Quote# 134784

Sister, it's wrong to say atheists have the right to voice their opinion on such matters. Allah has the right to be worshipped and how can anyone worship Him if they don't believe in Him? It sounds like you're saying they have the right to transgress upon the rights of Allah.

You think they should be allowed call Muslims to kufr? They should be silenced as they will confuse the weak believers and take them to hellfire with them. And the brother is right in quoting the ayah. Are you arguing against the word of Allah?

All kuffar are like this. They will bring excuses and try to refute any proof you bring them. These kuffar Allah refers to would use the excuse of magic when atheists today would try to refute any signs with "science". You can bring all the evidence in the world but they refuse to believe.

In fact, I was giving my sister dawah and she didn't like what she was hearing so she stuck her fingers in her ears like kuffar mentioned in the Quran. The truth has been made clear from falsehood and they refuse to believe.. They do not want to believe and they listen to shaytan.

.khayriyyah., Ummah 11 Comments [12/2/2017 3:33:11 PM]
Fundie Index: 9
Submitted By: Katie

Quote# 134782

Dao Nguyen I believe in only one Holy Catholic and Apostolic Church. Protestentss defy Jesus and do not partake of the Eucharist. Christ said Do This In Memory of Me. How dare so called Anglican Protestant so called Churches defile MyLord and OurBlessed VirginMary. Our Lady dies not even exist in some of these spoof Churches. May God Have Mercy on their Souls.

Precious DeVere, Youtube 6 Comments [12/2/2017 3:32:50 PM]
Fundie Index: 2

Quote# 134781

Darwinism fails on several accounts:

It does not consider the existence of the individual organism with its focus on its material constituents, genetic molecular changes. It sees as the driving force, merely the electrochemical processes of atoms, which are said to underlie the complexity we find in life. This is all said to be random. The shaping of living forms is held to be survival until procreation, when clearly so many factors are involved in mating, both physical and emotional. It speaks of species, thereby recognizing that they are more than abstractions, in conflict with the idea of this being a purely physical cosmos. The focus on molecules and species neglects the reality of ecosystems. An individual animal or plant exists solely because it is at the same time, part of a greater whole.

It fails most clearly and completely when we contemplate our own existence:

As I see this screen, pause to collect and connect these thoughts, feel the wonder, and move my thumb over individual letters, one person, the explanatory value of Darwinism is reduced to the infinitesimal. I can understand how the physical structure of the phone, in this setting that contains my still functioning brain, shapes the relationship I have with the material world and unknown persons with whom I am communicating. That material code running on the computer that is my relational Spirit results in this whole, cleaved into bits and pieces of experience while remaining one. All this complexity, to what end but the journey of creature to its Maker. Without God, without any acknowledgement of life’s ultimate purpose, any theory about the creation of the universe, all living beings and mankind, is going around in circles, providing illusion to people hungering for truth.

Aloysium, Catholic Answers Forum 11 Comments [12/2/2017 3:32:37 PM]
Fundie Index: 6
Submitted By: Katie

Quote# 134780

You are cherry picking from one person. To adequately support your argument you need to verify that these statements are supported by what other Creationists say about this topic. I can assure of the the following though...

1. Creationists actively study the dinosaurs and their fossils

2. The reference to the more modern term of 'dinosaur' is explained so that we can examine ancient cultures and languages to see what words or descriptors they may use as an alternative to the word dinosaur.

3. Long age evolutionists won't even bother to check this out because they automatically assume that the dinosaurs died out long before man appeared.

4. Evolutionists reject evidence that does not fit their narrative, such as when fossils are found in the wrong rock strata, or when footprints from a human are found alongside dinosaurs.

5. Evolution can't explain why scientists are finding soft tissue in dinosaur bones.

MarkSC, CARM 8 Comments [12/2/2017 3:32:31 PM]
Fundie Index: 7
Submitted By: Katie

Quote# 134776

Add to all the above, the persecutions and deaths of Christians worldwide, the luke-warmness of so many, many churches worldwide that no longer preach the truth, thus leading people down a path strewn with lies to their eternal damnation, peoples rising up against each other in many countries worldwide, the utter chaos and corruption in most world governments, if not all..............

Then add in the breakdown of family structure, man's inhumanity to man, sexual perversion of all sorts around the world............ hate, selfishness, lovers of themselves, blasphemers of God, etc. etc. etc. The earth and nature and the animals are moaning. It really doesn't take much to realize that we are in the "as in the days of Noah" and the repeat performance of Lot's problems in Soddom and Gomorrah. We are so close to the end of this Age of Grace that only a fool can't see it! I agree TT, it will not surprise me if He comes for us within the next few years, if not even sooner.

