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Quote# 116273

Perhaps the greatest hypocrisy of the modern atheist is whining that Christianity is overly controlling and crying about individual rights, while at the same time insisting that God, if He were truly good, should directly take over the world and establish a totalitarian theocracy so as to eliminate evil. The modern atheist is a spoiled brat, demanding freedom to do whatever he wants, while also throwing a tantrum because his parent does not fix all his problems for him.

And you have the audacity to accuse UMN of focusing on his "first world problems", when atheism is overwhelmingly a phenomenon found among the rich, the privileged, the pampered. Those starving children and their parents are far more likely to believe in God than you ever will be. They understand that a world without God is a world without justice. They understand that it is precisely the existence of God that makes their suffering mean something, that guarantees their lives are not in vain. But you, from the comfort of your first world lives, talk about suffering and death as one talks about war after having played Starcraft. You don't know the first thing about suffering and death.

A lot of the suffering in this world can be fixed, but there is a lot more than we can do nothing about. There are hundreds of millions of people in this world for whom, even in the best of circumstances - even if we abolished capitalism, war, and world hunger - life would still be filled with suffering. Some of them have an incurable chronic medical condition, some of them have childhood trauma that they will never overcome, some of them have seen loved ones die and will never be able to smile again. Atheism has nothing to say to these people, and nothing to give them but despair and darkness. "Life sucks and then you die."

That is why atheism is the religion of the rich and privileged. Because only the rich and privileged can endure to look at this rotten world and say "yup, this is all there is, and I'm fine with that."

Constantinopolis, Nationstates 26 Comments [1/23/2016 10:00:26 AM]
Fundie Index: 11
Submitted By: zyr

Quote# 116267

[An older article talking about the 2014 Grammy's]

Beyoncé was later joined by her husband Jay-Z who seems to revel in the lustings of strangers for his wife. What kind of man gets pleasure from his wife’s flaunting of her sexuality and from the certain knowledge that men desire to do things to his wife because of her arousing dress and actions? Is it money that motivates his eager embrace of his wife’s immodesty, or pride that he has access to her body when all other leering men do not? If it’s money, how is he different from a pimp?

Beyoncé’s performance reinforced the cultural deceit that modesty and the notion that conjugal love is private are archaic puritanical irrelevancies. Beyoncé has abused her power as a beloved role model for young girls to teach them terrible lessons about sexuality and marriage.


Beyoncé’s vulgar anti-woman, anti-marriage performance foreshadowed the climactic setpiece of the evening: Queen Latifah, long-rumored to be a lesbian, officiated at the “weddings” of 33 couples, many of whom were same-sex couples, while accompanied by the preachy, feckless song “Same Love” by Macklemore and the song “Open Your Heart” by the Dorian Gray-esque Madonna. It was a sorry, sick, non-serious ceremony that looked like something from the garish dystopian world of the Hunger Games, replete with a cheering sycophantic audience, faux-stained glass windows, a faux-choir, a homosexual faux-pastorette, and “Madonna” with her faux-face. It was a non-wedding festooned with all the indulgent gimcrackery of Satan’s most alluring playground: Hollywood.

Here’s an excerpt from theologian and pastor Doug Wilson’s must-read blog post about the meretricious Grammy extravaganza—I mean “wedding”:

[T]hose Christians still besotted by our contemporary sintertainment standards are not going to reflect on how compromised they all are until next year, when the Grammys will have John the Baptist’s head brought out on a platter. And even then, there will be no little debate about it, because some of our more illustrious cultural thinkers will no doubt point out that John’s somewhat direct method of approaching Herod left something to be desired. It was not — let us be frank — an invitation to mutually constructive dialog. It ended badly, to be sure, and John did have such promising gifts and so it grieves us to say that, at least in part, he brought it upon himself.


Self-righteous Grammy “sintertainers” just hammered another nail in the cultural coffin of marriage.

Laurie Higgins and Doug Wilson, Illinois Family Institute 14 Comments [1/23/2016 9:27:18 AM]
Fundie Index: 14
Submitted By: AJ Williams

Quote# 116266

Even if they are born as gays (I have yet to see any concrete evidence of this) research shows that a homosexual can change orientation as many as eight times during their life and it is true that some heterosexuals have orientation changes as well.
So then homosexuality is simply a lifestyle choice and it is one that will cause severe social problems in the near future.
Toleration is a joke. If you think everyone should be tolerated equally then you go to the prisons and free everyone because people in jail are being discriminated against and that is a hate crime.

