Quote# 117255

1. By all criteria of modern molecular biology, life begins at conception, therefore, abortion is murder.

2. We are all still “a clump of cells” every living thing is no matter the developmental stage. The clump of cells argument has got to be one of the dumbest ones.

3. Abortion doesn’t cause breast cancer, but it does cause infertility and can lead to reproductive organ cancers. Nobody wants that now do they?

4. People should realise that giving up a child to adoption is 1000% more moral than straight up murdering a child in the womb.

5. Oh my god foetuses do fucking feel pain. A 20 week old foetus can feel pain and can rationalise it. Do you know why? Because instruments are inserted up into the womb and the foetus is basically CRUSHED LIKE FRUIT IN A BLENDER and then sucked out.

6. Most people want abortions for the dumbest reasons ever.

7. You’d be surprised by the amount of heartless women who want a late term abortion because suddenly they don’t want the child anymore.

The ONLY and ONLY justifiable reason for abortion is if it is solely for medical reasons, which is EXTREMELY RARE. Quit being sick fucks and learn the basics of the right to life.

sjwidiocracy, Tumblr 16 Comments [3/6/2016 5:13:45 AM]
Fundie Index: 6
Submitted By: Demon Duck of Doom

Quote# 117254

( A creationist trying to prove that trilobites still exist and thus creation is real. If you don't get the joke, look at exactly what it says in the above picture under the header " Living Fossil".)





Henry & Joe Taylor, omniology.com 22 Comments [3/6/2016 5:13:37 AM]
Fundie Index: 8
Submitted By: Arceus

Quote# 117252

Science is the probably the greatest illusion that man has ever invented. Things work because they tell us they work.
Gravity for instance.... We see the affect of gravity but no one understands why it is here and not on every planet in our solar system.

Sassy, Religion and Ethics 28 Comments [3/6/2016 5:11:58 AM]
Fundie Index: 33
Submitted By: Nearly Sane

Quote# 117238

Humans wrote the bible claiming they were inspired by God. Prove it was God who wrote it instead.

That's true, they did. But they actually were, so their claims were true.

Proof - if the Bible is not breathed out by God, we can't know anything about God. And if we can't know anything about God, we can't know anything at all.

If you doubt this, please tell me one thing you know for sure and how you know it.

Rhology, "Abolish Human Abortion" 25 Comments [3/6/2016 5:10:18 AM]
Fundie Index: 12
Submitted By: the_ignored

Quote# 117237

(From a peer-reviewed scientific article published in a highly respected journal.)

The explicit functional link indicates that the biomechanical characteristic of tendinous connective architecture between muscles and articulations is the proper design by the Creator to perform a multitude of daily tasks in a comfortable way.

Ming-Jin Liu, Cai-Hua Xiong, Le Xiong & Xiao-Lin Huang, PLoS One 11 Comments [3/6/2016 5:10:07 AM]
Fundie Index: -2
Submitted By: Daspletosaurus

Quote# 117236

Now, the fact that sinners are sinners has two relevant aspects in this conversation.

First, nobody deserves to live even one second. Because of our sin, every single human deserves death. And because we inherit the guilt of Adam, we are guilty from birth. God is justified in putting any sinner to death at any time by any means He chooses. The fact that you and I continue to live on Earth doesn't mean we're better than anyone else. It means God has had mercy on us and has sustained our lives thus far. Babies who die are guilty in Adam. It doesn't matter whether you or I like the fact that babies are guilty in Adam. What matters is that God said so, and you and I have no grounds to stand on to criticise Him.

