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Quote# 122335

It does not take a rocket scientist to figure out that if you give generally unreliable contraception to hormone-raging teens, presenting sex at their age as acceptable, you will get MORE, not less, blood money for Planned Murder in Da Hood than if you do not.

WorldGoneCrazy, Live Action News 22 Comments [11/7/2016 4:46:38 PM]
Fundie Index: 11
Submitted By: Jocasta

Quote# 122332

Normally I recommend and practice non participation in democratic politics. It is a spectacle and a delusion. But this is the Flight 93 election. Vote early, vote often, and should opportunity permit it to be done safely, physically attack likely Hillary voters near polling booths.

Jim, Jim's Blog 40 Comments [11/7/2016 3:57:31 AM]
Fundie Index: 30

Quote# 122329

(Talking about UK gun laws)

Well fuck all of that, sometimes I really thank all these NRA type lobbyists we have in the USA for all of their hardcore gun clinging. Though, its inevitable for the bans to fall, its only a matter of time. If Hilldog slithers in to rape the White House its the beginning of the end for that and god dammit you’d best be KEEPIN’ YER POWDER DRY

wotan1488, Tumblr 31 Comments [11/6/2016 8:04:14 AM]
Fundie Index: 21
Submitted By: Ivurm

Quote# 122328

The truth far more profound than the entire universe:

"He(Jesus) is the image of the invisible God, the firstborn over all creation. For
by Him all things were created that are in heaven and that are on
earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or dominions or
principalities or powers. All things were created through Him and for
Him. And He is before all things, and in Him all things consist. And
He is the head of the body, the church, who is the beginning, the
firstborn from the dead, that in all things He may have the preeminence." (Colossians ch.1)
Universe is huge, but Israel God's beloved by His eternal covenant is located only on Planet Earth. God values Israel more than the laws of physics He has established in the universe. ( Jeremiah ch.33) Scientists should study the Holy Bible as well as the elements of the universe. Jesus Christ, God Himself, was in Israel on Earth. Earth may be a tiny speck in the universe, but unequally valuable to God because of His people. We are living in God's wonder land.
Praise God for all His creation! Hallelujah!

Grace Kim Kwon, Christian News Network 21 Comments [11/6/2016 8:04:11 AM]
Fundie Index: 11

Quote# 122327

"Animal Farm" is happening even in the democratic USA as it did in the atheistic communist nations because USA is losing Christianity fast. Sad. Man has no purpose of living other than experimentation of various things by polluting the planet if he is apart from his Creator God. Humanism kills billions by lying that the planet is over-populated. White people need the Judeo-Christian values for transparency and fairness and valuing of everyone's life, as all others do. There is no exception to it on Planet Earth.

Grace Kim Kwon, Christian News Network 24 Comments [11/4/2016 2:23:55 PM]
Fundie Index: 18

Quote# 122326

Evolutionists claim that populations of fish evolved over generations eventually into amphibians (animals we'd clearly no longer consider fish). Since they claim their beliefs are science, ask evolutionists to show what they say happens: an example of populations of fish morphing over generations ('evolving' they call it) eventually into animals we'd clearly no longer consider fish. This is what they claim happens, yet pick any animal: the human race has never observed any such thing, *hence it's observable scientific fact it does not happen until anyone ever shows it to do so*.

Here's what *is* science: It's observable, scientific fact that no matter how many generations go by over the entire existence of the human race, ALL populations of: fish remain fish, reptiles remain reptiles, birds remain birds, viruses remain viruses and so on. So science really falsifies the anti-science fish to mankind belief system. In spite of this, evolutionists:

(a) *Ignore* that scientific fact

(b) Make up a belief *contrary* to that scientific fact

(c) Where that belief *never happens, can only be believed in* and hence can't be called science anyway but demand it be called science and contradict what IS observable scientific fact.

Evolutionism is nothing but a complete distortion of science and observable, repeatable scientific fact. The fact that they will rabidly attack scientists that find facts that refute their anti-science fish to mankind belief system is just more proof of it yet again.

Evolutionists are ignoring what is observable, scientific fact, make up beliefs that are contrary to this observable, scientific fact, where these beliefs also never happen, and they will rabidly attack those who do not get in line with their agenda, even getting them fired.

Human beings read, write, talk in countless languages, publish books, design and fly airplanes and more, and:

Our ancestors were supposedly apes, so that means they are claiming populations of apes could eventually, over generations, learn to read, write, talk, publish books, design and fly airplanes and more if you just "give it enough time".

Our ancestors were supposedly reptiles before that, so that means they are claiming populations of reptiles could eventually, over generations, learn to read, write, talk, publish books, design and fly airplanes and more if you just "give it enough time".

Our ancestors were supposedly amphibians/frogs before that, so that means they are claiming populations of amphibians/frogs could eventually, over generations, learn to read, write, talk, publish books, design and fly airplanes and more if you just "give it enough time".

Our ancestors were supposedly fish before that, so that means they are claiming populations of fish could eventually, over generations, learn to read, write, talk, publish books, design and fly airplanes and more if you just "give it enough time".

This is what they call "reality".

Behold the anti-science mythology of fish to mankind evolutionism.

Reason2012, Christian News Network 29 Comments [11/4/2016 2:19:16 PM]
Fundie Index: 24

Quote# 122325

Trump Culture is a Monster as Dangerous as D.C.

