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Quote# 122992

That the entire universe is made from a simple, invisible, indestructible, and superabundant dynamic energy written into the Holy Bible and which has always been and always will be.

Sounds simple to me.

NicholasMarks, Religion and Ethics 14 Comments [12/13/2016 6:11:01 AM]
Fundie Index: 11
Submitted By: Nearly Sane

Quote# 122991

Well, you guys will call us right-wingers "stupid", or "bigoted", or "hateful", or "racist" for releasing missiles on our enemies after they threaten to kill us. Guess what? When the enemy does come to attack us, and they kill thousands of people, some of you will be eating your words, some of you may be dead, and some of you may still be in denial about attacking the enemy, saying it won't do any good. Remember Pearl Harbor? When the Japanese attacked and killed 2403 Americans? How did we react when they threatened us again? Did we negotiate with them, shake hands, and the war was over? Nope! We dropped two bombs, one on Hiroshima, and one on Nagasaki, on August 6th and August 9th, 1945(respectively). Have the Japanese ever attacked us again? Absolutely not, and I don't think they ever will again.?

Jack Finn, Youtube 22 Comments [12/13/2016 6:10:35 AM]
Fundie Index: 10

Quote# 122967

Next, the sexual fetish revolving around excrement is not as uncommon as one would think. If one stops and thinks about anal sodomy, oral sodomy, and about the very common fetish among faggots for oral-anal sex (referred to as “rimming” or “eating ass”), one realizes very quickly that the consumption of excrement is common amongst faggots. In my Diabolical Narcissism video, I explain that all aberrosexualities, by definition, revolve around the demonic emotional palate of anger, hatred, jealousy and fear. Can you imagine the depths of the hatred faggots and other sex perverts must feel for their sodomitical partners, and for themselves, to ask others to do something so utterly vile as get fecal matter in their mouth? Can you imagine the depths of depravity of a human being that would consent to do such a thing themselves?

I first came across coprophilia when I read “The Pink Swastika”, a book about the homosexuality of Hitler and nearly all of the upper-level Nazis. Hitler was a sodomite, but like most sodomites did have sexual encounters with women. In Hitler’s case, there were four women that he had sexual encounters with (and Eva Braun was not one of them), and each of the four went on to attempt suicide. Two were successful in murdering themselves, two failed. What would cause women to attempt suicide after sex? Having Adolf Hitler defecate into their mouths.

Ann Barnhardt, Barnhardt.biz 24 Comments [12/13/2016 6:07:54 AM]
Fundie Index: 15
Submitted By: AnnBarnhardtSucks

Quote# 122965

Creationists are on a campaign to “take dinosaurs back.” Earlier this year, the creationist crackpot Ken Ham, president of Answers in Genesis—the organization that established the fundamentalist funhouse called the Creation Museum—said, “Dinosaurs have been held hostage for decades” by his mortal enemy, the nefarious “secular humanists.” Ham is determined to appropriate dinosaurs for biblical literalists. (The organization’s website even sells a “We’re taking dinosaurs back!” bumper sticker.)
This isn’t about science. It’s about marketing. Ham is sore that natural history museums—many of which actually run research programs and contribute new facts and hypotheses to our understanding of prehistoric life, unlike the Creation Museum—use dinosaurs to help visitors learn about the evolution of what Charles Darwin called “endless forms most beautiful and most wonderful.” Why should people who accept natural selection and geologic time have all the fun? Creationists, in Ham’s view, should use dinosaurs as star attractions to get the public to imbibe the religious swill he and his organization peddle.

Dinosaurs are unlikely symbols of religious fundamentalism. The first dinosaurs evolved about 230 million years ago, and, with the exception of birds, perished about 66 million years ago. Archaic humans didn’t originate until 60 million years later, so it’s not surprising that Stegosaurus, Triceratops, and kin aren’t mentioned in the Bible. Of course, Ham and like-minded literalists would beg to differ. Non-avian dinosaurs were created on Day 6 of creation week 6,000 years ago, with birds being brought into existence on Day 5 (which is out of order with the fossil record). Creationists also fervently believe that Behemoth and Leviathan of the Old Testament were actually dinosaurs, all scientific and historical evidence to the contrary. I’ve never seen creationists propose that we lived in a Dinotopia per se, but a saddle-bearing dinosaur at the Creation Museum is meant not as a fanciful kiddy ride but as a historical reconstruction.

