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Quote# 135580

Relative to the connection between Cathlics and Mooslims, both of which are satanists (Matthew 12:30), the Christian must remember the origin of Moohamadanism. In a nutshell, as was presented by the esteemed and illustrious Pastor Alberto Rivera, and many others, the Cathlics wanted to take control over the Holy Land, the Byzantium, and the Middle East. So they financed an already wealthy Cathlic woman (sister of Eve!) named either Kadija or Hadija, to establish an army in Arabia and take over.

Being a woman, Hadija couldn't do much, so she seduced a young camel trader named Moohamad and convinced him to use his salesmanship talent to pitch some religious ideas to the Arab and the Jew of Arabia. Moohamad was quite a bafoon and it took him some ten years to convince a few diaperheads that he was talking to an angel by the name of Gerbil and that he was a prophet of some god named Allah. By and large both the Arab and the Jew laughted at him and chased him out of town with his jabberwocky that he spewed in the name of Satan, but with the Cathlic money he managed to assemble a band of robbers and started taking over by force.

All the rest is history, including that once he got some real power, he no longer cared for the Papacy, and in fact had designs on taking over the Vatican. Being greedier than the Cathlics of the incandescent light bulb conspiracy, Moohamad spend the rest of his life plundering and raping in the name of satan. You'd think the Papists would learn a thing or two relative to being tricked by the devil himself, but they aren't the sharpest tools in the shed, are they?

Even to this day we can see some remnant of Papism in Moohamadanism, whereby they beileve that Cathlic false church is "the Church" and they "honor" Mary much like the Dorito-chip-Mary-worshipping Papist.

Tony Demarcus, Ph.D., D.D., Disqus 15 Comments [12/29/2017 1:44:02 PM]
Fundie Index: 16

Quote# 135579

Welcome to Professor Watchlist, a project of Turning Point USA and Turning Point News.
This watchlist is an aggregated list of pre-existing news stories that were published by a variety of news organizations. While we accept tips for new additions on our website, we only publish profiles on incidents that have already been reported by a credible source.
TPUSA will continue to fight for free speech and the right for?? professors to say whatever they wish?;? however students, parents, and alumni deserve to know the specific incidents and names of professors that advance a radical agenda in lecture halls.
Below are professors currently featured on the watchlist. Check out our full listing to see if any of your professors have made the list.

Professor Watchlist, Professor Watchlist 3 Comments [12/29/2017 1:43:59 PM]
Fundie Index: 2

Quote# 135578

"In News Today"

Did you all hear...liberals are telling us to be very afraid, yet again...because they have now discovered that Farmer's Market is racist...so be very careful. Got it?

Unemployment for backs is down 16.7%. Under bam it never got lower than 7.3%.

For the 71st time since Trump won the presidency, the market went up and broke a record today again. Consumer confidence is at an all time high.

Jackson Lee took the seat from the wrong gal...and then called her a racist. The woman has spent a lifetime working for human rights causes. Oops.

Dishonest Newsweek is getting blowback over the title of an article, blaming Melania for giving permission for a magnolia tree to be cut down. Title didn't bother saying the tree is barely standing up and there is a steel pole literally holding it up. It is where much of the press meets sometimes and tree experts advised it was dangerous. Melania met with several that gave the same opinion. Tree is 200 years old...and I don't know why Libs have a problem taking it down since it was planted by 'racist' Andrew Jackson. Aren't they removing everything about him anyway?

Security is being beefed up at Times Square and all underground parking as well this year, like never before. They are also keeping close watch on all rental trucks, even out of state.

Wouldn't it be a lot cheaper and safer to not let Muslims into our country at all? It is often the second generation that become terrorists.

France is going to expel one out of five Muslims from their country. Can you imagine if Trump decided to do that?

We have been preached to and Trump was eviscerated for saying Mexico is sending some bad hombres. As it turns out, most all crime is committed by illegals...by most, it is overwhelming...up in 90% for some of the crimes. They lead in murder, burglaries, drug selling and possession, drunk driving, etc. so it seems they are not all valedictorians after all.

Ann Coulter said something that I have said often. The older people here illegally are good and appreciative people, who have learned English and have good attitudes. It is the young ones and dreamers and their parents that are demanding, protesting, not learning English, want free college for themselves and special privileges. I say keep the older ones my age, dump any of them out on the street raising hell.

Do the illegal parents of dreamers who brought them here when they had no say have to go back? We are told they, and not their young children who had no choice, were the fault. Btw, these are not the older people mentioned above. The parents of these dreamers have refused to learn English and speak it in the homes, causing their kids to be almost illiterate.

