Quote# 122953

[On SJWs]

Ever notice how most of their pictures depict them with neutral expressions at best (I’m being generous) and most of the time, a sneer or some other ‘superior’ expression? Their default expressions aren’t pleasant either. Their general aura is sullen, unhappy, and they seem to expect offense at every turn so they can snap and snarl at the world because that’s easier for them than actually trying to be happy – and you can’t work at getting your happiness and joy if you don’t know what makes you happy. Which, I think sometimes, is one of the problems. They don’t have ‘true’ hardship so they make life hard for themselves and everyone around them, and call that suffering and martyrdom and victim-virtue. Don’t they realize that the reason why people admire the ones who survive horrible experiences is because they do it with determination (and unseen, have the dignity and self respect to weep in private!)

It is no virtue to be a victim, to have no power. They who have put victimhood on a pedestal, wrap it around themselves like a comforting blanket, tell themselves only lies “I have no power, it is not my fault my life is a cesspool of misery,” and use those lies as an excuse to lash out and think that the repulsed recoil gives them power.

The only power they have is to drive people away.

Shadowdancer Duskstar / Cutelildrow, The Liberty Zone 25 Comments [12/10/2016 11:53:57 AM]
Fundie Index: 1
Submitted By: yamamanama

Quote# 122950

[ There are no documented cases of trans women attacking or abusing cis women in restrooms or locker rooms.
There aren’t even an documented cases of cis men pretending to be trans women to peep at or abuse women in women-only spaces
There thousands upon thousands of more cases of trans women being physically, verbally, or sexually abused by cis men AND women in bathrooms and locker rooms. There are even cases of butch cis women being targeted as side effect of this.
Anyone who uses their “concern” that men will abuse trans-inclusive bathrooms to ban trans women from using the correct bathroom is a fear-monger. They are hiding their transphobia behind “concern” and use it troll off of people’s completely unfounded fears of trans women.

I promise you, we are more afraid of you than you are of us.

How dare you.

I have three daughters. Fuck you for calling me your bullshit, ablesit, made up names for having concern for my daughters you asshat.

The reason there are no cases of CIS men posing as a trans to get into a woman’s restroom is because THEY NEVER COULD BEFORE!!!

I am SO damn sick of this LGBT bullshit where you all threaten to brand us with your ableist slurs if we don’t go along with all your little demands. Fuck you. My daughters come first. I oppose men walking into women’s bathrooms for THEM, and I always will.

I am not afraid of your name calling.

bransrath, tumblr 25 Comments [12/10/2016 11:52:01 AM]
Fundie Index: 10
Submitted By: Menomaru

Quote# 122949

[ Soapbox time: It’s funny how the same people who see the LGBT community as sick and perverted, the same people who vote to deny us civil rights…..are now suddenly concerned for our safety because it’s a chance to bash all Muslims. ???? Spoiler: Christianity has some pretty bloodthirsty tendencies, too, and nearly all domestic terrorists in the United States have been “radical/extremist” Christians. Can you imagine the carnage of the Crusades or the Inquisition in the 21st century? Can you imagine a government based on Old (or even New) Testament law? Religious fervor is one of the most terrifying conditions known to humanity. No pun intended, but thank god for the Enlightenment and revolutions in science. Religions evolve. Times change. It’d be great if people’s minds followed accordingly. Don’t use an attack on the LGBT community to broadcast your own prejudice and ignorance. *steps off soapbox* ]

Listen genius. I can not want the government to FORCE me to bake you a fucking cake AND be concerned for your safety at the same time.

The crusades were in response to 400 years of islamic attacks on Christians. Learn history before posting.

Lastly, you are right about one thing, religious fervor can be bad, just look at the religious fervor of the disciples of Karl marx, like Stalin.

Fuckin scary

bransrath, tumblr 15 Comments [12/10/2016 11:51:37 AM]
Fundie Index: 9
Submitted By: Menomaru

Quote# 122948

Well Seb...we have already said that 666 is a philosophy. It is held by those who lead the masses by hope and expectation whilst simply bathing in the emotional turmoil of their failure to deliver. You may think these are few but I can tell you they are many. Bullying is the name of the game. I have already given you enough information which tags wife beaters, baby bashers, and various other types of bullying...like what is in the news today about football coaches and those who follow the philosophy of Jimmy Savile...it's all about stealing the internal emotional strength of their victims and leaves a target emotionally traumatized for life.

Roll this out across the world and we get a feeling for the depth of the horrors that Almighty God is going to deal with via his number 666.

