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Quote# 125538

[Comment under '"Paris, once known as Europe's city of romance is now an Islamic terror hot bed. France, save yourselves in the upcoming elections!"']

Who are they going to elect that will not only stop kebab but remove kebab? All kebab must be removed - men, women, children.

JonathanLamppost, Reddit - r/The_Donald 14 Comments [3/19/2017 1:52:09 PM]
Fundie Index: 5
Submitted By: JeanP

Quote# 125536

Regarding the talk about FAKE NEWS, remember: the two greatest FAKE NEWS items permeating the culture are molecules-to-man evolution and millions of years.

The claim that the universe and life arose by natural processes is one of those FAKE NEWS items that permeates education and the culture.

The ministry of Answers in Genesis, Creation Museum, and Ark Encounter exist to help overcome the FAKE NEWS and disseminate the truth of creation and the gospel message. “Have you not known? Have you not heard?The LORD is the everlasting God, the Creator of the ends of the earth” (Isaiah 40:28).

Ken Ham, Ken Ham's Facebook page 15 Comments [3/19/2017 1:51:36 PM]
Fundie Index: 7
Submitted By: Chris

Quote# 125534

My conclusion. I don’t need any gigantic penis and 8-packs. All I need now is my own immortal body that can fly. I wanna meet Jesus in the air. And, in the New Millennium, I can ask Jesus to go naked swimming with me in an island in the Pacific. I really would rather peek Jesus’ immortal gorgeous penis bumping and jumping just like a very extremely gorgeous pendulum swinging backward and forward in a really fast way when we both go naked playing volleyball on pearl-white sands of beach. I don’t need a huge jumbo walking HIV in human form with 8-packs and a gigantic penis, earthly and fast aging and dirty and deadly and very poor and very stupid. Bear in mind. I’m an extraordinarily smart Bella Boy, and I’ve found my Edward, Lord Jesus. I’m taken. So, any earthly Jacob with 8-packs and a gigantic penis is simply just a huge jumbo walking HIV in human form to me. Don’t bother me and get lost.

usachinanukewar, All-out US-China nuclear war, looming, to wipe out one-fourths of the earth 6 Comments [3/19/2017 1:51:15 PM]
Fundie Index: 8
Submitted By: Denizen

Quote# 125533

Do you know why I love Twilight? Because I’m Bella. I’m 100% Bella. Bella is I. Her mind and her loyalty is my mind and my loyalty. My lover doesn’t have to be 6 or 8 packs with a gigantic penis. I’m a very extremely Bella Boy. I’m Bella. I’m very extremely Bella-like. Only one exception, I’m a Christian and she is an atheist. The way Bella talks is my way when talking. The way Bella thinks and ponders in her mind is my way when go thinking and pondering. I’m Peter the Bella. When I see Bella, I see me, I see myself. This is the key crucial and the only reason why I love Twilight series.

The way Bella loves Edward is my way I love Jesus, unconditionally and irrevocably. All I want is I can sink and squeeze my immortal head into and on His big Chest and on His Shoulder in my eternal life. I wanna hear Jesus’ Heart Beat when my ear is stuck on His big Chest. I wanna feel Jesus’ body temperature when being hugged tight in Jesus’ Arms. I wanna hold tight His Hand walking, chatting, talking, laughing on the beach on the earth with the sunset, the sky and clouds radiating in orange glory as the background, just Jesus and I, both smiling and hands holding tight with each other. I wanna dine and eat breakfast with Jesus every day. I wanna see Him face to face. And when He is occupied by other His beloved saints, I can wait.

usachinanukewar, All-out US-China nuclear war, looming, to wipe out one-fourths of the earth 17 Comments [3/19/2017 1:51:05 PM]
Fundie Index: 6
Submitted By: Denizen

Quote# 125471

A "huge warrior angel" protect a group of Christians from Muslim extremists who entered their place of worship shouting "Allahu Akbar," determined to kill them.

The Christians, all converts from Islam, were worshiping at a church in Central Africa when a mob of Muslims, angered by the recent evangelistic efforts of the believers, stormed the church, according to a report from Bibles for Mideast, an underground Christian ministry that distributes Bibles and conducts evangelism in Asia, South Africa and the Middle East.

The mob, brandishing swords and iron bars, shouted "Allahu Akbar" - "Allah is Great" - while destroying the church and ripping off the church roof. Then, they turned to the Christians, determined to kill them for their faith. One man stabbed the pastor's neck with a large sword.

