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Quote# 122682

Jerusalem’s chief rabbi lashed out at Israel’s gay community in an interview released Friday, calling homosexuality an “abomination” and earning himself a police complaint for incitement.

Shlomo Amar, who previously served as the country’s Sephardi chief rabbi, told Israel Hayom newspaper that homosexuality is an “abomination,” and that Jewish law advocates the death penalty for those who choose to engage in same sex relationships.

“I call it a cult. It’s a cult of abominations, it is obvious. It’s an abomination,” he said. “The Torah says it is punishable by death. It is in the first rank of severe offenses… They say ‘leaning,’ ‘perversion’ – this is nonsense. There is lust, and a person can overcome it if they want to, like all lusts. This is among the most forbidden lusts, the most severe. ”

Amar said he declined to attend a memorial service for a teenage girl stabbed to death by an ultra-Orthodox zealot during last year’s Gay Pride parade in Jerusalem, after her family declined to read aloud his condemnation of homosexuality.

“When Shira Banki was killed, they commemorated the thirtieth day of her death. They asked me to attend, and I would not. I wrote to them a letter expressing great sadness and opposition in the strongest terms to the deeds” of her killer, Yishai Schlissel,” he said.

“On the other hand,” he said he wrote to Banki’s family, “‘I call on you, if you want to elate her soul to the heavens, to repent from your evil ways. It is forbidden by the Torah.\ I gave them a condition that they read my letter in full [and then I would attend]. They wanted to read half. I did not agree [to attend].”

Amar said that his attendance would have “blasphemed the name of God.”

He also came out against rabbis trying to build bridges with the LGBTQ community: “There is no such thing, to show understanding or tolerance for this. A simple truth needs to be stated – there is a severe prohibition, and there is no allowance for it.”

The rabbi emphasized he would not budge on his position, even at the price of estranging secular Jews from religious life.

Rabbi Shlomo Amar, The Times of Israel 23 Comments [11/25/2016 11:43:30 AM]
Fundie Index: 13
Submitted By: Yossarian Lives

Quote# 122680

We already know that most UFOs are piloted by demons. Satan, their ruler, is the Father of Lies and the prince of the power of the air..HE FLIES..

Campus Crusade 4 Christ, Y! answers 22 Comments [11/25/2016 11:43:19 AM]
Fundie Index: 12

Quote# 122679

Aliens are demons - they flee / disappear at the name of Jesus Christ.
When aliens do visit and say they come in peace (the Vatican is waiting for them by the way) - we already know that they are satanic and we already know who wins the battle - God.

positive vibes, Y! answers 16 Comments [11/25/2016 11:43:17 AM]
Fundie Index: 12

Quote# 122673

Just because people living in the jungles and bush country have not advanced in the technology of agriculture, medicine, sciences, etc., does not qualify them as "heathen," as we think. Many of these tribes have a higher value on life, marriage and the family than America does. It is estimated that 4,000 babies, daily, are slaughtered by abortion in America. Lesbians and homosexuals have brainwashed America to the point, most of the schools are teaching our young people to accept this as an "alternative" lifestyle instead of what God calls it, "Plain, old perverted sin." Of all the missionary books I have read, I do not recall any of the missionaries encountering the problem of homosexuality in the bush tribes. Many of the so-called "heathen" execute the death penalty for adultery because of their values concerning the home and family.

David J.Stewart, www.jesus-is-savior.com 29 Comments [11/25/2016 5:43:54 AM]
Fundie Index: 11
Submitted By: PETF

Quote# 122667

It will be easier to find a fellow traveler

Men who hold our beliefs have long ago learned that we can’t go around sharing them in public to those who are not vetted. If you’re like me, you first “test” a new man you meet with a masculine comment to see how he responds, such as remarking on the attractiveness of a woman or how you’ve heard of a community online that trolls liberals without mercy. We’ve even had to devise a special “pet shop” code to know if a man is aware of the teachings that are found on ROK or the forum. We now have a easier shortcut in Trump.

If a man tells you that he voted for Trump, it’s safe to say that he is favorable to strong borders, nationalism, masculinity, and beautiful women. On a basic level, you will be able to get along with this man and build a bond. It also works the other way around where you bring up Trump to screen out those who are offended by him. It’s fine if someone is politically indifferent, but if a man opposes Trump then I have to anticipate him attacking or sabotaging me in the future. I will distance myself from him for my own well-being.

The cultural decline will halt

We now have a President who will not encourage anti-male propaganda, rape culture, and female victimhood. While I do have minor concerns on the influence of his feminist-minded daughter, Ivanka, Trump will not continue the attack on men that has been institutionalized since the sexual revolution and accelerated during the eight years of Obama. Because our current cultural dystopia is the result of intense long-term manipulation, it is more than enough for Trump to simply not touch the gender issue to allow the culture to return to a more patriarchal order. Stop feeding the rot and it will die off, allowing biology to naturally reassert itself.

We’ve experienced so many changes in the past decade that we haven’t had a chance to understand what’s going on and adapt. Instead, we’ve been reacting from one blow to the next, whether it’s the loss of our jobs through witch hunts or the rape culture horror that has turned a banal consensual hookup into possible incarceration. Trump’s victory gives us room to begin pushing back against the fictions that have put men in harm’s way.


Paradoxically, the benefits of a Trump presidency will not involve specific actions from Trump. His presence automatically legitimizes masculine behaviors that were previously labeled sexist and misogynist. While we may still get heat for them, it will be less severe and we’ll be less likely to sustain serious damage. Liberals will have no choice but to silently stew on our words and we can more effortlessly connect with men not only for male bonding but also to push back against a demoralized and fractured left. Victories will be far easier to achieve under Trump than Obama.

This is our moment. The door is opening for a renaissance of masculinity where men can take pride in being men, and the best part of it is that we don’t need to wait for Trump to do anything. His victory is more than enough for us to apply our own individual strength in seizing the bull’s horns where we can come out of the politically incorrect closet and assert our beliefs and behaviors. It would be icing on the cake if Trump rolled back anti-masculine laws and policies, but it’s not required, because the power to change ourselves and our country is within our hands. Return Of Kings opened in 2012, and the only surprise for me is how quickly the name is being fulfilled.