Sunday, at a pro-Trump rally in Las Vegas, Nevada, political commentator Wayne Allyn Root gave a brief speech that can be viewed as a microcosm of the entire 2016 election cycle.

"Welcome to the Trump revolution!" Root yelled. "The peasants, the surfs, and the taxpayers with pitchforks, jackhammers, and blowtorches are headed for Washington D.C. Can you hear us? We're putting the D.C. elite on notice. We're coming to tear it down, we're coming to rip it up, we're coming to kick your ass! And we're coming to put you in prison!"

The crowd cheered like tweens at a One Direction concert.

Root enthusiastically led the rally in a "Lock Her Up" chant. He then continued, noting that "in the face of awful fake polls," he made a bet on the GOP nominee to win, saying Trump is more than a person, "he's an idea...a big, beautiful, gigantic middle finger."

After some raunchy puns about WikiLeaks and Anthony Weiner, Root proceeded to make an unusual analogy:

"The networks have wall-to-wall coverage of a live police chase, and it's Hillary in a white Ford Bronco. She's got Huma driving, and they're headed for the Mexican border. I have a name for the future TV movie, it's called 'Driving Miss Hillary,' and the ending--if we all get our wish, the ending is like 'Thelma & Louise.'"

Wayne Allyn Root, The Dailywire 69 Comments [11/4/2016 3:14:39 AM]
Fundie Index: 17
Submitted By: Chris

Quote# 122322

Use of the word credible is unfortunate here Ippy because it's root Credo means belief.
Look. When ever Jesus is brought up Jesus is either a myth or an agglomeration of characters or a magician.
The gospels are always a work of fiction, or they were written after a supposed safe period of time to be taken seriously.....a period of time we can add not applied to any other histories. There is according to unbelievers no original idea or content, it does not add anything new which isn't already in religion, it is also berated for not being authentically jewish even though the Judaism in mind is post Christian rabbinic Judaism.
As well as that if we haven't covered most non believers Miracles never happen and when that is announced people who will happily bleat about the problem of induction remain mysteriously silent out of partiality for their atheist friends and if you can get one who hasn't bottled at the question of what would you do if you saw a resurrection they would probably say science will come up with a natural explanation.

Now yes all these amount cumulatively to a heavy duty bit of God Evading but they are you will note positive assertions but are never demonstrated beyond the assertion state and now there is a bit of a craze among he atheist colleagues to deny adherence to whichever point one wishes to argue!!!!!!

And then of course any philosophical approach is sneered at.

I can't believe it's not Vlad, Religion and Ethics 20 Comments [11/4/2016 2:51:35 AM]
Fundie Index: 7
Submitted By: Nearly Sane

Quote# 122321

It amazes me that anyone who stands for conservatism and Trump specifically are partisan. Evil has had a head start under Obama, by will go into a fury with a Clinton win. Just get ready to see the greatest revival of darkness in history in this nation. The only hope is that the light shines brighter in deep darkness. There will come a great spirit of compliance from those in the church for the purpose of being peaceful. For those who stand for scriptural living, the hounds of hell will be loosed out on us. Even then, these same ones giving us the celebratory Hillary wins news will be the ones who urge us to just try to get along and not judge.

Idontknow, Charisma News 25 Comments [11/3/2016 2:08:24 PM]
Fundie Index: 12

Quote# 122320

[Comment on article that says, if Clinton wins, Christians should pray for her, not demonise people who didn't vote their way, stand up for religious freedoms and not be pessimistic]

We do not live in the Roman Empire where it's citizens, as well as Jews have no voice. Our nation was founded on the premise that the government is "of the people, by the people and for the people". As long as we have a part in that process, we have a responsibility to be the light of the world. If God is in control and we should just sit aside, we should then close down every church and outreach, every soup kitchen, etc because God is in control. If we sit idly by now, we will be sitting idly by when they come for us. Of course, if we take the attitude of the writer and many in this thread of comment, we won't have to worry about persecution because we won't be a threat while we sit idly by and pray in our houses. How many will go to hell because the church sat idly by and let all Christian freedom go down the drain because we just wanted to let the atheists take over and take what was once ours. Your comparisons with scriptural instances don't really compute with the opportunity we have in the United States. Of course, this may explain why it is not mentioned in prophetic scripture. Christians were lazy, apathetic, self righteous, and deceived, so they gave up their God-given rights and opportunities. We will end up like the Jews as they were loaded onto trains and taken to the furnaces.

Idontknow, Charisma News 20 Comments [11/3/2016 2:08:16 PM]
Fundie Index: 15

Quote# 122319

Hillary Clinton needs to swing by the neck for murdering Ghaddafi. A short trial will suffice and then either hang her or take her out behind the chemical shed and shoot her. Cut her head off, pack it in dry ice and send it to Saif with a apology it was not done sooner.

Jack Harper, Natural News  33 Comments [11/3/2016 3:24:08 AM]
Fundie Index: 25

Quote# 122317

Until Hillary Clinton, James Comey, Loretta Lynch, Bill Clinton and other corrupt democrat operatives are behind bars, America does not have a legitimate federal government

One of the very best reasons to vote for Donald Trump -- and perhaps the most important reason of all -- is because he promises to seek criminal investigations of the most lawless operatives in the Obama / Clinton regime.

