Quote# 127933

Implying that eradicating Christians is a bad thing.

NeoMatrix, FSTDT 21 Comments [6/8/2017 1:29:43 PM]
Fundie Index: 11

Quote# 127927

Trump’s character is less morally significant than defeating the left. If the left wins, America loses. And if America loses, evil will engulf the world.

Dennis Prager, WND 21 Comments [6/8/2017 1:28:48 AM]
Fundie Index: 11
Submitted By: Demon Duck of Doom

Quote# 127926

Thank God President Trump is ending the disgusting government endorsement of sodomy and homosexual sin. The Republican platform is right, when it refuses to endorse evil and immorality. Trump has great courage to defy the left.

Gordon Klingenschmitt, The Pray in Jesus Name Project 18 Comments [6/8/2017 1:28:27 AM]
Fundie Index: 8
Submitted By: Demon Duck of Doom

Quote# 127925

[On the people investigate his dad's Trump ties]

“I’ve never seen hatred like this,” Eric Trump said. “I mean, to me, they’re not even people.”

Eric Trump, Huffington Post 33 Comments [6/8/2017 1:28:01 AM]
Fundie Index: 7
Submitted By: Demon Duck of Doom

Quote# 127918

Last Sunday, David Whitney of the Maryland-based Institute on the Constitution delivered a sermon in which he asked which is worse: the suicide bomber who killed 22 people at an Ariana Grande concert or Ariana Grande herself for promoting satanism and sodomy.

“Everything she stands for is quite eye opening,” Whitney said. “She is an open advocate for sodomy. She frequently speaks of her interaction with demons. That’s right, demons. She was raised, actually, in a Christian household but now clearly rejects everything that Christianity stands for and she states that she did so for a particular reason—because her brother is a sodomite and so, Christianity she threw out lock, stock and barrel for that reason. She has embraced not only sodomy, but a satanic cult religion … that is called Kabbalah, it is a Jewish cult belief system that is the opposite, in a sense, of our Christian faith.”

“It appears this Ariana is like the Pied Piper of Hamelin, leading a whole generation of young people, and indeed some very young people, to a very dangerous place,” he said, adding that Grande is “indeed a dangerous woman.”

“What is not surprising,” he continued, “is that she is wildly successful, famous and rich because people who make a pact with the devil and sell themselves to Satan, he often rewards them with riches and fame and power.”

“This dangerous woman is promoting every form of immorality and indeed she is promoting satanism by her music and by her lyrics and by her gyrations,” Whitney said. “So while we can measure accurately the damage that the suicide bomber accomplished—we can count the body bags, we can read the list of those in the hospital recovering from their injuries that the suicide bomber caused—it is far more difficult to measure the damage done by this dangerous woman. Exactly how many souls has she led down the path of destruction?”

David Whitney, Right Wing Watch 21 Comments [6/7/2017 1:38:08 PM]
Fundie Index: 9
Submitted By: Kuyohashi

Quote# 127917

(You'd think they'd cream their jeans at making Gilead a real place, but...

Radical anti-LGBTQ pastor and radio host Kevin Swanson warned last week that the Hulu series “The Handmaid’s Tale” is a propaganda effort designed to condition Americans to carry out a genocide against conservative Christians.

“It’s a shocking story and meant for the persecution of Christians,” Swanson said on his radio program. “They create a gigantic caricature of a biblical Christian and then they turn them into rapists, so this kind of thing is propaganda, pure and simple propaganda. This is the kind of thing that happened with the Jews in the 1930s.”

“That’s what happens as a result of this kind of propaganda,” he continued. “It’s not that difficult to get the mob moving in the right direction …. so I think what happens with this kind of series is that it’s going to turn the masses against Christians. It’s the Rwanda thing, it’s the German thing.”

“Remember, the Rwanda media increasingly turned one of the racial groups against the other racial group in the Rwanda genocide,” Swanson said. “That is the kind of thing that has happened throughout history; we saw it happen in Germany, we saw it happen in Rwanda. Now, I guess the question is, could it happen in the United States of America or are we completely immune from any of these particular things? I don’t think we are. I think the influences of Hollywood, the influences of these powerful producers can turn the masses more and more against biblical Christians.”