Rhology, "Abolish Human Abortion" 14 Comments [3/6/2016 5:09:11 AM]
Fundie Index: 12
Submitted By: the_ignored

Quote# 117235

u know ppl (justifiably) shittalk stalin for over-emphasizing heavy industry but if it wasn’t for those five-year plans the nazis would probably own europe so like… a lot of ppl and a lot of jews owe stalin a debt

(remember that time stalin banned jewish religious education and expression? remember the doctor’s plot? remember that time stalin institutionalized antisemitism as antizionism “zionology”?)

lmao nice sources bro the doctors plot was a bunch of bullshit and the jewish autonomous oblast was about as antisemitic as stalin got (ie not at all)

and u know what even if all that shit was true my point (which was more about Industrialization than anti-semitism) still stands

Marxism-Leninism-Memeism, Tumblr 8 Comments [3/6/2016 5:08:56 AM]
Fundie Index: 3
Submitted By: Ivurm

Quote# 117233

This is 100 percent true. Homosexuality is a satanic bondage that prevents the LGBT community from walking out their destiny/calling assigned by God. Only a few people stand strong against this. And it is the people who have strong spiritual discernment. As a worship leader and experiencing God's powerful and sweet presence, there is nothing in his presence that makes me feel that homosexuality is even close to being acceptable. I understand the whole equal rights movement but when John Burton mentions that accepting homosexuality is only step one to the satanic plan that changes everything. The satanic strategy is to accept this and than take dominion for destruction. Wow. The people who overlook that are blind. I believe we should love and accept one another but I know deep down inside that homosexuality is not okay or acceptable by God.

And those of you who claim that there is nothing that talks about homosexuality in the bible. Please read your bible.

Romans 1:18-32
But God shows his anger from heaven against all sinful, wicked people who suppress the truth by their wickedness.... Yes, they knew God, but they wouldn't worship him as God or even give him thanks. And they began to think up foolish ideas of what God was like. As a result, their minds became dark and confused. Claiming to be wise, they instead became utter fools. And instead of worshiping the glorious, ever-living God, they worshiped idols made to look like mere people and birds and animals and reptiles.

So God abandoned them to do whatever shameful things their hearts desired. As a result, they did vile and degrading things with each other's bodies. They traded the truth about God for a lie. So they worshiped and served the things God created instead of the Creator himself, who is worthy of eternal praise! Amen.

That is why God abandoned them to their shameful desires. Even the women turned against the natural way to have sex and instead indulged in sex with each other. And the men, instead of having normal sexual relations with women, burned with lust for each other. Men did shameful things with other men, and as a result of this sin, they suffered within themselves the penalty they deserved.

Since they thought it foolish to acknowledge God, he abandoned them to their foolish thinking and let them do things that should never be done. Their lives became full of every kind of wickedness, sin, greed, hate, envy, murder, quarreling, deception, malicious behavior, and gossip. They are backstabbers, haters of God, insolent, proud, and boastful. They invent new ways of sinning, and they disobey their parents. They refuse to understand, break their promises, are heartless, and have no mercy. They know God's justice requires that those who do these things deserve to die, yet they do them anyway. Worse yet, they encourage others to do them, too. (NLT)

Amy Matveyev, John Burton 12 Comments [3/6/2016 5:08:29 AM]
Fundie Index: 5
Submitted By: jesus

Quote# 117228

(defending Drumpf's 'complete' ban on Muslims)

Let's parallel over to something else.

Say the Zika virus becomes an epidemic in South America and it's in the best health interest of our population to deny any and all immigration from that region until the disease is more contained.

None of the people in South America are being turned away because of who they are or where they are from, but because of what they have a high risk of bringing with them because the costs to would be too high. And not denying them entry would cause loss of life and make the disease harder to contain.

DumbScribblyUnicorns, r/asktrumpsupporters. 15 Comments [3/5/2016 4:40:24 AM]
Fundie Index: 6

Quote# 117227

Is BioLogos Promoting Heresy?

BioLogos is an organization that is using millions of dollars (including considerable funding by the Templeton Foundation) to try to convince Christian leaders, Christians, and churches to adopt the ideas of evolution and billions of years into the Bible. On their website we read:

BioLogos invites the church and the world to see the harmony between science and biblical faith as we present an evolutionary understanding of God’s creation.
One of their core commitments states:

"We affirm evolutionary creation, recognizing God as Creator of all life over billions of years."