My sister said 85% of her classroom of fourth graders know no English...so they are very behind national standards. She said she is just happy if they can speak any English, let alone proper English. They are unable to learn not to mix verb tense...seems very difficult for them...and as many times as she tries to tell them you do not put two negatives in a sentence, they do it time after time. Such as...he don't go nowhere. Or he don't have none. She corrects them every time and they continue to do it. Something is going very wrong in their heads. They learn what all of us have learned such as present tense, past tense, future tense, etc and they just can't get it straight even if she tells them a hundred times. Such as I seen that...instead of either I have seen that or I saw that. She said if they won't get it now, she doubts much will improve later. It is so bad that here in California, bad English is now being accepted. Not helping is their illegal parents that brought them here do not learn English so these kids go home and speak Spanish. There are high schools all over California that offer FREE Spanish to English classes.

Democrats are realizing it might not be a good idea to push for amnesty...because of midterm elections. We will see...they seem locked in to me. They want those voters.

Chinese are illegally still selling oil to NoKo. We have surveillance of ships exchanging in the high seas. Caught red handed. Very disappointing but China is not our friend..and are apparently two-faced to boot. Trump will approach them about it. Not sure Chinese will ever pull back. They are the ones that caused all this after all..well, and Clinton and Bush to some degree as well.

Seems Russia was working with Hillary and the FBI to disrupt our elections by colluding with them to cause Trump as much trouble as they were causing Hillary. As Putin has said, he doesn't care which party is in. Russia has been trying to interfere with our elections for years. Especially bad was seven years ago and last year and Obama knew and did nothing. He finally put sanctions on them as he was going out the door but never dealt with the main problems.

Shar, Realabortiondebate 3 Comments [12/29/2017 1:43:57 PM]
Fundie Index: 2

Quote# 135577

"Right" means conservative, aware of values, democratic, pattriotic, loyal to laws, conformity and without violence. The right-wing focuses on individualism and rejects collectivism. The superlative "far-right" can never be socialist. The meaning of "right-wing" is due to the "fight against the right-wing" constantly demonized and must necessarily again be legitimized as as an absolute just and legitimate political direction.

In between National socialists and international socialists there are still some similarities in certain political fields. The clear differences led to hefty discussions just like today, that we can see a fraternal warfare. Due to this national socialism is to be categorized as a form of far-leftism.

Original German:
„Rechts“ bedeutet konservativ, wertebewusst, demokratisch, patriotisch, gesetzestreu, verfassungskonform und gewaltfrei zu sein. Der Rechte setzt auf den Individualismus und lehnt den gleichgeschalteten Kollektivismus ab. Die Steigerung „Rechtsextrem“ kann niemals sozialistisch sein. Der Begriff „Rechts“ wurde durch den unsäglichen „Kampf gegen Rechts“ geradezu dämonisiert und muss daher unbedingt wieder als eine absolut berechtigte und legitime politische Strömung legitimiert werden.

Zwischen National-Sozialisten und International-Sozialisten sind auch heute in einigen Politikfeldern Gemeinsamkeiten zu beobachten. Die natürlich auch vorhandenen deutlichen Unterschiede führten damals wie heute zu heftigen Auseinandersetzungen, die man gewissermaßen als Bruderkrieg ansehen kann. So ist der National-Sozialismus als eine Variante des Linksextremismus einzuordnen.

MICHAEL STÜRZENBERGER, PI News 9 Comments [12/29/2017 1:43:53 PM]
Fundie Index: 4
Submitted By: hydrolythe

Quote# 135575

The Middle East and Africa have the highest amount of incest in the world because of Islam. Muhammad married his first cousin, so in Islam, marrying your first cousin is encouraged.
It's been that way in the Middle East and Africa for hundreds of years now, so they have lowered IQs and an increased proneness to violence.
Incest can be harmless, I have to agree the cases are out there.
On a societal level it's very detrimental to the health of a folk, but I think race mixing is worse.
First generation incest between cousins is often totally harmless, it's why the Muslims did it in the first place, it's only when they continue doing it over several generations that serious problems arise, like they have.
Race mixing destroys who you are, there will be no culture you can learn from, no history to embrace, no homeland of people to relate with. You'll be in between two realities your whole life and only your kids will have the opportunity to become closer to joining an actual society. DNA is programmed by biological and evolutionary success over thousands and thousands of years, race mixing is like throwing away thousands of years of progress. I have race mixed cousins and nephews, they have bizarre allergies and medical conditions unbeknownst to doctors and physicians.
Racial determinism is probably a stronger evolutionary quality than avoiding incest, despite both usually being done out of desperation with some kind of outside pressure, because first generation incest is safer and it preserves thousands of years of evolutionary accomplishment. We have many cultures to look toward for understanding incest, including the Arab world, the Ottoman Empire, Nigeria, Ancient Egypt, etc. Muslims did it to ensure the cousins could raise children together without arguing because they would share the same values, Egyptians did it to preserve their royal bloodlines, both probably worked great in the short term, both have obviously failed long term, hahaha.?