Kevin Swanson, Right Wing Watch 34 Comments [6/7/2017 1:38:02 PM]
Fundie Index: 6
Submitted By: Kuyohashi

Quote# 127887


The very fact that this game exists is a slap in the face to all of Ubisoft's American consumers at the very least, and at most it could (and should) get them arrested and locked up for high treason should any ubisoft employees set foot in the land of the free. Ubisoft is lying to the world and trying to demonize americans as "white terrorists" and making our Lord and savior out a vessel for needless violence and intolerance.

This should not be stood for. I will not stand for it, the majority of America will not stand for it and YOU should not stand for it either. If the system works at all, if America is truly one nation under God, then this HEATHEN, this "lead designer" working on this UNHOLY project will be put befor a jury of red blooded Americans, the people they have attacked and demonized with this game, and stand trial for the crime of high treason against America, against God, and against the US Constitution!


When the Lord your God brings you into the land you are entering to possess and drives out before you many nations . . . then you must destroy them totally. Make no treaty with them, and show them no mercy.

Deuteronomy 7:1-2

LibertyAdams, Steam Discussions 30 Comments [6/7/2017 1:37:59 PM]
Fundie Index: 9
Submitted By: Pax Prosperitas Sophia

Quote# 127916

MICHAEL SAVAGE (HOST): Should the government regulate Twitter, Facebook, and the other sites that are being used to communicate by the rats in dirty headscarves who are killing our children? What would you do to stop this? Should Islam immediately be banned from prisons? Well, you can't ban Islam. Isn't it just like Christianity, and Judaism, and Buddhism? No, no it is not.


Ariana Grande gave another concert in Manchester and raised money for -- I don't know what the money was for. Is that a way to fight Islamism? Having another concert? Is that the answer? Of course that's not the answer.

Well, what is the answer? Well, one London politician, one politician from England said we have to put them in camps immediately, and of course CNN wouldn't go for that. British politician says suspected terrorists should be put in camps. Now that will get all of the good liberals in New York very frightened. Nigel Farage, the former UK Independence Party leader, UKIP, said “Britain has been so weak on border control and clamping down on radicalization that World War II-style internment camps may be the answer.” I said the same thing a few weeks ago.


Now, I said the same thing last week. Why are we going soft on Islamists when they're going hard on the West? I'm asking you a question. How much longer are we going to tolerate them killing us and killing our children? The answer is, a very long time, because America is a weak nation, it has been poisoned by many, many different sources.

Michael Savage, Media Matters 18 Comments [6/7/2017 1:37:56 PM]
Fundie Index: 5
Submitted By: Kuyohashi

Quote# 127915

Last week, James Dobson dedicated his “Family Talk” radio show to a speech given by Dennis Prager at the Western Conservative Summit in July. Prager, a right-wing commentator and radio host, claimed that “the left has a monopoly on hysteria” and dismissed “heterosexual AIDS” and campus rape as liberal “hysterias.”

“The left has a monopoly, almost a monopoly, on hysteria,” he said. “And I will just give you a few examples of the hysterias of your lifetime. One was heterosexual AIDs in America. Do you remember that? when we were told by Time and Newsweek and The New York Times, remember when they said AIDS doesn’t discriminate? Well, that was a lie. AIDS does discriminate. It happens to attack in America—and I emphasize in America— overwhelmingly, gay men and intravenous drug users and his partners. You know the group least likely to get AIDS? Gay women. So it can’t be homophobic to say the truth.”

“Heterosexual AIDS in America was a hysteria,” he declared.

Prager then questioned the statistic that one in four women are assaulted on college campuses, claiming that this is also a left-wing lie.

Dennis Prager, Right Wing Watch 11 Comments [6/7/2017 1:37:50 PM]
Fundie Index: 6
Submitted By: Kuyohashi

Quote# 127914

Your sort of argument asks the believer to step out of his beliefs. This is an impossibility unless one's reasoning ability is so defective that it is somehow able to disconnect properly basic presuppositions, e.g., God exists, from themselves. My mind is unable to apprehend God without being compelled to honor Him. It is not sufficient to hold that there is a God that we all ought to honor and adore, unless we are also persuaded that He is the source of every good, and that we must seek nothing elsewhere than in Him.

What good is it to speculate some sort of God who has cast aside the care of the world only to amuse Himself in idleness? In short, what help is it to know a God with whom we have nothing to do? Instead, our knowledge should serve first to teach us fear and reverence. With it as our guide and teacher, we should learn to seek every good from God, and, having received it, to credit it to His account.

