Quote# 109915

[ On torture and abortion: Why its okay to torture living breathing humans but god forbid you remove a clump of cells from the womb].

I often argue that it is not justifiable to commit evil in order to achieve good. I suppose this is a fancy way of saying "two wrongs (or three or four) don't make a right." Or: "the ends don't justify the means."

The handiest example I can give you is abortion. The death of an unborn baby can't be justified no matter how deep and sincere the desire for an end to a pregnancy, because the intentional killing of an unborn baby is always evil. Yes, even in the case of rape or incest.

If it is always evil to initiate force - and I believe it is - it is only justifiable to use force in self-defense.

Thus, it is always evil to intentionally kill an unborn child, because an unborn child cannot initiate force. It is impossible. The child, as yet, has no will. He is incapable of acting willfully either for or against anything, including his mother.

He exists through no will of his own. In fact, in the vast majority of pregnancies, there is no aggressor: pregnancy resulted from two people willfully participating in an act they knew could potentially result in pregnancy. (Although, undoubtedly, one of them will ask the other at least once, with wide eyes and in a wounded voice, How did this happen?)

In a small percentage of cases, the initiator of force is a rapist, statutory, incestuous, or otherwise. The question of how to deal with such an aggressor is outside the purview of this blog post; for the purposes of my argument it is only necessary to note that in such a case, it is the rapist who is the aggressor, and not the unborn child.

I have heard this sound argument recently - that good cannot be the result of evil - unsoundly applied to the problem of torture. A Senate report (although, if we are being honest, it is a strictly partisan document prepared by Senate Democrats, or more accurately, Senate Democrat staffers) concerning CIA "enhanced interrogation" techniques was read on the Senate floor by Dianne Feinstein (D-CA) yesterday, and it is currently all anyone can talk about.

Last night while looking at social media, I saw where a young woman in her 20s had begun a diatribe with: "TORTURE IS NEVER OKAY." And while I find this particular young woman lovely and well-meaning, I admit I couldn't stop myself from laughing.

If we are blithely handing out nevers, here are some: this young woman has, presumably, never been to war, never been tasked with the protection of a country, and never been face to face with a murderous, cold-blooded person intent on protecting information that could save her loved one or her fellow countrymen with a mere slip of the tongue.

To continue with our never theme: it is easy and in fact justifiable to declare that intentional abortion is never okay. As I've explained, the unborn child can never be an aggressor.

It is less easy to assert that torture is never okay. Because it simply sometimes is.

The handiest way to illustrate this point is with an example. Think of the person you love the most: your child, your spouse, your sibling, your parent, whoever. Imagine they have been kidnapped and held by murderers demanding a ransom you can't pay. Now imagine one of the gang of scoundrels has been captured, and there is sufficient evidence to believe beyond the doubt of a reasonable person that this individual knows the location of your loved one.

If he tells you, there is a chance you can save your loved one. If he doesn't, your loved one will almost definitely be killed.

Don't imagine that you are Jack Bauer. Imagine that you are you. And imagine your real-life husband, wife, child, parent, brother or sister is the one facing imminent death.

The police tell you they are going to use enhanced interrogation techniques on this person. The methods won't do any permanent physical damage, but they will be psychologically harrowing. There will be no red-hot pokers to the eyeballs or bamboo shoots beneath the fingernails. But there may be an ice water bath, sleep deprivation, or a technique that makes them feel like they are drowning.

What do you do, to save the life of your loved one? Do you tell the police "why heavens to betsy, you musn't!"? Or do you make the decision that it is reasonable to subject a criminal holding an innocent person hostage, rather than allowing the innocent to die?

Do you self-righteously declare that "torture is never okay," and sit back to wait for your loved one to be mailed to you in bits? Or do you figure that a little ice water is an acceptable price to pay for a human life?

Now imagine that it is not your loved one in danger, but thousands. Millions. The loved ones of all the nation. Imagine it is not one kidnapping, or one murder, but bombs, rockets, potential nuclear attack you are trying to thwart. And imagine the individual withholding information about weapons, targets, strategy, and hiding places is no mere murderer, but a terrorist responsible for the deaths of hundreds or thousands of people.

Is it okay then? To pour water on his face until he talks?

This example does not - and is not meant to - illustrate that torture is grand, fine, the best way to get things done, always acceptable, etc. I doubt you'll find many people who would approve of it as anything other than a last resort.

This example is meant to illustrate - and I believe it does - that some practices defined as torture are sometimes morally justified.

Are there instances in which torture is immoral and evil? Of course. No doubt there are countless.

Does even justifiable torture have its drawbacks and limitations? Without a doubt.

But to declare that "torture is never okay" is, frankly, naive.

After 9/11, as a nation we demanded answers, protection, and assurances of safety. Our appeal to elected officials was handed down the line, from politicians to generals and administrators in charge of the war effort, and so on and so forth until it was repeated urgently to the men and women tasked with actually obtaining those answers, that protection, that assurance.

"Give us answers. Give us protection. Give us assurance that we are safe."