Alexander Webb, Youtube 5 Comments [12/29/2017 1:43:19 PM]
Fundie Index: 3
Submitted By: hydrolythe

Quote# 135574

Evil Bible Allegation: Exodus 22:18 God orders the death of witches, sorceresses and anyone who practices magic. Sadly enough, this verse was justification for the Inquisition.

The Refiner's Fire Response:

What man does that is bad for mankind is his OWN fault. Man is his own worst enemy because he has a limited human mindset. God has tried, from the beginning, to steer man in the RIGHT direction, showing man what is and isn't good for him. From the beginning, God told us that He hates witchcraft, magic, card reading and anything else that dupes people into believing in "other gods".

Leviticus 20:6 says God will separate himself from those who go after mediums and familiar spirits.

Deuteronomy 18:10-12 says that practicing witchcraft, sorcery, soothsaying, interpreting omens, making spells, and being a medium or spiritist, are all terrible sins to God.

Deuteronomy 18:9-11 "Let no one be found among you who sacrifices his son or daughter in the fire, who practices divination or sorcery, interprets omens, engages in witchcraft..."

The Refiner's Fire, The Refiner's Fire 0 Comments [12/29/2017 1:43:17 PM]
Fundie Index: 1
Submitted By: Chris

Quote# 135573

Lady Checkmate's headline: "Mother, lesbian lover and 2 children found dead in New York basement apartment"

(Fox News story cut and pasted, link is here: http://www.foxnews.com/us/2017/12/28/woman-partner-and-2-children-found-dead-in-new-york-basement-apartment.html)

While I am not in favor of their lifestyle choice let's not lose sight of the facts. A mother and her two children were violently murdered along with another woman who probably planned to live a long life. I pray the police discover something soon.

Lady Checkmate:
Who "lost sight of the facts", you? Please comment on topic and allow others to do so as well, i.e., comment on topic as they choose to.
*Please read our community guidelines before commenting or posting here again...the link is in our channel's description (top right hand corner of your screen). Do not send me any off topic comments, nor questions nor concerns about my request here. If you have follow-up/clarifying questions or concerns please post them in the proper forum, not here, again, the link is in the guidelines. Sock accounts are both a Disqus TOS violation and a violation of our community guidelines.

Thanks for understanding.

For your convenience: https://disqus.com/home/discussion/channel-newsnetwork/news_network_community_guidelines/

(Rollinggirl is now banned at News Network)

Lady Checkmate, Disqus - News Network 17 Comments [12/29/2017 1:39:57 PM]
Fundie Index: 8
Submitted By: Jocasta

Quote# 135572

XX, XY, other -- It's a simple blood test - not a "pronoun" you get to choose inflict upon others depending on which way the wind blows out of your wherever that day.

XX: good to go! Please board the bus to the FEMALE barracks.

XY: good to go! Please board the bus to the MALE barracks.

Other: thanks for applying, but we don't have the resources to expend on your special physical and mental care. Ask the special folks with psoriasis how they serve humanity, OK?

Simple, see?



XX + XY = Human

HLPhat, Free Republic 11 Comments [12/29/2017 1:39:50 PM]
Fundie Index: 2
Submitted By: Katie

Quote# 135570

Transgenderism...a suicide rate of over 42% PROMOTED by liberal progressives. Right in line with their world view aye? Fact is you TREAT transgenderism...you do not ENABLE it.

ICE-FLYER, Free Republic 5 Comments [12/29/2017 1:39:40 PM]
Fundie Index: 3
Submitted By: Katie

Quote# 135569

Is it "love" to encourage behavior that could lead to AIDS? Our society pretending that homosexuality is a form of normality is foolish. Love ? uses the word "No." You wouldn't let your kid play Russian roulette, would you? Apologize profusely if you refuse to tolerate that.

KDF48, Free Republic 9 Comments [12/29/2017 1:39:38 PM]
Fundie Index: 1
Submitted By: Katie

Quote# 135568

I was shopping in a store that was going out of business. I found many good deals of things we had been needing for a long time so my bags were full. As I was leaving the store, I seen an older man off to one side, about thirty feet from me. He looked like a shady stranger that one would try to avoid at all costs to be safe.

When he seen me, his eyes lit up and he said “Wow, I see you bought someone lucky so many presents for Christmas this year! They are going to be filled with the spirit!” It was hard to hear him, for he was mumbling and far away from me. But I understood the gist of it.