Suddenly, Pastor Musthafa, the leader of the church, felt an invisible person - who he later identified as a "huge warrior angel" - pull him away from the blade.

The attacker, unable to regain his composure or aim, ended up injuring himself with his own sword. Furious, the attackers began beating believers.

Amid the chaos, heavy rain and blustery winds unexpectedly formed with thunder and lightning, swirling around the church and surrounding area. Massive drops of rain fell on the attackers like stones, throwing them into disarray.

Miraculously, the believers stayed dry and protected from the downpour - and suddenly, everyone then became aware of a large cloud overshadowing the church, shielding believers from the rain. The Christians then saw the Lord Jesus in the cloud, and fell to their knees before Him. Terrified, the Muslim extremists fled, fighting to run through the hailstorm.

Leah Marieann Klett, Gospel Herald 19 Comments [3/19/2017 1:50:56 PM]
Fundie Index: 9
Submitted By: zipperback

Quote# 125162

ippy...It doesn't matter if you don't believe. :) That is just your path of development. You will also get there like everyone else. Maybe in your next birth you will be a Yogi living in the Himalayas...you never know! ;)

Making someone understand is very difficult. Taking the simple instance of the moon landing deniers. How can you possibly convince them that people have actually landed on the moon? Anything you argue or show them could be mocked and dismissed. That is the way their mind is programmed and that will not change easily.

Similarly, if someone does not believe that there is anything beyond the mundane realities of the body, earth and so on, there is nothing anyone can do to convince them that there is something. All philosophy and detailed spiritual teachings are for those who accept them in the first place.

Sriram, Religion and Ethics 7 Comments [3/19/2017 1:50:25 PM]
Fundie Index: 3
Submitted By: Nearly Sane

Quote# 125530

A 19-year-old aspiring model was killed by a train during a photo shoot at the tracks.

Heartbreaking? Reports released in 2 successive days for what? An unmarried pregnant 19 year old from a broken family who was working on her second child with a 25 year old bum outside of Houston gets run over by a BNSF freight train for lack of common sense. Great story. Next!

American Citizen, Yahoo! News 20 Comments [3/18/2017 6:21:09 PM]
Fundie Index: 12

Quote# 125528

Jesus is immortal white, which means He must be very extremely gorgeous and, of course, yummy and tasty when eating Him, and He is the Creator of mandarin, my real Ancestor and Origin. Oh, baby, right now, I am on the peak, on the climax, on the pinnacle, of love towards Jesus. Now, absolutely, on the ultimate peak, climax and pinnacle. I’m gotta strip Jesus’ clothes off, just shirtless, not completely naked, whenever He hangs out with me in my own mansion He gives to me. I’m gotta be so speechless and joyfully stunned and submerge myself into His ultimate beauty of His immortal white skin plus a little bit sun-tan, a perfect mix, my ultimately favorite skin color, and all immortal, and His big chest and immortal 8-packs. My Sugar Daddy and Darling.

usachinanukewar, All-out US-China nuclear war, looming, to wipe out one-fourths of the earth 22 Comments [3/18/2017 6:20:44 PM]
Fundie Index: 8
Submitted By: Denizen

Quote# 125526

Royce continues to insist that Jesus is named in the Constitution, and has expended several days defending this position by insulting people, telling them to look it up, or calling them lies, but has not simply shown us where it is.

[Posts the full text of the entire United States Constitution, in its entirety, except the signatures.]

Royce E. Van Blaricome:
Thank you for showing and proving that it is YOU that is dishonest and most likely a Liar because I doubt VERY much that you accidentally just happened to leave out the one section of the Constitution that PROVES you wrong!!

See folks, go read this section for yourself and then you will see how dishonest and deceiving these Deceivers are.

Yes, you are dishonest and a deceiver. I have shown that I am honest. I have left out nothing of the text of the US Constitution. I stated at the top that I did not include the signatories, and that is because they are not relevant.

The only person that is dishonest here is you. You have not been able to show anywhere in the text of the US Constitution where the words "God", "Christ", or "Jesus" are mentioned.

Royce E. Van Blaricome:
LOL. Actually you've proved and continue to prove by that very statement that it is YOU who is dishonest and a deceiver. YOU are the one who posted the INCOMPLETE Constitution with the obvious intent to deceive by leaving out the VERY part of the Constitution that PROVES you wrong.

"I stated at the top that I did not include the signatories, and that is because they are not relevant."

More deception and distraction!! You and I both know that the signatures are NOT the only thing you left out. Again, anyone can go look for themselves now and you will be revealed for exactly who you are.