Homosexuality defies institution of marriage. This creates the perfect environment to raise a suicidal, abused, or neglected child. This results in a higher rate of crime amongst minors and will create vicious adult criminals. Marriage is the underlying fabric of society and without it we will end up in perpetual civil war.
It is true that the family system is failing but is that a reason to add to its demise?

My point is that we all have to make judgements or else our society will die. You admit to judging when children are involved, does that make you homophobic if an adult gay has a sexual relation with a minor? The problem we face is that homosexuality is a gateway to other more disturbing sexual relations. You judge one because you think it is worse. I judge both because one leads to the other. I am not homophobic I work with a few gay people (really nice guys) one of my best friends in high school was gay. The issue does not lie with the individual but the lifestyle.

What people don't consider is that the acceptance of same sex marriage actually stops heterosexuals from marrying; this causes children to grow up in a more unstable environment. Marriage has already been a crumbling idea but now it is just been made a complete joke http://www.mensnewsdaily.com/archive/p/purcell/2005/purcell081105.htm
Two straight men are going to get married so that they can get some tax breaks and other benefits tied into marriage. And get this "News of the pending engagement didn't sit well with same-sex marriage activist Bruce Walker, a Toronto lawyer. He complained that marriage should be for love." Is Bruce upset that straight men benefit from his fight?

all that a group need to do is convince people that they are being discriminated against. If suddenly there is a threat of committing a hate crime people will openly accept that which they disagree with otherwise they risk being intolerant. If pedophiles can 'prove' they are born that way then they have as much legal standing as gays do.

[i bet ethereal is homophobic too.... ]

ou just lost yourself a bet. See this is the kind of logic that perpetuates hate. Some gays choose to make themselves martyrs in an attempt to justify their acts. It's just a blame game. I am entitled to all the opinions I want and if you don't like it then maybe you are intolerant

[they had the courage to stand up to their most likely homophobic parents and say "i'm gay". that's more than the people who discriminate against them can say.]

Not true the people who discriminate against them stand up to the majority and get labelled intolerant. And being intolerant is a much worse label to live with.

I struggled with sexual identity for a few years. I was often considered gay by those who didn't know me and I believed that I was really a woman in a man's body. This was likely a result of gender roles that have been arbitrarily exaggerated and thus causing this confusion. I consciously choose to be straight because it made the most sense to me and I have been perfectly happy with that decision.

Being genetic does not make sense, being a chemical imbalance in the brain does make sense but then that would make being gay a medical condition.

EtherealMeekle, CaptainCynic 19 Comments [1/23/2016 9:24:31 AM]
Fundie Index: 15
Submitted By: Menomaru

Quote# 116265

Video Demon Exorcism by Brother Carlos ..... works!!!

Strange saying this, especially from a person like me who's against religion.
Brother Carlos has a series of videos where he casts out demons in the name of Jesus. I saw it in this thread:
Thread: PORNOGRAPHY and INSOMNIA DEMONS - Demons causing insomnia and porn addiction - SET YOURSELF FREE

Since I have this particular demon problem (not pornography, but vampirism) from childhood (demonic attachement and vampirism) I decided to have a go at it, and to my surprise, I saw definite signs of ceasing of demonic activity.

It works. Depends on the kind of demonic attack you have.

I don't want to change my attitude towards Christianity to one of acceptance, but since he is banishing demons in the name of Jesus, I must say I am surprised . It works!!

Methinks its more the personal spiritual belief that Brother Carlos has, and the definite belief he has placed in Jesus, this is the power that banishes the demons.

You could do this using any name, provided you have a deep seated belief in a high spiritual power. Your belief must be concrete.

Anyway, my thanks to Brother Carlos, and yes you too Jesus of Nazareth..... if you did exist that is.

abhie, Godlike Productions 10 Comments [1/23/2016 9:23:59 AM]
Fundie Index: 13

Quote# 116261

God would be quite unfair to save anyone.

Our intuition that God should save all people rather than just some is based in our false but natural feeling that all people deserve saving. Even after we are converted and know better, we still tend to think of people as basically good when of course they are the opposite. But once we look at human beings from God’s perspective instead of our own, we realize that he ought to punish us all in hell forever. He ought not let a single one of us into heaven. That’s why it’s called the “gospel of grace”: grace is undeserved favor.

In other words, not a single person ever has any claim whatsoever on God’s salvation. If God decides to give it to some people, he is being gratuitously kind to them. He is not giving them what they deserve. Commensurately, his failing to be gratuitously kind to other people is not a defect or imperfection on his part. He has utterly no obligation to those he didn’t pick for salvation—because they have utterly no basis to expect his favor. He is not unfair to give them what they deserve—hell—he is, in fact, perfectly fair.