As soon as he finished speaking, I seen three shadowy demons come out of him and try to tag themselves onto me.

“Oh no!” I responded under my breath, “these things are not for Christmas! There will be none of that in my house!”

And as soon as I stopped speaking, I seen the demons pause, and then heard them whine and complain and tell me that I was no fun, before they turned and raced back into the man who had spoken to me.

My son came with me into the next store, and as we walked in I almost stumbled. The sudden weight was so oppressive that it was hard for me to walk. I had to bind it up in the name of Jesus to continue. We could hear the Christmas music blaring overhead and it reminded me of a nasty swarm of stinging insects. The place was very busy and overcrowded, and everywhere I looked I could see the colors of red and green.

We picked up the item we had come for and went to stand in line.

People were in a foul mood, angry at having to wait for so long in line to make their holiday purchases. Many were second guessing their purchases while they waited, verbally wondering out loud if so and so would like it or not.

As we left, my son told me that he had been hit with the demon of ‘I have to buy something’ really hard, but he refused to give into it and so he bought nothing.

We realized that was where the pressure was coming from; all the demons of ‘I want’, ‘me me me’, ‘whine’, ‘complain’, ‘less money’, ‘more debt’, ‘I have to buy’, ‘doubt’, ‘mine’, ‘more’, ‘should’, ‘spend’, ‘pressure’, ‘expectations’, and ‘failure’. The store was literally overflowing with demons!

We also realized that all these demons were under the authority of a principality demon called the spirit of Christmas.

Dreams of Dunamis, Dreams of Dunamis 8 Comments [12/29/2017 1:39:34 PM]
Fundie Index: 3

Quote# 135567

You’ve gotten the order wrong, if you’ll forgive the pun. Law and order existed before the Bible, not the other way around.

Are you saying before the scriptures consisting of the bible were written? Because when you say things like "before the bible" you must explain under what circumstance you base that argument over. Is it based on the events of the bible, which predate everything in the secular world or do you mean before the scriptures were written? Do you believe the entire bible to be a fairy tale or some parts true and not others? If so, why and why are some parts true and not others? Bibles aren't that old, but the text within them go back long before anyone ever had a bible. Every author in the bible never owned a bible because they were the very ones who wrote the scriptures consisting of the bibles today. Law and order, as all things, have a root of origin. To make a conclusive argument on where the very concept of law and order began you'd literally have to identify the first person the very thought of it began. Or, if you believe the bible to be true, you can tell where everything began and know that law and order is rooted within the scriptures of the bible and was not some made up idea by some unknown person or people that just so happened to exist while the events of the bible were taking place. The bible literally is a history book of earth and humanity from beginning to end. There is nothing that predates it.

HylianRoyal, Zelda Universe 10 Comments [12/29/2017 1:39:29 PM]
Fundie Index: 2

Quote# 135566

[The bible] supports genocide when committed by God...it’s an awful atavistic narrative and the world would be better off if fell in to obscurity.

A God destroying his enemies? Unheard of! Who gave the right to that God who created all things and is the most high authority and power in all of creation? Well by God he should have to go to someone to get the authority to do that!

If the word of God fell into obscurity this world would fall apart in a matter of years. Law and order is not a construct of the human mind. It is rooted in the word of God. The authority of the bible comes simply by the mere fact of where it came from: God. But in the secular sense it is from the wide and ages long belief and fear of it that is still the dominant faith today. Because it is a widely believed and feared faith, authority of it comes from that.

HylianRoyal, Zelda Universe 0 Comments [12/29/2017 1:39:20 PM]
Fundie Index: 2

Quote# 135564

Then the Spirit brought me down so that I could see the spectacle from another angle. That is seeing the elect moving towards the Lord Jesus Christ as well as the Lord Jesus Christ riding down in His Mighty presence! It was then that I got frightened to the realization that just a few thousands into the millions got changed into a garment of white and also radiating in gold made it to meet HIM in mid-air!

Another spectacle I noticed was there were no old men or women or wheel-chaired-bound or sick amputated legs or arms among them. And neither were there black people nor Chinese people or any other human color but Caucasian-like-skin likeness! They look very beautiful beings like those in Heaven and the 144,000 (also changed) and STILL waiting here on earth now! THEY ALL CHANGED INTO A SKIN COLOR LIKE GOD’S!

The Raptured Saints

Majority of the elect had very pretty unusual golden-like-hair, looking very youthful and to the word; VERY BEAUTIFUL! Those changed into white garment and being lifted up, (like balloons or fishes reaching for the surface) were the elect or chosen of the Lord Jesus Christ dressed in white garment to meet the Messiah who rode in a massive battalions of horsemen riding on white horses and radiating with a mixture of gold and white coming from heaven.

