Quote# 124488
(Note: I picked out the best ones)
The Real Meanings Of 20 Buzzwords That Feminists Use
It’s difficult for normal, mentally stable adults to understand Social Justice logic. This isn’t just because most of their ideas are completely irrational and frequently contradictory, but also because they’ve adopted commonly used words into their lexicon while changing the meaning to further their agenda. The definition of these specific words are completely different when viewed through the prism of Social Justice groupthink. Compounding the confusion is the fact that these people have basically invented their own words as well.
Knowing the buzzwords that SJWs parrot helps us to better understand their twisted minds. Here are some of the (clarified) terms and their Social Justice definitions that everyone should understand.
1. Cisgender
A derogatory term applied to those who understand which gender they are and do not attempt to challenge biology with their own delusions (read: normal).
2. White Privilege
A convenient excuse explaining why white men typically outperform others without admitting that this usual occurrence is due to anything more than a mysterious, unprovable, massive conspiracy. Oddly enough, “white privilege” does not apply to Asians, who outperform white men in certain areas.
4. Trigger Warning
Due to their intellectual limitations and frailty—so frail they can be triggered by applause—SJWs created this cautionary device which can serve as a badthink advisory for those who could easily be sent into hyperventilating, hysterical fits upon reading content that challenges their desperately maintained worldview.
5. Sexist
Anyone who doesn’t agree that all women should be treated like overgrown children while being regarded as equal or superior to men in all things simultaneously.
6. Racist
A white person (typically not a member of a Social Justice contingent).
8. Equality
The unwavering belief that not only are all people perfectly equal, but that they should all achieve at the same high level. When this (impossible) goal is not accomplished naturally, the playing field is forcefully tilted to disadvantage certain groups (white men) and favor others (non-white men), making things unequal for equality.
9. Gender Equality
Stemming from the preposterous belief that the sexes are virtually identical, a fantasy environment where men and women achieve at an equal level in all positive things while negatives are dominated by (white) men exclusively. See: equality.
10. Diversity
Fewer white men.
11. Multiculturalism
Promoting all alien cultures over the hated native Western (white) culture of the first world.
12. Discrimination
A horribly reprehensible act when presumed to be committed by white men . When committed against white men, it’s called “affirmative action” and is a wonderful federal policy.
13. Ignorance
Knowing too much and speaking outside of the determined boundaries. When they refer to someone who is talking about a certain topic (such as race) as “ignorant,” what they are really saying is the person knows too much and is willing to speak truthfully and openly.
14. White Supremacy
A belief ascribed to any white person who displays any fondness for their own culture or people.
19. Rape Apology
Saying anything at all about rape that feminists have not vetted. For example, providing common sense methods for women to reduce their risk of being sexually assaulted is tantamount to blaming her for being assaulted.
James Robson,
Reaxxion 12 Comments [2/14/2017 7:28:34 AM]
Fundie Index: 5
Submitted By: The Reptilian Jew