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Quote# 135367

Real Christians follow Jesus Christ and worship Jesus Christ's Father, the God of all Creations.

Real Christian's follow the Gospel of Jesus Christ, not an agenda interprating JKesu chist's words and steering you off a cliff.

Why would Jesus Christ say it is not what you put in your mouth (food) but what comes out of it that makes us dirty?

Yet the Catholics say no meat on Friday until they said, OK meat on Friday. They have an agenda and it is not Jesus Christ's nor our Father's agenda.

The Catholics said no birth control for decades, now anal sex is cool. PERVERTED BASTARDS NEVER Apologize FOR ANYTHING, PRICKS!

Where is the Catholic week of remembrance for all the victims of the Spanish Inquisition? Tthey have a holocaust remembrance every year. Why? Garbage, they are garbage.

Follow Jesus Christ and read His four Gospels.

Anonymous Coward, Godlike Productions 10 Comments [12/20/2017 3:41:29 PM]
Fundie Index: 4
Submitted By: Katie

Quote# 135365

Dna test showing at >95% white means automatic entry. Individuals below 95% but greater than or equal to 75% can go before a panel of individuals who will judge whether or not the person is white. For example, a 3 person panel where all 3 must say a person is white for entry. Maybe lower it to 2/3 for females.

Whitesocks14, Reddit 10 Comments [12/20/2017 3:41:15 PM]
Fundie Index: 5

Quote# 135364

When I see this type of LGBTQ propaganda in the news I always like point something out. Who is more in line with the constitution the extreme anti gay Westboro baptist or the LGBTQ. The answer is Westboro ofcourse, because Westboro does not effect your life except that you have to tolerate them in a free society. But if a US citizen disagrees with LGBTQ ideology on their own time social media etc they could suffer job loss and or extreme persecution in our day and age. As a matter of fact in a highly publicized effort to silence Westboro they stated it is all of our responsibility to support freedom of speech. This is something the LGBTQ as a whole does not advocate, they would like to impose Europe's hate speech laws on our free society.

A Libertarian, Breitbart 4 Comments [12/20/2017 3:41:00 PM]
Fundie Index: 4

Quote# 135362

But the first time I read The Book of Margery Kempe, I was struck by recognition. Her visions, although religious in content, are very similar in form and in feeling to my Mary Sue stories. As I read work by feminist scholars, pointing out the sexism of Kempe studies, I began to suspect that dismissals of fanfiction might equally be based in ideologies that I had swallowed whole.

Anna Wilson, Full-body reading 7 Comments [12/20/2017 12:50:47 PM]
Fundie Index: 1
Submitted By: Pharaoh Bastethotep

Quote# 135361

In his essay ‘Uncritical Reading’ (2004), the Yale English professor Michael Warner writes about the way that universities break students of disreputable reading habits. When students first enter the classroom, he writes:

They identify with characters. They fall in love with authors… they shop around among taste-publics, venturing into social worlds of fanhood and geekdom… Their attention wanders; they skim; they skip around. They mark pages with pink and yellow highlighters. They get caught up in suspense. They laugh; they cry. They get aroused (and stay quiet about it in class). They lose themselves in books, distracting themselves from everything else, especially homework like the reading I assign.

The kind of reading that Warner describes his students bringing in from outside the classroom – excessive, feelings-y, full-body reading – is often associated with reading for pleasure, gobbling up genre fiction such as horror and romance on a lunch break or in the bath; getting the shivers, getting aroused, weeping, the glow from a happy ending. These aren’t pleasures of the classroom. They aren’t for serious literature.

As the literary critic Eve Kosofsky Sedgwick put it in her essay ‘Paranoid Reading and Reparative Reading’ (2002), students are taught instead to master what Paul Ricoeur termed ‘the hermeneutics of suspicion’. ‘Hermeneutics’ (from the Ancient Greek for ‘translating’) denotes a method or system of interpretation, a way of finding out something. Students are taught to take an objective, almost hostile attitude to a text, to pick it to pieces and investigate it like a crime. They must not love it too much.

