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Quote# 116891

[ Personally I think homosexuality is rather disgusting (but I'm a hypocrite when it comes to lesbians...shame on me), but who am I...who are we pretending to be by saying SOMEONE ELSE cannot have a different ideology than us? ]

Weak. To use a comparison, think about how having sex and going nude in public is illegal under 'public indecency'. Your argument here does not apply. "Personally, I think that going nude in public is rather disgusting, but who am I...who are we pretending to be by saying SOMEONE ELSE cannot have a different ideology than urs?" I mean, do you see how this doesn't hold any water? 'Different ideology', as demonstrated by the current laws and those of history, does not grant you a universal right to do whatever you want. The opinions of society must be taken into account.

[ k, let's see. Ur friend is a homo, she likes girls only. Does it affect u? No, unless u like her.

Another example, u're an atheist, and ur friend is a Christian. Does that bother u? No, unless he tries to make u believe there is a god.

Still a weak argument. There is a reason for public indecency laws. The majority should not have to put up with an action from the minority that causes their lives to be uncomfortable. There are a lot of things that you don't like. There are a lot of things that I don't like. However, there are also things that society dislikes. I and much of society object fundamentally to the thought of having to live through something that disgusts me--not just ideologically, but biologically. For instance, society dislikes people pissing everywhere. What are you going to say now--just pin up your nose? Really? For instance, this forum dislikes me putting up nude pictures. What's your reply to that--close your eyes?

I am okay with closing up all homosexuals into a room and letting them live there. Or maybe making a homosexual town for them to live. That's what you're saying, right?

[he's talking about the reasons why marriage is forbidden.

if it's not becuz they are the same gender, it's becuz one of them is black (aka racism) or Hispanics, Jew or Muslims (religion), all of them are stupid.

That's a really dumb comparison to make.Racial/Cultural lines is one thing. I am prepared to transcend that.To step over what biology dictates...that's objectionable.

Once again, I am wholeheartedly open with having gays in forests and deserts, where they have nothing to do with me. I am very open to this. However, the legalization of same-sex marriage means that they have the same rights as us and can cuddle in public and can flirt in public and sneak a quick kiss in public. I cannot stand for that.

. Homosexuals can go ahead and be homosexuals. You can be whatever kind of messed up person you are. Just as long as I have no part in it.
I am okay with homosexuals being closet homosexuals. I do not want to persecute them. However, I fundamentally object to them having the same public rights as us.

Xeru, BattleDawn 18 Comments [2/19/2016 4:34:15 AM]
Fundie Index: 12

Quote# 116888

How Fast-Approaching Sexbot Technology Is Making Women Fearful

I just had a funny experience that illustrates the imperious power of the female narrative in our society. I was sitting in my living room with a 25-year-old, who we’ll call Teri, watching a technology documentary when a segment came on about sex-bots and the technological advancements that are making ever-more realistic ones possible.

At first she seemed intrigued and amused at the sight of dozens of featureless rubber torsos hanging from hooks, waiting to have nipples painted on before being attached to jointed metal frames; but a moment later, there was an interview with a guy who had journeyed to the shop to help design a mechanized companion that was being made just for him, and Teri’s expression changed. Here was a man, neither creepy nor overtly awkward, and exhibiting no outward sign of disability, stating without shame that he would rather pay $7,000 or more for a silicone-and-circuitry simulacrum of a woman than take a real live one out to dinner.

She wasted no time with subterfuge (I like that about her), her id marching indignantly to the forefront as she huffed, “I don’t know about all this. It seems like they could just replace women with those things.” As you might expect, I failed fantastically in my attempt to stifle the ensuing chuckle.

A New Enemy Emerges

While most females will never be as direct as Teri, preferring instead to couch their arguments in talk of “dehumanization” and “exploitation,” the truth is they are scared of the competition. It’s bad enough that we already have FleshLights and RealDolls, but the thought of a fully functional female shaped robot who walks, talks, laughs, fucks like a pornstar, and (if designers are smart) knows how to cook and clean?

Plus you never have to feed it, take it shopping, meet its parents, or listen to it cry? Now the ladies are starting to sweat. They know that access to this sort of technology will compromise their bargaining power with men. While you may be tempted to point out that women have had access to dildos, vibrators, and even more complex contraptions involving power tools for quite a while and it has failed to replace us, you would do well to remember that women don’t want the same things from men as men want from women. Men look to women to be their companions, keep their homes, and provide sex. Women, on the other hand, look to men for everything else.

Narrative Under Attack

If women en masse had some way to meet their needs for shelter, protection, child-rearing resources, and status without trading their beauty, companionship, and homemaking skills for it, the power of a man to secure himself a desirable woman through the cultivation of superior provisioning skills would be greatly diminished.

Oh wait… that already happened. If men succeeded in leveraging half the power through technological innovation that women have managed to through modern governments and their myriad social justice programs, the dynamics of the marketplace would tip dramatically in their favor. Basically, the mass production of sex-bots with all the above traits could cause as tumultuous a tremor in the sexual market as the advent of feminism itself, only this time with men getting the better half of the deal.

In today’s world, the men we call betas and deltas, or those who actually produce all the wealth SJWs are so busy redistributing, are incentivized toward all this surplus production by the dream of having a woman to love who will both admire them and help raise a family in their image. While this American dream remains attainable for a select minority, modern society and its many forms of “progress,” feminism chief among them, continuously drive that goal farther into the realm of fantasy for the average man. As women gain more and more “freedom” and use it to pursue and attain (briefly) the minority of men who they desire, your average Joe must submit to ever-intensifying erosion of his bargaining power if he is to even scavenge the leftovers.

As the MGTOW movement illustrates, men have already been feeling the squeeze for a while now, and many are starting to drop out even with the knowledge that this will likely lead to childlessness, loneliness, and a lack of a support network in old age. If that’s already the case, how many men will join them once sophisticated robo-lovers and artificial wombs consign these worries to the dustbin of history? Is our society prepared for the potential results of a precipitous drop in its productive and innovative capacity? The next generation of men could turn a century’s worth of social engineering on its head by dropping out and refusing to produce the wealth that feeds the various organs of the globalist machine.



We live in exciting times, to be sure. The war of the sexes, like all other wars, has long been influenced by technology. Females of late have been given a huge leg up from male-made technology in the form of birth control, egg-freezing, and in-vitro fertilization. But while women love to shout about how independent they are, deep down they realize they are only afforded a soapbox by the same “patriarchy” they so disdain and the men who pay the taxes to run it.

If sex-bots become as ubiquitous as some hope and others fear, men may find themselves with less and less incentive to maximize their productivity as they opt in large numbers for cheap robots over expensive families. Women better hope the Campaign Against Sex Robots is successful (it won’t be), lest the next generation of men truly go their own way, leaving women to prove how capable and independent they really are.

Rex Infidelis, Return of Kings 43 Comments [2/19/2016 4:33:16 AM]
Fundie Index: 15

Quote# 116885

Human beings were created to serve. We must serve to thrive. When we stop feeling subordinate to someone who is greater than ourselves, it has a very detrimental effect on us. This is why fully submitting to God is so essential to our basic happiness in life. Yahweh, Jesus and the Holy Spirit designed us in a way that makes it impossible for us to ever experience soul peace and satisfaction until we are consciously choosing to live in submission to Them.

It’s very interesting to note how critical the element of conscious choice is in this equation. The fact that we are totally dependent on our Makers for all things is a reality which we cannot change. Yet if we choose to ignore this reality or pretend that it isn’t true, we languish. Submission to God must be something we voluntarily choose if we are to gain any benefit from it. We must consciously decide to accept and embrace our absolute dependency on our Makers—a dependency which exists whether we acknowledge it or not—if we are to thrive.

Anna Diehl, The Pursuit of God 14 Comments [2/19/2016 4:32:18 AM]
Fundie Index: 11

Quote# 116884

What Became of Noah and His Wife?

Although Noah lived for 950 years, the Bible only tells us about a small fraction of his life. At 500, his oldest son was born, and the Flood came 100 years later. Sometime after the Flood, we know that he became drunk, leading to the infamous situation with his son, Ham. Have you ever wondered what happened to Noah and his wife following this event?

