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Quote# 123115

Well now that you mention it, I support Trump’s plan to ban all Muslims from immigrating to the US for the same reason that I think all homosexuals should, at the very least, not be allowed near kids: Because both groups commit crimes at a significantly disproportional rate compared to their actual percentage of society.

[ Mothers kill and abuse their children at a rate much higher than fathers. By op’s logic mothers should have their children taken away directly after birth. ]

You’re not going to outlaw motherhood, it’s an impossibility. But other things can be done, such as outlawing abortion (for most cases) and enforcing severe retribution for child abuse (aka: execution).
The gays, on the other hand, do not make up a significant portion of society. They’re an extreme minority; they can be controlled and their actions criminalized.

it has been known since the time of the bible that sodomites are destructive to society and in recent times sexual liberation culminating in the acceptance of sodomites has contributed greatly to destroying the family unit so it only makes sense to take away their right to have a family, since mere tolerance of them insists on a society that has torn “family” apart until something as insignificant as two sodomites and a child is seen as a fair representation. :3'

[ This woman apparently thinks she’s no longer a religious bigot, but she’s still clearly clinging to her religious right-wing homophobic propaganda like it’s a life raft. ]

You do realize you can have certain political/social views regardless of whether you believe in a god or not, right?

[ Notice the word propaganda? When was the last time leftists tried to convince idiots like you that gay people were a threat to traditional family values?
My point stands. There’s no former to your fundie. You may not believe in God anymore but you’re still clinging to the propaganda. You can look up that word if you need to, I don’t mind waiting.

So.. if only one political party is saying something, it’s propaganda and can’t possibly be true. Awesome, that means I can dismiss all the shit the leftists are constantly spewing without a second thought.
Your point most certainly does not stand. I’m a right wing nationalist for sure, but I’m not a religious fundamentalist by definition.

FormerFundie, tumblr 6 Comments [12/21/2016 9:33:30 AM]
Fundie Index: 5
Submitted By: menomaru

Quote# 123114

I don't give a damn what Occam would approve of! You can't come up with idiotic explanations just to stay with Occam's razor or whatever...!

For heavens's sake....fellas! What the heck is the matter with you guys?! You guys are tying yourselves up in knots and building fences after fences around you with all your stuff......Occam's razor, logical fallacies, some other fallacy, whatever....! Lots of rubbish!

Reality doesn't restrict itself to your boundaries.

You don't want to accept spirit and after-life etc. because there isn't sufficient empirical evidence and because you are scornful of anything associated with religion....that is fine. I have no problem with that. But coming up with ridiculous explanations and offering Occam's razor or whatever, as a reason is utter nonsense.

Face reality guys....with all its mysteries and possibilities. Live life and experience it! We don't know... is just fine! We don't need to know everything.


Sriram, Religion and Ethics 15 Comments [12/21/2016 9:33:15 AM]
Fundie Index: 5
Submitted By: Nearly Sane

Quote# 123108

[On Aleppo]

How exactly is airlifting supplies to the besieged a method of stopping a war? Surely that is a method of supplying one side to continue the war?

xxyx, Independent  9 Comments [12/21/2016 9:30:37 AM]
Fundie Index: 3

Quote# 123107

[OP of the post "Lesbians are a mistake. They could be put to use as fuckdolls for incels."]

Lesbians are not even truly lesbian anyway. They would gladly spread their legs for chad if he asked. They only pretend to be lesbian for attention.

Sam5Sung, Reddit - r/TheIncelHeaven 16 Comments [12/21/2016 9:27:49 AM]
Fundie Index: 9
Submitted By: JeanP

Quote# 123106

[On an Islamophobic homophobe who hates the victims of the Orlando shooting slightly more than the perpetrators]

No, the correct answer is hate the Muslims. They're waaaaaaaaay more degenerate than gay people, since gays don't murder and rape for fun.

NeoMatrix, FSTDT 24 Comments [12/21/2016 9:25:53 AM]
Fundie Index: 5
Submitted By: Demon Duck of Doom

Quote# 123105

A Republican candidate for the Louisiana House of Representatives says that he is boycotting any Muslim-owned business as well as any businesses that employ Muslims.

Mic.com reported that Michael “Duke” Lowrie believes that it is the patriotic duty of all Americans to withhold their consumer dollars from businesses that benefit Muslims in any way.