If that is what you've been asked for by your superiors - by your country - and you are sitting in a room with, say, Khalid Sheikh Mohammed, a proven and avowed mass-murdering terrorist holding within his dark little brain information that will undoubtedly save American lives, do you continue begging him for answers and promising him goodies until you're both dead of old age, or do you pour some water on his head until he gives you what you need to protect innocent people?

If it were me: somebody pass the pitcher.

Now we are condemning the people who did this, who did it for us, and who often got results.

I haven't read the 480-page Senate report, and I cannot speak to whether each instance of torture was justified. It's very possible and in fact likely there have been occasions when torture was either too hastily applied, or too severe in its application.

In short, it's not a defense of the CIA I undertake here, but an attempt to explain why a knee-jerk condemnation of all kinds of torture, in general, is folly.

If I have little patience for those who declare that "torture is never okay," I have less for those who would smugly assure me that, in my example scenario above, they would rather see their loved one die than see someone tortured. This is not pure, noble, or merciful. This is immoral, self-righteous claptrap.

As David Mamet eloquently wrote, "Kindness to the wicked is cruelty to the righteous." When you are haughtily, nobly merciful to the evil, you are vainly, abjectly cruel to their innocent victims, past and future.

Christian pacifism carried to extremes is not only immoral, but dangerous. God help us if we teach our daughters that they are closer to God lying raped and dead in a ditch than standing over a dead rapist holding a smoking pistol.

And God help us if we allow the innocent to die so that we may pat ourselves on the back for taking the ethical high ground, while the murderers take their precious secrets to their cells.

Kristen Hatten, Chronicles of Radness 10 Comments [6/22/2015 5:51:21 PM]
Fundie Index: 10

Quote# 109913

*BOLD 1, great point, that's why their depravity should remain in their closets, not celebrated in a boisterous manner every summer in their pride parades that are, of course, gov sponsored and fully allowed. Remember don't ask don't tell? OUT the door with that; the homosexuals need others to know they're homosexual, especially the innocent children, which they would love to take home and snuggle.

*BOLD 2, yes, that would be every person who registers as LGBT. Sick and demented. Not child-raising material. Children need a healthy atmosphere, one where there are 2 parents of opposite sex, as nature obviously intended. Raise them in an unnatural way such as with 2 homosexuals, and you wind up with an imbalanced child. It should be a litmus test for parenting that if you don't even know what it takes to conceive and bear a child, IE, using your sexual organs properly, you shouldn't raise a child so that it becomes as confused as the sick person who has adopted it. It really isn't a matter of fear or misunderstanding either; homosexuals and homosexual advocates love to use the term "homophobe" to describe those with anti-homosexual sentiments, however, we are only disgusted and sickened, and more so that at an ever earlier age, children are being introduced to LGBT homosexual concepts that will turn them as sick as those promoting it.

*BOLD 3, the human species was doomed from the beginning, and we are only seeing a decline in intelligence and morality, as evidenced by the rampant homosexuality going on in today's society. It is a regression of intelligence, and leads only to population reduction, not growth. Homosexuals can't even have pure thoughts, let alone unbiased ones when it comes to their perversion.

Anonymous Gossiper, Give Me Gossip 5 Comments [6/22/2015 5:50:57 PM]
Fundie Index: 5

Quote# 109905

The gunmans motivation was not just a matter of any racial prejudice, but by sin. I have said so many times and will say it again and again till Obama gets the message. ''Blessed is the nation whose God is the LORD'' ..Psalm 33: 12. When God is rejected, as Obama has rejected Him, the promised blessing are removed.

Blessings of safety and protection are no longer part of the deal.. Sin, terror, evil abounds. It's been going on for years but Obama still has not let this truth sink in.. Until he humbles himself to Almighty God, things will only get worse and eventually out of control.. Maybe this is why Fema Camps are being set up, and Jade Helm 15 is going into full swing.

A thousand times or more there have been cries for America to repent, but stubbornness and rebellion are the new order rules. Rebellion is as the sin of witchcraft.. It is what it is. Things will never improve.. As tragic as all this has turned out to be, the leaders of the nations must take responsibility.. That includes Obama, and someone has to have the guts to speak up against evil.

We can pray for those who will grieve.. They will have many questions, all beginning with the word 'WHY' .. but the only answer can be found in true repentance. What has happened here confirms what the word of God has already said.. Wickedness will increase and evil will abound.. It is going to get worse, no-one is safe. Your enemy prowls like a roaring lion, seeking to devour, to kill, steal and destroy.

Do away with all the ungodly mandates, clean up the nation, get back to what God demands from you, set Godly examples then others will follow willingly.

diandjohn, The Christian Post 32 Comments [6/22/2015 3:25:16 AM]
Fundie Index: 15

Quote# 109904

(Ken Ham's son-in-law responds to Mr. C)

Dear Mr. C,

Thank you for commenting about the Nye Ham debate. Please see my comments below.

This is one proof you lost the debate.