But dinosaurs with feathers are not welcome at Ham’s amusement park. Even though paleontologists have uncovered numerous dinosaurs with everything from bristles and fuzz to full-flight feathers—which document the evolution of plumage from fluff to aerodynamic structures that allowed dinosaurs to take to the air—creationists deny the clear fossil record. There’s plenty of reason for creationists to abhor dinosaur feathers. The mountain of evidence that birds are living dinosaurs, and that many “bird” traits were widely shared among non-avian dinosaurs, are among the most gorgeous examples of evolutionary change yet found. Put feathers on a Velociraptor—we know it had feathers thanks to quill knobs preserved along its arm bones—and you get something disturbingly birdlike, revealing the dinosaur’s kinship to the ancestors of Archaeopteryx and other early birds. Not surprisingly, creationist groups like Answers in Genesis don’t feature feathery dinosaurs in their literature and museum exhibits. Instead, they take pride in promoting out-of-date, monstrous dinosaurs that more easily fit their contention that these animals were created separately from all other forms of life.

Ken Ham and minions, Slate.com 27 Comments [12/13/2016 6:07:07 AM]
Fundie Index: 7
Submitted By: PETF

Quote# 122987

Don't get too excited Floo...there is a difference between the females who accept Biblical truth and those that don't...likewise the male.

The wife should be subjective to the husband...the husband subjective to Jesus and Jesus subjective to Almighty God. So maybe Paul wasn't so far out...It's outside the faith where this doesn't work so well because domination and bullying seems to be the norm.

This is why, outside Biblical truth there is so much turmoil...because tearing at each others emotional strength to claim dominance leads to a spiritual vacuum...still...who cares about the kids...other than Jesus Christ, that is.

NicholasMarks, Religion and Ethics 49 Comments [12/12/2016 11:33:45 AM]
Fundie Index: 10
Submitted By: Nearly Sane

Quote# 122986

Only by implication Anchorman. But that doesn't mean it isn't there.

Rev 13:18.
Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding calculate the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man; and his number is Six hundred threescore and six.

Isaiah 66:6
A voice of noise from the city, a voice from the temple, a voice of the Lord that rendereth recompence to his enemies.

Isaiah...a man...clearly makes a Judgmental statement about those who are covered by that number in Revelation and my point stands.

The fact that all those represented by that number are each living-cells in the make-up of that beast who will come alive and frighten all those unprepared for the last days and chase them around wildly, is yet to be seen, but it is the only behaviour they are capable of and will not have any other method of rule so it is up to the more discerning to prepare for such events...by taking in the accurate teaching of Jesus Christ.

NicholasMarks, Religion and Ethics 13 Comments [12/12/2016 11:33:33 AM]
Fundie Index: 8
Submitted By: Nearly Sane

Quote# 122985

i just don't understand when folks talk about abolishing prisons without putting the emphasis on capitalism. maybe that's incorrect of me.

anyways under _socialism_ i support the state punishing counterrevolutionaries by death. it's how we will reach communism tbh.

so capital punishment is wrong when done by capitalism. period. but under socialism it will be necessary.

understanding tactics used for state control as more telling of the character of the state than the tactic itself

lexa? #j20, Twitter 28 Comments [12/12/2016 11:31:40 AM]
Fundie Index: 15
Submitted By: Yossarian Lives

Quote# 122984

Many of the mental illnesses and disorders that women are suffering from is a result of their choice to have an abortion. And the more abortions a woman has, the more mentally unstable she is.

There is a blessing for women who bring life into this world (the right way); and there is a curse for the women that choose to abort (kill) the new life developing in them.

Many of us like to say that God is a loving god, and that mothers (mommies) are next to being god in a child’s life, BUT IN SPITE of this esteemed position women are given—far too many women choose to abuse this role and make excuses for abortion—for their own selfish reasons or personal gain.

You can’t possibly think there is a blessed life for women that do this. Nope, they will be tormented by the spirits that are behind the sin of abortion (and this is the source of many of their mental problems; the Bible is specifically clear about the consequences of the 'shedding of innocent blood')

And it’s about time the church (and those who sit in the pews) honestly discuss this. How can you praise God with an unrepentant murderous heart?

And why with all these Women's Ministries floating around has the number of abortions risen?