Roosh Valizadeh, Return of Kings 61 Comments [11/23/2016 4:09:13 AM]
Fundie Index: 19
Submitted By: Chris

Quote# 122666

New York Times: A Dinosaur With a Beak and Feathers Unearthed in China


Today's rebuttal focuses on the Darwin's deluded dogma of "Evolution" TM -- specifically as it is said to relate to a new dinosaur unearthed in China. Before we begin to analyze a few select excerpts, let's us remind "youse guys" of what you probably learned in 8th grade, but may or may not have forgotten -- namely, the classic textbook definition of the "Scientific Method."

From the Oxford Dictionary:

Scientific Method:
a method of procedure that has characterized natural science since the 17th century, consisting in systematic observation, measurement, and experiment, and the formulation, testing, and modification of hypotheses.

From the Merriam-Webster Dictionary:

Scientific Method:
principles and procedures for the systematic pursuit of knowledge involving the recognition and formulation of a problem, the collection of data through observation and experiment, and the formulation and testing of hypotheses

The key word is "the O Word" -- OBSERVATION. Darwin's deluded devotees can scream "SCIENCE!" in your face all they want; but if a theorized phenomenon - or iron-clad-after-the-fact forensic evidence of said phenomenon - are not OBSERVABLE, then it does not meet the standards of the Scientific Method. N.O. = N.S. (Not Observable = Not Science) Learn it. Love it. Live it.--- End of discussion. --- Got it? Good.

The "O Word" is more than just synonymous with science, it IS science; and no amount of fancy math equations, artistic renderings,computer models and academic bullying can ever substitute for it.

Now that 8th Grade Science class is complete, let's "observe" what Kenneth Chang's article is claiming.

Kenneth Chang: It had feathers and a beak.

Rebuttal: How do you know for certain that this creature had feathers? Only bone and beak fragments were discovered in the rock. A platypus has a beak but no feathers. The scientists are assuming feathers, not OBSERVING.

Kenneth Chang: It was the size of a donkey, and it did not fly. It was not a bird, but a dinosaur that was a close relative of birds.

Rebuttal: How do you know that this skeletal remnant this some odd-looking creature was "a close relative of birds?" Did anyone actually OBSERVE the transition of the alleged common ancestor into this feathered and beaked dinosaur on one branch; and birds on another branch? (Answer: No) To assume so merely on the basis of a few common characteristics amounts to reckless inference based upon wild conjecture.

Kenneth Chang: In a paper published on Thursday ... a team of scientists described a fossil of Tongtianlong Limosus, a new species in a strange group of dinosaurs that lived during the final 15 million years before dinosaurs became extinct.

Rebuttal: How is it possible to chronicle events of "the final 15 million years before dinosaurs became extinct" when there was no one around to OBSERVE and document the the life and times of Tongtianlong Limosus? (Answer: It is not possible) Do these "theoretical scientists" have some sort of magic time-machine that allows them to go back and forth through the ages?

Kenneth Chang: Oviraptorosaurs are not direct ancestors of birds, but share a common theropod dinosaur ancestor with the lineage that later evolved to birds.

Rebuttal: Again, we must ask: who OBSERVED this common-ancestor to bird & dinosaur progression? (Answer: nobody)

Kenneth Chang: The features, ... for display to potential mates... "They were like advertising billboards," Dr. (Stephen) Brusatte said.

Rebuttal: So, not only does the magic crystal ball of "theoretical science" tell us that the poor beaked bloke who got stuck in the mud had "feathers" -- but we may also recklessly infer that the feathers were used to attract bird chicks. But why should we infer such a thing when only peacocks (as far as we know) showoff their plumage to attract female? Eagles don't. Pigeons don't. Ostriches don't. How does this ass-clown "Dr. Brusatte" know that our muddy Chinese friend engaged in such aviary exhibitionism?

Kenneth Chang: Some features like the feathers come from the common ancestor, ...

Rebuttal: A classic logical fallacy that is often, no, always made by Darwin's deluded devotees is the prior assumption that "Evolution" TM is an established fact. All subsequent data is then interpreted to fit the pre-determined conclusion, rather than the other way around. They therefore assume that if this creature has a characteristic that is very similar to that creature, the two species must have had a "common ancestor" TM. This is like saying that an Italian sports car and a school bus must have a "common ancestor" TM because both have wheels and a transmission.

Kenneth Chang: The common ancestor had teeth, though, not beaks.

Rebuttal: And exactly how the frickety-frack do you know that? So, not only are we to believe that these "scientists" have established the existence of a "common ancestor" TM without any OBSERVABLE evidence as such; but now they claim to be able to tell us what physical characteristics that said "common ancestor" TM has or didn't have. And, not only is the transition from the "common ancestor" TM not OBSERVABLE, the fossil of what is alleged to be the "common ancestor" TM is also not OBSERVABLE.

Arthur Conan Doyle's Sherlock Holmes could teach these academic egg-heads a lesson in logic and sound reasoning.

Kenneth Chang: For oviraptorosaurs, the beaks were “convergent evolution,” when similar features evolve independently among different groups of animals.

Rebuttal: "Convergent Evolution," eh? Sounds like some seriously heavy "science" there. (palm to face, sighing, shaking head) --- Again, not OBSERVABLE --- Just new bullshit to prop up the old.

Kenneth Chang: One of the unknowns is what Tongtianlong and other oviraptorosaurs were eating.

Rebuttal: Aw heck! Let's just say they ate Peanut Butter & Jelly sandwiches. Why not? Everything else is made up.

Kenneth Chang: The six oviraptorosaur species discovered so far are also very different from each other, and the scientists argue that this shows rapid evolution of these dinosaurs.