The former paramedic and firefighter announced this week that he is running to represent Louisiana’s District 8 in the state House. He told the Shreveport Times that he stands by remarks he made about not supporting Muslim businesses or companies that hire Muslim workers.

“We are a Christian nation. The threat of Islamic terrorism is real. Too many times, politicians are sometimes so afraid to speak the truth because of the PC culture in which we live. I’ll call it how I see it. We must tackle Islamic extremism head on. I believe President Trump will do that,” Lowrie said in a statement on Friday.

In a November, 2015 Facebook post, Lowrie wrote, “Many of you may or may not know but Shreveport – Bossier was one of the cities on the Islamist kill lists. Perhaps they despise our hospitality here or our over the top support for our military. Regardless the fact is the Islamist (sic) seek to kill us and make us submit to their false religion and god.”

The “ISIS Kill List” conspiracy is a misinterpretation of an ISIS propaganda effort from March of 2015, according to Snopes.com. ISIS published a list of U.S. service personnel it deemed as enemies of Islam and their home addresses.

Snopes said, “Although the March 2015 ISIS report was treated seriously by the U.S. military and law enforcement at the time it was issued, the Pentagon noted that the list seemed to be more of an ISIS social media scare tactic using information taken from publicly available online sources than an actual threat.”

Lowrie and others among the conspiracy-minded view the “Kill List” as a blueprint of what targets the terror group plans to “destroy.”

In his Facebook post, Lowrie said, “The fact is the Islamist [sic] seek to kill us and make us submit to their false religion and God. There are many who worship, if you call it that, Islam here among us. I do not believe they deserve peace of our culture or the continued fruits of our society while following this religion. I for one will no longer knowingly go to or do business with any establishment that has someone who I know is a follower of Islam working there.”

The election to fill the House seat takes place on March 25. So far, Lowrie is the only candidate who has declared.

Michael "Duke" Lowrie, Raw Story 11 Comments [12/21/2016 9:24:54 AM]
Fundie Index: 4
Submitted By: Demon Duck of Doom

Quote# 123092

There are commonalities in monotheism so the issue there is in interpretation of the unitary God as it is in the interpretation of the unitary self. Pixies or the man in the moon do not fall into monotheism unless you are prepared to give them divine properties to make them equivalent to the unitary God but I think that has always defeated your intent when you have used it before.

I have no beef with methodological naturalism until you change it into philosophical naturalism. In other words your opening paragraph contains no actual argument against God.

There is no way I can make fabricate seriousness in respect of the possibility of the divine or our need for reconciliation thereof but that is an existential matter between you and God and not me because the contest between your ego and it's conception of Vlad is always going to be a foregone conclusion I would have thought.

Emergence - The Musical, Religion and Ethics 7 Comments [12/21/2016 9:19:58 AM]
Fundie Index: 5
Submitted By: Nearly Sane

Quote# 123087

I'm pretty sure many of you have already heard about the Transgender kid that went and off-ed themselves with a semi. ie suicide.Why? Because his parents refused him the surgery that would set him to the 'right' gender.I want to get every reaction you guys have, positive negative and even the WAAAAT factor too ere is what his ultimate goal was That's the gist of it, that';s why I feel like killing myself. Sorry, if that's not a good enough reason for you, it's good enough for me. As for my will, I want 100 percent of the things that I legally own to be sold and the money (plus my money in the bank) to be given to trans civil rights movements and support groups, I don't give a sh*t which one. The only way I will rest in peace is if one day transgender people aren't treated the way I was, they're treated like humans, with valid feelings and human rights. Gender needs to be taught about in schools, the earlier, the better. My death needs to mean something. My death needs to be counted in the number of transgender people who commit suicide this year. I want someone to look at that number and say thats f***ed up& and fix it. Fix society. Please.Personal I think his parents were right to refuse him the surgery, and that he did us a huge favour by just killing himself. As you can see by his comments he was a completely obnoxious person and even if he was straight, I'm sure people would have rather had him dead.Here's a link to the full story... just in case you haven't had the chance to catch up on the local news during this festive season.http://www.inquisitr.com/1715736/transgender-teen-leelah-acorn-kills-himself-by-walking-in-front-of-semi-truck-blames-christian-parents-in-viral-suicide-note/If your going do die for a cause, make sure your a nice person first... else who's going to care when your gone.For me, I just hope his parents don't take his death to hard. At the end of the day, they are the real victims not some stingy kid who was already an adult and surly could have waited 3 years to have the surgery with his own money.