Eden Decoded, Facebook 13 Comments [12/12/2016 11:31:12 AM]
Fundie Index: 12

Quote# 122983

I prayed to Jesus and the voices went, no other factors at that time, everything was fine.

A demon came to visit, said it wanted to join me i.e. become a part of me and if I refused it, it would kill my family and friends. Told this demon that looked like a hunched up old man in an overcoat, that God will protect them prayed the Lord's prayer and the demon was gone, happened about 30 years ago.

I suspect those that don't know whether their Arthur or Martha are under demonic perversion. Only reason the demon had to ask my permission is that God still had a hold on me and I could decide which way to go.

What hope have the godless got? Demons can just claim them at will and twist them any which way they want especially if they open their minds to that sort of attack.

Mart1963, Blacklisted News 14 Comments [12/12/2016 11:30:56 AM]
Fundie Index: 7

Quote# 122980

In response, someone might say that Moses did not understand science, but Jesus affirmed Moses in Luke 16:31 ‘If they do not listen to Moses and the Prophets, they will not be persuaded even if someone rises from the dead.’ Jesus also said in Mark 10:6 "But from the beginning of creation, God made them male and female.” If there were a billion years before Adam and Eve then it was not ‘the beginning’. If there were a billions years before Adam and Eve, than you have death before sin, which goes against Scripture!

Why didn’t the Pepperdine professors teach the flaws of evolution? For example, they should teach the different types of evolution. One type is called “microevolution”, which refers to changes variations within species (different types of dogs, etc.); I have no problem whatsoever with this type of minor evolution, as it clearly occurs within the plant and animal kingdoms. However, there are some major scientific and moral flaws within “macroevolution”, which is defined as one species morphing, or evolving, into a completely different and separate species. Clearly, these two very opposite types of evolution cannot be called similar to each other, yet evolutionists have hijacked the word “science” by blending microevolution and macroevolution together
Sir Arthur Keith, who wrote the foreword to the Origin of Species (100th edition), admitted that “Evolution is unproved and unprovable, we believe it only because the only alternative is special creation, and that is unthinkable.” When the well-known apologist Ray Comfort recently interviewed dozens of evolution professors, he asked them for just one example of repeatable, observable evidence of macroevolution and they COULD NOT give even one example. Thus, macroevolution does not follow the scientific method, which means that macroevolution is not real science. In fact, since these professors need billions of years they actually need faith to believe this worldview. I recommend that you watch his movie called “Evolution vs. God” on this link.

I asked Dr. Honeycutt for one clear example of macroevolution and he used whale evolution, but Dr. Honeycutt was wrong, because the world’s leading authority on whale evolution admitted that it was a hoax on this link. Even Darwin himself was concerned that the lack of transitional fossils disproved his own theory. He hoped that in the years to come, there would be more fossils discovered that would prove the theory as he stated it. It has been over 150 years since he wrote that book, and countless more fossils have been found as people search for the missing links, but the supposedly innumerable transitional forms have not been found. Why didn’t the Pepperdine professors teach about how many missing links have been a hoax? In fact, every time a supposed link is discovered, an evolutionist would criticize that example as a hoax, meaning that we still do not have one example. The Cambrian explosion disproves transitional forms because the very base layer of the fossil record shows advanced life forms. This fact is fatal to the evolutionary theory’s descent with gradual modification through natural selection. The fossils record is evidence for a worldwide flood or for transitional forms evolving, but it cannot be both. If Noah’s flood were true you would expect to find millions of dead things buried in rock layers laid down by water all over the earth, and what do we actually see in the fossil record? Millions of dead things buried in rock layers laid down by water all over the earth!

Evolutionary dating methods are not accurate. For example, did you know that living snails have been radiometrically carbon dated to be 2,300 years old? Or that the radioisotope dating showed Mount St. Helen's lava to be 340,000 years old, when in reality it was only 10 years old? Carbon-14 atoms should not exist in any carbon older than 250,000 years old, but we find carbon-14 in dinosaur fossils, diamonds, and coal - which is good evidence that the earth is only thousands of years old, not millions of years old. Scientists have found red blood cells in many different dinosaur bones that could not possibly have survived millions of years. Here are two links for the top scientific reasons why the earth is not millions of years old: from the Institute for Creation Research and Answers In Genesis the two leading creationist organizations.