But Mr. Ham didn’t lose the debate (and the gospel was spread to millions of people). Here is the simple reason why: Mr. Nye never addressed the debate topic, so how could someone win the debate if they never addressed the topic?

The debate topic was the following: “Is Creation a Viable Model of Origins in Today’s Modern, Scientific Era?”

Mr. Nye immediately changed the topic to address something else: “Does Ken Ham’s creation model hold up? Is it viable?”

What few realize is that in doing so, Mr. Nye also misrepresented Mr. Ham’s position by claiming Mr. Ham’s model was that natural law changed at the Flood, that Mr. Ham’s model was opposed to science, that Noah’s Ark was like a zoo, that Noah’s Ark held at least 14,000 animals but was supposed to have millions of species, the Bible (specifically Genesis) was written by men only (no God), we oppose scientific predictions, and the list continues. The point is that this false model was a straw man that Mr. Nye set up. In other words, he changed what the creation model really was and attacked a false version of it in the debate, and so he never really addressed the debate topic. And this was the case throughout the debate.

you couldn’t answer nye on your feet,

A few things here. First, with the debate format and time limits, you can’t answer everything. Mr. Nye used the “skeptical method” by the way, which is to throw out numerous arguments, true or false, and hope to deceive people into thinking he won.

The reason for doing this is simple. Many watching the debate will notice that Mr. Ham didn’t answer a particular question, and so it is assumed then that he can’t answer the question, hence viewers may misperceive that someone loses the debate on that account. But it works both ways: neither debater can answer everything they were presented with even in typical debate, let alone when one uses the skeptical method.

Mr. Nye admitted to using this method after the debate. Mr. Nye says the following of a misrepresentation of biblical creationist and debater Dr. Duane Gish:

He was infamous for jumping from one topic to another, introducing one spurious or specious fact or line of reasoning after another. A scientist debating Gish often got bogged down in details and, by all accounts, came across looking like the loser. It quickly occurred to me that I could do the same thing. . . . I did my best to slam Ken Ham with a great many scientific and common sense arguments. I believed he wouldn’t have the time or the focus to address many of them.1

Second, not answering something is not the same as losing a debate. Jesus never answered certain things at his trial, and even though they had Him put to death on the Cross, Christ won (Acts 8:32).

Third, Mr. Nye failed to answer the most basic tenets of debate from his worldview, such as why he thinks logic, reasoning, morality, truth, and knowledge exist in his materialistic worldview. For Mr. Nye to even argue against the biblical position would be to give up his worldview (which cannot account for the existence of logic and reason) and borrow from the truth of God’s Word. In other words, for him to even try to make a case meant he lost the debate! He never answered this after being asked repeatedly to do so.


more and more people are realizing just how intellectually bankrupt AiG is

Yet we are increasing in support each year. This is mere hand waving. Our mission is to proclaim the absolute authority of God Word. Why would any Christian think this is bankrupt?

—in fact, some people i know, fellow old earth creationists, are now dialoguing with a woman who wrote a book defending YEC [young earth creation]—using mostly AiG materials—and, in light of criticisms of atheists, has now become an atheist.

And I used to hold to some old-earth ideas promoted by Dr. Hugh Ross, but because I couldn’t hold to geological and astronomical evolution in light of God’s Word or to the idea that the order of creation was different, that the old-earth position was not tenable.

The issue was God vs. man’s ideas. The hope would be that this woman would realize that atheists can be wrong but God cannot be.

as long as ministries like AiG endure, we'll see more and more stories like this;

As long as ministries like RTB exist that mix Christianity with secular humanistic religious ideas like the supposed big bang and millions of years in Genesis, then there will always be a need to help people get back to the authority of God’s Word beginning in Genesis.

especially among young people—once they realize they've been lied to by YEC ministries, they almost inevitably reject the christian faith.

Stats from America’s Research Group show the exact opposite. It was hypocritical Christian leaders who taught things like an old earth, when the kids can read Genesis and not get millions of years out of it, that led to the majority of kids walking away. Please read Already Gone by Ken Ham and Britt Beemer for more about why two-thirds of young people are leaving the church by the time they reach college.

By the way, what lies do you claim we teach?

my prediction is that, within 50 yrs AiG will either become nonexistent or so irrelevant that is practically doesn't exist, or that it will morph into an old earth creationist ministry!

Only the Lord knows. We ask that people pray to keep the ministry of Answers in Genesis a solid biblical authority ministry for years to come. But your prophecy is marked (consider Deuteronomy 13).

for those of you questioning your faith after watching ken ham lose to bill nye,

First, Mr. Nye didn’t win because he never addressed the debate topic. For those deceived into thinking that Mr. Nye won even though he never addressed the debate topic, we invite you to read the Bible (you can get an overview with Begin) and realize that God is never wrong, but people can be. It is a matter of faith in either fallible, imperfect men about the past or a perfect, infallible God.

Meanwhile, we’ve been praising the Lord for the many testimonies of people whose faith has been strengthened after watching the debate.

i encourage you to log onto [the Reasons to Believe website] for real answers to science-faith issues!