But are they just trying to impose evolutionary ideas onto God’s Word? No! It’s much more than that—they are trying to impose what I believe is really a heretical view of God’s character and the gospel. Can I justify this? Well, you judge for yourself.

On February 15, 2016, BioLogos posted a video by Rev. Leonard J. Vander Zee, who has an MDiv from Calvin Theological Seminary, and is a former pastor of South Bend (Indiana) Christian Reformed Church.

The president of BioLogos, Deborah Haarsma, is former professor and chair in the Department of Physics and Astronomy at Calvin College in Grand Rapids, Michigan, where BioLogos is currently located. She stated this about Reverand Vander Zee’s presentation.

"He began to preach an amazing visual sermon, spinning a tale of wonder and beauty about “the true story of the whole world” (as N. T. Wright calls the Bible). Len brought the key events from billions of years of natural history right alongside the biblical narrative, with scientific images and beautiful artwork. My jaw dropped as he described the scientific wonders of the Big Bang as a reflection of the joy of the Trinity—God the Father, Son, and Spirit. He told the story of the evolution of plants and animals as an expression of God’s creativity, something we celebrate at BioLogos. He told of the development of the first humans and of how our sin tore us away from God’s intended path. He brought us on a journey through God’s plan for salvation in Jesus Christ and finally to the end of all things in God’s restored creation."

Now the entire almost 12-minute video is on the BioLogos website and on YouTube. It’s nothing more than taking the secular/atheistic evolutionary views and attributing every aspect of evolution and billions of years to God!

I encourage you to watch the entire video later, but first watch these segments I have selected:

(Video clips on website)

So, Reverend Vander Zee attributes millions of years of evolutionary processes (that involve death, suffering, disease, and bloodshed) to God—which itself is an attack on the character of our Holy God. But obviously he has no place for a literal Adam and Eve and literal Fall. He implies that there are more than two humans that evolved and that the whole universe and all life are in this continuous evolutionary progression.

Now watch this segment where he mentions sin—seemingly as something that is part of this evolutionary progression that spreads through human kind—not original sin by one man as the Bible clearly teaches (Romans 5:12 and 1 Corinthians 15:21–22)

Now watch how he describes salvation.

Reverend Vander Zee seems to be saying that salvation means that we evolve into some glorified state. Here are his words in print:

"I want you to notice something important here that often gets lost in telling the Christian story. Salvation is not about leaving behind our broken humanity or the spoiled created order. Salvation is about becoming human, and as restored human beings in the image of God, bringing the created order to its full glory. Here is how Paul puts it in Romans 8, “The whole creation stands on tiptoe, waiting for the revealing of the children of God . . . in hope that the creation itself will be liberated from its bondage to decay into the freedom and glory of the children of God” (Rom. 8:18–20, paraphrase). Jesus Christ is the true and human image of the invisible God. By faith in Christ, through his shed blood and victorious resurrection, we are being restored by the Spirit to our true human identity as image-bearers of God. As Paul puts it, “We . . . are being transformed into his image with ever increasing glory” (2 Corinthians 3:18)."

What could this possibly mean? He says, “Salvation is not about leaving behind our broken humanity” (a statement consistent with theistic evolutionists’ denial of Adam and Eve’s literal Fall). Yet we’re “restored” as “human beings in the image of God,” and we’re “restored” as humans “to our true human identity as image-bearers of God.” The definition of restore is “reestablish,” “to bring back to a former, original, or normal condition.”3 Which is it? If humanity wasn’t broken in the beginning, why restore it?

If, instead, Reverend Vander Zee actually meant “to bring back to a former, original, or normal condition” when he used the term “restore,” then what was the original condition? The original state (according to his evolutionary view) was deplorable—an existence filled with death and suffering and disease and every other evolutionary process that gave rise to humans! Since salvation normally denotes our eternal hope, are we as Christians to comfort ourselves in an eternity of death and suffering and disease and every other nasty evolutionary process?

