Quote# 124414

How is the concept of a "nice guy" insulting to the female?

I'm certainly not one, I'd personally rather die than validate a cunt.

But we are talking about someone doing you favors (+) because they want to have sex with you (+).

Can't get much better than that. I get that the female might not what to actually have sex in return but it what sick twisted universe is this insulting? Fucking retards.

StAliaHarkonnen, /r/incels 10 Comments [2/11/2017 2:26:32 AM]
Fundie Index: 3
Submitted By: Pharaoh Bastethotep

Quote# 124413

"Men just want me for sex"

Most girls have nothing else to offer but their vagina. They expect the guy to do all the work in the relationship - ask her out, pay for the date, think of funny and witty things to say, compliment her, do favors for her, have a car and job while it's acceptable for her to be NEET, etc - while she just has to exist.

She deluded herself into thinking the guy is with her for her amazing, totally non cookie cutter personality. In truth if a guy wanted a good personality he'd just chill with another dude. The only reason why guys put up with all the shit involving dating is the prospect of having sex with a female.

Any guy who pretends otherwise is being dishonest.

incelcuck5555, /r/incels 15 Comments [2/11/2017 2:26:28 AM]
Fundie Index: 6
Submitted By: Pharaoh Bastethotep

Quote# 124412

Something big is happening with Chicago. Keep your eyes on it, and pray that God's will be brought into full manifestation. In this video clip a meteor was seen falling over the city just one day ago.

In the Bible stars are angelic beings. And falling meteors or falling stars are angelic beings and principalities that have been evicted and lost their position of power and influence in the heavenly places.

The heavenly places are higher parallel dimensions that coexist alongside our own, that have a direct influence over the affairs of Earth. (I talk more about this in my ebook BRAND AMBASSADORS FOR JESUS. Download info is in comment section.)

For instance: When Daniel prayed to know the future of Israel, the answer to his prayer was delayed by higher dimensional beings in the heavenlies. The Bible called them the Prince of Persia and the Prince of Greece.

Don't think in terms of just two spiritual beings: these were princes. Meaning they rule over their own realms in the parallel spiritual universe, having their own armies too.

One of God's own arch-angels came to deliver the answer to Daniel's prayer as soon as he prayed: but he was held up and detained by the evil spiritual beings in that dimension for three weeks.

The angel had to call on one of Heaven's mightiest champions - Michael - for assistance. Whenever Michael shows up in the Bible, he typically has an army with him. *see Revelation 12:7

This was a spiritual war taking place in the heavenlies. They were literally engaged in angelic battle over the future of Israel, which is what Daniel was praying for. Which brings me to the point of this post.

I think this meteor sighting over Chicago is a sign that something significant just shifted over the Windy City in the heavenly dimension. Something powerful just fell or lost its place up there.

This is interesting since Chicago has been in the news a lot lately, particularly since President Trump has made it clear that he intends to see the rampant violence in many Chicago neighborhoods come to an end.

One of the men on his transition team, Pastor Darrell Scott came under fire just last week when he mentioned that former gang members from Chicago reached out to him seeking intervention from the President to help end the street violence there.

I applaud Pastor Scott and all others who are working with the President to make all US cities better and safer for their residents.

There are some who don't want this violence to end; mostly for political reasons. But God's people have been praying and God has been listening. And the prayers of God's saints will always trump the plans of the wicked. (No pun intended.)

Another sign or portent that things are changing for the better for Chicago: Just last year in 2016 the Chicago Cubs baseball team broke a 71 year curse over the city by winning the World Series. *Google 'curse of the Billy Goat' for more clarity.*

When curses break, blessings flow! Things are about to get real interesting for Chicago. Watching with both eyes wide open.

Mack Major, Facebook 15 Comments [2/11/2017 2:26:25 AM]
Fundie Index: 5

Quote# 124411

Those who vote Republican tend to have conservative values. Conservative values are rooted in Biblical teachings. And biblical teachings come from Christianity.

Those who vote Democrat tend to have liberal values. Liberal values are rooted in Marxism and Leninism - which form the foundations of communism. And communism is rooted in atheism: the lack of belief in God.

Mack Major, Facebook 18 Comments [2/11/2017 2:26:19 AM]
Fundie Index: 8

Quote# 124409

I’m not generally concerned with the specific case of genocide as defined today, but more the general case of mass killings. Genocide can be seen as a specific sort of mass killing, but as we will see, its underlying logic is the same: surgical excision or more broadly, a kind of physical removal. If you have a cockroach problem, you could try to get the cockroaches to clean up after themselves, be responsible with the number of eggs they lay, and so forth, and thereby establish a more just society (or at least, patronage), or you could simply physically remove the pests, which might in fact be the most cost-effective way of handling their tendency to foster disease and damage your property.