Until America "drains the swamp" and wrests the criminal slag out of the halls of power in Washington D.C., we cannot move forward as a nation that claims to respect law. The outrageous lawlessness of the Clintons and the entire democrat establishment must be brought to an end by We the People. If it cannot be brought to an end at the ballot box, I have no doubt that concerned citizens will find other ways to take back their country from the criminals in Washington.

Right now, voting for Donald Trump is the last (and best) hope to prevent America from being seized by a criminal cabal of deep corruption and runaway lawlessness that has infected every institution in our nation, across every branch of government. Should this effort be thwarted by the criminal conspiracy of the Clintons, the media, the FBI, the DOJ and all the other co-conspirators involved in all this, America ceases to become a nation of law and plunges into Third World dictatorship status (with all the obvious ramifications that follow such political corruption).

Beware of the intense, destructive evil that will fester out of a powerful, centralized political establishment which realizes it is ABOVE THE LAW

As Hillary Clinton seizes the White House, the message to all the elite leftist power brokers will be obvious: We can get away with anything! They will realize they can commit any crime they want... and the media will cover up their crimes while the FBI excuses their actions with contorted legal immunities and whitewashed explanations. They will be above the law, and they will know that they control every institution in government, effectively granting themselves absolute power and absolute immunity.

When, in the history of the world, has the concentration of absolute power into the hands of the few ever turned out well for the populace?

It is a vast understatement to remind you that this is the most dangerous time in the entire history of our nation since the American Revolution. Once the democrats realize they have absolute power with zero accountability, there will be death squads to seek out and murder their political opponents. Websites critical of the Clinton regime will be seized and silenced. People who speak out against the regime will find themselves indicted by the IRS, or investigated by the FTC, or arrested by the DEA after drugs are planted in their homes. What the Obama regime has already done to Julian Assange, the Clinton regime will do to Rush Limbaugh, Michael Savage, Alex Jones and Sean Hannity.

The prisons will be filled with the political enemies of the regime in power... and then to clear out the prisons, the mass murders will begin. Piece by piece, the corrupt democrats will become the Fourth Reich, murdering their political enemies, demanding absolute obedience (P.C. thought control), raising their rhetoric to levels of psychological insanity that haven't been witnessed since the days of Adolf Hitler.

Mike Adams, Natural News 37 Comments [11/3/2016 1:57:07 AM]
Fundie Index: 19

Quote# 122316

A dental assistant at a Veterans Administration medical facility in Arizona claims he was forcibly ejected from his place of work by security after he complained about evangelicals being given free rein to hand out Bibles in the hallways, reports the Arizona Republic.

According to Air Force veteran Jesse Gonzales, a dental assistant at the Carl T. Hayden VA Medical Center, he was walking down one of the corridors when he was offered a Bible by one of three men sitting a table. Gonzales says he as he was returning, he was stopped again at which time he asked the group if they were authorized to proselytize on federal property.

Gonzales stated that an argument ensued, with one if the men cursing him — using the “F-word” — was they insisted that they had a legal right to be in the building.

The vet, who stated he is affiliated with the Military Religious Freedom Foundation, continued to argue causing a crowd to gather at which time security was summoned

Gonzales stated that he was then forced out of the building by the security officers after they told the men at the table they could stay and continue.

According to Gonzales, as an employee he had a right to be there– the evangelicals did not.

“These guys weren’t even supposed to be there,” Gonzales says. “And here they were yelling at me? I believe in the Constitution. But then the police hauled me away.”

A further investigation by the hospital reveled that the Bible distributors represented Native American Marriage Enhancement, a Pentecostal ministry. The review also disclosed the group had been refused a solicitation permit by the Phoenix VA Employees Association on the grounds that they “did not act in good faith” when applying.

While a hospital spokesperson apologized to anyone who was “inadvertently offended,” by the Bible giveaway, Gonzales said it wasn’t enough, calling the incident a “slap in the face”‘ for himself and other veterans who complained, as well as stating he was embarrassed at being treated “like some sort of criminal.”

Carl T. Hayden VA Medical Cebter security, Raw Story 27 Comments [11/2/2016 4:05:22 PM]
Fundie Index: 13
Submitted By: Demon Duck of Doom

Quote# 122315

You cannot address the lack of fathers in the home without addressing the fact that whore and whoremongering culture currently runs the black community. Remember: it was black women from our parent's generation who traded in having a man as the head of the household in exchange for government welfare, public housing and foodstamps.

Black men didn't just leave the home en masse - they were pushed out when black women colluded with Uncle Sam to make black husbands and fathers irrelevant. Now we have 3 generations of whore-culture that make up the bulk of the black community; which is precisely why we have so much violence, murder and death in those same communities today.

Fatherlessness is a direct result of whoredom. To cure fatherlessness, you have to get rid of the whores.

{excerpt taken from Brand Ambassadors for Jesus}

Eden Decoded, Facebook 21 Comments [11/2/2016 4:05:01 PM]
Fundie Index: 16

Quote# 122312

Dinosaur Footprint Wall in Bolivia

A recent article highlighted the Cal Orcko archaeological site in Bolivia. This site in South America has numerous, well-preserved dinosaur footprints (originally listed as over 5,000), and another 5,000 tracks were discovered in 2015. Some of the dinosaurs that left these footprints were Ankylosaurs, Titanosaurs, Carnotaurus, and a juvenile Tyrannosaurus rex.

