Quote# 116480

Glenn Beck Readies To Read His Children 'Left Behind' And Move Operations To Israel In Preparation For Looming Collapse

Glenn Beck hosted a studio audience on his television program last night, where he revealed that he has ordered his staff to find a location outside of the United States from which he can continue to broadcast his programs once American society collapses and the government shuts down his network.

Beck fielded a question from a woman who had relocated her family from California to Texas based upon Beck's warnings of a coming social collapse and wanted Beck's advice on how best to prepare her children for what is to come, to which Beck responded that he and his wife are going to start reading the apocalyptic "Left Behind" series to their own children in preparation for the End Times.

Beck revealed that he recently had conversations with two different people who warned that the American economy and social structure are on the verge of total collapse, which prompted him to tell his staff to get to work finding a location in Israel to which they can flee when it happens.

"We have to pick up our pace on finding another place to broadcast," Beck told his staff. "I need to know if I can get to Jerusalem, where they won't shut this down and we can be able to broadcast into the United States. This could end quickly."

Beck's young daughter happened to be in the room when he made that declaration and was understandably upset by it, but Beck said that we cannot shield our children from the realities of the world because "they're the giants that are going to fix this, they have to know."

As such, Beck and his wife are going to be reading the "Left Behind" series to their children because "they have to know that this might be the time ... You have an army on earth now that says they are the army of the Antichrist, they are the army of Armageddon."

Beck, of course, is doing all that he can to prevent this from happening, which is why he has endorsed Ted Cruz for president.

"This is why I'm endorsing Ted Cruz and I'm going out this weekend" to Iowa, he said. "If I could change one mind, I am not going to sit at home because I know what the consequences are."

Glenn Beck, Right Wing Watch 26 Comments [2/1/2016 5:33:55 PM]
Fundie Index: 19
Submitted By: Night Jaguar

Quote# 116479

It's political. To be fairly honest very few people care about lesbians in general. Guys are either turned on by it, or don't care as it has nothing to do with them. Women can use it as an insult, but in general don't care that much about it either if they aren't involved.

While I won't say it's never happened, I can't think of many examples outside of fantasy (oftentimes directed at men) where lesbians have attacked and raped children especially in the pre-sexual age groups.

Yet when it comes to gay men, the same cannot be said. When you hear about gay sexual assault it's inevitably involving men, and despite Lesbianism having been prevelent you'll notice that back in say ancient Greece you didn't have young girls being run down and captured as homosexual sex slaves the same way you had it going on with boys. This is incidently where the term "Greeking" comes from (though it doesn't nessicarly have a pedophille connotation).

In general it's the gay men that get the serious opposition when it comes to gay rights. Despite what the media might imply it's not all religious fantatics and such, nor misguided "homophobes" who dislike them for no reason other than being differant (actually most involved have reasons and frequently they have little to do with religion).

Given that the purpose of such articles is specifically to garner attention, and whether anyone wants to admit it or not, the majority of anti-gay sentiment is men against gay men, you need to focus on gay men to really make a serious issue on gay rights.

[ Is that because they are gay, or because they are men? I mean, when you hear about human sexual assault it's inevitably involving men. Occam's Razor and all, the simpler explanation seems to be about sex/gender and not sexual orientationOnly to you Cheeze, you can argue semantics either way. The bottom line is that your pro-gay, I'm not. There really isn't any point to us argueing about it anymore over the internet.

All we're going to do is retread old territory and accomplish nothing while generating hundreds of responses.

Only to you Cheeze, you can argue semantics either way. The bottom line is that your pro-gay, I'm not. There really isn't any point to us argueing about it anymore over the internet.

All we're going to do is retread old territory and accomplish nothing while generating hundreds of responses.

[ If you're going to post the same "gay men are rapists" thing every time homosexuality comes up, the least he can do is post the exact same response every time. Y'know, for balance. ]

His general "well maybe it's a problem with men and not with male homosexuals" is inherantly rididculous for a number of reasons. Foremost of course being the way in which he makes an absurd arguement given that we need heterosexual sex and reproduction to continue the species. So when all is said and done that pretty much trumps anything. Homosexuals by their nature do not reproduce so can be targeted to reduce a problem without hurting our species at all. Anything you target reducing the overall problem.