Rebuttal: No, it just shows that breeds of the same species (a gene pool) can vary greatly. Just look at the differences in size, shape, fur and temperament among French Poodles, Golden Retrievers, Pit Bulls, Great Danes, German Shepherds and Chihuahuas.

Kenneth Chang: That runs counter to the assertion of some paleontologists that dinosaurs were already in decline long before they became extinct 66 million years ago, most likely from the global devastation following a large asteroid impact.

Rebuttal: How do these eggheads come up with this number of "66 million years ago" as the precise date of dino-extinction? (nice little Satanic touch with the 6-6 there) Did anyone OBSERVE the passage of "66 million" years of time? (Answer: No) -- Did anyone OBSERVE the killer asteroid, or even the hole that it would have left behind? (Answer: No)

Kenneth Chang: “One of the interesting things about these specimens that are coming out of southern China is that they show this diversity of body forms.”

Rebuttal: Yeah. So what? Dogs, cats, humans etc. also vary in body forms. And has it occurred to you geniuses that at least part of the reason for the variance could just be due to the fact that some of the fossilized specimens may have been small cubs; others were medium-sized adolescents, and still others were full grown adults?

Kenneth Chang: She was less certain about whether the rate of evolution is as fast .... because the scientists lack precise dating of the layer of rock hundreds of yards thick where the fossils have been found. “You don’t know if it’s a million years or 10 million years,”

Rebuttal: This nonsense about measuring time by correlating it to rock thickness assumes a steady rate of silt/sediment accumulation. In reality, a catastrophic flood can deposit as much sediment in a few days as normal conditions can over the course of many centuries. This magical method of time-keeping -- a work-around to circumvent the Scientific Method -- is again totally unscientific because there is no way to go back in time and OBSERVE if the wet-sediment-to-rock-time formula is accurate.

Furthermore, the bones would have dried up, turned to dust and blown away long before centuries of sediment accumulation and hardening could completely encase and petrify them. Try dumping your Thanksgiving Day turkey bones in a nearby wooded area are see how long they last before nature's elements and insects cause them to disintegrate and disappear -- months or a few years at the most!

How's the old funeral ditty go? "Ashes to ashes. Dust to dust."

Intact bones found inside of rock layers are evidence of a catastrophic, fast-acting, silt-depositing event such as a flood, volcano, landslide, tsunami, suddenly rising sea level or something else. Might that be how our Chinese "feathered" friend suddenly got stuck in the mud -- a mud which later hardened as it was soon buried under additional layers of silt?

1- Dog breeds differ greatly among themselves too. It doesn't prove that poodles "evolved" into dalmatians!
2- The "science" of rock dating is deeply flawed to begin with. Dating fossils from the erroneously-aged rocks then leads to circular reasoning.
3- Darwin's scam is thoroughly and humorously exposed in "God vs Darwin" by M S King. (here)

This cooked-up commie crap would actually be funny, were it not for the fact that millions of young malleable minds are being corrupted by the "theoretical scientists." For that reason, these diploma-decorated dorks need to be driven out of Academia and into the lunatic asylums by the thousands.

Mike King, Tomato Bubble 36 Comments [11/23/2016 4:06:41 AM]
Fundie Index: 19

Quote# 122664

As a woman, I have no desire to have headship in government leadership. I have many reasons for why I feel this way, but my primary reason is simple: just look at how women have handled leadership roles in this country so far.

The first thing women did with their power in government was fight for the right to kill and abort their babies via the US supreme court case Roe V Wade.

And if you follow closely where women have consolidated their 'fighting' power, it's been almost totally behind preventing babies from being born. As a Christian woman, wife and mother, I have a serious problem with that. Why do these select women think their power to be equal with men only resides in preventing life that grows inside of them? That's so oxymoronic!

It's so obvious that most liberal women want to be liberated from being women. At least biologically speaking.

Liberal women are not seeking liberation from men so much as they're seeking to be liberated from their Creator's design and the natural roles associated with that design. I wish they would just say that! Because every time I tune into liberal political news whether online or TV, there is always some woman crying about having the right to kill (abort) their baby or about having access to birth control to prevent pregnancy entirely. And then my mind always goes back to why on earth do women feel powerful solely through killing life? Is that how women exert their authority over men?

Women have become just as sick, bullyish and patriarchic in their thinking as the men they now negatively portray throughout all of media.

IN THE DEFENSE OF MEN, I know of NO law where men lobbied to be able to kill and abort their own babies. If men did such a thing, there would be an instant national public outcry. There'd be calls for even tougher anti-male legislation. Men would be accused of being deadbeats, whiners and responsibility dodgers. There'd be calls from pro-feminist politicians - both male and female - for men to just 'man-up' stop acting like wusses. Of course, I'm aware that in early America women didn't have the most basic right of 'voting' as their white male counterparts did, but that was what the women's suffrage was created to fix.

The Women's Suffrage Movement was solely created for helping women obtain the right to vote in elections. Nothing more and nothing less. And then it morphed into a political man-hating monster, now known as the feminist movement.

Look what women have collectively done with their vote since 1920. Nearly every major vote has come at the expense of disenfranchising primary children for their own self gain and reducing men to some type of effeminate puppet of the Left.

And as a result, these women are rewarded with the cosmic effects of all the havoc they've done to society and families. Hence why you have thousands of women dying from all types of cancers: breast, ovarian, cervical, uterine, vaginal, and vulvar. Have you noticed that each of these are connected to the female reproductive system in some kind of way?

You can't hide an insidious anti-god agenda behind the curtain of Women's Reproductive Health rhetoric. It's not about reproductive health; it's about reproductive death.

I thank God that I'm finally aware of the major lie that young women have been fed for generations. A lie that bitter older women and homosexual men - many of which are LGBT openly or secretly - have fed to the masses of young women.

Believing such lies will consistently put you in an early grave or give you a mentally and emotionally unstable life. And you'll end up endlessly searching for the next fleeting high in life through some random accomplishment in the workplace or through your career. (And if you do end up having children, you'll either abuse or neglect them by default.)