These fossilized dinosaur footprints were originally discovered in 1985, but local mining of the limestone in the area has brought many more prints to light, starting in 1994. The area is now an official Bolivian paleontological site and an application has been submitted to designate it as a UNESCO World Heritage Site.

But even more interesting is that the footprints are not on flat ground but rather on an almost vertical wall; and the vast majority seem to be moving in one direction (downhill as the geography now stands). Now this is a region that has had lots of tectonic activity in the recent past, so this was probably flat ground at the time the dinosaurs were making the tracks.

Of course what makes this intriguing from a biblical creation and Flood geology perspective is that the tracks are preserved so well, and that we see a diverse grouping of what were considered to be both herbivores and carnivores. We also have tracks from juvenile dinosaurs—some alone and others side by side with adults of the same species. A couple of quotes about the Cal Orcko archaeological site from the Guardian website really stood out:

That ankylosaur was running. It sank its four toes into the ground, rather than its heel. . . .

The creatures' feet sank into the soft shoreline in warm damp weather, leaving marks that were solidified by later periods of drought. Wet weather then returned, sealing the prints below mud and sediment. The wet-dry pattern was repeated seven times, preserving multiple layers of prints. The cherry on the cake was added when tectonic activity pushed the flat ground up to a brilliant viewing angle—as if nature was aware of its tourism potential.

So we have running dinosaurs and what appears to be alternating periods of water covering the sand flats and then receding for a short time, only to cover the area once again. This sounds a lot like an area where dinosaurs may have been fleeing rising floodwaters, which brought the sediment to quickly cover and preserve the footprints the fleeing dinosaurs left behind.

Dr. Andrew Snelling, geologist and AiG’s director of research, had this to say:

All claims about the environment in which these dinosaurs lived and how they left their footprints are mere speculation (i.e., based on historical science, not observational science), because no scientists were there at the time to observe and report to us what happened. So it is hardly an observed fact that this was a lake. But what we do observe is that these footprints were made in a sandy limestone, and that in that same limestone are the fossilized remains of snails, bivalves, fish, turtles and crocodiles.1 Furthermore, we know from observations that animals and footprints are not fossilized in lime sand that slowly accumulates and is exposed even for a brief period to bacteria, and the sun, wind and waves. Rapid accumulation and rapid burial are required. And lime sand is usually produced by turbulent ocean waters. Yet dinosaurs are land-dwellers. Thus these fossils of water-dwelling animals and fossilized dinosaur footprints found in this sandy limestone are consistent with the Flood cataclysm, when the rising ocean waters swept rapidly over the land in oscillating surges, repeatedly engulfing fleeing land animals as it buried their footprints with water-dwelling animals. These fossilized dinosaur footprints testify to these dinosaur herbivores and carnivores being more interested in fleeing en masse in one direction to escape the destructive waters than their next meal.

Yet again we see evidence of the Flood that God sent as a judgment for mankind’s wickedness (Genesis 6:17) and of the Ark that He had Noah build—a reminder to us today of another Ark of salvation, Jesus Christ. These fossilized footprints stand as a reminder that observational science always confirms the Bible.

Thanks for stopping by and thanks for praying,

This item was written with the assistance of AiG’s research team.


See Martin Lockley et al., “Titanosaurid Trackways from the Upper Cretaceous of Bolivia: Evidence for Large Manus, Wide-Gauge Locomotion and Gregarious Behaviour,” Cretaceous Research 23, no. 3 (June 2002): 383–400, doi:10.1006/cres.2002.1006.

Ken Ham & Dr. Andrew Snelling, Answers in Genesis 16 Comments [11/2/2016 3:12:05 PM]
Fundie Index: 14
Submitted By: Chris

Quote# 122310

A Rapist's View of the World: Joss Whedon and Firefly
This is a really long rant about Joss Whedon's Firefly. Why? Because I'm angry and I think it is really important that feminists don't leave popular culture out of the equation. Especially considering that popular culture is increasingly being influenced by pornography.


I have become increasingly interested in examining Joss Whedon’s work from a feminist perspective since I had a conversation with another lesbian feminist sister at the International Feminist Summit about whether Joss was a feminist. I am really quite shocked by how readily Joss is accepted as a feminist, and that his works are widely considered to be feminist. I decided to start re-watching Buffy: The Vampire Slayer and also to watch Firefly and the movie Serenity.

I have to say that now that I have subjected myself to the horror that is Firefly, I really am beyond worried about how much men hate us, given that this was written by a man who calls himself a feminist.

I find much of Joss Whedon’s work to be heavily influenced by pornography, and pornographic humour. While I would argue that there are some aspects of Buffy: The Vampire Slayer that are feminist and progressive, there is much that isn’t and I find it highly problematic that there are many very woman-hating messages contained within a show that purports itself as feminism. But Firefly takes misogyny to a new level of terrifying. I am really, really worried that women can call the man who made this show a feminist.

For myself, I’m not sure that I will recover from the shock of watching the malicious way in which Joss stripped his female characters of their integrity, the pleasure he seemed to take from showing potentially powerful women bashed, the way he gleefully demonized female power and selfhood and smashed women into little bits, male fists in women’s faces, male voices drowning out our words.

