Quote# 108240

Step 1. Churches that don’t recognize gay “marriage” lose their tax exempt staus.

Step 2. The government fines out of existence and closes these churches because they are “just another business” and “discriminating” against gays by not holding gay “wedding” ceremonies is reason enough to close down these “businesses” (churches).

Step 3: Churches that don't recognize sodomite "marriage" are officially identified as "hate groups" by the DoJ.

Step 4: Congregates of those churches are summarily fired from federal civil service and administratively discharged from the military (active membership in a hate group is incompatible with federal service).

Step 5: The administration publishes a rule demanding that government contractors do not employ members of "hate groups." They are then fired from all companies with government contracts or subcontracts.

Next comes banning the Bible as “hate speech”, then monitoring church sermons and arrest and jail for any Pastors who dare preach against homosexuality. It’s already happened in countries where gay marriage is recognized.

Did I miss anything?

MrClose, City Data 40 Comments [5/1/2015 3:14:53 AM]
Fundie Index: 16
Submitted By: ScrappyB

Quote# 108239


YAHWEHS WIFE, Give Me Gossip 40 Comments [5/1/2015 3:14:47 AM]
Fundie Index: 32

Quote# 108238

One of the biggest lies sold by Satan to most churches today is that the new Bible versions are better because they are “easier to understand.” What they won't tell you, the truth, is that ALL modern Bible versions have been translated from a completely different Greek manuscript than the trustworthy King James Bible. The only thing that they have made easier to understand is error, changing the Word of God into a lie (Romans 1:25).

In reality, they have given today's churches an entirely different manuscript under the disguise of making the King James Bible (which came from the Textus Receptus) easier to understand. It's a whole different Bible version full of lies and gross doctrinal errors which attack Christ's deity, the plan of salvation, the blood, Christ's preeminence and the Godhead.

But wait there's more, the reprobate fathers of all modern corrupt Bible versions are Brooke Westcott and Fenton Hort, of which Mr. Westcott was a devout occultist who founded the Hermes Club and was a custodian of the ancient mysteries (world government, aka, the New World Order). The average church member today is woefully ignorant of the satanic nature of all modern Bible versions, which have been translated from the “New Testament In The Original Greek,” compiled by Westcott and Hort.

David J. Stewart, Jesus is Precious 25 Comments [5/1/2015 3:14:38 AM]
Fundie Index: 18

Quote# 108236

When we look back over history, we see that God has done some pretty impressive miracles through guys like Moses, Elijah, and Elisha. So theologically, it’s a cinch to adjust to the idea that God will raise up another prophet during the end times—even one that He performs miracles through. And if we’re going to have someone take on such a role, we’d like that person to be a sold-out Christian, right? No one is going to be more dedicated to God than this prophet. This individual will have been trained by the Holy Spirit to serve Him with total devotion, and to operate with only His priorities in mind. But here’s the thing about a prophet who is obsessed with pleasing God: God is going to be the only One this person cares about. This means that when God decides to split open the ground and knock a bunch of people into it Korah-style, this prophet is not going to be the least bit upset over the loss of human life. Instead, news cameras will catch a satisfied smile on this person’s face. And when God collapses some skyscraper down onto the heads of a bunch of random citizens, or destroys a hospital, or slaughters a bunch of children at a school, His representative is not going to be sharing in the pain that everyone else is feeling. This prophet will have been trained by God to be 100% for whatever God wants to do. But when you see footage of this person smiling or laughing at the scene of major carnage, are you going to think, “What a Christlike attitude”? No, your gut response is going to be, “What a creep!” If you run with this response like the Christians around you will, you are going to end up deciding this person must be possessed after all.  The next thing you know, you’ll be down at the church house praying for God to take this person down. How is the Holy Spirit going to react to you calling His work the work of demons? Not very well.

Anna Diehl, The Pursuit of God 24 Comments [5/1/2015 3:13:27 AM]
Fundie Index: 14

Quote# 108235

So how should you interpret the fact that God’s prophet is looking so gleeful about human suffering? You need to remember that this person is tunnel focused on God’s priorities. What does God care most about? Glorifying Himself. How does God glorify Himself when people are willfully defying Him? Well, how did He glorify Himself when the nation of Israel was defying Him? He trashed her in a very public, very gruesome way. God is big on revenge, and He thoroughly enjoys reminding everyone who is Boss.