Dominic Bnonn Tennan, STRESS-TESTING THE MIND OF CHRIST 15 Comments [1/23/2016 9:22:19 AM]
Fundie Index: 12

Quote# 116257

OK, pro-aborts, let's just cut to the chase here: you want to promote abortion? Let's do it. Let's show a 12 week surgical abortion from all angles - that is 1st tri. Let's see the ultrasound beforehand - on a calibrated machine. Let's see the entire procedure from various angles - the mom, the "doktor" (a GoPro headcam will suffice just fine), the "nurse" cam - the whole works. The "products of conception" neatly laid out on the tray. Interviews with the woman explaining the reason for the abortion - she cannot afford to raise the child. Let's keep the cameras going while she is recovering in the "clinic," limping her way out to the car. Let's see where the "products" are stored following the abortion. Can we see that?

You pro-aborts are fighting hard for this "right," you come onto LAN and suck the oxygen out of the space - spamming pro-lifers, so let's see it - let's all see it, OK?!? Why not? What do you have to hide? We have women who are proud of their abortions now - it shouldn't be difficult to find one to make a short documentary, right? They are PROUD. This is your CAUSE - show it to us!

WorldGoneCrazy, Live Action News 25 Comments [1/23/2016 4:37:11 AM]
Fundie Index: 12

Quote# 116254

With God clearly using Satan {scriptures can be provided} to bring Judgement on the world as we run up to the last day,in the form of Death,sickness,famine,wars,also hardening the hearts of un-believers,the day of Grace fading the prospect of knowing you have been used by Satan and he loves his victims of un-belief and also hates you all his servants very much.

Eternity with him will not be much fun,and your chances of escaping hell are very,very low.How do you victims feel about that. 8) That you have fallen for Satan's scam.

~TW~, Religion and Ethics 14 Comments [1/23/2016 4:33:05 AM]
Fundie Index: 11
Submitted By: NearlySane

Quote# 116253

A female professor from the renowned Al-Azhar University in Cairo, Egypt, says that Muslim men are allowed by Allah to rape non-Muslim women in order to “humiliate” them. Professor Suad Saleh made the bold claims while being interviewed on Al-Hayat TV. The professor says that the rape is allowed during times of “legitimate war” between Muslims and their enemies.

LiveLeak posted the startling video which shows the interview of the Islamic female professor Suad Saleh as she spoke on Al-Hayat TV. In the video, Suad Saleh is seemingly trying to discourage the purchase of slaves from Asian countries for sexual purposes. Instead, she says that Allah has given the Muslim men a way to have sexual relations with slave women that is “legitimate.” Saleh suggests that the only time it is acceptable for Muslim men to enslave a woman for sexual purposes is during a “legitimate war” between Muslims and their enemies such as that with Israel. Therefore, the female Islamic professor says that enslaving Israeli women and raping them would be entirely acceptable and encouraged.

In the video transcript provided by The Middle East Media Research Institute, Professor Suad Saleh says that slavery existed before Islam and anyone could trade “freeborn men and women” which was the equivalent to human organ trade. However, she says Islam put slavery “into order” by regulating when slavery was allowed. Saleh claims that Islam clearly defines when slavery is allowed and when it isn’t. She says the only “legitimately-owned slaves come from among prisoners from a war.” Therefore, she says Muslim men currently taking women from East Asia for sexual purposes are acting against Allah and against the Islamic faith. Instead, she says these men should be taking female prisoners of war for sexual purposes as a means to humiliate them.

“The female prisoners of wars are ‘those whom you own.’ In order to humiliate them, they become the property of the army commander, or of a Muslim, and he can have sex with them just like he has sex with his wives.”

Professor Suad Saleh, Inquisitr 26 Comments [1/23/2016 4:32:08 AM]
Fundie Index: 23

Quote# 116252

["$10/g would cost me $150 a fill-up. With going to school and dialysis, I need to fill up a minimum of every 2 weeks. So $300/mo or more on SSDI — or how about a giant fuck me for being disabled poor right?"]

Point being that at $10 you wouldn’t BE filling up — you’d carpool, use public transit, bike, walk, or buy an electric vehicle. All of which would become cheaply and readily available with the economy of scale. And neighborhoods would quickly become walkable, as stores moved to their customers as opposed to expecting their customers to drive to the mall.