I have always been the "watcher" in my family........... my parents and sibling have all gone to be with the Lord. My husband has gone to be with the Lord. They were not watchers, but they listened to what I had to say - and agreed most of the time. Most of the extended family that are still here are not saved, and pay no heed to what I have to say to them about the decision they need to make, nor the revelations of end times, i try to share with them. They think I'm nuts!!! Is that not yet another good sign of the times? ..... and, it is happening all around the world!

We are right there, my friends. The pieces have almost all been placed on the stage in their designated spots, and the curtain is about to go up. We don't need to watch for much more. Things are only going to get worse with each day that goes by here, and around the globe. Make sure you are ready to go............

kathymendel, Rapture Ready 8 Comments [12/2/2017 1:58:54 PM]
Fundie Index: 5
Submitted By: Katie

Quote# 134775

I don't look for signs, but if the plain evidence is considered in context it quite seems the world's stage is being set for the final act. Given NASA's late joining the world's enthusiasm about discovering inteligent extraterrestrial life it seems the end time's great dilution may involve a phony ET after all. The perilous tottering of western economies looms large on the horizon promising a big collapse with real panic. War has always been about controling economic production. The next one will be too. Today we hear the dogs of war howling in the distance. World wars change the world. This world is due for such a change.

In 1Tim.4:1-3 the Apostle Paul warned of apotasy and outright evil in the professing Church. We now see evil plainly manifested in once fundamental churches. Ecclesiastical evil is everywhere. Thsee thousands of denominations are an affront to the unity of the Spirit called for by the Apostle in Eph.4:1-3. All one can do is separate from ecclesiastical evil and gather unto our Lord outside the camp (Heb.13:13) apart from the human ruin of the Church.

I truly believe Divine Judgment is already against these United States. Several points support this conclusion. The narcisistic puerile caprice evidenced by this sitting President is only the latest indicator. I think a lot of people who hoped for better will find the worst is yet to come. Expect nothing good. As I read the prophetic scriptures, I find no end time world Superpower other than the Beast's. Personal liberty and freedom are not the Beast's program. The US Constitution must fail and be abandoned. We see forces at work inside this country whose objective is exactly that. Some say there is a powerful Deep State with that very agenda. It may happen suddenly. The threat is serious.

I once thought Islam would be a major power in the Beast's empire. But current events indicate that Islam as a governing force is imploding. I can't help but think something far more sinister than an Islamic Caliphate is coming. Also the Roman Church seems nearly unable to govern itself. How could it govern the world? They too are imploding having less unity than any time before. Unlike my teachers, I don't look to the impotent Vatican institution to be the seat of the Beast's power. The Vatican's power base is gone. European governments no longer need it. I suspect something far more more evil than Islam or the Vatican is just around the corner.

Yes, I can see it - even taste it. Already this nation and world are no longer the ones in which I grew up. I'll be 70 in two years. A lot has happened in the last two. No telling what may come to earth in the next two. But surely our Lord must call His faithful to Himself. That day seems at hand.

Even so, come Lord Jesus.

G Moorish, Rapture Ready 6 Comments [12/2/2017 1:58:51 PM]
Fundie Index: 4
Submitted By: Katie

Quote# 134774

I definitely see that the rapture is near and many Bible prophecies are happening right before our very eyes! I especially saw how quickly things can change within a 24 hour period since 9-11, stock market crash of 2008, and the housing recession. I have also seen in my lifetime that Christians are being labeled as bigots, homophobic, and misogynists since we believe in the Godly principles of the Bible. Christians used to be thought of as wholesome, but the unsaved do not look up to us anymore. The EVIL ONE is working overtime to make the saved and righteous look bad and to persecute us.

Life on Earth will instantly change once Jesus returns. Jesus told us he will come back and in a twinkling of an eye the dead in Christ will rise first, and we that remain will be caught up in the clouds to meet the Lord, and we will forever be with him. I take great comfort in those words and look for the return of Jesus any day now. In the meantime, I am trying to plant seeds and pray for my friends, family members, and anyone I meet that is unsaved.

fl2007rn, Rapture Ready 5 Comments [12/2/2017 1:58:46 PM]
Fundie Index: 3
Submitted By: Katie

Quote# 134771

quote," With all the different canons, versions, and translations over the years, I'd say the Bible has had quite a lot of changing." I am afraid you do have a point. We are witnessing Theological Chaos. A making of our own deceived flawed opinions and pride.
But within this sad confuse plethora of versions, the Truth of God's Word can still be found to be " Unchanging". But it requires, due diligence and a hunger and a thirst for righteousness to rightly divide the Word and the In filling of the Holy Spirit of rightly divide between cultural conformity and the Word of God that does not conform to a changing culture.
This kind of discernment comes ONLY by Prayer and a Humble Heart that searches for God to fill the Void within.
question, do you believe in an Unchanging God Who Creates?