Anna Diehl, The Pursuit of God 17 Comments [5/1/2015 3:13:20 AM]
Fundie Index: 9

Quote# 108234

The key to thriving as a cop is keeping your focus on eternal priorities. It’s not your job to maintain justice in this world. For you, this job is just a tool that God has chosen to bring you closer to Him. Life is about you and God. Growing closer to Him and pleasing Him—nothing else matters.

Anna Diehl, The Pursuit of God 17 Comments [5/1/2015 3:13:02 AM]
Fundie Index: 14

Quote# 108233

When people get pummeled to death by falling rubble, there are three scenarios playing out. First, some hardcore, unrepentant rebels are getting a much deserved transfer to Hell. Second, some other unrepentant rebels are being put through some long, drawn out death in order to give them yet another chance to repent. Some of them will take that chance, and those falling rocks you have such a problem with will end up being their salvation. Third, the souls who have been accepted by Jesus are getting transferred on to their reward. Exactly what is your problem with this? Do you begrudge God the right to avenge Himself on those who are taking such delight in spitting all over His grace? Do you have an issue with Him giving rebels one last chance to repent? Do you have a beef with Him taking Christians to Heaven? Are you seeing the problem with griping at God when we read about Him mass slaughtering people in the news? God is infinitely more gracious than we can fathom. 

Anna Diehl, The Pursuit of God 12 Comments [5/1/2015 3:12:48 AM]
Fundie Index: 13

Quote# 108232

NY Times: Gay Marriage Case Caps Cincinnati’s Shift From Conservative Past


As the Supreme Court prepares to hear oral arguments on same-sex marriage, Cincinnati has become the measure of how far the gay rights movement has come in a traditionally conservative city.


The Anti-New York Times

In those parts of the country in which the mental and moral cancer of liberalism has yet to metastasize, the Marxists and their homosexual legions have turned to the court system to expedite the death blow to what was once conservative Christian Middle-America. And oh how Sulzberger's Slimes just luuuvs throwing these types of stories in our faces.

Emboldened by the Marxist media, the sodomite brigades have expanded the "the struggle".

The cancer can now be found anywhere and everywhere.

Playing upon the mushy sentimentality of the weak-minded, as always, The Slimes explains:

"Jim Obergefell says he “instantly pictured growing old” with John Arthur when they fell in love here in 1992. Just seven weeks after they began dating, Mr. Arthur gave Mr. Obergefell a ring set with diamonds — a sign that, in their hearts if not in law, they were married."

Two decades later, with Mr. Arthur dying of Lou Gehrig’s disease, they did marry, aboard a medical charter jet on the tarmac of an airport in Maryland — a state where, unlike Ohio, gay people could wed. When Mr. Arthur, 48, died in October 2013, Ohio refused to list Mr. Obergefell as his spouse on the death certificate. Furious, Mr. Obergefell sued."

The Homo Hissy Fits are working. One by one, even many churches are caving in, or at least 'looking the other way' to the new "tolerance". The double-standard that bars a man from "marrying" his dog, his sheep his mother, or his son can no longer be justified. There are such people who engage in these practices. Why should they be denied the "right" to fornicate and marry? As even the Pinko Pope decreed, "Who am I to judge?"

The real power behind this subversive movement lies neither within the courts nor with the foot-stomping homosexual brats. Those are just the tools. It is the usual suspects who are injecting the deadly cancer cells into every nook and cranny of the American body. Vice President Biden has confirmed:

“I believe what affects the movements in America, what affects our attitudes in America are as much the culture and the arts as anything else. I bet you 85 percent of those changes, whether it’s in Hollywood or social media are a consequence of Jewish leaders in the industry. The influence is immense, (he repeats) the influence is immense. And, I might add, it is all to the good. ” - Joe Biden

Yes, Joe. It's "all to the good". Thanks Jews!

Move over Walton Family! The "Modern Family" is the new model for a New World Order. It's all good.

Mike King, Tomato Bubble 18 Comments [5/1/2015 3:11:21 AM]
Fundie Index: 11

Quote# 108231

When Queen Victoria went to meet her Maker in 1901, the queen acknowledged 9 children, but in reality she had 10. Additionally, she acknowledged 40 grandchildren and 30 great-grandchildren, but in reality she had many, many more.