NicholasMarks, Religion and Ethics 13 Comments [12/10/2016 11:51:05 AM]
Fundie Index: 8
Submitted By: Nearly Sane

Quote# 122946

-As God warns us constantly in Scripture and otherwise – such as the prayer to St. Michael the Archangel, given to us through Pope Leo XIII – the demonic is real, and we are to guard against it. There are beings “prowling throughout the world seeking the ruin of souls.” While most DNs are not consciously serving satan, they are consciously looking to hurt other human beings as hard as they can, thus looking to cause a “spiritual death”, even if they don’t explicitly acknowledge what it is they are doing. If you are aware of a DN, you do have an obligation to warn those directly in his sights of what he is. For example, a spouse of a DN, or a child of a DN, should warn especially children of sufficient age, or anyone that they see a DN grooming for abuse. This would also apply especially to anyone with a sex pervert (likely a homosexual) in their family. Remember, ALL homosexuals and aberrosexuals are a CLEAR AND PRESENT DANGER TO CHILDREN. Remember, every person who ever had their children molested by their “gay relative” would have sworn up and down that the sex pervert relative or friend was “harmless” and “would never hurt my kids”. And yet look at how many people in our culture have been abused and had their lives ruined by the “gay uncle/brother/cousin/family friend”. Another example might be a coworker that is being groomed and then abused by a DN boss. Apparently, all three Clintons, Hillary, Bill and now Chelsea, are notorious for abusing staffers to the point of making them suicidal. Once a DN is identified and acknowledged for what he is, he loses almost all power over a person.

Ann Barnhardt , Barnhardt.biz 13 Comments [12/10/2016 11:48:35 AM]
Fundie Index: 10

Quote# 122945

I receive many emails from people who have watched the big Diabolical Narcissism video, and report that it has brought into sharp focus massively painful relationships, usually with a spouse or parent, but occasionally with a child, sibling, friend or co-worker.

I would like to take this opportunity to caution against “seeing a Diabolical Narcissist behind every tree”. Just because someone is a jerk, or even a narcissist in the sense of being selfish and self-absorbed, that doesn’t make that person a Diabolical Narcissist. DN is an extremely grave pathology, and while certainly exploding among the populace (as evidenced by its direct corollary, homosexuality and all forms of sexual perversion), DN is still a very small percentage of a given populace. Remember, a DN is a human being that has consciously and freely chosen to purge himself of all love. That is no small thing. DNs are thus incapable of any emotion derived from love, such as happiness, pleasure, genuine sadness, and are utterly devoid of empathy. Thus, they are capable only of the demonic emotional palate: anger, hatred, jealousy and fear.

Put another way, a mere narcissist wakes up thinking about themselves: “Me, me, me, me, me, me.” A DN wakes up thinking, “Who can I hurt next? Who is my next victim? Who can I destroy?” That’s a big distinction. Mere narcissists certainly do damage to others, but it is usually “collateral damage”. With DNs, every aspect of every attack on their chosen victims is meticulously planned, set up, fantasized about and executed. As with spouses in particular, the grooming phase may last years.

So, what is my advice to people who have found themselves in the situation of loving a Diabolical Narcissist?

The key to processing such a situation is, I think, to meditate on how God must feel about satan and the fallen angels, or as they are commonly known, demons.

Now, the analogy is very imperfect for obvious reasons. First, a person who loves a DN is not the DNs CREATOR. And thus, we realize that God’s pain is in a category infinitely above ours because our pain is a parity-level pain, between existential equals. God’s pain is that of the Creator, rejected, despised and warred against by His own creation. Second, we can never love with the perfect purity of God, obviously. Still, we can love.

A few preliminary words about the angelic beings. First, the more we learn about the universe, the greater the number of angelic beings seems to be implied. I read a news story just a few weeks ago that the Hubble Telescope has revealed that there are at MINIMUM 2 trillion galaxies in the observable universe, an increase over the previous estimate by a factor of ten. Now, each of these galaxies has, let’s say, an average of 100 billion stars. We know that every human being that has ever existed, including fertilized eggs that lived only a few hours, have had a guardian angel, and that angels are not “recycled”. So that puts the number of angels JUST assigned a human being into the hundreds of billions. Now, if we also take sacred tradition that every star in the universe has an angel assigned to it, we are looking at something like 200 SEPTILLION angels – just looking after stars. The “Second Sphere” of angels consisting of the three Choirs known as Dominions, Powers, and Virtues, would be charged with looking after and safeguarding the physical universe. See Ephesians 1:21, Colossians 1:16, and 1 Peter 3:22. If you have ever wondered why the demons don’t just destroy the earth, well, it is because there is an army of angels double their size defending the universe. And no, when there is an earthquake or other natural disaster, that isn’t “demons beating God”, that is The Divine Providence permitting chastisement in order to turn sinful men back to Him. I wrote about this recently in my post about the earthquake that struck Norcia, Italy.

Ann Barnhardt , Barnhardt.biz 13 Comments [12/10/2016 11:47:22 AM]
Fundie Index: 6

Quote# 122940

"An Egyptian born Muslim woman was verbally and physically accosted on the NYC subway by three drunk men. They continued pestering her despite her calls to desist.Yasmin Seweid, 18, was still shaken by the traumatic train ride as she spoke with CBS2’s Tracee Carrasco…Seweid said no one stopped the men, not even when they tried to tear off her hijab."

