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Quote# 116416

Hmm. Just when we were getting ready to celebrate another step in the transition to non-carbon energy.

OK, so: a few things to know about that coal shipping terminal:

Nonviolent direct action is justified, as collective self-defense, in light of the true existential threat of climate change.

A five-pound sack of sugar dropped off a freeway overpass so it lands in the loading-hopper of a concrete truck, will cause its load of concrete to fail to harden after it’s poured.

A phone call to the media the day after the concrete is poured (find a pay phone and use it), will cause building inspectors to come looking for the failed concrete in the structure.

A few people around with cameras will make the presence of the building inspectors public news.

["Sabotage is not civil disobedience. Doing something that could cause a building to fail is an act of criminal sabotage. I will have no part of any such suggestion or discussion."]

If you knew the first thing about construction, then you would know (or have figured out) that when concrete fails to set, as soon as the forms are removed it slushes down into a puddle. That’s not going to cause a building to fail, so it’s not sabotage.

Get this: climate change = billions of casualties.

That’s hundreds of times the Holocaust.

Figure out the implications of that.

["I’ve work with concrete , not all concrete goes into removable forms . Some is poured atop other concrete and then has more concrete poured atop it . Bad concrete can be like a void inside a larger mass of good concrete . Something that looks fine from the outside can have a serious problem inside . If that flaw is not found and repaired …"]

G2geek, Daily Kos 20 Comments [1/29/2016 3:03:35 PM]
Fundie Index: 10

Quote# 116415

[I'm pro choice as a matter of pragmatism. Why go back to the days of back ally abortions?]

Oh, you mean the back-alley abortions that didn’t happen, and were just a part of the pro-abort scare campaign?

And you fell for it. Sucker!!

your-uncle-dave, Tumblr 20 Comments [1/29/2016 3:02:50 PM]
Fundie Index: 18
Submitted By: Demon Duck of Doom

Quote# 116413

It should tell you something about carnists’ overall mindset that they think one of their most valid defenses against veganism is, “It’s wrong to tell people their beliefs are wrong.”

Literally, “I’m paying for torture and slaughter, but since you’re pointing that out, that makes you worse than me.”

Sometimes I don’t know whether to laugh or cry.

The-Vegan-Elves, I play spot the Vegan 23 Comments [1/29/2016 3:02:32 PM]
Fundie Index: 7
Submitted By: Ivurm

Quote# 116412

Shut up.

You are not an omnivore, you are a carnist.

You are not designed to eat meat, you choose to.

Viktoriaashleyy, I play spot the Vegan 28 Comments [1/29/2016 3:02:21 PM]
Fundie Index: 13
Submitted By: Ivurm

Quote# 116408

i haven't read any rape stats and never met anyone who was raped as far as i know, but from what i understand, stranger rape is pretty rare. like a guy dragging you into an alley way. i'd imagine its especially rare in urban (city, not black) areas where there is a lot of foot traffic so stuff like that is harder to get away with. because the chances of someone walking by, seeing it, and intervening are much higher. anyway, i'm assuming that most rapists are actually acquaintances / friends / relatives of the victim. so my question is why do you hang out with people you don't wanna have sex with? like if you're more likely to be raped by someone you socialize with rather than a stranger, doesn't it make sense to only socialize with attractive men? so that if you are forced to have sex, it will at least be with someone you like. this question is specifically for women who think all men are potential rapists.

edit - imagine if you were forced to work construction because your education level prevented you from getting an office job, wouldn't it make more sense to live in a city with warm weather? like ya, you're doing work you don't wanna do, but it could be worse. i don't wanna work outdoors, but i'd rather work outdoors in san diego than anchorage. just like forced sex is bad, but its not as bad if the guy is good looking.

lauren_collins, r/PurplePillDebate 29 Comments [1/29/2016 2:48:48 PM]
Fundie Index: 16
Submitted By: Demon Duck of Doom

