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Quote# 120693

Here's a definition of fundamentalist: a religious movement characterized by a strict belief in the literal interpretation of religious texts. If you take out religious and put in abortion, you'd have YOU. So you are a fundie.

savhcheshire, Live Action News 13 Comments [7/24/2016 2:57:06 AM]
Fundie Index: 6
Submitted By: Jocasta

Quote# 120692

Jinn will rape you . . .

The Lustful jinn Attack part 1

The lustful Jinn

The Jinns force human-beings to sexual relationships, there are some ways which they do it.

1. Physical,
2. Dreams,
3. Masturbation.

1. Physical

When physical jinns attacks a person, the person literally feels that there's something around them which is trying to force the person, usually when such things happen the person feels someone scratching, severe pain in privates, pain in chest for ladies, the braided hair of the women open up every night and feels someone is sleeping beside them, someone is sitting on them etc

2. Dreams

The person has sexual dreams or wet dreams in which a men or women has sex with them and it is usually seen as a wet dream.

3. Masturbation,
-making the person do haram

The jinn firstly makes explicit whispers to the person to intimate the person from which the person will watch nasty stuff, when the person starts watching this nasty stuffs the jinn starts whispering to the person regarding how a specific character in the video or a magazine looks and try's to make the person imagine it continuously, the person starts thinking about this specific character and masturbates, now the jinns are unseen and the character which this person has imagined is nothing but the form of Jinn, [as the prophet peace be upon him said "Satan can take any form except mine"], and this is how they do it.

-making the person horny
The other way is to simply make the person horny and make the person masturbate, usually in this situations the person is possessed since the external jinns takes over the mind of the person and make the person play around with themselves.

As Allah says in Quran

"And do not go near zina. It is indeed a shameful and an evil path." (Surah Al Isrâ’, Ayah 32)

And Allah knows best
Al Ruqya wa shifaa
Contact: [email protected]
In sha Allah next part will be regarding the cure from lustful jinns

al ruqya wa shifa, ummah.com 9 Comments [7/24/2016 2:56:53 AM]
Fundie Index: 8
Submitted By: Mister Spak

Quote# 120689

GOD decreed unto man and woman, “Be fruitful, and multiply” (Genesis 1:28).13 HE never told them to split up, then have same-sex marriages, nor to take birth control pills, to use foam, or to use any other method of killing the procreation of children, or to defy the excellent plan of GOD. GOD has never condoned murder, which the satanic people of this world now call abortion. Satan, and at least half the human population, is telling you to do these evil things; and to get him off the hook, he tells you to vote about it, so that you will get the blame and not him. Will you vote GOD down? Will you think to vote away HIS Law, HIS commandments? You are mere people. You can’t vote away the Law of GOD! What’s the matter with you? You must be crazy to think so, and that GOD will approve your madness. GOD said that murderers must be put to death (Exodus 21:12, 14-15, Leviticus 24:17, Numbers 35:16-21, Deuteronomy 19:11-13), and that childhood ends at puberty. Many females reach puberty at nine or ten years old, and males at fourteen, and if they murder they should be tried as adults because according to the Bible they are adults. This is what the Bible says, and according to the law of the land, the U.S. Constitution, I have the right to believe my Bible and not be prosecuted for it by a law that is not a law. These are my religious beliefs, and the President, the congress, judges, prosecutors, and no one else is above the law of our land.

Tony Alamo, Tony Alamo Christian Ministries 28 Comments [7/23/2016 3:09:37 AM]
Fundie Index: 16
Submitted By: Chris

Quote# 120688

I've been aiming to get Muslims on board with the Men's Movement, but som far I am failing. Despite its shortcomings, Islam has a much healthier sexual morality than feminist Christians. They are not so stuck-up about age of consent and haven't picked up the female sex offender charade. It's hard to imagine someone like Jennifer Fichter being persecuted in a Muslim country, and if she was, at least they wouldn't sink to the idiotic level of pretending she was "victimizing" the boys. It is much more honest to have a morality where certain acts are simply considered immoral because God says so, not because of some pseudoscientific victimology. Nothing pisses me off more than the creation of fake victims, and nothing is more absurd than pretending boys who get lucky with older women are victims. No Islamist has ever done anything as offensive as that crap yet, to my knowlede, so feminists and their enforcers remain the most execrable monsters on the face of the earth

Eivind Berge, Eivind Berge`s blog 26 Comments [7/22/2016 3:46:56 AM]
Fundie Index: 36
Submitted By: Xavier

Quote# 120687

But the "sound" reasoning used by the likes of Richard Dawkins has done the human race far more harm than you could ever imagine.