There is so much hatred towards women contained within the scripts and action of the series that I doubt very much that this post will even begin to cover it. I am going to try to focus on the episodes that were written by Joss Whedon but I will also refer to the series as a whole. As Joss Whedon was responsible for the concept development and was a producer, ultimately I hold him accountable for the depiction of women in the entire season. Only one episode was written by a woman. It was no better or worse in its depiction of women than the ones written by men.

The pilot episode, Serenity, was written and directed by Joss Whedon. The basic plot of the series is Malcolm Reynolds and his second in command Zoe, have made a new life for themselves after fighting a war against the Alliance, which they lost. They bought a Firefly, an old space ship, and Mal calls it Serenity, after the last battle they fought for the Independence. The pilot of the ship, Wash, is Zoe’s husband. Kaylee is the ship’s mechanic and Jayne, the final member of the crew, is the brainless brawn. This bunch of criminals go around stealing things and generally doing lots of violence.

They also take on board passengers. There is Inara, a Companion (Joss Whedon’s euphemism for women in prostitution). She rents one of the ship’s shuttles. Simon, a doctor and his sister River. And a Shepherd (which means preacher), a black male character.

The first scene opens in a war with Mal and Zoe. Zoe runs around calling Mal ‘sir’ and taking orders off him. I roll my eyes. Not a good start.

The next scene is set in the present. Mal, Jayne, and Zoe are floating about in space. They come into some danger. Mal gets all panicky.

Zoe says, “This ship's been derelict for months. Why would they –”

Mal replies, (in Chinese) “Shut up.”

So in the very second scene of the very first episode, an episode written and directed by the great feminist Joss, a white man tells a black woman to ‘shut up’ for no apparent reason. And she does shut up. And she continues to call him sir. And takes his orders, even when they are dumb orders, for the rest of the series.

The next scene we meet Kaylee, the ship’s mechanic. <- Lookee, lookee, feminist empowerment. In this scene Mal and Jayne are stowing away the cargo they just stole. Kaylee is chatting to them, happily. Jayne asks Mal to get Kaylee to stop being so cheerful. Mal replies, “Sometimes you just wanna duct tape her mouth and dump her in the hold for a month.” Yes, that is an exact quote, “Sometimes you just wanna DUCT TAPE HER MOUTH and DUMP HER IN THE HOLD FOR A MONTH.” Kaylee responds by grinning and giving Mal a kiss on the cheek and saying, “I love my Captain.”

What the fuck is this feminist man trying to say about women here? A black woman calling a white man ‘sir’. A white male captain who abuses and silences his female crew, with no consequences. The women are HAPPY to be abused. They enjoy it. What does this say about women, Joss? What does this say about you? Do you tell your wife to shut up? Do you threaten to duct tape her mouth? Lock her in the bedroom? Is this funny to you, Joss? Because it sure as fuck ain’t funny to me.

Our first introduction to Inara the ‘Companion’, Joss Whedon’s euphemism for prostituted women, is when she is being raped/fucked/used by a prostitutor. I find it really interesting to read the scripted directions for this particular scene:

We are close on INARA's face. She is being made love to by an eager, inexperienced but quite pleasingly shaped young man. She is beneath him, drawing him to his climax with languorous intensity. His face buried in her neck.

He tightens, relaxes, becomes still. She runs her hand through is hair and he pulls from her neck, looks at her with sweaty insecurity. She smiles, a worldly, almost motherly sweetness in her expression. He rests his head on her breast, still breathing hard.

So, Joss Whedon refers to rapist/fuckers who buy women as sex, as ‘eager, inexperienced but pleasingly shaped’ who ‘make love’ to women in prostitution. Obviously, ‘love’ to men like Joss Whedon, requires female powerlessness, force and coercion. Women in prostitution enjoy the experience of being bought for sex. They feel ‘motherly’ towards the men who have just treated them as property and bought them as sex.

In Joss Whedon’s future world prostituted women are powerful and respectable. They go to an Academy, to train in the arts of being a ‘Companion’. They belong to a Guild which regulates prostitution, forces women to endure yearly health tests and comes up with rules to make prostitution sound empowering for women. For example, one Guild rule is that the ‘Companion’ chooses her rapist, not the other way around.

But there is one really big question that does not get answered. The women who ‘choose’ to be ‘Companions’ are shown as being intelligent, accomplished, educated, well-respected and presumably from good families. If a woman had all of these qualities and opportunities then why the fuck would she ‘choose’ to be a man’s fuck toy? Would being a fuck toy for hundreds of men give a woman like Inara personal fulfillment? Job satisfaction? A sense of purpose? Fulfill her dreams? Ambitions?

Money doesn’t seem to be the motivation behind Inara’s ‘choice’ to be a ‘Companion’, presumably she just ‘enjoys’ swanning around in ridiculous outfits. And being used as a fuck toy by men is seemingly a small price to pay for the pleasure.

At any rate, Inara’s apparent ‘power’ is merely a figment of Joss Whedon’s very sick imagination. In a later episode, Inara is shown to have set down three very specific rules in relation to her arrangement to hiring one of Mal’s shuttles as her base of operations. 1) No crew member, including the Captain would be allowed entrance to the shuttle without Inara’s express invitation. 2) Inara refuses to service the Captain nor anyone under his employ. And 3) the Captain cannot refer to Inara as a whore.
Mal agrees to all of these rules but he breaks every single one of them. Blatantly and deliberately. The third thing that Mal says in the first interaction between Inara and Mal is, “She’s a whore…” Does Inara stop him from calling her a whore? Nope. She just goes on smiling and being gracious. So he calls her a whore again. Lovely man this Mal is, dontcha think?