She reported the incident to the police and then dutifully took to social media to air her distress. After all, distress lacks legitimacy unless it’s broadcasted to the world via social media. In one of her statements to the press she lamented that while she identifies as a proud American she is dismayed that others don’t recognize her American-ness.

I suppose it is futile to explain to such people that humans are not culturally interchangeable. That no matter how hard she tries, she will never be as American as John Smith; no more than the latter could be Egyptian even if he were born and raised in Egypt. It would be equally futile to point out that the real villains are not the natives who are inundated with a legion of culturally alien immigrants, but the liberals who import them in bulk. For if whites are intrinsically rotten, then why subject hapless immigrants to the innate perfidy of their hosts? Furthermore, if these characteristics are indeed innate (as leftists love to preach) then isn’t it is a fool’s errand to try and reform whites by ridding them of their ‘racist’ ways?

There are, however, two silver linings – one for us and the other for Ms Seaweed. I was relieved when I learned that nobody interfered in her defense. Men that interfere to protect women in public generally take on a massive and unnecessary risk; and it usually doesn’t end well for them. As contemptible as obsequious internet white knights truly are, white knighting in real life will probably get one killed. Also see here and here. Rescuing women is best left for law enforcement.

It is heartening to see men finally put their own interests before those of the opposite sex; especially since the latter have been doing just that for the past 5 decades. Women seem genetically incapable of appreciating men’s sacrifices and so men must refrain from protecting women unless they happen to be a close friend or blood relative. Men must collectively communicate to women in no uncertain terms that male protection and provisioning are a part and parcel of patriarchy. That women shouldn’t expect men to make such sacrifices while living in a feminist paradise.

Having said all of this, recall that earlier this year a group of passengers rescued two Muslim women from being accosted on the subway. The difference between the two incidents is obvious – in the latter the ‘assailant’ was working alone. Perhaps liberal paladins only engage the forces of darkness when they outnumber them 5 to 1. As for the unlucky Ms Seaweed, she can draw solace from knowing that she has been formally added to the ever growing pantheon of victims – to be revered and worshiped alongside other victims in accordance with the doctrines of the Liberal religion.

Dota, Occident Invicta 10 Comments [12/10/2016 11:44:25 AM]
Fundie Index: 8

Quote# 122937

[ NORTH MIAMI, FLA. (WSVN) - A therapist who works with people with disabilities is telling his story after he said police shot him while he was trying to help his patient with autism.

Cellphone video was released Wednesday afternoon showing Charles Kinsey lying on the ground with his hands in the air, telling officers that weapons are not necessary. “When I went to the ground, I went to the ground with my hands up,” Kinsey said, “and I am laying there just like this. Telling them again there is no need for firearms. He is autistic. He has a toy truck in his hand.”

In his hospital bed and wearing bandages, Kinsey said, he was attempting to calm an autistic patient who ran away from a group home. Kinsey could be heard in the video saying, “All he has is a toy truck. A toy truck. I am a behavior therapist at a group home.”

He is also heard asking his patient to calm down. “Rinaldo, please be still, Rinaldo. Sit down, Rinaldo. Lay on your stomach.”

The ordeal went on for a few minutes before Kinsey said one of the officers shot him. “I’m like this right here, and when he shot me, it was so surprising,” Kinsey said. “I thought it was a mosquito bite, and when it hit me I had my hands in the air, and I’m thinking I just got shot! And I’m saying, ‘Sir, why did you shoot me?’ and his words to me were, ‘I don’t know.'”

Don't be shit. Don't get shot. How is this a fucking difficult concept?

[ How was he shit by doing what he was doing? ]

He put himself in the position instead of just being like 'ok, cops are there, I should just stand back'.

But no, he was shit. The entire situation could have been avoided if he just 'didn't'.


[ He should just let police with no training handle someone that is autistic? How do you think that will unfold? ]

Well probably without him being shot for one. Cops on the scene? It becomes a permissions situation for any third party.

'I am trained to handle developmentally disabled people, may I help?' y/n

[ The story evolved since this thread was opened. When those people were posting, the officer had not given a statement yet.

My sentiment rings true, despite your repeated attempts at claiming I'm being a hypocrite: MMO-C posters love to complain about the police, even when they don't have all the facts.

It's the new, hip thing to do after all.

And it's disgusting. Just shows that people nowadays have no interest in behaving with the slightest bit of self-awareness. Why would they take in a situation and behave responsibly when they can blame someone else for how they complicate things -and- get a sick paycheck?