Quote# 116407

I never said I was completely against migration. It's not healthy to completely close oneself off. I am, however, against migration from cultures which are completely opposed to ours, in this case Islamic countries. Islam by its nature imposes itself on everyone else by any means necessary, usually the sword. It's in its very DNA, right from the founder himself. Europe is Christian, or at least it's supposed to be. Apostasy is the reason why we're in this mess. We need to return to the faith which made Europe into the light of the world surrounded by darkness. We need a new Constantine.

ad_orientem, Religion and Ethics 28 Comments [1/29/2016 4:44:02 AM]
Fundie Index: 18
Submitted By: NearlySane

Quote# 116405

[I]f a 15 year old … can decide to have sex with a 16 year old … [h]ow come she cannot have sex with a 35 year old? Age discrimination by law?

Are you worried about manipulation of the tender 15 year old? I have a solution:

what about legalizing sex with underage adolescents, if they first undergo an hour of mandatory counselling and a 2 day cool off period? That should take care of this issue. This would guarantee safety for the 15 year old against being conned or manipulated. More safety that is offered to 21 year old tipsy Friday night party girls who may feel sorry for what they did yesterday

Human Stupidity, Human Stupidity 36 Comments [1/29/2016 4:43:31 AM]
Fundie Index: 9
Submitted By: Xadoy

Quote# 116404

"Eastern Poland" was in fact Western Ukraine and Western Belorussia. These provinces had been stolen by Poland when it partitioned Ukraine and Belorussia following its aggression against the soviet republics in 1919-20. The provinces of Lvov, Stanislavov, Tarnpol, and Volyn added to Ukraine had a population of 7 million of which 57% were Ukrainian and 7 % Jewish. The provinces of Novgorodek, Vilno, and Polesie added to Belorussia had a population of 3.5 million of which 50% were Belorussian and 9% jewish.

In regard to the Baltic states, Estonia and Latvia had been part of Russia since 1721. In Estonia, as in Petrograd, power passed to the soviets on 7 November 1917. By February 1918 soviets had been set up in four-fifths of the districts in Estonia, and revolutionary changes were under way. On February 18, 1918, German troops invaded Estonia. In November a bourgeois regime with K. Pats as prime minister was formed with the cooperation of the occupation authorities. On 29 November 1918, units of the Seventh Army, including Estonian regiments, liberated Narva, where the Estlandia Labor Commune was proclaimed that same day. Power passed to the Council of the Commune, whose chairman was Jan Anvelt. The government of Russia recognized the independence of Estonia in a decree signed by Lenin on 8 December 1918. Estonia was subject to foreign aggression. A British squadron invaded on 12 December 1918 and mercenaries from Finland, Sweden, and Denmark were brought to Estonia. Opening their offensive in early January 1919, the combined forces of the interventionists and White Guards smashed the Estlandia Labor Commune.

On 28 September 1939 Russia and Estonia signed a mutual assistance pact, providing for the stationing of Red Army troops in Estonia. In June 1940, Soviet troops entered Estonia with the consent of the Estonia regime. On 21 June workers’ demonstrations took place in Tallinn, Tartu, Narva, and other cities, and the regime was overthrown. A people’s government was formed under the leadership of J. Vares. In the 15 July 1940 election, 93 percent of the electorate voted for the candidates of the Working People’s League of Estonia, a united electoral coalition of the democratic strata. On 21 July 1940, the State Council proclaimed the restoration of Soviet rule and the establishment of the Estonian Soviet Republic. The State Council requested the Supreme Soviet of the USSR to admit Estonia into the USSR. On 6 August 1940 the Supreme Soviet of the USSR granted the request, and the Estonian SSR entered the USSR as a soviet socialist republic.