Kwadwo Twum-Barima, MARANATHA TRUMPETER 2 Comments [12/29/2017 1:31:56 PM]
Fundie Index: 4
Submitted By: Denizen

Quote# 135561

Legions of Catholic priests are now recognized as plunderers of little boys. It is estimated that at least 80 percent of all Catholic priests are queers, and most nuns are lesbians!

David J. Stewart, Jesus is Savior 12 Comments [12/29/2017 1:31:21 PM]
Fundie Index: 3

Quote# 135545

Lady Checkmate's headline: "Ho! Ho! What?!? Mainstream media heralds book depicting Santa Claus as a gay black man"

(Link to Fox News OPINION piece here: http://www.foxnews.com/opinion/2017/12/20/ho-ho-what-mainstream-media-heralds-book-depicting-santa-claus-as-gay-black-man.html)

Lady Checkmate:
SMH. The alt-left are racists who seem to hate African-Americans (in particular, although, they hate everyone who doesn't push their agenda btw). They love to draw us into their promotion of sin and abominations. It's very disrespectful and shows a manipulative condescension and form of racism toward AAs.

Sadly, their end game remains the same: to indoctrinate children and legalize child-rape. They'll use anyone and any group to accomplish their wicked goal, but Lord forbid any wise person (or people) would allow themselves to be used for a such an evil agenda. The alt-left will answer to God for their rebellion against God, reprobate mind, and crimes against children.

Lady Checkmate, Disqus - Faith & Religion 5 Comments [12/29/2017 10:26:47 AM]
Fundie Index: 2
Submitted By: Jocasta

Quote# 135535

On that faithful night , I could slowly see myself being in bed though I was deeply asleep then suddenly like a switch of an electric lamp, my eye opened and I could see outside my bedroom in solid vivid color! From where my bed was I could see through the window outside the perimeters of the building!

Instinctively, I knew I was in Spirit; And this time, was yet to witness another SUPERNATURAL SPECTACLE after experiencing an hour in heaven and “a mouth-to-mouth” audience with the Heavenly Father Jehovah, just some few years back! (A very rare spectacle and that got confirmed by the Holy Spirit in churches my relatives do attend in both Africa and in Europe!)

Now back to my being woken by the Holy Spirit this very early morning, I could see from the roof top of the adjacent building, people dressed in WHITE garment, shooting up from the roof top of the buildings into this kind of moon-lit-serene sky like powerful balloons being released from under the rivers and making their way up to the surface!

Not too sure of what I was witnessing I got out of the bed this time, ( all alone in Spirit) and walked towards the window so to see more clearly what I was amazingly seeing!!! That is people shooting up from ROOF TOPS OF BUILDING into the sky from adjacent buildings and afar!

Then it occurred to me without doubt I was witnessing and experiencing nothing but THE RAPTURE! The Holy Spirit then moved me through the sky like a flying eagle anywhere throughout the world I wanted to see. The scenario around the world were the same. I decided to see just what was happening in the United States, especially New York, then within seconds I was moved to the United States; – the Empire State Building ( though I have never been to New York but the Holy Spirit moved me to where I just thought to see) and other skyscrapers! My spiritual journey didn’t end there but took me to across Russia, Asia, and Africa…..the whole world in matter of seconds!

At a point, the Holy Spirit brought me to a central point where all coming up to meet the Lord passes through so that I could see them properly! They had all changed and wearing long garments in white ; both kids and adults. And they were mostly clinched together in two and sometimes in three. From where I was high up in the sky, I could see the whole earth in its global form.

The Holy Spirit then took me much higher into the atmosphere. And up there I found myself hovering and a wonderful calmed wind blowing over me as the multitude dressed in white garment many of whom were in pair or trio while others were alone; men, women, as well as children, pass on by all with such smiling faces onward to meet the Lord Jesus Christ who was still riding downwards to earth! And I had my share of enjoyment as those who passed by shared smiles with me.

Then the Spirit brought me down so that I could see the spectacle from another angle. That is seeing the elect moving towards the Lord Jesus Christ as well as the Lord Jesus Christ riding down in His Mighty presence! It was then that I got frightened to the realization that just a few thousands into the millions got changed into a garment of white and also radiating in gold made it to meet HIM in mid-air!

Another spectacle I noticed was there were no old men or women or wheel-chaired-bound or sick amputated legs or arms among them. And neither were there black people nor Chinese people or any other human color but Caucasian-like-skin likeness! They look very beautiful beings like those in Heaven and the 144,000 (also changed) and STILL waiting here on earth now! THEY ALL CHANGED INTO A SKIN COLOR LIKE GOD’S !!