Alan Burns, Religion and Ethics 24 Comments [7/22/2016 3:46:47 AM]
Fundie Index: 4
Submitted By: Nearly Sane

Quote# 120686

I agree, 12 is a good age to argue for. Even though a case could be made for abolishing the age of consent altogether, most people are so deranged by anti-sex hysteria that they will never listen to it.

Eivind Berge, Eivind Berge`s blog 42 Comments [7/22/2016 3:38:01 AM]
Fundie Index: 34
Submitted By: Xavier

Quote# 120684

Is Brexit Mentioned in Bible Prophecy?

In a June 23rd referendum, the people of the United Kingdom voted to leave the European Union (EU). The media labeled this British exit from the EU “Brexit.” The vote surprised some who study Bible prophecy. After all, many pointed to the EU as the revived Roman Empire of the end times. Now, after the UK’s vote, some have started to doubt that. But should they? Is Brexit a step backward for bible prophecy? Does it mean the EU isn’t the alliance foretold for the end times?

No. If it happens, the exit of such a large and powerful nation will weaken the EU. But it hasn't happened yet. And while some say Brexit signals the end of the EU as the revived Roman Empire, I don’t think so. To me, it’s yet another reason to believe some form of the EU will become that empire...

The word Brexit doesn’t appear in the Bible. However, the Bible does mention a revived Roman Empire in the last days. It will be an empire made up of weak and strong nations. It will be divided against itself, and the effort of these nations to come together and strengthen themselves will be volatile and unstable.

Does this sound familiar? It should. Sounds a lot like the EU, doesn’t it? It's the story of an empire born from a decades-long process marked by division, volatility, and instability. The UK vote to exit from the EU is just the latest event in a process that signals the rise of a global empire. It’s yet another sign Jesus is coming!

Britt Gillette, Rapture Ready 34 Comments [7/22/2016 3:37:44 AM]
Fundie Index: 14
Submitted By: solomongrundy

Quote# 120683

That's the plan. I'm against it as I think that homogeneity is good for a country, and that my people have a right to our land. Plus, "we" never did any colonising and we didn't start any of these wars in the Middle East.
Still, our European overlords insist, and as white people, we signal our upstanding moral nature to each other by trying to be as individualistic as possible and refusing to show any tribal preference towards our own group. God knows how this came about. WW2? The death of Christianity? Civilisational exhaustion? Who knows.

ThrewUpThrewAway, reddit 8 Comments [7/22/2016 3:37:30 AM]
Fundie Index: 9

Quote# 120682

["Violence and more death is certainly NOT the answer"]

There appears to be no answer. Protesting isn’t making it stop, shouting isn’t making it stop. No amount of attempting to bring attention to the issue is making it -better-. People of color are still being gunned down for little to no reason at all.

I honestly question why violence isn’t the answer. Certainly, targeting any and every cop is going to do nothing but hurt the situation, but growing more willing as a populace to step in and physically put a stop to it seems like it -could- be a viable option. Cops acting with impunity isn’t working, but ‘onlookers’ becoming aggressive when the dirty ones start bashing people’s faces or when they execute someone in the streets could send the correct message.

GAKeynesian, Daily Kos 13 Comments [7/22/2016 3:37:05 AM]
Fundie Index: -3

Quote# 120681

It's true that Asia's nutrition is shit, but there is also genetics which is influenced from the socio-cultural aspect of Asia that limits them in specific sports such as basketball and American football. Not that's it's realistic but I do support a eugenic implementation of some sort in specific Asian countries to "breed" individuals with more possibilities of having freakish athleticism. You see a lot of west African descent people in certain sports, because they come from a slave stock that required strong bred individuals in order to survive. Sorry if this was off topic, but I don't think it was.