[ Even if that is true, and I am not saying it isn't, why is there no independent thinking on the part of police in these instances. It's just mechanical reaction. Does this man actually look like a threat? I really hate to carry the water of these BLM folks because I think they are fucking stupid, but how can you not see this isn't a man worth shooting. Our revolution was started by a moron with an itchy trigger finger you know... ]

Why did he put himself in the position of being mistaken for a threat instead of waiting for the officers to figure out what was going on? I've had medic friends in plain clothes wait patiently at a scene before waving a cop down and explaining what they can offer as help.

No one got shot when someone applied a little bit of fucking courtesy.

[ At no point are you actually defending or justifying the cop for shooting just victim blaming. ]

waaaaah waaaaaah 'victim blaming'.

The man was educated in how to handle the developmentally disabled, yes? He went to school for it? He has a licensed therapist?

Then he wasn't a victim, he was a moron. A licensed moron that forgot a pretty key detail in offering assistance.

[ Maybe he listened to the people who said that you won't get shot if you're respectful and comply with every demand of the officers. ]

Are you saying that people should do whatever they can to avoid interacting with the police, because they could be shot for no justifiable reason at any given time?
I'm saying don't interact with the police until the situation de-escalates from 'guns are drawn', yes

[ Don't want to get accused of victim blaming? Stop blaming the victim.

Seriously, in what world is it OK to shoot someone lying on their back with their empty hands in the air?

Why would I stop blaming the victim when he was behaving in a manner that breaks concentration?

The officers have guns drawn, they are trying to figure out a situation and you have some jag-off flapping his lips while the police are trying to figure out:

A) Is the subject a threat?
B) Does he have a weapon?
C) How are people behaving around him?
D) Who all is connected to him?
E) Could a bystander be armed?
F) Is the subject disoriented?

He was not helping himself in this situation. Stay quiet, wait for officers to de-escalate situation, then explain why you are there.

GrinningMan, mmo-champion 15 Comments [12/10/2016 11:25:32 AM]
Fundie Index: 11
Submitted By: Menomaru

Quote# 122936

[ NORTH MIAMI, FLA. (WSVN) - A therapist who works with people with disabilities is telling his story after he said police shot him while he was trying to help his patient with autism.

Cellphone video was released Wednesday afternoon showing Charles Kinsey lying on the ground with his hands in the air, telling officers that weapons are not necessary. “When I went to the ground, I went to the ground with my hands up,” Kinsey said, “and I am laying there just like this. Telling them again there is no need for firearms. He is autistic. He has a toy truck in his hand.”

In his hospital bed and wearing bandages, Kinsey said, he was attempting to calm an autistic patient who ran away from a group home. Kinsey could be heard in the video saying, “All he has is a toy truck. A toy truck. I am a behavior therapist at a group home.”

He is also heard asking his patient to calm down. “Rinaldo, please be still, Rinaldo. Sit down, Rinaldo. Lay on your stomach.”

The ordeal went on for a few minutes before Kinsey said one of the officers shot him. “I’m like this right here, and when he shot me, it was so surprising,” Kinsey said. “I thought it was a mosquito bite, and when it hit me I had my hands in the air, and I’m thinking I just got shot! And I’m saying, ‘Sir, why did you shoot me?’ and his words to me were, ‘I don’t know.'”

[ It was a toy truck. I mean are the cops fucking blind? ]

Clearly you are. The cops aren't in the cell phone footage at the beginning yet you can't really tell what the boy is holding.

It's safer to act on the assumption based upon the 911 call the boy is armed until you have actual visual confirmation otherwise.

All you armchair cops really need to go through some of the simulations being offered to clueless people like yourselves.

alexkeren, mmo-champion 4 Comments [12/10/2016 11:25:14 AM]
Fundie Index: 5

Quote# 122933

If you're a Christian being gangstalked you are a member of the Church of Philadelphia

If you are already receiving your trials and tribulations at the hands of the gangstalkers, God is going to keep you from the real trial that will fall upon the world.

Read Revelation 3:7-10

You are being attacked by the huge world-wide network of secret satanist that are going to be wiped off the face of the planet. The is only a small number of us in total but "they" all know who we are already

No, seriously, I've tested the people that do this gangstalking:

I will play by "their game" and do everything positive and follow every rule of the game they play - and you know what?

They will not allow you to live peacefully even if you play their game - these people are demon possessed and by the thousands - "Legion"

Personally, in my area the ratio is a few thousand to just me so like 10,000:1 - that is how small the ratio is of people in the Church of Philadelphia that will be spared from the trial that is coming upon this Earth

What I'm telling you all is coming soon

Anonymous Coward, Godlike Productions 11 Comments [12/10/2016 9:03:18 AM]
Fundie Index: 6

Quote# 122928

Today's psuedo scholars claim that since eating shellfish was also an abomination in the Old Testament (punishable by death), it cannot mean that homosexuality is a sin. You must understand that God gave three types of laws in the Old Testament to the Jews: moral laws, ceremonial laws and civil laws. Moral laws apply 365 days a year, 24 hours a day (all the time). Ceremonial laws only applied to the Jews in the Old Testament in the Holy Land. Civil laws are still the basis of our civil courts today worldwide. Civil laws deal with how we treat one another; such as property laws and borrowing/lending principles.