For those reading, Reasons to Believe believes that the secular interpretations of nature are equal to Scripture. Often times, they are used to supersede the plain reading of the Bible, particularly in Genesis in favor of the secular world’s ideas like the big bang.

The president of RTB, Dr. Hugh Ross, has made the claim in his book Creation and Time that nature is likened unto the 67th book of the Bible and should be trusted as such.2 He has reiterated this. If you read the Charisma article by Andy Butcher, “He Sees God in the Stars” (June 2003), you’ll find that Ross still agrees with this principle of adding to Scripture. The principle can even be found in his more recent book A Matter of Days.

RTB also agrees with astronomical evolution (big bang) and geological evolution (millions of years), which are tenets of the religion of humanism. They also believe the Flood of Noah’s Day was local and not a global, world-covering event (see, for example, Genesis 7:19–20).

We want to encourage RTB to get back to the authority of the Bible from the very first verse. When we read the pages of Scripture, the whole creation is corrupted due to sin (e.g., Romans 8:22), the ground has been cursed (Genesis 3:17), the Curse has not been removed yet (Revelation 22:3), and our fallen and sinful natures often err when trying to properly understand this sin-cursed and broken world.

So why treat nature on par with the 66 books of the Bible? Instead, the Bible should be used to supersede our fallible interpretations of nature, particularly the past.

GOD bless!

Blessing in Christ,



1.Bill Nye, “Bill Nye’s Take on the Nye-Ham Debate,” Skeptical Inquirer 38, no. 3, “http://www.csicop.org/si/show/bill_nyes_take_on_the_nye-ham_debate/

2.Colorado Springs: Navpress 1994, 56.

Bodie Hodge, Answers in Genesis 32 Comments [6/22/2015 3:25:09 AM]
Fundie Index: 19
Submitted By: Chris

Quote# 109901

[Discussion about the term "LGBT"]

I go with Gay & Lesbian Alliance. Bisexuality is just a phase, and transsexuality has absolutely nothing to do with the rest of them, it's a mental disorder as opposed to a sexual orientation.

frankenmine, Reddit 29 Comments [6/22/2015 3:24:12 AM]
Fundie Index: 14

Quote# 109899

“Fire and brimstone”? JUST WHO WHO WHO came up with the term “fire and brimstone preacher”? Who uses those words in disdainful anger and spite toward those messengers they are persecuting? Is it not those who have heard the Word of the Gospel, know inside they are heading for that place of “fire and brimstone,” and have the conviction of the Holy Ghost haunting them?


Where is Steve Jobs?

Steve Jobs founded Apply Computer. He gain the whole world if you will but seems to have lost his souls forever.

[Mark 8:35-38]

According to his sister, Steve Jobs last words “OH WOW. OH WOW. OH WOW.” Sounds like Jobs was being introduced to the flames that will feed upon his conscious soul forever. The fires of eternal damnation await those who die outside of being born again into Jesus Christ. Nothing else will do. They await the eternally helpless and hopeless souls who choose to deny Christ His rightful place in their lives. No matter who you are or how religious you think you are or how “good” you think you are, you are in big trouble as a transgressor of the Law of your holy Maker and Judge.

Todd, Safe Guard Your Soul 22 Comments [6/22/2015 3:23:19 AM]
Fundie Index: 22
Submitted By: Yakob

Quote# 109898

I don't understand the whole epidemic dealing with being bisexual. And also, I don't think that you're really bi. Either you like boys or you like girls if you're a guy or girl. There are some people who actually think that they're bi, and that's their own personal thing. A lot of people now are coming out of nowhere and saying, "Oh I'm bisexual."

What crap is that? Seriously? No you're not. You just want people to notice you, and so you say some crap like that. This whole bisexual epidemic is annoying. I'll put money on it that 40% of the people who claim they are bi are actually not, and are mistaken for saying that.

There could be some people who actually are bisexual, although I don't really think that's real. To me, either you're gay or straight. There's no grey.

Other people are going around saying it like it's a new trend. It's really not. I have no problem with gay people. But the people I DO have a problem with are the people who are going around making a mockery of people who are actually gay. If you come out of nowhere, and all of a sudden you are saying, "Oh, I'm bisexual. Take it or leave it," then you deserve a slap in the face

You know damn straight that if you're a girl, the closest thing you did to anything lesbian was kiss another girl on the cheek, so you need to shut up. It's like being bi is as cool as smoking a joint. No actually, it's annoying.

Get over yourself and just be real because saying that you're bi doesn't make you cool. And it won't really give you massive attention that you want anyway. So again, get over yourself.

Tjean, Youth Voices 32 Comments [6/22/2015 3:23:03 AM]
Fundie Index: 20
Submitted By: Ivurm

Quote# 109897

On putting women on currency

[Without Susan B Anthony, Sandra Day O'Connor, Rosa Parks, Harriet Tubman, Sally Ride and SO many others the country would NOT be what it is today. The nation has continuously evolved, and with each change new people are behind those ideas.]