Cartoonfan3, Reddit 32 Comments [7/22/2016 3:36:49 AM]
Fundie Index: 9

Quote# 120680

I pity girls who delude themselves that they are liberated when they are simply making themselves cheap (see Friends, Sex in the City (ok, I have never watched the latter, but you know what I mean) and the ones you see in real life.


In my opinion, promiscuity must lead to lack of self-respect; how can you like yourself for being so intimate with someone you have just met & probably have nothing else in common with ?

I hate to see a big, bare pregnant belly; it looks ugly & it should be for the woman's husband to look at & nobody else Frankly, I prefer not to be in the hairdresser and have a huge, naked,swollen belly in my face; it isn't decent or modest. How can women be so immodest as to let everyone-men included- see something so intimate ?

The Victorians had the right idea (pardon my sweeping generalisation); they knew the value of gift-wrapping ! Orthodox Jewish women also (I suspect) know this !!!

Annie, Aish.com 23 Comments [7/22/2016 3:36:41 AM]
Fundie Index: 11

Quote# 120678

(responding to story titled "Republican Party adopts the most 'pro-life platform in history'):

So, now the doctrine is clear:

The GOP is more anti-abortion than ever, and the Dems are more pro-abortion than ever, now becoming radical extremist pro-aborts, standing firm on the bodies of 60 million innocents.

It is a difficult year for pro-life Democrats: will they place their ideology and party adherence ahead of the most vulnerable, or will they stand FOR the 3000 innocent babies sacrificed today at the altar of Big Abortion and Planned Murder in Da Hood?

WorldGoneCrazy, Christian News Network 12 Comments [7/22/2016 3:36:26 AM]
Fundie Index: 11
Submitted By: Jocasta

Quote# 120677

[Either today, or in a world without Malaria, would you suggest releasing a devastating plague in Africa, and go on TV to tell the victims that they were a burden on the world and you had judged their lives to be not worth living, so were reducing the population to a more manageable level?]

Assuming we are not willing or capable to do better (Help them have lives worth living, fix resources and population management issues "directly"...), then yes. Not a devastating plague + broadcast though. A sterilization plague that ideally targets the less intelligent 90% or whatever. Done in secret and presented as a natural occurrence, paired with compassionate material and "bureaucratic" assistance.

I don't think it's impossible to judge a life as not worth living. Survival instinct is not rational.

HaveLostTheirHair, Reddit 13 Comments [7/22/2016 3:36:18 AM]
Fundie Index: 5

Quote# 120675

[Regarding the pro-choice bodily autonomy argument]

Men lost their "right" to bodily autonomy when they where drafted into the military to defend not only our lives, but our freedom as well. We would probably not be where we are today if it wasn't for them.

Anonymous, Tumblr 13 Comments [7/22/2016 3:34:49 AM]
Fundie Index: 5
Submitted By: Demon Duck of Doom

Quote# 120671

My point is simple... If your husband wants his cereal in a certain bowl or wants you to wear a certain dress in public... JUST DO IT! If your husband wants you to rinse his glass for 15 seconds or asks you to roll his socks into a ball... JUST DO IT! If your husband wants more grain in his meals... JUST DO IT! If your husband doesn't like the smell of certain foods when you cook them... then DON'T DO IT! If your husband wants you to put the twist back onto the loaf of bread... then JUST DO IT! If your husband wants the toilet seat up at all times... then JUST DO IT! It may not seem fair to you but it is YOUR JOB ladies to HELP your husband. If you don't like what I'm saying, then get mad at God (Genesis 3:16). If you don't believe the Bible, then you might as well stop reading because you'll never please God (Hebrews 11:6). God hates feminism, which is usurpation of authority that rightfully belongs to the man.

You are to be His HELP MEET!

Why rock the boat? Why be stubborn and aggravate your husband? You are his HELP MEET! Do you want to be happy as a wife, I mean really happy? Then you do everything you can do please your husband and make him happy. But you ask, "What about me?" What about you? You were created to please God (Revelation 4:11). God is pleased when we obey Him. A wife is commanded by God to obey her husband (1st Peter 3:6). To submit is to obey. Most women today refuse to submit to their own husbands. It is a shame and a sin. The divorce rate has skyrocketed because of feminism, which has brainwashed women into believing that they shouldn't have to center their lives around a man. I heard a single woman say, "I'm never getting married, I'm not going to wait on no man hand and foot." I think she would be wise never to get married because she'll be divorced faster than kids eat ice cream (and they eat fast let me tell you).