Noah and his wife likely did not have any other children—at least none that had children of their own, since the nations that were scattered from Babel were from Shem, Ham, and Japheth (Genesis 10:32). Speaking of Babel, we note that the event occurred in Noah’s lifetime, but it’s difficult to picture this righteous man who walked with God as being part of that rebellion.

Without details from the infallible record of Scripture, and as we prepare exhibits inside our Ark about the post-Flood world, we can only speculate how Noah spent his final centuries. A couple of the ancient Flood legends may give us a clue, but these fallible sources must be taken with a grain of salt.

In the Epic of Gilgamesh, the Noah-like character, Utnapishtim, is said to live at the mouth of the rivers, on an island across the waters of death. Another legend places the Noah-like figure at the delta of the Tigris and Euphrates rivers.

What impact would the rebellion at Babel have had on Noah and his wife? Perhaps they were unable to communicate with their descendants whose languages were confused at Babel. This may account for the traditions that view Noah and his wife as living out their days away from the rest of humanity.

Ultimately, we don’t know where Noah and his wife lived out their days. But we do know that Noah faithfully built the Ark, on which eight people (and thousands of animals) survived the global Flood.

Unknown, Answers in Genesis 25 Comments [2/19/2016 4:24:52 AM]
Fundie Index: 11
Submitted By: Arceus

Quote# 116883

Creation, Evolution, and the Passing of a Judicial Giant

We note the passing today of US Supreme Court justice Antonin Scalia. As America’s judicial watchers assess his full legacy, we note there were strong hints that he denied the evolution worldview. Last year, speaking at his granddaughter’s high school graduation, Scalia declared: “Humanity has been around for at least some 5,000 years or so, and I doubt that the basic challenges as confronted are any worse now, or alas even much different, from what they ever were.” Biblical creationists argue for 6,000 years as the age of the earth and humankind; evolutionists contend that humans evolved from an ape-like ancestor millions of years ago.

Justice Scalia was also one of the dissenters in the famous 1987 Edwards v Aguillard decision, where the Supreme Court ruled that a Louisiana law requiring that creation be taught alongside evolution in government-run schools was unconstitutional. In his dissent, he wrote: “The body of scientific evidence supporting creation science is as strong as that supporting evolution. In fact, it may be stronger. The evidence for evolution is far less compelling than we have been led to believe. Evolution is not a scientific ‘fact,’ since it cannot actually be observed in a laboratory.”

Justice Scalia also opposed abortion and gay “marriage,” two hot-button issues addressed in the Book of Genesis. As a traditional Roman Catholic, he apparently accepted the teachings of Genesis that humans are created in God’s image and thus abortion is wrong and that marriage was instituted as one man for one woman, starting with Adam and Eve.

Unknown, Answers in Genesis 12 Comments [2/19/2016 4:24:38 AM]
Fundie Index: 8
Submitted By: rceus

Quote# 116880

All Cannabis Use is Medicinal.

Even if the user misidentified it as ‘recreational.’

[Daniel explains that calling it "recreational marijuana" is harmful to the legalization movement because people are less likely to support it than medicinal marijuana.]

Cannabis is imperative to maintaining a healthy body. Cannabinoid ligands fuel and balance the human endocannabinoid system, a system that regulates the immune system, mood, sleep patterns, appetite, and pain sensation. Just like vitamins, the human body needs cannabinoids to function properly. Due to cannabis prohibition, most Americans suffer from endocannabinoid deficiency syndrome. Endocannabinoid deficiencies manifest themselves in the form of autoimmune diseases, depression, bipolar disorders, neurodegenerative conditions, inexplicable pain, and sleep disorders.


Recently, I’ve been interrogating self-proclaimed ‘recreational’ cannabis users to find out what’s so fun about smoking weed. Their initial answer is always the same; “I don’t know, I just like it.” But after digging with some questions, it always turns out the same.


Recreational cannabis users are using cannabis for medical purposes, they just don’t realize it.

Here are the post prodding answers and the medical condition that the ‘recreational user’ is treating using cannabis. I’ve also added common drugs and medications that are the AMA and FDA’s more popular treatments.

“It makes me relax.” – Anxiety. Xanax, Klonopin, Valium, Prozac, Cymbalta, Wellbutrin, and the generics.

“It helps me sleep.” – Sleep disorder/Anxiety. Ambien, Lunesta, Unisom, Nyquil

“It calms me down.” – ADHD/Anxiety – Ritalin, Adderall, Vyvanse

“It helps me think.” ADHD – see above

“It helps my stomach calm down.” GI, IBS, IBD. Pepto, Pepcid, Prilosec, I don’t know the RX drugs for this.

“It helps me talk to people.” Social anxiety – Alcohol

“It makes spending time with my spouse more fun.” – Sexual dysfunction/Anxiety. Viagra, Cialis, that new female viagra.

These are all medicinal applications.

I encourage all “recreational” cannabis users to reevaluate their use. If there is a prescription or over-the-counter drug designed to treat something that cannabis helps you with, that’s medical use. If they sell something at GNC or Vitamin World that cannabis helps you with, that’s medical use. You may not use these other medications because you already know that cannabis is a superior treatment, you just didn’t realize it.

Our society defines recreationally using a drug or medicine as “abuse.” Exclaiming that you use any drug recreationally is the first step into a 12 step. If you still don’t think that your cannabis use is medicinal, please call it ‘therapeutic’ so that you don’t look like an addict and hinder the entire movement. When we have medical, I promise that you’ll be able to find a doctor that will write you a recommendation.

Daniel, Halcyon Organics 17 Comments [2/19/2016 4:16:35 AM]
Fundie Index: 7

Quote# 116875

Legal marriage is a public institution, created by law to promote public policy and to further social interests including especially the well-being of members of society – particularly of children, mothers and families. Marriage has great significance for many important private interests, as well, such as for religion, for family ties, family history, and especially for personal identity.

What is deemed a marriage for purposes of the law may differ from what is deemed marriage for other purposes, such as for a specific academic discipline (such as sociology or ancient history, for example), or for a particular religious faith, private association, ethnic community, or for a specific set of cultural elites, etc. Just because a union is or is not deemed a legal marriage, this does not prevent any social subgroups from considering it a marriage (or a non-marriage) for their own (extra-legal) purposes.

The battle of what marriage means in the law can be seen from one important perspective as a battle among special interest groups each seeking to have their preferred understanding of marriage endorsed by the law and implemented in the law. Behind the marriage debate are political-economic interests.

Obsolescence is relevant. That is, if a huge gap opens up between the law and the moral order of society, one or the other must change or law risks becoming irrelevant. This “gap” also has profound significance for the legitimacy of the law. The very legitimacy of the law and even possibly the legitimacy of the legal system and its institutions (e.g., the courts, the legislature, the government) will be undermined if the law becomes obsolete. Thus, if legal marriage deviates profoundly from social understanding of marriage, both the institution of marriage and society in general are harmed.

The American form of government and legal system derive their just powers from the “consent of the governed,” according to the Declaration of Independence. The principle of popular sovereignty and ultimate popular control is the cornerstone of the American republic. Thus, the idea and understanding of any legal relationship in American laws, including marriage, should reflect the ideas about that relationship that arise from the people of America – if the law is legitimate.

Thus, the legitimate understanding and legal meaning of “marriage” in America and American laws should reflect the ideas about marriage and marriage values that prevail among the people of America. Reference to the consent of the governed is the acid test of whether a new law is legitimate or not. If that law was enacted by the constitutional consent of the governed – the procedures provided in the Constitution of the United States – it is constitutionally legitimate. If no, it is not. It’s really that simple.

By the standard of constitutional process and constitutional consent, the pedigree of same-sex marriage in the United States is very dubious. Same-sex marriage is the law of the land because five judges sitting on the Supreme Court ordered that all states must legalize same-sex marriage in their June 2015 ruling in Obergefell v. Hodges. Four justices wrote blistering dissenting opinions in Obergefell. So, by the vote of just one judge same-sex marriage was mandated for all states.