Think about it, you abort your babies - put off having children until in many cases it's too late to even have any - for a college degree and a paycheck that ultimately won't give you any comfort in your later years.

But guess what's in the pipeline for women like you... it's called Assisted Suicide: because that's what's next on the menu of lobbyists for women's healthcare. Those feeding these grand lies of 'women empowerment' know you will be riddled with all types of 'reproductive health' problems brought on via your abortions and birth control treatments.

Meanwhile, you'll be left with no one to care for you in your old age, and then your Women's Healthcare will conveniently provide you with what you voted for: assisted suicide. I can see the bottom of this slippery slope: and it's not a pretty picture!

This is what you invest in when you vote for death via abortion laws; laws that are designed to give you a false sense of empowerment over men.

Because let's be honest: feminist rhetoric has made it clear that women don't just want equal rights with men: they really want special rights OVER men. This is why abortion is the go-to subject whenever the topic of women's rights comes up.

The death you sow is the death you'll reap; because while you're supporting a woman's right to terminate her child's life during pregnancy, you're inadvertently supporting the devaluing of life for ALL people: yours included. And this will manifest through the coming push for assisted suicides for women just like you in the near future.

Nya Nya Jo, Eden Decoded 29 Comments [11/23/2016 4:06:17 AM]
Fundie Index: 12

Quote# 122659

Mr. Speaker, I've always been interested in origins. Even though my training is in the law and in history, it has ever been an application of mind to contemplate and to study the origins of man and of life here on earth and many theories of origins have been propounded throughout our nation's history.

1859, a sincere biologist returned from the Galapagos Islands and wrote a book entitled "The Origins of Species", in which he did then Charles Darwin offered a theory of the origin of species which we've come to know as evolution. Charles Darwin never thought of evolution as anything other than a theory. He hoped that someday, it would be proven by the fossil record but did not live to see that, nor have we.

1925, in the famous Scopes Monkey Trial, this theory made its way through litigation into the classrooms of America and we all have seen the consequence over the last seventy seven years. Evolution not taught as a sincere theory of biologists but rather, Mr. Speaker, taught as fact. Unless anyone listening in can doubt that, we can all see in our mind’s eye that grade room classroom we all grew up in with the linear depiction of evolution just above the chalkboard. There's the little monkey crawling on the grass, there's the Neanderthal with his knuckles dragging and then there's Mel Gibson standing in all of his glory. It is what we have been taught that man proceeded and evolved along linear lines.

But now comes a new find by paleontologists in the newspapers all across America, a new study in Nature magazine. 6 to 7 million year old skull has been unearthed - the Toumaï skull - and it's suggested human evolution was actually, according to a new theory, human evolution was taking place, and I'm quoting now, "all across Africa and on the Earth" and the Earth was once truly, and I quote, “a planet of the apes” on which nature was experimenting with many human-like creatures. Paleontologists are excited about this, Mr. Speaker, but no one's pointing out that the textbooks, I guess, will need to be changed because the old theory of evolution taught for seventy-seven years in the classrooms of America as fact is suddenly replaced by a new theory or, I hasten to add, I'm sure will be told a new fact. The truth is it always was a theory, Mr. Speaker.

And now that we've recognized evolution as a theory, I would simply and humbly ask that can we teach it as such and can we also consider teaching other theories of the origin of species, like the theory that was believed in by every signer of the Declaration of Independence. Every signer of the Declaration of Independence believed that men and women were created and were endowed by that same creator with certain unalienable rights.

The Bible tells us that God created man in his own image, male and female he created them and I believe that, Mr. Speaker, I believe that God created the known universe the earth and everything in it, including man, and I also believe that someday, scientists will come to see that only the theory of intelligent design provides even a remotely rational explanation for the known universe. But until that day comes, and I have no fear of science I believe that the more we study the science the more the truth of faith will become apparent, I just would humbly ask as new theories of evolution find their ways into the newspapers and into the textbooks, let us demand that educators around America teach evolution not as fact but as theory and an interesting theory to boot. But let's also bring into the minds of all of our children all of the theories about the unknowable that some bright day in the future through science and perhaps through faith, we will find the truth from whence we come and I yield back.

Mike Pence, United States House of Representatives 49 Comments [11/23/2016 3:33:02 AM]
Fundie Index: 31

Quote# 122657

It is becoming glaringly apparent that these institutions of "higher
learning" are becoming a real threat to our national security. They are
producing historically illiterate, ignorantly indoctrinated, pompously
arrogant, anti-American useful stooges who have no concept of how the world
works. They belong to the everyone-gets-a-trophy snowflake crowd who have no
idea how to cope with adversity.. and believe they are entitled to... whatever
they want.

The taxpayers had better regain control of these institutions or expect to see
hordes of these spoiled leftist brats clogging their streets for years to come.

sleeperd, The Hill 20 Comments [11/23/2016 3:32:44 AM]
Fundie Index: 6

Quote# 122650

a) This was evidenced by the carved images at the apex of their temple shrine, representing the stars and constellations.

(i) Virtually every star and constellation was associated with pagan gods and goddesses taking the form of these demonic hosts!

(b) Thus we have the "mythological" creatures of old, such as Pegasus, and the centaurs of old!

(i) Were they fable or real?? As we look at these demons in the book of Revelation, we begin to believe that they were real!!

(ii) Genesis 6:1-4 Now it came to pass, when men began to multiply on the face of the earth, and daughters were born to them, 2 that the sons of God saw the daughters of men, that they were beautiful; and they took wives for themselves of all whom they chose. 3 And the LORD said, "My Spirit shall not strive with man forever, for he is indeed flesh; yet his days shall be one hundred and twenty years." 4 There were giants on the earth in those days, and also afterward, when the sons of God came in to the daughters of men and they bore children to them. Those were the mighty men who were of old, men of renown. (NKJV)

(a) These scriptures strongly suggest that fallen angels (demons) came to earth and cohabited with women and produced giants called "Nephilim".