The hermeneutics of suspicion is built on centuries of philosophical and pedagogical ideologies that separate body and mind, then rank the mind above the body. As feminist critics have pointed out, these are sexist ideologies, because they associate the mind, in all its rational dimensions, with men, and the body with women, effeminacy and femininity. Indeed, universities were largely closed to women until the 20th century, in part because male academics claimed that women were incapable of distancing their emotions from their thinking. Generations of women had to prove themselves in the academy by being more rational, more clinical, more careful about how they showed emotion to male colleagues; only in the 1970s did feminist critics in Paris such as Luce Irigaray and Hélène Cixous – whose work influenced Sedgwick and Warner – begin to question the assumption that bodies and feelings had no place in literary criticism.

Growing up, I loved books. I loved them so much that I went to graduate school to study them, and I didn’t read a novel for five years. One of the terrible secrets about attending graduate school in literature is that it can ruin your ability to read for pleasure; pick up a book, and a nasty voice whispers that you should be reading something serious – or reading something seriously. So in the classroom, I learned to put away my body. Outside of the academy, however, specifically through fanfiction, I was learning to read with it.

I discovered fanfiction in 2001, when I was 16, unhappy at school, and frequently mistaken for a boy in women’s bathrooms. I’d joined a number of web mailing listservs, desperate to make friends, and I remember vividly the first time one of the fanfiction writers I followed posted a story she’d written about a character from The Lord of the Rings. I was staggered. It was like nothing I’d ever read before. Suddenly, I had a word for a genre that I had known intimately for years.

I’d always fantasised about stepping into books and having adventures with my favourite characters. Now I wrote them down and shared them. Strangers left positive comments on each chapter. I discovered that I could write. Later, I learned that there was a name for this kind of story: ‘Mary Sue’. The name comes from the short satire ‘A Trekkie’s Tale’ (1973), written by the mathematician Paula Smith and first published in a Star Trek fanzine to parody the flood of (in her opinion) terrible fanfiction stories in which all-American teenagers with names such as Mary Sue stride into the world of the Starship: Enterprise and win Captain Kirk’s fickle heart. Smith’s parody is embarrassingly similar to my first story, and thousands like it online, written by young women experimenting with fanfiction. But as I read more widely, I discovered a rich vein of sophisticated and brilliantly written fanfiction, offering insights into characters I knew and loved.

While bingeing on Harry Potter fanfiction, I was taking courses at high school, then university, in classical and medieval literature. I learned Latin, and read Virgil, Cicero and St Augustine in the original language. I wrote cold, sober, critical essays, but stayed up late into the night with fanfiction, my guilty pleasure, seemingly as far removed from the study of literature as it was possible to be. I moved to Canada to go to graduate school. By then I knew that fantasising about meeting Geoffrey Chaucer, or imagining what Queen Eleanor of Aquitaine might do if she met Sir Lancelot, was not the way serious readers did it. But I struggled with cognitive dissonance, since it was obvious to me that fanfiction had made me good at reading.

Anna Wilson, Full-body reading  6 Comments [12/20/2017 12:50:43 PM]
Fundie Index: -1
Submitted By: Pharaoh Bastethotep

Quote# 135356

The problem with evolution is it pulls a crackpot theory out of thin air and tries to glue it in to mankind's history. And the reason it does this is to attempt to deceive the masses and as mentioned lead them quite happily into hell.There is plenty of proof as to why evolution does not work but I cannot do all the legwork for you. You must do it.. satan hates God's creation he hates us, the reason he wants to deceive us is because he hates what we represent. We are created in God's image. The enemy's pride and rebellion got him cast out of heaven and ever since God created mankind the enemy has been deceiving and lying and attempting to destroy us. The flood did happen there is evidence but of course this is being covered up as well. The reason why our government is covering things up is because they do not want the world to know the truth. They are puppets of the enemy and this is all a part of a bigger picture which will lead up to the return of Christ and the tribulation. This isn't just some story in a book. This is the reality in which you and I live. You can choose to accept it with faith and accept and follow Christ or you can close your ears to it and walk away but the message is here. For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten son that whosoever believes in Him shall not perish but have everlasting life - John 3:16. Do I want many more to come to repentance? Of course I do! It's my job as a Christian to tell others about the hope that I have in Jesus. It is my sincerest hope and prayer that I may reach the lost and hurting. I may be bashed and mocked and ridiculed for my witness but that just means im doing my job. Im not here to make friends I am here to win souls.