"The only person that is dishonest here is you. You have not been able to show anywhere in the text of the US Constitution where the words "God", "Christ", or "Jesus" are mentioned."

More deception and distraction. Unfortunately for you, you quoted my exactly words previous stated and when one goes and reads the Constitution you slide-of-hand will be revealed.

[Again reposts the entire text of the Constitution.]

"God, Christ, Jesus is clearly stated in the Constitution." WHERE? If it does not use those words it's not there!

Royce E. Van Blaricome:
Oh sheesh, another ignorant, lazy, cretin with an anti-Jesus avatar that proves their either uneducated and don't understand how to read and understand simple English or to much of a God-hater and too fearful to actually go look for the Truth for fear of what they'll find.

Thank you. I appreciate you showing that to everyone!

Jenny Ondioline:
I just went looking. He is right. No mention of Jesus or Christ in the Constitution. That's a lot of names you just called somebody for stating the truth. I wonder how many names you will call me now for pointing this out.

Royce E. Van Blaricome:
Well, ya better go look again because it's right there in black & white. Well, let's see, since you just told a lie what name do you think fits? Whattaya call someone who tells lies openly in public? I'm guessing you're not blind since you seem to have no problem in choosing to come here and repeatedly and regularly repeat your lies and other nonsense.

All you pointed out is that you either are knowingly and intentionally lying in order to deceive or simply ignorant and have no grasp at all on the English language.

It's right there in the Constitution and every single Signer of the Constitution publicly and permanently acknowledged that Jesus Christ IS Lord.

Thanks for proving the Word of God true by saying the exact same thing that many have said here before on this very sight (and others) and been proven wrong. It only goes to prove Eph. 2:1-3 true and that y'all are being led around by Satan like a dog on a leash. Just regurgitating the same old lines over and over and over again. All the while making fools of yourselves.

Royce E. Van Blaricome, Christian News Network 17 Comments [3/18/2017 6:20:32 PM]
Fundie Index: 7

Quote# 125524

Royce continues to insist that Jesus is named in the U.S. Constitution, but refuses to show where.

"Ever watch Bill O'Reilly when he gives the "Word of the Day"? If so, you'll be familiar with "Go look it up. If someone gives you the answers you don't learn anything and you don't remember it.""

No, I do not watch Bill O'Reilly, or any similar show. And I have looked it up. I have read through the US Constitution and its Amendments numerous times. Your claim is unsupported.

"Thank you for posting the website address for all to go to. I appreciate that. I actually went there and I appreciate you proving yourself wrong."

Actually, that site proves that you are the one that is wrong.

"It's right there on that very site you gave in black & white, MUCH APPRECIATED!!"

Then state the Article or Amendment, Section, and paragraph. You made the positive assertion, so you need to support it. Or do I need to post the entire text of the US Constitution to show that you are wrong? Nobody else sees what you claim is there.

You are the only one that is showing himself to be blind. Or more likely, dishonest.

Royce E. Van Blaricome:
"No, I do not watch Bill O'Reilly, or any similar show. And I have looked it up. I have read through the US Constitution and its Amendments numerous times. Your claim is unsupported."

Well, maybe you should. Might learn something. And thanks for showing that you're just as blind as the other yahoo's on here who deny what's right there in black & white.

"Actually, that site proves that you are the one that is wrong."

Nope. Just proves your either outright lying, too ignorant to read, or so steeped in your own delusion and denial that you can't see what's right before your very eyes. But hey, take comfort. There have been many others who were in the same boat and ALL have been proven wrong as well. So you're not alone.

"Then state the Article or Amendment, Section, and paragraph. You made the positive assertion, so you need to support it. Or do I need to post the entire text of the US Constitution to show that you are wrong? Nobody else sees what you claim is there."

I don't need prove squat to you. As I've repeated said here, you people can't read black & white right before your eyes so cutting and pasting it here isn't gonna help you!

You wanna post the "entire Constitution" to show me I'm wrong - have at buddy. I look forward to seeing you prove yourself a Liar and deceptive in public. Just as you did with your false statement that nobody else sees it. Others most certainly have.

"You are the only one that is showing himself to be blind. Or more likely, dishonest."

Take a chainsaw to that Giant Sequoia Tree sticking outta your eye socket and maybe you'll see better and not be so blind.

Sorry, but I am not the one that is blind. Unlike you, I do not need talk show hosts to learn things. I can research the subject on my own. And despite your claims, I am extremely literate, honest, grounded in reality, not in denial, and I can easily see what is in front of me.