The Apostle Paul–who established true Christianity at Rome–had women deacons and helpers. Under Judaism, women had very few rights, and the Roman Empire granted no rights to women. During the pagan Roman persecutions of Christianity, female martyrs were more numerous than males:

Greet Priscilla and Aquila, my fellow workers in Christ Joshua, who risked their own necks for my life, to whom not only I give thanks, but also all the congregations of the nations. Likewise greet the congregation that meet in their house (Romans 16:3-5).

As Saint Paul's missionary career was coming to an end, the Holy Spirit revealed to him that time would not end when the great Temple in Jerusalem was destroyed by the Romans. Subsequently, being not ignorant of Satan's devices, he began to prepare the Christians for the enemies they would confront before the real end of the world. The Apostle especially warned them about the usurped role of women:

But I do not permit a woman to teach, nor to usurp authority over the man, but to be in silence (I Timothy 2:12).

Here is the advice that Saint Paul gave to the future young Christian women:

I will, therefore, that the younger women should marry, bear children, be mistresses of families, give no occasion to the adversary to speak evil (I Timothy 5:14).

Looking down the long corridors of time, Saint Paul saw the rise of the British Empire and the reign of female sovereigns like Bloody Mary Tudor, Shake-speare, Queen Victoria, and Queen Elizabeth II.

It was King Henry's lack of a male heir that launched the blessed Reformation in England because he knew that a female sovereign was an abomination.

The 18-year-old Victoria was crowned queen in Westminster Abbey on June 28, 1837.

She reigned until her death in 1901.

A woman riding the beast or political system was the very vision of the nightmarish end times given in the Book of Revelation (Revelation Ch. 17).

There is no English word for a female sovereign. The word queen meant the wife of a king. The young queen, with no prior political experience whatsoever, was in over her head. She relied completely on the "advise" of her prime minister, Lord Melbourne.

Queen Victoria was like potter's clay in the hands of the shrewd Lord Melbourne.

The main foreign policy objective of Lord Melbourne was to avenge the defeat at the Battle of New Orleans and prevent the United States of Israel from expanding from sea to shining sea.

Patrick Scrivener, Reformation 22 Comments [5/1/2015 3:11:09 AM]
Fundie Index: 14
Submitted By: Yossarian Lives

Quote# 108226

The Reptilians are by far the worst of them all.

The dark figure was reptilian calling himself a god. He was always yelling “Shatom” or “Shaitan” through me and accused Satan for everything. He even threw curses through me at those around me. He was ruining my life and the only way to get him out was to return to the Christ. The “angels” said that I would pay dearly for leaving Christ, and they made me pay for it for real. I was forced to bow down to a Hebrew, bound by them to do what they told me to. I threw out everything seemingly pagan because they forced me to and insisted I get rid of everything. I believe that they were mad when I broke my angel statues. I used to collect angels, so they sent the reptilian on me to hurt me.

When I was possessed by this reptilian figure, I was being burned by spirits. I felt like I had in a dream once, that I was bound to a stake and being burned. I felt fire and it hurt immensely. I couldn’t rest. This mother fucker made my life feel like a living hell and only left me when I gave songs of praise to that false god called a Christ. Apparently, they did not want me near their Hebrew crap, same for finding out the truth because I was figuring things out for my own.

Other experiences with Reptilians I’ve had were… Well, let’s just say that reptilians are horrible liars. Yes, they lie like rugs. When I was trying to find out who I was in the New Age crap, reptilians were all around me. Well, I saw one at least; a short one and they don’t mind terrorizing someone even then even when they try to make themselves seem friendly. I faced a lot of terrorizing moments.

They lied to me, just like the Elohim lied to me.

They gave my soul a false history, claiming that I was figures such as Lord Byron (which they tried to make believable since I was a child), Vlad Tepes III, and even called me Lucifer, Lilith, Alu, and Hitler (among many other figures, such as Caligula). They made claims that I was a fallen angel and that I was working my way back up to who I really was, and that I was once a scientist on a different planet. The truth is this, this was my only life I’ve ever had but the reptilians told me otherwise. Satan revealed to me who I really was, that I was a new soul and that I was not the Christ or any figure in history.

The reptilians growled at me more than once in my life, as had demons when I was in Christianity. The reptilians wreak of death. They smell like something had died. They are blood thirsty creatures who depend on blood sacrifice, not the gods of humanity. Their souls smell of rotten eggs and filth, and they’ve tried to scare me more than once. They pretended to not like David Icke, when in truth he is working for them (he’s a jew, thus a reptilian himself).