[ It isn't because they simply refused her surgery. It's because they put her through MONTHS of isolation and hell. They never let her see her friends or be social at all. They never let her do anything. They tried to ""fix""" her with "therapy" that only traumatized her. She was berated and bullied every single day by her FAMILY who are supposed to support and love their children NO MATTER WHAT. Go redo your research. ]

yet he had enough freedom to find himself on a highway, which is illegal, and kill himself.

so ya I truly believe they isolated him.


he had parents that loved enough to try and treat his condition yet he only saw it as a burden

he was.a truly evil person

[ it's not a condition to treat


that's like trying to condition you to be gay when you're happily straight. It would never work and just upset you.

but he is talking about changing his sex totally?!

That can not possible be nature

that is just madness

[ Try to have an open mind.

Think about feeling like you were born in the wrong body. It sucks.

"Think about feeling like your were born in the wrong body"

See what I did there... feeling

Because it's a condition of the mind and not an actual fact

meaning it's a condition...


If I were to electric shock treat a person like him, would his now newly born brain feel he is in the wrong body?


Because when the brain is wiped of Feelings and reboots again, new Feelings come into play

[ Rot in hell, you piece of shit. This poor GIRL'S awful, transphobic parents are not victims nor will they ever be victims. They're narrow-minded, backwards ass way of thinking, and lack of support and love is what killed they're daughter.

Fuck you for taking their side, fuck you for misgendering, and insulting a dead teenage girl, and especially fuck you for staying she did a huge favor for committing suicide.


Do you understand why I will never take you seriously?

because where I use simple language to talk and convey my understanding and perspective of the world.

You use violent and vulgar insults to express yourself, which to me reflects your mentality, a mentality of someone who is insane and without any logical reason

precipitous120, deviantart 6 Comments [12/21/2016 9:19:06 AM]
Fundie Index: 3
Submitted By: Menomaru

Quote# 123081

Amazing !

Three accusations, neither of which bear any resemblance to reality.

1. You claim I contradict myself, yet nobody ever managed to provide a single example. When they tried they have just shown that they don't understand and twist my words, like when they said I oppose rape and killing of Western women by Muslims but am for Islamic rule in fact I fully support rape and killing of Western women by Muslims but dislike that libtards like you want to make this legal just for Muslims. This is a huge difference. Modern Western women deserve to be killed by Muslims, but they also deserve to be killed by whites as well. You liberals just want them killed by Muslims but don't want them even touched by non-Muslim whites.

2. And then, after this, you make a strawman about some of the most basic things I believe - guess what, I don't believe in an "organized" effort against such men. I claim it was a spontaneous process that started in the 1920s with the 19th Amendment. These things happen very slowly and spontaneously. Hell, 19th Amendment was in 1920 and it took about 40 years for America to have its first slut generation.

3. In conclusion, even your third claim manages to be batshit - I don't "self-promote" myself as anything. I don't give a shit how anybody will see me nor do I get anything out of it.

So, another delusional moron living in lalaland who thinks he/she can criticize somebody while lacking basic knowledge about their ideas.

caamib, FSTDT 13 Comments [12/21/2016 9:18:15 AM]
Fundie Index: 5
Submitted By: Demon Duck of Doom

Quote# 123155

(on the age of the earth being 4.5 billion years)

Do you have historical documentation of that or do I have to take it on faith?

"Helioseismology and/or measuring radioactive decay."

Took that long for that? Helioseismology, the study based on the assumption that the Sun's makeup hasn't changed. I like a good assumption as much as the next guy, but hardly scientific.
Then there is the ever popular measuring radioactive decay, "scientists" believe they can tell the age of something by how much radiation it contains, yet they have no record of the beginning levels or any outside influences involved. It's the same as trying to find the answer to a math problem that goes like this: An '86 TA goes by at 60 mph, how long has it been traveling?

Oboehner, Christian News Network 14 Comments [12/20/2016 10:44:22 PM]
Fundie Index: 6
Submitted By: Jocasta

Quote# 123154

"Since observable evolutionary changes occur over thousands of generations, perhaps the new and improved species that replaces current humans will have developed a wider pelvis. The hubris of thinking humans are the beginning and the end of life on this planet is astonishing."

Observable? You were there then, right? The thinking that an '86 Trans Am is actually a transitional automobile between the Fiero and the Lamborghini is just as ludicrous as the so-called fossil record.