Furthermore, Reverend Vander Zee says, “Salvation is not about leaving behind . . . the spoiled created order.” If so, then perhaps the current world in which we live—the one filled with death, suffering, disease, and bloodshed—will remain eternally. Is this picture any prettier or something to look forward to?

Whichever way you try to understand it, in the context of Reverend Vander Zee’s evolutionary narrative, his statement on salvation is confused and seriously contrary to Scripture.

Theistic evolutionists can’t have it both ways. If you take away from the Christian worldview of the literal Fall and its cosmic effects, what happens to the Bible’s teaching about the new heavens and new earth? Is there any room for heaven in the theistic evolutionary worldview? Once you whittle away the beginning and the end of the story from the Christian gospel, is there much left to gut?

Not surprisingly, the BioLogos organization has a statement of faith that lacks any clear position on the Christian’s future hope. They claim to “believe in the historical death and resurrection of Jesus Christ, by which we are saved and reconciled to God,” but with respect to whether Jesus will return bodily, whether hell exists, and whether heaven is a place free of death and suffering, BioLogos has no explicit statement.

Why not? It probably goes back to their first—and even bigger—omission in their statement of faith: “We believe the Bible is the inspired and authoritative word of God.” Do you see what’s missing? They don’t explicitly endorse the inerrancy of Scripture! So they’re free to distort the beginning and the end of the Christian history of redemption. When BioLogos finishes their campaign, what will be left of Christianity?

Personally, I call it heresy because the definition of heresy is

"opinion or doctrine at variance with the orthodox or accepted doctrine, especially of a church or religious system."

Reverend Vander Zee’s description of salvation is a logical consequence of the acceptance of man’s fallible atheistic evolutionary beliefs combined with God’s infallible Word. BioLogos wants to call this “evolutionary creation”—but in reality it’s “theistic evolution,” which is only one step away from atheistic evolution. And the one step away is, in reality, one generation away, as we see increasing numbers of the millennial generation walking away from the church and rejecting the clear teachings of God’s Word. Compromised teaching like this from BioLogos is a major cause of this falling away, as revealed in the research we’ve had conducted and detailed in Already Gone and Ready to Return.

The thrust of BioLogos is not in accord with the biblical doctrines of Christianity; thus it is in reality from the spirit of anti-Christ. Church, be warned!

Ken Ham, Answers in Genesis 20 Comments [3/5/2016 4:40:12 AM]
Fundie Index: 14
Submitted By: Arceus

Quote# 117226

Although it is unpleasant to face up to our shortcommings -- individually & collectively-- a state of denial ensures that nothing will change.

This week''s parsha, Bechukosai, tells us once again why the Holocaust,and every expulsion, pogrom or collective disaster befell the Jewish people: We rejected H-shem and we ceased observing the Torah.

How many years will it take for this yearly message to be internalized & acted upon??!!

Not everybody who died in the Holocaust rejected H-shem and stopped observing the Torah. However, the Jewish people are unique in that we are collectively responsible for one another.

Chazal also tell us that when the Malach HaMavis (angel of death) is set loose, he is indescriminate, killing the tzaddikim along with those who rejected H-shem and His Torah.

If we ignore the "why" in "why did the Holocaust happen?", and only focus on the "what" as Mrs. Palatnik suggests, the problem H-shem identifies in parshas Bechukosai will never be solved.

Focusing on the "why" will lead us to the correct "how", the right way to solve our individual and collective problem of rejecting H-shem & the Torah.

Yonah Ginsburg, Aish.com 17 Comments [3/5/2016 4:17:35 AM]
Fundie Index: 9

Quote# 117223

[On banning abortion because of the alleged dangers]

I am not talking about doing things that have some pros and some cons but can still be enjoyable. I am talking about things that are like 90% con (or more). Like getting cosmetic surgery done on the black market or staying in a physically and verbally abusive relationship. If a woman *willingly* made the choices to do things like that would you still support her choice? Or would you want laws preventing that?