The reptilians also threatened me when I was growing, as a child even. The reptilians once threatened me that if I didn’t do what they told me to that they would “eat” my parents. They also gave me nightmares of them eating people, my parents to be precise, and showed me their bones. They also hunted me down in my dreams, while in other dreams demons or myself (or through myself) was telling me that Satan was god.

DEMONS R US, Demons R Us 19 Comments [5/1/2015 3:08:51 AM]
Fundie Index: 13
Submitted By: shy

Quote# 108224

The problem is not Christianity itself. The problem is cultural Marxism which has penetrated every aspect of Western culture.

Sadly the Church has been infiltrated and needs to be as nice, friendly and inclusive as possible to put bums on seats. Christianity is being watered down in an attempt to be as popular as possible against the rising tide of militant atheism. This is not a failure of Christianity itself, but a symptom of the modern world which puts a monetary value on absolutely everything and doesn't really care about identity, tradition or faith. It is a weakness of the people involved who devalue their religion out of fear and a desire to be liked.

These people are heretics and should be burned at the stake not gifted with public money.

I'm sympathetic to both Christians and pagans. They both make up part of our history, tradition and identity. Paganism is ours, they're our gods, the English are descended from Odin himself. It is a religion deeply bound up with ethnic identity. However, even paganism has been hijacked by the left. It's popular amongst the hip young crowd who are looking for some deeper spiritual meaning in life but who have been taught to despise Christianity and themselves and their people. The agenda behind hating Christianity is rooted in the same desires to make white people feel guilty for the slave trade and to hate themselves in general.

The love that Christians seem to have for Israel is a modern aberration aided by cultural Marxism and populism. Christians should not support Israel. The correct point of view is that because the Jews reject Jesus they are going to Hell for their beliefs. That is what the people of this country believed up until the modern age, when Jews were shunned and expelled from the country. Imagine what a powerful idea it would be if fifty million English men and women in this country believed that Jews were going to Hell.

Like I mentioned, I'm sympathetic to pagans too. Not the pagans that I'm sure we've all seen: the hippies, the lefties and other degenerates who profess to be pagans or bloody witches just to be different and edgy. They don't have any moral objections to homosexuality or abortion or any of the other social plagues we are facing because they don't have any real faith. They picked an obscure religion so they could be tool cool for the universe and rebel against the current system, but without doing anything actually rebellious such as speaking out against immigration.

EastSaxon, Anglo-Saxon Foundation 19 Comments [5/1/2015 3:02:09 AM]
Fundie Index: 9

Quote# 108223

Were women meant to serve men?

Of course we were Obviously, history would not be as it is now if women were not meant to serve men. Our bodies are made to be pleasing to men both visually and physically. Almost every part of our bodies can be used for sexual gratification of men. We naturally submit to dominant, masculine figures even though a lot of us would rather not admit it. Even if we resist at first, it comes eventually.

OLevasque, Debate.org 21 Comments [5/1/2015 3:00:35 AM]
Fundie Index: 11
Submitted By: Chris

Quote# 108221

as for the rest, it is my personal view of the Desert Faith called Christianity, as for the term surrender monkey's, take a look around at the Christian Church, is there any strong pro-white Leadership from either Canterbury or Rome?? Obviously not, it has already been mentioned, Christianity is a Globalist Religion, much like Islam, where it seeks a Universal human brotherhood, therefore, the Tribe, or Nation or Ethnic Identity has to be subsumed or completely killed off to accumplish that Universal brotherhood of Man, and that is the crux of my ill feeling, or emotional argument with Christianity, if you think its aimed at you personally, you'd be mistaken, its aimed at the very idea of Universalism, which in itself is Globalism, both aim to kill off the very human idea of Tribe, Nation, Ethnic Identity and everything that is Natural in the Human animal, in short individualism, seperatism, deference, against Globalism/Universalism, which is same, indiferent, one Identity, One Tribe, Human Tribe, in short, the 'Brotherhood' of man syndrome!!

As for the English, converting for political reasons, then the Earl, Lord didn't convert for the good of the Tribe, but for his own personal reasons, If you are saying that Jesus is some sort of Worthy Lord to swear an Oath to, you'd be barking up the wrong tree, at the time, as now, the English were very Tribal, the Travaling Christians selling the word of the Desert God, did use emblishments, lies and other forms including adoption of Native Heathen Practices and Festivals such as Easter and so on to ease Conversion, by adding a made up Christian Spin to it..

