Quote# 108592

Is the USA Toast?

Are we truly watching a perfect storm of tyrannical darkness conquer the United States? Have we finally been defeated by the ever-patient, ever-evil, embedded communists, who've had their wicked designs on our nation for at least a hundred years? Is our culture so rotten to the core that it can never return to virtue and right? Are America's younger generations lost to Godless, communist indoctrination and ideology, which includes radical environmental lunacy and the eager embrace of militant homosexualism and the destruction of marriage and family? Is there no way to purge the systemic immorality and corruption that infects all our major institutions, our federal, state and local governments, our schools, the media and entertainment industries and corporations? Is it even possible for this wayward nation to return to the founding principles and limitations on the central government outlined in the Constitution? Is tyranny inevitable?


We have enemies of the United States inhabiting the Executive branch of the federal government, and many enemy minions in place throughout the Legislative and Judicial branches, as well as the federal bureaucracies and the military. These people have orchestrated a near-perfect storm of freedom-robbing evil against our nation. While it did not begin with Barack Obama (or whatever his name is), it has certainly kicked into warp speed under his dictatorship.

These communists (for that's what they are) in the Obama administration and Congress have managed to neuter any political opposition. Whether the Republicans are in fear for their lives or the lives of their families, are being blackmailed for wrongdoing or are wickedly in agreement with the goals of the Obama administration, the result is the same: the agenda of the Obama Crime Syndicate is not being stopped, or even slowed down in any way. Christian conservatives and other patriots have watched in helpless horror and outrage as the Republicans have surrendered their lawful power to this Godless, America-hating, lying reprobate in the White House.

We are watching, as in a surreal nightmare, the federal takeover of major parts of our nation, including our healthcare and health insurance systems and the Internet. They're trying to take over state and local police. We're watching these Marxist loons aggressively facilitate the invasion of the United States by Third World illegal aliens from Central and South America as well as Muslim "refugees" from the Middle East and Africa (but not Christian refugees from those same places). We're watching these destructos crush our energy production capabilities, destroying power plants, commandeering water supplies, and aggressively eroding private property rights. They're cramming through the United Nations' communistic, anti-freedom, environmental extremist policies. They're forcing the corrosive and tyrannical agenda of the homosexual/"transgender" movement with all the immoral filth it entails. They're viciously attacking Christian freedom. They're destroying our military. They're funding, arming and enabling our criminally insane Muslim enemies while spitting in the face of our dearest allies. They're burying America under a ticking time bomb mountain of debt that is destroying our fiat currency.

Gina Miller, Barb Wire 18 Comments [5/14/2015 3:19:20 AM]
Fundie Index: 8

Quote# 108591

[Guy Benson, a conservative pundit and editor on Townhall.com, came out as gay.]

Now I don't know Mr. Benson, and he certainly seems like a particularly nice and friendly individual. But this is not about his personality. It's about politics.

Townhall, by the way, is owned by Salem Media Group, which describes its mission as "targeting audiences interested in Christian and family-themed content and conservative values."

To my knowledge, Salem has yet to explain how paying an openly homosexual activist to be the political editor of its main public policy publication is consistent with this mission.

If Salem leadership is to be at all true to its own mission statement, Benson must be replaced. His values on homosexuality are not Christian, family-themed, or conservative.

Bryan Fischer, Barb Wire 10 Comments [5/14/2015 3:18:35 AM]
Fundie Index: 3

Quote# 108590

The evolutionist believes that the fossil record proves a progressive evolution of the species over millions of years, beginning with non-living matter. This non-living matter supposedly evolves into protozoans, and the protozoans evolve into metazoan invertebrates, which evolve into vertebrate fishes. The fishes evolve into amphibians, which evolve into reptiles, which evolve into birds. The birds then evolve into fur-bearing quadrupeds (animals with 4 legs), and these quadrupeds evolve into apes, and the apes evolve into man.

