad.

hieronymouse, BoyChat 25 Comments [7/8/2017 6:16:41 AM]
Fundie Index: 9

Quote# 129006

(Link is to quote of post, as it's invisible to those not logged in to Ars)

Ya'll are from the pages of la la land in your replies. The scientific method is based in evolution which is just a THEORY. No proof that it ever occurred. In fact it is impossible by its own rules. The scientific method states that it MUST be able to be repeated with the exact same results. There is NOT one pig giving birth to anything EXCEPT ANOTHER PIG. When GOD created the universe He commanded every creation to bear offspring after it's own kind. That is the way it will always be. Even trees bear seed that produces trees of the same kind as the parent tree. It's only when so-called scientists started trying to "improve" a species that there are things like killer bees.
These "scientists" are the quacks.
Just because you don't believe the Bible's record does not mean you are right. All of the record of our past is His Story.

Read the story about the rain that proves geology doesn't always have to take a long time. Right here in America. The Colorado River area. Proves that the Young Earth creationism is not as far fetched as y'all are trying to make it.

Me Too Now, Ars Technica 13 Comments [7/8/2017 6:02:09 AM]
Fundie Index: 5
Submitted By: zyr

Quote# 129004

Free history lesson ? Hitler's infamous 1933 book burnings were retold by the winners of the war as the quintessential example of tyranny.


When in fact the chief purpose of the book burnings were to eradicate the manuscripts of one psychologist, Dr Magnus Hirschfeld


Dr Hirschfeld coined the term "transsexual" & had operated the subversive organization "Institut für Sexualwissenschaft" since 1919


This institute performed the world's first sex change operation. I can find little on Hirschfeld's book calling for "solution" to racism


Look what is happening around you. And read this transcripted speech by Joseph Goebbels on that very important night


This wasn't some drastic reaction to people's poor sweet identities.. THEY KNEW WHAT WAS COMING, & WHY they want a disassociated slave class

zyklonbeast, Twitter 15 Comments [7/7/2017 10:08:52 PM]
Fundie Index: 8

Quote# 129002

one-single-verse asked:

Also: thoughts on deism as a belief system? What other sort of philosophical frameworks are acceptable in/compatible with/encompassing of Christian law?

Deism more or less suggests God abandoned His children which I find rather offensive speech in reference to my Father.

Again, speaking from a strictly religious angle? None. Non-Christians cannot abide by Christian Law because the centerpiece is being Saved!

But translated over to state law, I think practicing Jews/Buddhists/Sikhs, and Right-wing Atheists/Agnostics/Pagans have a good chance of assimilating to a Christian Law based country depending on some details. Hinduism expresses a rigid caste system and I Indian culture tends to be very abusive towards women (I don’t know if that’s a Hindu or an Indian thing) and Islam has its obvious problems. All the above have the very real potential for conflict with the system, but I think assimilation probabilities would be significant.

apostalism, Tumblr 5 Comments [7/7/2017 10:08:35 PM]
Fundie Index: 4
Submitted By: Thanos6

Quote# 129001

Adam Ford, Adam4d 17 Comments [7/7/2017 10:08:25 PM]
Fundie Index: 7
Submitted By: Daspletosaurus

Quote# 129000

Adam Ford, Adam4d 26 Comments [7/7/2017 10:08:21 PM]
Fundie Index: 8
Submitted By: Daspletosaurus

Quote# 128999

Adam Ford, Adam4d 14 Comments [7/7/2017 10:08:13 PM]
Fundie Index: 8
Submitted By: Daspletosaurus

Quote# 128998

demons can cause depression (JESUS CHRIST did exorcisms on 'crazy' people and cured them 2,000 years ago), cancer (Pastor Derek Prince who was an exorcist, had an exorcism done on him and got rid of cancer), arthritis (Pastor Derek Prince cured several people at once of arthritis by doing an exorcism on them), etc. PRAYING IS VERY POWERFUL, PEOPLE NEED TO STAY CLOSE TO GOD AND OUR LORD AND SAVIOUR JESUS CHRIST! The 144,000 are here!?

Rapture Angel, youtube 7 Comments [7/7/2017 10:08:03 PM]
Fundie Index: 6
Submitted By: P.E.T.F

Quote# 128996

Black people vote 99% democrat. Black people commit 55% of the crime in the US. Even only accounting for 10% of the US population the left already commits the majority of the homicide/robbery in the US.