I'm sorry if my view on the Christian Faith offends you, but I didn't begin this thread, I am simply posting my views on the Desert Faith, Jesus was not English or Germanic, he was a Jew, therefore why should a Tribe of Germanic Origins swear any Oath to a Forigner??

My Native Gods do not expect me to bend the knee or bow to them when making my offerings, or looking to them for wisdom, help, and encauragement, as the Christian God does..

If you are content to follow a Forigen Religion then that is your road, it is not mine, I have returned to my Native/Tribal Beliefs and ways, that is my road, and I am happy with that!!

BTW, Neopagenism, I, we are not Pagens, Pagen is something invented by Hippies, and Academics of the Classical World, I/we follow the Elder Ways which are Earthen/Harth = Heathen, we are apart of Nature, and the Natural Cicle of things, we are of Nature hence Heathen, not pagen!!

Teutoburg Weald, Anglo-Saxon Foundation 17 Comments [5/1/2015 2:59:50 AM]
Fundie Index: 11

Quote# 108220

In response to an article on Asian-Jewish couples

Of course many of these Jewish men are self-haters and have anti-semitic attitudes toward Jewish women. I don't care about these losers but I do care when they want to pretend to have Jewish families. THEY DON'T! This article mentions that many of these couples claim to be raising their children "Jewish" but that couldn't be further from the truth. These children are not Jews. You need a Jewish mother to be Jewish. These children are Asian gentiles with self-hating Jewish fathers who hate Jewish women. These couples should never be welcomed into the Jewish community.

anti-intermarriage, The Jewish Week 13 Comments [5/1/2015 2:59:22 AM]
Fundie Index: 11

Quote# 108219

“If God created the world knowing the future, then God created/determined the future. You could not choose any other than how God created/pre-determined/destined you to ‘choose’ from the creation….By definition, without the real possibility of choosing one way or the other, there would be no freewill/free-choice in the matter.” Mark Russell

If I go to a LIVE football game, come home and then watch a replay on the TV, I know the future of the game but I don't determine the outcome. I hope that helps…here's a quick test for you to know your future: www.needGod.com

Ray Comfort, Ray Comfort's Facebook page 25 Comments [5/1/2015 2:59:05 AM]
Fundie Index: 8
Submitted By: Chris

Quote# 108218

Televangelist Kenneth Copeland appeared on “The 700 Club” today to triumphantly announce to host Pat Robertson that God’s healing power is sweeping over the world, especially at his Texas church, which he failed to mention was the center of a measles outbreak in 2013. Copeland told Robertson that a man “died in the foyer of the church and God raised him from the dead; he had a heart attack and just died and the Lord raised him up.”

This spirit, Copeland said, “is what has Islam so stirred up.” This led him to compare himself and Robertson to Osama bin Laden, but in a good way.

“The first tape that Osama bin Laden put out years ago, he said Islam is failing and we have to call every Muslim man to service, rise up for jihad, it’s failing. Well that’s one thing that’s true that he said, it’s failing,” Copeland said. “Now, Pat, they called you and they called me extremists, didn’t they? They still do. The reason they call us extremists is because we take the words of Jesus literally and with all of our effort, all of our faith, all of our finances, whatever it takes, we do our utmost to obey those words and bring them to pass. Now, that’s what is happening in Islam.”

Copeland told Robertson that their fervor for Christianity is just like the fervor Islamist extremists claim to have for their faith: “An extreme Islamist is just one that takes the words of Mohammad and with all of his strength, all of his finances and everything he has, he does his best to bring those things to pass, and that’s what we’re seeing on the evening news. But let me tell you who wins here, we win.”

Kenneth Copeland, Right Wing Watch 20 Comments [5/1/2015 2:58:15 AM]
Fundie Index: 12
Submitted By: Ibuki Mioda

Quote# 108217

WASHINGTON — Supporters and opponents of same-sex marriage faced off Tuesday on the plaza in front of the Supreme Court as the justices gathered inside to hear a landmark case on the subject.

On the same plaza on Saturday, Jonas Minino faced off against his father.