Plus a lot of it revolves around pre-sexual humans as I've made clear. While there are exceptions to every rule, in general when dealing with a hetero rapist or "child molestor" your dealing with someone going after teens and generally physically capable children. Someone like a Roman Polanski (going after 13 year old jailbait) being the quintessential example, along with various cases of teachers and high school students, etc... In comparison in cases when your hear about like 6-8 year old kids being sexually assaulted the perpetrator is a gay man.

Even when looking at porn, when it comes to heterosexuals your mostly looking at jailbait, for the real little kids it's *almost* universally gay porn.

On the other hand when you have cases of someone having sex on like an 8 year old, in the majority of cases it's a male homosexual. This is not to say heterosexuals have not done it, it's just far, far less common.

Therumancer, The Escapist 9 Comments [2/1/2016 5:33:43 PM]
Fundie Index: 9
Submitted By: Menomaru

Quote# 116478

Mike Huckabee is the number one presidential candidate for traditional marriage according to Rev. Steven Andrew, who leads USA Christian Church. He said, "Voters want to know the truth about the candidates. Analysis proves Huckabee is the presidential champion for marriage of one man and one woman only."

"The USA having Biblical marriage only is important because the Bible teaches God judges those opposing Him; no one wants to see God's great destruction of the USA. Voting for Huckabee is saying, 'God heal our land'," said the pastor. "With God's blessings, our lives and nation will prosper again.'"

The pastor gave five reasons why Huckabee deserves people's vote:

Huckabee holds firm that same-sex marriage is not law because the Constitution says Congress makes laws not the Supreme Court.

Ted Cruz said traditional marriage was not a priority; Last week Cruz was discovered fundraising with gay businessmen. Cruz is a hypocrite.

Ben Carson has more than a 15 year boardroom record of supporting gays at Costco and Kellogg, according to Reuters. God knows that Carson doesn't always follow Him. Sadly, Christians could be persecuted and harmed by Carson's compromise.

Even worse Christians could be jailed with Donald Trump, Marco Rubio, Chris Christie, Carly Fiorina, Hillary Clinton, Bernie Sanders or Joe Biden. The reason is they think same-sex marriage is law. They don't follow the Constitution and are disloyal to our founding fathers and the 75% Christian majority.

We know the founders made homosexual sin illegal so God would bless the USA. They would agree with Huckabee and no one else.


"Voting Huckabee for president means God won't remove the USA in judgment for our sins. We know the Bible says God judges gay societies and none remain (2 Peter 2:6, Jude 7, Leviticus 18:25)," the ministry leader said. He hopes voters send Huckabee to the White House.

Rev. Steven Andrew, Christian News Wire 26 Comments [2/1/2016 5:33:30 PM]
Fundie Index: 15
Submitted By: Night Jaguar

Quote# 116477

I am one of the few vocally anti-gay posters on these forums. Albiet I'm middle of the road on the issue compared to many extremists. My thoughts on this specific issue are mixed.

I'm predjudiced against gay men myself. I have nothing against Lesbians in general, and before anyone comments this is not entirely because of porn (most real Lesbains tend to not be all that good looking).

Speaking for myself, I don't mind girl on girl action, and I've said before I see gay men and lesbians as two seperate issues (and if I didn't, I wouldn't find that image occasionally appealing). As much as my inner perv might enjoy say romancing Mako with my female bounty hunter, does this really add anything to the game? Does it in any way expand Mako's storyline or the existing Bounty Hunter plotline? Not paticularly.