(b) Is it not also possible that some of these demons could not possess human bodies and did so with animals (like they did with the pigs in the gospels) resulting in the dragons, and centaurs, and Pegasus', and a host of other creatures our culture now calls mythological?

(c) As we take a look at these creatures, this possibility doesn't seem so far fetched!

John Brown, blueletterbible.org 15 Comments [11/23/2016 3:29:52 AM]
Fundie Index: 9
Submitted By: PETF

Quote# 122649

I am someone who is for the preservation of races just as I'm for the preservation of endangered species. I think the world is a much richer and more interesting place with the existing cultures in it, and I'm very much against the idea of these cultures being swallowed up by a homogeneous international super-culture for the sake of diversity or whatever. I am, however, mixed race. I am an example of why mixed race marriage is often a big mistake: I have never been completely at home with either side of my heritage and my family on both sides will never completely accept me as one of their own. This caused a lot of angst in my younger years, and for this reason I've decided not to reproduce, but to adopt some day if I ever want kids.

I find it so upsetting when I see some Asian girl who has decided that Asian men are below her walking hand in hand with a white guy with an Asian fetish. And this is increasingly common. Most Asian women who marry white men are rejecting their own culture because of internalised self-hatred and other mental health issues. I am also convinced that most of the white men who get with Asian women have mental health issues: in the case of my father, he turned out to be a paedophile. He molested me and my sister. He didn't have an Asian fetish per-say, but went to a third world country to find a young Asian girl (my unfortunate mother) because he couldn't get away with it legally in his home country. I wish there was some way I could warn young Asian women of the sort of white men who go for Asians, and at the same time I wish I could warn white parents about the implications of allowing their offspring to produce mixed children. Life was not easy for my siblings and I. We had no cultural identity and we were viewed by others as inferiors because of our mixed heritage.
People say that mixed kids are cute, but that's simply not true most of the time. When I look in the mirror I see what looks like a very awkward Asian face, like someone took a picture of an Asian and then took a picture of a white person and slapped different bits of these pictures together. My round eyes don't match my Asian nose. My teeth and my jaw seem to have come from two different people. Freckles on Asians are not attractive!

As much as the world would like us to believe that everyone is better off rejecting their cultural identities in favour of a multicultural one, I know that that only results in living like a tree without roots.

Other than committing myself to not breeding, what are some things I can do to help prevent white genocide (and East Asian genocide, for that matter)?

Throwaway395694, Reddit 17 Comments [11/23/2016 3:28:36 AM]
Fundie Index: 4

Quote# 122647

I don't think there is anything wrong with education, so long as it is based on the principles of Gods word. A preacher used to say that educating an unsaved person just turns them into a clever devil.

thesunisout, Christian Forums 21 Comments [11/23/2016 3:28:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 10

Quote# 122646

The blatant criminal takeover of the White House, the forcing of transgendered restrooms and locker-rooms on the American public, and the obvious attack nationwide against Christianity, has compelled the Luciferian elite to put a shill like Donald Trump into the White House in an attempt to avert civil war from angry Americans!!! The illusion of liberty only works as long as it can effectively be maintained. Once the truth is out, the power of the illusion is gone! Trump's primary job is to restore the faith of evangelical churchgoers and conservative Americans in the federal government. This will enable the subversion of America to continue. Shallow Americans will think small and praise Trump for small improvements, while foolishly failing to see the big picture that a New World Order is still advancing. There's not a dime's difference between Globalism and Communism! With Globalization comes poverty to the United States, loss of private property, and the increase of big government to oppress the people! Let's see if President Trump restores American sovereignty!

The Bible teaches for Christians to obey the higher powers, God being the highest (Romans 13:1-10). The rule of law in America only applies to certain citizens. The Clintons are above the law. Did you see how the FBI and NYPD came out exposing Hillary Clinton's sexual exploitation of children, satanism and other crimes before the election, and then they just dropped it all? The CIA and NYPD are controlled by the Illuminati! The CIA and FBI are compromised at the highest offices. The Luciferian powers that be wanted Donald Trump to win! Satan is the god of this world (2nd Corinthians 4:4). Satan controls the world at the highest levels through satanic organizations and occult secret societies. Hillary is untouchable!!! She'll never go to prison! I'd be surprised if she did. Don't think Donald Trump is any better, who made his billions from ungodly gambling casinos, featuring whores, drunkenness and all manner of wickedness. Furthermore, Mr. Trump is NOT a born-again Christian, despite what religious fools claim. I'll believe that Trump is a Christian when he publicly professes his faith in the Gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ.

David J. Stewart, Jesus is Precious 28 Comments [11/23/2016 3:21:08 AM]
Fundie Index: 9

Quote# 122645

We are at spiritual war as Christians. Ephesians 6:12 tells us that our enemies are the rulers of the darkness of this world. That would certainly include the Globalists who've hi-jacked The White House, Pentagon and federal government. The world is our battlefield, not our playground as Christians. A police state is quickly rising up in America. I guarantee you that BJU will go along with the coming LGBT laws to avoid losing their tax-exempt status. It's just a matter of time. The whole country has gone to ruin, primarily because Christians stopped fighting long ago. We are content to sit inside our nice churches and go along to get along with the Devil's crowd. We've bought into the Devil's lie of 501c3 state-licensing, effectively silencing the churches and religious institutions.

Sadly, most Bible colleges today, including Independent Fundamental Baptist colleges, are silent and refuse to take a Biblical stand anymore against corrupted Bible versions. You are not doing anyone a favor by letting them continue down a wrong path in apostasy. Shame on the pastor who refuses to expose corrupt Bible versions, using the excuse that he doesn't want to offend baby believers. Really? You mean you'd rather let them continue using a Satanic, corrupt, counterfeit, Bible version? Such wayward pastors are either big cowards, sinfully compromised for the love of money, woefully ignorant, or they just don't care at all. Woe unto today's apostate pastors! Woe unto the silent Christian! God gave me a mouth, fingers to type, an internet connection, and the opportunity to warn others... BLESS GOD, I'M GOING TO SPEAK UP FOR GOD!!!