If this article makes you angry, then you need to get right with God. A woman is to obey her husband. If you want to be a career woman, then you are in violation of 1st Timothy 5:14-15...

"I will therefore that the younger women marry, bear children, guide the house, give none occasion to the adversary to speak reproachfully. For some are already turned aside after Satan."

A woman's place is in the home, not behind an office desk. American women are known around the world for their feministic and rebellious traits. If this angers you, you are proof of this fact. I am not condemning anyone, I am just saying that it is time for wives to start obeying their husbands again, weather he loves you or not.

David J. Stewart, Jesus is Savior 42 Comments [7/22/2016 3:34:07 AM]
Fundie Index: 26

Quote# 120669

[Are we becoming too tolerant of differences?]

Yes, and homosexuality is a good example. Tolerance is a good thing. However, it doesn't mean we shouldn't change the bad things about ourselves that can harm us physically and mentally. If you're a homosexual, you should try to be straight and stay away from relationships that involve the opposite gender. If you over eat, you should learn to control your cravings. It's simple.

Anonymous, debate.org 15 Comments [7/22/2016 3:33:56 AM]
Fundie Index: 8
Submitted By: TheReasonator

Quote# 120668

Europe has very few fundamentalist Christians and the LGBT population does just fine out there and most people let them live their lives in peace. In Canada, the same thing is happening. I think what's happening here is that you want to control others with your rather rigid morality, and people are standing up to you. This utterly stupid idea that homosexuals are afflicted by "sick sins" is the reason your fundamentalists are NOT more popular, because that idea is completely contrary to what we learn from scientific EVIDENCE to the contrary. And as long as you remain science-phobic and proud of it, your ideas will remain unpopular.

The Western licentiousness hurts global children; it's nothing of private matter since the Western Sodomites have started demanding the unconditional submission. Read Leviticus ch.18-20. God destroyed the civilizations like the secular USA. They just had no Christian population. (Genesis ch.19) You are wrong about the Western Europe and Canada and Australia. The people were simply bribed and threatened and silenced and tamed by the government's free stuff. Freedom fighters were always minorities.

American Psychological Association is the crazy entity. USA is one of the most immoral nation on earth because of them; no one should listen to them. Read the Holy Bible for morality and sanity. Telling homosexuality is sin is what the LGBT people need to hear. Ronald, you are wrong. The West fell into the deadly error by applying racial equality upon the sexual depravity. Today's Americans would be labeled as the sickest sexual addicts the entire history has to testify. People dislike Christian theocracy because they are sinful sinners, but the child-abusing culture must be fixed by the Christian Church whether perv population likes it or not. At least in the West, Christians must not get bullied for speaking out God's truth. Liberty is for God's Word.

Grace Kim Kwon, Christian News Network 18 Comments [7/22/2016 3:33:50 AM]
Fundie Index: 12
Submitted By: Jocasta

Quote# 120666

Hammy vs the wrong creation myth . . .(much cutting and pasting - go to link for full effect)

Imagine my shock when I discovered that some Muslim leaders were using their own form of “creation evangelism” to convert people to Islam!

Stephen said that the speaker, in an excited, authoritative tone, declared: “The purpose of life is to be grateful to our Benefactor and conform to His rules.”

The Muslim leader went on to discuss that we need a system designed to help us be grateful to the Benefactor and to conform … and that system is Islam. He also emphasized that the Koran and the teachings of Muhammad were the authority.
Stephen and his pastor said that this was actually an Islamic “creation evangelism” lecture! It majored on design, which could have a major impact on many non-Muslims. But the argument of design was used to connect people to Islam!

As I’ve often said, AiG isn’t about converting people to “creation.” AiG seeks to teach people the truths of God’s Word so they’ll understand and believe the gospel.
Then I went into detail as to how people need to be taught that the Bible’s history in Genesis is true, that it’s confirmed by observational science and that the millions-of-years/evolutionary ideas that permeate the media and schools are not true.

As we often state on our website, AiG uses the design arguments (among many others) to proclaim the Christian faith—which is how we need to use such arguments.