"I wasn't there, but the fossils that seem to confuse you tell the story. Having your nose stuck in your book of fairy tales seems to keep you from understanding how science works."

So the Fiero evolved into the Lamborghini then right? After all that's what the evidence shows exactly like the fossils you are blathering on about. Funny how you religious evolutionist zealots use the same playbook over and over. We have the "you don't understand", then we have "why don't you read a science book", the ever popular attempted shot-in-the-dark hack on the beliefs of others (like you use), and so on. It is really sad how much bandwidth is used up without one shred of proof anything ever "evolved".

Oboehner, Christian News Network 15 Comments [12/20/2016 10:44:11 PM]
Fundie Index: 5
Submitted By: Jocasta

Quote# 123127


Christian Oracle , youtube 17 Comments [12/19/2016 3:08:39 PM]
Fundie Index: 5

Quote# 123126

The Illuminati has been consistently deceiving the public into believing in Darwinian evolution because it is important that people think they are and always have been "evolving". That is because the Illuminati will deceive mankind into a false evolution where man merges with machine. Man is trying to play God and will use science and technology to try and do it. Transhumanism is man's attempt at evolving into God and becoming eternal.

Christian Oracle, youtube 22 Comments [12/19/2016 3:08:29 PM]
Fundie Index: 8

Quote# 123110

I now have all the information I need, and I made sure to destroy my game and console once I was done.
As I’m sure you all already know, Pokémon is a demonic “game” Satanists created to corrupt our youth and pull them away from the glory of God. AND IT’S WORKING! When good Christians, such as myself, began protesting the evil influence of Pokémon back in the 1990s, we were mocked and ridiculed! But now the decay of society has become evident.


You see, a few weeks ago, a (former!) friend of mine handed me a Nintendo DS, and told me to play the game inside. I could keep it, he said. I should play the game inside, and then judge it on its own value.


I knew that Nintendo started off making card games, which are derived from the evil occult practice of TAROT. I knew that video games were allowing SATAN into the minds of children, so they would go shoot their classmates at school. But with the power of GOD on my side, I knew I could resist SATAN’S EVIL TEMPTATIONS.

I turned the game on. It was Pokémon Soul Silver. There was a big white (or silver?) birdlike creature swimming across the screen. The same figure is stylized into the logo. At this point I KNEW that Pokémon was connected with the occult.

The ancient Egyptians believed the soul was called BA, and it took the form of a BIRD with a HUMAN face! This game shows a BIRD with strikingly HUMAN features curled up to represent a SOUL! If you can’t see the connection with the occult already, Satan must have control over your mind.

StarDotJPG, The TRUTH About Pokémon!! 35 Comments [12/18/2016 10:06:15 PM]
Fundie Index: 18
Submitted By: Chris

Quote# 123109

[On Aleppo]

"to air-drop life-saving aid."

Dropping food into a seige situation is taking sides and prolonging a war. Why do this when all the signs are that those who manage to leave the city are given aid anyway - unless there is a political component to the calls for airdrops?

The official narrative is so one sided it is transparently so. Would someone consider those dropping aid in Mosul to be pro-peace, a humanitarian air-drop or supplying IS?

xxyx, Independent  16 Comments [12/18/2016 10:06:10 PM]
Fundie Index: 4

Quote# 123104

In a nationally representative online survey of 1,011 Americans conducted by Qualtrics between Dec. 6 and 12, we asked respondents, “In last month’s election, Donald Trump won the majority of votes in the electoral college. Who do you think won the most popular votes?”...

Respondents’ correct understanding of the popular vote depended a great deal on partisanship. A large fraction of Republicans — 52 percent — said Trump won the popular vote, compared with only 7 percent of Democrats and 24 percent of independents. Among Republicans without any college education, the share was even larger: 60 percent, compared with 37 percent of Republicans with a college degree.

Republicans, Washington Post 29 Comments [12/18/2016 1:35:32 PM]
Fundie Index: 4

Quote# 123099

Easy. Hate the gays the most, because they’re degenerates. Hate the Muslim terrorist second most, because while he did kill Americans, the majority were non-white and all of them were fags. Finally, keep supporting gun rights completely, because the second amendment guards all the others.

There, that wasn’t so difficult, now was it?