God deliver us from today's sweet, kind, likeable, seemingly wise, mellow, GUTLESS PREACHERS who don't preach the truth as they ought!!! God give us some offensive John the Baptists!!! Jesus said that the whole reason He came into the world was to bear witness unto THE TRUTH!!!

David J. Stewart, Jesus is Precious 11 Comments [11/23/2016 3:21:03 AM]
Fundie Index: 6

Quote# 122644

What Donald Trump’s Victory Means For Men

The celebrations have ended and we’ve all come to absorb the fact that Donald Trump is our next President, an outcome that many of us have aggressively worked for in the past several months. Now that we’ve gotten what we wanted, it’s time to describe exactly how a Trump presidency will improve our standing.

If the President can say it then you can say it

The biggest effect we’ll see is the death of political correctness. We now have a shitlord for President who has insulted ugly women as “fat pigs,” and whose private macho talk, which all masculine men have done, was relentlessly attacked by the press but not punished in the voter booth. This means that when you talk like Trump, the first thought your listener will have is, “He sounds like the President of the United States.”

What excuse will they now have for limiting your speech if one man was able to gain the highest office in the land because of it? Either Trump was elected because voters liked a person who makes those kinds of statements or they didn’t care enough that he made them. Whichever explanation you accept means that the will of the American people has stated that you can exercise your free speech, your opinions, and your desire to flirt with attractive women without having to obey a speech police force that evaluates everything you do based on how offensive it is to a kaleidoscope of races and loony identities. You can begin removing your politically correct filter.

I’m in a state of exuberance that we now have a President who rates women on a 1-10 scale in the same way that we do and evaluates women by their appearance and feminine attitude. We may have to institute a new feature called “Would Trump bang?” to signify the importance of feminine beauty ideals that cultivate effort and class above sloth and vulgarity. Simply look at his wife and the beautiful women he has surrounded himself with to remind yourself of what men everywhere prefer, and not the “beauty at every size” sewage that has been pushed down our throats by gender studies professors and corporations trying to market their product to feminist fatsoes. The President of the United States does not see the value in fat women who don’t take care of themselves, and neither should you.

Liberals will be forced to tolerate us in a way they didn’t have to before

There are so many of us that we can ease out of the closet and not be afraid of persecution like before. What are they going to do, fire everyone who supports Trump? Accuse every man who voted for him of rape? The way the establishment has been able to marginalize us is to corner men individually and apply intense pressure, but now we have natural allies in all men who back Trump, even if they don’t subscribe to our particular interpretation of masculinity.

Liberals will not be able to point and shriek to get you to withdraw like before. They will not have easy victories by using labels like “racist” or “sexist.” They will have to endure us in their midst and bite their lip when we offend their degenerate ideals, knowing that the price of attacking us is becoming too costly. It may be as simple as whipping out your MAGA hat, as if it’s a bat signal, and having fellow Trump supporters come to your aid. I know that if I see a Trump supporter in trouble, I will help him, regardless of his race or station. Liberals will be forced to share space with those whom they hate, instead of trying to exile them like in the past.

Roosh Valizadeh, Return of Kings 36 Comments [11/23/2016 3:20:41 AM]
Fundie Index: 11
Submitted By: Chris

Quote# 122643

It's pretty obvious that human biodiversity and race realism are just politically correct euphemisms for scientific racism. The only reason that we use those terms is to put people at ease because modern sensibilities have been so skewed towards automatically and violently rejecting White bigotry. But the idea that scientific racism has been thoroughly debunked is a talking point that anti-racist liberals like to spout in order to discredit our ideas. And just because certain aspects of 19th century and early 20th century scientific racism were nonsense, that doesn't mean that everything that they espoused was nonsense or that more recent scientific racism is just a rehash of discredited ideas.

Reality also isn't a popularity contest. I could be the only person in the entire world that believes that not all racial groups are equally intelligent and civilized, but that wouldn't mean that I'm wrong. Yes, we know that the scientific and academic community completely despises us, but that isn't because our ideas are BS. Our views simply aren't politically correct.
Eugenics is a perfect example of a completely valid scientific idea falling out of fashion simply because it offends modern liberal sensibilities. Not only is it possible to improve the human gene pool through genetic screening, embryo selection, cloning, genetic engineering, selective breeding, polygamy, artificial insemination, et cetera, but it's absolutely vital to the long-term health of our species and our environment.

It's widely known in environmentalist circles that human overpopulation is the root cause of most environmental issues. Everything from climate change to overfishing is mostly caused by too many people living on this planet. So, if the human population needs to be dramatically reduced in order to fix this problem (which most scientists and environmentalists are hesitant to publicly acknowledge because they don't want to be accused of being evil Nazis), then eugenics is obviously the most logical solution to this problem, because if you have to dramatically reduce the human population then obviously it just makes sense to select for the best and the brightest.

Who wouldn't want to live in an environmentally sustainable society that had a guaranteed income, an army of AI robots (but not so smart that they pose a threat to us) to take care of the dirty work, and a beautiful and healthy citizenry comprised of Mensa members? We'll soon have the scientific know-how to make that neo-Nazi utopia a reality, but what we lack is the political will to implement it (thanks to the progressive Left). The Alt-Right exists to solve this problem.

Dysgenics is also a massive problem that's being completely ignored because the solutions lead you down a path towards the Fourth Reich.
Eugenics has to be one of the most important and powerful ideas in all of human history, but it's being suppressed simply because it reeks of Nazism. So, while the progressive Left just loves to claim that the conservative religious Right is getting in the way of scientific and human progress, when it comes to eugenics it's the liberal Left that's preventing our species from making the next major leap forward.