But I think that you missed the main thrust of the article and my response — that these taxes would be rebated to the poor.

["Rebated once a year — big whoop. And I’m not biking let alone walking 6 miles after dialysis. And I am in NW Montana — bus service does not run in my area. And for some people, the dialysis clinic is nearly 60 miles away."]

Public transit will be vastly improved if sufficient demand is created. But like so many, I see you feel your convenience is more important than the survival of the human race.

["My convenience is for my fucking survival. So I suppose it’s ok for the disabled poor to die if they live in the wrong areas, for the greater good of course. Fuck that."]

Only in your mind does using public transit, carpooling, or switching to an electric vehicle equate with dying. Around here they provide non-emergency transportation for medical needs, you can get a scooter that gets a couple hundred miles to the gallon dirt cheap, and people electrify their bicycles. But I guess you’d die without a gas guzzling single passenger vehicle, and can’t afford to pay five bucks for the gas for a twelve mile round trip for your $90,000 a year dialysis.

["Oh how I would love to be able to afford a electric vehicle on SSDI of 1k a month. Or ride a scooter in 20 deg snow covered roads. But hey — denigrate the disabled poor some more. Bet you think chained CPI is great too because we just need to adapt better. Have a good evening, you are not worth responding to anymore."]

ypochris, Daily Kos 25 Comments [1/23/2016 4:31:57 AM]
Fundie Index: 8

Quote# 116251

God deserves the glory because He created us, and the air we breath and food we eat that maintains our lives. He deserves our praise. Humans who are selfish do not deserve the glory because all of their achievements were accomplished with something that they would not have without God.

[God deserves the glory because he made us for his own amusement and punishes us for acting in a manner that he has specifically created us to. But hey, he made us, so... that makes him good? What kind of morality is that? Does an abusive mother deserve eternal praise because she birthed and fed her kids?]

What? He never punishes us for acting the way He created us for, He punishes us for acting sinfully (which because of Adam and Eve's sin is now a part of human nature). And I would say that a mother does not deserve eternal praise because ultimately it was God who created those children.

Grand Calvert, Nationstates 8 Comments [1/23/2016 4:30:06 AM]
Fundie Index: 4
Submitted By: zyr

Quote# 116249

My mother is a Christian woman that has stood by her story for 22 years. She tried to have an abortion and when I cried out, she had the doctor put me back in. We're not lying

Anonymous, Tumblr 31 Comments [1/23/2016 4:26:28 AM]
Fundie Index: 29
Submitted By: Demon Duck of Doom

Quote# 116248

It is clear therefore that Martin Luther King is an antichrist, a rejecter of Christian Faith and Doctrine and a vile heretic. He is almost akin to another Luther whom we have already discussed about previously in great length, except Martin Luther King (whose real name is Michael Luther King, since he adopted the name “Martin”) was twice the son of hell than Martin Luther the German heretic.

May Christians wake out of their slumber and stop promoting a son of Satan who looked to Greek philosophers for his inspiration rather than Christ our God. This is no slander and I will conclude with this admission from King himself regarding his expectation of who he expected to see on the day before his last day on earth on April 3, 1968:

“As you know, if I were standing at the beginning of time, with the possibility of general and panoramic view of the whole human history up to now, and the Almighty said to me, ‘Martin Luther King, which age would you like to live in?’– I would take my mental flight by Egypt through, or rather across the Red Sea, through the wilderness on toward the promised land. And in spite of its magnificence, I wouldn’t stop there. I WOULD MOVE ON BY GREECE, AND TAKE MY MIND TO MOUNT OLYMPUS. AND I WOULD SEE PLATO, ARISTOTLE, SOCRATES, EURIPIDES AND ARISTOPHANES ASSEMBLED AROUND THE PARTHENON AS THEY DISCUSSED THE GREAT AND ETERNAL ISSUES OF REALITY.” (“I See the Promised Land”, April 3, 1968)

Martin Luther King did not value Christ, the Prophets and the Apostles and Fathers, but rather esteemed the godless Greek philosophers as of greater worth! He most certainly got his eternal wish but now he has realised too late in eternity where that has led him to. May this be a wake-up call for Christians to not worship an antichrist, modernistic heretic and let God be true and every man a liar. (Romans 3:4).

God bless.

Thomas King, Shoebat.com 14 Comments [1/23/2016 4:26:09 AM]
Fundie Index: 16

Quote# 116240

If you believe that you are entitled, that women should obey, submit, serve, that unless you are buying sex by the hour, women should be sacrificing their own good to serve you, then red pill behavior comes naturally.