Sam_hydelburgh, /r/pics 9 Comments [7/7/2017 10:07:49 PM]
Fundie Index: 5
Submitted By: pyro

Quote# 128993

The Charlie Gard case is unbelievably tragic, but it’s reflective of what happens when the natural family is pushed aside and government social engineers are given control. When that happens, children are trapped in unsafe, failing schools with no parental choices; kids as young as pre-school are indoctrinated into a radical LGBT agenda with no parental opt out; young girls can obtain an abortion with no notification to a parent; the understanding of marriage as a life-long, exclusive, conjugal union of man and woman is abandoned and children are told they do not need the love of a mother and father; kids are fed lies that they can change their gender according to their desires, and that it’s perfectly normal to have three or more moms and no dad; and the elderly ill are subtly encouraged to kill themselves rather than be a ‘burden’ on society.

Brian Brown, IOF: International Organization for the Family 12 Comments [7/7/2017 2:54:05 PM]
Fundie Index: 7
Submitted By: Demon Duck of Doom

Quote# 128992

Mat Staver, the attorney behind the Religious Right legal group Liberty Counsel, guest-hosted VCY America’s “Crosstalk” program on June 26, the day that the Supreme Court ruled in the church-state case Trinity Lutheran Church v. Comer. While Staver was happy with the Trinity Lutheran ruling, he told a caller that he was frustrated with Congress’ refusal to impeach Supreme Court justices and other federal judges who “create law” on issues like abortion rights and same-sex marriage.

“You know, as these life-long appointments, certainly the founders understood that they wanted these individuals to, number one, not be affected by the political cycle, and number two, they thought Congress would do its job and impeach people whenever they stepped out of line,” Staver said. “But Congress hasn’t done its job and we’ve allowed these cases to get out of control.”

The Supreme Court, he said, has been too often “inventing law” in cases like Roe v. Wade and Obergefell v. Hodges.

“When they go so far afield as to create law that has no basis at all in the Constitution, Congress ought to exercise its authority to impeach,” he said.

Staver acknowledged that a constitutional amendment could impose term limits on federal judges, but he insisted “if Congress would do its job, we would not have to tinker with the Constitution.”

Instead, he said, the courts have become an “unchecked branch of government that becomes the superpower, the dictator if you will, to the American people.”

Mat Staver, Right Wing Watch 14 Comments [7/7/2017 2:53:30 PM]
Fundie Index: 10
Submitted By: Demon Duck of Doom

Quote# 128990

I think people are more fascinated with pedophiles than ever before. Back before the registry existed, there could be sex offenders hanging out in your neighborhood that you didn't even know about. They would hand out candy on Halloween just like anyone else, and no one would be the wiser. Pedophilia was effectively invisible. It wasn't talked about. Also, child porn wasn't even all that common, because we didn't have the Internet.

Now, we have more than 700,000 sex offenders on the registry. People can exclaim, "Wow, I didn't know we had a child pornography trafficker living right in our neighborhood!"

I think to some extent, people realize, "700,000 sex offenders can't be wrong." Also, they don't feel revulsion toward sex offenders, even though they say, "That's horrible and disgusting!" Rather, they can't get enough of shows like Special Victim Unit. They want to immerse themselves in it.

My view is, there are a lot of pedo-curious people out there. They want to know what all the hubbub is, that's making so many people want to download child porn, or have sex with little kids, or whatever. They're tired of feeling left out.

For a long time now, people have been sexualizing children. There are so many women (single moms, etc.) who are basically whores, that obviously their daughters are going to copy them, and want to wear the same tight/skimpy clothes and adopt the same sexualized stances, etc. so they can get attention too. Also, the Romeo-and-Juliet laws, coupled with the feminist injunction against slut-shaming, amount to society's sanctioning teen sexual activity.

The bottom line is that more and more, I think a lot of people want to experience sex with kids. They want to at least experience it vicariously. That's why they love to repost clickbait articles about adult-child sex. Women want to have sex with boys, men want to have sex with young girls, and homosexual men definitely want to have sex with boys (they barely even try to hide it). (As for women with younger girls, that doesn't get talked about much, because it doesn't fit into the feminist narrative, but I guarantee it will someday be a popular segment of the child porn market, once that's legalized.)

Another factor in this is that hebephilia and ephebophilia have been subsumed under pedophilia, even though the official change wasn't made to the DSM. That also tends to make pedophilia seem more alluring, because it includes not only attraction to the prepubescent but to the pubescent as well.

I think at this point, a lot of people would at least like to mess around with a kid to see what it's like.

Lysander, BoyChat 21 Comments [7/7/2017 12:02:19 PM]
Fundie Index: 4
Submitted By:

Quote# 128989

The question is best answered by a question.

Why is society so hysteric about sensual erotic pleasuring?

Why did this society make a massive industry on invading youths and their right to be physically affectionate?

Why do psychology academics feels so brave and pompous in promoting false science and exaggerating the shame of sexuality of a desirous youth?