FormerFundie, tumblr 23 Comments [12/18/2016 1:34:43 PM]
Fundie Index: 19
Submitted By: Menomaru

Quote# 123098

[ hate gays more than terrorists? what the fuck did a gay person blow up? sorry did lesbians fly the planes into twin towers? did gay men shoot up a straight nightclub? NO! theyre just living their own fuckin lives in peace. but you hate them more than terrorists because deep down you're really just uncomfortable with yourself and its obvious ]

No, not terrorists in general, just this one specific terrorist, Omar Mateen. He’s alright in my book. As for the terrorists who flew the planes into the Twin Towers, or the ones killing Christians in the middle east, I hate those guys.

Well I’m comfortable enough to state my own radically unpopular opinions, unlike the majority of people. If I was uncomfortable with any of that, I wouldn’t dare go against the status quo. So nice try, but no.

FormerFundie, tumblr 17 Comments [12/18/2016 1:34:26 PM]
Fundie Index: 7
Submitted By: Menomaru

Quote# 123097

im obsessed with race because it determines everything in life.
all whites are responsible for it because their ancestors created it, and then now they take advantage of it via propagation
all poc have a shit time.
lol you cant be racist to white ppl. that's just not possible.
go back to jerking off to hitler speeches

(few comments later)

everyone around me is racist. I am not racist because being racist against whites is impossible.
do you like being white? would you be okay with not being white. what would you rather be?

McDermidisGod, r/NSFWFunny 23 Comments [12/18/2016 1:33:27 PM]
Fundie Index: 4
Submitted By: HEIL SATAN

Quote# 123096


I hate everyone. I just hate whites the most because they have a need to show everyone how strong their hate is and they actually harm people with their hate instead. most other races do not have hate in their hearts. it is only the whites. there is no kkk equivalent in poc communities. and most whites agree with the kkk, as you do.
you are a nazi because you fantasize about an aryan paradise. you also have a weird obsession with jews, trying to separate them from white ppl.


So you call white people evil, but at the same you hate every human?
You are just a hatefull racist nazi, nothing more. The world is so bad because of evil people like you.
And you call yourself a sjw?


Virtually all white people are evil.
Also, ik youre just trolling about the Nazi stuff. How can a anti-white pro-melanin sob like myself be a Nazi? You know you lost.

McDermidisGod, r/NSFWFunny 14 Comments [12/18/2016 1:33:20 PM]
Fundie Index: 10
Submitted By: HEIL SATAN

Quote# 123095


trying to make chad understand what is it like not to be able to touch a girl and why is like trying to explain your understanding/beliefs about the concept of death to a fish.
they always say its an excuse. they always imply i never even tried. always imply i have never tried going out/working out/grooming/dressing nicely/getting a haircut/showering/shaving/chewing gum/trying pua/seduction shit.
the real red pill is inside your dna. if you are short, have severely deformed face, you. are. FUCKED.


I always tell them to try burning their face off. If they really believed all that self-help bs worked, they'd burn their face off (in the most painless way possible) and then they'd start living their normal life... however, they know that they're just bullshitting and they end up confirming in their own minds the dangers of being an Incel.
Even after they admit Inceldom exists, they continue to give the same bullshit advice. If this is the case, then it is confirmed: they are nothing but sadist trolls.

jak1nsatto & McDermidisGod, r/Incel 13 Comments [12/18/2016 1:33:15 PM]
Fundie Index: 7
Submitted By: HEIL SATAN

Quote# 123094

Yes, but modern agnosticism hasn't really got any great track record in philosophy and new atheism(prototype brexiters) ditto. What philosophy there is today is on secondary matters.
The great axial philosophy is theistic or sympathetic to it.

Emergence - The Musical, Religion and Ethics 10 Comments [12/18/2016 1:32:46 PM]
Fundie Index: 7
Submitted By: Nearly Sane

Quote# 123093

(Telling an Incel to clean-up, put yourself out there, and be optimistic is like telling a person with a terminal disease to eat right, exercise, and think positively)

This is what I always say to normies: Burn your face off and try to live life as you normally would. It's drastic, but it's the only way they'll be able to understand. Of course, no one burns their face off because they know it will make them into an Incel. Yet they don't admit it because either their perception of humanity is blindingly positive (denial), or they're just trolling on here to devastate people who are already hopeless as a means of sadistic pleasure.

McDermidisGod, r/Incel 15 Comments [12/18/2016 1:32:34 PM]
Fundie Index: 9
Submitted By: HEIL SATAN

Quote# 123091

[ You appear to be advocating conformity. ]

Like I said in my previous post, which you seem to have missed. There's a LOT that you miss, isn't there Lily?