If, on the other hand, you believe that women are equals, then it seems obvious that you should treat them “fairly” – which is to say, as if buying sex by the hour. Even if you know the red pill intellectually, it seems horribly unfair that women should respond to you doing good to them by doing bad to you, and equally unfair that the more you demand from women, the more you get.

If you don’t know the red pill, but believe that women should submit and obey, you will naturally act red pill. If you do know the red pill, but believe women are equals, then doing what gets you laid will seem artificial, unnatural, repugnant, and immoral, and women will seem bad when such behavior works.

If you think of woman as equals, you cannot judge yourself to be a good man when you do what gets you laid, and you cannot judge a woman to be a good woman when you do what gets you laid, and then she obeys you, has sex with you, and serves you.

But such a woman is a good woman. Women are content to serve, and should be content. Only whores are equals, and equal women are whores.

Jim, Jim's Blog 23 Comments [1/23/2016 4:22:37 AM]
Fundie Index: 16

Quote# 116239

I'm guessing that's not intended to be sarcasm. But I've got news for you, EVERY government is UNTRUSTWORTHY. One need simply exam the greatest number of deaths are caused not by lone nuts with rifles but by organized government activity. We could go on and on listing the atrocities that Governments (even well meaning ones) have committed.

In the US, our govt. is more tyrannical than at any given point in its past. It can spy on us without cause. It can steal from us without cause. It can arrest us without charge. ALL activities that our forefathers established a government with restrictions on in order to prevent. Sure you may say, if you've done nothing wrong, you've nothing to fear. I'm sure that's what was said when the first Nuremburg laws were passed...The government is slowly but surely become less and less answerable to the people that hold the power in this nation, the electorate.

I'm a conservative. I'm a veteran. I happen to think that the men that wrote the Constitution were far smarter than any we have in govt. today. I swore an oath to protect and defend that Constitution. I own a couple of rifles (which I've never fired other than to zero). If the day comes, where there is an attempt to seize weapons from the civilian populace, it will be the day that I get those rifles out and plan to start shooting politicians. It's my fervent hope that day never passes. but if it does my friend you can be sure that it will be the start of a 2nd civil war.

We can go on and on about Gun Control/Seizure in the US, but it will not happen and if by chance, we get to the point that semi-automatic rifles are outlawed... well you can expect the streets to run red with blood. I don't think that's being overly dramatic either. The people that are passionate about gun rights, will not go peaceably into the night.

sapguy, Starship Modeler Discussion Forums 14 Comments [1/23/2016 4:22:25 AM]
Fundie Index: 4

Quote# 116238

The desire to hurt and be hurt, along with the desire to dominate and be dominated, runs deep within human nature. We were created by God to find pleasure in total submission to Him, and since submission is only possible where there is a difference in wills, God then designed us with an intense desire to dominate. Throw God out of the picture and these two intensely strong desires start looking for other targets that they can feast on. Other humans stand out as very tantalizing subjects, and soon we’re grouping up in partnerships in which BDSM “play” is engaged in.

So what exactly is BDSM? The broadest definition of the acronym attempts to combine the concepts of bondage/domination (B/D) with dominance/submission (D/S) and finally sadism/masochism (S/M). The basic goal is to enhance the experience of sexual arousal by introducing the elements of physical abuse, emotional degradation, and sexual abuse. Fans of BDSM look down on normal or “vanilla” sex as being dull and unsatisfying, thus they say, “Hey, here’s an idea: let’s torture and rape each other.” And because there are two consenting adults involved (at least everyone’s consenting when the games first begin), they don’t use words like torture, assault, and abuse, even though they’re engaging in the same kinds of activities. Online there are whole arsenals of torture devices which are being sold under the label of “sex toys.” The draw of these things is that they make it easier to really hurt each other. Whips, blindfolds, collars, chains, spanking paddles—it’s all good fun, right? It’s a cinch to find special devices that are designed to inflict pain on the most sensitive areas of the body (bring on those nipple pinchers, and genital whips). And if anyone tries to use the term “perverse” about such activities, the BDSM community gets all up in arms about being discriminated against.