And in regards to her first rule, Mal takes every opportunity he can to break it. In the first episode Mal barges into Inara’s shuttle. The interchange goes like this:

Inara: What are you doing on my shuttle?

Mal: It's my shuttle. You rent it.

Inara: Then when I'm behind on the rent, you can enter unasked.

Scenes like this continue to occur for the rest of the series. Mal never apologises for breaking the terms of his agreement with Inara. And although Inara gets a little annoyed, she does not get really angry at the Captain for consistently undermining her power and invading her space. She tells the Captain to get out but he rarely complies. The point is that a man should never invade a woman’s personal space to begin with. Especially when he has been told expressly that he is not invited. But Mal delights in pointing out Inara’s powerlessness, it makes him feel all manly.

In regards to her servicing the crew, she begins to service the Captain and the male passengers of the ship from day one. The following is an excerpt from the script of Serenity. Book is a black male character. He is a Preacher and disapproves of Inara’s ‘profession’.

BOOK Is this what life is, out here?

INARA Sometimes.

BOOK I've been out of the abbey two days, I've beaten a Lawman senseless, I've fallen in with criminals... I watched the captain shoot a man I swore to protect. And I'm not even sure if I think he was wrong.

INARA Shepherd...

He is shaking a bit, tearing up.

BOOK I believe I just... (a pained smile) I think I'm on the wrong ship.

INARA Maybe. Or maybe you're exactly where you ought to be.

He lowers his head. She puts her hand on it, a kind of benediction. We hold on them a second.

It is clear from the outset that a large part of Inara’s service involves addressing issues of male inadequacy and fulfilling many other emotional needs of her clients. The ability to do this IS a resource and it is therefore a service that Inara must perform. BUT Inara services all of the male passengers and the Captain in this way. She also services Kaylee but the relationship between them is a little more reciprocal. In any case, Mal makes it pretty obvious that he expects his emotional needs to be serviced by Inara and she willingly obliges. Mal also allows the male passengers to demand her emotional services and does not tell them to stop, despite the terms of his agreement with Inara. Inara is not paid by any of these men for her time, energy and emotional support.

Beyond a shadow of a doubt, Joss uses his own wife in this way. Expects her to clean up his emotional messes. Expects her to be there, eternally supportive, eternally subservient and grateful to him in all his manly glory. I hope the money is worth it, Mrs. Whedon. But somehow I doubt that it is. No amount of money can buy back wasted emotional resources.

Aside from women being fuck toys, property and punching bags for the men, the women have very little importance in the series. I counted the amount of times women talk in the episode Serenity compared to the amount of times men talk. The result was unsurprising. Men: 458 Women: 175. So throughout the first episode men talk more than two and a half times as much as women do. And women talk mainly in questions whereas men talk in statements. Basically, this means that men direct the action and are active participants whereas women are merely observers and facilitators.

Given the fact that women are largely absent from the action and the dialogue of the majority of scenes it is unsurprising that the action onscreen is highly homoerotic. Men jostle with each other for power. Pushing each others buttons, and getting into scuffles. This intense homoeroticism is present from the outset as Mal asserts his rights as alpha male on the ship.

Completely unnecessary and unprovoked violence is a spontaneous result of this hypermasculinised male character. In Serenity, Mal enjoys using a character called Simon as his personal punching bag. In one scene he walks up to him and smashes him in the face, without any provocation or logical reason. In another scene Simon asks Mal a question and Mal smashes him the face again. No reason, no explanation, just violence. Violence is a part of the landscape throughout the whole series and Mal is often the instigator. He is constantly rubbing himself up against other men, and punishing wayward women, proving and solidifying his manliness through bashing the shit out of anyone and everyone.

Zoe, the token black woman, acts as a legitimiser. Her role is to support Mal’s manly obsession with himself by encouraging him, calling him ‘sir’, and even starting the fights for him. Zoe is treated as a piece of meat by both her husband (Wash, another white male) and the Captain. Wash and Mal fight each other for Zoe’s attention and admiration, both relying on her submission to them to get them hard and manly. In fact there is a whole episode, War Stories, devoted to Wash and Mal’s ‘rivalry’. By the word rivalry, I mean violent, homoerotic male/male courtship conducted over the body of a woman.

Zoe is not shown to have a personality of her own. She has no outside interests, no ideas or beliefs, no conversation with anyone other than Wash or Mal. She has no female friends, in fact she tends to dislike women. For example, she is the first one to insult Saffron in the episode Our Mrs. Reynolds, calling her ‘trouble’.

Zoe, of course, is meant to be our empowered, ass-kicking sidechick. Like all sidechicks she is objectified from the get go. Her husband, Wash, talking about how he likes to watch her bathe. Let me just say now that I have never personally known of a healthy relationship between a white man and a woman of colour. I have known a black woman whose white husband would strangle and bash her while her young children watched. My white grandfather liked black women because they were ‘exotic’, and he did not, could not treat women, especially women of colour, like human beings. I grew up watching my great aunts, my aunty and my mother all treated like shit by their white husbands, the men they loved. So you will forgive me for believing that the character, Wash, is a rapist and an abuser, particularly considering that he treats Zoe like an object and possession.