God Bless You all

Travis Stephens, Christian News Network 10 Comments [12/20/2017 11:37:40 AM]
Fundie Index: 2

Quote# 135353

Atheists do not know how to breathe properly: Turkish therapist


Atheists do not believe God exists because they do not know how to breathe correctly, a Turkish breathing therapist has claimed.
Speaking on the private broadcaster CNN TÜRK on Dec. 18, Nevsah Fidan Karamehmet, a self-claimed breathing therapist, suggested atheists had no breath in their rib cages for a reason related to “magnetic fields” there.
“Radical atheists come to my seminars. There are many serious researches conducted to find the relations between breathing and thinking. For example, atheists’ abdominal breathing is perfect but there is no breath in here,” she said, pointing at her rib cage. “There is a bulge in the rib cage. It is like there’s a stone in there.”
She claimed that hundreds of thousands of atheists who she conducted breathing exercises on in the end had said they found God.
“During our exercises, we focus especially on the body part that has difficulties breathing. When we fix the breathing problem, the mind has a revival. I know many who said in tears at the end of the seminars that they found God,” she said.
Karamehmet’s remarks have caused uproar on social media.

Nevsah Fidan Karamehmet, Hürryet Daily News 14 Comments [12/20/2017 11:37:03 AM]
Fundie Index: 7
Submitted By: SomeApe

Quote# 135352

There is literally no other way around it; normans are literally the biggest cucks on the planet. They will accept to be in the most degenerate relationship ever just to get a feel of being less desperate and miserable than they already are, even though the cum dumpsters they are with are only with them solely because the norman cucks provide for them. Here is a list why normans are huge cucks:

Normans are okay with their partners not being virgins.

Normans are okay with their partners having multiple amounts of sexual encounters with random men.

Normans are okay with seeing their partner getting fucked by Chad/Tyrone as he pathetically jacks off to it like the cuck he is.

Normans are okay with their partners not doing various sex acts with them because its "uncomfortable", even though the cuntrags have done despicable things with Chad/Tyrone.

Normans are okay with getting into a polyamorous relationship because they are afraid their bitch of a partner will leave them if they don't.

Normans are okay with their partner talking with other men.

Normans are okay with their partner having male friends.

Normans are okay with their partner still being friends with its ex.

Normans are okay with getting into a relationship with a single mother and raising Chads/Tyrone's spawns as his own.

Normans are okay with their partner having crushes on other men.

Normans are okay with their partner talking about its crushes with its femoid friends.

Normans are okay with their partner flirting with other men. As the cuck brushes it off as "harmless" behavior.

Normans are okay with their partner masturbating to pictures/videos of Chad/Tyrone, which is basically virtual cuckoldry.

Normans are okay with their partners being bisexual cunts who actively engages in sex with their own femoid kind.

Normans are okay with their partner going out with its femoids friend on a "gurls night out".

Normans are okay with their partners being on degenerate social media applications.

Lookismisreal, Incel.life 33 Comments [12/20/2017 4:39:40 AM]
Fundie Index: 12

Quote# 135347

Sermon 18: Romanism/Paganism Debunked
By The Rev. William H. Grimes
Colossians 2:16 says “Let no man therefore judge you in meat, or in drink, or in respect of an holyday, or of the new moon, or of the sabbath days:” and 1 Timothy 2:5 says “For there is one God, and one mediator between God and men, the man Christ Jesus”
So, the Roman Catholic “Church” is a wicked and pagan institution that allows its adherents to hate the will of the Lord Jesus Christ. Let’s remember that this pagan cult was founded by Constantine in order to promote pagan rituals under the guise of Christianity. They believe in praying to saints instead of Jesus Christ per 1 Timothy 2:5, and they believe in selling “indulgences” as well as saying works get you into heaven. Pedo homo priests allegedly have the authority of God to absolve you of your sins, and the “church” accepts sodomites and trannies into its ranks just like the Episcopal “Church.”
Paganism has no fruits, and holidays have no purpose other than to allow people to partake in gluttony and other sins! Romanism has no fruits because it’s a dead, unbiblical religion! JESUS SAYS TO CALL NO AND I MEAN NO MAN FATHER BUT YOUR FATHER IN HEAVEN! SAY AMEN IN THE HOUSE OF GOD! OWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW!!!!!’
Next time, look forward to Feminism Debunked, and then Anglicanism Debunked. God’s people said AMEN!