Essentially, the bottom line is this: macroevolution is not only unscientific, it directly goes against the Bible. If I was a current Pepperdine student and I had these theistic evolution professors teaching me that Adam, Eve, Abel, Cain, Noah and the worldwide flood were not real, that evolution was true, and that Genesis was not to be taken literally, I probably would have doubted whether or not the rest of the Bible was true and I would have lost my faith! I’m worried that many more students like my brother will lose their faith in Christ because we are putting another religion called evolution ahead of the Bible. In the past, the Hebrews worshiped two gods and one was named Baal. Now, I believe that we are guilty of worshipping two gods by mixing evolution and theology. If you look up “religion” in the dictionary, it says that a religion is “a worldview that explains the cause of origins, nature, and purpose of the universe, especially the creation of humans.” I would propose that evolution is not science but a form of another religion that you need FAITH to believe in. God will also judge a teacher more strictly, which makes this issue of an important issue because if you compromise the book of Genesis, than this will encourage many young people to compromise and to reject the rest of the Bible.

Clint Loveness, pepperdineevolution.weebly.com 18 Comments [12/12/2016 11:30:11 AM]
Fundie Index: 11

Quote# 122979

How many students will lose their faith because of the theory of Marco Evolution?

Clint Loveness
Video Producer at Bluefish TV
Founder of www.ProvetheBible.com

My name is Clint Loveness, a 2007 Pepperdine alumnus. I am concerned about the theistic evolution classes that were taught at the Pepperdine Lectureships this past spring. I want to share a little bit of my story in an effort to communicate why this is an important issue to me. My brother and I grew up going to church our whole lives: we were leaders in the youth group and my brother even preached some sermons at our church. About five years ago, I realized that my brother stopped going to church while he was going to Pepperdine; later on, I found out that he had doubts about the Bible. One of the questions "out of many others" that he struggled with was with the topic of evolution and the idea that everything took millions of years to become what it is now. He came back from Pepperdine with a post-modern worldview. My brother would have been the last person that I would have imagined losing his faith, and I was very shocked to hear my brother doubting that Jesus was the Son of God; I became more and more grieved because he got to the point where he could not talk about God without getting upset. I started to seek counsel from my minister and my church, and I read the book called The Case for Faith by Lee Strobel. It introduced me to the branch of study know as apologetics, the definition of which is having the ability to defend the Christian faith with logical, persuasive reasons regarding why the Bible is true. After I read that book, my most pressing thought was, “Why was I not taught any of this before?" This changed my whole life because I learned about all of the evidence that supports the Bible. In the past I was shy to share my faith because I was intimidated by not having all of the answers. But studying apologetics gave me a new excitement to talk with strangers and atheists about my faith because I can give them intelligent reasons to believe the claims of Christianity, and I can use logic to explain why the Bible is true. Inspired by my passion for apologetics and the defense of my faith, I made a website called ProvetheBible.com to help people like my brother obtain answers to their hard questions.

At the Lectureships they mentioned that there is a shortage of preachers because the younger generation is not interested in the church. I believe that one reason for this lack of interest is that we are not teaching them how to personally defend their faith. I was excited to hear that Jeff Walling will be working at Pepperdine to train future preachers. I enjoyed his class on apologetics called "Faith in a Post-Christian World: Is it stupid to still Believe?” This was an outstanding class on defending the faith and I believe we need to teach more classes like that giving us reasons to believe in a culture that is very postmodern.

I was surprised that the Bible lectureships hosted so many classes on theistic evolution, which is very controversial in Christian circles. There were a total of six classes taught by these Pepperdine professors: Chris Doran, Chris Heard, Rodney Honeycutt, Jeanine Thweatt-Bates and Donna Nofziger. Theistic evolution is dangerous because it forces you to compromise scripture, which I will show you by sharing some examples. Chris Doran and Chris Heard said that they did not believe in a literal Adam or Eve.

After the class Tim Brinley and I both asked Chris Heard, an Old Testament Bible professor at Pepperdine, if Adam, Eve, Cain, Abel, Noah, and the world wide flood were literal events; my mouth dropped open when he said, "No, they were not real people or events." Right then and there, I realized that it’s no wonder that people like my brother do not believe the Bible anymore when their own Bible professors refuse to believe that the book of Genesis is a literal, historical account. Chris Heard also stated that he believes that the first historical person started with Abraham; this means he is skipping nineteen generations of people that are an important part of Christ's genealogy. Jesus quotes Noah as being a true event, so for Chris Heard to NOT take it literally is to doubt the words of Jesus, which puts the entire foundation of Christianity on a shaky basis!