The history of legalization of same-sex marriage in the United States before Obergefell v. Hodges shows a massive litigation campaign by advocates of same-sex marriage who were repeatedly stymied and frustrated in the efforts to legalize same-sex marriage by proper democratic legislative or popular referendum process. However, denied popular support by voters and legislators in the states, the supporters of same-sex marriage turned to the courts and filed lawsuits in which activist super-legislator judges (most federal judges) in nearly three-fourths of the states ordered the states to legalize same-sex marriage. So same-sex marriage in the U.S. is constitutionally illegitimate and is the result of an anti-democratic litigation campaign designed to circumvent the democratic will and constitutional process for making marriage law.

Polls in the United States reported general opposition to the legalization of same-sex marriage until 2010. Poll results split between support for and opposition to same-sex marriage in 2010 and 2011, which seemed to be transition years. Since 2012, however, many polls have reported support for same-sex marriage in the 50-percentile range, with opposition in the 40-percentile range (give or take). Of course, polling results and results of secret balloting in elections often vary – sometimes significantly.

There are two key ways by which an institution may become obsolete: First, it may become obsolete by its neglect and non-usage; Second, it may become obsolete by its alteration so that it becomes, for all practical purposes, another institution – maintaining only the label, title or form of the former institution but in substance and function a very different institution.

The campaign to legalize same-sex marriage – resulting in judicial decisions in lawsuits in three-fourths of the states – shows clearly that marriage is not obsolete in the United States. Marriage matters, and it matters very much to many people on both sides of the same-sex marriage policy question and other marriage issues.

The judicial legalization of same-sex marriage also matters because it undermines not only the integrity of the institution of marriage but the integrity of the institution of the courts. More than either of the other branches of our government, the judiciary depends upon the trust of and the goodwill of the people to function effectively. Lacking both sword (executive power) and shield (legislative power) the judiciary depends upon willing compliance in most cases. So when people disrespect the courts and believe that they are biased ideologically or otherwise, the prospects for voluntary compliance with judicial decrees lessen.

So marriage matters and the constitutional processes of our republic also matter. Both marriage and our constitutional system have been weakened by the illegitimate judicial legalization of same-sex marriage.

Lynn Wardell, CNS News 14 Comments [2/19/2016 4:09:19 AM]
Fundie Index: 5
Submitted By: Yuu

Quote# 116873

I already have a huge jumbo, gigantic, colossal crush on Jesus, because He is an immortal gorgeous white. He must look very extremely yummy and hot, the real hottest Entity. Jesus is my Babe and Darling. And by the way, China and USA go to war and nuke war. Oh baby, it’s just like the top 2 warriors go slaughtering each other. It’s gotta be the most exciting warfare. Both with highly sophisticated weaponry go slaughtering each other to define who’s the boss on the planet earth. I’d rather see this deadly war when I’m in Heaven. With my immortal eyes wide open, I’m gotta be fully enjoying seeing the top 2 nuclear-armed warriors’ deadly warfare and nuke war, the grandest fireworks ever in the modern ages. The war of the No.1. and No.2. It’s gotta be the most explosive and hottest war ever.

With my immortal eyes wide open, my sight and vision can penetrate into the atmospheres of the earth and see pretty clear during this deadliest war, China and USA engaging at all-out war while I’m immortally present in Heaven with my Darling, Lord Jesus Christ. China and USA go to war. Oh baby, this is gotta be the hottest war ever, the most explosive one. No.1. and No.2., the top 2 warriors go to war and nuke war. This is gotta be the best ever reality horror show and war movie I’ve ever seen in all my life. I’m gotta love seeing this all-out war when I’m in Heaven. Just let me preemptively get my own immortal body, meet Jesus in the air, fly to Heaven. When I am in Heaven, I do really desperately wanna see China and USA go to all-out nuke war, the grandest. Baby.
When China and USA go to nuke war while i’m immortally present in Heaven, I desperately wanna be hugged so tight in the arms of Jesus so that i can kiss Jesus’ immortal jaw and neck while we both enjoy watching this grandest fireworks of nuke war after Jesus breaks open the Seals to trigger World War 3, all written in the chapter 6 of the Book of Revelation. I do really wanna be hugged tight in the arms of Jesus when enjoying seeing this World War 3. Of course, I’ll be smiling sweetly in the arms of Jesus. I’m grinning in front of my laptop now. Just like an emperor sitting in his throne who holds his beloved queen tight while conducting his armies and troops and launching warfare and defeating enemies, so brilliant and tender at the same time. Jesus is my Emperor, indeed, my beloved Emperor now and forever. And while we both enjoy watching this grandest nuke war massacre, I can feed grapes to Jesus with my own immortal gorgeous fingertips and of course I remain being hugged tight in the arms of Jesus. Just imagine this picture. So lovely and sweet. And, I’m grinning in front of my laptop.
And of course while being hugged tight in the arms of Jesus, I’m completely overwhelmed and covered with the divine sweet scent, smell, body temperature of Jesus. And, with my immortal back sticking on Jesus’ chest, I can feel the divine fluctuations of Jesus’ breathing, air in and air out. Jesus and I both are delighted and enjoy watching this grandest nuke war massacre taking place on the planet earth, wiping out one-fourths of the ungodly people after the Church Rapture. And, don’t worry. Jesus already promises me that I’m gotta have some immortal Chinese buddies in Heaven. So, the Chinese and Taiwanese blood is gotta be preserved for eternity, immortally. In Heaven, I’m simply the sweetest little teddy bear for Jesus to hug tight, and I’m gotta be the sweetest immortal ice-cream boy that always melts down in the arms of Jesus on Jesus’ chest whenever Jesus and I hang out with each other in my own mansion or on an island in the Pacific. And of course I’m gotta strip Jesus off just shirtless, not completely naked. I wanna be hugged tight in the arms of Jesus on His divine gorgeous shirtless chest so that I can press my immortal gorgeous face on His shirtless chest touching and feeling the immortal smoothness of Jesus’ skin. And, I wanna kiss His shirtless chest. So sweet and lovely. Forever joy living with my Emperor and Darling. I love Jesus, unconditionally and irrevocably. I’m Jesus’ Bella Boy, and Jesus is my Immortal Edward, the real ultra-richest Entity and the real smartest, most brilliant Brain. I desperately love the man with brain, and I’ve found Jesus as my Super Sugar Daddy and Man. He is my Man, my Immortal Man. And our sweet love story is gotta be lasting for eternity. Never End. I’m grinning now in front of my laptop.

usachinanukewar, All-out US-China nuclear war, looming, to wipe out one-fourths of the earth. 47 Comments [2/19/2016 4:09:06 AM]
Fundie Index: 43
Submitted By: Denizen

Quote# 116871

you know what? being a bi sucks. Why? because when I see a gorgeous guy, that’s a temptation. And, when I see a gorgeous woman with big boos, that’s a temptation, too. You know what? Double temptations, and I cannot eat them. And, I cannot think about eating them on the bed. I’m already an “eunuch” boy now, because Jesus mentally castrates me with the divine pneumonia time bomb implanted in my lungs. Jesus mentally cut off my balls. Ouch! This divine pneumonia time bomb castrates my sex drive off. I don’t wanna die gruesomely in Jesus’ Almighty Power. I don’t wanna be slain by Jesus. I’m so horrified. Pneumonia just came without any warning. First coughing, then relentless, massive blood spitting out of my mouth from my lungs ensues within hours. And, of course high fever.
On Day 1, I was completely knocked down by this divine pneumonia time bomb, drenched in blood massive spitting frenzy hell, coughing relentlessly with high fever. And, this pneumonia bashing simply just came without any warning. It just came upon me, engulfing, overwhelming me, plunging me into a living hell. I’m so horrified. Jesus is my Emperor. I will definitely follow and absolutely obey His Doctrines on banning any immoral sex and non-marital sex, either with man or woman, all banned. I don’t wanna be slain by Jesus’ Almighty Hand and Power. And guess what? This divine pneumonia time bomb implanted in my lungs by Jesus is absolutely the key that teaches me a very extremely important concept, that is, Lord Jesus Christ is absolutely my Emperor and He can execute me at any moment at any time He wants me to die gruesomely. Jesus is my Emperor, indeed. No matter how much and how deep Jesus loves me, Jesus is always my Emperor, and I cannot mess with His Doctrines. Or, Jesus is gotta execute me. And, Jesus threatens me all the time. “Don’t you ever dare to walk away from Me. Or, I’m gotta execute you in a very extremely gruesome way.” I don’t hate Jesus, indeed. Instead I do love Jesus so much and more and more in 2012. Jesus is jealous, which means He loves me very much. I am taken and my Lover is Lord Jesus Christ. Jesus is my Emperor. I learn Jesus is my Emperor in a very extremely bloody and horrifying way. And, this is my ultimate testimony. Believe me. Jesus is Emperor and He is definitely and absolutely the most horrifying Entity in the whole universe or universes, if there’re other universes. Jesus is Emperor with Almighty Power.

usachinanukewar, All-out US-China nuclear war, looming, to wipe out one-fourths of the earth. 19 Comments [2/19/2016 3:50:08 AM]
Fundie Index: 22

Quote# 116866

Hi Everyone!