Sky, RevLeft 14 Comments [1/29/2016 4:42:42 AM]
Fundie Index: 5

Quote# 116402

I have just skim read the book ‘Date like a woman think like a man’ by Steve Harvey. It could be considered ‘The Game’ for women. In that case, I believe it could be considered a good thing. However, I don’t think it would actually work. Now, if you were to actually write the game when for women, it would be a really short book. It would go something like this “marry young, lose weight, be affectionate“. This however would not sell and would not get a huge film deal. So this book has been padded at and am filled with crap

Makeshift Alpha, Journey from Beta to Alpha Male 18 Comments [1/29/2016 4:20:33 AM]
Fundie Index: 8
Submitted By: Xadoy

Quote# 116400

[Talking about the "Center for Medical Progress" video-makers getting charged with buying human organs. They are trying to spin this to make it look like Planned Parenthood sold human organs]

It's as though the Watergate House Judiciary Committee were to have impeached Woodward & Bernstein instead of Nixon. @PPact

Russell Moore, Twitter 15 Comments [1/29/2016 4:19:44 AM]
Fundie Index: 8
Submitted By: AJ Williams

Quote# 116396

I heard we could face an energy crisis a few years ago,I thought well maybe the powers that be will sort it,today we are told not sorted=downhill de-creation. Also another 33 now claim the winning lottery ticket more evidence of God-less people who love lies and scams all hell bound,goats could it be with hardened hearts.

 So true Death Hell Problems stalk the unbeliever, also the EU say we must print the word fish on fish products and for those of you who cannot think a packet of peanuts contains nuts.

 Another myth is evolution but it is a get out of jail card worth holding on to at least it takes your mind off hell.

~TW~, Religion and Ethics 17 Comments [1/29/2016 4:03:43 AM]
Fundie Index: 14
Submitted By: Nearly Sane

Quote# 116393

Ugliness needs to be acknowledged as a MEDICAL DISORDER. Treatment for this socially and emotionally dibilitating disease should be understood as a HUMAN RIGHT! Also, people who chose to get treatment should NOT be shamed for it. They're doing the honorable thing instead of acting like they're entitled to more than they offer themselves.

Legalize steroids. Subsidize cosmetic surgery. If we don't, society will suffer the inevitable consequences of it's own self-delusion about the looks issue. Danger looms on the horizon. It will be a feminist's worst nightmare. The Rape Culture of today pales in comparison to the abominations ahead as more and more physically marginalized men wake up to the truth. We will see the rise of organized nerd-rage terrorist groups, as we as a society still refuse to acknowledge how sexaul marginalization pushes people who are already mentally unstable over the edge.

Our economy will be in grave danger as legions of "beta males" abandon their socioeconomic "responsibilities". How much of our economy is driven by the idea that a woman's love can somehow be bought? A LOT! If you understand that, then what do you think will happen to the economy when men wake up and understand female sexuality doesn't work like vending machine - as corporate advertising, hollywood movies and for-profit/mainstream dating advice has many men believe? It is no longer in society's best interest to pretend women are any less visual than men. LEGALIZE STEROIDS! SUBSIDIZE SURGERY!

Paradigm Shift, Sluthate.com 26 Comments [1/28/2016 6:39:47 PM]
Fundie Index: 16
Submitted By: Ivurm

Quote# 116390

Speak your mind. That's really it. If you do that, people will figure out really quickly that you're Southern and disturbingly unafraid to display that fact.

The South is, quite frankly, one of the last bastions of everything good about Western civilization, and "progressives" hate that. That's the entire reason they hate on the South so much. If they can associate the South with "racism and nothing else," then anything the South values is discarded automatically by emotion-driven idiots.

Think about it. The South is the last conservative Protestant culture on the planet. That alone makes it a target. Values like honor, hospitality, and personal independence are still fairly strong here, in stark contrast to the "progressive" portions of the country. One particular bit of Southern culture that progressives absolutely despise is that we still believe in the concept of justified violence by the common man - we applaud gun ownership, hunting, and self-defense. These things tie in to personal independence, as we aren't completely and utterly dependent on the government to save us.

Urban liberals want to consolidate their power. They worship centralization, central planning, stifling regulation, dependence on the government (and the urban liberals who run it), and collectivized anything. The South values the opposite of those things, so that should tell you all you need to know about why there's this war on the South.