In addition to my shocking encounter with Professor Heard, I met another student who doubted the Bible’s trustworthiness. When I asked him about the reasons for his doubts, he said that some elders at the Conejo Church of Christ did not take Genesis literally; because of them, he said he couldn’t trust the rest of the Bible. Those elders were Pepperdine professors. If we don't believe Genesis—the foundational book of our world’s entire history—we start doubting the rest of the Bible, and when that happens, our entire Christian foundation becomes extremely unstable.

According to many recent statistics, 75% of students leave the faith when they reach college. Why is this the case? I love the church, but the church teaches people what to believe instead of the reasons why they should believe it. If we teach critical thinking skills to our students, presenting them with both sides of a particular argument or worldview, they can then compare different worldviews and thereby strengthen and develop their own faith, which is something that I believe will help them want to evangelize and share their faith with others. As things stand right now, however, I feel that Pepperdine is forcing students to only hear one worldview, that of theistic evolution, and they are being narrow-minded by refusing to teach the facts supporting creationism or the flaws of evolution, of which there are many. Once the word gets out that Pepperdine is essentially indoctrinating students with theistic evolution, this will potentially divide Christians and stop students from coming to a school that is teaching these decidedly unbiblical, faulty views. Most Christians believe in creationism and will, quite possibly, be highly offended when they hear about what these new professors are teaching the students. I believe the solution to this potential division is to teach both creationism and evolution just as they are, and let the students make up their own minds. I believe that instead of teaching students why we HAVE to believe in evolution, we need to also offer more classes on apologetics to teach us why we can trust the Bible by examining fulfilled prophecy, archaeology, early manuscripts, reading outside secular historians that confirm the Biblical accounts, etc. As an example of the kinds of classes and materials I’m suggesting, you can find my top ten list on why we can trust the Bible by clicking on this link. For the sake of students’ belief in the validity of Christianity, we should be more worried about students learning this type of information rather than simply cramming the unscientific, faulty teachings of evolution down their throats.

I believe you will see that macroevolution is the doorway to atheism. We absolutely cannot compromise when it comes to teaching the credibility of God’s Word, because intelligent people like my brother know that evolution goes against the Bible and you cannot mix the Bible and the teachings of evolution without compromising. For example, Exodus 20:11 is one of the places in the Bible that describes the Ten Commandments; in the middle of listing the Commandments, it says that God made all of creation in six days and rested on the seventh, and God uses that as an example for our workweek. However, if you do not believe the verse about God creating all of creation in six literal days, why should you believe the rest of that same Chapter when it describes the Ten Commandments? Does that mean we should think that God was wrong about the Commandments too?

Clint Loveness, pepperdineevolution.weebly.com 16 Comments [12/12/2016 11:29:06 AM]
Fundie Index: 6

Quote# 122978

I’m a non-Christian. I’m a Jew. Christmas is not a religious holy day for me. But I’m an American, and Christmas is a national holiday in my country. It is, therefore, my holiday — though not my holy day — as much as it is for my fellow Americans who are Christian. That’s why it’s not surprising that it was an American Jew, Irving Berlin, who wrote “White Christmas,” one of America’s most popular Christmas songs. In fact, according to a Jewish musician writing in the New York Times, “Almost all the most popular Christmas songs were written by Jews.” Apparently all these American Jews felt quite included by Christmas!

By not wishing me a Merry Christmas, you are not being inclusive. You are excluding me from one of my nation’s national holidays.

. . .

The vast majority of Americans who celebrate Christmas, and who treat non-Christians so well, deserve better.

So, please say ‘Merry Christmas’ and ‘Christmas party’ and ‘Christmas vacation.’ If you don’t, you’re not ‘inclusive.’ You’re hurtful.

Dennis Prager, Barbwire 43 Comments [12/12/2016 11:28:37 AM]
Fundie Index: -5
Submitted By: genius13

Quote# 122977

[Comment under the article "Developing world leaders pay respects to Castro, their champion during cold war"]

A man of unsurpassed courage, high principles and a true leader of a country who devoted his entire life to build a better life for its people despite oppressive opposition by neighbor the US.

Some of his greatest achievements were to produce plenty of food to Cuba's people, give a high standard of education and provide them with healthcare to the envy of even developed nations. Cuba's agricultural programs are highly developed, so much so that many developing nations send their officials for training to Cuba.