I have this very important video I wanted to get out to you today. This may be considered the most important video I've ever done! So please get this Word out. I do believe this is an urgent Word from the Lord a Revelation! This could be the biggest sign ever that the rapture is imminent! As we know they are going to perform the Grammy's tomorrow night with Lady Gaga acting as Lucifer.

I was told through the Holy Spirit that this is a cornerstone event, meaning that something significant is going to come about because of this. History repeats itself and the Antichrist will come on the scene in the same way that Jesus did 2,000 years ago. Well what happened back then is there was a forerunner to Christ and he was John the Baptist. Well from what I was told there will also be a forerunner to the Antichrist and I believe this forerunner is Lady Gaga. She is introducing him at the Grammy's, his ideals and his ways. But what I am telling you as that this forerunner is also introducing the spirit of the Antichrist and is about to release to the masses on February 15th, through our televisions. All who watch this will become susceptible to this spirit and it will cause most people to succumb to this spirit in preparation so that they will be in acceptance to the Antichrist.

This Jezebel spirit in Lady Gaga, this evil influence will cause people to want to accept the the Antichrist, his ideas and most of all the Mark of the Beast. I think they are also anticipating that the rapture is near and are starting to persuade the masses now with the spirit of delusion. So Please do not watch that show. Those who are strong in the Lord may not be influenced by it, possessed by it, but we could very well be attacked by it as it comes in through the television. The TV tomorrow night will most likely be used as a portal for this evil influence so we can expect things as for as Bible prophecy is concerned, to escalate "Big" time after tomorrow night.

World leaders will also be influenced by this army of demons about to be unleashed into the world. If you remember in the Bible, that John the Baptist was there, just before Jesus came on the scene. Just as Lady Gaga is there, just before the Antichrist is set to reveal himself. I look for more people to join Lady Gaga in the days to come, being under this influence in helping to introduce the Antichrist, such as possibly the Pope. If he is the false prophet, I look to him to take over where Lady Gaga left off at the Grammys.

I had a vision about obama on New Year's Eve. He was standing there watching the ball dropped. After it did, he got on his phone and said to the person on the other end...it is time! Then he hung up! But I knew it meant that he was about to show himself in this year and very soon! This plan at the Grammy's as a plan by Satan to unleash his army on the masses and to bring the Antichrist forward. Its the battle of all battles about to begin and it means the tribulation is about to start any minute now! If we are the restrainer and God's timing is perfect, then it means we have to go very soon in order for all of this to come to pass! And since the Antichrist is going to reveal himself now, we cannot be here for that. Also a spiritual event of this magnitude will most certainly manifest itself in the physical.

I look for a major geological event to happen very soon because of this! And we can expect every day people who are not grounded in the Lord and world leaders to start making decisions in favor of what the Antichrist would have them think or believe. I would expect people to start wacking out after this the grammy's are broadcast and hatred for Christians will increase substantial! All of this means that our time is just about up! God is separating the goats from the sheep and if you are not grounded in the Word, then you can become influenced! Those who are grounded in the Word can expect satanic attacks to be off the charts so stay in prayer! All of this means that Jesus is coming soon! So stay in prayer and keep looking up! Jesus is coming soon! God bless you all!

Anonymous Coward, Godlike Productions 38 Comments [2/18/2016 4:27:04 AM]
Fundie Index: 20

Quote# 116865

Romans 13 ; THE SYRIAN GOVERNMENT HAS A GOD GIVEN RIGHT TO PUNISH EVIL - without hinderence from those who are backing it





Submission to Authorities
(1 Peter 2:13-20)

1Let every soul be subject unto the higher powers. For there is no power but of God: the powers that be are ordained of God. 2Whosoever therefore resisteth the power, resisteth the ordinance of God: and they that resist shall receive to themselves damnation. 3For rulers are not a terror to good works, but to the evil. Wilt thou then not be afraid of the power? do that which is good, and thou shalt have praise of the same: 4For he is the minister of God to thee for good. But if thou do that which is evil, be afraid; for he beareth not the sword in vain: for he is the minister of God, a revenger to execute wrath upon him that doeth evil. 5Wherefore ye must needs be subject, not only for wrath, but also for conscience sake. 6For for this cause pay ye tribute also: for they are God's ministers, attending continually upon this very thing. 7Render therefore to all their dues: tribute to whom tribute is due; custom to whom custom; fear to whom fear; honour to whom honour.
[link to biblehub.com]

Submission to Authorities
(Romans 13:1-7)

13Submit yourselves to every ordinance of man for the Lord's sake: whether it be to the king, as supreme; 14Or unto governors, as unto them that are sent by him for the punishment of evildoers, and for the praise of them that do well. 15For so is the will of God, that with well doing ye may put to silence the ignorance of foolish men: 16As free, and not using your liberty for a cloke of maliciousness, but as the servants of God. 17Honour all men. Love the brotherhood. Fear God. Honour the king.

18Servants, be subject to your masters with all fear; not only to the good and gentle, but also to the froward. 19For this is thankworthy, if a man for conscience toward God endure grief, suffering wrongfully. 20For what glory is it, if, when ye be buffeted for your faults, ye shall take it patiently? but if, when ye do well, and suffer for it, ye take it patiently, this is acceptable with God.
[link to biblehub.com]

The usa , the uk and european governments are aiding and abbetting evil



Please pin and shut up those who resist Gods authority

Anonymous Coward, Godlike Productions 24 Comments [2/18/2016 4:26:53 AM]
Fundie Index: 14

Quote# 116863

Let's Have More Teen Pregnancy

True Love Waits. Wait Training. Worth Waiting For. The slogans of teen abstinence programs reveal a basic fact of human nature: teens, sex, and waiting aren’t a natural combination.

Over the last fifty years the wait has gotten longer. In 1950, the average first-time bride was just over 20; in 1998 she was five years older, and her husband was pushing 27. If that June groom had launched into puberty at 12, he’d been waiting more than half his life.

If he had been waiting, that is. Sex is the sugar coating on the drive to reproduce, and that drive is nearly overwhelming. It’s supposed to be; it’s the survival engine of the human race. Fighting it means fighting a basic bodily instinct, akin to fighting thirst.

Yet despite the conflict between liberals and conservatives on nearly every topic available, this is one point on which they firmly agree: young people absolutely must not have children. Though they disagree on means—conservatives advocate abstinence, liberals favor contraception—they shake hands on that common goal. The younger generation must not produce a younger generation.

But teen pregnancy, in itself, is not such a bad thing. By the age of 18, a young woman’s body is well prepared for childbearing. Young men are equally qualified to do their part. Both may have better success at the enterprise than they would in later years, as some health risks—Cesarean section and Down syndrome, for example— increase with passing years. (The dangers we associate with teen pregnancy, on the other hand, are behavioral, not biological: drug use, STD’s, prior abortion, extreme youth, and lack of prenatal care.) A woman’s fertility has already begun to decline at 25—one reason the population-control crowd promotes delayed childbearing. Early childbearing also rewards a woman’s health with added protection against breast cancer.

Younger moms and dads are likely be more nimble at child-rearing as well, less apt to be exhausted by toddlers’ perpetual motion, less creaky-in-the-joints when it’s time to swing from the monkey bars. I suspect that younger parents will also be more patient with boys-will-be-boys rambunction, and less likely than weary 40-somethings to beg pediatricians for drugs to control supposed pathology. Humans are designed to reproduce in their teens, and they’re potentially very good at it. That’s why they want to so much.