The Rev. William H. Grimes, New Testament Baptist Church 20 Comments [12/20/2017 4:36:51 AM]
Fundie Index: 8

Quote# 135346

[A federal judge ruled that two undocumented immigrants have the right to abortions.]

Miles Tugo:
Illegal aliens don't have rights under the Constitution.

Rushabh Parikh:
Yeah they do. Not only does the constitution gives them rights but so does the U.N.

The BANNED tonymarini:
Uh...the Constitution applies to CITIZENS. And the UN has no authority to “give” anyone anything within the borders of the United States of America.

Ambulance Chaser:
Yes, it apply to citizens, and anyone else within the US.

The BANNED tonymarini:
No, Article 4 covers this quite well. You must be a CITIZEN (not a resident or a guest) of a State to have rights in all the others...and in the USA. Period.

Ambulance Chaser:
No, Art IV says if you’re a citizen of one state, you get to carry your rights from that state to any other state. It doesn’t say anything about constitutional rights not belonging to foreigners.

The BANNED tonymarini:
I'll type this S-L-O-W-L-Y so even you can understand. You have to be a CITIZEN of a State in the Union to be accorded rights that are transferable to other States. If you are NOT a CITIZEN of any State, you have no rights. Why else do you think that foreigners can be deported???? They are in this country as a courtesy, and have the right to due process and whatever reciprocal agreement we have with their country of origin, but little else because they are NOT CITIZENS. Regardless of what the Constitution-phobic liberals may spout on this subject.

Ambulance Chaser:
They are in this country as a courtesy and have the right to due process

Maybe the part that you should type slowly is that. Thank you for proving my point for me. I rest my case.

The BANNED tonymarini:
I guess I didn't type slowly enough.

Due process is NOT Constitutional rights. Constitutional rights only exist and flow to those for which the Constitution applies...CITIZENS.


Ambulance Chaser:
Wow. Due process is not a Constitutional right? You’d better reread the Fifth and Fourteenth Amendments.

The BANNED tonymarini:
You're being purposely obtuse. I can't debate/argue with the obtuse...there's no sense in it.

I'm out...you're on your own, Spanky.

The BANNED tonymarini & Miles Tugo, Washington Times 10 Comments [12/20/2017 4:35:10 AM]
Fundie Index: 6

Quote# 135344

The answer to that question is also testable. One of the bibles cornerstones is it's prophecies especially about Christ and Israel (which are unfolding before our very eyes) .if I was looking to invest my life savings would I invest it with a fund manager who had a 0% success rate (Islam Hinduism, etc) or one with a 100% success rate. the Bible is the ONLY SCRIPTURAL book that is 100% bang on. You are however investing in your salvation by accepting Christ. Even more important than your wealth and health!

The problem with you and people like you is you don't want to believe. If God performed a miracle for all the world's scientists , one just for them, they would spend a lifetime trying to find a scientific explanation for what they saw. They would create the most fantastic nonsense a la big band et al

p78, Christian News Network 7 Comments [12/20/2017 4:27:51 AM]
Fundie Index: 3

Quote# 135342

Can't stand chilling with kuffar

By kuffar, I mean kuffar males (males since they are not men - rather they are cattle, but we will use males here) since it is forbidden to for a man to chill with women. The average kaffir young male is a disgusting, shameless animal. He has no problems mentioning to you all his sexual exploits and fantasies; a complete dayooth. He looks at every single female that walks by irrespective of her age. He calls you toward every evil there is and opposes any good.

Can't even talk about anything important since he's too stupid to comprehend anything beyond pop culture and sports. Makes me sick and uneasy being in the presence of such degenerates. This is why I don't befriend kuffar males and try my best to not socialize with them at work or school. (I know some of you are going to start suggesting "give them dawah." Trust me, these retards don't want to hear about "religion".)

