Quote# 123583

God Germany is the most cucked nation on the planet

"P-Please quit raping our women, w-we'll give you money to take any prostitute you like!..."

GreatLoadsOfFun, Reddit 23 Comments [1/12/2017 8:53:52 AM]
Fundie Index: 14
Submitted By: Pharaoh Bastethotep

Quote# 123585

What has caused people to change so much since the new millenium? people are more tense and to themselves?

Bottom line the bible says in the last days men will be lovers of themselves. It's just coming to past because Jesus is soon to return.

true2God, Yahoo Answers 18 Comments [1/12/2017 1:13:10 AM]
Fundie Index: 7

Quote# 123579

Let's face it, most women who get abortions, do so because millions of other women also have them. If a pregnant woman were to find out that she was the only one to ever have an abortion, she and nearly every other woman would refuse an abortion, choosing to keep their precious child, as God intended. A child is a gift from God.

David J. Stewart, Jesus is Precious 25 Comments [1/11/2017 2:14:23 PM]
Fundie Index: 10

Quote# 123577

Without the Christian virtues, men misuse and abuse both human beings and machines. I feld sorry for the female android in Blade Runner. It was the men who misused her. No wonder she ran away. The kids who do not honor God disrespect their parents, police officers, dead people... respecting no one and nothing. Not even their home country. Didn't secular West desire to teach humanity to respect fellow humans?

When humans do not respect God, respect does not exist. I hope Westerners would stop thinking they are smarter than the Holy Bible this century. So destructive to everyone on Earth. Germany was down and the USA is next. How many more nations must repeat the atrocity by oppressing the Christianity? How many wars and victims are enough? You guys need some sane morality. Please stop being bored.

Grace Kim Kwon, Christian News Network 15 Comments [1/11/2017 2:13:52 PM]
Fundie Index: 5
Submitted By: KingOfRhye

Quote# 123576

Britain has been in the grips of pedophile hysteria for 30 years. The Satanic Abuse panic caused many innocent victims until it was proven a hoax by Elisabeth Loftus’ research. Interestingly, instead of giving up, pedohysterics went on digging. Operation Yewtree failed to convict most of the alleged perpetrators, but finally snagged a few octogenarians who will die in prison for groping adolescents, with scantly any proof that would pass due process rules.

Recent obsession about alleged ass groping by famous TV stars in the 1970’ies caused police to divert their attention away from real recent child abuses to investigating 40 year old allegations.

Human-Stupidity, Human Stupidity: Irrationality, Self Deception 11 Comments [1/11/2017 2:13:45 PM]
Fundie Index: 4
Submitted By: Xavier Hugo

Quote# 123575

I will explain the


I was inspired by the

antifeminist blog’s feminist-trade-union-hypothesis.

Feminism as middle aged womens trade union to promote their selfish reproductive interest, even their plain interest in an easy life, trying to curb men’s access to more attractive or cheaper competitors.

I was wondering:

Why and with which methods do the feminist trade unions score such resounding victories

how do feminists convince everyone else to promote their goals?
And why are they winning the war on all fronts with absolute resounding victory?
there must be a special evolutionary skill how feminists manage to convince male law makers to support their warped feminist “women studies” logic and distract from the egalitarian goal of creating “men’s studies” and “men’s rights”

Human-Stupidity, Human Stupidity: Irrationality, Self Deception 13 Comments [1/11/2017 2:13:39 PM]
Fundie Index: 4
Submitted By: Xavier Hugo

Quote# 123573

Give over you just refuse like so many pagans, who want to change paganism by denying and breaking away from their own evil history of human sacrifice of their own children and such things.
Paganism has a wide and diverse definition but you have laugh when people like you claim to have the elite knowledge of paganism. The very fact you cannot even begin to understand that without creation paganism is none existent.

You see paganism can be summed up in that it worships and relates to that which is created. You can insult and you can create as much attempts to malign as you like. But the forces of nature are part of creation. Without nature without that which is created you would have paganism to follow. It is a simple fact and it won't change because it is those forces on which everything that paganism is about and relies on.

Yes, I do know about paganism and the fact it holds no power.
There is only one source of power after Gods own power and that is SATAN.
Think on before you start the next argument/post because truth does not change and Christ is the Son of God the one true God who created what you believe in.