Teen pregnancy is not the problem Unwed teen pregnancy is the problem. It’s childbearing outside marriage that causes all the trouble. Restore an environment that supports younger marriage, and you won’t have to fight biology for a decade or more.

Most of us blanch at the thought of our children marrying under the age of 25, much less under 20. The immediate reaction is: “They’re too immature.” We expect teenagers to be self-centered and impulsive, incapable of shouldering the responsibilities of adulthood.

But it wasn’t always that way; through much of history, teen marriage and childbearing was the norm. Most of us would find our family trees dotted with many teen marriages.

Of course, those were the days when grown teens were presumed to be truly “young adults.” It’s hard for us to imagine such a thing today. It’s not that young people are inherently incapable of responsibility-history disproves that-but that we no longer expect it. Only a few decades ago a high school diploma was taken as proof of adulthood, or at least as a promise that the skinny kid holding it was ready to start acting like one. Many a boy went from graduation to a world of daily labor that he would not leave until he was gray; many a girl began turning a corner of a small apartment into a nursery. Expectations may have been humble, but they were achievable, and many good families were formed this way.

Hidden in that scenario is an unstated presumption, that a young adult can earn enough to support a family. Over the course of history, the age of marriage has generally been bounded by puberty on the one hand, and the ability to support a family on the other. In good times, folks marry young; when prospects are poor, couples struggle and save toward their wedding day. A culture where men don’t marry until 27 would normally feature elements like repeated crop failures or economic depression.

That’s not the case in America today. Instead we have an artificial situation which causes marriage to be delayed. The age that a man, or woman, can earn a reasonable income has been steadily increasing as education has been dumbed down. The condition of basic employability that used to be demonstrated by a high school diploma now requires a Bachelor’s degree, and professional careers that used to be accessible with a Bachelor’s now require a Master’s degree or more. Years keep passing while kids keep trying to attain the credentials that adult earning requires.

Financial ability isn’t our only concern, however; we’re convinced that young people are simply incapable of adult responsibility. We expect that they will have poor control of their impulses, be self-centered and emotional, and be incapable of visualizing consequences. (It’s odd that kids thought to be too irresponsible for marriage are expected instead to practice heroic abstinence or diligent contraception.) The assumption of teen irresponsibility has broader roots that just our estimation of the nature of adolescence; it involves our very idea of the purpose of childhood.

Until a century or so ago, it was presumed that children were in training to be adults. From early years children helped keep the house or tend the family business or farm, assuming more responsibility each day. By their latter teens, children were ready to graduate to full adulthood, a status they received as an honor. How early this transition might begin is indicated by the number of traditional religious and social coming-of-age ceremonies that are administered at ages as young as 12 or 13.

But we no longer think of children as adults-in-progress. Childhood is no longer a training ground but a playground, and because we love our children and feel nostalgia for our own childhoods, we want them to be able to linger there as long as possible. We cultivate the idea of idyllic, carefree childhood, and as the years for education have stretched so have the bounds of that playground, so that we expect even “kids” in their mid-to-late twenties to avoid settling down. Again, it’s not that people that age couldn’t be responsible; their ancestors were. It’s that anyone, offered a chance to kick back and play, will generally seize the opportunity. If our culture assumed that 50-year-olds would take a year-long break from responsibility, have all their expenses paid by someone else, spend their time having fun and making forgivable mistakes, our malls would be overrun by middle-aged delinquents.

But don’t young marriages tend to end in divorce? If we communicate to young people that we think they’re inherently incompetent that will become a self-fulfilling prophecy, but it was not always the case. In fact, in the days when people married younger, divorce was much rarer. During the last half of the 20th century, as brides’ age rose from 20 to 25, the divorce rate doubled. The trend toward older, and presumptively more mature, couples didn’t result in stronger marriages. Marital durability has more to do with the expectations and support of surrounding society than with the partners’ age.

A pattern of late marriage may actually increase the rate of divorce. During that initial decade of physical adulthood, young people may not be getting married, but they’re still falling in love. They fall in love, and break up, and undergo terrible pain, but find that with time they get over it. They may do this many times. Gradually, they get used to it; they learn that they can give their hearts away, and take them back again; they learn to shield their hearts from access in the first place. They learn to approach a relationship with the goal of getting what they want, and keep their bags packed by the door. By the time they marry they may have had many opportunities to learn how to walk away from a promise. They’ve been training for divorce.

As we know too well, a social pattern of delayed marriage doesn’t mean delayed sex. In 1950, there were 14 births per thousand unmarried women; in 1998, the rate had leapt to 44. Even that astounding increase doesn’t tell the whole story. In 1950 the numbers of births generally corresponded to the numbers of pregnancies, but by 1998 we must add in many more unwed pregnancies that didn’t come to birth, but ended in abortion, as roughly one in four pregnancies do. My home city of Baltimore wins the blue ribbon for out-of-wedlock childbearing: in 2001, 77% of all births were to unwed mothers.

There are a number of interlocking reasons for this rise in unwed childbearing, but one factor must surely be that when the requirements presumed necessary for marriage rise too high, some people simply parachute out. It’s one thing to ask fidgety kids to abstain until they finish high school at 18. When the expectation instead is to wait until 25 or 27, many will decline to wait at all. We’re saddened, but no longer surprised, at girls having babies at the age of 12 or 13. Between 1940 and 1998, the rate at which girls 10-14 had their first babies almost doubled. These young moms’ sexual experiences are usually classified as “non-voluntary” or “not wanted.” Asking boys to wait until marriage is one way a healthy culture protects young girls.

The idea of returning to an era of young marriage still seems daunting, for good reason. It is not just a matter of tying the knot between dreamy-eyed 18-year-olds and tossing them out into world. Our ancestors were able to marry young because they were surrounded by a network of support enabling that step. Young people are not intrinsically incompetent, but they do still have lots of learning to do, just like newly-weds of any age. In generations past a young couple would be surrounded by family and friends who could guide and support them, not just in navigating the shoals of new marriage, but also in the practical skills of making a family work, keeping a budget, repairing a leaky roof, changing a leaky diaper.

It is not good for man to be alone; it’s not good for a young couple to be isolated, either. In this era of extended education, couples who marry young will likely do so before finishing college, and that will require some sacrifices. They can’t expect to “have it all.” Of the three factors—living on their own, having babies, and both partners going to school full-time—something is going to have to give. But young marriage can succeed, as it always has, with the support of family and friends.

I got married a week after college graduation, and both my husband and I immediately went to graduate school. We made ends meet by working as janitors in the evenings, mopping floors and cleaning toilets. We were far from home, but our church was our home, and through the kindness of more-experienced families we had many kinds of support—in fact, all that we needed. When our first child was born we were so flooded with diapers, clothes, and gifts that our only expense was the hospital bill.

Our daughter and older son also married and started families young. Things don’t come easy for those who buck the norm, but with the help of family, church, and creative college-to-work programs, both young families are making their way. Early marriage can’t happen in a vacuum; it requires support from many directions, and it would be foolish to pretend the costs aren’t high.

The rewards are high as well. It is wonderful to see our son and daughter blooming in strong, joyful marriages, and an unexpected joy to count a new daughter and son in our family circle. Our cup overflows with grandchildren as well: as of July we have four grandbabies, though the oldest is barely two. I’m 49.

It’s interesting to think about the future. What if the oldest grandbaby also marries young, and has his first child at the age of 20? I would hold my great-grandchild at 67. There could even follow a great-great-grand at 87. I will go into old age far from lonely. My children and their children would be grown up then too, and available to surround the younger generations with many resourceful minds and loving hearts. Even more outrageous things are possible: I come from a long-lived family, some of whom went on past the age of 100. How large a family might I live to see?

Such speculation becomes dizzying—yet these daydreams are not impossible, and surely not unprecedented. Closely-looped, mutually supporting generations must have been a common sight, in older days when young marriage was affirmed, and young people were allowed to do what comes naturally.