You have not proven me wrong. You have been committing logical fallacies right an left. You have been trying to shift the burden of proof, probably because you cannot support your claims. You have been engaging in ad hominems for the same reason. You have also engaged in a few more logical fallacies.

Unlike you, I am not delusional. I cannot see what is not there.

You have made the assertion that the USA Constitution contains multiple references to "God", "Jesus", and "Christ" in its text. That is a positive assertion, and you have been challenged to support your claims. You have not even been asked to post the exact text, just the location of it. You have refused to do so repeatedly. Therefore, the only reasonable conclusion is that you are a liar. You cannot support your claims, and thus you have been defeated.

Royce E. Van Blaricome:
You're sorry, alright. And you are blind - spiritually-blind.

If you're so doggone literate, honest, and grounded in reality, then STOP telling lies and do the honest thing - cite the WHOLE Constitution right here so everyone can see you're lying!!

And now you lie openly. I never made the assertion that the USA Constitution contains 'multiple references to "God", "Jesus", and "Christ" in its text. Anyone can go back and see exactly what I said. Nice attempt at the typical Liberal tactic of Distraction & Diversion.

" You have refused to do so repeatedly. Therefore, the only reasonable conclusion is that you are a liar. You cannot support your claims, and thus you have been defeated."

ROTFLMBO!!!! So you think that's a reasonable conclusion? LOL When what I've said and maintained all along is 1) Go read the Constitution yourself, and 2) It would do me NO good whatsoever to actually copy & paste it here because it would still be in Black & White which you EVIDENTLY can NOT read!! LOL

I have supported my claims and you have NOT. Because you CAN'T!! The B&W text proves you wrong EVERY time!!!!!!!!! LOL

Defeated? Ha ha ha LOLOLOLOLOL It's easy to see who's been defeated. YOU and all the others who can't read and understand plain English! LOL

"You're sorry, alright. And you are blind - spiritually-blind."

Actually, I see very clearly. I removed the blinders that you wear decades ago.

"If you're so doggone literate, honest, and grounded in reality, then STOP telling lies and do the honest thing - cite the WHOLE Constitution right here so everyone can see you're lying!!"

I have not been telling any lies. And I have cited the entire Constitution and shown everyone that you have been lying.

"And now you lie openly. I never made the assertion that the USA Constitution contains 'multiple references to "God", "Jesus", and "Christ" in its text. Anyone can go back and see exactly what I said. Nice attempt at the typical Liberal tactic of Distraction & Diversion."

Actually, I have been telling the truth all along. It is usually a Conservative tactic to Distract and Divert the conversation, since you have been the one that has been engaging in that tactic, not me.

As far as when you claimed that the US Constitution contained multiple references to "God", "Jesus", and "Christ" in the text, you should really review your own posting history before making such a challenge. Its child's play to show that you are lying again.

[Reposts the conversation so far.]

Royce E. Van Blaricome:
[Calls each post dishonest, or lies, but offers no refutation.]

Royce E. Van Blaricome, Christian News Network 9 Comments [3/18/2017 6:20:26 PM]
Fundie Index: 5

Quote# 125522

Amos Moses:
"Maison recently decided to have her breasts removed and changed her name to Eric."
"“How society views me and my relationship—I don’t care, they don’t live in my house. Us and our children are the only ones who matter,”"

mmmmm .... still a woman ......... breasteses does not make you a woman nor does their removal change you what you were born as ..... rebellion to the truth and nothing else ...... the DNA is not altered by fat removal ........... even rebellion to science and common sense .... /SMH .......

Ambulance Chaser:
Okay, what is this person's DNA sequence?

Amos Moses:
more straw for your strawman, sir? ...................... maybe we could stuff it in like the Scarecrow in the Wizard of Oz .............

Ambulance Chaser:
So, you have no idea. Got it.

You're going to opine long and loud about how a certain person's "DNA" makes them a woman, but you don't know what his/her DNA sequence is.

Do you know what DNA is in general?

Amos Moses:
no ... you have a strawman argument that HAS NO STRAW .....

Ambulance Chaser:
Let me try this again, since you don't seem to be grasping it:

"the DNA is not altered by fat removal"

So I'm asking you: What is her DNA, since you seem to be the expert on it? And while you're at it, what is it about her DNA that makes her female?

I'm simply asking you to back up your own statements.

Amos Moses:
You serious?

[Posts video of sardonic laughter]

Ambulance Chaser:
Yes, I'm serious. Now answer the question.

Amos Moses:
no .... you are not serious ............ strawman ...... flame on torch ............ *crackle, crackle, crackle* ...............