Those women did NOT found this country. They came w/in our last 100 years, unlike our founding fathers who came 200 years before that, and were, quite frankly, the ORIGINAL founders. I'm not saying that those women you mentioned were unimportant, but they speak "feminist agenda." More so just "reform." They were, also, thinking of putting the first BLACK PERSON on the bill as well...... Our currency will become the United Nations before you know it! Our currency is about our founding FATHERS, to honor THEM. I see them and see 'America.' I see susan b. anthony, I see feminist movement, which is not a bad thing, but I do NOT see "America's founding." I also heard other candidates, over the radio, saying betty white and hillary clinton....... The U.S. dept. of treasury are going to hear public input about this, and if the public who puts in their input are anything like the people who mentioned the two women that I had just mentioned, well, quite frankly, our nation is doomed! Well, w/ the progressives/liberals taking over, and politicians buying into it (getting PAID, no less), if patriots don't speak up, we will CONTINUE to go down the toilet! Between sharia law, people stomping on the American flag, the 2nd Amendment getting hindered, churches getting FORCED to marry homosexuals, America is going downhill FAST! Oh, and did I mention that google did NOT have a doodle for America's Flag Day, but they did for Canada? My point is, people want reform to things that ain't broken. I don't remember there ever being a problem w/ just founding FATHERS being on the dollar bills. But w/ these progressive movements, now they ARE?? Our founding fathers should STAY on our bills! Oh, and, they aren't scrapping Alexander Hamilton out of the $10 COMPLETELY, did you hear? He'll still be on there, but they're going to add a WOMAN to the bill. How the bill is going to look like w/ both of them on there, I have no idea......:

Renee Russo, WALK 97.5 Facebook Page 28 Comments [6/22/2015 3:22:17 AM]
Fundie Index: 14

Quote# 109892

Racist atheism is a particularly venomous form of atheism that can be extremely destructive both to the adherent and to those around him.

Hitler and Stalin were racist atheists who seized power and then slaughtered millions of people. Yet rather than acknowledge how morally evil racist atheism is, atheism refuses to condemn it as an affront to God.

Several, though not all, of the young mass murderers of the 21st century may have been influenced by racist atheism, and committed crimes based on it.

Andy Schlafly, Conservapedia 22 Comments [6/22/2015 3:20:20 AM]
Fundie Index: 7
Submitted By: Night Jaguar

Quote# 109890

(Except you weren’t a human. You were a fertilized egg. You were the beginning stages of mitosis. Not a human.)

Right sorry. Things magically become human at birth. Lol forgot.


Your cells, skin cells, feet cells, heart cells, muscle cells, brain cells, etc. have DNA. That should be no surprise to you.

What is surprising is that the cells in your skin hold the DNA for your heart. The cells in your lungs hold the DNA for your feet. The cells everywhere in your body hold all the DNA for every other cell. Touch your tongue. You’re touching cells that hold information for your intestines, your stomach, your eyes, ALL of you.

Excluding red blood cells, of course, since they have no nuclei and therefore no DNA.

But here is where it is interesting.

In fact, when the embryo grows this big, it has the same exact genetic information as before. There is more DNA, but the DNA is the same. It only reprints the same instruction manual over and over.

Just one cell of this embryo holds all the DNA for gender, hair color, nose shape, the length of his/her toes, any genetic disorders, and even gene-influenced personality traits.
So, even if this embryo is not human to you, the only thing it will ever be is human. It has no DNA to be a frog or an oak tree. It only has the DNA to code and form a human.

All of those cells are human cells. How could you say they are not human? What else could it be? Certainly not a frog, certainly not an oak tree!

All humans are deserving of life. All lives are worthy of protection.

Free Conservative , Tumblr  25 Comments [6/22/2015 3:11:12 AM]
Fundie Index: 8
Submitted By: Ivurm

Quote# 109889

[On Dylann Roof]

Cuddled and nurtured by the left wing communists running the country for the past 55 years.
The same hippies and maggott infested left wing loons who in the 60s proclaimed,don’t trust the man!
Question Authority,free love MAN,pass the joint!
Well guess who I the AUTHORITY NOW? Yes,the maggott infested creeps who said don’t trust the MAN!
Now if you don’t tow the communist Lin ,YOU ARE THE PROBLEM.Well I am not and Hillary and zobama can go to hell.
Hillary has more blood on her hands than most of these reprobates,read drudge this morning about how many innocent Americans have died because she or Obama wont enforce immigration laws and releasing illegal convicted,back into communities and they are murdering people and this diabolical bitch has the nerve to talk about gun violence and that slug Obama is very selective in his outrage but all you hear about is the white nut with a gun,Hillary and O bama don’t need guns,they slaughter people with their political ideology

ballplayer, Free Republic 20 Comments [6/22/2015 3:10:43 AM]
Fundie Index: 13

Quote# 109886

When it comes to a matter of obvious moral substance (sexual sin) Pope Francis humbly wonders “Who am I to judge?” When it comes to a matter of scientific fact and methodology, he not only judges, he demands the imposition of a harsh sentence of perpetual deprivation and servitude upon the whole human race, with a view perhaps near unto genocide. I doubt that I’m alone in seeing something dreadfully wrong with this picture.