Sassy, Religion and Ethics 19 Comments [1/11/2017 2:12:56 PM]
Fundie Index: 6
Submitted By: Nearly Sane

Quote# 123572

Adolescents are adults, Adult is someone who is mature, these ‘adolescents’ have matured enough their sexual organs and their cognitive abilities, adolescence has never existed, was created by psychiatrists a century ago, in ancient Rome, ‘adolescent’ was another word For young adults even aged 30 year olds, in no society before the invention of psychiatry was considered the existence of something called ‘adolescence’ for those under 20’s.

5 yrs old are children (an nondeveloped human), 14 yrs old are adults (a developed human, indeed young adult is the biological term, ‘adolescent’ is the false psychiatrical concept), and as an adult must have the same rights and obligations as the rest of adults

Feldmarschall, Resisting the Rape of the Male – Sex Positive Men's Rights 16 Comments [1/11/2017 2:11:58 PM]
Fundie Index: 8
Submitted By: Xavier Hugo

Quote# 123571

You once put in a comment in Human-Stupidy that there could be men who refused to have relationships with those over 18, because it was a type of rape to them try to force us to do so. I am one of those. I believe that each time someone gives up and goes with an adult, they (our rapists) win. Every time someone has a relationship with a “minor”, we win. The problem is that I will not allow people to have sex and enjoy just to be of “the same age” or “adults” while I suffer for being an adult and fall in love with a minor, so that is why I talk about have only sex exclusively with teenagers to I can take revenge on my rapists and be able to have a girlfriend, even if it is in an post-pubescent age as an 16 years old, but Is better than nothing, I think you understand me.

But BTW I would not be an “ephebophile” like H-S and aspies in general, if I am something at all it would be an hebephile because I want a girl in early pubescence to groom her (in the good sense that originally had the word), also that seems to you to that hebephiles are “social misfits” for being attracted to persons who are exclusivenly in pubescence? And normal heterosexual mens can not love children not even older as ten or so even if they are beutiful at their manner?

Feldmarschall, Resisting the Rape of the Male – Sex Positive Men's Rights 15 Comments [1/11/2017 2:11:44 PM]
Fundie Index: 12
Submitted By: Xavier Hugo

Quote# 123568

[California has passed a law that forbids law enforcement from arresting or filing charges against children found in child prostitution rings.]

pedophila legalized. adults can now say "you wont get in trouble, it is legal if YOU do it" ...... and so the pattern is set and it IS legalized pedophilia ..... and they will be preyed upon even more so ............. and their victimization will continue unabated ........... and the biggest promoter of pedophilia gets what it wants .........

Amos Moses, Christian News Network 32 Comments [1/11/2017 7:10:01 AM]
Fundie Index: 18

Quote# 123564

[Note: JohnnyJohnJohn changed his name earlier today AGAIN, he used to be Todd JQB, before that VX3, and the day before, SEDAGIV - he appears to be hiding from someone/something]

"People who are asexual are not normal though. It's normal to have a sex drive."

And people who have sex with the same gender are not normal.

"They would probably reply that you, as a heterosexual, are not "normal". You have to get over these rather nasty attitudes toward folk who are born differently from you."

And they would be idiots to say that, considering how the human race propogates: male with female. You have to get over this rather disgustingly tolerant attitude towards people who choose to engage in abnormal behavior.

"Sure, I'll get over my tolerant attitude! I'll stop tolerating bigots like yourself who hate people merely because they have a different sexuality.
Have these awful people done you any harm, do they impinge on your life in any way, do you lie awake at night worrying that hordes of ravening homosexuals are coming to ravage you and your family.
Get over it mate. Society is changing. Same sex marriage is here to stay. You'll just have to live with it or nurse your little hatred until it eats you up."

Get over it yourself. Society is going down-hill....fast. Same sex marriage and all other deviant and abnormal activities people choose to engage in will be coming to a swift end. You'll just have to deal with your abject terror and realization of being so wrong in your final moments.