[Posts video of burning a strawman]

you can borrow my crayon to connect the dots .............

Ambulance Chaser:
Do you know what a strawman is? You seem to be having trouble with that too.

Amos Moses:
"A straw man is a common form of argument and is an informal fallacy based on giving the impression of refuting an opponent's argument, while refuting an argument that was not advanced by that opponent. One who engages in this fallacy is said to be "attacking a straw man"."

That be you .............

Amos Moses, Christian News Network 21 Comments [3/18/2017 6:18:57 PM]
Fundie Index: 3

Quote# 125503

Christians Should Support The Travel Ban

Hypocrisy and false narratives are expanding in this brand new year under President Trump’s control. Thank God this man is keeping his promises to the American people who are tired of empty rhetoric. President Trump just issued an executive order a few days ago that banned immigration and refugee travel for 7 countries labeled as sources of terror by the Obama administration. Somehow taking Obama’s own notation of these countries containing terror cells is racist: the hypocrisy is laughable. You also never saw the Left crying and screaming when Obama banned Iraqi refugees for six months or when Jimmy Carter banned Iranian refugees for a period of time. I can handle hypocrisy, but I cannot handle the personal attacks against Christians that are not lined up outside of the White House or airports acting like fools with the rest of the Left.

The Left and their faction of liberal Christians have used Leviticus to push the narrative that if you support the travel ban, then you are not a Christian and have no compassion. Let me quickly educate you on why this is not only false, but very offensive. Leviticus talks about how foreigners that reside in your country should be treated fairly and kindly as you would your own brothers and sisters. The Left is twisting this to say that we are obligated to go against the warnings of our national security advisers, who say that ISIS and other organizations will infiltrate the refugee population, in the name of compassion and tolerance. The Bible does not say to show compassion at the expense of your own safety.

LPTREY, Th3 Platform 8 Comments [3/18/2017 6:17:32 PM]
Fundie Index: 5
Submitted By: Chris

Quote# 125502

A pastor in a fundamentalist Christian sect that rejects doctors and drugs has been charged in the death of a child -- his own granddaughter -- from medical neglect.

The novel prosecution is raising hopes among some advocates that it might spur change in a church that has resisted it.

Faith Tabernacle Congregation has long told adherents to place their trust in God alone for healing. As a result, dozens of children, mostly in Pennsylvania, have died of preventable and treatable illnesses.

Church members reject modern medicine as a bedrock tenet of their faith, even as some have faced manslaughter charges in child deaths dating back 35 years.

Until now, though, no leader in the sect has ever faced charges.

With a routine course of antibiotics, 2-year-old Ella Foster would have almost certainly beaten the pneumonia that took her life in November. But her parents refused medical care, and she succumbed shortly after they asked the Rev. Rowland Foster to anoint her.

Foster, 72, pastor of a Faith Tabernacle Congregation church district in Berks County, was charged with a felony this month under a state law requiring clergy members, teachers and other "mandated reporters" to turn the names of suspected child abusers over to authorities for investigation.

The law makes no exception for clergy who happen to be related to the abused child, as Foster was to Ella.

Most states have similar laws that require clergy to report abuse.

"He was well aware of the fact that this child was in need of medical treatment and he never reported it, nor do I believe that he ever had the intention to report it," Berks County District Attorney John Adams, whose office is prosecuting Foster, said in an interview.

Cathleen Palm, of the Pennsylvania-based Center for Children's Justice, said she hopes the prosecution, at a minimum, will spur action in the Legislature to protect children whose parents don't seek necessary medical care based on religion.

Neither the Rev. Foster nor his attorney returned calls for comment.

Ella's parents, Jonathan and Grace Foster, were charged earlier with involuntary manslaughter and await trial. Police have said Jonathan Foster attributed Ella's death to "God's will."

The reclusive sect, founded in Philadelphia more than a century ago, does not give media interviews.

At the Faith Tabernacle church and school campus in Mechanicsburg, where Rowland Foster is the pastor, an Associated Press reporter who entered the building was quickly ordered to leave. An older man who accepted a letter seeking comment from church officials promised to shred it.

Faith Tabernacle Congregation, Lehigh Valley Live 14 Comments [3/18/2017 6:17:27 PM]
Fundie Index: 7
Submitted By: Demon Duck of Doom

Quote# 125479

Pagan drunk leprechauns. God hates your idol St Patrick's Day. Jesus is God, not homosexual St.Patrick.