So why is BDSM bad? It’s a very real thing to get sexually aroused by beating someone until they’re bleeding and crying. And as long as your victim cheerfully signed on to “play”, what’s the problem? Well, the problem is that mutual consent doesn’t define right and wrong, God does, and He says that this whole BDSM package is very wrong. Try to blow off the limitations God has set on you, and He responds with some creative forms of discipline. For example, God has set limits on how much heat your soft tissues can withstand without becoming damaged. You can try to ignore those limits by sticking your hand in a fire or touching that hot stove burner. Rather than take away your option to disrespect His rules, God lets you rebel to your heart’s content—but He also makes sure you get burned in the process. Keep sticking your hand in that fire, and you’re going to end up with severe injuries and eventually a loss of functionality.

The same principle is at work with BDSM. God is totally against the entire “degrade and be degraded” package. You can choose not to respect this, but you can’t change the fact that God has set limits on you which you cannot push past without injuring yourself. BDSM is going to mess you up on deep levels. It will cripple your ability to form healthy relationships, it will warp your view of people as well as yourself, and it will cause you to drift way off course spiritually. You see, you can’t go against God’s rules without getting burned. There’s just no way to sneak around a Creator who rules with absolute Authority while carefully coordinating every detail of your personal life.

So what exactly is God’s problem with BDSM? God is certainly into submission, and He’s a very dominating Guy. So what’s wrong with us having a lark with these themes? Well the problem is that when we play our BDSM games, we’re focusing on the wrong targets.

Anna Diehl, The Pursuit of God 20 Comments [1/23/2016 4:22:05 AM]
Fundie Index: 19

Quote# 116235

The 1st Amendment is our Law So you are in favor of putting preachers in cages for following there conscience . why aren't you attacking Imams for preaching hate and refusing to do gay marriages ? MORE importantly why is the big issue how terrible it is for Christians to simply follow there religion when islam throws them off roofs hangs and even shoots " gays " in our own land while condoning having sex with prepubescent children and animals ... Why is baking a " GAY CAKE " the biggest priority in the universe while we are sweeping pedophilia under the carpet and child rape is a global crisis ? People are having emotional meltdowns over not being able to have effeminate strippers in pink g strings hoping out of " gay cakes " but say nothing of greatest human trafficking / rape / sale and abduction of U S CHILDREN in the ETIORE HISTORY OF AMERICA a bust that extended to several states and 29 Somalian MUSLIMS DOING the SAME DAMN ( used in true context ) THINGS AS MUHAMMAD DID .=. ... How did this become the " PRIORITY " to " combat the non baking of gay wedding cakes " which is actually protected under " freedom of religion " in our very first Amendment yet you over look HEADHUNTER PEDOPHILE LIAR "prophet "followers RAPING /KIDNAPPING AND SELLING OUR CHILDREN " religiously " in a non peaceful assembly cult .. ... its like Pedophile enabling Killery Clinton saying she will "bring to justice " an out spoken coptic CHRISTIAN film maker practicing his 1st amendment right ... but not going after the MUSLIMS FOLLOWING ISLAM terrorist who killed OUR AMERICAN DEFENDERS ... you place NON ISSUES over REAL ISSUES and in your false focus also sweep the greatest priorities of all under the carpet Quran (26:165-166) - "Of all the creatures in the world, will ye approach males, "And leave those whom Allah has created for you to be your mates? Nay, ye are a people transgressing"/ IRONICAL MUHAMMAD CONDONES RAPE OF CHILDREN AND ANIMALS BUT NOT SAME SEX CONVENTUALS

Parks Curtis, Christian News Network 12 Comments [1/23/2016 4:20:59 AM]
Fundie Index: 11

Quote# 116234

As long as they give up their jobs and businesses, right? Christianity is lived 24/7, not just in private as sodomites would prefer, but it doesn't work that way. I live as a Christian but I am not forcing others to submit to my belief even though I will boldly speak out what the word of God says about sin but the choice is still there for one to receive it or not, that is not what is going on with the "gay agenda" as you put it but none the less it's still called sodomy in God's word. I am not holding a knife to your throat demanding you accept my belief in Christ but sodomites want every Christian out of public jobs and businesses they began with the grace of God. You have the choice not to come to my business just as I choose where I go but sodomites choose to sue everyone who doesn't agree with them or serve them, they boo hoo intolerance but I am not boo hooing intolerance if you do not accept my faith and I am not suing you for your intolerance either for I know that God will judge on that day and I am so at peace with allowing Him His vengeance and judgment for sin that is not repented of through Christ. My job is to live my faith as pleasing to God and I'll leave the weightier matters to Him but I will continue to put Him first daily and trust in Him. One day the persecutions you throw at the children of God for obeying Him will come upon you in horrific ways if you do not repent, His grace is extended to you for at least today for you might not have a tomorrow like you think. John 15:20 Jesus said to those who follow and obey Him these words, vs20 Remember the word that I said unto you, The servant is not greater than his lord. If they have persecuted me, they will also persecute you; if they have kept my saying, they will keep yours also.
So, I am not worried or afraid, Praise the Name of Jesus whose Name is above every Name given under Heaven and Earth and to which every knee shall bow and every tongue will confess that He is LORD!