Anonymous, Tumblr 13 Comments [3/4/2016 3:47:16 PM]
Fundie Index: 5
Submitted By: Demon Duck of Doom

Quote# 117222

Don't ban it. Use it to pick the next one to deport. #MakeAmericaGreatAgain #WhyWomenShouldNotVote

Janet Bloomfield, Twitter 44 Comments [3/4/2016 3:46:35 PM]
Fundie Index: 18

Quote# 117221

((Linking to an article claiming that 1 in 4 Germans support shooting refugees at the country's borders.))

1 in 4 Germans are correct. The other 3 are women #whywomenshouldnotvote

Janet Bloomfield, Twitter 21 Comments [3/4/2016 3:46:24 PM]
Fundie Index: 22

Quote# 117220

Homosexuals are on the forefront of the feminist anti-masturbation movement. They enjoy anal pleasure and genital mutilation and so they support prostate milking clinics and spiked/bladed chastity devices. There is also a high correlation with pedophilia, which fits juvenile chastity cages. The homosexual agenda is a front for feminism and must also be stopped.

TheEndOfFappingIsNear, FSTDT 102 Comments [3/4/2016 3:46:13 PM]
Fundie Index: 23

Quote# 117216

GOD has lifted up *The Donald* as the LAST TRUMP before the destruction comes!

Has GOD lifted the Donald up as such a time as this.
to call out:

The Poison of Liberalism
The Poison of Political Correctness
The Poison of Lawlessness
The Poison of Godlessness

The name Donald is a Scottish baby name. In Scottish the meaning of the name Donald is: Great chief, world mighty. From the Gaelic Domhnall.

Trumpets are warnings from GOD...

Is Donald Trump the Last Warning the 7th Trumpet?

Donald Trump will become the Trumpet of Prophecy..

Isaiah prophesied of Cyrus and speaks as a mouthpiece of the Lord when he declared, “I have even called you by your name [Cyrus]; I have named you, though you have not known Me. I am the Lord and there is no other; there is no God besides Me.
I strengthen you, though you have not known Me, so that they may know from the rising of the sun and from the west that there is no one besides Me. I am the Lord, and there is no other” (Is. 45:4-6).

What a powerful and profound prophetic declaration to a man who did not know or serve the Lord! Could God not use the wicked and ungodly to bring about His plans and purposes thousands of years ago and can He not still do the same thing again, especially in the midst of the crisis that we find America in today?

[link to avemariaradio.net (secure)]

christian, Godlike Productions 28 Comments [3/4/2016 3:23:25 PM]
Fundie Index: 13

Quote# 117210

David Bowie Almost Assuredly Went To Hell

When David Bowie lived, he had a whopping net worth of $230,000,000. What good is all that money now? When the rich man died in Luke 16:19-31, he went straight to Hell, suffering in torment, flames, thirst, loneliness and frustration. While enjoying his wealth on earth, the rich man didn't give his eternal destiny a second thought (just as most rich people don't). Unfortunately, after realizing his horrifying fate just seconds after dying in his sleep, it was too late!!! Every atheist becomes a believer immediately the very moment they pass into eternity and feel the fires of Hell. There are no atheists in Hell. I guarantee you that David (Bowie) Jones is no longer a Buddhist. He now realizes what a fool he is, for selling his soul to the Devil, but it's TOO LATE for him!!!

I guarantee you that David Bowie is anything but an atheist right now! Everyone wants to become a Christian when they get to Hell, but it's too late.

David J. Stewart, Jesus is Precious 28 Comments [3/4/2016 3:17:21 PM]
Fundie Index: 16

Quote# 117205

My husband and I had a wonderful get away for our thirtieth wedding anniversary. We were able to spend time alone with each other, and re-bond as husband and wife.

When we returned home, things were just as good between us, until one evening, we found us at each other’s throats. The abruptness of it startled both of us, and the severity of angry emotions we had not experienced in years made no sense.