Almost every developing nation has medical professionals trained in Cuba. During the recent Ebola epidemy in Sierra Leon, Cuba alone sent over 450 medical professionals, while the US sent the military to build tents that was all over TV as 'aid' to that country.

The demise of S. Africa's apartheid system owes much to two world leaders, one was Fidel Castro and the other was Col. Muammar Ghaddafi of Libya.

Developing nations will never forget his example to live with dignity as nations.

PerspectivesPlease, The Guardian 12 Comments [12/12/2016 11:27:39 AM]
Fundie Index: 7
Submitted By: JeanP

Quote# 122976

Hijab is a political symbol for Islam. It's alot like hooked swastikas for Nazis, or the hammer and sickle for Communists. Because Muslims are terrorists, it should be banned as a symbol for terrorism. It's not really that hard to understand.

NeoMatrix, FSTDT 49 Comments [12/12/2016 11:27:05 AM]
Fundie Index: 13
Submitted By: Demon Duck of Doom

Quote# 122974

Dan Lietha, answersingenesis.org 27 Comments [12/12/2016 11:26:40 AM]
Fundie Index: 14
Submitted By: PETF

Quote# 122973

[On eugenics being a toxic idea]

Thinking someone isn't a good person because they can't look past inheritable characteristics in their partner is what I call potentially dangerous, especially from a biological standpoint.

GateauBaker, Reddit 7 Comments [12/12/2016 11:26:12 AM]
Fundie Index: 5
Submitted By: Demon Duck of Doom

Quote# 122971

A) To call baby murderers "people" is a huge stretch. People have basic moral decency and humanity. Baby murderers, on the other hand, are psychopaths with no empathy and no conscience who are far more akin to inhuman monsters than they are to people.

B) Stating facts is not "insults." On the other hand, you calling babies "not persons" in order to "justify" murdering them is the gravest of insults to the hundreds of billions of babies who have been and will continue be brutally & barbarically murdered in the 'abortion' holocaust for which you advocate.

Navaros, IMDb 15 Comments [12/12/2016 11:25:44 AM]
Fundie Index: 8

Quote# 122970

"If a woman has (the right to an abortion), why shouldn't a man be free to use his superior strength to force himself on a woman? At least the rapist's pursuit of sexual freedom doesn't (in most cases) result in anyone's death." Lawrence Lockman (R-ME)

Contrary to what you are trying to imply, that comment is not endorsing rape. Rather, it is pointing out that baby murderers are even sicker and more evil than rapists are, yet the same psychopath liberals who claim to be outraged by rapists also praise baby murderers, encourage the murdering of babies, and murder their own babies, and want those acts of murders to be legal so that they can get away with their crimes against humanity scott-free. The purpose of his example is solely to demonstrate the insanity of baby murderers who use words like "sexual freedom" to 'justify' murder.

That point is 100% valid. Shame on you for lumping it in with sick quotations that are not valid. Are you doing so as a way to try and defend the psychopathic barbaric murdering of babies in the 'abortion' holocaust? Shame, shame shame!

Navaros, IMDb 11 Comments [12/12/2016 11:23:35 AM]
Fundie Index: 10

Quote# 122969

(Why would we be offended by pagan celebration of the Winter Solstice where people brought in evergreen trees as a symbol of life’s victory over death centuries before Christianity?)

WHAT PART OF: GO FUCK YOURSELF, do you not understand, fucking cumdumspter dumbass.

goosedawg, Tumblr 31 Comments [12/12/2016 11:23:22 AM]
Fundie Index: 9
Submitted By: Ivurm

Quote# 122968

you: asexual

me, an intellectual: homophobic

aphobicstimming, Tumblr 23 Comments [12/12/2016 11:23:06 AM]
Fundie Index: 7
Submitted By: Ivurm

Quote# 122966

In vitro fertilization is safer and more reliable than vulgar copulation. In addition, the free market can determine which individuals can afford the procedure. Sexuality must be stripped from culture in its entirety if we ever hope to eliminate rape culture. Any defense of sexuality is support of systemic hatred.