How is it that even the thought of God penetrating your mind is not accompanied by the immediate realization that since you were created by God, you have been fashioned and bound to His command by God's right of creation, that you owe your life to God? In other words, by owing your life to God, whatever you aims in life are, whatever you do, they all ought to be attributed to God.

If this is true, it certainly follows that your life (your aims and acts) is wickedly corrupt unless your life is disposed to God's service given that God's revealed will ought for us to be the law by which we live. You cannot behold God clearly unless you acknowledge Him to be the originating source of every good. Given this, the desire to cling to God and trust in Him becomes apparent, except for the fact that man's depravity seduces His mind from rightly seeking God.

Ask Mr. Religion, Puritan Board 9 Comments [6/7/2017 1:37:41 PM]
Fundie Index: 3
Submitted By: Katie

Quote# 127880

With the goal of equipping parents and churches to educate children using an academically proven curriculum that cultivates a Biblical Worldview, Christian Education Europe provides access to the Accelerated Christian Education (A.C.E.) programme.

A.C.E. offers a complete, self-instructional curriculum that integrates Bible truths and character values throughout all subjects and grade levels. Biblical principles and concepts are interwoven into all aspects of the programme, developing critical thinking and apologetic skills, and science is taught from the Biblical perspective of creation.

Christian Education Europe , Christian Education Europe  12 Comments [6/7/2017 1:37:18 PM]
Fundie Index: 3
Submitted By: Katie

Quote# 127793

[OP of "Orthodox Russia teach a world a lesson"]

To Autistic Left, here's a post that'll piss you off. :)

Putin Russia build a new helicopter.

Putin Russia just recently killed over 130 ISIS military troops.

Putin Russia praise (((JESUS))).

Putin resurrect the destroyed churches from Atheist Jew-Communist Regime.

Russian Women are angels.

Putin is the leader of Faith, and Western Civilization.

What have USSA done? Absolutely nothing but brought misery to everybody's lives.

It is time to physically remove USSA Jews, Atheist-Commies, and Islam.

Grizmoblust, Reddit - r/Physical_Removal 12 Comments [6/7/2017 1:30:32 PM]
Fundie Index: 5
Submitted By: JeanP

Quote# 127789

These experts say I'm right -- the fossil record contradicts the theory of evolution and matches the creationist model.

"At the present stage of geological research, we have to admit that there is nothing in the geological records that runs contrary to the view of conservative creationists, that God created each species separately, presumably from the dust of the earth."

(Dr. Edmund J. Ambrose, Emeritus Prof of Cell Biology)

"A major problem in proving the theory [of evolution] has been the fossil record; the imprints of vanished species preserved in the Earth's geological formations. This record has never revealed traces of Darwin's hypothetical intermediate variants - instead species appear and disappear abruptly, and this anomaly has fueled the creationist argument that each species was created by God."

(Mark Czarnecki [evolutionist], "The Revival of the Creationist Crusade", MacLean's, January 19, 1981, p. 56.)

"Palaeobiologists flocked to these scientific visions of a world in a constant state of flux and admixture. But instead of finding the slow, smooth and progressive changes Lyell and Darwin had expected, they saw in the fossil records rapid bursts of change, new species appearing seemingly out of nowhere and then remaining unchanged for millions of years-patterns hauntingly reminiscent of creation."

(Pagel M. [Research fellow, Department of Zoology and Hertford College, Oxford University], "Happy accidents?" Nature, Vol 397, 25 February 1999, p.665)

"There are gaps in the fossil graveyard, places where there should be intermediate forms but where there is nothing whatsoever instead. No paleontologist writing in English (R. Carroll, 1988), French (J. Chaline, 1983), or German (V. Fahlbusch, 1983) denies this is so. It is simply a fact. Darwin's theory and the fossil record are in conflict" (David Berlinksi, mathematician and not a creationist in Commentary, Sept. 1996 pg. 28)

[email protected]Realabortiondebate 8 Comments [6/7/2017 1:30:06 PM]
Fundie Index: 5

Quote# 127904

I feel I must refute the idea that these are incoherent:He created beings with their own free will - to follow Him or to reject Him.
The Devil is a consequence of this God given freedom.
He did not create us as puppets or robots.Human science can't yet define how the soul interacts with our physical brain, but that does not mean that the interaction is not there.I do not presume to make judgements about Heaven until I get there!No - just free of the unavoidable consequences of material reactions, which allows us the freedom to choose rather than just react.I do not think you understand how thoughts are initiated, driven and perceived by our spiritual soul. I do not understand this myself, but it is just the way it is (not just the way it seems!).God has made Himself known to all mankind in the form of Jesus Christ.I see it as man rejecting God rather than the other way round.