Frederica Mathewes-Green, Frederica.com 26 Comments [2/18/2016 4:25:43 AM]
Fundie Index: 13

Quote# 116859

Civil Rights History Test


1.What Party was founded as the anti-slavery Party and fought to free blacks from slavery?
[ ] a. Democratic Party

[ ] b. Republican Party

2.What was the Party of Abraham Lincoln who signed the emancipation proclamation that resulted in the Juneteenth celebrations that occur in black communities today?
[ ] a. Democratic Party

[ ] b. Republican Party

3.What Party passed the Thirteenth, Fourteenth, and Fifteenth Amendments to the U. S. Constitution granting blacks freedom, citizenship, and the right to vote?
[ ] a. Democratic Party

[ ] b. Republican Party

4.What Party passed the Civil Rights Acts of 1866 and 1875 granting blacks protection from the Black Codes and prohibiting racial discrimination in public accommodations, and was the Party of most blacks prior to the 1960’s, including Frederick Douglass, Harriet Tubman, Sojourner Truth, Booker T. Washington, and Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.?
[ ] a. Democratic Party

[ ] b. Republican Party

5.What was the Party of the founding fathers of the NAACP?
[ ] a. Democratic Party

[ ] b. Republican Party

6.What was the Party of President Dwight Eisenhower who sent U.S. troops to Arkansas to desegregate schools, established the Civil Rights Commission in 1958, and appointed Chief Justice Earl Warren to the U.S. Supreme Court which resulted in the 1954 Brown v. Board of Education decision ending school segregation?
[ ] a. Democratic Party

[ ] b. Republican Party

7.What Party, by the greatest percentage, passed the Civil Rights Acts of the 1950’s and 1960’s?
[ ] a. Democratic Party

[ ] b. Republican Party

8.What was the Party of President Richard Nixon who instituted the first Affirmative Action program in 1969 with the Philadelphia Plan that established goals and timetables?
[ ] a. Democratic Party

[ ] b. Republican Party

9.What is the Party of President George W. Bush who appointed more blacks to high-level positions than any president in history and who spent record money on education, job training and health care to help black Americans prosper?
[ ] a. Democratic Party

[ ] b. Republican Party

10.What Party fought to keep blacks in slavery and was the Party of the Ku Klux Klan?
[ ] a. Republican Party

[ ] b. Democratic Party

11.What Party from 1870 to 1930 used fraud, whippings, lynching, murder, intimidation, and mutilation to get the black vote, and passed the Black Codes and Jim Crow laws which legalized racial discrimination and denied blacks their rights as citizens?
[ ] a. Republican Party

[ ] b. Democratic Party

12.What was the Party of President Franklin D. Roosevelt and President Harry Truman who rejected anti-lynching laws and efforts to establish a permanent Civil Rights Commission?
[ ] a. Republican Party

[ ] b. Democratic Party

13.What was the Party of President Lyndon Johnson, who called Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. “that [N-word] preacher” because he opposed the Viet Nam War; and President John F. Kennedy who voted against the 1957 Civil Rights law as a Senator, then as president opposed the 1963 March on Washington by Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. after becoming president and had the FBI investigate Dr. King on suspicion of being a communist?
[ ] a. Republican Party

[ ] b. Democratic Party

14.What is the Party of the late Senators Robert Byrd who was a member of the Ku Klux Klan, Ernest “Fritz” Hollings who hoisted the Confederate flag over the state capitol in South Carolina while governor, and Ted Kennedy who called black judicial nominees “Neanderthals” while blocking their appointments?
[ ] a. Republican Party

[ ] b. Democratic Party

15.What was the Party of President Bill Clinton who failed to fight the terrorists after the first bombing of the World Trade Center in 1993, sent troops to war in Bosnia and Kosovo without Congressional approval, vetoed the Welfare Reform law twice before signing it, and refused to comply with a court order to have shipping companies develop an Affirmative Action Plan?
[ ] a. Republican Party

[ ] b. Democratic Party

16.What is the Party of President Barack Obama whose liberal socialist policies increased black poverty and devastated both HBCUs and charter school opportunity scholarships for poor black student after President Obama took office?
[ ] a. Republican Party

[ ] b. Democratic Party

17.What Party is against school vouchers and takes the black vote for granted without ever acknowledging their racist past or apologizing for trying to expand slavery, lynching blacks and passing the Black Codes and Jim Crow laws that caused great harm to blacks?
[ ] a. Republican Party

[ ] b. Democratic Party

And they never did switch. Remember Hillary gave praise to Robert Byrd as a Hero.

polakfury, r/The Donald 29 Comments [2/18/2016 4:24:54 AM]
Fundie Index: 10
Submitted By: Tony

Quote# 116856

Hi everyone,

1. The sex need is considered the most powerful (even more than hunger and sleep) of our basic urges. It directly links us to our animal past.....and among all those urges that we share with animals, sex is the most powerful.

2. Even many people who can control their eating and sleeping....find it difficult to control their sexual urge.

3. Sex has more of the mental element than the physical and out thoughts and imagination can contribute considerably to our sexual urge. This is another reason why controlling the sex urge is important.

4. Also, unlike hunger and sleep, sex can contribute to very powerful jealousies, anger, possessiveness etc. Even murder can be a result of strong sexual urges.

5. One might share ones last piece of bread but no one will share his woman. If anyone shares a woman he is considered a horrible and brutal person.

6. Unlike hunger, sex involves the likes and dislikes, approval and disapproval of another person...so it needs to be kept in check more carefully. Rapes and molestation happen for sex...not for food.

7. Society has sought to control this very important animal urge through various ways. First through a system of marriage, then monogamy....and in special instances, celibacy.

8. We can see from our own lives that if a person eats too much we don't necessarily dislike that person (we even like such people often), but if a person is a sex maniac he is usually shunned as a pervert and a psychopath.

9. Controlling the sex urge is therefore a direct link to our civilized nature. It separates the human from the animal-like most significantly.

No wonder celibacy is considered an important sign of ones advancement from the animal nature.

Sriram, Religion and Ethics 22 Comments [2/18/2016 4:14:12 AM]
Fundie Index: 10
Submitted By: NearlySane

Quote# 116855

The authorities this week forced Line, a Japanese-Korean messaging app, to remove same-sex and lesbian, gay, bi-sexual, and transgender (LGBT) themed stickers from its Indonesian-language store.

Similar bans are expected on Whatsapp, Facebook and Tinder. Companies who fail to comply with the request may be blocked by the ministry’s Negative Content Management Panel.

“Social media must respect the culture and local wisdom of the country where they have [a] large numbers of users,” said Ismail Cawidu, a spokesperson for Indonesia’s ministry of information and communication.

He added: “The ministry is appreciative of Line Indonesia for their understanding and discretion in dealing with matters that could potentially cause public unrest, especially the concerns of mothers for their children in terms of the negative influence the circulation of these LGBT stickers could cause.”

There is no law against homosexuality in most of Indonesia, the world’s most populous Muslim country, but government officials have made a number of anti-gay rights statements recently.

Indonesia's northernmost province of Aceh, which has adopted Sharia law, made having same-sex relations punishable with 100 lashes. Last month Muhammad Nasir, Indonesia’s minister for technology, research, and higher education, said that the LGBT community should be barred from university campuses, because there are “standards of values and morals to uphold”.

Human Rights Watch expressed concern on Thursday at what it described as a “spate of hateful rhetoric by public officials against lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender” people in Indonesia.

Last year, Apple introduced same-sex emojis for the first time. Russia began legal action, but later opted to drop their lawsuit.

Government of Indonesia, The Independent 7 Comments [2/18/2016 4:13:59 AM]
Fundie Index: 11

Quote# 116851

and that's not all JB...they're also destroying Europe...

So when the standard feminist diatribe screams out, “Name one war! ONE WAR! That a woman has started,” you can safely reply, ‘the current war that we are in’; the burgeoning european civil war… and the name of the person who started it is Merkel. It might also be noticed that our present era of mass immigration has occurred within the tenure of the most influential positions being held by women: The State Department head (people who issue passports, and set immigration policy, ya know) held by Clinton, and the similar role in the UK also held by a woman (Theresa May, Home Office). Alongside Angela Merkel, if this is the “patriarchy” making all these important decisions on mass immigration… it has sure got a lot of women in it.