Even if the facts “Laudato Si’” relies upon were scientifically verified (and at this point, God only knows), the harsh sentence demanded would be for Christ to impose upon the whole sinful human tribe, when he comes again in judgment. Yet when I look in the mirror of reason at the reflections Pope Francis offers in his encyclical, what I see looks unlike Jesus Christ (who as of now still comes to save and not harshly to penalize humanity). Pope Francis’ reflections look more like Marx, Stalin or Mao Zedong – materialistic ideologues who punished not for the sake of God or truth, but on account of resentful, self-idolizing human will and ideology.

Alan Keyes, WND 13 Comments [6/22/2015 3:10:24 AM]
Fundie Index: 9

Quote# 109885

so the poope wants us to love mother earth...Oh wait, According to the BIBLE I have dominion over the earth. . . . That's right, GOD GAVE MAN dominion over the earth. .. I don't see anywhere in the Bible where God says, HEY DON'T FORGET NOT TO DESTROY THE EARTH......It's because MAN can not destroy what GOD created. We could try, but all of the nuclear weapons and explosives on earth, would not move 1% of the dirt or water on earth. . . . WE CAN NOT DESTROY what God created. . . this worthless sinner of a man that wallows in idolatry and worshiping saints which is against the 10 commandments. . .I mean get real. Catholicism is more pagan in every way than Christian in any way. Christians have one mediator between GOD and MEN and that's the MAN CHRIST JESUS. . .No where does the Bible give "man" the authority to forgive sins or pay alms or anything like that. If the poope really follows Catholicism to a "T" then he's as lost as a muslim.

Justin, WND 20 Comments [6/22/2015 3:10:20 AM]
Fundie Index: 11

Quote# 109884

[On Pope Francis's encyclical on climate change]

I have understood why we are losing Christianity nowadays. Cause Pope is busy with wrong deal. He should serve as a bridge between the Lord GOD and fellow Americans. But he is busy in policy!
Idleness of Pope + Obama's promotion of Islam = Lost Christianity.

Andrew Peterson, WND 18 Comments [6/22/2015 3:10:09 AM]
Fundie Index: 9

Quote# 109883

It’s a red-letter day when an operational arm of the Washington D.C. regime puts out a fatwa/hit on you. The SPLC is hand-in-glove with both the DC regime’s so-called Department of Justice (snorf), and the musloid Caliphate (but I repeat myself), and what this is is a very, very thinly-veiled (pun intended) call for the jihadis already in place to hunt and kill me and the other eleven ladies on the list. The DOJ and FBI will look the other way should the retards (not a mere slang pejorative – their family trees are straight lines) actually get lucky, and it will all disappear down the gaping maw of the 36 hour news cycle, so the green light is given.

So be it. In fact, I was just thinking about how it has been too, too long since I have done a koran conflagration/bacon fry. In fact, I think the next koran burning I do should be IN PUBLIC. I hear Montgomery, Alabama is just lovely this time of year.


Interestingly, every word of the text is true except for two errors. The foreclosure sale of my office/condo was at the price of the balance on the mortgage, so the IRS got nothing, and my tax lien has not only NOT been satisfied, it has continued to grow. Heh. Second, I did not burn the koran with “a” bacon bookmark. I burned the koran with FOURTEEN bacon bookmarks. I sacrificed an entire package of perfectly good bacon, defiling it by touching the koran with it, in service to mankind. I had to throw away all of that bacon. No BLTs. No hot bacon vinaigrette. No pancakes fried in bacon grease, with crisp rashers drizzled in maple syrup. DO NOT MINIMIZE THE BACON SACRIFICE.

Ann Barnhardt, Barnhardt.biz 13 Comments [6/22/2015 2:38:26 AM]
Fundie Index: 8

Quote# 109882

Humility – TRUE humility, not the false Pope Francis perversion of the concept – is honesty about one’s self, BOTH in terms of what we are, and what we are not. Those of us who have been given much, as Our Lord said, have proportionally greater societal duty, and we are expected to discern this. Now Pope Francis and his ilk, being Marxists, nincompoops, and moral cripples, take these words as purely material, twisting them to falsely justify progressive taxation schemes and forced wealth redistribution, but the material sense is at the bottom of the list. Closer to the top of the list are the intellectual gifts that God has bestowed upon us very, very unequally.

The point of this is that unless and until the intelligent, wise, morally upright people on this earth stop cowering in shame before psychopaths, imbeciles and moral degenerates, and face up to the fact that they must reassert themselves and reclaim their place in society WHICH IS THEIR DUTY, there is no non-supernatural remedy to any of this, and it will continue to spiral into hell.

Ann Barhardt, Barnhardt.biz 15 Comments [6/22/2015 2:38:05 AM]
Fundie Index: 8

Quote# 109871

What is it with Egypt? Why did Freemasons choose Egyptian symbols to represent the New World Order? Or did they? Why didn't the Egyptians finish The Great Pyramid? They left off the capstone, which is 30-foot squared (900 square feet) at the base. That's a BIG capstone!