This should also tell you why they feel the way they do about the Confederate flag. Whatever you may think about the flag, there's no disputing that anyone who flies it fundamentally believes that independence is a just cause and that states have the power to leave the Union. This idea, this concept of state sovereignty, outrages the urban liberal - they can't stand the thought that some people might simply choose to "opt out" of the idiotic laws they pass, so they do everything in their power to equivocate state sovereignty with racism.

Drake55645, r/Dixie 35 Comments [1/28/2016 6:38:26 PM]
Fundie Index: 18
Submitted By: AJ Williams

Quote# 116388

The difference is that everyone hates the WBC, and they're a really small minority. Yet the only truly peaceful muslims are the ones that have not read the Quar'An. And let's not forget how Europe is getting ass raped (literally) by the refugees, and all these SJW retards are defending them.

Michael, The Cringe Channel 14 Comments [1/28/2016 6:37:52 PM]
Fundie Index: 8

Quote# 116387

Well, I'd rather elect a guy with some racist views than a socialist or a reptillian feminazi. And if more terrorist groups formed, they wouldn't be able to get into America because of the ban.

Michael, The Cringe Channel 25 Comments [1/28/2016 6:37:44 PM]
Fundie Index: 14

Quote# 116386

You would be absouloutely correct, except in the 1500's, Christianity had a reformation where they rejected all the more violent Bible entries. Even then, it was only in the Old Testament. Islam never went through a reformation, and there's no 'Quar'an Part 2' that teaches peaceful ways.

Michael, The Cringe Channel 15 Comments [1/28/2016 6:37:38 PM]
Fundie Index: 2

Quote# 116383

What's Worse; Homophobes or Racists?

I believe some people have legit reasons to be against Homosexuality, but I believe racists have no damn right to discriminate someone based on the colour of their skin.

What do you all think?

[Both are scumbags. If you pick one over the other, I really wonder about your reasons (though I might have a hunch).]

I pick one over the other because racists are in another league of cruel.

[You obviously have no experience with homophobia.]

Still a lot more justifiable than racism.


Homosexuality is a sin; there are still a lot of religious people on this forsaken planet who are against people going against the natural course of things.
Hating someone for their race is a lot worse and more personal I believe, a gay guy can easily hide their sexual partner but a person can't hide their race. We don't chose which race we are born into. You gays chose to love another man.
There isn't even competition here.

I'm Always Right, onehallyu 12 Comments [1/28/2016 6:36:57 PM]
Fundie Index: 11

Quote# 116379

"Ex-gay" doesn't exist. Exodus International was the largest organization of that type, and they closed their doors, admitted fraud, and apologized to the LGBT community. Science knows you cannot change your sexuality."

I wonder how many death threats had to be given for that to happen. With that logic, science doesn't exist because Piltdown Man was an admitted fraud and apologized for.
BTW, I could give two craps about "Exodus International", there are plenty of ex-gays who can speak for themselves.

Oboehner, Christian News Network 13 Comments [1/28/2016 6:36:00 PM]
Fundie Index: 10

Quote# 116378

"What makes you think a severely marginalized group such as homosexuals - ESPECIALLY in the 1970s, when they had nothing in terms of organization - would have the power to SUCCESSFULLY lobby any kind of mental health organization? This must be why you're so backwards on evolution. You think it can be manipulated by opinion, and it cannot be because it's fact."

Ah...., because it's historical fact.
I have to admit, I saw evolution in action, I looked at some photos of Hawking. Looks like he's evolving into something.

Oboehner, Christian News Network 27 Comments [1/28/2016 6:34:48 PM]
Fundie Index: 16

Quote# 116377

[On the internet persecution of psychics like himself:]

I remember the irony of it on DailyKos; these were liberals committed to calling out Republicans on their nonsensical talking points and demanding facts, all the while spewing skeptic talking points and avoiding the facts. It was as if the mention of psi flipped a switch inside of them and all their brains fell out.