Homosexuality is a violation of God's moral laws. Romans chapter one plainly exposes the unnatural sin of homosexuality and lesbianism (Romans 1:20-32). Homosexuals try to deceive naive people with the word abomination and other Scriptures, but they avoid Romans chapter one because it cannot be easily corrupted. Read Colossians 3:5-6 and then tell me that God approves of homosexuality if you dare...

Colossians 3:5-6, “Mortify therefore your members which are upon the earth; fornication, uncleanness, inordinate affection, evil concupiscence, and covetousness, which is idolatry: For which things' sake the wrath of God cometh on the children of disobedience.”

Only an evil sinner that is defiant against God would dare claim that God makes people homosexual. God doesn't make mistakes my friend. Two makes cannot reproduce and have children. If you think you were born with homosexual tendencies, then it's only because you've grown up without hearing the Word of God, or were sexually abused or didn't have a strong masculine role model in your life. Why is it that homosexuality is much more prevalent today than it was 100 years ago? As America society because sex-perverted, so also does homosexuality thrive.

It's no coincidence that the evil New World Order (NWO) gang who've hi-jacked America are flooding people's lives with sex, sex, sex everywhere we turn today. It's all part of the Communist subversion of America. If you laugh, it's only because you're woefully ignorant and haven't studied the history of the United States.

David J. Stewart, Jesus is Savior 25 Comments [12/10/2016 9:02:05 AM]
Fundie Index: 8

Quote# 122893

Mr. Phelps was trying to express the truth that we deserve to suffer as a nation because of our wickedness! And I tell you friend, Americas days of liberty and freedom are numbered! God won't be mocked! Judgment day is coming!!! Our time of reckoning is assuredly coming for our sinful idolatry, pride, indifference, drunkenness, abortion, pornography, rock and roll, drug abuse, public nudity, Hollywood adultery, Walt Disney pedophilia, shady business practices, dishonest banks, cruel imprisonment, lying politicians and every form of evil imaginable!!! Again, I don't agree with Pastor Phelps' cruel methods, but he would probably say that, “Drastic times call for drastic measures!” What is worse, holding up offensive signs that incite hate, or murdering precious little children in the womb? So you see, it's all truly a matter of perspective.

The Bible forewarns of coming “perilous (difficult to endure) times” in the last days, when men shall “become lovers of their own selves” (2nd Timothy 3:1-2). In other words, when men choose for themselves what is good and evil instead of God (as outlined in His Holy Word), then man's opinion becomes the law of the land. Since man's opinion keeps changing, so also do man's laws! And as men drift further and further away from a holy God

The same can be said about Pastor Jimenez' harsh comments in June about the Orlando killings at a homosexual nightclub. Which is worse, offending the public by expressing one's desire to see Leviticus 20:13 become a reality in 2016; or disobeying God by committing the sin of homosexuality, permit sodomites to get married, and God forbid, place adoptive children under their care? Your answer will solely depend upon your relationship with the Word of God. Leviticus 20:13, “If a man also lie with mankind, as he lieth with a woman, both of them have committed an abomination: they shall surely be put to death; their blood shall be upon them.”

David J. Stewart, Love the Truth 17 Comments [12/9/2016 6:56:45 AM]
Fundie Index: 6

Quote# 122925

It's all atoms. Either one has the right to rearrange atoms or one doesn't. A witch is a pig is a dog is a flag.

Vox Day, Twitter 32 Comments [12/9/2016 6:48:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 15
Submitted By: Demon Duck of Doom

Quote# 122921

The majority of humanity is so spiritually lobotomized by the hexes of Black Magi that they cannot control their own thoughts, emotions, and actions, let alone conceive how depraved the real system that currently governs the world is. Perhaps there are none who were more nescient of Natural Law than I, but the difference is that I didn’t ignore Truth when it revealed itself. #Pizzagate is difficult to look at, but it’s merely a symptom of the causality of our own ignorance and violation of Natural Law, which is above all else: “Don’t steal,” since every physical harm is some form of theft. What else could be the fruit of man’s laws but slavery? The very word ‘government’ is black magick, for it comes from the Latin words 'gubernare’ + 'mente,’ which means “to control mind.” This is not an easy revelation to confront, but is a required one. It is the Great Work.

dylansaccoccio, Tumblr 25 Comments [12/9/2016 6:47:17 AM]
Fundie Index: 16
Submitted By: Zachski