KJVwarlord, Twitter 19 Comments [3/18/2017 6:10:20 PM]
Fundie Index: 7

Quote# 125478

We shouldn't be too contemptuous of the Venezuelans, though. They fell for socialism. We fell for feminism and civic nationalism. All three concepts are equally stupid, as all three fly completely in the face of our current understanding of the relevant sciences as well as thousands of years of written human history.

Vox Day, Vox Popoli 5 Comments [3/18/2017 6:10:12 PM]
Fundie Index: 11

Quote# 125477

Congressman Steve King [R, Iowa] believes dog fighting should not be illegal in in the United States.

His explanation for this baffling statement? Since humans are allowed to fight, why not allow dogs as well? ‘It’s wrong to rate animals above human being’ King opinatined during an interview at a town hall.

‘There is something wrong with society to make it a crime to watch dog fighting, but there is no law that bans somebody to watch people fight’. (An audio recording of his statement can be listened below in the video).

[Commentary by the author removed]

Unfortunately, Mr. King has a lot to catch up. I have also learned that this is not the first time Congressman King has sparked outrage in the animal rights community.

1. In February 2010, King tweeted that he chased and shot a raccoon because the helpless animal had tried to get into his house during a powerful storm.

2. In July 2012, King strongly opposed the McGovern amendment (in connection to the 1012 farm bill) that would have established penalties for knowingly attending an animal fiht and for bringing underage children to such events.

3. King was also one of the members that voted against an upgrade of penalties for transporting fighting animals across state lines in 2007.

Steve King, Doggies 18 Comments [3/18/2017 6:10:07 PM]
Fundie Index: 7
Submitted By: Demon Duck of Doom

Quote# 125472

The Great Commission is fourfold: (1) Go into all the world, (2) Preach the Gospel, (3) Water baptize converts as a public profession of their faith, (4) Indoctrinate them with the Word of God, so they can bear much fruit and reproduce (Luke 8:15). It is this fourth command in The Great Commission that is called “discipleship.” The reason why we have so many shallow Christian testimonies in America today is because churches don't fully obey The Great Commission, failing to teach converts or mentor them to become soulwinners! God intended for “The Great Commission” to perpetuate the New Testament Church!

It also requires hating everyone and everything in this life in comparison to your love for God. That's why I preach hard and uncompromising like I do, making enemies all around the world.

David J. Stewart, Jesus is Precious 13 Comments [3/18/2017 6:09:10 PM]
Fundie Index: 5

Quote# 125527

Simply put and defined. Lord Jesus Christ is my Husband, Boyfriend, Honey, Sweetheart, Darling, Super Sugar Daddy, Emperor. I’m His son and bride and an immortal concubine that always stays calm and cool when witnessing my Husband kissing another saint. I do promise I will never be hysterically crying and weeping and slamming another saint’s immortal face, just because Jesus kisses him or her in a long, sweet French kiss in front of my eyes. Oh, baby, that gotta be a great challenge for me to handle and deal with in my eternal life. Well, that’s just the only problem I might face in my eternal life with my Jesus, my Boyfriend and Husband. I must share my Jesus with other saints. I can do it.

usachinanukewar, All-out US-China nuclear war, looming, to wipe out one-fourths of the earth 11 Comments [3/18/2017 4:20:05 PM]
Fundie Index: 7
Submitted By: Denizen

Quote# 125469

[From "The Dating Dilemma" - Bolding mine]

I have often wished parents could see their youngsters at school or Bible camp without the youngster's knowledge. Parents would learn a great deal about the impact these premature boy-girl relationships have had on their sons and daughters. I have observed at camps for example that many girls get up one and two hours before reville. To pray? Memorize Scripture, read their Bibles and meditate on Scripture? No, if this were true, we would certainly have different camps. The reason for this zeal to get out of bed is to "put on their face" with painstaking care so as to best be able to attract the latest cute boy they are chasing.

How popular would camp be if everyone knew in advance only boys or only girls would be in attendance? At the very least, I believe it is incumbent on us as Christian leaders to prevent and discourage this fleshly nonsense, such as different times for swimming of boys and girls, seating at all events, chapels, meals, etc., segregated by sex, no physical or contact sports with mixed sexes, etc.


My children know they will never be allowed to date a person their parents are not actively considering as genuine marriage-material for them. And then, dating is with a no-touch policy and is always chaperoned.

In other words, such dating would not occur until after high school and would be under strictly controlled circumstances. Moreover, the person dated would only be a candidate previously considered, prayed over, and enthusiastically approved by the parents, not someone chosen by the emotional whims or fleshly likes of our children. Most youngsters know far more about driving a car than they do about how to choose a marriage partner.