I've come to understand that it is time to redefine what we're dealing with:


I know that skeptics don't see themselves that way and I understand their reluctance to take on that label, particularly when they see themselves as defending rationality and protecting the public from scams, but is what they're doing really any different from scores of other conservative people who have calmly expressed why other groups needed to be marginalized? I don't think so.

When skeptics claim that psychic ability doesn't exist, what does that say about us? That we're either frauds or feebleminded? An attack on psychic ability is actually a very personal attack on us.

And as a result, many of us have had to hide our ability and have not been free to be who we are. We live in a society that only allows us to operate on the margins and dismisses our abilities as mere "magical thinking." I am tired of it.

What all of this means is that we are just like every other minority group. Nothing is going to change until we make it happen. We are not fighting the slowness of the advance of science, we are fighting bigotry.

Craig Weiler, The Weiler Psi 27 Comments [1/28/2016 6:34:26 PM]
Fundie Index: 9

Quote# 116376

In my studies of psychic people I have come to understand that we are a minority group with the same pressures and problems of other minorities.


The comparison of gays and psychic people is a useful one:

Like gays, psychic people have the option of hiding who they are from the general public. There are no physical features of psychic people to give them away and the only way for people to find out is if the psychic gives away the secret.

Psychic people are unfairly portrayed as incompetent and flaky, crazy and deluded. Much as gays had to deal with a psychiatric evaluation as "abnormal" at best and "sexually deviant" at worst in years past, psychics have had to deal with the same level of misunderstanding in the present. In the field of psychology, it is assumed that there is something wrong with us. As I pointed out earlier, the pejorative term "magical thinking" is tossed about.

Psychic ability has been pushed underground and off to the fringes for the most part, with high profile psychics facing intense criticism and ridicule from the fanatical atheist James Randi and the pseudo skeptical organization CSI.

Most professional psychics toil in obscurity in an unregulated industry dotted with incompetence and the occasional outright frauds. In the public's eyes, they all tend to get lumped together. Like many small businesses, most fail within a couple of years to get established and the psychics move on to more profitable professions. Some stick it out and go on to have successful, if unremarkable careers. Psychics are limited in where they can advertise; not every publication will take their money because of their fringe status.

Moving away from professional psychics, another area where psychics struggle, just like gays, is that they have to find health professionals friendly to them. Not just anyone will do. If a psychic person confides a psychic experience to a doctor, he/she does not want to come away with a handful of anti-psychotic medication. The doctor has to know the difference.

Similarly, psychics in need of therapy will often have to search for psychic friendly therapists who will calmly accept psychic ability and its presence in treatment.

Both gays and psychic people tend not to advertise who they are for fear of disapproval, waiting instead to find out "who's cool." It is all very isolating and mentally unhealthy.

Like gays, many psychics suffer from self-loathing due to non-acceptance by authority in our society. Many people keep their psychic abilities secret due to fear of losing their jobs or status or both. They don't want the "crazy" label.

Both have organizations pitted against them. Gays have the evangelical Christian churches trying to "pray away the gay" and psychics have JREF and CSI and their satellite skeptic groups trying to paint them as frauds or delusional. Both the Christian and the atheist organizations come from the standpoint that they are "helping."

Interestingly, both the fundamentalist Christian and skeptic organizations rely on pseudo-science, hypocrisy and double standards to achieve their goals; the difference being that skeptics have far more support from the scientific community at large. I forgot to add, evangelical Christians aren't exactly our friends; they think we're in league with the Devil or something. They do respect psychic ability though, so I suppose that's a positive of sorts.

Craig Weiler, The Weiler Psi 16 Comments [1/28/2016 6:34:11 PM]
Fundie Index: 9

Quote# 116375

"TeleSUR television network listed The Center for Medical Progress as one of "The 7 Biggest Bigots of 2015" for "attacking women's rights in the United States."

Yes, nothing exemplifies defending "women's rights" quite like slaughtering them as little girls while they are still developing in their mother's wombs!
Ahh, Val. Twisted and hypocritical but still so adorable!