But you know who's even worse than them..."not-practicing" Muslims aka fasiqeen or murtadeen. Being a sinner is one thing, but openly stating that you don't practice Islam (ie. "I don't pray, I don't fast, I dont X, Y and Z, but I'm still a Muslim and don't you dare doubt it" - HA laughable) is kufr akbar. You've testified to your own disbelief, so don't jump at me if I treat you like one. These idiots don't even have the excuse of ignorance like the average kaffir does. It infuriates me seeing these kind of people.

HelpaBroOut, Ummah 10 Comments [12/20/2017 4:26:52 AM]
Fundie Index: 5
Submitted By: Katie

Quote# 135348

[From the "About" page of the NTBC's official website (if you could call it official)]

  • We believe in the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. The Holy Trinity, Father, Son, and Holy Spirit is how the One True God is manifested. We reject any "oneness doctrine" and the "Jesus-only" movement as heretical.

  • We reject any idols or any other gods, such as Allah, Buddha, Taylor Swift, and all these other Mormon "gods" and the false gods Jehovah's Witnesses worship.

  • We accept the passion, crucifixion, and resurrection of Jesus Christ as the only remission of sins, and no "hocus pocus" including "sacrificial" worship has any impact on grace.

  • The world is in a fallen state, and anyone who desires to be saved must accept the Lord Jesus Christ as their personal savior. We reject Universalism here.

  • We believe in baptism by immersion only, and only to be done upon those who are of the age of reason. Baptism is a symbolic act showing the believer buried with Christ and cleansed of sins.

  • Likewise, we reject any concept of "original sin" as Roman Catholics, Eastern Orthodox, and Protestant groups understand it, and thus reject baptismal regeneration and the baptism of infants.

  • Men are to be the sole breadwinners, and women are to be in charge of domestic household affairs. This is godly naturally ordained gender roles.

  • We believe that homosexuality is an abomination in the eyes of God, and that homosexuals cannot be saved since they are vile reprobate. They are damned eternally for being homosexuals.

  • Abortion, capital punishment, physician assisted suicide, and other forms of killing are unequivocally condemned since God hath said "thou shalt not kill."

  • Racism in all its forms are likewise unequivocally condemned by New Testament Baptist Church. All creatures are created in the image of God, and one's skin color is irrelevant to one's character.

  • Modest attire that covers the entire body is required, and as such we do not accept the movement of men wearing shorts and women showing breasts and legs, for instance.

  • All forms of secular music, television, film, and literature are to be treated with the utmost scrupulosity and to be cast out if offending material is found.

  • James A. Wilson, New Testament Baptist Church 14 Comments [12/20/2017 1:22:20 AM]
    Fundie Index: 5

    Quote# 135343

    On a quote of fschmidt wanting to disenfranchise the poor

    The fact that people such as these are promoting censitary suffrage is one of the main reasons I hate liberals.

    hydrolythe, FSTDT comments 20 Comments [12/19/2017 4:15:15 PM]
    Fundie Index: -5
    Submitted By: Pharaoh Bastethotep

    Quote# 135341

    I see all these arguments about peaceful parenting and how parents have all these obligations to children. Yet I never see any mention about the obligations children have towards their parents.

    What incentive is there for parents to have children if there is nothing to be gained from it? The way all these discussions are framed is that everything flows to the children and the children get treated like kings. If you create a system disincentives something, then you can expect to get less of it. Is that the goal, to eliminate children from the world?

    The only consistent position I have ever seen is that children are property of their parent. The parents created them from nothing, which is the basis of the homesteading principle. Every other example of property acquisition is lesser than creating something yourself, so if children aren't owned by their parents, then all property ownership is brought into question. Allowing a community to dictate what a parent can or can not do is the entire basis of communism.

    Once you accept that children are property, then you can better understand peoples behavior towards them. An owner doesn't damage his own property, since he's only hurting himself. There is a disincentive for people to crash their cars or burn down their own houses, since they are depriving themselves of their own property.

    aletoledo, r/Anarcho_Capitalism 11 Comments [12/19/2017 3:56:16 PM]
    Fundie Index: 12
    Submitted By: Katie

    Quote# 135339

    (This fundie is defending child labour!)

    By a child free-loading in the parent's house, the child is forcing the parents to work. Kicking someone out of the house and into nature is the default position, where we're all alone and nobody affects anyone else. When the person gets tired of sitting in the dirt and in the cold, then they will have to work to improve their situation.