JohnnyJohnJohn, Disqus - Religion 18 Comments [1/11/2017 7:07:43 AM]
Fundie Index: 5
Submitted By: Jocasta

Quote# 123562

The definition of a child is precisely who has not reached puberty. Who has not developed the secondary (adult) characters of sexuality. In general, girls enter puberty around the age of 9, with the breastspring, becoming a puberty, and leave puberty around age 13, becoming post-pubescent. Menarche occurs on average at 12 years. The first menstruation is a late phenomenon within the pubertal process.

Miguel, fococristao.wordpress.com 25 Comments [1/11/2017 7:07:23 AM]
Fundie Index: 5
Submitted By: PETF

Quote# 123559

I'm sorry she did that to you man. My mother did the same thing to my father back in 2008. Used his religion (hes Muslim) to get him arrested with no evidence whatsoever. I'm not kidding; she legitimately called the cops saying "I think hes a terrorist" and that was enough to throw him in jail until the case was thrown out the next year. The courts are biased against men, no question about it. People want to look at gender oppression? Here it is, in one of its most deadly forms. My dad isn't the same. That same strong, African war survivor is gone.

RIPelliott, Reddit 15 Comments [1/11/2017 7:06:09 AM]
Fundie Index: 2
Submitted By: Demon Duck of Doom

Quote# 123556

I never read what my critics and enemies say about me. If I did, it would affect the way I write articles. I don't care who you are, if you think about something, it will affect you. A preacher cannot help but take things to the pulpit that he has been upset about throughout the week. I have heard so many preachers mention things in the pulpit that had absolutely nothing to do with their sermon, but they try to make it fit, because they are perturbed at someone. Every genuine preacher has enemies who despise the truth, are jealous and filled with Satan's hatred. I couldn't care less what my critics and the gossipers say about me. I just don't read it. That way they have no power over me whatsoever. All they can do is run their fingers on the internet, or their mouths in someone's ears.

Mark Twain the famous author once said that it takes two people to hurt your heart... you're enemy to criticize you and your friend to tell you about it. Never tell your friend anything that is going to cause them pain. They don't need to know all the bad stuff said about them. Some people are so cruel that even after you ask them not to tell you gossip about yourself, they still do it to hurt you. Men are just as bad as women when it comes to gossiping. God hates the evil newsmedia, who spread manure for a career. I have more respect for a pimp on the street corner. It is a shame how people are so eager to volunteer information to the hypocritical media to help destroy the name of others who have sinned.

The first thing that the wicked do when a person sins is start a smear-campaign to permanently destroy that person, archiving the information in a disgraceful newspaper article. Newspapers are Satan's toilet paper. If someone is prone to continually tell you bad things about yourself which others have said, avoid that person because they are spreading gossip and trying to hurt you further. You just stay busy serving God by helping the poor, sharing the gospel, strengthening the weak, doing good for the hurting and afflicted, and let the wicked wallow like filthy pigs in their feces. Judgment day is coming for everyone! The wonderful thing is that it doesn't matter if your enemies turn the whole world against you, all that matters is what God KNOWS about you.

David J. Stewart, Jesus is Savior 22 Comments [1/11/2017 7:05:13 AM]
Fundie Index: 4

Quote# 123554

Professor PZ Myers hates Christianity. Nor is he a big fan of my good friend, Ken Ham.

In writing about his hatred, PZ unwittingly showed his hand when he said,

"I reject his notion of sin — the idea that there is some kind of divine law against which we can transgress — but humanists do not deny that we can do wrong and we can do harm. We think we should do better, not to appease some vengeful deity, but because it improves our lives and helps make those around us happier and better able to live up to their potential. We certainly do accept that death is inevitable, but not because we are wicked — the wicked often seem to flourish while the good may die young. Are we to measure the virtue of human beings by their longevity? Charles Manson is 82, and surely destined to join the saints in heaven, while every infant death must open a chute directly to hell for its wicked soul."

His hatred is perfectly in line with the Bible:

"Because the carnal mind is enmity against God; for it is not subject to the law of God, nor indeed can be" (Romans 8:7).

PZ is unashamedly godless (a state the Bible refers to as "carnal"), and so his mind is at "enmity" against God. That means he is in a continual state of hostility towards his Creator. That certainly is true. Even though he doesn't believe that He exists, but he contemptuously hates the very thought of "a god."

But look at the pinpoint accuracy of the Scriptures:

"...for it [our carnal mind] is not subject to the law of God, nor indeed can be."