Majority of the elect had very pretty unusual golden-like-hair, looking very youthful and to the word; VERY BEAUTIFUL!!! Those changed into white garment and being lifted up, (like balloons or fishes reaching for the surface) were the elect or chosen of the Lord Jesus Christ dressed in white garment to meet the Messiah who rode in a massive battalions of horsemen riding on white horses and radiating with a mixture of gold and white coming from heaven.

This massive convoy rode on both sides of the Messiah, left and right and whose face I couldn’t see as His face shone and radiant like a trillion star cum nuclear reactors combined! – (Want you to figure out just how it is like!) There was this emission of gold and whiteness that lightens the darkness as He came in such GLORY!!!

Sola Awolaja, MARANATHA TRUMPETER 4 Comments [12/29/2017 10:26:22 AM]
Fundie Index: 3
Submitted By: Denizen

Quote# 135505

On the subject of Christmas-a pagan/Catholic holiday

In several day’s time many in America and elsewhere will be celebrating the pagan holiday that Catholics named “Christmas.” All real Christian know that Catholics are not Christians and their church is the den of Satan, the Whore of Babylon. And just so, their pagan holidays of “Christmas” and “Easter” are not of Christ. So what is a Christian to do during such days? The answer is, now as always, very simple — the Lord’s work! Our church, especially the children, will be out on the streets, preaching and teaching. The children will be out rebuking the “Santas” and telling other children that the so-called “Santa” is not real, and bum in the red suit is just a bozo in a dress. Sure, some children, and their parents, will be upset. But so what? As the great Pastor JJ Hunter would say, “the Lord never bothered being PC, and neither shall I!”

Regarding more concerning details of Christmas, as if Santa being a lie wasn’t enough in and on itself, Pastor David J. Meyer compiled an excellent testament to its origins and true meaning:

They tell us that it is the season to be jolly. It is a time of ornaments, red and green decorations, silver bells, holly, mistletoe and colored lights. It is also a time of department store Santas calling out their universal mantra, “Ho ho ho, Merry Christmas.” Nearly all of the realm of so-called “Christianity” join in and repeat this same greeting, “Merry Christmas!”

Although we hear these words constantly as they resonate millions of times throughout the land, almost nobody understands what they are really saying. It is the purpose of this tract to take the words, “Merry Christmas” and examine the true meaning and essence of those words.

A true Christian would want to examine everything they say, because Jesus said in Matthew 12:36-37, “But I say unto you, that every idle word that men shall speak, they shall give account thereof in the day of judgement. For by thy words thou shalt be justified, and by thy words thou shalt be condemned.” We will now set aside all of the customs, glitter and traditions of Christmas, which were taken from pagan witchcraft and popularized by the Roman Catholic Church, and we will focus on the true meaning of the words, “Merry Christmas!”

The word “Merry” is simple to define. It unquestionably means to be happy, joyful and light-hearted. The word “merry” fits into the ambience of laughter and frivolity. This word “merry” by itself is innocent and innocuous enough, but as we will now see, it becomes heinously blasphemous when used with the word “Christmas.”

Here let it be noted that most people think that the word, “Christmas” means “the birth of Christ.” By definition, it means “death of Christ”, and I will prove it by using the World Book Encyclopedia, the Catholic Encyclopedia, and a book entitled, The Mass In Slow Motion.

If you are an honest, sincere and discerning Christian, please read on; if not, you might as well stop right here. The World Book Encyclopedia defines “Christmas” as follows: “The word Christmas comes from “Cristes Maesse”, an early English phrase that means “Mass of Christ.” (1) It is interesting to note that the word “Mass”, as used by the Roman Catholics, has traditionally been rejected by the so-called Protestants, such as Lutherans, Baptists, Methodists, Presbyterians, Pentecostals and so on. The word “Mass” is strictly a Catholic word and thus, so is “Christ-Mass.”

It would stand to reason, that since all of these denominations love and embrace “Christ-Mass”, that December 25th is the great homecoming day, when all of the Protestants become Catholic for a day. It would seem that all of the so-called “wayward daughters” of the Romish church return to their mother, the scarlet harlot. Thus, all of the so-called Protestant churches could sing to the Pope that popular song “I’ll be home for Christmas.”

As previously stated, the word “Mass” in religious usage means a “death sacrifice.” The impact of this fact is horrifying and shocking; for when the millions of people are saying, “Merry Christmas”, they are literally saying “Merry death of Christ!” Furthermore, when the fat man in the red suit laughs boisterously and says, “Ho ho ho, Merry Christmas”, he is mocking and laughing at the suffering and bleeding Saviour, who died for our sins. He does this while parents place their little children into his waiting arms to hear his false promises of gifts that he says he will give them. Consider what you are saying when you say “Merry Christmas.”