Now for those who actually believe such a fable, we have a question: WHERE ARE THE TRANSITIONAL FORMS? If all of those life forms survived by changing into higher life forms, then would someone please show us one living example of this today? Where can we observe a reptile who is slowly changing into a bird? How about a bird who is turning into a four-legged animal? This is one of the strongest arguments against evolution: NO TRANSITIONAL FORMS. Even Darwin realized this in his "Origin of the Species" when he said that "this is the most obvious of the many objections which may be argued against it." (Vol. 2, 6th Ed. p. 49)

Yes, it certainly is. The more the fossil record builds, the weaker the theory of evolution becomes, because the needed transitional forms are NOT BEING FOUND to link the species! They never will be found, because the species are NOT LINKED (I Cor. 15:38-39).

James L. Melton, Biblebelievers.com 30 Comments [5/14/2015 3:18:15 AM]
Fundie Index: 7
Submitted By: Chris

Quote# 108589

It upsets me how hypocritical our Godless society is. Genuinely great men, who were truly decent (like Pastor Jack Hyles (1926-2001) who spent his life helping others, preaching the Gospel, giving away millions of dollars and pastoring for 55-years) are slandered and maliciously attacked, falsely accused and torn down. The content on Wikipedia is allegedly controlled by the public, but it is my opinion that Wikipedia is controlled, just as is the biased newsmedia and agendacized Hollywood. Some of the most wicked people listed on Wikipedia don't have one negative word said about them, while numerous godly pastors and Christian organizations are unfairly maligned. Not one negative word is mentioned on Wikipedia about Leonard Nimoy. His naked photograph collection is merely mentioned as an ISBN number. I tell you, Mr. Nimoy was a disgrace to America... a leftwing, liberal, sex-perverted, religious nut!

David J. Stewart, Jesus is Savior 29 Comments [5/14/2015 3:17:11 AM]
Fundie Index: 9

Quote# 108588

Under the US Constitution, Catholics have the right to practice their religion, but it is still paganism masquerading as Christianity. Those who embrace it, embrace Eternal Damnation.

FoJC_Forever, Christian News Network 17 Comments [5/14/2015 3:16:41 AM]
Fundie Index: 9

Quote# 108582

Very few, and I mean very few, women are like the Proverbs 31 woman. Very few husbands are truly happy in their marriage. So many wives lie to their husbands, being deceitful and hiding things from him. I feel sorry for the man who's wife waits 10 years to tell him some bad news, breaking his heart. Those are horrible words when a wife says, "There's something I should have told you 10 years ago." What a horrible thing to do to a man. There was a wife who led her husband to believe that she was a virgin before they married. They were both Christians and had never dated anyone except each other. The wife decided after 7 years of marriage to tell her husband that she was sexually molested by a much older step brother when she was a little girl. The husband was forever devastated.

As you can imagine, that permanently destroyed any family relations. The man never spoke to the wife's family again. The wife should have kept her mouth shut. Better yet, she should have told her husband before they married what had happened. She might as well have shot that poor man in the head, because he wished he were dead when she dropped the bomb on him. I've heard testimonies from men of their wives stealing from their them, cleaning out the bank account, destroying their personal property, lying to them, using the courts against them, dragging meddling people into the marriage, etc, etc, etc.. So sad, so tragic, so evil.

David J. Stewart, Jesus is Savior 31 Comments [5/14/2015 3:03:32 AM]
Fundie Index: 17

Quote# 108580

A Louisiana state senator recently offered a puzzling rationale for why schools in the state should be allowed to teach creationism.

Last month, Louisiana lawmakers considered a measure to repeal the Louisiana Science Education Act, a 2008 law that critics have characterized as a way of giving teachers latitude to introduce creationism and other unscientific theories into state classrooms.

In an April 22 hearing, state Sen. Elbert Guillory (R) made it clear that he would vote against the measure, SB 74. In footage uploaded to YouTube last week, he can be seen using a bizarre tactic to support his argument -- namely, citing a nonexistent version of history where scientific truth reigned supreme and dissent invited brutal consequences.

“There was a time, sir, when scientists thought that the world was flat. And if you get to the end of it, you’d fall off," Guillory said. "There was another time when scientists thought that the sun revolved around the world. And they always thought to ensure that anyone who disagreed with their science was a heretic. People were burned for not believing that the world was flat. People were really badly treated."


SB 74 did indeed eventually fail, likely preserving the LSEA for at least another year.