Quote# 122916

Let's just be honest, most churches today are crap! I am familiar with a local Bob Jones University affiliated Baptist church who are corrupt as can be doctrinally. They teach Lordship Salvation, which is a works-based road to Hell. They promote Dr. John MacArthur, even passing out MacArthur's study materials. They support Evangelist Paul Washer, who teaches that without works no man can enter into Heaven. The church supports AWAB. I'm talking about an Independent Baptist Church here! They use the Easy-To-Read PERversion of the Bible alongside the King James Bible (they use a double Bible, one true and one false). Talk about utter confusion!!! Ironically, they look down their long Pharisaical noses upon anyone who takes a stand against their apostasy, while in reality they're the ones who are in trouble with God for rejecting the truth. But hey, the religious school is growing and the money's flowing. Let the goodtime roll! “To hell with truth” they say by their woeful actions!

In eternity on judgment day, such shameful apostates will fall on their knees in shame, tears and fear before the very God they errantly think they serve! My friend (I am being your friend), you are NOT serving God if you tell people how to go to Hell with Lordship Salvation. Here's what MacArthur teaches. You are NOT serving God if you use, promote and remain silent about the Satanic Bible PERversions infecting most of today's dead churches. God's Word is very pure and incorruptible. Psalms 119:140, “Thy word is very pure: therefore thy servant loveth it.” The NIV changes 64,000 words as compared to the trustworthy King James Bible. The NIV is truly the Antichrist's Bible!

David J. Stewart, Jesus is Precious 23 Comments [12/9/2016 6:45:19 AM]
Fundie Index: 7

Quote# 122908

Just when you think you’ve heard all possible (and, frankly, impossible) justifications for homosexuality, you realize there’s one more: ghosts. Yup! A paranormal organization is claiming that the vast majority of gay men and women aren’t actually gay – they’re just possessed by someone of the opposite sex.

According to the Spiritual Science Research Foundation (SRF), 85 percent of all gay men are possessed by female ghosts, causing them to be attracted to other men. Lesbians are, you guessed it, possessed by males ghosts.

“The main reason behind the gay orientation of some men is that they are possessed by female ghosts. It is the female ghost in them that is attracted to other men,” claims the group on Twitter.

The SRF cite “spiritual research” as proving that “the cause for homosexual preferences lie predominantly in the spiritual realm.”

Here’s how the group breaks down the remaining 15 percent:

* Only five percent are gay due to “hormonal changes”;

* And 10 percent are considered gay because they had “an experience with a person of the same sex as a teenager or young adult that was pleasurable”

Nonetheless, the group believes ghosts overpower the majority of homosexuals. “The ghost’s consciousness overpowers the person’s normal behavior to produce the homosexual attraction,” states their website.

Just in case there’s any doubt that there’s more to this than just science or a genuine belief in the paranormal, here’s what the SRF had to say about gay pride parades:

"Organizing such Parades in the name of human rights and freedom does not indicate that society is progressing. In fact, this evidences its decline. The human race needs to know what is right and what is wrong. Just as we teach children not to play in dirty water or eat mud, we need to educate society what is correct from a spiritual perspective. By failing to do so, we run the risk of a further decline in Righteousness and consequently people in society will become more unhappy."

Spiritual Science Research Foundation, The Gaily Grind 38 Comments [12/8/2016 6:00:40 AM]
Fundie Index: 18
Submitted By: Demon Duck of Doom

Quote# 122907

KT’s father worked the night shift as a train dispatcher in Madison, Wisconsin. The eldest of four, KT had a brother here in New York City who had followed her to George Washington University and then worked as an analyst. “Ummmm. He was sick and then he died,” is all she would say when pressed. Michael Troia had aids; his obituary listed three “companions.”

KT, the moderate in this race, couldn’t abide his sexual orientation. Shortly after she discovered Mike had aids, she wrote her parents lengthy, angry, almost Gothic letters in which she outed her brother, blamed her father for his troubles as well as those of her and her other siblings, and cut off contact with her parents. “Have you ever wondered why I have never had anything to do with Mike and have never let my daughters see him although we live only fifteen minutes away from each other?” she wrote. “He has been a lifelong homosexual, most of his relationships brief, fleeting one-night stands.” The father’s behavior had surfaced for McFarland as recovered memory. She said a shrink put her up to writing the letter; reached for comment, her mother, Edith Troia—KT has since made up with her parents—denied the account. “Wouldn’t that make a great book?” she said. “Please be kind. You could be casting dark shadows on this whole race.”