Why do women flock to employment that have this fantasy of protecting boys from the very stimulus they desire, crave, and seek?

Do you think pedophilia is normal? Why ask the question? for what does it really mean anyway?

Do you think youth under 16 are horny, and have right to be sensual?

It's a disease?.. Could it be a cure? Could boys that are hyper, and un-attentive and given "pills", and pharmaceuticals be better off being sexual?

A natural fact in nature? the fact that it is in nature is then "natural.... do boys under 16 have erection and like penal stimulation?

What do you think?... I think the subject is criminally over blown, the hysterics shame and punishment that have been a part of this society is unforgivable, and justice and mental health have a lot to be responsible for, and should be made to pay restitution for their intervention and over the top fabrication of ignorant conclusions!!!!!!!!!!!

Jessy, BoyChat 10 Comments [7/7/2017 12:02:14 PM]
Fundie Index: 3
Submitted By:

Quote# 128978

Extra police sent to Hamburg as G20 protest violence escalates
Demonstrators set fire to cars and throw rocks at shop windows in Altona district as world leaders meet in nearby Messehalle

Overnight clashes between anti-capitalist protesters and police continued into the first day of the G20 summit in Hamburg as dozens of cars were set aflame and shop windows smashed around the city while world leaders met at the Messehalle conference centre.

Masked protesters in black clothes used flares to set fire to at least 20 cars and pelted rocks at the windows of banks and smaller shops as they made their way through the Altona district and along the Elbchaussee road along the river at about 7.30 am on Friday morning.

Police forces around Germany dispatched reinforcements to help 15,000 police already deployed to the northern port city for the summit as violence escalated.

On Friday morning, many shops and cafes in the area, including a local Ikea, boarded up their windows in anticipation of further rioting.

Other protest groups marched peacefully through Hamburg’s harbour area and historic centre, blocking access routes for delegates and envoys travelling in and out of the conference centre where leaders including Donald Trump, Vladimir Putin and Angela Merkel gathered on Friday morning.

Trump’s wife, Melania Trump, was reportedly stopped from attending an event in the G20’s supporting programme by the protests. “Police has not given us security clearance to leave the guest house,” Trump’s spokesperson told German press agency dpa.

A planned visit for leaders’ partners to a climate research centre was scrapped and replaced with a presentation by climate scientists at a luxury Hamburg hotel.

Hamburg police spokesperson Sven Jahn said that a group of around 60 masked protesters attacked three police vehicles with molotov cocktails, and that a flare fired at a police helicopter only narrowly missed its target.

Authorities claimed 160 police officers had been injured. At least 15 people were arrested and dozens more held for questioning. Organisers of Thursday evening’s “Welcome to Hell” march said three protesters had been seriously injured and one person remained in a critical condition, while several others had sustained lighter injuries during the skirmishes.

Andreas Beuth, a lawyer who had co-organised the march at a riverside plaza used for Hamburg’s weekly fish market, accused police of knowingly risked an escalation of the volatile situation in the city with heavy-handed tactics.

Contrary to police claims, Beuth said protesters had complied with orders to remove their masks when hundreds of officers used water cannon and teargas to disperse the crowds. “The escalation was clearly started by the police,” said Beuth at a press conference inside the stadium of local football club FC St Pauli on Friday morning.

A number of journalists working for leftwing German newspapers reported on Friday that their press accreditation had been withdrawn from them without an explanation.

German far-left rioteers, Andreas Beuth, The Guardian 10 Comments [7/7/2017 9:43:13 AM]
Fundie Index: 1
Submitted By: Pharaoh Bastethotep

Quote# 128969

(superimposed text on a picture showing a woman)
I understand how transgender
people must feel. I feel like I was
born the wrong race. But people
right now don't accept people
who were born the wrong
races. One day racephobia will

Anonymous, Whisper 20 Comments [7/7/2017 2:17:17 AM]
Fundie Index: 3
Submitted By: Demon Duck of Doom

Quote# 128968

(superimposed text on a picture, showing three transgender persons)
I'm trans racial. Please explain
why my trans is less than
transgenders. I'm not
comfortable in my form and
neither are they. What. Is. The.
Diff. We can both transition. Y
u genders more valid

Anonymous, Whisper 13 Comments [7/7/2017 2:17:11 AM]
Fundie Index: 3
Submitted By: Demon Duck of Doom

Quote# 128967

(superimposed text on a picture. Picture shows a fist, painted on with rainbow colors and a pair of mars/venus symbols respectively)
Why is[sic] ok for people to be
transgender but not

Anonymous, Whisper 13 Comments [7/7/2017 2:17:06 AM]
Fundie Index: 2
Submitted By: Demon Duck of Doom