This is because I believe that when you get down to it, gay men are invariably interested in pre-sexual humans with various degress of repression there. We're not talking teens (who are called "Jailbait" for a reason). I was attacked by a gay man when I was like six (and lukily repressed the memory). On top of that there are groups like NAMBLA that despite being publically rebuked by the gay rights community, manage to get enough support and money to field such amazing lawyers to defend gay pedophilles that world class casinos are afraid to cross them (I know this because I was security at one and they were scared of us actually doing anything because of NAMBLA, this amounting to an off-the-record directive not to get involved unless we saw someone actually being molested during Code Adam training). Not to mention the fact that it seems in the news that I've heard plenty of reports of "psycho daddies losing control and molesting their young boys, yet I can't think of many (if any) examples of a Lesbian version, except maybe in things like wierd Anime porn (and still examples elude me). Then of course you've also got exposes on the sex tourism trade over the years and how popular young boys are, and how some parents apparently take their young sons overseas so they can pimp them out to gays taking vacations for that reason in relative safety... and making a bundle on it (shows like the old "Inside Edition" or "Hard Copy" used to deal with topics like that specifically because it was shocking).

So yeah, I'm a bigot, and have no guilt over being one. My opinions come from actual experience and observations. Religion, morality, and other things don't enter into the equasion.

In the past I've waffled on the subject into thinking that gay men might be okay, and the pre-sexual molestors might be a tiny minority, but something always happens to snap me back.

See, adults with teens is bad enough (and is illegal for a reason, the only kind of underage sex I support is between two teens), but I can at least understand that on some level. But when you get into kids who aren't even sexually developed/active that's a real problem, and it's been a part of male homosexuality going back to Ancient Greece and Rome.

therumancer, The Escapist 13 Comments [2/1/2016 5:33:24 PM]
Fundie Index: 12
Submitted By: menomaru

Quote# 116476

The bottom line is that I've long felt that gays and lesbians need to be legally seperated into two differant groups and policed/treated very differantly by society. In general there are reasons why people talk about being violated up the butt with fear (or in jest because it's so messed up). Notice you don't see women talking about being forcibly muff dived or whatever the same way.

Honestly, I can only think of a few times I've really heard about a lesbian sexually assaulting/raping someone outside of stories about women's prisons which is still pretty rare comparitively speaking (my father is a CO) or in porn (usually Japanese Anime) typically directed at men to begin with.

All the "Gay rights" stuff is fine for Lesbians, however we should be redefining the term "police state" for gay men.

These are MY opinions and observations only, and they have been years in the coming (and I have waffled in my attitudes a number of times for various reasons). I expect a lot of people to disagree.

therumancer, The escapist 17 Comments [2/1/2016 5:33:14 PM]
Fundie Index: 15
Submitted By: menomaru

Quote# 116474

Okay I read through archives and abortion stories and that and I get most of them except the ones where married people are getting abortions?? I don't get it. Why get married which is where you make a promise to God to be faithful and multiply and then go and have your children removed? It makes no sense at all, if you don't want kids then fine but leave marriage alone because it's not for you??

Anonymous, Tumblr 30 Comments [2/1/2016 5:04:10 PM]
Fundie Index: 12
Submitted By: Demon Duck of Doom

Quote# 116473

I guess the fact every major feminist is a lesbian is purely a coincidence (and Jewish too, but that's another coincidence we're not meant to notice).

Feminist Hypocrisy, Facebook 24 Comments [2/1/2016 5:03:56 PM]
Fundie Index: 21
Submitted By: Yuu

Quote# 116469

Hillary Clinton’s Socialist Manifesto Shows Why Women Shouldn’t Be Involved In Politics

It is no surprise that most men are inclined towards freedom and individualism, while most women are inclined towards security and collectivism. Building on this dichotomy, we have many examples of women finding the preference of security and collectivism illustrated in large, bloated welfare government.

For one, the Pew Research states “Women lean Democratic by 52%… unmarried women 57%”. In a similar article, “Since 1990, women have been consistently more likely than men to identify as Democrats or lean Democratic.” Nothing is closer to socialism and statism in modern America than the American left and the Democratic party. In case you didn’t know, they have an actual socialist running in the primaries. The Democratic party continues to represent women and their beliefs of security and collectivism.