The arguing was over silly small stuff, such as if we should drive a half a mile over to the next store, or if we really needed that item on the grocery list. My husband yelled at me, and I wanted to slap him! We just don’t experience those kinds of emotions anymore in our marriage, for we know well who they are really from. Even knowing this, it took several minutes to push away the attacks and reach out to each other in love. We promptly cast out the demons we thought were attacking us, in the name of Jesus. We had forgiven each other, but it still felt testy between us. I could not understand what had happened, for such an attack upon us to take place. Yes, we were away from the home, but we went to the same old places that we had no problems with before, and we bound up any demons that were in the stores as we walked through them.

So it really confused me, as to why we were attacked like that.

When we got home, we were told that our oldest son had run into that Jehovah’s witness, the mom of my other son’s friend, (yes, the one who cast us out of her home during the fire,) at the local coffee shop. She tried to manipulate my son into agreeing with whatever she said, (apparently for some reason she still blames me for what she did,) and then tried to convert him over to her religion. My children were brought up to respect their elders, so he did not know how to handle it, when she argued with him over the scriptures. He tried to stick up for what he believes, but it was not easy for him. Finally, before she left, she reached out and gave him a hug goodbye.

When I was told this, the puzzle pieces fell into place. My son and I exchanged notes on when she hugged him, (he looked at his watch just seconds afterwards,) and we then realized that hug must have taken place just moments before we were attacked. Yet it still confused me, for we were many miles apart from each other. When I went to the Lord, He told me that we were attacked by a spirit of priest-craft. These kinds of demons are found in every Jehovah’s witness, (they come from the elders in that cult,) and they are known to cause problems and fighting within marriages. Even their literature left at the front door of a home can cause issues for those who reside within. I cast them from us in the name of Jesus, and the last testiness between me and my husband finally left us.

What amazed me, was how having the woman hug my son, opened up a doorway for her demons to attack me and my husband all the way across town! I used to think that a person’s demons could not so easily transfer to you unless you were physically close to them. How wrong I was! All it took was a physical touch to my son, for her demons to attack us.

Dreams of Dunamis, Dreams of Dunamis 23 Comments [3/4/2016 3:16:45 PM]
Fundie Index: 14

Quote# 117200

Elliot (Rodger) was a coward and most certainly could not throw a punch. He should have played the "run over sluts in your car" game. Much easier and efficient

Jelqing, sluthate 18 Comments [3/4/2016 3:16:21 PM]
Fundie Index: 9

Quote# 117199

Get a life. Gays have sex, they don't love. They don't even know the difference. It's like animals mating, no emotion, no attachment.

Mark Bell, Christian News Network 24 Comments [3/4/2016 3:16:10 PM]
Fundie Index: 13
Submitted By: Jocasta McFucken

Quote# 117194

JOHN BERMAN (HOST): We just heard it. The sound stopped right there. Jeffrey, you heard him say "how many times can I disavow David Duke?"

JEFFREY LORD: Margaret mentioned Ronald Reagan. When Ronald Reagan ran for governor of California, the press tried keep trying to get him to renounce the John Birch Society. And finally Reagan's answer was, "I am not endorsing them. They are endorsing me. I have nothing to do with them." He didn't play the game in other words. Donald Trump isn't playing the game, although he certainly denounced him. I mean, David Duke is a hardcore leftist. He's an anti-Semite. Yes, Margaret, the Ku Klux Klan is a function of the left. It was the military arm of the Democratic Party. Hello? Donald Trump's daughter and son-in-law are Jewish. David Duke is an anti-Semite, for heaven's sakes. This is ridiculous.

MARGARET HOOVER: When William F. Buckley was starting the conservative movement in the 1950s and 1960s, the John Birch Society did the same thing. They were trying to be part of the conservative movement and what William F. Buckley said is, "no, you have to stand for something. You have to have principles." He said "you are not going to be part of this movement." Where is the moral courage on behalf of Donald Trump, who aspires to be the leader of the free world, to say on some level at some point we do not need the voice and the support of bigotry?

LORD: Margaret, the Ku Klux Klan is a leftist group.

HOOVER: It is a hate group, Dave. It is a hate group, Jeffrey Lord.

