Quote# 115718

Just remember the new rules of ‘feminism’.

1) Women have no existence other than that granted by men, who are empowered to define the category at their whim. (Note I use ‘women’ and not ‘womyn’ – the latter being a real from of human.) They have therefore the power to include penised persons at whim.
2) Those creatures whom men chose to define as ‘women’ exist only to serve the ends of the patriarchy – having no authority to act of their own volition. They certainly have no say in the decisions in section 1. (If they has volition, they would have been classified as ‘men’ – seeing as only men have such authority.)
3) Given 1 & 2 – it is clear that there is no reason to provide or allow any location or function where the class listed as ‘women’ can meet, speak, learn, decide, or act… as none of these actions are proper or even possible to the class.
4) When members of the ‘women’ class do, by some chance, end up in a cluster, it is obvious and evident that they require a member of the ‘men’ class to enter, take over, and lead/control/police the activity or event. Some men are therefore allowed to retain their natural privilege and authority while pro-forma taking on the title (but not real status) of ‘women’ in order to perform this vital task on behalf of the patriarchy.

There. All explained.

Annie B., RadFem Hub Archive 61 Comments [1/2/2016 5:52:45 AM]
Fundie Index: 13
Submitted By: Yuu

Quote# 115711

Matthew 6:19-20

Consider the Words of Jesus in Matthew 6:19-20, “Lay not up for yourselves treasures upon earth, where moth and rust doth corrupt, and where thieves break through and steal: But lay up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where neither moth nor rust doth corrupt, and where thieves do not break through nor steal.” It would not be fair, nor would the Lord's Word be honest, if backslidden and immature believers who never lift a finger for God to get people saved share equal rewards and happiness in Heaven as those Christians who sacrifice, labor in prayer, preach the Gospel, contend for the faith and faithfully serve the Lord through much suffering.

Clearly, some believers will have more treasures in Heaven than others. The Lord calls them “treasures.” The Greek word for “treasures” is thesauros, which means “a deposit, that is, wealth.” Literally, the same God who discourages us from laying up wealth upon the earth, encourages us to lay up treasures in Heaven. The heathen world has it all backwards, ignoring eternity and living only for the moment. Oh, how foolish are most people in this world!

Jesus promised that there won't be thieves to steal our heavenly wealth—neither by break-ins, nor by corporate insurance theft, nor by out-of-control government taxation, nor by a rigged and corrupt evil legal system that robs men of their life's savings. So know that our heavenly wealth will be literal possessions. A thief cannot steal something that doesn't exist. Jesus said that neither moth nor rust will corrupt them, which again plainly indicates physical possessions from the Lord.

My mind can think of many nice things which a person could own. I personally believe that God, who knows our secret desires, will give us possessions in Heaven that we never imagined. The Lord knows what will make us happy. I usually tell the Lord to surprise me in Heaven. I don't tell God what I want, because I may choose less than what He knows is best. Howbeit, I have made special requests for certain foods that I love, like egg-rolls, pizza and cheeseburgers from specific restaurants that are unique. I believe that we will eat our favorite foods (and no doubt many new ones we've never tasted) at the Marriage Supper of the Lamb (Revelation 19:9; Luke 22:18).

David J. Stewart, Jesus is Savior 36 Comments [1/1/2016 6:38:09 AM]
Fundie Index: 16

Quote# 115708

Should paganism/witchcraft be illegal?

Catholic Nationalist, Facebook 60 Comments [1/1/2016 6:37:14 AM]
Fundie Index: 37
Submitted By: JeanP

Quote# 115707

There are many mysteries surrounding the story of the Great Flood in the Holy Bible. There is one mystery that seems to get glossed over and it is the appearance of the "first rainbow."

The Mystery of the First Rainbow Explained

By explaining this mystery, the other mysteries of Biblical old age and the Great Flood are revealed.

Rainbows are created by direct light interacting with water droplets. Rainbows visible in Earth's atmosphere are created by direct, unfiltered sunlight interacting with rain.

This begs the question. How is it that the first rainbow wasn't seen until AFTER the Great Flood?

The answer is simple. In Earth's early history, it was completely cloud-covered.

Wait! you might say. How could plants survive if the Earth was cloud-covered?

It is highly likely that the sunlight hitting the Earth was greatly diffused...to the point where plant life was possible, but rainbow formation was impossible.

That type of cloud coverage would have meant that the Earth was subjected to an extended period of extreme low pressure. It is believed that humans live longer in low pressure. This explains how come people in the early chapters of the Bible were able to live for such an extraordinary length of time.

Finally...that much water overhead and released at one time would cause a great flood.

What caused the Earth to lose its cloud cover in such a dramatic fashion? I suspect that the meteor that created "Meteor Crater" in Arizona caused enough of a shock wave in the atmosphere to push the cloud cover over towards the Middle East / Black Sea area of the world...where the compression of waterlogged clouds caused the downpour we call the Great Flood.

Scoff at me, skeptics of GLP. Scoff and mock me till the cows come home! I know I'm right about this!

CycloneOz, Godlike Productions 29 Comments [1/1/2016 6:37:07 AM]
Fundie Index: 21

Quote# 115702

Demonic Sightings And Visions On The Rise As The Gates Of Hell Open - from July 2015...approximately 90 days since CERN's 2nd Operational Run in April 2015

People all across America are noting a heaviness in spirit, seeing signs and prophetic warnings in the events happening all around us, leading them to believe the last days are approaching rapidly... and now we are seeing testimonies from people that are sighting inexplicable "creatures" and having visions of demons with increasing frequency.

I started researching this phenomena after reading two recent alerts over at Steve Quayles website on July 7, 2015, and found that others taking these reports and sharing them are noticing the same thing, it is happening more often as is a increase in hatred from non-believers towards believers with one woman stating "It has increased exponentially in the last month." She adds "furthermore I notice the evil becoming more evil and the good becoming more good." (Found in the comment section here)

Starting with the alerts from the SQ Alert section from a man named Eddie:


CycloneOz, Godlike Productions 26 Comments [1/1/2016 6:35:53 AM]
Fundie Index: 16
Submitted By: zipperback

Quote# 115701

I some how agree with P Benedict and the late Cardinal Francis George....that after secularism has destroyed society, the Church, as it has done in the past, will rebuild society and the family.

For now, we devout Catholics are a small minority in my part of the country. But we are strong and vibrant and provide many gifts of presence, giving, and culture to the secular community.

KathleenGee, Catholic answer forum  15 Comments [1/1/2016 6:35:49 AM]
Fundie Index: 6
Submitted By: Mary
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