HLetnev, Atop the Fourth Wall 35 Comments [12/11/2016 12:13:21 AM]
Fundie Index: 24
Submitted By: The Raygun One

Quote# 122964

[An honest-to-god mathematics fundie]

Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BWUHgoUJFGM

Description: Don't be a fool and simply accept on faith what academic morons in the BIG STUPID tell you. I am a real mathematician, but they are mythmaticians. I am a mathematician after the order of Archimedes - the greatest mathematician ever.

John Gabriel, YouTube 32 Comments [12/10/2016 6:06:33 PM]
Fundie Index: 12
Submitted By: dxdydz

Quote# 122963

And you can bet a majority of the male publishing industry employees are gay.

The publishing industry is dying and it’s because of women. When a tipping point of women are embedded in admin and managerial slots of any institution, its decay and dissolution are not far off.


The only way out of this cultural toilet bowl in which we find our nation swirling is to do an end-run around the femkunt kkkollective and self-publish or start up publishing houses with the express mission statement of JUST SAYING NO to vapid diversity hires and feminist agitation. A new industry dedicated to the proposition that all White men are created superior and on average produce better literature than fat dykes and degenerate trannies.

Moral of the (unread) story: Give the misfit leftoids a taste of power and they’ll use it to smash every last bit of good from the earth on their way to constructing the EXACT sort of exclusive privileged sexist society they railed against when they were, rightfully, cast out of the halls of power by their betters.

CH, Chateau Heartiste 27 Comments [12/10/2016 4:35:42 PM]
Fundie Index: 12

Quote# 122956

When casting out the tattoo demons, I would cast out all demons that come to mind. If there is the slightest thought that it could have transferred to you, then cast it out in the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth. You might want to look at the place and the person who gave you the tattoo for clues. Look at the problems that your tattoo artist had. For example, did he or she like to get drunk? Were they into pornography? Divorced? Whatever symbols that they worked with, would need to be cast out also, just in case they may have transferred themselves to you. Keep in mind, that the demons often lay dormant for years, before coming out to harass you. They can also use you as a conduit in order to transfer themselves to someone else. (For example, you may never know you had the demon of pornography in you, but suddenly your friend gets hit with those desires. The demon could have transferred itself from you to your friend.)

List of possible demons to cast out: skulls, bloodletting, tattooing, fire, shamanism, mysticism, roots, occult, paganism, demonism, baal, hell, cannibalism and vampirism, (especially if you seen your tattoo artist lick the blood that came from your tattooing,) serpent worship, death, priest-craft, magic, heathenism, sun worship, darkness, resentment, rebellion, witchcraft, deviancy, defiling, adultery, criminal, homosexuality, lesbianism, sexual perversion, alcoholism, drugs, violence, depression, sickness, regret, defile,, worldly, idolatry, pornography, hopelessness, anger, rage, self-righteousness, hate, un-forgiveness, satan, apathy. If your tattoo artist used specific names of the tattoo they were applying to your skin, then cast that particular name out as well.

There are some ministries out there, that are willing to help you remove the tattoo for free or at low cost. You might try doing a search on line to see if there are any in your area.

I had hoped to delay the posting of this topic, until we had met someone with tattoos that wanted to get rid of them. But sadly, as of this date, no one we know personally who has tattoos, believes that they could have any tattoo demons. They refuse to have them cast out in Jesus name. And they do not want to get rid of their tattoos. So, we are uncertain if the demons can be removed, with the tattoo still remaining. My guess is that they could at least be bound up in the name of Jesus, so they could not cause anyone any problems. I suspect that those tattoos of satanic origin (skulls, pentagrams, snakes, demons, etc.,) would act like a doorway for the demons to enter back in, simply because of their picturesque symbolism. Demons are attracted to those kinds of symbols. It is like a welcome mat to them.

Dreams of Dunamis, Dreams of Dunamis 30 Comments [12/10/2016 11:54:16 AM]
Fundie Index: 4

Quote# 122954

Ronald Reagan was a great anti-communist, but the greatest anti-Communist of all was Adolf Hitler who took the fight right to the front gates of Bolshevism itself, trying to eradicate the evil ideology at its roots.

When the communists won the war, 1/2 of Europe was put under their domination. Personally, I still think it's incredible that the Western democracies were able to withstand it over the second-half of the 20th Century. Nobody defeated communism, it imploded on itself.

(Note from Me: Poe, perhaps?)

Hispanola, city-data 23 Comments [12/10/2016 11:54:07 AM]
Fundie Index: 2
Submitted By: The Raygun One
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