What a relief for a youngster to know that they are not allowed to participate in frantic boy/girl relationships! They can actually concentrate on the responsibility of becoming the youngster God and their parents want them to be instead of being involved in this popular, fleshly distraction. Some youngsters are battling with feelings of insecurity, low self-image, rejection, etc., because of the intense social pressure among their peers to conform in this practice of dating. They believe they are a failure if they do not measure up to the standards of the group.

Mom and Dad, if you would prevent this dating game in your youngster's life, you will probably see improved academics, family relationships, spiritual growth, and emotional stability instead of wondering about their loyalty, thought life, and whether they will keep their purity through high school. One cannot find what we call dating or pairing off in the Bible with the possible exception of Sampson in the Book of Judges. And he stands out as a strong warning against the indulgence of flesh. Whereas he was physically the strongest man in the world, he was weak in controlling his desires and emotions which ultimately cost him his testimony, his eyesight, his honor, and even his life.

Fathers, please do not expect your virile, immature young son to control his emotions and rein in his flesh when a woman's whorish ways can even overcome many "strong men" (Proverbs 7:26), and absolutely destroy them. What he needs is a Dad who will say no to dating and pairing off for his boy and careful guidance about parentally approved, chaperoned dating when he is ready for marriage. Youngsters need parents who will be looking for prospective marriage candidates on their behalf, parents who will look for character, compatibility of families, spiritual qualifications, who would compliment their child, etc. A levelheaded, Holy Spirit directed parent is far more qualified to seek marriage prospects than a teenager with roller coaster emotions, newly functioning glands and who is filled with desires very difficult for him to control.

Parents, you can have your daughter wear a white wedding gown and not be a liar about the purity it represents. Your children can come to a wedding altar pure, having never even touched their spouse if you love them enough to lay down some rules and assist them through this potential pitfall of life called dating. It not only is devastating to emotions and to moral purity, it is a colossal failure in terms of producing strong, stable marriages. One only has to look at the overloaded divorce courts to see the awful results of dating and the marriages that resulted from this modern American practice.

Rev. Ronald E. Williams, Faith Bible Baptist Church 16 Comments [3/18/2017 4:07:33 PM]
Fundie Index: 8
Submitted By: JeanP

Quote# 125465

Lamar W. Eagerton Sr.: I don't understand why Ken Ham lends this imposter credibility by giving him a platform. He isn't even a scientist.

Mark L. for Ken here: with Mr. Nye's new TV program, a movie, and his constant presence on TV and elsewhere, it is more important than ever to counter his very public views of origins and climate change. People need to be equipped.

Lamar W. Eagerton Sr. & Mark L., Ken Ham's Facebook page 7 Comments [3/18/2017 4:01:39 PM]
Fundie Index: 5
Submitted By: Chris

Quote# 125464

If 1 terrorist gets into USA...1...all American patriots need to A) Boycott Hawaii...and B) Sue Hawaii for billions in damages & losses.

Wayne Allyn Root, Twitter 14 Comments [3/18/2017 3:58:59 PM]
Fundie Index: 5
Submitted By: Chris

Quote# 125523

Royce has claimed that Jesus is mentioned by name in the Constitution.

Where? Article and paragraph please. If in the Amendments, then the Amendment, and in applicable, the section and paragraph.

By the way, the Declaration of Independence is not the US Constitution.

You making a claim that is so easy to show to be false does not change the facts either.

Royce E. Van Blaricome:
Ever watch Bill O'Reilly when he gives the "Word of the Day"? If so, you'll be familiar with "Go look it up. If someone gives you the answers you don't learn anything and you don't remember it."

I know full well that the DOI isn't the Constitution. That's why I was the guy who pointed out to someone below a few days ago that "Creator" is not in the Constitution but rather the DOI.

You making a claim that is so easy to show to be false does not change the facts either. The words are right there in Black & white and they've NEVER been erased.

So thank you for showing who really has NO credibility because you're absolutely right - it is SO easy to show your absolutely wrong and your claims are provably false.

If "God, Christ, Jesus is [sic] clearly stated in the Constitution", then you should be able to point to the exact places. You have not shown that I am wrong, or that my claims are false. In fact, all I did was ask you to substantiate your claim, and you are dodging and running away.

Royce E. Van Blaricome:
I can. And btw, the correct word is "is". God, Jesus, Christ are one in the same.

I'm not dodging and running away of anything. And actually, it is YOU who made the claim with "You making a claim that is so easy to show to be false does not change the facts either."