The Last Trump, Christian News Network 11 Comments [1/28/2016 6:34:02 PM]
Fundie Index: 5

Quote# 116374

God is always very fair and very merciful. When He looks at a child molester, He doesn’t see some evil hearted creep who gets off on maligning children. He sees fallen flesh that is so obsessed with getting its own selfish way that it couldn’t care less about who it hurts. Then He sees the soul trapped inside that flesh that is either celebrating the activities of its body or writhing in repulsion. If the soul sincerely desires to please God, then being trapped in such out of control flesh is utter torture. God understands this. He is One who is intentionally blocking the soul from being able to reign its monstrous flesh in. To God, this soul is not failing, nor is his flesh worse than anyone else’s. Apart from the empowerment of God, we would all be molesting children or doing something equally loathsome.

Anna Diehl, The Pursuit of God 12 Comments [1/28/2016 6:33:50 PM]
Fundie Index: 9

Quote# 116373

The head of a Christian charity appears to have declared war on gay people – claiming they are “the enemy” and should be thrown out of churches.

Pastor Franklin Graham, the head of global Christian charity Samaritan’s Purse, made the comments in a radio Q&A with Focus on the Family.

The pastor, whose charity runs the annual shoebox appeal, claimed: “We have allowed the enemy to come into our churches.

“I was talking to some Christians and they were talking about how they invited these gay children to come into their home and to come into the church and that they were wanting to influence them.

“And I thought to myself, they’re not going to influence those kids, those kids are going to influence those parents’ children.

“What happens is we think we can fight by smiling and being real nice and loving… we have to understand who the enemy is and what he wants.

“He wants to devour our homes. He wants to devour this nation.”

He continued: “We have to be so careful who we let our kids hang out with.

“We have to be so careful who we let into the churches. You have immoral people that get into the churches and it begins to affect the others in the church and it is dangerous.”

“I’m going to encourage the Church to take a stand for Christ. Homosexuality has been allowed into our schools – that’s why I want to get the school boards back.

“Homosexuality is taught to be OK in our universities, and you have all these diversity classes and all these nice names that they come up with promoting and pushing homosexuality.”

He added: “You cannot stay gay and continue to call yourself a Christian. You can’t do it.

“We have allowed sin to come into our churches, and we need to repent of our sins.”

Graham has recently praised Vladimir Putin’s support anti-gay laws, and claimed that homosexuals “take people’s children”.

He told a Russian newspaper: “I very much appreciate that President Putin is protecting Russian young people against homosexual propaganda. If only to give them the opportunity to grow up and make a decision for themselves.”

Repeating disturbing rhetoric used by anti-LGBT activists in Russia, he said: “Homosexuals cannot have children, they can take other people’s children.”

Franklin Graham, Pink News 31 Comments [1/28/2016 4:15:14 AM]
Fundie Index: 20
Submitted By: Yossarian Lives

Quote# 116371

Hello goats or turkeys looking forward to Christmas :) whatever you call yourselves,maybe the hell bound club.those who are doomed with hardened hearts and dupes of Satan.

The United kingdom is not united ,Scotland,Wales,Northern Ireland turmoil in all directions dis unity all around,Great Britain :) no longer great , up to our necks in debt cannot afford planes, for aircraft carriers.

One politician suggest putting to sea with nuclear submarines with no weapons,steel works collapse,turn off the lights at night council's say we cant afford them,but your rates will go up,and your services will be cut,police cut,fire service cut,library's cut,ambulance service grinds to a halt,food banks,the anti Christian BBC now crying out for money.People living 26 to a house crime on the increase,floods, Judgement all around.Judgement and turmoil.

The ungodly are not so,
But are like the chaff which the wind drives away.
5 Therefore the ungodly shall not stand in the judgment,
Nor sinners in the congregation of the righteous.
6 For the Lord knows the way of the righteous,
But the way of the ungodly shall perish.

~TW~, Religion and Ethics 31 Comments [1/28/2016 4:14:42 AM]
Fundie Index: 16
Submitted By: NearlySane
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