AiG is at the cutting edge of evangelism today. We’re not just battling the secularization of the culture, but also against false religions like Islam. The message that God’s Word beginning in Genesis can be trusted is the answer for our world.

Ken Ham, AIG 23 Comments [7/21/2016 3:38:11 AM]
Fundie Index: 13
Submitted By: Mister Spak

Quote# 120665

Most women support age of consent laws and most men in turn support age of consent laws because most women present the idea that, as adults, they 'know' that they would have regretted (or did regret) sex as a young girl. If women were going round saying that they would have loved to have sex with an older guy at 13,14 (as most men are honest enough to admit to about their boyhood regarding sex with older females) and that the age of consent should be lowered, do you really think men would have such hatred for male 'sex predators'? I have no idea what Jennifer Ficther thinks about sex between older men and teenage girls, but women in general have responsibility for spreading the lie that girls are harmed by such sexual relationships. (btw, women and 'feminists' are happy to persecute female 'paedophiles' because relatively few women are attracted to male teens, whereas nearly all men are attracted to female teens. In other words, the average woman does not find underage boys sexually tempting but she sure as does fear or feel jealousy at her boyfriend or husband lusting after an underage teen. Age of consent laws benefit women and harm men.

theantifeminist, Eivind Berge`s blog 17 Comments [7/21/2016 3:37:57 AM]
Fundie Index: 16
Submitted By: X

Quote# 120664

Facebook is evil

This week we learned that Facebook has kicked out Rune Øygard because he is a convict of the victimless sex crime of having a consensual sexual relationship with 14-15-year-old girl (there is nothing really unusual about this criminal case, which just shows run-of-the-mill misandry and sex-hostility at work, but it received a lot of publicity in Norway because Øygard is a politician). It turns out that Facebook has an actual policy against convicted sex offenders. To me, this crosses the line and demonstrates unambiguously that Facebook is an evil instrument of political correctness, in the business of enforcing feminist sexual taboos. I believe a private company such as Facebook should have the right to exclude anyone they want, of course, but this policy raises the issue of whether it is a good idea for us to spend so much of our time there. The issue is our willingness to give them power over us. Facebook's ostracism hurts because we have trusted them with too much power and now they abuse that trust, but the fundamental problem is our gullibility. The moral is: Don't make yourself too dependent on any morally corrupt entity. This is an inherent risk of centralized platforms, so we should probably try to avoid these whenever possible

Eivind Berge,  Eivind Berge`s blog 17 Comments [7/21/2016 3:37:53 AM]
Fundie Index: 10
Submitted By: X

Quote# 120663

For example, it used to be that loads of blokes would bang 15 year olds, but now it's non-existent, so people think the feminist laws are scientifically correct - normal men don't have sex with 15yos. In reality it's just because of the violence inflicted by the law over decades.

holocaust21, Eivind Berge`s blog 11 Comments [7/21/2016 3:36:30 AM]
Fundie Index: 5
Submitted By: X

Quote# 120662

Ray Comfort: You Can't Trust a Declared Atheist With Political Authority

Evangelist Ray Comfort was discussing his new book and his recent efforts to witness to atheists with Bott Radio Network's Janet Mefferd on Tuesday when the hostess noted there has never been an atheist president, and there are currently no atheists in Congress.

"I don't know if you've heard the saying, 'Religion has caused more wars than anything.' That's a favorite of atheists, and it just isn't true," he said. "According to Encyclopedia of Wars, published in 2004, there's been 1,763 wars up until 2004. Only 8 percent were religious wars, and two-thirds were in the name of Islam, so 92 percent of all wars have been more political in nature ...

"So, while we're talking atrocities, wars and deaths, atheists have caused 110 million deaths in the last hundred years. Stalin, 60 million—he was an atheist. Mao, 40 million, and he was an atheist. Pol Pot, 1.7 million, he was an atheist. Vladimir Lenin, 5 million people slaughtered, he was an atheist. So, when people realize that, you can't trust an atheist in a position of authority, especially politically."

Comfort said atheists can certainly appear to be "nice people" when they are first met, but given power, they will "do what they want and carry out their own agendas." He said atheists "don't have any moral high ground to stand on because they're not standing on any whatsoever."