Joss Whedon does not share my view, of course, and he paints the relationship between Zoe and Wash as a perfectly happy, healthy union. If anyone is interested in portrayals of relationships between white men and black women written from black women’s point of view, I would suggest watching Radiance, Rabbit-Proof Fence and Serenades, skip Joss Whedon’s shit.

Also if you are interested in the reality of women in prostitution/prostituted women rather than the candy floss version that Joss Whedon has produced, I highly recommend Rebecca’s story Lie Dead. Skip Joss Whedon’s women-hating bile.

I can assure you that this is just the beginning of my rant on Firefly. There is so much more disturbing stuff later in the series. In particular, an episode called Our Mrs. Reynolds, another episode written by Joss, which completely demonises women as well as pornifying male violence against us.

allecto, livejournal 36 Comments [11/2/2016 3:06:37 PM]
Fundie Index: 20
Submitted By: Lord_Ninjacat

The "Except they just did" Award by arp

Quote# 122306

[Award link here: "Atheists Watch Ray Comfort's The Atheist Delusion"]

I’m a little disappointed but not surprised that The Bible Reloaded guys forgot to review “The Atheist Delusion.” On the below clip they said:

“We are going to review that movie…pretty much the day of launch. We’re doing it.”

Well guys, it launched five days ago, and it has already aired in 200 countries via TV, has had over 300,000 views and over 70,000 DVD’s have been distributed.

So if you are going to refute it, you better do so quickly. It’s convincing people that you are wrong. It destroys atheism with one scientific question. The pretense is over.

Perhaps you are nervous because you can’t refute it. You know that “It’s the old watchmaker” comeback won’t work.

To say that DNA is comparable to a watch is to compare rotten apples with living elephants. A watch is inanimate and DNA is biological information/programming.

When my atheist friend Hemant Mehta said it was just the watchmaker argument, an atheist in his own comments section said,

“Except that you’re comparing inanimate objects to living organisms. It’s not really a compelling analogy to compare the creation of a static object to something as vast and complex as the universe.”

“Not really compelling” is a gross understatement. It’s unscientific folly.

There’s a deafening silence from the entire atheist community who have reviewed every other movie we’ve produced. But "The Atheist Delusion" is different. It wasn’t made for the diehard closed-minded fundamental atheist. It was made for the millions who love real science.

Prove me wrong. Review it. I don’t think you will, because you have nothing to say. It’s over.

Ray Comfort Sent Us a Package!

Ray Comfort, Ray Comfort's Facebook page 36 Comments [11/2/2016 3:38:19 AM]
Fundie Index: 9
Submitted By: Chris

Quote# 122305

The American Presidential election looms ever closer, with the liberal candidate Hillary Clinton seeming to still win the (rigged?) polls despite ever increasing scandals. I want to use today’s space to examine some of the apparent inconsistencies of the left, the underlying motivations of their views, and how those views are fundamentally incompatible with the ideas of us here at Return Of Kings.

Modern liberalism, or leftism if you prefer, possesses several contradictions that make it seem logically impossible to hold all their ideas at one time in your head without suffering from an extreme case of cognitive dissonance. Whether it be simultaneously embracing the gay rights movement and feminism while having sympathy for fundamentalist Muslims, or how you can be for gun control to save all the toddlers who were lucky enough to survive your pro-abortion policies, any liberal platform point is so weak that any rational person sees his point made and won with no effect at all; the lefty simple rattles on to their next talking point without having the good sense to know that they lost.

How can someone have an unreasonable political philosophy that is self-defeating and irrational and still hold their head up as a person of sense? They can’t, and the reason that they appear to do so is because we are mistaking modern day liberalism as a movement of rational thought and philosophy.

It’s not. It’s a religion. More accurately, it’s a cult.


What can you do?

You can’t reason with a fanatic. The greatest debates are had when there is either no proof, or there is, but one or more sides will simply not listen. We can extol conservative or libertarian values all day long and point out how they are backed up by reality, but, if they are blinded, they will not see.

If Trump wins, do not gloat to these people, for their machine will take a long time to dismantle, and even a headless snake is dangerous. If Clinton wins, do not lament around them either, for you merely mark yourself as a target.

The best thing to do is to get people of the left out of your life the best you can. Friendships can be stopped, and acquaintances through social activities can be distilled down to only interactions of that activity, though you should really ask yourself if a hobby that is shared with liberals is really worth keeping. Same thing with churches, although it is hard to find a church that is still traditional and not yet corrupted by feminism and liberalism.

Work will be a difficult one. We have covered being in a “man’s field” before, and that helps to a degree. Beyond that, simply not speaking with leftist coworkers other than necessary conversations for business should be your goal, and this will go double if you have one for a boss.


We’re in a transitory stage between reasonable and friendly disagreement and open physical violence being the norm. Open sabotage and various legal and illegal acts used by the left against their ideological foes is the order of the day.

We must be hard targets against the hate of the left, as there is nothing that a liberal hates more than a successful, middle-class, white, Christian, straight man. Do not allow them access to any vulnerabilities, but do not draw attention to yourself either. Great forces are at play during these current times, much can be accomplished by simply stepping out of the way at the right time.