LORD: It is a leftist group.

HOOVER: I don't care what side they're on. They are on for hate, they are on the side of hate. They are on the side of murder. They are on the side of blood on their hands. This is not -- to blame them on the left. This is a scourge on humanity, this is a scourge on American politics. And to suggest that it is part of the Democratic Party is missing the point. And your guy would not denounce them yesterday. And that is bad for America and it is bad for the Republican Party.

BERMAN: Go ahead, Jeffrey.

LORD: Margaret, it is a racist hate group from the left. And that counts. That is important to understand. It is not conservative. It has nothing to do with conservatism. All of these Klan members who have been elected to Congress and U.S. Senate and governorships over the years, supporting Franklin Roosevelt because they like Social Security. Let's get our history straight.


This is why -- this is exactly the kind of thing why people are voting for Donald Trump. Because they think the media is making something out of nothing. Nothing. This is crazy.

Jeffrey Lord, Media Matters 31 Comments [3/4/2016 4:04:26 AM]
Fundie Index: 14
Submitted By: Ibuki Mioda

The "Stop Helping" Award

Quote# 117192

MOUNT PLEASANT, Utah -- A Mt. Pleasant same-sex couple claims leaders of a congregation of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints harassed them after a series of strange encounters they said were unwanted.

The final straw for them was a letter the ward delivered to them, which the women found disturbing. Now, they're trying to understand what sparked the LDS Church to send it.

Leisha and Amanda LaCrone are married and raising five children. They each attended an LDS Church as kids, but haven't been a part of the church in more than a decade.

"The Church had sent her a letter saying that she was already excommunicated," Amanda explained, about a letter Leisha got from the LDS Church 15 years ago.

That's why Leisha was surprised when a hardware store employee reportedly approached her two separate times.

"He continued to tell us that there were some things that the Mormon Church needed to talk to us about," she recounted. She said she told the man, "We don't want to be bothered, we have no interest."

Then, they said, came a number of phone calls asking to meet with the bishop.

The two said they declined, and that's when members of the Church reportedly came to their home, with letters.

"I was pretty angry when I opened it, not understanding why they want us to go to this church court when we don't attend church," Leisha said.

The letter addressed to her stated a disciplinary council was being held for her.

"Because you are reported to have participated in conduct unbecoming a member of the Church," said Leisha, reading off the letter.

The conduct, they guess, is that they're a same-sex couple and are married. But the women don't understand: Why the letters, why a formal council, and, why now?

The LDS Church said in an email that disciplinary actions are a private matter they don't comment on.

According to a Mormon resource site, a disciplinary council can be requested if a person is still on church records. The purpose is to discuss sins with the person, pray, and figure out how to move forward.

The results can range from no action, to excommunication.

The couple said they aren't against the Church or the Mormon religion, but they don't agree with the letter or how the ward handled the situation.

"I want them out, I don't want anything to do with them," Leisha said. "I would just like for them to let us live in this society and raise our children, and leave us alone."

After receiving the letter, Leisha posted a photo on Facebook and it took off with comments and shares.

Many shared comments of support for the two, and distaste for the LDS Church's actions.

So much so, they said many people began calling the ward.

"We certainly did not want people to be harassed," Amanda said. "That was not our intentions, and we feel really bad."

While they said some have criticized them for their stance on the letter, they've also gotten messages of support from around the world.

A representative from the local PFLAG chapter said he plans to talk with the bishop about why the letter was sent, and if other same-sex couples will be issued similar letters.

Leisha and Amanda did not attend the disciplinary council, and have not heard from the LDS ward since.

Mormon Church of Mount Pleasant, FOX 13 26 Comments [3/3/2016 3:05:41 PM]
Fundie Index: 13
Submitted By: Demon Duck of Doom

Quote# 117190

[yoga at my kid's school]

...My daughter just started kindergarten. She brought home information about what they will be doing this year. One of the things the teacher listed is some of the "different physical activities" the children will be doing in gym class. Two listed are yoga and Tai Chi. I would prefer that my children do not do these. What would the best way to go about this? Should I contact both their teachers? the gym teacher? the principal?