You can tell that the scientific community is completely terrified of new developments in genetic research bolstering our racist weltanschauung. Once we get a better idea of which genes are responsible for human behavior, we'll finally be able to solidly prove that some racial groups are inherently superior to other racial groups. You can also tell that the scientific community is extremely nervous about discovering that the genes that are responsible for intelligence won't be evenly distributed throughout the various "population groups" (the politically correct term for race). Acknowledging that racial and class differences have a genetic basis will completely undermine the central pillar of modern progressive ideology.
Scientists like James Watson and Hans Eysenck weren't quacks. They were treated like heretics for daring to dissent from modern progressive orthodoxy.

If you want to learn more about modern scientific racism, then you should check out people like Stephen Hsu [1][2][3]. He's allowed to get away with espousing racist, Nazi-ish ideas because he isn't White, and because he's very careful to moderate his views by paying lip service to progressive egalitarian ideology.

CertifiedRabbi, Reddit - r/SubredditOfTheDay 12 Comments [11/23/2016 3:19:37 AM]
Fundie Index: 6

Quote# 122642

Okay, dear colleagues here, thanks for your presence and contribution.

I shall now return to my idea that babies are caused by their papas and mamas.

If you atheists deny this, please tell me who or what caused babies.

If you do not deal with babies and their causation, I beg for your indulgence because I will not interact with you.

So, that will be an occasion for readers who care to follow the causation of babies as ultimately leading to the existence of God, in concept as first and foremost the creator and operator of the universe and man and everything with a beginning, the occasion to decide whether to read your posts or not.

For myself, I will opt to save myself time and labor to interact with you at all.

You see, dear readers here, it is my submission that causation is the key to the resolution of the issue God exists or not, in concept as first and foremost the creator and operator of the universe and man and everything with a beginning.

Now, in regard to atheists who want to belabor what they claim is already the fallacy of affirming the consequent, I will just not bother with them, because these posters have nothing to do with the objective reality of existence like babies coming forth from the causation of their papas and mamas, except to read textbooks to learn all in their mind and nothing of any connecting with the reality of the existence of babies, to play their mental games of seek the fallacy.

Mariosep, AtheistForums.org 21 Comments [11/23/2016 3:18:30 AM]
Fundie Index: 7
Submitted By: Stimbo

Quote# 122640

However, if the goal is to maximize the well being of the entirety of humanity and global stability, then nationalism from all peoples around the world right now does more net good than net harm, at least in the current global political climate. I don't think it's a secret that many of the most powerful people in the world, especially in the West, are advocates of large scale globalism, not just economically but also demographically. For instance, in one of her leaked speeches to foreign banks, Hillary Clinton stated "My dream is a hemispheric common market, with open trade and open borders...". There are hundreds of thousands of Africans in China, many are there illegally. Even Japan is slowly but surely loosening its once highly-restrictive immigration policies. Though the numbers aren't too large, and the immigrants are probably primarily from at least partially culturally-compatible neighboring Asian countries, it is still a slippery slope that could lead to even more dubious implications for their future. Furthermore, two of Japan's top beauty pageant titleholders for the past two years were biracial, Ariana Miyamoto and Priyanka Yoshikawa, both with Japanese mothers. I have nothing against these two ladies, who are both very attractive, but I just don't think someone who's not fully Japanese should represent a nation that's 98% homogeneous. Yes they're only two individuals, but they are two individuals with disproportionate influence on contemporary Japanese culture, and the pageant events themselves serve as an useful bellwether, indicating the shifting cultural attitudes of their society. Needless to say, all analogous phenomena are magnified by orders of magnitude in the West. Not that I pity them, but we need to realize, the same set of causes, whatever they may be, are likely behind the cultural and demographic degradation of every nation of humanity. If globalism and multiculturalism are continually being promoted and allowed to grow the way they are right now without any counterbalancing, then white European cultures won't be the only ones in danger, East Asian ones will undoubtedly follow in due time, and there will be nothing left to save or run back to. Among other positives, one that jumps to mind if Western societies moved back more towards the center politically, let alone right-wing, would be that the white men who go to East Asia and SE Asia to look for more "traditional" wives would likely drop significantly.

jccheapentertainment, Reddit - r/Sino 5 Comments [11/23/2016 3:16:17 AM]
Fundie Index: 5

Quote# 122639

Liberals love to exaggerate statistics about Christian parents disowning their gay kids and kicking them out of the house but what the liberal media will NEVER show you is gay parents disowning their kids and throwing them out on the street for being Christian.

texanchristianprincess, Tumblr 28 Comments [11/23/2016 3:15:07 AM]
Fundie Index: 10
Submitted By: Ivurm

Quote# 122638

One objection that I commonly hear when someone hears this is that “Well what about things like murder and rape and theft? Clearly, Leo, we don’t’ want to say those are neutral things. Those are clearly evil things. Don’t you agree? Isn’t it silly and ridiculous to have a theory of life and the world that goes against this, this common sense notion that these things are wrong?”

Notice what’s going on there. I’m not saying it doesn’t disturb you. In fact, the fact that it disturbs you is evidence of the fact that it’s a preference. Who is being disturbed by this? You are being disturbed by this. That’s what we’re saying here. When you see an evil act, all that really means is you get a tingle in your brain.

Leo Gura , actualized.org 8 Comments [11/23/2016 3:13:18 AM]
Fundie Index: 5

Quote# 122637

(On a post talking about the #keepkissing campaign)

And that ladies and gentlemen, is one of the many reasons why many europeans don’t have many children anymore, have become weak and are now (sadly, I really must say) dying out. It’s this kind of mentally sick propaganda, the kind of propaganda which says that it’s OK for a man to act like a woman and for a woman to act like a man. The kind of destructive propaganda and teachings that are nowhere to be found outside of Europe & America and which are destroying the natural order and healthy family our nature originally had in mind. What a sick world. But that’s Tumblr for you I guess and karma will come back to all of us soon enough, without exception.

eae1993, Tumblr 11 Comments [11/23/2016 3:12:19 AM]
Fundie Index: 5
Submitted By: Ivurm

Quote# 122635

Northern European gender equality is a myth supported by the great indulgence shown to Nordic women. Feminine weakness and foibles are tolerated in Scandinavia to a degree that would seem absurd to Asians or Africans. Scandinavian women’s participation at the highest levels is possible because of the extreme deference shown to women in these countries, which would be unthinkable in the rest of the world. I’d argue that this demonstrates higher levels of sexual dimorphism: if women were really treated “equally” then they would be marginalized as they are in most of the world.