Josey, Christian News Network 11 Comments [1/23/2016 4:20:57 AM]
Fundie Index: 5

Quote# 116232

Correct. This is what I am saying.

And yeah, Plato may be rolling in his grave... but Plato lived over 2300 years ago. If it were actually possible to get an objective good without God, then why haven't secular philosophers reached any sort of consensus on what is objectively good after 2300 years of discussing it?

Because, without God, objective good does not exist. You haven't found it after 2300 years because there is nothing to find.

Constantinopolis, Nationstates 20 Comments [1/22/2016 3:47:14 PM]
Fundie Index: 6
Submitted By: zyr

Quote# 116222

US Government: Litigating Arm For Islam?

Those who vehemently loathe the Judeo-Christian roots of America, have always squealed a false narrative whenever they wanted to distance themselves from America's founding principles: Separation of church and state.


Now here's the incongruity...the screamers for the State, have suddenly become the advocates of a political system masquerading as a religion (Islam). A system that plans, as per its directives, to conquer and replace our system with draconian dictates that are the antithesis to freedom.


Instead of protecting the American people from those following an ideology that has an explicit goal of either converting, enslaving (as we still see today in Africa), or killing (i.e. San Bernardino, Ft. Hood, etc.)...the Justice Dept. has chosen to protect followers OF that ideology enabling those followers to continue their reign of terror against free people.


It appears that the US government has now become the policing and litigating arm of the Islamic faith. A violation of the First Amendment. [...] Islamic Sharia Law prohibits the disparaging/criticism of Islam, Allah or Muhammed. This violation carries grave consequences to the perp. So, why is the Executive branch of the US government enforcing Islamic Law?

Audrey Russo, Rapture Forums 15 Comments [1/22/2016 3:44:44 PM]
Fundie Index: 7

Quote# 116220

Is there a Trojan horse amongst the genuine refugees, men and women seeking entry to mainland Europe simply to bring terror? Paris and Cologne provide us with the stark picture of Europe's new reality. It is clear that Islamic fundamentalism has already come to mainland Europe, it is already there, embedding itself within its communities.

Matt Ward, Rapture Forums 10 Comments [1/22/2016 3:43:07 PM]
Fundie Index: 2

Quote# 116219

The White Camelia Knights of the Ku Klux Klan has a very clear and simple understanding on the subject of homosexuality. Homosexuality is a perversion of nature and a filthy, diseased and perverted lifestyle. Homosexuals cannot reproduce, so it is only logical that they recruit others into their perverted lifestyle. One of the ways in which they do this is in shopping malls and other public gathering locations. Police officers will tell you that homosexual predators will hang out in shopping malls and similar type locations looking for young teenagers that are in a partying mood and supply the finances for the party to get close to the youth. They hang around youth centers and music concerts and one of the newest and sickest ways of recruiting is now through adoption. When two men or two women adopt a child it only stands to reason that the child will be raised as a homosexual or lesbian. Homosexuals will deny these alegations of perverted recruitment but they have been proven to be true time and time again. This perverted practice of adoption is all to clear, common sense tells us that when a man or woman raises a child, they raise that child to the standard both moral and sexual that their lifestyle mirrors.

Homosexuals are the predominant carriers of the AIDS virus with 90% of all AIDS cases coming through homosexuality and or IV drug use. What no one tells the American people is that this is a self imposed sickness, if homosexuals would stop their perverted lifestyle and drug use we would not have the problem we have today with AIDS and other venereal diseases.

Pro-homosexual government officials in Washington, D.C. are not going to tell the American people the truth, in fact according to a resent study by the congressional research service, reveals that AIDS was only the 9th most common killer of American's in 1991. However, AIDS has received more research funding than the foremost common killers such as cancer and heart disease. It's obvious as to where the government's priorities are and with whom.

The Klan's belief on homosexuality is not homophobic, but like all subjects, it's based on our biblical beliefs. So what does the bible teach us about these perverted lifestyles. In Leviticus 18:22 we read "Thou shalt not lie with mankind, as with womankind it is abomination." Also in Leviticus 20:13 "If a man also lie with mankind as he lieth with a woman, both of them have committed an abomination, they shall surely be put to death, their blood shall be upon them." In Deuteronomy 23:17 we read "There shall be no whore of the daughters of Israel, nor a sodomite of the sons of Israel.".