His hatred is directed at the "law of God,"--the moral Law (the Ten Commandments).

PZ is like a criminal who hates the police, not because of who they are individually, but because of what they represent. They stand for the law--that which is right and good, and that is offensive to someone who loves and lives for crime.

PZ's railings about his loved ones dying is tragic, but peripheral. They are not the main reason why he is angry.

His anger is primarily at God and His Law, because he doesn't like being told what to do. Like you and I before we came to Christ, he loves his sin, and he who loves the darkness hates the light.

I'm not sure why PZ called Charles Manson "wicked," when his atheistic worldview doesn't allow for anyone to be "wicked."

Or could it simply be that Manson transgressed the moral Law, which says "You shall not kill," and PZ intuitively knows that, because of his God-given knowledge of right and wrong (see Romans 2:15).

It's actually heartening to see him using his moral compass. If he would put down his weapons and study how God's moral compass is infinitely higher, he may rethink his rejection of "The soul who sins, shall die."

This is because every death is sobering evidence of the truth of that verse.

You can see PZ in action in our movie "Evolution vs God" (over 2 million views) at www.FullyFreeFilms.com

P.S. PZ hates the movie.

Odious Christianity

I woke up to Ken Ham testifying to his faith…and demonstrating why I hate Christianity. Hate is a strong word, but not strong enough for my feelings. Ken Ham might be a decent human being if he wer…

freethoughtblogs.com|By PZ Myers

Ray Comfort, Ray Comfort's Facebook page 26 Comments [1/10/2017 9:21:30 AM]
Fundie Index: 14
Submitted By: Chris

Quote# 123552

(In response to being asked what other freedoms racists should lose in addition to not being allowed in any restaurant according to earlier comment on this news story http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-us-canada-38561883)

Their liberty, they should be locked up, in my opinion. The now banned, Paedophile Exchange, used to bang on about their right to have sex with children, should perverts be permitted to air their views?

Floo, Religion and Ethics 17 Comments [1/10/2017 9:21:01 AM]
Fundie Index: 10
Submitted By: Nearly Sane

Quote# 123550

Tranmy isnt an insult, these people are just getting triggered

Jamie Lobley, Facebook 18 Comments [1/10/2017 9:20:47 AM]
Fundie Index: 7
Submitted By: Demon Duck of Doom

Quote# 123545

You are wrong. There are news of Western scholars trying to justify pedophilia and of violating the selves and multiple people and animals and robots and oceans. Post-christian is a worse savagery than Pre-christian. Christianity is the only cure for today's secular West's evil mental illness. You guys are not smarter than the Holy Bible. No God = No sanity in the West. When will you admit that fact?

Grace Kim Kwon, Christian News Network 24 Comments [1/10/2017 9:20:37 AM]
Fundie Index: 10
Submitted By: KingOfRhye

Quote# 123547

[Note: Todd JQB changed his name earlier, he used to be VX3, and the day before, SEDAGIV]

"As a teacher of biblical history I will have to weigh in and say (username removed) is correct . The 2 different accounts of creation in Genesis 1 & 2 as two separate creation myths from different sources has been the consensus view of scholarship for quite some time. These two 2 mythological accounts were compiled at some point early during the Babylonian exile when the Torah was written."

No, you are both incorrect.

"Actually our opinion in on line with the vast majority of academic biblical scholarship. There is no more debate on this issue the creation account in the Bible is an amalgamation of the Akkadian source known as the Enuma Elish and the Sumerian source known as the Epic of Gilgamesh and also included in some areas both Greek and Phoenician elements. The Genesis creation account was written in between 600 and 400 BC."

No it isn't. You're incorrect in your unsupported statements.

"Your denial of historical facts does not change the reality of my statements that are supported by the overwhelming amount of academic studies of Genesis of the last several decades. I'm sure it will come as a shock but we have a very good idea of the origins of Jehovah and how his worship evolved over time from the cannanite pantheon of gods son of the cheif god El until Jehovah was worshipped as part of a divine couple with his female consort Asherah until around 600 BC. We even have evidence of child sacrifices being done in Israel as part of the worship of Jehovah until the Persian period that lasted until 400 BC."