Minino's father is a pastor in Northern Virginia, and his sister is married to a pastor, and they oppose same-sex marriage as sin. Minino, who lives in Washington, is gay, which has long been a point of contention for the family.

"They believe I can change, that I have some kind of psychological disorder, that with therapy I can change myself," Minino said Tuesday as he returned to the plaza. "I believe I should be able to marry the person I love."

His father and sister came to the court Saturday with buses full of congregants from their church.

Minino, 32, came to the court to stand in favor of gay marriage.

He didn't see his family that day, but they saw him. Afterward his father sent him a text telling him he would go to hell unless he repented, which Minino shared with USA TODAY (translated from Spanish):

Dad: "I saw you there (at the rally) on the side of the children of darkness. Christ is coming soon. Please don't be lost. The fires of Hell are real."

Minino: "forget I exist. I'm going to leave you with this photo." (The photo is of Minino with friends in front of the Supreme Court holding up a gay pride flag).

Marino said he kept the texts because "he's my father and I love him."

But he said his father has made comments his entire life about how he can change his homosexuality.

"I'm done," he said. "I'm done with the hate. I'm done with the comments. Why do I have to go to hell because I'm gay?

"Now I will have to find a new family."

Jonas Minino's father, USA Today 20 Comments [5/1/2015 2:57:55 AM]
Fundie Index: 10
Submitted By: Ibuki Mioda

Quote# 108214

What the architects of this New Morality miss is the irony of substituting one puritanism for another. The Sexual Revolution promised that all who trusted in its promises would experience perhaps discomfort at first but afterwards a generation of happy, autonomous individuals rid of the socially constricting irritants of religious morality or transcendent truth. It also warned that those who resisted its march would find themselves on “the wrong side of history,” rendered irrelevant to the culture at best and an obstacle to progress at worst. The promise of the Sexual Revolution has yet to be fulfilled, but the threat has fared better. Julian Hawthorne said the society depicted in his father’s novel desired to “trample you down” when you have “forfeited your claim to our protection.” If that is not an accurate description of what’s happening with Gordon College, than I don’t know what is.

The simple fact is that our grade-school literature classes were wrong. It was not American Puritanism that designed shame culture, it was Puritan Americanism. We no longer have the kind of national, tacit, civic Christianity that The Scarlet Letter depicted, yet we still have the shaming scaffolds (they’re called social media now) and we still have ineffable moral codes that must not be trespassed. These codes may not be Levitical but they are indeed legalistic: laws about privilege, sexual autonomy, “trigger warnings,” and much, much more. Violation of these laws can and do result not only in public shame but legal prosecution.

It surely must befuddle those on the inside track of our transforming culture—just as we seem to be learning what true progress is, we rebuild the shaming scaffolds of our Puritan forefathers. Can we not have a culture that embraces the moral equivalence of all forms of sexual expression, the existential (read: non-transcendent) nature of love, and the casting off of ancient beliefs about God and the universe, while simultaneously widening the margins of civic life to include all kinds of beliefs, even those that discomfort us? Cannot we live out the promises of the Sexual Revolution while saving a place in our midst for those who opt out?

No, we cannot. The reason is simple: A broken American conscience cannot be trusted. Compassion is a class that secularism doesn’t offer. Exchanging the Puritanism of Arthur Dimmesdale for the Puritanism of Alfred Kinsey is not progress. Cultural elites may say we are becoming a better people because we break with human history on the meaning of marriage or the dignity of human life, but a glance outside suggests otherwise.

Samuel James, Samuel James.net 9 Comments [5/1/2015 2:22:10 AM]
Fundie Index: 9
Submitted By: AJ Williams

Quote# 108213

Yes, I agree that same sex marriage is only a proximate end to the ultimate end of destroying religion and making the idea of "religious liberty" irrelevant and inapplicable.

At the same time, when it comes to same sex marriage, I have never seen religion as the primary opponent of those proposing it. Religion did not invent marriage. Marriage arose out of human nature as male and female. The deeper attack is not on religion; it's on human nature itself. We see increasingly an intent to disregard human nature, no matter the consequences. It's not just that only man and woman can form a conjugal relationship. That's a matter of biology. It's that many refuse even to accept human biology. They don't care how they are made. They want to do what they will to do, human nature be damned.

JimG, catholic answer forums 17 Comments [5/1/2015 2:21:24 AM]
Fundie Index: 11
Submitted By: Mary
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