Alan Burns, Religion and Ethics 12 Comments [6/7/2017 1:29:42 PM]
Fundie Index: 2
Submitted By: NearlySane

Quote# 127773

Brother Nathanael,

I’m sending you a small donation via snail mail.

It’s all I can afford right now. I agree with about 80 to 90% of what is on the website but do wish there was more looking into what the Scriptures say about our times.

The Devil can’t be defeated by humans. It requires divine intervention.

Jews and Blacks were the major promoters of American slavery. Some Blacks were so rich they owned their own slave ships built by Jewish manufacturers.

Jews profited highly in dozens of ways. But somehow, the guilt for American slavery got dumped on the White Christian population which had very little to do with it. Maybe, 2-3% of White Christians before the Civil War owned slaves in America.

Most Confederate soldiers didn’t fight the Civil War to preserve slave plantations owned mostly by rich Jews and Blacks but fought to keep their houses from being burned down or their wives and children from being raped and kidnapped by the invading hordes of Union soldiers.

Seek The Truth, Real Jew News 6 Comments [6/7/2017 1:27:58 PM]
Fundie Index: 8
Submitted By: Katie

Quote# 127771

Lady Checkmate:
It's time to stop drawing false equivalencies. Behavior is sin, skin color is not. Such statements are very demeaning and offensive to people of color.

Please resist the lies of satan when they are presented to you.

My comment is that God equates skin color with sin. Look at Africa.

Lady Checkmate:
Scotty, we're a Christian forum. Please comment on topic. The topic is in the OP: "Behavior is sin, being a certain race is not a sin". Do not try to threadjack off topic, start a sub topic, race bait, make the discussion about one race-vs-another race, etc.

*Please see our community guidelines before commenting or posting here again...the link is in our channel's description (top right hand corner of your screen). We're a Christian community and all are welcome to participate here as long as they comply with our community guidelines. Do not send me any off topic comments, nor questions nor concerns about my request here. If you have follow-up/clarifying questions or concerns please post them in the proper forum, not here, again, the link is in the guidelines.

Consider this a warning.


Note: After this warning, Lady Checkmate banned Scotty and then posted the following:

Lady Checkmate:
Rebooting this as I've noticed several agenda-trolls still pushing that lie. Behavior is a choice...skin color is not.

Lady Checkmate, Disqus - Faith & Religion 14 Comments [6/7/2017 1:27:47 PM]
Fundie Index: 4
Submitted By: Jocasta

Quote# 127768

this pride month if i see ANY of you fuckers including ace/aro identities anywhere, if you even fucking say the words asexual or aromantic in any context of pride in any day this June, you have 0% of my patience and respect. this month isn’t for ace/aro identities and never will be. shut the fuck up.

aphobeasriel, Tumblr 17 Comments [6/7/2017 1:27:29 PM]
Fundie Index: 4

Quote# 127756

Earl: Scientists do not talk about moving from theory to "proven fact".

Theories have to be testable. The theory of gravity is testable.

Evolution failed the test of science when it comes to the fossil record. Miserably. Now all that is left is untestable, unprovable premises of why the missing links are missing by the millions.

There is NO chance soft tissue could be found in dinosaur bones if they were 65 million years old. Real science says soft tissue can only last about 10,000 years.

At every turn, real science is rejected by evolutionists to prop up the theory, which is nothing but secular ideology.


[email protected]Realabortiondebate 7 Comments [6/7/2017 1:26:44 PM]
Fundie Index: 3

Quote# 127755

[Species] appear fully-formed with no evidence they evolved, period.

The entire evolutionary history of these species doesn't exist. And, evolutionists have are lame excuses that they can't even agree on why the fossil evidence is missing.

This fatal problem to all but those that want to have blind faith in theory that should have been discarded decades ago:

"The abrupt appearance of higher taxa in the fossil record has been a perennial puzzle. Not only do characteristic and distinctive remains of phyla appear suddenly, without known ancestors, but several classes of a phylum, orders of a class, and so on, commonly appear at approximately the same time, without known intermediates." *James W. Valentine and *Cathryn A. Campbell, "Genetic Regulation and the Fossil Record," in American Scientist Vol. 63, November-December, 1975, p. 673.