Its the Patriarchy, Judgybitch.com 24 Comments [2/17/2016 10:00:33 AM]
Fundie Index: 13
Submitted By: Ivurm

Quote# 116850

Women have an intense need to be seen as ‘nice’ and they have a strong collectivist bent, which is wonderful for family life, but catastrophic for national governance. We can see the effects of women wanting to be ‘nice’ in Europe. The demographics of modern Europe are downright terrifying. Ethnic European women refuse to have children, yet turn around and welcome in migrants with birth rates that will inevitably spell the end of ethnic Europeans.

This simply can’t happen. The European nuclear arsenal cannot fall into the hands of radical Islam. It’s a death sentence for all of us, and one being written by women. As long as women can vote, the great liberal civilizations built by men are going to fall. Individually, women are beginning to see the folly of their ways. The Austrian woman (herself a Serbian refugee) who told her son that Austria must take care of migrants is having some regrets after a migrant raped her son. Her ten year old son. She welcomed in the man who raped her son. Can we afford to wait for women to wake up, one by one? Are we willing to sacrifice our children to rapists while women contemplate whether being ‘nice’ is all it’s cracked up to be?

Recall again that women cannot be drafted. Blood and boots will be spilled to solve the refugee crisis. It is all but guaranteed, but it won’t be women’s blood, and it won’t be women’s feet in those boots, so why then should they get to decide how the future proceeds?

Women have had the vote in the West for almost 100 years, and all they have done is vote to destroy and destabilize the world men built for us, while protecting themselves from the blood consequences. They have voted selfishly, rapaciously, irrationally and quite possibly, irrevocably.

Women should not vote. That’s not misogyny.

It’s self-defence.

Janet Bloomfield, Judgybitch.com 26 Comments [2/17/2016 10:00:18 AM]
Fundie Index: 24
Submitted By: Ivurm

Quote# 116848

[Swedes tell "racists": 'We are not your women' - Swedes are hitting back following a series of far-right violent marches over the weekend which targeted asylum seekers and migrants.]

Racism is worse than rape might be the slogan of those leftist fools. The only fault of the patriots was to protest too strongly at rape, sexual assault and robbery by migrants. It should be said too, that most reported 'far right' rampages either didn't happen, were grossly exaggerated, or were done by Antifa, Black Bloc or other police provocateurs.

PESH28, /r/worldnews/ 14 Comments [2/17/2016 9:56:38 AM]
Fundie Index: 8
Submitted By: Ivurm

Quote# 116847

I consider myself to be quite an extreme atheist but
I cant stand homosexuality. Period. I was born in China and never knew the existence of religion until I was in high school. And hearing the arguments for and against religion it was quite clear to me that religion is a joke. I honestly thought back then that Noah's Ark was like the story of Santa, I still think so today. After watching videos of "TheThinkingAtheist" and reading some papers, I became quite an extreme atheist BUT I cant stand homosexuals. And I want to know why many of you are for homosexuality. My religious friends support it because of the bible, but I see it has nothing to do with religion, to me, homosexuality is simply...disguesting The sad part is, I hate homosexuality for the same reason why I hate religion: the effect it has on the helpless young. Religious parents at times teach their children and force them into the same belief, this has been talked many times and we all know. Homosexuality affects the young as well. Not having the love and care of a father or mother is greatly detrimental to the young, which again, is innocent and do not have a choice in this matter. It is the most frustrating when religious people think I am also religious due to my view on homosexuality but in reality I am an atheist, and I am confused on what to do..
Edit: I am currently homophobic cause the reason for it far outweigh the arguments against. Research and study that has shown Gay related immune deficiency are a good part of the reason why the bullies did what they did. No one wants HIV and AIDS to spread, one of many reasons why I was homophobic. I came to see reasoning and some proper arguements but most of which was just insults and logical fallacies, though I do appreciate a few quality posts that did have some good points. I will look elsewhere for futher data, have a good day :)

I am hateful toward the homosexual parents. A bit more info: When a whole group of children decide to form together and reach a consenus to bully the same child, there has to be a good reason behind their actions. Back then I couldnt even save my friend, maybe I can stand up to 1 or 2 bullies, but not 10+, I lost a precious friend and for a whole month I can do nothing but watch him suffer. I thought to myself "1 bully might be a jerk, but 10+? , what did the kid do to deserve this?" Then I found out it was his parents when I reported to the teacher, and the fact that an adult choose to side with the children too fully convinced me it was the fault of the kid's homo parents. I made this post in hopes of ways to convince me otherwise, but all I got so far was mostly insults, which only futher convinced me against homosexuality.

[ Dude, really "I'm a bigot who is also an atheist" is all you should have typed.
The only difference between you and the religious bigots is you don't have an imaginary friend to blame it on.

Most Ironic post of the year... Here I am backing my arguments with reasoning, if you disagree then provide your counter arguments and support them. Instead you chose to throw an insult at me, now whos the one intolerant of other people's opinions?

I will teach my children rape, murder, and homosexuality are wrong until someone proves to me that homosexuality, unlike murder and rape, is not a wrongful behavior that harms others. Just because you are not affected, doesnt mean others arent.

First of all, saying I might be gay is similar to debating a Christian and him/her saying "there are no atheists, you just hasnt recieved the blessings etc". And about the citation, the effect of 2 parents of the same gender does not belong to this sub, but from personal experience I had a friend who had homosexual parents and was bullied by others, worst of all, on purpose or not, the teachers did minimal to help. Finally, I didnt make this post to say "We should hate on homosexuals" but rather express my troubles since I need others to convince me to accept homosexuality as I want to fit in with you all, calling me disguesting serves no purpose.

The parents will love their children the same way hetero parents would, but what about others? After a teachers conference, a friend of mine who had homo parents (that loved their child) was bullied each day into deep depression and I never saw him again (I assume the moved to another school)

Cussing at me here isnt going to save the kid from bullying and everything happens for a reason. Look at the root cause, would there be homophobia without homosexuality? His parents made the decision and the innocent kid suffered for HIS PARENTS decision. Bullying is never right, but that does not excuse his parents.

Your_ACT_Score, /r/atheism 45 Comments [2/17/2016 9:55:54 AM]
Fundie Index: 18
Submitted By: Menomaru

Quote# 116846

Lawmakers in Mississippi have proposed making the Bible the official state book.

Ambulance Chaser:
How does this NOT violate the Establishment Clause? It basically fails ALL THREE parts of Lemon v. Kurtzman, and a state action only has to violate one to be in violation.

How does this not support the "Free exercise clause"?????

afchief, Christiannews.net 20 Comments [2/17/2016 9:54:53 AM]
Fundie Index: 11

Quote# 116845


One of the reasons why Contemporary Christian Music has gained such rapid influence in churches is that this generation is so completely addicted to rock music. Over the past 50 years, rock music has permeated society in practically every part of the world. It is on the radio and television, in commercials, in stores, at sporting events. Even the mildest form of rock music was shocking to people in the 1950s, but that which was shocking then is old hat today. As rock has gotten ever more violent and vicious, we have become desensitized to the milder forms of it. Many people don’t even recognize soft rock as rock music. When they think of rock, they think of heavy metal or punk or rap or some other kind of very hard rock. The average church member is so accustomed to and even addicted to rock music in his daily life, he craves for it even in church. Thus, practically every pastor today is faced with an ongoing battle if he attempts to hold the line in the area of music.

Many Christians who would not listen to “hard rock” nevertheless fill their minds with “soft rock.” But is soft rock really innocent and proper for a child of God? Is soft rock a godly influence? Following are six warnings against it.

1. THE MESSAGE OF “SOFT ROCK” IS OFTEN AS IMMORAL AS THAT OF HARD ROCK. From its earliest days, free sex has been one of the themes that has permeated all of rock music, soft, hard, pop, metal, punk, you name it. It promotes sensual, lustful relationships that are not grounded in marriage. The “love” that is so often the theme of rock music, is not love at all by God’s standards; it is lust. It is very dangerous to allow one’s mind to dwell on such things. “But fornication, and all uncleanness, or covetousness, let it not be once named among you, as becometh saints” (Ephesians 5:3).