SlaveMaster Productions, White Camelia Knights of the Ku Klux Klan 16 Comments [1/22/2016 3:42:56 PM]
Fundie Index: 7
Submitted By: TimeToTurn

Quote# 116218

Theodore Shoebat, who was among the dozens of anti-gay activists, Republican members of Congress and GOP presidential hopefuls to be featured in Janet Porter's recent anti-gay "Light Wins" documentary, posted a new video over the weekend calling for a global "Inquisition" to eradicate homosexuality once and for all.

Outraged over reports that a doctor had been let go by Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center for repeatedly spreading anti-gay material to colleagues, Shoebat posted a video declaring that "sodomite homo Sharia" was being imposed on America by "sodomite bastards" and "faggots" who do nothing but "go around spreading AIDS."

The only solution, he declared, is the imposition of a global law criminalizing homosexuality that will be enforced by a modern-day Inquisition with the power to put gays to death.

"I'm sick and tired of the homo tyranny," he said. "What the world needs is a collective law ... What we need is the laws of God, the virtues of Heaven to become the law of the world. That is the bottom line. Do I believe in Christian world domination? Absolutely. I would be a liar if I said I didn't. Do I believe in Christian supremacy? Absolutely. Do I believe in democracy? Hell no. Do I believe in some sort of democratic socialist republic? Hell no. I believe in monarchy, I believe in Inquisitions, I believe we need to revive the system of the Middle Ages that we had; we had no fag problems, we didn't have a lot of serial killers back in those days, we didn't have frickin drug cartel problems, we had none of the crap. We didn't have no fags asking to be married. None of that garbage."

"It's homo tyranny and it needs to be destroyed," Shoebat continued, "Christian world domination needs to be established and homosexuality needs to be deemed as a crime. And the homos need to be told, hey, you gotta stop that and if they don't stop that then, I'm sorry, we have an Inquisition and that Inquisition will enact the death penalty, as Scripture tells us."

Theodore Shoebat, Right Wing Watch 44 Comments [1/22/2016 4:20:11 AM]
Fundie Index: 25

Quote# 116216

The jewish and negro dominated government in Washington, D.C. has seen fit these last several years to open a witchhunt against elderly patriots. There is a Bill in Congress to fund the investigation (persecution) for the next 10 years of these men who resisted the invasion by communists and race-mixers in the 1950’s and 60’s. It is our duty as Christians and White patriots to render whatever aid we can to these men. We should render white-hot aid to thwart as best we can their “cold-case” persecution.

In the best of times and health, it must be difficult to be in prison. But Christian patriots like Edgar Ray Killen are languishing in prison, separated from wife and friends in their OLD age.

Mississippi White Knights, Mississippi White Knights 16 Comments [1/22/2016 4:19:27 AM]
Fundie Index: 16
Submitted By: TimeToTurn

Quote# 116214

Original Knight Riders of the Ku Klux Klan, Original Knight Riders of the Ku Klux Klan 27 Comments [1/22/2016 4:19:07 AM]
Fundie Index: 11
Submitted By: TimeToTurn

Quote# 116213

At the ground floor, Islam is tribal. The Iraqis viewed us as the American Tribe. Tribes raid each other. Their members lash out and kill each other over insults. They count coup on each other. They steal and humiliate each other's women. Tribes are nomadic and they are concerned with honor.

Tribes from Iraq, Syria and North Africa can come to Europe, set up their own territories, pile up loot and then humiliate the native women for New Year's Eve. And then laugh at the impotence of the European tribal authorities.

The Islamic no-go zones are seen primarily as religious, but they are also tribal. Islam incorporates both. Islamic migration also expands tribal territories. It's always been that way.

And this is also how Muslims fight us on a tribal level. They attack the honor of the European tribes. But it's not as if the Merkel government or any of the other European Socialist governments have any concept of honor anyway.

While European Socialists attempt to integrate them with "our values", the ungrateful integratees are showing that the systems have no honor on a tribal level and are not worth taking seriously.

Beyond the tribal, is the religious. In Islam, religion remains limited to the most primitive level of "My tribal deity Allah is stronger than your deity because we beat you up."

This is literally what Allahu Akbar means.

Daniel Greenfield, Sultan Knish 14 Comments [1/22/2016 4:18:46 AM]
Fundie Index: 6
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