Quote# 124371
Ambulance Chaser:
You can't change your orientation OR your gender. If you're born a female, you'll be a female, you'll be a female for your entire life.
It's just that some females were born with male genitalia.
Royce E. Van Blaricome:
Another lie from the AC. I suggest you talk to Rosaria Butterfield, Sam Allberry, Christopher Yuan, Matt Moore, Jackie Hill-Perry, Joe Dallas - just for starters!
Additionally, there is no difference between one's sex and one's gender. It's is only a fairly recent phenomenon that the LGBTQABCXYZ Community has drummed up as a way to try and rationalize and justify there perversion and sin.
And no, there are NO females born with male genitalia. Another figment of your imagination.,
Ambulance Chaser:
Any evidence to support any of those assertions?
Royce E. Van Blaricome:
Absolutely! Thanks for asking.
I'd love to provide links to all of those. Unfortunately, CNN doesn't allow that. So just Google them. Here are some titles for the videos. Enjoy your time watching them! Maybe you'll actually learn something..
[He posts a bunch of books, articles and YouTube videos.]
Oh yeah, almost forgot. One more piece of evidence for you. Wrt to the " there are NO females born with male genitalia. Another figment of your imagination", here's your evidence.... wait for it.... wait for it.... drum roll please.....
Ambulance Chaser:
So, nothing, aside from personal testimonials, aka, no evidence whatsoever. Got it.
Royce E. Van Blaricome:
Yup. Just like in a court of law. We've been down that road before too.,
Thanks for completely discrediting yourself once again and showing that you prefer to stay in your Denial and cling to your Delusion.
Oh, and only one little problem with your Denial though. That personal testimony that you so easily wish to dismiss is followed up by a CHANGED LIFE!!!!
In every single one of those cases.
Which is a WHOLE LOT MORE EVIDENCE than ANYTHING you've ever put out. Oh, and the mirror, THAT is FIRSTHAND EYE WITNESS TESTIMONY which is reliable in any court of law.
BAM!! KABOOM!! Better go back to school and get a real law degree.
Ambulance Chaser:
Actually, first-hand testimony is considered the lowest, least reliable form of testimony.
I'm not the one in denial and delusion. You're the one trying to present YouTube videos and article in Christian magazines as biological evidence. Come back to me when you have a peer-reviewed scientific journal article.
Royce E. Van Blaricome:
Wrong again. Bet sharpen up those legal skills.
I've provided evidence and you've refused to even look at it!! THAT is denial.
Come back to me after you've watched them and bring something that refutes the evidence provided.
I'll wait...
Ambulance Chaser:
No, you haven't. You've provided personal testimony.
"They're lying to the world and/or to themselves." There, I refuted it. Now you're going to tell me I have no way to prove that, which is exactly the POINT. We have no way to prove or disprove what they're saying. The statements are unfalsifiable, and thus, worthless.
If you hooked one of these people up to an MRI and measured their hypothalamus before gay conversion therapy, and then after, and the size of the hypothalamus matched a control-group gay brain before, and then a control-group straight brain after, and if this procedure were documented in a respected neurological or medical journal, you might have something.
Stories are nothing.
Royce E. Van Blaricome:
Thank you for showing all you got and that you think that's refuting evidence.
Much appreciated!! The statements are NOT unfalsifiable. Denial and rejection of a truth does not change the facts or the truth.
Like I said, it's good enough in a court of law. Sorry, you lose.
But thanks again! Your denial is NOTHING!
Ambulance Chaser:
You keep saying things as if your bald-faced, unsupported assertions were true.
Royce E. Van Blaricome:
You keep saying things as if your bald-faced, unsupported assertions were true.
Royce E. Van Blaricome,
Christian News Network 17 Comments [2/9/2017 12:52:50 PM]
Fundie Index: 7