Elca, Christian News Network 3 Comments [12/2/2017 1:58:32 PM]
Fundie Index: 3

Quote# 134768

Amos Moses:
God has appointed Himself the judge of who in HIS creation is and is not ...... and HE has told the WORLD what that is ..... and it is WRITTEN DOWN ...... and it is SCRIPTURE ..... and you have no excuse ...........

Throatwobbler Mangrove:
And you have one interpretation of scripture, and everyone else has an interpretation that is slightly different. No one knows which one is exactly right. Once again, this comes down to you believing your opinion is superior to everyone else’s.

Amos Moses:
no, no, no ..... there is GODS interpretation ..... and we have NONE ..... anything outside of that is ERROR ....... and all you have is ERROR ................. as you do not even have scripture ........ you have given up your ability and right to judge who is and who is not ......

Throatwobbler Mangrove:
Do you not know what interpretation means?

Amos Moses:
do you know it does not matter what YOUR INTERPRETATION is ........ FYI ..... the only "interpretation" that has any weight is GODS ..... and when we allow the scriptures to speak FOR ITSELF ...... then that is Gods interpretation ..... that is exegesis ..... what you advocate is isegesis .... we do not bring our theology to the text and then try to justify it ..... we obtain it FROM THE TEXT ......... because the text is what we have ... NOT what we add ...... and we are FORBIDDEN from adding to the text ..............

Throatwobbler Mangrove:
Um...no, that's not what it means.
You know what the KJV is? It’s a translation, yes, but that also makes it an INTERPRETATION.
We have no choice when we read it, or read ANYTHING, but to interpret it. It just means use our brain to understand it.

Amos Moses:
right ... so when your kids decide they get to decide what you meant when you told them certain things ..... you are good with that .... because what YOU meant is garbage and what THEY "interpret" is right ............ do you even consider what you are saying and its application ..... FYI ..... God is not inclusive ..... He is EXCLUSIVE .....

Throatwobbler Mangrove:
"You just can't look at the moon too long."
You can read that sentence and interpret it two different ways. You can take it to mean that you should not look at the moon too long, or that you are being urged to look at the moon as long as you want to. Neither interpretation is wrong. What is the meaning meant? Only the person who posed the question knows.
And that's how it is with the Bible. Different Christians have different understandings on certain subject based on the words of the Bible. You may be correct that only one meaning is the correct one, but how can you possibly be arrogant enough to claim to know which one it is?

Amos Moses:
nope ..... wrong ... when you told your kids what you told them .... you did not mean what you said so that they could decide later what you meant ..... you meant what you said when you said it ..... and they do not get to decide later that you meant something different ...... unless you are an idiot ................

Throatwobbler Mangrove (this comment now deleted):
But this isn't about what you meant. The whole thing you are missing is HOW YOUR MESSAGE gets interpreted. It might get MISinterpreted along the way. You might be very clear on what you mean, and I'm sure you are. But language isn't always as precise as we want it to be and things get misunderstood. This isn't about changing the meaning. It's about getting the message clearly across. And you fail on that one every time.

Amos Moses:
nope .... The whole thing you are missing is .... I DO NOT CARE ....... my message is the SCRIPTURE ..... and the "interpretation" is what God said it is ..... and what He said is written down ..... and we do not get to add to it nor do we get to subtract from it ..... we do not get to use weasel words to get around it ..... we do not get to soften it so others can accept it ...... and it is not up to the SOPHISTRY of "our interpretation" .... and while you and i may have some difficulty in understanding it ..... GOD DOES NOT have any such difficulty ..... and our "interpretation" is not an excuse for saying it says something different than what He said ........
and when you tell your kids they have to home in the house by a certain time in the evening .... that does not mean "by interpretation" that at 5 minutes after that time ..... they are free to leave and go about their business in the middle of the night ........ again .... unless you are an idiot ........
scripture is not an invitation and it is not a plea and it is not open to what we want to believe it says ..... it is an ULTIMATUM .....