The order in which fossils are found in the Cambrian also contradicts the theory of evolution:

"The actual percentage of areas showing this progressive order from the simple to the complex is surprisingly small. Indeed formations with very complex forms of life are often found resting directly on the basic granites. Furthermore, I have in my own files a list of over 500 cases that attest to a reverse order, that is, simple forms of life resting on top of more advanced types." Walter E. Lammert, Growing Doubts: Is Evolutionary Theory Valid? p. 4.

BTW, evolutionists are notorious form naming the same species something different at various stages of history:

"Dr. Eldredge [American Museum of Natural History, New York City] was asked, `Do paleontologists name the same creatures differently when they are found in different geological periods?' He replied that this happens, but they are mistakes. When asked the same question, Dr. Patterson [British Museum, London] replied, `Oh, yes, that's very widely done.' Next he was asked, 'That doesn't seem quite honest. You wouldn't do that, would you?' He said that he hoped he wouldn't . .

Would not this practice make a lot more species? Dr. Raup [Chicago Museum] said it would; perhaps 70 percent of the species described [in the fossil rocks] are later found to be the same as existing species, so 70 percent of the new species named should not have been [given new names but were], either through ignorance or because of the ground rules used by the taxonomists." L.D. Sunderland, Darwin's Enigma (1988), pp. 130-131.

"An assistant of Dr. Eldredge, who was studying trilobite fossils at the American Museum, explained to the author how he made the decision on naming a new species: `I look at a fossil for about two weeks and then if I think it looks different enough, I give it a new name.' So it is simply a matter of judgment with no firm ground rules." Op. cit., p. 131.

[email protected]Realabortiondebate 3 Comments [6/7/2017 1:26:24 PM]
Fundie Index: 3

Quote# 127750

Hey! Just a friendly reminder since I’ve largely retired from discourse, but since it’s pride month and people still don’t understand this, uh:

If you’re ace and not gay/bi/non-cis you’re a joke, you don’t deserve to be anywhere near lgbt spaces (not even as an ally, given your community’s track record), you’re a vile mongrel of a human, and you don’t deserve my faggot ass’s support! I hate you and hope nothing but bad things happen to you :)
If you’re lgbt and aren’t happy w/ my opinion on this (for how blunt and violent it is) that’s chill! I’m sorry but also won’t change this post or my mind. If you’re cishet, ace or otherwise, you have no room to criticize this opinion/post and can unfollow me for it if you want.

Aces ain’t lgbt. Lgbt aces are still, barely, lgbt, due to their willful connection with this farcical community. aces are not, never have been, and never will be oppressed and therefor have no place in our community and are not deserving of a single day of pride, let alone a month.

cstalli, Tumblr 19 Comments [6/7/2017 1:24:04 PM]
Fundie Index: 9

Quote# 127744

If he preys on children, he is a pedophile. Not a homosexual.

If someone preys on a member of the same sex they are a homo. What's your point?

The point is you keep trying to paint homosexuals and pedophiles as the same thing. We get that you hate both, but they are not the same.

The only difference is the subject of their perversion, everything else is exactly the same. "We get that" You apparently are as perceptive of that as you are perverts. But I guess you must mean that you love both.

Homosexuality isn't a perversion. I recognize however that certain branches of faith-based hate teach this, even though it flies directly in the face of the very science everyone EXCEPT you knows isn't lying to them. But then, you deny evolution so your willful desire to hate makes sense in that regard.
I don't love homosexuality in the same way that I don't love heterosexuality. I accept both as valid forms of human sexuality. Like most people. And that isn't "appealing to authority". It's accepting diversity and empathy, learning from science and rejecting hate.

Homosexuality is most definitely a perversion. I recognize however that certain branches of wacko far-left based hate teach this, even though it flies directly in the face of the very science everyone EXCEPT you knows isn't lying to them. But then, you deny evolution has NO proof so your willful desire to hate makes sense in that regard.
"It's accepting diversity and empathy" Accept one you accept them all or you're just another useless hypocrite.

Oboehner, Christian News Network 8 Comments [6/7/2017 1:23:45 PM]
Fundie Index: 4
Submitted By: Jocasta

Quote# 127574

(on some story about the Pope)

Matthew 23.9 "And call no man your father upon the earth: for one is your Father, which is in heaven."

The tired old "Call no man Father" thing. You guys really need new material. That's known as a PRATT (Previously Refuted a Thousand Times).