You can make up whatever you want and call it a "historical fact" to your heart's content. It doesn't make it true. It also doesn't change the reality that your statements are incorrect and quite frankly, ridiculous.

"Well we have now 100 years of archeological data from Isreal and Egypt. We have the Ugaritic Texts discovered in Ras Sharma in 1928 and tablets found in Israel dated to the 8th century that demonstrates the facts stated and these have been part of the standard curriculum of Old Testament studies of every major theological seminary in the Western world for a long time."

You have nothing but speculation based on false information and the bigoted agenda of the anti-religious, anti-Bible crowd.

"I know you are troubled by this but this "information"' has been known for quite some time. The overwhelming majority of scholars are believers and many are committed Christians yet they agree with the conclusions of mainstream scholarship based on on an objective analysis of the historical evidentiary material from both archeological and written sources. The position of biblical minimalism regarding the Old Testament has been the practically unanimous view for a few decades."

I'm not troubled at all, except by the fact that while I reject nonsense, you buy into it. You can keep making absurd sweeping comments ("the overwhelming majority of scholars are believers.....") that you've deluded yourself into believing, but the reality is otherwise.

"It's not a matter of buying into it. These historical facts are part of the academic curriculum. The reality is you don't know what scholars are saying and you don't know what is being taught to students in Old Testament history classes. I know because I am in those classes. Even conservative Biblical colleges agree with the consensus in OT studies."

They're not facts, they're "facts". The reality is you simply are naive enough to buy into anything you read.

"No this is the result of 25 years of experience and research in the field. These "facts" are what is taught in every Old Testament history class. Biblical minimalism represents the practically unanimous view. Here is a good article by Old Testament professor Philip Davies (University of Sheffield) that explains misconceptions on this.
I'm on the process of researching my masters dissertation that will basically demonstrate that Judaism resulted by a process of algamation of ancient. Cannanite religion with Zoroastrianism when the Israelites remodeled there religious practices in the image of the religion of Babylon. I will go as far as stating that the New Testament would not exist if the Israelites had not been in exile since most of the concepts that led to the foundation of Christianity were borrowed from the Persians."

Completely incorrect.

Todd JQB, Disqus - Religion 24 Comments [1/9/2017 10:59:40 PM]
Fundie Index: 13
Submitted By: Jocasta

Quote# 123544

Ephebophilia (or ‘hebephilia’) is a word commonly bandied about online by individuals wishing to differentiate between men (like themselves), who are attracted towards underage teenagers, and ‘paedophiles’ who are sexually attracted to pre-pubescent children. Of course, the media, and the legal system, makes no such distinction. However, many who would champion the right of men to have sexual relations with girls currently under the age of consent feel strongly that if this distinction was more widely known and accepted then it could facilitate a more reasonable public discussion on the age of consent and the laws and punishments relating to sex with teens. Paedophiles are evil perverts and beyond the pale, but ephebophiles? Well, they are not so very different from the average red-blooded man – they just like their women a little bit younger. Yes, they are suffering from a clinical disorder, as paedophiles are, but it’s not so harmful and they are a lot closer to the normal spectrum than subhuman paedos.

So is ephebophilia a real thing? Does the concept serve any useful purpose in the context of the feminist war upon male sexuality and age of consent issues in particular? And am I just as much as a hebo as some of my former readers who have championed the label in the past, such as ‘Human Stupidity‘?

As regulars will know, I’ve made a point of strongly disavowing the very idea of ephebophilia. There are two good reasons for this.

Firstly, my experience of ‘ephebophiles’ both here and elsewhere online. Self-identified ephebophiles tend to be universally 1/ clearly autistic 2/ tactically clueless 3/ prone to paedocrisy and even 4/ Left-Wing and pro-feminist (obviously some exceptions, such as HS) and certainly ‘anti-misogynistic’.

To put it bluntly, based upon my experience, such people are worse than useless in the fight against the Sexual Trade Union. I’d rather go into battle against an Isis horde with only a dozen disabled, pacifist, transgenders alongside me than these creepy ‘ephebophiles’. Hell, I’d rather take on a handful of Russian Ultras with a thousand English football hooligans to back me up. That’s how pathetic these aspie hebos are when it comes to the street fight we are all in.