What is so amusing about our Saviour’s painful death? What is so funny? Why is Santa laughing? Why are you going along with it? Your words do count and Satan knows it. Yes, the word “Mass” does mean “death sacrifice”, and to cement that fact, we will consider the definition of the inventors of the religious application of the word “Mass.” I am looking at page 537 of the Catholic Encyclopedia, which says, “In the Christian law, the supreme sacrifice is that of the Mass.” It goes on to say, “The supreme act of worship consists essentially in an offering of a worthy victim to God, the offering made by a proper person, as a priest, the destruction of the victim.” (2) Please note carefully the word, “victim” of the Mass. The Latin word for victim is “Hostia” from which the word “host” is derived. The Mass, by definition of those who coined the word, is a sacrifice involving a victim. There is no other meaning for the word “Mass” or “Christ-Mass.” On page 110 of a book entitled “The Mass In Slow Motion”, we find the following words: “It is only with the consecration that the sacrifice of the Mass is achieved. I have represented the Mass to you, more than once, as a kind of ritual dance.” (3)

In essence, the Mass is the ceremonial slaying of Jesus Christ over and over again, followed by the eating of his flesh and the drinking of his blood. The Mass is the death sacrifice, and the “Host” is the victim. This is official Roman Catholic doctrine, and “Christmas” is a word that they invented. Again, I ask, what is so merry about the pain, bleeding, suffering and death of Jesus Christ? Satan has done quite a job of getting millions of so-called “Christians” to blaspheme. What a deceiver he is.
Now you know the true meaning of the word “Christmas” or Mass of Christ. There is much more to know about this pagan holiday, and we will be glad to provide you with plenty of evidence that Jesus was not born on December 25th, and that Christmas is not only a lie, but is actually a witches’ sabbat called “Yule” in clever disguise. Please contact us at the address below, and for the sake of your soul, flee from idolatry!

David J. Meyer


01. World Book Encyclopedia, vol.3, p. 408, 1986 ed., World Book Inc., Chicago, IL

02. The Catholic Encyclopedia, R.C. Broderick, 1975 ed., Nihil Obstat, Richard J. Sklba, Censor Librorum. Imprimatur, Archbishop William E. Cousins, Milwaukee, WI.

03. The Mass In Slow Motion, Ronald Knox, 1948, Sheed & Ward, Inc., New York, NY. Nihil Obstat, E.C. Messenger, Censor Deputatus. Imprimatur, E. Morrogh Bernard, Vic. Gen.

Pastor Jerry Dixon, Pastor Jerry Dixon 12 Comments [12/29/2017 9:41:07 AM]
Fundie Index: 5

Quote# 135504

Australian authorities solved this problem until about 1810 or so, when their solution became too politically incorrect.

The solution is that state and church should demand that the wife honor and obey, the husband love and cherish. And the state will punish, and the Church condemn, wives who speak back to husbands.

Jim's Blog, Jim's Blog 14 Comments [12/29/2017 9:37:04 AM]
Fundie Index: 4

Quote# 135503

…it’s not OK to give it to ten year old girls, yes, which is why it is necessary to understand that many of them want it and need to be prevented from getting it.

Under liberalism, it is axiomatic that anyone should get what they want unless it directly burdens another. So the only way to stop them is to gaslight them and everyone into thinking they don’t want it…

…creating exacty the situation where pedophiles can prey on young women while everyone ignores the very potential of it happening.

White knights are pure evil.

Peppermint, Jim's Blog 6 Comments [12/29/2017 9:32:08 AM]
Fundie Index: 2

Quote# 135556

No Santa, no oak tree, no bells in fatwa committee’s Christmas guideline

PETALING JAYA: Christmas trees and other decorations that have come to symbolise the celebration worldwide should not be around if a Muslim plans to attend a Christmas event, according to a guideline issued more than a decade ago by the Fatwa Committee of the National Council for Islamic Affairs.

The guideline also forbids Muslims from attending Christmas parties that have candles, bells or Santa Claus, the pre-Christian character that has become inseparable from Christmas celebrations and popular with children worldwide.

The guideline was issued following a meeting in April 2005 by the fatwa committee of the council.

It was recently uploaded on the Facebook page of Zamihan Mat Zin, the controversial preacher from the Malaysian Islamic Development Department (Jakim).

“In determining the non-Muslim celebrations that can be attended by Muslims, several main criteria should serve as guidelines so as not to contradict the teachings of Islam,” reads an English version of the guideline made available to FMT.

It also forbids Muslims from attending Christmas functions that have religious songs or the use of the cross, or “speech or gestures in the form of a praise to the non-Muslim religion”.