So, since it's so easy, go and do it. As I've repeated said, it's right there in Black & White. I'm not spoonfeeding you squat because people don't learn anything from that. Just as I also said on here before.

"I can."

Then do so.

"And btw, the correct word is "is". God, Jesus, Christ are one in the same."

Then you should only be using one name, not three. As you have them written, they are three names, and thus the correct form of the verb is the plural.

"'m not dodging and running away of anything. And actually, it is YOU who made the claim with "You making a claim that is so easy to show to be false does not change the facts either.

So, since it's so easy, go and do it. As I've repeated said, it's right there in Black & White. I'm not spoonfeeding you squat because people don't learn anything from that. Just as I also said on here before."

Fine. It is only possible to show a negative in this case because the solution space is finite and small. None of the words "god", "Jesus", "Christ" or any other deity are mention in the US Constitution or in any of its amendments. No specific religion is mentioned in the US Constitution. The only mentioned of religion in the US Constitution are restrictions on the government, and those mentions are generic and apply equally to all religions. The complete transcript of the US Constitution can be found at www dot archives dot gov.

The real burden of proof is actually on you. You have made the affirmative claim that the US Constitution "clearly states" or references your deities.

Royce E. Van Blaricome:
Evidently, you have a little problem with tracking and remembering what I previously said so let me repeat myself:

Ever watch Bill O'Reilly when he gives the "Word of the Day"? If so, you'll be familiar with "Go look it up. If someone gives you the answers you don't learn anything and you don't remember it."

"Then you should only be using one name, not three. As you have them written, they are three names, and thus the correct form of the verb is the plural."

Your Biblical ignorance does not dictate the use of the English language.

"None of the words "god", "Jesus", "Christ" or any other deity are mention in the US Constitution or in any of its amendments. No specific religion is mentioned in the US Constitution."


Thank you for posting the website address for all to go to. I appreciate that. I actually went there and I appreciate you proving yourself wrong.

It's right there on that very site you gave in black & white, MUCH APPRECIATED!!

Oh, and btw, I further REALLY appreciate just how blind the spiritually-dead can be.

Royce E. Van Blaricome, Christian News Network 8 Comments [3/18/2017 3:18:25 PM]
Fundie Index: 4

Quote# 125520

This day, I’m gotta smash and shatter all the pillars in the deep bunkers, flattening and crumpling all the bunkers. Oh, baby, this gotta takes a whole day.

After finishing this task, I’m gotta fly back to my new home city, the new Capital City of the whole world, Jerusalem.

And, of course, I’m gotta take a shower or even a bath, wiping out all the stink smells relating to those deep bunkers.

And, I’m gotta lock my sword in the basement of my mansion. Lord Jesus Christ is going to give every single Christian a mansion as reward.

And, I’m gotta lock the door of the basement in my mansion. I don’t need my sword anymore after executing those brazen banking cartels. I need no more sword.

I wanna see every single drop of blood of my own kind, both Chinese and Taiwanese, to be paid back.

IF I can be the executioner, the better. I’m gotta be the most horrifying invisible thing ever.

This is my secret biography, the title,

I Am “The Thing”.

usachinanukewar, All-out US-China nuclear war, looming, to wipe out one-fourths of the earth 7 Comments [3/18/2017 1:37:24 PM]
Fundie Index: 3
Submitted By: Denizen

Quote# 125518

believe me, i learn Jesus is Emperor in a very terrifying and bloody way. No matter who you are, rich or poor, the last thing mankind wanna do is to violate Jesus’ Doctrines and upset Jesus, for Jesus is Emperor with absolute authority and power. In Heaven and on the earth, or anywhere, the last thing mankind wanna do is to upset Jesus and violate Jesus’ Doctrines. I learn Jesus is my Emperor in a very bloody and terrifying way, massive blood spitting with high fever for days, ending up crying repenting for mercy and heal in church service. Jesus is Emperor. I learn this in a very bloody and terrifying way in 2005.

usachinanukewar, All-out US-China nuclear war, looming, to wipe out one-fourths of the earth 4 Comments [3/18/2017 1:37:20 PM]
Fundie Index: 4
Submitted By: Denizen

Quote# 125516

Professing Christians who voted for Obama, the great deceiver (his true colors are showing now, and this is becoming much more obvious … ), are among those who live in a false love and false righteousness and display so little godly discernment.

Bert Farias, Charisma News 11 Comments [3/18/2017 1:37:06 PM]
Fundie Index: 6
Submitted By: Demon Duck of Doom
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