Secondly, I see no strategic advantage whatsoever in embracing the label of ephebophilia. ‘Hebos’ are so clueless that they really do believe, in their aspie naivety, that the same hysteric mobs who burn down the homes of pediatricians will take kindly to a group defining themselves by a slightly different Ancient Greek term meaning ‘ perverted love of underage girls with hair and perky breasts’.

Of course, this isn’t quite fair. Ephebophilia means ‘love of youth’ (form the Greek word for youth – ‘hebe’). And the attraction to young post-pubescent girls is indeed normal. The point is, to paedohysterics, a word doesn’t change a thing. David Futrelle, child snuff porn apologist and paedocrite that he is, is right to mock the idea that it could ‘win over’ feminists or the paedo hating population at large. In fact, it could make things very much worse. I have spoken here before of the fact that shows like ‘To Catch a Predator’, and ‘anti-paedophile’ vigilantes such as Stinson Hunter, nearly always target men who are trying to have sex with girls only a little under the age of consent. They never try to entrap real perverts and child molestors.

The reason why we have this insane moral panic over ‘paedophiles’ is not because perverts who molest 5 year old children are hated. It’s because society hates and fears even more the normal men who break age of consent laws by having sex with nubile young teens. Paedocritical men are shouting at the bulge in their pants at the thought of climbing into bed with a sexy 14 year old, and all the legal consequences that would follow for them, and paedohysteric woman (and feminists) are shouting at the millions of men who would not even hide the bulge in their pants and openly pursue teenage girls if it wasn’t for the law, the shaming, and the feminist induced hysteria over ‘paedophilia’.

It is true to an extent that establishing the concept of ephebophilia in mainstream discourse would help to clarify what real paedophilia is and isn’t. Real paedophilia is a psychological perversion involving the sexual preference for pre-pubescent children (in today’s USA, that means girls under the age of 10 or so). But at the same time, I see absolutely no advantage in replacing one clinically defined pathology with another. Anti-feminism is the fight against the feminist suppression and pathologizing of normal male heterosexuality. It is normal for men to be sexually attracted to females who have started puberty and who have the maximum number of fertile years ahead of them.

Ephebophile activists believe they can identify themselves as a group and fight for and eventually win their sexual rights, just as gays (supposedly) did. No they can’t. However, MEN can perhaps reclaim their sexual rights against feminists. Only normal, heterosexual MEN can win in the fight against the war on male sexuality.

With all this said, however, I wouldn’t be honest not to add my own personal experiences over the last couple of years, and describe how they have perhaps enabled me to look at the ‘ephebophile question’ in a new and more nuanced light. For some time I’d largely given up on dating. I was getting older, I was still introverted and awkward around the opposite sex, and in any case, as ‘the Anti-Feminist’ I saw all women as rapists, every one of them limiting male sexuality in order to futher their own selfish sexual ends. Walking down the street and smiling at a pretty jailbait as an act of defiance was the limit of female involvement in my world.

For over two years now I’ve been spending the majority of my time in Eastern Europe. As most readers accept here, Slavic women are much more feminine and better looking than their Anglo counterparts, with Russians at the very apex of the female beauty pyramid. Furthermore, they age rather differently too. Yes, of course any normal man would be attracted to even an average Russian 15 year old girl, but the ‘Manosphere Myth’ that I’ve criticised here in the past regarding peak fertility and women reaching their maximum attractiveness at 21-25 isn’t so implausible when you constantly see such stunningly beautiful long legged slim women in their early twenties all around you.

In Eastern Europe I don’t get the achingly painful sense of regret at seeing a pretty 14 year old girl and thinking that by the time she is legal, she will already be losing her youthful charm and beauty. The fact is, in the UK, and even in countries such as France and Germany, the majority of girls are burnt out, bitter, overweight slags by the time they reach 18. Because of diet, lifestyle, and genetics, even pretty 14 year olds do start to lose it by the time they are off to university. In Eastern Europe, puberty arrives a little later, lasts longer, and everywhere you turn there are 20 year old women who are ravishingly beautiful, have perfect skin, possess the long slim legs of ballerinas, and who wear elegant fashions with a graceful air.