Red costumes such as those worn by Santa Claus, as well as church bells and Christmas trees, are things in a Christmas party that makes it off limits to Muslims, according to the fatwa committee.

The statement also says a Christmas event should not have “acts that stir the sensitivity of the Muslim community in Malaysia”.

“The meaning of ‘stir the sensitivity of the Muslim community’ is a thing, act, word or situation which if conducted will offend the feelings of Muslims about their beliefs and practices,” the statement reads.

Muslims wishing Christmas greetings and other non-Muslim celebrations have recently become an issue in Malaysia, with Muslim scholars issuing different interpretations.

In November, Zimbabwean Muslim scholar Ismail Menk, who is popular among Malaysian Muslims, sparked controversy when he advised Muslims against saying “Merry Christmas”.

Following this, Johor’s Sultan Ibrahim Sultan Iskandar ordered a ban on Menk from speaking in Johor, saying his views could harm racial unity and harmony.

Fatwa Committee of the National Council for Islamic Affairs, Free Malaysia Today 11 Comments [12/28/2017 7:09:37 AM]
Fundie Index: 8
Submitted By: Bedhead

Quote# 135555

meh. It makes sense that they wouldn't want mass immigration/open borders. Just like we wouldn't want whites/Africans/Arabs coming into China or other Asian countries on a large scale. everyone prefers to live among their own kind. it's perfectly natural

HenLiHai, Reddit 12 Comments [12/28/2017 7:09:30 AM]
Fundie Index: 5

Quote# 135554

Like deceived Roman Catholics, Buddhists claim and are taught that they do not worship Buddha, saying that they only “pray” to his statue. The truth of the matter (as you will see in the numerous photos on this webpage) is that Buddhists do bow in worship and praise of Buddha.

In Matthew 4:10 Jesus told the Devil, “Thou shalt worship the Lord thy God, and him alone shalt thous serve.” The word “worship” here is the Greek word proskuneo, meaning “to kiss, like a dog licking his master’s hand); to fawn or crouch to, that is, (literally or figuratively) prostrate oneself in homage (do reverence to, adore).” By this very definition, Roman Catholics do indeed worship statues of the Virgin Mary and Buddhists do in fact worship statues of Buddha. Both religions denounce that Mary nor Buddha are God; yet they worship these historical figures as God.

Buddhism is of the Devil, teachings for doctrines the commandments of men (Mark 7:9). There are an estimated 300,000,000 followers of Buddhism around the world.

This false religion is becoming increasingly popular in America because people will not tolerate sound Biblical doctrine anymore. This was foretold in 2nd Timothy 4:3, “For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine; but after their own lusts shall they heap to themselves teachers, having itching ears.” Buddhism does not place any absolute demands on its followers. Buddhism tolerates all other religions, does not contend for its own faith, and fits in perfectly with the New World Order's homogenous One-World religion.

In fact, Buddhists are worshipping devils by bowing and adoring statues of Buddha. The Bible strictly prohibits worshipping or even the act of BOWING to any image of anything. We read in Exodus 20:4-5 (commonly referred to as the 2nd of the Ten Commandments), “Thou shalt not make unto thee any graven image, or any likeness of any thing that is in heaven above, or that is in the earth beneath, or that is in the water under the earth: Thou shalt not bow down thyself to them, nor serve them: for I the LORD thy God am a jealous God, visiting the iniquity of the fathers upon the children unto the third and fourth generation of them that hate me.”

How much clearer could the Bible be? It is the sin of idolatry to praise statues and images. Those fools who claim to only pray to statues, but not to worship them, are in utter denial of the truth. Catholics commonly use the illustration of a picture of one's family that is carried around in a wallet or purse; however, I've never seen anyone praying to a photo of their loved ones. Catholics are LIARS, just as Buddhists are LIARS, just as the Devil is the father of all LIARS (John 8:44). Jesus Christ is THE TRUTH (John 14:6).

David J. Stewart, Jesus is Savior 13 Comments [12/28/2017 7:06:49 AM]
Fundie Index: 5

Quote# 135552

We are indeed Joyful that God's Word does override man's opinions. And His Word says that the 'Rapture' is a pre-tribulation event which is called the 'Blessed Hope.' All born again believers are looking forward to it, and no one is going to steal our Joy. Thanks for your opinion, but we prefer God's opinion.

Anon, Now The End Begins 5 Comments [12/28/2017 7:06:04 AM]
Fundie Index: 2

Quote# 135551

Mick Williams, Disqus - Faith & Religion 12 Comments [12/28/2017 7:05:55 AM]
Fundie Index: 6
Submitted By: Jocasta
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