One does not have to dress a certain way to be a rebel or a free thinker.

Again, you are the one with the "majority" perspective in this particular debate. I would definitely represent the minority, in voicing my opinion that women need to take far more control of their destinies instead of placing the blame on their circumstance everywhere but themselves. FAR too few women look at their lives, and look at how they could have prevented things from happening. Its far too easier to tout the weak female fanfare & put the blame with the man.

Nevermind that the woman was dressed like a slut. Nevermind that she walked unescorted to her car. Nevermind that her ass was hanging out of her skirt. Nevermind that she completely ignored the reality that we live in. No, she has no control, no responsiblity over her own destiny, she couldn't possibly have presented a more positive image of herself in public, she couldn't possibly have asked a security guard to escort her to her car, she couldn't possibly have locked her doors & windows while at home alone. No, she's the helpless female... that on weekends, goes out to demand equal rights.

I say bullshit. If women want equal rights they need to stop falling back on the "weak female" crap whenever it suits them, and accept responsibility for their own life, for their own destiny, for their own situations.

Typical weak female that you are Lily, you keep putting all the blame on the man. NOWHERE have I said that none of the blame lies with them.

[ You seem to be forgetting - it's not only the "slutty girls" getting raped/assaulted. Grannies in nursing homes and other regular women probably get attacked with greater frequency. ]

I'm not forgetting at all. The point I am trying to make is the very same one you're getting at.


Who are these people? Well, the elderly are one, yes. But aging isn't a choice. Clothing on the other hand IS. Dressing like a skank comes across as having low self-esteem & little self-respect. Its easy enough to make a victim of someone who is already one by their own choice of lifestyle. A woman who is a whore & entertains many men nightly, is far less likely to be believed when she cries rape, than one who doesn't give herself out at every turn. Get it yet?

Just like you said, most women are raped by people they know. And many of these girls are either known to have low self-esteem, known to be defenseless, or known to be sluts. Get it yet?

You're right, rape is about power. Power over the powerless. This is what I"ve been trying to drill into your thick skull all evening. Women are NOT powerless! Women DO have the choice to control their own destiny. Women DO have the choice to put forth a much more positive image, one that shows that they are empowered, and comfortable in their skin, and not afraid to draw attention if attacked. Women DO have the choice to ask security guards to escort them to their cars at night, women DO have the choice to lock their doors and windows.

WHY then, are these women who demand equality, at the same time crying helpless when something does happen to them? ACCEPT RESPONSIBILITY FOR YOUR OWN LIFE.

Get it yet?

I'm JUST trying to say that women who get treated in a manner according to their own actions and behavior, really need to realize that there ARE things that they can do as preventative measures. And yes, I do feel that if a woman walks unescorted to her car, in a dimly lit underground parking lot, and she's parked on the far side, that IF she DOES get attacked, then yes she is partially responsible. She did have options available to her, to prevent such a thing from occuring, the major one being requesting an escort. As I said previously, we do not live in an age of ignorance.

Persiana, Canadaka 19 Comments [12/18/2016 1:31:34 PM]
Fundie Index: 9

Quote# 123090

[ I thought you were somewhere in your 20s. It's fairly typical of the younger generations (and I include myself there, as most "feminists" are older than I am) to feel the job's been done, without realizing what all they did for us. And no, there's still more to be done. Wages might not matter to you, and it's great that you're in a position where your work is values, but that's not the case for everyone.

I just reread your last line... sexual harassment isn't about women inviting comments. I thought we were long past the time when we blamed the victim.

Lily in feeling as if the job is done, I'm not simply disregarding what has been accomplished. I'm not unaware of what all they did for us at all, I'm very aware of it. Yes there is probably stuff that can still be done, but I disagree that it needs to be dealt with in an extremist manner, by extremists. If on individual levels women are unhappy with their work, we have the voice & we have the power now to do something about it. Sitting & bitching isn't doing anything. Change jobs, or report the issue to the higher powers, and if necessary, report the issue to people outside of the company. Crying "woe is me" and doing nothing, doesn't fix the problem either.

Sexual harassment in SOME cases isn't about women inviting comments. In many cases, I agree 100%. I do however, think that there are also SOME women out there, who DO invite comments. You can't dress like a hooker, and expect to be treated like a lady.

