Quote# 134768
Amos Moses:
God has appointed Himself the judge of who in HIS creation is and is not ...... and HE has told the WORLD what that is ..... and it is WRITTEN DOWN ...... and it is SCRIPTURE ..... and you have no excuse ...........
Throatwobbler Mangrove:
And you have one interpretation of scripture, and everyone else has an interpretation that is slightly different. No one knows which one is exactly right. Once again, this comes down to you believing your opinion is superior to everyone else’s.
Amos Moses:
no, no, no ..... there is GODS interpretation ..... and we have NONE ..... anything outside of that is ERROR ....... and all you have is ERROR ................. as you do not even have scripture ........ you have given up your ability and right to judge who is and who is not ......
Throatwobbler Mangrove:
Do you not know what interpretation means?
Amos Moses:
do you know it does not matter what YOUR INTERPRETATION is ........ FYI ..... the only "interpretation" that has any weight is GODS ..... and when we allow the scriptures to speak FOR ITSELF ...... then that is Gods interpretation ..... that is exegesis ..... what you advocate is isegesis .... we do not bring our theology to the text and then try to justify it ..... we obtain it FROM THE TEXT ......... because the text is what we have ... NOT what we add ...... and we are FORBIDDEN from adding to the text ..............
Throatwobbler Mangrove:
Um...no, that's not what it means.
You know what the KJV is? It’s a translation, yes, but that also makes it an INTERPRETATION.
We have no choice when we read it, or read ANYTHING, but to interpret it. It just means use our brain to understand it.
Amos Moses:
right ... so when your kids decide they get to decide what you meant when you told them certain things ..... you are good with that .... because what YOU meant is garbage and what THEY "interpret" is right ............ do you even consider what you are saying and its application ..... FYI ..... God is not inclusive ..... He is EXCLUSIVE .....
Throatwobbler Mangrove:
"You just can't look at the moon too long."
You can read that sentence and interpret it two different ways. You can take it to mean that you should not look at the moon too long, or that you are being urged to look at the moon as long as you want to. Neither interpretation is wrong. What is the meaning meant? Only the person who posed the question knows.
And that's how it is with the Bible. Different Christians have different understandings on certain subject based on the words of the Bible. You may be correct that only one meaning is the correct one, but how can you possibly be arrogant enough to claim to know which one it is?
Amos Moses:
nope ..... wrong ... when you told your kids what you told them .... you did not mean what you said so that they could decide later what you meant ..... you meant what you said when you said it ..... and they do not get to decide later that you meant something different ...... unless you are an idiot ................
Throatwobbler Mangrove (this comment now deleted):
But this isn't about what you meant. The whole thing you are missing is HOW YOUR MESSAGE gets interpreted. It might get MISinterpreted along the way. You might be very clear on what you mean, and I'm sure you are. But language isn't always as precise as we want it to be and things get misunderstood. This isn't about changing the meaning. It's about getting the message clearly across. And you fail on that one every time.
Amos Moses:
nope .... The whole thing you are missing is .... I DO NOT CARE ....... my message is the SCRIPTURE ..... and the "interpretation" is what God said it is ..... and what He said is written down ..... and we do not get to add to it nor do we get to subtract from it ..... we do not get to use weasel words to get around it ..... we do not get to soften it so others can accept it ...... and it is not up to the SOPHISTRY of "our interpretation" .... and while you and i may have some difficulty in understanding it ..... GOD DOES NOT have any such difficulty ..... and our "interpretation" is not an excuse for saying it says something different than what He said ........
and when you tell your kids they have to home in the house by a certain time in the evening .... that does not mean "by interpretation" that at 5 minutes after that time ..... they are free to leave and go about their business in the middle of the night ........ again .... unless you are an idiot ........
scripture is not an invitation and it is not a plea and it is not open to what we want to believe it says ..... it is an ULTIMATUM .....
Throatwobbler Mangrove:
You exhaust the patience of even the most patient person, but I'll say this one more time. You do NOT understand what "interpret" means. It does mean to add, subtract or change. It does NOT. What it means is, and I'm using direct definitions from the dictionary now:
- to give or provide the meaning of; explain; explicate; elucidate:
- to interpret the hidden meaning of a parable.
- to construe or understand in a particular way:
- to interpret a reply as favorable.
- to bring out the meaning of (a dramatic work, music, etc.) by performance or execution.
- to perform or render (a song, role in a play, etc.) according to one's own understanding or sensitivity:
- to translate orally.
Notice NOTHING in all the many possible definitions involves changing anything. It is strictly about understanding, and nothing more.
As for God, you're saying God's perfect and nothing needs to be clarified. Maybe not from God's perspective, but it's US who are required to understand it correctly and sometimes words alone are not enough to do that and there can be some confusion or things getting lost in translation. That's nobody's fault, and it's not something anyone can do anything about, but nobody can say in situations like this that they are 100% right or wrong because it is not possible to know.
Amos Moses:
nope ... YOU do not understand what it means TO SCRIPTURE ..... and YOUR INTERPRETATION ....... means NOTHING ....
Throatwobbler Mangrove:
At this point it appears you are not even INTERESTED in having a coherent argument.
This has nothing to do with scripture. No one is arguing scripture.
This has to do with how we come to UNDERSTAND something and how it is spoken to us, and how it is possible to come to several different conclusions.
Once again, consider this example.
"You can't look at the sun too long."
That means two things. It means you should not look at the sun too long. It also means it's not possible to look at the sun long enough. They have opposite meanings, but the words do not change and can be INTERPRETED either way. So a person isn't wrong to believe it means that you shouldn't look at the sun too long, and the other person isn't wrong to believe there's no limit to how long you can look at the sun. There is confusion inherent in the original statement which has not been clarified.
That's EXACTLY how it is with SOME scripture.
And if you don't understand that, there's no hope for you to continue discussing it.
Amos Moses,
Christian News Network 15 Comments [12/2/2017 12:56:47 PM]
Fundie Index: 4
Submitted By: Jocasta