Amos Moses:
all i see is scripture ..... and then you say "PRATT" ..... scripture has not been refuted ..... ever ..... except by the unregenerate narcissists who are legends in their own minds and are want to believe their own propaganda ............ NUFFIN

This is a good time to school you on what it means to have an interpretation of the words of scripture. Scripture also says call no man "leader" or "teacher" yet that is somehow acceptable. This is hypocrisy on a grand scale, Amos. What are we to make of the Scriptures that contradict this one? For example, in Mark 7:9-13, Jesus criticizes the Pharisees and scribes for not honoring their "fathers."
Father-son relationships are found all over the Bible. You either have to say that the Bible's contradicting itself or leave room for interpretation, in this case hyperbole in the language used. And let's not forget how many interpretations the original words have already been through.

Amos Moses:
No .... adding to scripture is forbidden .... interpretation of scripture is ADDING to scripture ..... and then it is NO LONGER scripture ........

No, Amos, interpreting scripture is what you do when you read it. Your brain decides for you what the words mean. And the problem is that what your brain comes up with is going to be different from what another Christian's brain comes up with.
No one's adding anything by interpreting it.

Amos Moses:
"interpreting scripture is what you do when you read it"
NO .... when you read it .... it says what it says ..... when you "interpret it" ..... you try to make it say what you want and NOT what it said ........ so NOT scripture at that point ........

Here's another dictionary definition for you, since you seem to need them so often:
INTERPRET - v. explain the meaning of (information, words, or actions)."the evidence is difficult to interpret"synonyms:explain, elucidate, expound, explicate, clarify, illuminate, shed light on

Amos Moses:
nope ...... we are not allowed to bring our "interpretation" to the word of God ...... expository reading is not interpretation ...... another synonym is exegesis ....... we do not go to the text with our preconceived notion of what it says and then come up with our theology ....... we read what it says and take our theology from it .......... the dictionary gives a general idea but it lacks specificity ..... scripture interprets scripture ....... not the dictionary ...........

Amos Moses, Christian News Network 8 Comments [6/7/2017 1:23:05 PM]
Fundie Index: 2
Submitted By: Jocasta

Quote# 127892

The LGBT movement was birthed in depravity and violence and has never changed. Behind the facade of ubiquitous pro-LGBT propaganda in the media and academia is a community of deeply troubled people, rife with drug and alcohol abuse, domestic violence, self-destructive behaviors, ‘hate crime’ hoaxes, Machiavellian political manipulations at every level, pathological self-centeredness and seething hatred for anyone who dares oppose the ‘gay’ agenda.

Scott Lively, WND 7 Comments [6/7/2017 1:20:29 PM]
Fundie Index: 4
Submitted By: Demon Duck of Doom

Quote# 127891

[On the Manchester attack]

What was the name of that concert? ‘Dangerous Woman concert.’ If we could tell you what we know—and we don’t have time today—but we’re going to talk about some of those things, they literally invited these kinds of things to happen. They almost cursed themselves with this concert. I tell you what, God’s not going to put up with mockery. ‘Be not deceived, God is not mocked.’

Jim Bakker, Right Wing Watch 14 Comments [6/7/2017 1:20:25 PM]
Fundie Index: 3
Submitted By: Demon Duck of Doom

Quote# 127876

Robert, Have you heard of Taqiyya...and as the Muslim guy tried to explain on Jesse Watters the other night, there are more ways than just violence that muslims in this country are supporting jihad -- with financial support.

Have you been paying attention to how islamic extremism has taken over Europe?

They are fine when there are only a few in a community. But then when they start to be in the majority they start making demands. They want to shut down restaurants that sell liquor, they want to stop people from walking their dogs to pick up their kids at school, they say no pictures because you might get their tented wife in the background (who looks like every other tented wife). They form gangs (which is happening in my daughter's area), they become very hostile. I witnessed one purposely start from down the grocery aisle going very fast to ram his cart into a young pretty girl really hurting her. Store wouldn't do anything even though they looked at the monitors and said -- he is muslim, it would create problems.

They gradually take over. It doesn't happen overnight -- although it is happening pretty fast.

I guess living where you do, you don't worry about it.

BTW, some courts in England do have Sharia law now. Many muslims have tried it here. One judge agreed with one that since his religion said it was okay to rape his wife, then it was okay. It was overturned, but still...

Like I said - have you not been paying attention to Europe, how it gradually or not so gradually overtook their countries?


FairSharFairShar, Realabortiondebate 29 Comments [6/6/2017 8:34:08 AM]
Fundie Index: 10