    Justice is giving every man what is his due. You can't take from one person to give to another without causing an injustice to the person you're taking something from. Society therefore has an expectation that we all provide for our own minimal care. If someone can't provide for themselves, then they have to rely on charity. Forcing people to do anything else would be an injustice.

    aletoledo, r/Anarcho_Capitalism 8 Comments [12/19/2017 3:52:15 PM]
    Fundie Index: 11
    Submitted By: Katie

    Quote# 135324

    [Comment under "1960's DRUM activists talk about capitalist racism"]

    This video is an excellent illustration of why I support capitalism. If the morons who spoke in this video ran an economy, they would run it into the ground. The beginning of the end, politically, for America was when suffrage was extended to men without property. A proper electorate was what America originally had, namely only men with property (assets) and without debt. Such an electorate has the intelligence to prevent the upper 1% from robbing the economy. But the average man is a moron and has no business having a say in politics or economics. And of course women shouldn't vote. Honest capitalism is the best system mankind has seen, but it is no longer practiced today.

    fschmidt, Reddit - r/Braincels 9 Comments [12/19/2017 2:30:06 PM]
    Fundie Index: 7
    Submitted By: JeanP

    Quote# 135322

    [all memes aside, americans literally are the easiest people in the entire world to bait, like all u gotta do is say “hurr durr america bad” and u get 1000+ people with cringy urls posting ron swanson gifs and calling you butthurt]

    Lol a brit posted this.

    “People? with national pride?? Good heavens, we can’t have that.” he says, stepping around the newest pile of bodies from cultural enrichment and desperately dialing his wife, so he can discover if she wants Om'baktu or Ahmed “for a spot of tea”

    [You have the self awareness of a puddle]


    Post a meme about europoor faggots being murdered and raped and they do the same shit Americans do.

    Brits most of all are easy as fuck to bait with “Muslims own your country” memes.

    This game is dumb as fuck, because it colors American National pride as being something to be ridiculed and made fun of by people who wouldn’t know national pride if it ran them down with a lorry.

    viper-2-4, Tumblr 7 Comments [12/19/2017 2:28:05 PM]
    Fundie Index: 5
    Submitted By: The Reptilian Jew

    Quote# 135332

    Lady Checkmate's headline: "House approves final tax reform bill, as Trump eyes major legislative win"

    (She steals from Fox News yet again, link here: http://www.foxnews.com/politics/2017/12/19/house-approves-final-tax-reform-bill-as-trump-eyes-major-legislative-win.html)

    Lady Checkmate:
    smh...the alt-left fat-cats voted to keep their money as well (do you alt-left trolls notice the hypocrisy in yourselves?)

    Lady Checkmate, Disqus - News Network 12 Comments [12/19/2017 2:13:34 PM]
    Fundie Index: 3
    Submitted By: Jocasta

    Quote# 135329

    [Note: This post is from 2015]

    [She's beautiful. She's talented. She's popular. She's creative. She's wealthy. She's influential. She's just one more heartless Communist traitor.
    Taylor Swift is joining with the Clinton campaign to raise money, using her caché to sway young idiots like herself to elect a lying, corrupt, murderous, Neo-Communist, Moslem-sympathizing monster to the White House.

    Pastor Ward Clinton, Pastor Ward Clinton 17 Comments [12/19/2017 2:11:14 PM]
    Fundie Index: 6
    Submitted By: The Reptilian Jew

    Quote# 135327

    There are two different Hebrew words used for the word “fall.” The first word regarding the Christian refers to stumbling, even though he or she chose to sin, because they originally were trying to do right, but went into sin. The second word refers to the wicked who deliberately commit sin, who were not trying to do right in the first place.

    For example: It is commonplace in the secular workplace for ungodly men to go to a strip-joint together after work for a beer. This is evil. A Christian man who honors the Lord will not accept their invitation to go with them. Yet, those ungodly men one day catch the Christian man looking at a dirty-magazine at work. For years to come they continually bring up the dirty magazine every time that Christian man's name comes up, trying to tear him down and destroy his testimony. The truth is that the Christian man stumbled. He deliberately chose to look at something that he should not have, but he repented, embarrassed and determined not to do it again. Yet, those ungodly men continue cursing in God's name at work, and frequenting the strip-joints where whorish women bare all. This is exactly what Proverbs 24:16 is talking about. When you're a Christian, the whole world is waiting for you to fall, so they can condemn you for the rest of your life. All the while they continue wallowing in the hogpen of sin.