I am going to share with you my opinion, which is something that God put in my heart. I've never heard this taught anywhere; but I'm going to share it with you now, and I think it is worthy of your consideration, as I believe it to be the truth. Do you know why the pyramid is missing the capstone? It's because the Tower of Babel was never finished. I think The Great Pyramid represents the unfinished tower and city of Babel. Genesis 11:4, “And they said, Go to, let us build us A CITY AND A TOWER.”

David J. Stewart, Jesus is Precious 18 Comments [6/21/2015 5:58:23 PM]
Fundie Index: 14

Quote# 109866

[About the Edmonton, Ontario gay pride]

I tried to drive though the area this afternoon. absolutely disgusting, they even have sidewalks next to a church painted over with the homo rainbow.
Disturbing to see the typical age demographic and realize what years of this politically correct media movement have done to destroy the youth of this country. Was almost all people (hesitate to call them that) under 40 there for the most part.
If we keep it up at this rate, in another 10 years we will see thousands come out to support bestiality and pedophilia as the next wave of de-evolution.

Props to the author for calling it as they see it.

Wellsaid, The Third Edge of the Sword 17 Comments [6/21/2015 5:57:12 PM]
Fundie Index: 13
Submitted By: JeanP

Quote# 109863

Pre-Rapes and Ways to Practice the Skills Used in a Correction. If you're not ready for the big time yet but know a harlot that needs it bad, this is for you!

If you aren't up to the task YET but you want to do some good right now and there is a certain someone who needs a correcting BAD. Let's say some whiney loud-mouthed gender studies cunt or sniveling Social Justice Warrior. There are other thing s you can do. Key their car with an Ominous message like "RAPE ME" letting other Philosophers know that this one is in need of a correcting. Find out as much as you can about the harlot in question, especially where they live, work, and their schedule. Leave notes (not in your handwriting) telling thm what's to come. This way, if they actually DO someday end up being one of the 1 in 4 college sluts who will be raped in their time there (if only!) that rape will have a much stronger impact. The chilling nature of the anonymous warning message will make them fear that there really are rapists out to get them, lurking around every corner. And, the more you do things like this, the more you practice the skills you will use when you finally wet your whistle for real the first time! Happy hunting gentlemen!

ThePhilosophyOfRape, Reddit /r/PhilosophyOfRape 36 Comments [6/21/2015 5:08:11 PM]
Fundie Index: 42
Submitted By: Ultimate Paragon

Quote# 109859

5 Lines That Potential Wives Cannot Cross

In the modern west the proportion of marriages that end in divorce is very high, up to 50%. The good news is that it does not follow from this that YOU have a 1 in 2 chance of divorce, no sir. Your chance will at least be reduced, because you are smart and will make the decisions that mitigate some of the risk.
So, you meet a girl who might actually fit the bill. If you’re looking to increase your chances at maintaining a stable family unit, here are five red lines to establish from the moment the relationship starts.

1. You don’t reject me, ever
This first one speaks for itself. Under no circumstance can you accept the idea that she gets to choose if or when to satisfy you or choose to sabotage your joint fertility. Like the other red lines, you need to establish this one well before you sign on the dotted line. Practice this from day one and make it clear before you actually marry and the chance it will be accepted long-term is very high.
If you meet resistance on this matter other than for a very good reason, just quote the line to her. If she continues to protest, then simply next her. Only give sex when it suits you. Making her miss out just a little will only make her keener, so don’t sweat, it establishes the basic theme. You control the time and frequency of sex, not her.
This rule is not just important to the fulfillment of your biological needs. More importantly, a woman who will deny you sex early on will only use it to gain greater power over you in the long run. Simply realize this is not a woman you want tethered to your life, and move on.
The obvious exception to this is the first time you have sex. Typically she will control the timing of that for obvious reasons. From the second time onward, any poorly-reasoned denial is a red flag.

2. I make the decisions, not you
You can’t operate as an effective unit unless there is a clear decision maker. You are that decision maker. As a rule of thumb that means that all decisions about things outside the house are in your sphere. If she wants some responsibility, it’s ok if she chooses how to cook the eggs.
You shall manage money competently and save to create future wealth. After demonstrating that you are a safe pair of hands it will be a lot easier to maintain discipline in this area. If you leave her with power over spending decisions she will squander the lot, so don’t give her the option.
I feel bound to point this out, but it should go without saying. You are not going to make this one stick unless you make decisions which are genuinely aimed at mutual benefit. Once you establish a trust that you will make responsible decisions, most girls will happily follow your leadership. Any girl who doesn’t is just asking for the door. As a gentleman you are ever-ready to open it for her.