KT McFarland, New York Magazine 9 Comments [12/8/2016 6:00:21 AM]
Fundie Index: 3
Submitted By: Ivurm

Quote# 122906

Well technically they are right. Pedolphilia is 'bad' because society has deemed it so. Nature doesn't give a sh*t about what society deems good or bad. Sexual orientation towards children is no different than any other sexual orientation, except that in todays society it has very negative connotations towards it.

flairlon, bodybuilding.com 18 Comments [12/8/2016 5:57:20 AM]
Fundie Index: 8

Quote# 122905

Many girls are PAST THEIR PRIME at 18. In fact if makeup and pushup bras didn't exist I don't think we would look a twice at any girl past the age of 18. Old women are putting a stranglehold on male sexuality (it is women who petitioned for the govt around 1900 or something to raise the age of consent from 10 to 16... not incremental, straight from 10 to 16. it was a time when women were complaining about EVERYTHING. they just wouldn't shut the **** up and the men were incredibly weak, they even allowed prohibition because of these whining women). And not only do we accept this incredible injustice, there is an army of men who will defend their own freedoms being stripped. They will even mindlessly attack and kill men who oppose this. In fact you are on a higher plane of status if you murder 3 people in cold-blood than if you have sex with one 15 year old girl.

letthemcome, bodybuilding.com 32 Comments [12/8/2016 5:57:10 AM]
Fundie Index: 12
Submitted By: PETF

Quote# 122902

A TROLL man im giving you QURAN WA SUNNAH. Learn your deen! Ask the ulama regarding this and see what answer youll get

Salaf us salih , www.ummah.com 17 Comments [12/8/2016 5:56:16 AM]
Fundie Index: 4

Quote# 122901

I think sociopaths will always exist, and may even increase in number, and in ability what they want, because of the feminist/manginist revolution. Situations are gonna arise where wives refuse to submit to their husbands, and at that point it's up to the husband to decide whether he's going to hold frame and keep trying to get her to submit, or give up and retreat from the battlefield, and surrender the fight for dominance. (Note that I don't say, surrender HIS fight, but rather, surrender THE fight. Because the outcome of surrendering isn't that he's going to be an equal partner. When there's war, one party to the conflict or another is going to be the occupying power. Enemy troops are going to be marching into someone's capital, and it's only a question of whose capital.)

The husband is not like a boyfriend, who can just walk out and find another woman. His own conscience won't let him do that, if he has a conscience. But the sociopath doesn't care about rules or anything else but his own desires. He will put himself first.

When the husband looks around and sees that he has no moral support in his struggle, but rather than people blame him for the conflict and advise him to submit to her wishes, he will tend to capitulate, just because it's the easiest path. But the narcissist will put himself first because he believes he's entitled to it. Meanwhile, the Machiavellian will realize that putting himself first is the way to win the fight, because he knows how her mind works.

The beta, even though he may have some Red Pill awareness, is just gonna have trouble keeping frame when the world is against him. He will succumb to the temptation to hand in his balls when she tries to break his spirit. Maybe it was a shit test, but there will come a point where he gets weary and doesn't care whether he fails it or not. He'll just want rest.

There won't be anyone to tell his wife, "Maybe you're carrying these shit tests a little TOO far" or to tell the husband, "Stand firm and win." And to the extent there is someone telling him to stand firm, it's probably going to be someone who doesn't matter, like some misogynist on the Internet (as opposed to, say, a member of the family whom the wife complains to about her husband's dominating ways).

After the husband surrenders, his time is limited, but he doesn't care. When she starts banging another dude, that will be his call to rest and relaxation. He can receive the restraining order and divorce papers, which tell him that his duties toward her are over, except for the financial duties of course, but that's just a matter of writing a check rather than listening to her blaming him for everything. Society will continue to blame him, but he can simply refuse to fight their blaming. He can passively allow his spirit to be crushed rather than insisting he's right.

The dude she'll be banging will be a dark triad guy who won't stand for her shit. He'll slap her around and insist on his way, or else he's walking. His dread game will be effective, and they will live happily ever after. The beta schlub, on the other hand, will just put in his time until he dies, and then perhaps be pleased when he's on his deathbed that it's finally over.

The handing over of the balls is a momentous event, like the cop's handing over his gun to the criminals who have him cornered, or the general's handing over his sword to the victorious conqueror, or the speaker of the house handing over his gavel to the other party's leader. The surrendering husband will always remember it, even though it happens with little fanfare, taking place solely in his mind. He will always recall what finally prompted it, after many battles in the struggle for dominance. He'll remember that last fight when he finally said to himself, "I can't do this anymore."

And yet, paradoxically enough, when you can ask your wife and her new guy, "Would you like Smiley Sauce with that?" from the drive-thru window, and tell the Colonel down the street "you know what? I don't care", it's actually when you regain your balls

Raymond Kertezc, Kings Wiki 24 Comments [12/8/2016 5:56:04 AM]
Fundie Index: 9
Submitted By: Pharaoh Bastethotep

Quote# 122900

Dark triad

The dark triad is a combination of three personality traits: narcissism, Machiavellianism, and psychopathy. Put another way, the "Dirty Dozen" dark triad traits include a desire for attention, admiration, favors, and prestige; the manipulation, exploitation, deceit and flattery of others; a lack of remorse, morality concerns and sensitivity, and cynicism. The Dirty Dozen is a condensed version of the Narcissistic Personality Inventory, Mach-IV, and Psychopathy Scale-III.