You Must Love Big Brother

The ultimate caricature of the left, Hillary “the woman” Clinton, illustrates her ideas of collectivism in her creepy 1996 Communist Manifesto, It Takes a Village. The title of her book itself should give you shivers. The book illustrates its eerie socialist message of collectivism and state security. An excerpt from the Chapter “Brave New Village” from Jonah Goldberg’s book, Liberal Fascism, exemplifies Clinton’s idelogy of state controlled community accurately:

"…(the) notion of the ‘common good’…she (Clinton) indisputably draws her vision from the same eternal instinct to impose order on society, to create an all-encompassing community, to get past endless squabbles and ensconce each individual in the security blanket of the state. Hers is a political religion, an updated Social Gospel- light on the Gospel, heavy on the Social- spoken in soothing tones and conjuring a reassuring vision of cooperation and community…The village may have replaced ‘the state’, and it in turn may have replaced the fist with the hug, but an unwanted embrace from which you cannot escape… (Goldberg, 357)"

The idea of women embracing the left and socialism is not new to modern America, either. Throughout history we have many examples of such behavior from women. In John Derbyshire’s 2009 classic “We Are Doomed” (a must read), he explains:

"The ‘gender gap’ in political attitudes has been remarked on since at least 391 B.C. That was the year Aristophanes staged his play ‘The Assemblywomen’ (Ecclesiazusae). In the play the women of Athens, disguised as men, take over the assembly and vote themselves into power. Once in charge, they institute a program of pure socialism:

‘Everyone is to have an equal share in everything and live on that; we won’t have one man rich while another lives in penury, one man farming hundreds of acres while another hasn’t got enough land to get buried in…No one will be motivated by need: everybody will have everything…the children will regard all older men as fathers…’

The play wright grasped the essential point… Women incline to socialism much more naturally than do men.” (Derbyshire, 88)"

Mr. Derbyshire continues:

"George Orwell, whose insights into these matters were very deep, also noticed this (women’s inclination to Socialism)…Winston Smith, the protagonist of 1984, observe(s):

‘It was always the women, and above all the young ones, who were the most bigoted adherents of the Party, the swallowers of slogans, the amateur spies and nosers-out of orthodoxy… ‘

I (Derbyshire) saw the same thing myself when living in communist China in the years just after Mao. If you wanted to hear a total-credulity, utterly unreflective parroting of the Party line, a woman was always your best bet.’ (Derbyshire, 88)"

In America, when women were granted the right to vote, it opened a solid voting bloc for Left statists for years to come. Ironically, gyno-con Ann Coulter (a brilliant conservative woman; yes, they exist, but rare) states:

"It would be a much better country if women did not vote. That is simply a fact. In fact, in every presidential election since 1950 — except Goldwater in ’64 — the Republican would have won, if only the men had voted. – “An appalling magic” in The Guardian (17 May 2003)"

Gentlemen, it all went to shit when we gave them the right to vote. We even hear it from a woman, Ann Coulter. Women became a huge and powerful voting bloc that rarely change its tune—the numbers show very little fluctuation in their leftist leaning, as explained earlier.

One can only imagine a country where statists, leftists, cuckservatives, and neocons might not have existed if women had not been granted the vote. Whatever the case, a large statist government is now a pressing issue, with much of it being the responsibility of idealistic, dumb, and dangerous policies supported by women and feminized SJW men.

To take this a step further, the world becomes more feminized each day and traditional sex roles get reversed—look no further than the new Star Wars and Mad Max to see the effects of this feminization. In modern culture, we have women being glamorized in roles of power and “strong, independent, women” that can do what men do. This propaganda easily translates to the ballot box.

The feminization of everything is a weak attempt to indoctrinate young men to believe that women are leaders and that women are masculine. In response, weak men are followers of their causes and beliefs. This is something men, young and old, should strive to be conscious of every day.

We, as men, must be aware of this political bloc illustrated in the Democratic party. As we can see in the chart previously discussed, men tend to fluctuate their vote based on the individual, women vote based along strict party adherence. Women are one solidarity voting bloc for large government and Democratic party lines.

This is dangerous, because it is determining the fate of our country and our future. We are now on a path to destruction and drastic change must occur. The fate rests in the hands of men, not idealistic, statist, Leftist women, nor SJWs.

We must take back our country, if not by the voting box, then by any means necessary.

Jon Bergeron, Return of Kings 24 Comments [2/1/2016 5:03:04 PM]
Fundie Index: 17
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