...I've explained to my kids why I don't want them doing yoga. We've been learning the ten commandments, so I was able to fit it into that also. Knowing the teachers and school (my oldest attended there 4 1/2 years) I'm sure they are just doing it as exercise. I know they want kids to be active and interested in exercise, so they are probably trying to provide an assortment of different ways to exercise.

I will certainly be praying about it.

I am homeschooling my oldest who would be in middle school this year. We both really enjoy it. For reasons beyond my control I can't do all three right now. I'm considering it as they each get to middle school age (unless we are called home first ).

Wishing4, Rapture Ready 29 Comments [3/3/2016 3:02:49 PM]
Fundie Index: 9
Submitted By: Arceus

Quote# 117189

[New Santilli telescope discovered "terrestrial entities" in our own world!]
A telescope designed to detect antimatter in space ended up discovering "entities" hovering in our own atmosphere. It reads, "Mr Santilli is convinced it has been able to pick up a life form which cannot be seen by the naked eye."

"Reality consists not only of things we can see...but also things we can't see," a man says on the video. "The Santilli telescope allows us to see things we've never seen before."

Fascinatingly, some are light, and some are dark, as they explain in the video inside this article:


You can probably guess what I'm thinking. Light & dark "entities"...angels and demons? I often don't know what to believe when it comes to New World Order and conspiracy stuff, but if there is any truth to the "Great Disclosure" rumor I'm hearing about (in which the world governments admit/lie/deceive the world to believe they've found extraterrestrial life), this seems well-timed discovery for them. I remember reading recently that Hillary Clinton has promised to investigate UFOs and Area 51. Crazy times we're living in here!

To back up my news source:
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February 19th, 2016, 04:44 PM #2

gooseberry, Rapture Ready 13 Comments [3/3/2016 3:02:45 PM]
Fundie Index: 9
Submitted By: Arceus

Quote# 117188

I can remember reading Chick tracts when I was just a young girl in the 60s.

I still remember to this day, the first one I ever read. It was the "This Was Your Life"

That one puts the fear of God into you, it scared the dickens out of me. You cannot read that tract and not believe in Hell.

There was another one where a young lady tried witnessing to her Dad. It went something like, "I'll wait till later, I have all the time in the world to get saved, I have my life to live". And the Dad has a heart attack that night and dies. He dies and goes to Hell. It was so creepy and tragically sad.

I think of those tracts when I start to witness to people. It gives me a boost to be bold. I am so terrified I would not speak to someone and they die.

It reminds me of an account Charles Stanley told during one sermon.

He was preaching, obviously, and he was talking about life being so short, so fleeting. He told of being at his church one afternoon and as he walked past one of the church members, he was talking to a guy he knew was a Cop. Charles Stanley said that God told him to talk to the cop and Charles Stanley said he told God he was too busy, he would later.

Charles Stanley said that Cop went to work later that night and was killed in a shootout. His voice broke when he recounted how he had told God he was too busy, it would wait till late. You could tell it still haunts him to this day. It brought tears to my eyes when he mentioned that in his sermon.

The thought that I was too lazy or busy to even mention Jesus makes me crazy. I think of that Chick tract and Charles Stanley and I go out of my way to say something, anything to explain who Jesus is.

I do wonder if I come across as a lunatic sometimes though. I think I sometimes just start talking about Jesus without any kind of lead up and just jump right in. You know, start a conversation something like, "speaking of cabbage, did you know that Jesus is the son of God?"

I hope I do not come across that way, but I am sure sometimes I must. But maybe I don't sound too crazy, since I have had people come back to me and ask me questions about Jesus or the Bible or events that happen that make them think we might be in Biblical end times.

RaptureReady_7, Rapture Ready 44 Comments [3/3/2016 3:02:26 PM]
Fundie Index: 13
Submitted By: Arceus
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