Bill P, Unz 8 Comments [11/23/2016 3:11:58 AM]
Fundie Index: 10

Quote# 122633

[from page 111; the article is titled "Are STEM Syllabi Gendered? A Feminist Critical Discourse Analysis"]

Initial exploration of the STEM syllabi in this study did not reveal overt references to gender, such as through the use of gendered pronouns. However, upon deeper review, language used in the syllabi reflects institutionalized STEM teaching practices and views about knowledge that are inherently discriminatory to women and minorities by promoting a view of knowledge as static and unchanging, a view of teaching that promotes the idea of a passive student, and by promoting a chilly climate that marginalizes women. First, the STEM syllabi explored in this analysis promoted the male - biased STEM institution by reinforcing views of knowledge as static and unchanging, as it is traditionally considered to be in science, which is a masculine concept of knowledge (Mayberry & Rose, 1999). Syllabi promote the positivist view of knowledge by suggesting that there are correct conclusions that can be drawn with the right tools:

- A critical thinker considers all available evidence with an open mind and uses appropriate techniques to analyze that evidence and reach a conclusion (Lower level geology).

- The main goal is to attain knowledge and comprehension of major concepts and techniques of organic chemistry (Upper level chemistry).

As these examples show, the STEM syllabi explored in this study demonstrated a view of knowledge that was to be acquired by the student, which promotes a view of knowledge that is unchanging. This is further reinforced by the use of adverbs to imply certainty such as "actually" and "in fact" which are used in syllabi to identify information as factual and beyond dispute. For example, "draw accurate conclusions from scientific data presented in different formats". Instead of presenting the idea that knowledge is constructed by the student and dynamic, subject to change as it would in a more feminist view of knowledge, the syllabi reinforce the larger male dominant view of knowledge as one that students acquire and use to make correct decisions.

Laura Parson, Nova Southeastern University 17 Comments [11/23/2016 3:11:47 AM]
Fundie Index: 12
Submitted By: Nemo

Quote# 122632

[Extracted from Democracy: The God That Failed]

In a covenant concluded among proprietor and community tenants for the purpose of protecting their private property, no such thing as a right to free (unlimited) speech exists, not even to unlimited speech on one’s own tenant-property. One may say innumberable things and promote almost any idea under the sun but naturally no one is permitted to advocate ideas contrary to the very purpose of the covenant of preserving and protecting private property, such as democracy and communism. There can be no tolerance towards democrats and communists in a libertarian social order. They will have to be physically separated and expelled from society. Likewise, in a covenant founded for the purpose of protecting family and kin, there can be no tolerance toward those habitually promoting lifestyles incompatible with this goal. They — the advocates of alternative, non-family and kin-centered lifestyles such as, for instance, individual hedonism, parasitism, nature-environment worship, homosexuality, or communism — will have to be physically removed from society too, if one is to maintain a libertarian order.

Hans-Hermann Hoppe, Demos 11 Comments [11/23/2016 3:06:16 AM]
Fundie Index: 9
Submitted By: JeanP

Quote# 122631

The Elite have completely divorced themselves from non-elites

In the past, Europe had an aristocracy. This aristocracy had a close relationship with the rest of the people in the country. The aristocracy was expected to defend the nation in case of war. They also had the same religion as the rest of the country. We already knew that the modern “aristocracy” of the globalist elites has no responsibilities toward the rest of us, but, thanks to WikiLeaks, we have now learned that they don’t even share the same religion.

WikiLeaks revealed that Hillary Clinton and her campaign manager are close friends with Marina Abramovic, a Serbian artist who performs occult rituals she calls “spirit cooking.” Spirit cooking appears to be set of magical rituals that use bodily fluids such as menstrual blood, urine, and semen to achieve certain goals, usually sex-related. It also involves at least minor sacrifices: one “recipe” calls for cutting one’s figure and “eat[ing] the pain.”

While spirit cooking is certainly grotesque, it is not my intention to focus on it except to point out that it has become a sort of initiation ritual into the US globalist elite. Hillary Clinton, John Podesta, Jay-Z and Beyonce, Lady Gaga, and Gwen Stefani have all attended these rituals and I would not be surprised to learn that many other politicians, CEOs, and bankers also participate. Getting invited to one of these spirit cooking sessions means that you have gained entry into the wealthy elite in the US. There are probably similar groups or rituals for the modern day European elites.

There are several things at work here. Most of the spirit cooking participants probably don’t believe in the efficacy of the spirit cooking ritual. It is more like a college fraternity initiation. It only means something in terms of one’s social standing. Also, the satanic imagery of spirit cooking and its sexual overtones are big middle fingers to Christianity which our elite regard as the religion of the unwashed masses.

In both of these ways, our modern “elite” have separated themselves from the rest of us. They don’t share the same destiny as us. If the country starts going to hell, the wealthy elite can just pick up and move to another country or they can live in small, heavily guarded compounds, untouched by the damage their policies have caused. And they even lack a common morality with us. In their own eyes, their wealth has somehow put them beyond the traditional moral code that guides the rest of us.
The fact that the elites have no regard for the rest of the country does not bode well for them. The aristocracy of old knew that their fortune was bound up with that of their countrymen. The modern elite lack this wisdom. Once enough of the hoi polloi realize it, it is only a matter of time before these pseudo-elites are deposed from their pedestal.


With Trump’s election, the problem of federal government being used for political purposes will be mitigated. However, the problems with our indulgent pseudo-elite will continue to be a force that prevents the patriarchy from returning. In any case, we can be grateful that the election of 2016 has exposed some of the cancers that are eating away at our society.

Michael Sebastian, Return of Kings 14 Comments [11/23/2016 3:01:35 AM]
Fundie Index: 9
Submitted By: Chris
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