Throatwobbler Mangrove:
You exhaust the patience of even the most patient person, but I'll say this one more time. You do NOT understand what "interpret" means. It does mean to add, subtract or change. It does NOT. What it means is, and I'm using direct definitions from the dictionary now:
- to give or provide the meaning of; explain; explicate; elucidate:
- to interpret the hidden meaning of a parable.
- to construe or understand in a particular way:
- to interpret a reply as favorable.
- to bring out the meaning of (a dramatic work, music, etc.) by performance or execution.
- to perform or render (a song, role in a play, etc.) according to one's own understanding or sensitivity:
- to translate orally.
Notice NOTHING in all the many possible definitions involves changing anything. It is strictly about understanding, and nothing more.
As for God, you're saying God's perfect and nothing needs to be clarified. Maybe not from God's perspective, but it's US who are required to understand it correctly and sometimes words alone are not enough to do that and there can be some confusion or things getting lost in translation. That's nobody's fault, and it's not something anyone can do anything about, but nobody can say in situations like this that they are 100% right or wrong because it is not possible to know.

Amos Moses:
nope ... YOU do not understand what it means TO SCRIPTURE ..... and YOUR INTERPRETATION ....... means NOTHING ....

Throatwobbler Mangrove:
At this point it appears you are not even INTERESTED in having a coherent argument.
This has nothing to do with scripture. No one is arguing scripture.
This has to do with how we come to UNDERSTAND something and how it is spoken to us, and how it is possible to come to several different conclusions.
Once again, consider this example.
"You can't look at the sun too long."
That means two things. It means you should not look at the sun too long. It also means it's not possible to look at the sun long enough. They have opposite meanings, but the words do not change and can be INTERPRETED either way. So a person isn't wrong to believe it means that you shouldn't look at the sun too long, and the other person isn't wrong to believe there's no limit to how long you can look at the sun. There is confusion inherent in the original statement which has not been clarified.
That's EXACTLY how it is with SOME scripture.
And if you don't understand that, there's no hope for you to continue discussing it.

Amos Moses, Christian News Network 15 Comments [12/2/2017 12:56:47 PM]
Fundie Index: 4
Submitted By: Jocasta

Quote# 134760

This tax reform bill is a major victory.

It ends the individual mandate.

It hurts taxpayers/industries in blue states like California while helping people in red states.

Most importantly, it will siphon money from leftist universities through a capital gains tax on profits earned from endowments.

Matt Forney, Gab 38 Comments [12/2/2017 10:59:29 AM]
Fundie Index: 10

Quote# 134759

The whole world is going to be brought into line with Judaism. That is the religion of the Antichrist! Everywhere today, professed Christians are claiming to have found their “Hebrew roots.” It is becoming a huge movement. Another popular term today is “Torah observing Christians.” It's a big buzz amongst homeschoolers. This is the satanic merging of Judaism with Christianity into a false religion of end time apostasy. You've probably heard a lot of talk about “blood moons” and celebrating “feast days.” Beware of it, it is of the Devil. Jews only comprise 2% of the American population, yet Jews account also for 30% of Buddhists in America (aka, JewBu's). There will be a uniting of Judaism and Buddhism in the end times.

We are hearing about Chrislam (Christianity merged with Islam). Satan is trying to dilute the different religions into one movement. The different religions won't lose their individual identities; but rather, will share a common religious view of Theosophical (Luciferian) spirituality instead of Biblical theology. This Luciferian dogma includes a tolerance for homosexuality. The Devil's message today is for everyone to unite in the name of peace.

David J. Stewart, Jesus is Precious 17 Comments [12/2/2017 10:59:04 AM]
Fundie Index: 6

Quote# 134754

I will never forget one year ago, Nov 8, 2016, my former boss, and friend Donald J Trump became our 45th President!!! A complete outsider- successful business man and WINNER at everything he does. We took our country back from the corrupt politicians who were keeping our people suppressed, while making millions for their own personal gain. All talk and no action. We finally have a president who is FOR America and FOR the People.

Carrie Prejean, Instagram 28 Comments [12/2/2017 8:27:33 AM]
Fundie Index: 6
Submitted By: Chris

Quote# 134753

I thought flat earth was nonsense at first. Notice how every time a flat earth video goes up, there's tons of accounts just name calling and saying it's been debunked. The fact that there are shills working to disinform raised an eyebrow for me. The rest was just to look at the evidence. Earth is flat.