Generally the logic of ‘why not genocide?’ for a particular pest problem, or again, more generally, ‘why not mass killing?’ depends mainly on an emotional argument. That is, lots of people dying is awful. And it is. That is, provided those dying you care for in some way; if they are hated enemies or subhuman (as in the case of cockroaches), you might end up with the Conanical Response:

Mongol General: What is best in life?

Conan: To crush your enemies, to see them driven before you, and to hear the lamentations of their women.

So as I noted above, while the will exists to extend familial or affine bonds to any given human this emotional ‘logic’ will work fine, but as we can see, it has no rigor and can be quickly turned on its head—the things which worked to make it awful make it all the more delicious. Thus ends the explanation of the popular or vulgar argument against genocide and also the popular or vulgar argument for it.

To correctly oppose mass slaughter of men, we must properly understand the arguments for it. To do this is a bit of an act of faith; I have some assurance that without manipulation I’ll come to the conclusion that there is something wrong with the practice (at least in general) without having to distort the facts or warp the truth in my favor. It may be a wild ride!

As I have outlined above, there are situations where both a large group of people contains or presents a problem and it is either more effective, or only effective, to physically remove them from your jurisdiction. I outlined it analogically as a cockroach infestation. In this sense, the cockroach infestation is the “absurd” end of this species of problem, classically named “questions.”

“What shall be done about the [group]?” is the general formulation. Its answer is not necessarily physical removal—but we have to appreciate that the cockroach situation can arise. As a quick example, squatters often act as cockroaches (not that they are)—they may start a fire somewhere to keep warm which might damage the structure, they probably don’t keep very clean, given there is no running water, etc. The proper solution with squatters is to evict them as quickly as possible from the abandoned building, before they make it worse than it is. Like cockroaches, they don’t own the place, and if it turns into a giant heap of sewage and sawdust, they can move on.

E Antony Gray, Social Matter: Statecraft For American Restoration 5 Comments [2/11/2017 2:26:04 AM]
Fundie Index: 6

Quote# 124408

In yet another installment of outrageous news that seems like it should be fake, but is all too real, a popular Russian newspaper — the week before Vladimir Putin signed an amendment decriminalizing domestic violence — ran a column that tells women to be happy about being “smacked around by their husbands.”

The shocking column, titled “From Evil Men Boys Born,” was written by Yaroslav Korobatov and published in the science section of Komsomolskaya Pravda, a longtime tabloid newspaper. Korobatov’s column based its claims on the work of a controversial evolutionary psychologist named Satoshi Kanazawa.

“For years, women who have been smacked around by their husbands have found solace in the rather hypocritical proverb, ‘If he beats you, it means he loves you!’’ However, a new scientific study is giving women with irascible husbands new grounds to be proud of their bruises, insofar as women who are beaten, biologists confirm, have a valuable advantage: They’re more likely to give birth to boys!”

Parts of that incendiary and offensive passage have since been removed from the online version of the column by the paper since it was first published on February 1. A web archive capture of the article as it appeared on the Komsomolskaya Pravda website on the day it was published shows the piece originally contained the “proud of their bruises” language. This Google translation also shows that the language that originally existed in the first published draft of the article translates from Russian to English in the form that it’s widely being reported. The current form of the piece no longer contains that passage and includes a disclaimer, saying, “Some readers will make a ridiculous conclusion: If you want to [sic] baby boy — let’s pummel his wife!” The passage goes on to warn that the paper is “strongly opposed to any kind of battering” because doing so is “immoral.”

But that certainly wasn’t in the original version of the article, which just began making news and stirring up outrage in Western media late Wednesday into Thursday. According to The Independent, Korobatov drew his conclusions from two studies published by Kanazawa: “Violent men have more sons” and “Why do some battered women stay?” Korobatov also relied on some outdated thinking that suggests parents should value having a boy over welcoming a baby girl to bolster his point.

Yaroslav Korobatov, New York Times 8 Comments [2/11/2017 2:25:59 AM]
Fundie Index: 5

Quote# 124407

BlameThe1st, BlameThe1st 23 Comments [2/11/2017 2:25:48 AM]
Fundie Index: 5
Submitted By: Sammettik

Quote# 124406

Representing the seventh round of cases successfully treated since 2007, 68 people were recently discharged from Gambia's Presidential Alternative Medical Treatment Programme (PAMTP) after reportedly being cured of either HIV or AIDS. Reports indicate that the confidential blend of boiled herbs developed by Gambian President Yahya Jammeh has once again proven efficacious, illustrating not only that Western medicine is greatly lacking in its ability to effectively treat these epidemic conditions, but also that nature has once again trumped the laboratory when it comes to true healing.