Luke Stranahan, Return of Kings 36 Comments [11/2/2016 3:36:16 AM]
Fundie Index: 22
Submitted By: Chris

Quote# 122303

The outspoken Filipino president, Rodrigo Duterte, has vowed to never swear again after he made to a promise to God.

Mr Duterte has become known for his profanity – such as calling Pope Francis a “son of a bitch” and telling US President Barack Obama to “go to hell” for his criticism of the war on drugs which has seen the extrajudicial killings of thousands of people since June.

The controversial politician made the pledge when he returned to his home city of Davao City in the south of the country after a trip to Japan on Thursday.

He explained that while he was flying home he heard a voice threatening to down the plane if he did not stop swearing.

He said heard the voice say ‘If you don't stop epithets, I will bring this plane down now’.

“And I said, 'Who is this?' So, of course, 'it's God’”, the continued.

“So, I promise God to ... not express slang, cuss words and everything.

“So you guys hear me right always because a promise to God is a promise to the Filipino people.”

Rodrigo Duterte, The Independent 23 Comments [11/2/2016 3:36:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 14

Quote# 122300

The only seat that she should be taking is not in the Oval Office, but maybe in an electric chair if Clinton got justice for her treason against America, literally admitting -- she admitted herself that she supports a state, a radical jihadist radical Islamic state that’s been sponsoring terrorism all over the world and has led directly to the rise of ISIS and the destruction of many Americans and Europeans and of course hundreds of thousands of people in the Middle East. I mean it’s just absolutely amazing. She has basically admitted that she’s a traitor to America and if she truly had justice by law she’d be facing capital punishment in this country for what she’s done.

David Duke, Media Matters 30 Comments [11/1/2016 3:10:34 PM]
Fundie Index: 11
Submitted By: Ibuki Mioda

Quote# 122299

Where Did the Rattlesnake’s Rattle Come From?

How did the rattlesnake get its rattle? A recent article about new research on the rattlesnake’s formidable rattle states, “The evolution of the rattle has baffled scientists because, unlike other complex physical traits like eyes or feathers, it has no obvious precursor or intermediate stage.” According to David Pfennig at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, “There is no half-rattle.”

Well, to those who start with the Bible, it’s no surprise that no such thing as a “half-rattle” exists. But for an evolutionist this is a major puzzle. Now evolutionists have suggested perhaps snakes started shaking their tails to warn predators, and eventually the noise-making rattle “evolved . . . as a more effective signal that took advantage of the pre-existing behavior.” But “how exactly the rattlesnakes then got their noisemaker is a more difficult question.”

The article suggests two different ways:

Some snakes were genetically pre-disposed to retain some extra skin on their tails when they shed, which made noise when they shook it and so this trait was selected for until it developed into the rattle.

The other, more controversial idea is that the snakes developed a callus on their tail from shaking it against the rough ground, and if the propensity to develop a callus was affected by genetic variability, it would be selected for until the structure underwent “genetic assimilation,” and the rattle would form without the need for irritating the skin.

But where the snake got its rattle isn’t actually a difficult question needing such an imaginative answer. It’s only a difficult question if you reject the true history recorded in God’s Word in favor of man’s ideas about the past. Observational science demonstrates that nearly 40 rattlesnake species probably belonged to one original created kind. There are no “half-rattles” because God uniquely designed this kind with a rattle.

The rattle would be something we now call a defense structure, but it wouldn’t have been necessary as such before the Fall. Though a rattlesnake’s toxic venom wouldn’t have existed before the Fall, the rattle would become a merciful warning to the fangs behind it in a post-Fall world. (See more about a biblical response to these post-Fall defense/attack structures in the 2009 Answers article, “Designed to Kill in a Fallen World.”)

By the way, where is there “half-anything” in living things today? If molecules-to-man evolution is true, why don’t we see “half-lots-of-things” all over the world? That’s because evolution is simply not true—it’s a fairy tale, an attempt to explain life without God.

When we start with God’s Word, we don’t need to invent fanciful stories about what might have happened in the unobserved past. His Word provides us with the true history of the universe.

Thanks for stopping by and thanks for praying,

This item was written with the assistance of AiG’s research team.

Ken Ham, Answers in Genesis 35 Comments [11/1/2016 3:51:28 AM]
Fundie Index: 21
Submitted By: Chris

Quote# 122285

Yes, alienation is a psychological state but the effects of it can be seen on a global scale.

In terms of projection of human needs you seem to be specially pleading that a need for God or some view other than your reductionism. That unlike sex or a good meal a need for God is a special need that goes unmet and is somehow a special false need or a bad need. But hey I feel you maybe building up to a Darwinian finale.......You know the one about everything about getting your leg over.

I can't believe it's not Vlad, Religion and Ethics 18 Comments [11/1/2016 3:10:51 AM]
Fundie Index: 10
Submitted By: Nearly Sane

Quote# 122284

Irrelevant since you are fallaciously linking scale with existence of.
People are alienated and perform actions around that alienation. This leads to the loss of species which is significant but more importantly real

Secondly God is portrayed once again in your piece as a psychological crutch for the needy.
That certainly is not the picture gleaned from the biographies of at least Christian and Jewish converts to God.

Your objection on this score is therefore blown somewhat and is itself an act of wilful ignorance.

I can't believe it's not Vlad, Religion and Ethics 15 Comments [11/1/2016 3:10:48 AM]
Fundie Index: 8
Submitted By: Nearly Sane
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