Benjamin Dover, YouTube  16 Comments [12/2/2017 8:27:25 AM]
Fundie Index: 7
Submitted By: Christopher

Quote# 134751

You cannot reason with the unreasonable Globers.?

Jerry Streeter, Youtube 3 Comments [12/2/2017 8:27:17 AM]
Fundie Index: 2
Submitted By: Christopher

Quote# 134750

[OP of "Eastern Europe Be Like"]

"Visiting the Local Mosque Starter Packs" featuring a Molotov, a bat, a balaclava and a "Blood and Honour" shirt

Valkynaz, Reddit - r/FULLFASCISM 13 Comments [12/2/2017 8:27:13 AM]
Fundie Index: 7
Submitted By: JeanP

Quote# 134749

This is the cause that any real Bible-believing Christian needs to support. Our Christian Bible defines sodomites as those worthy of death. We also know that they are hated by Jesus (Ps. 5:5) and that we are not to abet them in their worship of feces (Gal. 5:19-21). It needs to be every Christian's modus operandi to reject these homofags and lesbidisianists whenever and wherever we happened to encounter them. It is long overdue that "mark them" (Rom. 16:17) and get them back to fringes where these disgusting sinners belong. Bakeries, that serve food, including to children, are places that must be maintained in a hygienic manner, and therefore do not warrant the presence of the sodomite!

Tony Demarcus, Ph.D., D.D., Christian News Network 18 Comments [12/2/2017 8:27:01 AM]
Fundie Index: 10

Quote# 134748

The term "straight" to describe a normal male was invented by they homos and was intended to present normalcy as an alternative to faggotry. I reject it, just as I reject the term "capitalist" which was invented by Karl Marx. I refuse to let the enemy define the terms of engagement.


A normal man.

bagster, Free Republic 20 Comments [12/1/2017 3:36:39 PM]
Fundie Index: 12
Submitted By: Katie

Quote# 134746

A lot of the homosexuals are self-loathing and project that hatred of themselves onto normal people -- hence the neologism "homophobia".

Like "racism" "sexism" and the "ism" of the day, it is used by the autofellatory superciliously fatuitous crowd as a cudgel, to beat their superiors, and normative culture, into submission with.

In fact, it sounds like Vox Day's 2nd Law.

SJWs always *project*.

grey_whiskers, Free Republic 16 Comments [12/1/2017 3:36:21 PM]
Fundie Index: 6
Submitted By: Katie

Quote# 134745

Why is everything so complicated to Liberals?

Sex is like a Cereal Box Top. Tab A goes into Slot B.

The only thing you get with two Tabs or two slots is a Box of stale Rice Crispies.

Kickass Conservative, Free Republic 20 Comments [12/1/2017 3:36:18 PM]
Fundie Index: 6
Submitted By: Katie

Quote# 134744

The flat earth is a lot like the bible. The bigots with closed minds always want to speak out. Those who have studied and researched the least are those who oppose thinkingbfor them selves the most. Many people who, like you, haven't done their home work, would bash the bible, and call believers stupid. You discarding your own followers ideas is a sign of immaturity, pride and everything YHWH dislikes about haughty humans. There is no love or understanding of love, scripture, or a flat earth in your pompous opinions. You would rather spout out at those who you say follow you than to research deep, for yourself and draw you own unbiased opinion. You have obviously been brainwashed, hypnotized and taught well to regurgitate the teachings of the world rather that seeking humbly in prayer for what YHWH says. He should know best. Remember, YHWH says the wisdom and knowledge of this world is foolishness to the creator. "Science so called" is foolishness to YAH. The ancients were much more aware of the earth, luminaries, and how things really work that today's bubblegum, microwave, Netflix, Facebook, skinny jeans culture will ever be. You should do your research before you draw conclusions about things you think you understand but are, in reality, blind to. I pray in the name of YAHAWASHI, TO THE FATHER AND CREATOR OF THE UNIVERSE YAHAWAH, that he would humble your spirit, open your eyes, and bend you backward that you may reach and find the truth, not only about the flat earth but also about your own evil judgments and I'll spoken words. Amen!

Alan S. Hartzog, Dr. Michael S. Heiser 12 Comments [12/1/2017 3:36:09 PM]
Fundie Index: 7

Quote# 134740

One. Christian numbers are not dropping. They are increasing by the day. In China it is something like 10,000 day. In India it is thousands. In the Middle East muslims are converting to christianity in droves because Jesus is appearing to them in dreams and visions.