It was about five years ago when Jammeh first announced, to the chagrin of conventional physicians everywhere, that he had successfully developed an herbal concoction capable of not only treating, but also curing both HIV and AIDS. Since that time, PAMTP has enrolled and treated dozens upon dozens of people with the conditions, many of whom have experienced dramatic results, according to reports. And yet both the World Health Organization (WHO) and the United Nations (UN) continue to fight against the treatment, claiming that it puts patients at risk....

In the U.S., the opposite approach is taken -- that is, if any sort of complementary approach is taken at all. At best, so-called "alternative" treatments, which usually involve the use of natural herbs and other non-patented remedies, are typically added onto an existing conventional regimen. The case of treating HIV and AIDS, conventional doctors still employ the use of antiviral drugs that merely manage disease symptoms rather than actually fight the disease.

Jonathan Benson, Natural News 6 Comments [2/11/2017 2:25:43 AM]
Fundie Index: 6

Quote# 124405

Are you ignorant to the truth? I must say, that you have done nothing but scoff ignorantly at my truthful essay. The Founders were not mere tax evaders, but crusaders for the Republic founded upon the Law presented to man by the Lord Jesus Christ. Crooked Hillary Clinton will have to answer to those four dead in Benghazi, and also have to answer for those emails at some point, because you simply cannot do wrong and get by. It's not how this works. It is a cultural issue, and in the 1950s people were happier and there was not a doubt who the father was and there were no divided holidays where a child didn't know if they were going to mom or dad's for Christmas this year. Those were the days! All of this sex outside of wedlock kids got from trash TV and pornography online is a cryin' disgrace! What Madonna did is pave the way for the evil seductress Taylor Swift to cause men to spiritually stumble in the ways of the lust of the flesh and it is shameful. THIS is not acceptable! See my essay HERE for more information. --Elvis is King (talk) 03:38, 6 August 2016 (UTC)

Elvis is King (James Wilson), RationalWiki 21 Comments [2/10/2017 9:19:02 PM]
Fundie Index: 6

Quote# 124403

(On article "Baby Talk on Climate Change Hits NYT News Pages: 'The Planet Will Like That")

Well that is interesting..........I did not know that Caroline Kennedy had a mentally retarded daughter.........and maybe I should not be so hard on the New York Times as it appears they have a program to help the mentally retarded............letting those poor intellectually lacking souls attempt to write fiction for their little birdcage liner.

MediaLaw613, Newsbusters 2 Comments [2/10/2017 9:18:05 PM]
Fundie Index: 6

Quote# 124400

If all scientist denounced evolution what would you people do?what would you believe in then? What proof of evolution do you have of your own??? And if you don't have any how do you argue for it.. why do you believe in it????? What transitions have you seen made.... where is the proof.... how are there possible scientist who live In the world of Facts that speak against evolution .... there is no room for bias in that world so how is it possible???? why did Darwin barely speak upon the first organism of life ever instead of focusing on the variety????? Is it a lot harder to bullshit ??????

andre jones, youtube 17 Comments [2/10/2017 6:08:44 PM]
Fundie Index: 8

Quote# 124399

It seems that organized religion, the largest purveyor of LGBT bias, has little to offer that would not be considered a scam or fraud. One only has to look at most marriages to find a dead end.

guest, Salt Lake Tribune 5 Comments [2/10/2017 5:27:54 PM]
Fundie Index: 5

Quote# 124397

[Carrie Fisher] deserves to drop dead if she voted for Hillary. How do you like your own medicine, hateful Liberal scum?

(TEB: LOOK IN THE MIRROR. Look at what you just said about a HUMAN fighting for her life.)

Liberals are not human beings. They create more sadness, death, killings, murders, dysfunction than any other group on the planet. Eat it.

Pouncekitty, TMZ 20 Comments [2/10/2017 5:27:46 PM]
Fundie Index: 9
Submitted By: Citizen Justin

Quote# 124396

[Article "The Story of Grace: A Woman’s Inner Journey from Sexual Confusion Towards Liberation"]

This is the story and testimony of a twenty-six year old woman named Grace, who sent me a private email in the spring of 2012.

Grace found me through my Blog by reading my article on the severe, and sometimes devastating, effects of child sexual abuse perpetrated by a female, on a female child.

Grace confided in me that the reason for her online search was because, at the age of four, she had been sexually abused by her sister. Her sister was nine at the time, and the abuse lasted approximately five years.