In practice these traits essentially allude to the following principles which make an alpha male stand out from his beta brethren:

Narcissism - Respecting oneself and putting one's own needs before others' wants. Many beta males do not respect their own needs and go out of their way to try to please others or "be liked".

Machiavellianism - Having street wisdom or good social intuition and being able to make good judgment calls; many betas are naive and take what people say at face value; such as betas who don't read between the lines when girls say they want a "nice guy".

Psychopathy - Not caring about what "society" thinks of you but what you think of yourself, similar to the above, many betas let society or parents decide their own values out of fear of disapproval.

Several mainstream academic, peer-reviewed studies have confirmed that women are sexually attracted to men who exhibit dark triad traits, likely because of women's hypergamous nature.[Sources]

Vinita Mehta notes:[Source]

What might explain this result? Carter and his colleagues offer two possible explanations. First, sexual selection might be at work. This would mean that women are responding to signals of “male quality” when it comes to reproduction. And with respect to short-term mating, women may be drawn to ‘bad boys’, who demonstrate confidence, stubbornness, and risk-taking tendencies. Second, sexual conflict may be at play. The investigators state that “Women may be responding to DT men’s ability to ‘sell themselves’; a useful tactic in a co-evolutionary ‘arms race’ in which men convince women to pursue the former’s preferred sexual strategy.” They note that like a “used-car dealer,” Dark Triad men may be effective charmers and manipulators, furthering their success at short-term mating. The authors are also careful to note that though women rated the DT character as comparatively more attractive, it does not necessarily mean that they would have sex with them.

Kings Wiki, Kings Wiki 29 Comments [12/8/2016 5:55:26 AM]
Fundie Index: 4
Submitted By: Pharaoh Bastethotep

Quote# 122899

Its the sunnah to marry early. Hormones are raging the age of puberty has already been hit. Marry them off early its for their own good help keep them chaste and protect them from the haram. You refuse to marry them off early then wonder why her and the next door neighbors son ali are sneaking around. You wonder why your son was caught watching porn or masturbating. You wonder why. You wanted your daughter to finish her college education now she wants to introduce her kaffir boyfriend John to the family.

Get them married young and quick fifteen or sixteen is not young according to islam your an adult. Girls this age have mense n sexual desires boys this age can emit semen and have sexual desires. What are you waiting for???

Salaf us salih , www.ummah.com 9 Comments [12/8/2016 5:54:36 AM]
Fundie Index: 13
Submitted By: PETF

Quote# 122894

Mad scientists are tampering with God's creation, developing glow-in-the-dark dogs, pigs, cats, mice and soon to be, humans. Chimeras are undoubtedly being developed in secret, combining human DNA with that of animals to produce freaks of nature. Monsanto and other corporations have already developed genetically modified [GM] crops “FrankenFoods” that cause sterilization, contain insecticides, and cause “Morgellon’s Disease.” The Devil is a fiend. The truth will come out in the years to come if the Lord tarries His return.

With the incredible knowledge that mankind now has, and the evil heart of humanity (Jeremiah 17:9), where will all this lead? Certainly God will only allow men to go so far in their insanity, wickedness and rebellion against Him.


Chemtrails: Death in the Air! (Don't laugh, there's substantial evidence that the government has been spraying viruses and God only knows what else on American citizens from the air.)

David J. Stewart, Jesus is Savior 31 Comments [12/8/2016 5:53:02 AM]
Fundie Index: 8

Quote# 122892

You have convinced yourselves that there is no God and refuse to entertain the idea that there is...The mistake you are all making...including Floo is in thinking that that God and Jesus are an age old myth not worth bothering about and refusing to see a very advanced Deity that is playing out a plan from which they wont deviate.

This is proven by science especially as the Drake Equation positively states there is a strong possibility that other life forms are alive in this universe...many of them living on planets in the Milky Way...and according to other eye-witnesses they have this planet under surveillance.

This possibility automatically means that their level of intelligence is far greater than ours and could see things totally different to us.

The plan appears to be to warn the population on this planet of an impending danger and telling us that there is a way of protecting ourselves...the same way Jesus did from an event that carried the same dangers.

One thing we can be certain of if we accept the science and eye-witness accounts is that these visitors have a leader and Jesus was full of the authority of this leader calling him Almighty God.

If you want to know more about that leader from Heaven you must read the reports left behind by them after they actively interacted with people on this planet...it's all in the Holy Bible...but the choice is yours.

NicholasMarks, Religion and Ethics 33 Comments [12/7/2016 9:31:27 AM]
Fundie Index: 16
Submitted By: Nearly Sane
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