Furthermore, I’ve fallen in love with at least a couple of such specimans. One of them is now 26. I have seen photos of her when she was a teenager and the curious thing is she didn’t look anything special even at 17. By 21 she was modelling, and even now as she approaches her 30’s, I get jealous looks constantly when I am with her, even in a city where HB8s are the norm. Even the likes of Krauser PUA would give me a nod of respect if he saw me with her. Look closely and she has crow feet developing around her eyes. Her skin is no longer perfect. But if I could re-wind time I would not wish her any younger than 21. And it’s not down to make-up either. I have seen her without, and she is still beautiful, and more beautiful than she was when she was a schoolgirl.

Another of my girlfriends is 20, and very pretty. She still looks like a teen, and even behaves like one in many ways, though thankfully more in a cute than insufferable manner. Although beautiful, I do not recieve so many jealous looks when I am with her as when I am with the woman who is a good deal older. This girl, I only met recently. I have seen photos of her when she was 18, and she looked almost perfect. I would have liked to have known her then, and I would still not object to a girlfriend such as her who is 16 or 17. However, in Eastern Europe the age of consent is not such a weighty issue given the mass of beautiful females aged above even 18. And this is probably why paedohysteria is primarily an Anglo-Saxon phenomenon.

So in the light of my experiences, how would I finally appraise ‘ephebophila’? As to whether it is a real thing, I am both more and less inclined to say yes. Despite my disavowal of the term here in the past, I somewhat suspected that I might be ‘a little different’ to the average man. Not just in being honest about attraction to young teenagers, but perhaps more strongly attracted than most. Although partly right, I think I had simply fallen into the same mistake that I’d rightly accused self-identified ‘ephebophiles‘ of making. The honesty to accept that teens are attractive can lead you to identify yourself, even subconsciously, as ‘somebody who is attracted to teenage girls’ and different to other men, and to somewhat ignore the charms of slightly older females. And this is compounded by the disgraceful state of femininity in the Anglo-Saxon world, a world in which the only feminine and loveable girls left are indeed mostly under 18.

If ephebophilia exists, therefore, it is not a clinical disorder, such as real paedophilia is, but rather a situation in a man’s life brought about by feminism and the state of women in the Western world.

And as a badge, it’s still tactically clueless and aspie.

My experiences of falling in love have also altered somewhat my views on ‘normal male sexuality’ in the sense that I now give more value to the merits of sex within a loving relationship. Of course, I am not now claiming that the female monogamous system is ‘right’ for men. I am currently in love with two beautiful women, and I think I have emotional room left for a couple more as well, hehe. All I’m saying is I no longer mock the notion of love, and that sex with love is, after all, something that every man should be able to experience as part of a happy life. I also look at porn less, and so I have to admit, I am closer to Eivind Berge’s view that real relationships are better than fapping. However, I still feel that he doesn’t understand the dangers of giving the slightest credence to feminist arguments against porn. And also, not many men can have girlfriends as good looking as his, and not many men approaching 50, as I am, can walk down the street with a beautiful 20 year old, or a HB9 26 year old, as I can. Porn never stopped me having relationships. Rather, it was a life-saving substitute in fallow times. It also helped to keep the flame of desire alive as I sank into middle-age.

And that thought leads nicely onto a final word regarding my contribution to men’s rights activism and the lack of updates on this blog. Yes, I am in some ways happier and more content than before, and therefore no longer feel the need or have the desire to carry the stress and time commitment of regularly posting articles here. It’s also true that I certainly no longer feel any personal pain at current age of consent laws. I would certainly be satisfied forever more at having relationships with beautiful Slavic girls aged 16 above, or even 18 above. But this certainly isn’t the reason for my lack of involvement in men’s rights. I still maintain that the ‘age of consent’, or more correctly, all the many issues that revolve around it, as part of the wider assault upon male sexuality by feminists, is the leading men’s rights issue. But perhaps I am less inclined to maintain this site, just when I am finding some happiness and sexual satisfaction, to cater to disloyal self-identified ephebophile readers such as the likes of Jon or Human-Stupidity, themselves prone to paedocrisy whenever it suits them.

Miguel, theantifeminist.com 21 Comments [1/9/2017 2:00:08 PM]
Fundie Index: 8
Submitted By: PETF

Quote# 123543

can you provide any evidence that science is relevant to real life that doesn't rely on science itself?