When Grace first began communication with me, she expressed that she had been living in a same-sex relationship for almost four years. Grace loved her partner very much, and her partner and lover had been a huge source of support and encouragement for her. The two women even spoke of being together “forever” and of having children one day. Grace has never been sexual with a man.

Grace and her female partner had sex, but during the last two years of their relationship, Grace’s depression and general malaise grew, and the two women stopped having sex. This was incredibly difficult for Grace’s lover, but because of the love that Grace’s partner felt for Grace, she patiently waited for Grace to feel better.


When Grace started the therapy, she was willing to end her relationship with her female partner, if it meant being true to herself —if it meant coming to the realization that she was actually straight, and not gay. Grace looked forward to cleaning up her sexual confusion once and for all (she still did not know for certain what sexual orientation she identified with) because this was causing her a lack of self-love, and a profound lack of joy.


This revelation created a need in Grace to be true to herself and to liberate her soul from the false idea that she was a lesbian. Grace eventually came to the understanding that she needed to break off the relationship with her partner.

Grace experienced much emotional pain and fear in ending her four year relationship with her live-in, same-sex partner. Grace felt as though she was losing her best friend, and her heart was broken. But being true to herself was more important than clinging to a relationship which was rooted in the sexual abuse by her sister. It was also unfair to her partner.

When Grace first emailed me, she was in a very emotionally distressed state of mind. As time passed, and as Grace continued her sessions with Ysatis De Saint-Simone, I noticed that her emails showed her increased strength and self-empowerment. She had taken back her personal sexual identity —an identity that was previously based in having been sexually abused by her sister, and in part, by her relationship with her father.


…As of the publishing of this article, Grace has not been in contact with her sister. Grace will most likely share the outcome of her sister’s response on this Blog because Grace is extremely grateful that she began the therapy with Ysatis De Saint-Simone. Grace wants to help others by sharing her story and her journey, and I am so grateful that she has.

Alethea, Evil Sits at the Dinner Table 2 Comments [2/10/2017 5:27:37 PM]
Fundie Index: 5
Submitted By: JeanP

Quote# 124395

an honest atheist can only admit that he doesn't know if there is a God or not . which proves he is not an absolute atheist .?

Thomas Allan, youtube 17 Comments [2/10/2017 5:27:20 PM]
Fundie Index: -2
Submitted By: PETF

Quote# 124394

It should not be. Here is what i wrote, I think it is relevant. "But! Take the birds that fly for example, there is more to the wing then mere accidental gene mutations. I truly believe there is an intelligence behind the building blocks that are genes. I am not a creationist, but they should not have spitted on the intelligent design idea. Sadly most hard core atheist are so afraid of a God, that they cannot even believe there might be an intelligence within life at play. How on earth do you get a wing step by step of evolution that will make a creature propel itself in thin air risking it life without the proper tool (a wing or a wing like membrane)? The idea of intelligence behind the mutation process does not imply the existence of a personal God like in the Bible."?

François Morin, youtube 10 Comments [2/10/2017 5:27:15 PM]
Fundie Index: 7
Submitted By: PETF

Quote# 124393

Sadly most hard core atheist are so afraid of a God, that they cannot even believe there might be an intelligence within life at play.

François Morin, youtube 7 Comments [2/10/2017 5:27:10 PM]
Fundie Index: 4

Quote# 124392

Satan is a liar and a thief, but he is the god of this world. Yet he is not God Almighty so he is not omnipresent, or omniscient, or all-powerful as God is. But here is a fact that blows my mind. Both Satan and God work together to bring about God’s will in the earth and in the world. They work so closely together that you can’t tell any difference.

kingjameswriter1965, I Hate The Internet But I Love Jesus 13 Comments [2/10/2017 5:27:06 PM]
Fundie Index: 5

Quote# 124389

When I have negative thoughts arise toward others, I immediately pray for them, for God's will to be done in their life, whether good or bad. Sometimes bad things have to happen for people to get right with God.

David J. Stewart, Jesus is Precious 11 Comments [2/10/2017 5:26:53 PM]
Fundie Index: 6

Quote# 124387

[Commenting under "Congratulations /r/Physical_Removal on 1000 Helicopter Pilots!"]