3. Contraceptives and abortion are murder
Yes, that’s right. When you are selecting a wife or are married you don’t accept such practices. Why? Immediate children, more children, short gaps between children. These all increase her dependence on you and the loyalty that comes with it.
Sluts and pleasure-seeking women will next you right away if you insist on applying this rule. We are looking for a wife, right? So that’s a good thing. This rule may require some short delay before having sex. That’s fine, we are chasing a good partner for the next 50 years.
If she is marriageable don’t be afraid to make her pregnant before marriage. There is nothing like a baby on the way to increase your bargaining power. Since you are sincere in your search you are not harming her. You are helping her by overcoming her female propensity to waste her fertile years on a career, bad boys, and antidepressants.

4. I don’t touch children till they can walk
Yes, that’s right. Mothering is for mothers. If she tries to insist, just feign incompetence. It’s not hard and no girl can resist taking over.
If she claims she has other responsibilities that just means she doesn’t have enough time for those other responsibilities. Being a mother is a full-time job and her first priority. Any work, sport, church, or whatever that she can’t handle just has to go. Yes, that means everything up until the youngest child enters school.
It’s important for your children that they have her full attention. There is no one on Earth who will do as good a job. Child care services are not acceptable substitutes for a mother’s time, so don’t let her use them. If you are worried about your family living on a single income then either don’t get married, knuckle down, or harden up.
Breast feeding is good for children and increases her bond with your children, so make her do it for one year. Then make her stop. Otherwise it might delay the next child and make her search for alternatives to being a wife and mother.

5. You have left your old family and joined mine
Don’t actually say this one. Just make it clear that her family and friends from before are not important to you. Their opinions do not matter. Don’t spend a lot of time with them. Show them exemplary politeness, but only the required respect and minimum interest.
If she is worth having as a wife then she will get the message and simply attach herself to your family. Under no circumstance should you think that you can establish relations on a win-win basis with such people. They will turn on you the moment there are problems between you and your wife. When that happens, the less influence they have the better.
Now ask yourself how she will find the chance to stray?

Just imagine the situation. Wedding. Pregnant. Child born. Full time mother. No career. Breast feeding. Stop breast-feeding. Constant sex. Pregnant again. Repeat. There is little opportunity for her to get away from the children and her commitment to you, let alone consider alternatives to marriage. By the time the youngest child is in school her SMV relative to yours will have dropped, and you are safer. There are no guarantees in life but this is about as close as it comes to a solid gold one. So, follow these rules and enjoy your traditional marriage.

Hesse Kassel, Return of Kings 51 Comments [6/21/2015 2:15:03 PM]
Fundie Index: 48
Submitted By: skybison

Quote# 109858

To all those who have aids, I would like to wish you a horrible time in Hell, say hi to Judas and Satan while your down there.

Dean Saxton, Twitter 27 Comments [6/21/2015 2:14:34 PM]
Fundie Index: 24
Submitted By: Chris

Quote# 109857

“If Christianity worked, you would not be seeing the emergence of the age of reason... but you are witnessing its birth."

Atheism--the age of reason? It is leading us back into the dark ages--of talking primates, we are made of stardust, we are cousins of bananas, believing in walking whales, spinning through space on a planet made by nothing for no reason at all.

Ray Comfort, Ray Comfort's blog 20 Comments [6/21/2015 2:14:19 PM]
Fundie Index: 15
Submitted By: Chris

Quote# 109855

Ana??..only you help me to be what I want to!!

Julianapaili, Tumblr 53 Comments [6/21/2015 1:40:40 PM]
Fundie Index: 33
Submitted By: Ivurm

Quote# 109847

You'll notice the progression of monkeys below the progression of liberal man. The box represents life in the present times. You'll notice liberal man began as a monkey. Over time, liberal monkey man walks on two feet. Liberal man sheds his monkey days and grows into the present day man. The liberal future holds that man adapts over time, almost a more sleek, lean frame. Clearly it appears that the brain is growing during this period. As well, a wing bone emerges from his backside. Also, you'll notice the absence of the monkey below future liberal man. In the future, all beasts have become extinct due to overpopulation of the human species. The last progression of the liberal man, millions of years into the liberal future, wings and feathers. Man evolves into flight to escape, to flee other mankind so as not to become food. So, you believe in Evolution?!? Tell me another funny story

Jpatt, Conservapedia 16 Comments [6/21/2015 12:16:53 PM]
Fundie Index: 19

Quote# 109841

Fast forward 50 years & the grand Mufti of the United Caliphate of great Britain is making his eve of Ramadan address to the faithful from the Great Mosque in London.
He wants to pay special thanks to the media owners back in the 2010s for the magnificent job they did in keeping the non believers pacified & calm as the faithful moved into every position of power & allowed the sword of Islam to decimate them & bring many to the true religion. He said that if Newspapers such as the Telegraph hadn't been prepared to distort the truth & hide the gradual conquest form the non believers they may well have risen up whilst they were still strong enough so to do.
He urged Muslims to be generous now that the caliphate was secure especially he urged Muslim masters to be merciful to their Kaffir slaves. Whilst accepting the right of believers to do as they liked with their slave property he suggested that no kaffir under the age of seven should be used for bodily pleasures

Alltaxationistheft, Daily Telegraph 15 Comments [6/21/2015 10:33:28 AM]
Fundie Index: 15
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