"The irony is that the polls tell us people put atheists on a par with rapists," he added. "They say, 'Why is that? Don't people realize how intellectual we are?'

"If you study it and think about it, there are certain things Americans hold dear to them ... Atheists are suing Christians for things they hold dear to them. A judge has the Ten Commandments on the wall in his courtroom, he gets sued. A sheriff, if he has 'In God We Trust'—which is our national motto—on a sticker on his car, he gets taken to court. Bible verses on government sites, they get sued."

Mefferd also noted that millennials who are just now joining the American electorate are less likely to see atheism as repugnant, a point Comfort brought up in his book, as well. She wondered how that might impact the political landscape in the future, perhaps leading to an atheist president or member of Congress.

"Well, the irony is that even those millennials prefer to vote for a Christian than an atheist," he said. "It's a call to Christians to say, 'Hey, let's stop sitting in our pews and relaxing. We've got to get out there.' Jesus would go into the world and preach the gospel to every creature and not wait for people to come into the church. You've got as much chance of an atheist or young person visiting a church as you have a criminal visiting the police station. It's the last place they want to go."

Comfort said there is need for "fire in our pulpits." Pastors who don't preach about sin, righteousness and judgment are filling their churches with false converts.

"Government should come to the church for moral guidance," he added. "We should be salt on this earth. Yet, when salt has lost its flavor, Jesus said it would be trampled under the foot of men. That's exactly what has happened to the church."

Comfort's latest book is titled Fat Chance: Why Pigs Will Fly Before America has an Atheist President.

Ray Comfort, Charisma News 31 Comments [7/21/2016 3:28:49 AM]
Fundie Index: 12
Submitted By: Chris

Quote# 120660

Man this is what happens when they all aborted their daughter and hoping for a son. When supply and demand for woman rises, men will spoil them more hoping to mate. Speaking as a full Chinese. This didn't happen in the turn of the century after the 1 child policy.

Wu Zetian might be ruthless but not the most successful at ruling, she gave up her short live empire shortly back. The most successful is her husband that lead the peak of the Tang Dynasty during that Era from religion to art to military; he's so bad ass that Tang Dynasty got to the Turks. When Wu Zetian ruled, that's the mark of the Tang Dynasty going down hill. Throughout Chinese history, dynasties that have woman and Eunuchs participation results in early failure, this is the reason why Qing Dynasty abolish woman and eunuch from participating in politics. In late Qing Dyansty, when empress ChiXi was trying to rule China behind her curtin, China got invaded by the 8 coalition (I called them 8 nation of bandits) partly because she don't want to build a fleet of ship out of iron saying metal don't float and wanted to spend all those money on her summer palace, and China gave up Hongkong to the Brits, and people got addicted to Opium and China went into shit because of her.

No_NSFW_at_Work, Reddit 5 Comments [7/21/2016 3:28:24 AM]
Fundie Index: 4

Quote# 120659

Police late on Saturday announced they had arrested Muhammad Waseem, the suspected murderer of social media celebrity Qandeel Baloch.

The police made the announcement in a press conference where the alleged killer was also presented before the media.

Responding to reporters’ questions, Waseem said that he had killed his sister Qandeel, whose real name is Fauzia Azeem, for posting controversial pictures and videos on Facebook.

“She was bringing disrepute to our family’s honour and I could not tolerate it any further. I killed her around 11.30pm on Friday night when everyone else had gone to bed. My brother is not involved in the murder,” said the murderer before being taken away by the police.

Muhammad Waseem, Pakistan Today 9 Comments [7/21/2016 3:15:48 AM]
Fundie Index: 11
Submitted By: Johnny Derp

Quote# 120658

Yes, the men can be cutthroat as well but the difference is that white men don't want to fuck Asian men. White male desire for Asian women is this pathological need to dominate something - something they see as being both childlike and boyish at the same time, but they don't seem to understand the culture of Asians - which is which they will do anything to survive. West and East are FUNDAMENTALLY incompatible at a core level, but because of the white male pathological sex urges, they are brought together for totally unnatural reasons.

EurasianTiger, Reddit 11 Comments [7/21/2016 3:15:34 AM]
Fundie Index: 7
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