    David J. Stewart, Jesus is Precious 10 Comments [12/19/2017 2:10:54 PM]
    Fundie Index: 1

    Quote# 135326

    The Roar Within: China takes it to an all new level of fucked up.

    John Tarot: Its all equally as fucked up. Western fishing practices are just as tasteless.then we've got gas chambers, veil, etc.

    Austin Jones: fishing is life man I love it

    JE Hoyes: If you live in any western country and most non-western countries, you usually don’t need to kill to eat. If you live in Kettering and you feel the need to kill an animal for entertainment, you’re not doing civilization right.

    Austin Jones: I gotta kill to eat

    JE Hoyes: I doubt that. But, if that is true, I pity your situation and all the animals you kill. Fortunately, such a pitiful existence of subsistence living is rare for most people with internet. So, if you are unable to move closer to a more ethical source of food, you and your way of life is so marginal as to make little difference to the environment.

    Sorry to hear you are in that sad situation.

    Austin Jones: im not sad man in happy as it gets i got deer jerky and a deer on my wall I got it made

    JE Hoyes: I’m sorry you have to live that way. I’d do anything to avoid killing a sentient being. But, as I said earlier, your way of life is so peripheral and inconsequential to civilization that it’s not a huge setback for the environment or for progress.

    ***Note by Editor***
    FFS, please go through the quotes and delete those end chars as I had to delete 8 question marks out of this. YouTube is notorious for that kind of unknown characters.


    JE Hoyes, Youtube 3 Comments [12/19/2017 2:10:51 PM]
    Fundie Index: 0
    Submitted By: hydrolythe

    Quote# 135321

    Here is a quote concerning what Hinduism errantly teaches . . .

    Hinduism cannot answer the essential philosophic questions that always arise wherever and whenever the human intellect matures. It has been weighed in the scales of truth and have been found lacking.

    Even more importantly, Hinduism has no concept of a Creator God, the Creation, the Fall of man into sin and guilt, a Day of Judgment, atonement or forgiveness, or a Savior who redeems us from our sins by the sacrifice of Himself in our place.

    It did not produce democracy, science or equality among different races and racks of mankind. Instead it produced great social evils which afflict the Indian people to this day. As a religion and a philosophy, Hinduism is a complete failure and cannot provide a basis for meaning, significance, justice, morals, truth and beauty.

    SOURCE: Hinduism Exposed - Faith Defenders.com

    David J.Stewart, Jesus Is Savior 13 Comments [12/19/2017 10:37:44 AM]
    Fundie Index: 6
    Submitted By: FSM

    Quote# 135308

    anyway if you have gifs of white p*rn on your blog you are not valid and nothing you say to me is valuable whatsoever!

    #i love offending gay and bi men on here by just breathing

    brownsunbisexual, Tumblr 8 Comments [12/19/2017 7:44:26 AM]
    Fundie Index: 5
    Submitted By: Thanos6

    Quote# 135307

    One huge difference between this man and every other man and woman, or boy and girl, is that Jesus is sinless. We humans are full of sin. We sin every day. Jesus never did anything wrong, not even once. No matter what temptations came to him, he refused to sin. He has always remained pure and perfect.

    Isn’t it amazing to think about?! Our Creator walked among us. Like us, our Almighty God smelled the flowers and touched the animals that he had created. He loved boys and girls.

    As a man, God experienced the same temptations that we feel (Hebrews 2:18). He suffered the same kind of physical pains that we suffer with. He also experienced emotional pain. He even wept about the city of Jerusalem (John 11:35). He was ignored, unappreciated, unloved, misunderstood, and even despised—even though he did nothing wrong, and always loved everyone (1 Peter 2:23). Not only is Jesus Christ the greatest man that ever lived; he is our Creator. He deserved all glory and honor!

    Christian Answers.Net, Christian Answers.Net 13 Comments [12/19/2017 7:44:16 AM]
    Fundie Index: 0
    Submitted By: Denizen
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