Hope, Religion and Ethics 34 Comments [1/9/2017 2:00:05 PM]
Fundie Index: 14
Submitted By: Nearly Sane

Quote# 123539

Nostradamus predictions for 2017: Terrifying forewarnings of 16th century prophet revealed
Nostradamus prophecies have baffled experts down the ages with their astonishing accuracy - and as n 2017 dawns we look at what the fabled sooth sayer has in store for us this year.

Michel de Nostredame was a 16th century French philosopher who, according to followers, has predicted many historical events including 9/11, the rise of Hitler and Donald Trump’s presidential victory.

After a year full of surprises and political upsets, believers have looked once again to Nostradamus’ writings to try to predict what the new year will bring.

Look through the photo gallery at the top of this story to find out what Nostradamus’ followers believe could happen around the world in 2017.

On the world stage, China could make bold moves to cure the “economic imbalance” in the world with far-reaching effects, according to believers.

Italy could face financial hardship with rising unemployment and loans making it the “epicentre” of a fresh eurozone crisis.

The country looks set to experience economic turmoil and a deepening banking crisis in the wake the Italian referendum result and Matteo Renzi’s decision to resign.

The “current superpower”, believed to be a reference to the US, is expected to become increasingly ungovernable and incompetent in the year that Mr Trump enters office.

Another prophecy is said to predict a new truce between Russia and Ukraine, which will be opposed by the US but embraced by the EU.

In Latin America, Governments are forecast to move away from left-wing policies, which will help set the stage for potential civil unrest.

The most terrifying of the alleged prophecies is a “Hot War” over global warming and diminishing resources, with the greatest threats said to be biological warfare and terrorism.

In terms of technology, Nostradamus predicted that cloud computing would simply become known as computing, solar power would become more widespread, and commercial space travel would take off with orbital flights around the Earth.

no name given, Express 28 Comments [1/9/2017 11:53:45 AM]
Fundie Index: 5
Submitted By: Pharaoh Bastethotep

Quote# 123536

It was -10 with blizzards yesterday morning in the Euro town I’m currently in. Didn’t stop me seeing two blonde girls, about 14, wearing the tiniest denim micro shorts revealing at least half of their butt cheeks walking down the street. I’m sure one of them called me a paedophile as I looked on in amazement at the rather surreal sight. Almost makes you feel the muslims have a point after all!

theantifeminist, Resisting the Rape of the Male – Sex Positive Men's Rights 21 Comments [1/9/2017 11:53:37 AM]
Fundie Index: 8
Submitted By: Xavier Hugo

Quote# 123534

This debate has moved beyond what society decides marriage is, to the ethics of allowing the church and other religious organisations, which define it differently, exemption from equality law with regard to ssm.

The facts are that sex has one purpose which is procreation, and any arrangement other than one man and his wife perverts this function.

People who become members of the Christian church sign up to its principles.

Spud, Religion and Ethics 16 Comments [1/9/2017 11:53:13 AM]
Fundie Index: 9
Submitted By: Nearly Sane

Quote# 123533

Hollywood luvvie Meryl Streep has given a speech lambasting President Elect Donald Trump. No suprise there. The Alt-Right, led by paedohysteric Mike Cernovich, has responded by pointing out that Streep gave a standing ovation to Roman Polanski – the director still wanted in the USA for taking a 13 year old girl up the ass, back in the 70s. No surprise there either. His Twitter feed has quickly degenerated into a shouting match as to who are the bigger paedos – Conservatives or Libs – complete with pictures of Trump kissing a very young cutie on a bed (Brooke Shields?) and Obama apparently feeling up his own teen daughter’s ass on the sofa.

This is what political discussion has been reduced to in the death throes of Western civilization – which side is the bigger paedophiles for openly showing attraction to fertile teenage girls. The really creepy thing is, both side’s Twitter armies are full of profiles with anime avatars showing very young pre-pubescent girls. In fact, I believe the alt-right are particularly famous for it and even have a group dedicated to it (anime).

theantifeminist, Resisting the Rape of the Male – Sex Positive Men's Rights 15 Comments [1/9/2017 11:53:04 AM]
Fundie Index: 4
Submitted By: Hugo Xavier