2. EVEN SOFT ROCK USES SENSUAL “SEXY RHYTHMS” THAT APPEAL TO THE FLESH. Dr. David Elkind, Chairman, Department of Child Study, Tufts University, warned: “There is a great deal of powerful sexual stimulation in the rhythm of rock music.” Certain kinds of rhythms produce certain effects on people. In his history of music in Memphis, Tennessee, one of the homes of rock and roll, author Larry Nager observed that “…the forbidden pleasures of Beale Street had always come wrapped in the PULSING RHYTHMS of the blues” (Larry Nager, Memphis Beat). That part of Beale Street near the river was infamous for its bars, gambling dens, and houses of prostitution. Those are the forbidden pleasures referred to by Nager. It is not happenstance that those wicked activities were accompanied by certain types of rhythms. And those old blues and boogie woogie rhythms were not always loud and boisterous. Like rock music, there was soft blues as well as hard. Famous bluesman Robert Johnson knew that his music had a licentious affect on women. He said, “This sound [the blues] affected most women in a way that I could never understand.” B.B. King, one of the most famous of the bluesmen, made the same observation in his autobiography: “The women reacted with their bodies flowing to a rhythm coming out of my guitar…” (B.B. King, Blues All Around Me). These unsaved blues musicians admit that certain rhythms are sexy. This is a loud warning to those who have ears to hear. “For the flesh lusteth against the Spirit, and the Spirit against the flesh: and these are contrary the one to the other: so that ye cannot do the things that ye would” (Gal. 5:17).

David Cloud, Way of Life 30 Comments [2/17/2016 9:54:18 AM]
Fundie Index: 14
Submitted By: TimeToTurn

Quote# 116844

Is the Lord of the Rings harmless fantasy or perhaps even a wholesome Christian allegory? We think not. I read The Hobbit and the three volumes of The Lord of the Rings in 1971 when I was in Vietnam with the U.S. Army. I was not saved at the time, and, in fact, I was very antagonistic to the Christian faith. Had the books contained even a hint of Bible truth, I can assure you that I would not have read them at that particular point in my life. I had forgotten many of the details of the books, so I refreshed my memory recently by going through them again. They are filled with occultic imagery, such as witches, goblins, warlocks, wizards, fairies, and such things; and though these are strongly and unconditionally condemned in the Bible, they are often portrayed as good and desirable by Tolkien. Many of the heroes of the Lord of the Rings, in fact, are wizards and witches. The books were published in inexpensive paperback editions in the late 1960s, and they became very popular with that generation of drug headed hippies.



Though the aforementioned reviewers would have us believe that Tolkien’s books contain simple allegories of good vs. evil, Tolkien portrays wizards and witches and wizardry as both good and evil. For example, a wizard named Gandalf is portrayed as a good person who convinces Bilbo Baggins in The Hobbit to take a journey to recover stolen treasure. The books depict the calling up of the dead to assist the living, which is plainly condemned in the Scriptures. Though not as overtly and sympathetically occultic as the Harry Potter series, Tolkien’s fantasies are unscriptural and present a very dangerous message.


In his last interview in 1971, Tolkien stated that he did not intend The Lord of the Rings as a Christian allegory and that Christ is not depicted in his fantasy novels. When asked about the efforts of the trilogy’s hero, Frodo, to struggle on and destroy the ring, Tolkien said, “But that seems I suppose more like an allegory of the human race. I’ve always been impressed that we’re here surviving because of the indomitable courage of quite small people against impossible odds: jungles, volcanoes, wild beasts... they struggle on, almost blindly in a way” (Interview by Dennis Gerrolt; it was first broadcast in January 1971 on BBC Radio 4 program “Now Read On…”). That doesn’t sound like the gospel to me. When Gerrolt asked Tolkien, “Is the book to be considered as an allegory?” the author replied, “No. I dislike allegory whenever I smell it.”

Thus, the author of The Lord of the Rings denied the very thing that some Christians today are claiming, that these fantasies are an allegory of Christ’s victory over the devil.


Tolkien’s books created the vast and spiritually dangerous fantasy role-playing games that are so influential today. Dungeons and Dragons, which appeared in the early 1970s, was based on Tolkien’s fantasy novels. One fantasy-game web site makes this interesting observation: “The whole fantasy adventure genre of books came into play when J.R. Tolkien wrote his The Lord of the Rings books. From his vivid imagination and creative thinking he created the fantasy adventure genre. Tolkien probably got his ideas from ancient religions. Peoples of different civilizations were writing epic’s way before Tolkien was even born. They wrote epics about people with superior strength, about gods that punished people and, travels to the underworld. Tolkien is accredited to being the man who started it all but if traced back even further you'll see that he wasn’t the one that created it, just the one that pushed it forth.”

This secular writer better understands what Tolkien’s books are about than the aforementioned Christian publications. Tolkien certainly did get his ideas from pagan religions, and the message promoted in his fantasy books is strictly pagan.


Tolkien has even influenced many rock and rollers. The song “Misty Mountain Hop” by the demonic hard rock group Led Zeppelin was inspired by Tolkien’s writings. Marc Bolan, of the rock group Tyrannasaurus Rex, created a musical and visual style influenced by Tolkien. The heavy metal rock group Iluvatar named themselves after a fictional god from Tolkien’s work The Silmarillion. Others could be mentioned.

The world knows its own; and when the demonic world of fantasy role-playing and the morally filthy world of rock and roll love something, you can be sure it is not godly and it is not the truth.

David Cloud, Way of Life 36 Comments [2/17/2016 9:51:54 AM]
Fundie Index: 11
Submitted By: TimeToTurn

Quote# 116840

Blimey, I got some compelling evidence that most men have preferences for adolescent girlz, mates.

Search statistics show that girls about 14 are the most searched for, mate.

In an internet survey in which men were shown pictures of females without being informed of their age, girls about 14 were rated sexually desirable the most often.

In one study men rated female faces about 13 years old the most attractive and other studies show similar results.

"Catch a Predator" usually use girls about 14 as bait because that's what draws the most men.

All of this is in agreement with what biology predicts about male preferences, mates.

vaughn mower, FSTDT 35 Comments [2/17/2016 4:06:55 AM]
Fundie Index: 15

Quote# 116839

you people will never understand what is going on without the bible, this cover up has nothing to do with egypt, NOTHING!! it have every thing to do with the people that are in israel now killing palestinians and arabs calling their selfs jews. EVERYONE KNOW THAT THE ANCIENT EGYPTIAN WHERE BLACK( they know it to thats why they created egyptology to whitewash the black egyptians) THE BIBLE TELLS YOU THAT THE ANCIENT EGYPTIAN AND ANCIENT ISRAELITES WHERE OFTEN CONFUSED/MISUNDERSTOOD FOR ONE AND THE OTHER THEY HAD THE SAME PHYSICAL FEATURES. the imposter in israel that owns the media had to make you think egyptian where white and at the same time the created atheism to get you away from the BIBLE(KING JAMES VERSION)

Boni Antaranch, Atlanta Black Star 16 Comments [2/17/2016 4:05:37 AM]
Fundie Index: 10
Submitted By: TimeToTurn

Quote# 116838

Luridness. Promiscuity. Free mixing. Sexual interaction. Laughing. Joking. All of this with the opposite sex is nothing but evil things.

The thing that destroys many of our youth in this country is women have destroyed them. Their lusts and their desires take them away from the deen [religion] of Allah.

We’re not harsh. We don’t need to speak to no woman who’s not a mahram [kin whom one may not marry] towards us. That’s the way we should be. That’s the way Muslims should be. This flirtatious speech that you find among sisters, the way they talk to a man. That’s not the speech of the ummah of the believers. Never ever deceive your voice in front of a man. Even though we know that a woman’s voice is not awra [nakedness], but if you deceive your voice, treachery! This sort of love and affection, then that’s forbidden according to the sharia. You speak according to the Qur’an, you speak clear words, and words even full of harshness to a man who is not related to you.

As for this flirtatious behaviour, even under the disguise of Islamic seminars, the way that people speak to one another, it is against the sharia given to the prophet Mohammed. It is the deception of the devil.

People might say “you’re harsh”, “you’re rude towards women”. I don’t care if I’m rude towards women who have got nothing to do with me.

Murtaza Khan, Harry's Place 24 Comments [2/17/2016 4:03:44 AM]
Fundie Index: 12
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