I know that you want their numbers to be dropping but it ain't the case. Even in America, over the last fifty years the numbers have remained constant.

I don't know what religion does as I am not involved in it. My faith is based on a relationship with a person so I don't need religion.
Sorry to say for you, I don't have an ego as I am dead and my life is hid with Christ in God.

Pascal's wager is only a poor argument if you are on the wrong end of it which atheists are. If it is true and it is, then you are a complete fool to say it is a poor argument.

But then atheist specialise in denial to avoid the truth.

TruthvLies, Christian News Network 16 Comments [12/1/2017 3:35:37 PM]
Fundie Index: 9

Quote# 134739

May the world stand up to Islam and defeat it so it no longer exists anywhere in the world. The more Islam intimidates the more they gain and society will loose its existence, this is why humanity must make a stand before its too late.

Troybeam, Bare Naked Islam 3 Comments [12/1/2017 3:35:32 PM]
Fundie Index: 2
Submitted By: Katie

Quote# 134738

That being said, the fact that the man was in the country at all after being deported is inexcusable. Given that illegal immigrants - and legal immigrants, for that matter - have no rights under the U.S. Constitution despite what the Supreme Interpreters claim - there is no reason why a felony or even a misdemeanor conviction by an illegal immigrant should not be a capital offense.

Vox Day, Vox Popoli 10 Comments [12/1/2017 3:35:27 PM]
Fundie Index: 10

Quote# 134737

Hugh Hefner would have been stoned to death in the Old Testament if a godly kind reigned over the land. But, even though I am sad for Mr. Hefner, I do not pity him, because he had 91 years to repent toward God and receive God's forgiveness through Christ's sacrifice on the cross. The Holy Bible plainly teaches that God has no pleasure in the death of the wicked, and neither do I. I am sad that Mr. Hefner didn't die in the Lord. Instead, he died in his sins. It is sad indeed. While the ungodly world rejoices in celebration over the wicked life of the man Hugh Hefner, redeemed Christians mourn (yet rejoice that he is gone) over the his death. ...

Ezekiel 33:11, “Say unto them, As I live, saith the Lord GOD, I have no pleasure in the death of the wicked; but that the wicked turn from his way and live: turn ye, turn ye from your evil ways; for why will ye die, O house of Israel?”

God was good to Mr. Hefner, as He is to ALL OF US. Psalms 145:9, “The LORD is good to all: and his tender mercies are over all his works.” Luke 6:35, “But love ye your enemies, and do good, and lend, hoping for nothing again; and your reward shall be great, and ye shall be the children of the Highest: for he is kind unto the unthankful and to the evil.” Hugh Hefner lived a long and enjoyable life, too much so, and God extended every opportunity for Hugh to repent, but he spit in God's face. Ecclesiastes 11:9, “Rejoice, O young man, in thy youth; and let thy heart cheer thee in the days of thy youth, and walk in the ways of thine heart, and in the sight of thine eyes: but know thou, that for all these things God will bring thee into judgment.” Judgment day has come for Hugh Hefner. His time of mercy has expired. HELL IS HOT ENOUGH!!!

David J. Stewart, Jesus is Savior 14 Comments [12/1/2017 3:35:09 PM]
Fundie Index: 6

Quote# 134733

(You might believe that this is just some unoriginal troll doing a version of this copypasta, but no. This person was actually trying to be threatening in an argument and sees herself as a goddess of disease.)

What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little bitch? I’ll have you know I graduated top of my class in the spread of disease, I’ve been involved in every historical plague, and I have billions of kills. I am trained in biological warfare and I’m the one with the title of Disease Goddess. You are nothing to me but just another victim. I will wipe you the fuck out with symptoms the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with saying that shit to me over the Internet? Think again, fucker. As we speak I am sorting through my array of pathogens and your DNA is being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm, maggot. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your life. You’re fucking dead, kid. My plagues can be anywhere, anytime, and they can kill you in over seven hundred ways, and that’s just with the half of all the possible symptoms these diseases can induce. Not only am I extensively trained with creating plagues, but I have access to the entire biological arsenal of every country that has one and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable ass off the face of the continent, you little shit. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little “clever” comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking tongue. But you couldn’t, you didn’t, and now you’re paying the price, you goddamn idiot. I will shit pathogens all over you and you will drown in them. You’re fucking dead, kiddo.

bendysbutt, Tumblr 20 Comments [12/1/2017 11:11:43 AM]
Fundie Index: 5
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