[ Wow, you could be an Australian Cleric. Some girls who dress slutty are experimenting, some don't want to be talked to by like a lady, and some might wear the t-shirt "Just because I'm a slut doesn't mean I'll sleep with you" ouch.

If only the gay boys took to such reasoning. He was wearing a tank top, I could just tell he wanted it. Nope, not going to fly. Want to have sex? get consent. A bikini does not signify consent.

Your reasoning might work except your examples are lacking.

If girls who are wearing t-shirts and self-proclaiming themselves sluts, they have little respect for themselves and can hardly cry unfair when they get treated like a slut.

I never said bikini's signified consent. However, if you're 14 years old with breasts just popping out of your chest and you're running around in hooker boots and booty shorts where half your ass hangs out (No, not just short shorts, I mean booty shorts where half your ass really IS hanging out) and a bikini top or some other fragile excuse for clothing, and you get spoken to with disrespect, and you get treated with disrespect, then my point is that they can't really place the entire blame on the other party. The disrespect began with themselves.

[ Again sorry, this does not signify disrepect on the part of the girls or the apropriatness of a fifty year old man to offer his services ]

I suppose it depends on the individual, really. There's the girls who are simply too young & ignorant, and rather unfortunately have parents who simply don't care... they usually grow into young adults who also don't care, it has a rather snowball effect. There's also the 'rebels' ...the girls who do come from perfectly good homes, who rebel against their parents morals and do so by being as scantily clad as they can without getting arrested for public indecency. Women and girls who dress "nicely" are fine. Women and girls who dress "slutty" and "Skanky" are not so fine. I do not look at them & think "Wow, they look fine!" although you as a male perhaps are doing so without even realizing how shockingly low these girls self-esteem truly is. Healthy sexuality does not mean that they have to sleep with everybody who pays them a compliment, nor does "slut" equal healthy sexuality. A girl who wears a "slut" t-shirt and takes a 50 year old guy up on his offers, isn't healthy. I rather prefer the girls who can actually realize the inappropriateness of the fifty year old man offering his services that you mentioned, than the ones who don't. Both types of girls exist but when they dress the same way, how is the 50 year old guy supposed to be able to tell them apart? Get it yet? Its a learning curve. 50 year old guy has probably learned that he has better luck with skanks than classy women, so those are the ones he offers his services to.

Yes, some girls are just experimenting and some quickly learn that isn't the way they want to be seen. I see 12/13/14 year olds walking around here, wearing stiletto boots, miniskirts (and I mean *MINI*) and crop tops with their bellies hanging out & these miniskirts aren't even like the 80's miniskirts, these are mini on the leg & mini on the hips. I quite literally have underwear which covers more than these skirts do.

Am I saying "all the blame rests with the victims" no, not by a long shot. However, like I said before, common sense should prevail. If a woman makes herself an easy target for lewd remarks and sexual harassment, common sense should speak to reason, and she should realize that if she dressed less slutty, she'd get treated with more respect. We don't live in the age of ignorance. If a woman is working late & its dark outside & her car is parked on the far side of a dimly lit underground parking lot, is she to blame if she gets attacked? No, but YES there are preventative methods available in most of these instances, to keep stuff like this from happening. Ie, have a security guard escort you to your car.

Basically you reap what you sow.

If you disrespect yourself, and show it through your own method of dress, you cannot expect respect from others.

If you ignore common sense for dangerous situations, then yes you ARE partially at fault for the fact that it even happened and YES there WERE ways that you could've prevented it from happening, in many instances.

Women want "equal status" except they want to hang onto their "vulnerable" female helpless status at the same time? I don't think so. Physically we are no match for most men, that is fact. Mentally we could be equal if we'd stop placing ALL the blame elsewhere & started using our brains and common sense.

[ Well, I couldn't dissagree with you more. I have a great deal of respect for women with healthy sexualities and the strength to be themselves... that is respect. That doesn't mean that they want to be abused or that every lad is in their market. Raping a slut doesn't mean that you're man enough to deserve her. ]

I too have a great deal of respect for women who have healthy sexualities and the strength to be themselves. There IS a difference, however, between a woman with a healthy sexuality, and a woman who is insecure & needy for attention, and dresses herself in a manner that ensures she gets the attention whether its positive or negative. I don't know what kind of world you might live in, but where I live "slut" is not a complimentary term.

Persiana, Canadaka 5 Comments [12/18/2016 1:31:17 PM]
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