We must secure the existence of our helicopters and a future for physical removal

(I think I said it right, correct me if wrong)

fitzdepl, Reddit - r/Physical_Removal 10 Comments [2/10/2017 12:47:01 PM]
Fundie Index: 5
Submitted By: JeanP

Quote# 124386

If feminism is a religion, most people don’t know the scriptures and dogma, and construct their own version of Moralistic Therapeutic Feminism based on their own ethical intuitions and values.

the-grey-tribe, Tumblr 13 Comments [2/10/2017 12:46:46 PM]
Fundie Index: 4
Submitted By: Thanos6

Quote# 124382

Men who are exceptional natural pickup artists don't have those skills magically kick in at the age of consent, you know, like dimwitted feminists believe. The qualities that make some men promiscuous in adulthood obviously also tend to make them more attractive to women and hence sexually active in adolescence. So you should logically expect a boy who is having sex with women at 12 to also get more women than his peers later in life. Only an utter moron or a feminist would conclude that the latter promiscuity was caused by early "abuse," which of course isn't abuse at all but rather an expression of superior fitness, the same alpha traits that make men incredibly successful with women later as well. Blaming promiscuity on early sexual experiences, and pretending it is bad, makes as much sense as saying Bill Gates became a billionaire because of childhood abuse. And that the rest of us should be so glad we weren't abused, because then we would go out and become billionaires, which only someone abused would do, and easily could do just because he was abused...

The notion that superior fitness can be caused by "abuse," and statutory abuse at that, arbitrarily defined into existence by feminist legislators, is mind-bogglingly insane. Yet this is what feminists literally claim. Please try to do some independent thinking before accepting their harebrained theories.

Eivind Berge, Eivind Berge's Blog 15 Comments [2/10/2017 12:46:40 PM]
Fundie Index: 8
Submitted By: holly

Quote# 124385

In another example of attempts to legitimize murder for apostasy, an Islamist Cleric of the Kurdistan Islamic Group (KIG) declared in an interview with the BBC that Kurds who leave Islam to convert to Zoroastrianism are to be murdered; or in his words “Killed and Executed.”

The cleric extended his hand of mercy by allowing those converts three days to regret their decision but thereafter are to be executed.

In an almost brutal irony, Mulla Hassib from Sulaimani said that Islamic religious tenets permit such executions, but ISIS’ practice of killing apostates is partially correct but he criticizes the terrorist organization for spreading the religion by means of “violence”.


The intolerant actions by a few Islamist leaders is likely in part due to a rise in Zoroastrianism within the Iraqi Kurdistan region. Zoroastrianism predates Christianity and Islam by centuries and is regarded as a precursor by some to these religions. Its decline began with the Islamic conquest of Persia from 633 to the mid 650s. While today the religious faithful are estimated in the low 100,000s worldwide, a resurgence of the faith is showing marked gains in Iraqi Kurdistan. A movement exists to gain official recognition status by the Kurdistan Regional Government. Culturally Kurds have a strong interweaving with the religion and the Kurdish language is derived from the Avesta, the religion’s sacred book.

Mulla Hassib, Jonathan Turley 13 Comments [2/10/2017 6:35:17 AM]
Fundie Index: 9
Submitted By: JeanP

Quote# 124384

I do appreciate your sincere attempts to try to explain and justify your concept of reality, but your reasoning is very shallow in comparison to the spiritual insights I perceive through the awareness of my human soul. I am sorry that I do not have time to answer all your points, but I try to home in on what I perceive to be important.

Alan Burns, Religion and Ethics 12 Comments [2/10/2017 6:35:02 AM]
Fundie Index: 7
Submitted By: Nearly Sane

Quote# 124383

One of the most outrageous crimes against Western civilization has been the inclusion of females in male professions such as science, computer programming, engineering and now even trades. Now we know they generally can't do the job, are only there on an affirmative action basis and deliberately disrupt things with their whining, victim mentality and histrionics. However, for the sake of argument, lets say that weren't the case. Lets say they could actually do the job properly. It would still be disastrous to include them for the following reasons:

1. If a man gets, say, an engineering degree and is actually allowed to have a career in engineering assuming the jobs aren't all given to affirmative action shitbags, then you can generally assume he will be an engineer for about 50 years or so. With a female as often as not she will quit to have children or whenever hubby makes enough money in her late 20s. Maybe she will come back in 10 years or so when her skills are obsolete and her heart is not really in it.

2. Supposing that is not the case and she continues to be a talented engineer her whole life. That inevitably means she is having no children, less children or is neglecting her children, so the engineering genes are being eliminated from the population.

3. Even if the females are not scum, their mere presence destroys unit cohesion. Formerly tight teams of men become rivals for their sexual favors, so any mind meld or creativity goes out the window.

Every single person responsible for the current situation should be regarded as the asshole traitor that he or she is and hanged, drawn, quartered and displayed on a gibet. Millions on scumball traitors should be executed over this issue alone.

Cornfed, CoAlpha Reactionary Forum 28 Comments [2/10/2017 6:34:42 AM]
Fundie Index: 20