Guillory has attracted criticism in the past for strange defenses of what should and shouldn't be taught in science class. A few years back, he appeared to express concern that repealing the LSEA would mean that the teachings of a witch doctor he had met -- a man who “wore no shoes, was semi-clothed, [and] used a lot of bones that he threw around” -- would be off-limits.

Efforts to repeal the LSEA have failed five years in a row, with no legislation even making it out of the state Senate Committee on Education, despite support from 78 Nobel laureates. In light of that, Kopplin told The Huffington Post that he's no longer fazed by comments like Guillory's.

"In 2013, Senator Guillory insisted on keeping creationism in science class because of an experience he had with a witch doctor," Kopplin wrote in an email to HuffPost on Monday. "It's no surprise that he has a strong disrespect for historical fact either."

Sen. Elbert Guillory, Huffington Post 8 Comments [5/14/2015 3:02:21 AM]
Fundie Index: 7
Submitted By: BLAMigator

Quote# 108579

The only way back is to begin punishing ambition in our daughters and in all female children. They need to be physically and psychologically disciplined to be servile and deferential and they unfortunately need to have it beaten into them that they should NEVER trust their own judgement and always seek guidance and permission of their male headships. My daughter would be turned out with nothing but a shirt on her back if she so much as looked at a college website or played with her brother's educational toys. She would be belted to the point of being unable to sit if she exhibited confidence in decision making. I don't want my wife to step foot out of the house unless her every dime and minute spent can be accounted for and executed in conjuncture with my approval. My daughter will exude obedience and timidity for whoever her future husband is and it's imperative that all Christian Men demand nothing less within their own homes. Playtime for feminazis and the left is over. This is our world and our heritage to protect. Let the cultural war begin!

TS77RP1, Return of Kings 28 Comments [5/14/2015 3:00:43 AM]
Fundie Index: 26

Quote# 108578

Celebrate Mother's Day ... and reject feminism.

Andy Schlafly, Conservapedia, Main Page 17 Comments [5/14/2015 2:59:43 AM]
Fundie Index: 11
Submitted By: Night Jaguar

Quote# 108577

24? Bit strange, that. Sounds a bit like setting the bar high due to the current paedohysteria. Men are maximally physically attracted to women from the completion of puberty until the start of negative ageing signals; a golden decade from the mid teens to the mid twenties roughly; which is why Britain's top Page 3 girl Sam Fox first shot to fame at age 16 (until the SOA in 2003, topless models frequently started at 16 and 17, when their boobage is in peak condition). The dismissive term "caveman hypothesis" sets a negative gloss on something totally normal- maximal sexual desirability is when a woman is in peak physical condition, in the golden decade. The idea that this might, or should, change, indicated in the later part of the article is silly.

Doing some futurism (always a risky proposition), this century is likely to see the first genuine age-combatting biotechnologies. It is likely that in the near future, and certainly in the future at some point, ageing will be entirely vanquished. And when that happens, everyone will choose to be, forever, in peak physical condition. Expect a human race whose entire female cohort look about 18, and males who maybe look a little older, maybe mid 20s (women prefer a man to have a bit of a mature look, due to their innate hypergamy. A five year age gap seems about standard). They will look at the bizarre Clooney/Almuddin wedding extravaganza- a woman rapidly fading into middle age, and a grey haired old clunker, and feel pity and amusement at the sight.

Ian B, Telegraph 12 Comments [5/14/2015 2:59:29 AM]
Fundie Index: 4
Submitted By: AB

Quote# 108575

Sweet Sarah: Should 'rape' legalized for married couples?

No offence here, what i mean is say a guy your married to, that you promised yourself too; wants to have sex when he wants, and a woman is not really feeling like she wants sex at that moment.

should the guy be allowed to have sex if she doesn't want?

Winston: Absolutely, women you all need to jump off that special little pedestal you think you belong on. The fact is, is that you're a worthless woman whose entire purpose in life is to breed children and have sex.

A Man doesn't need you for anything else but SEX, that's the agreement so stop fooling yourselves and do what you were made to do or get the eff out.

Winston, Yahoo! Answers 12 Comments [5/14/2015 2:57:14 AM]
Fundie Index: 11
Submitted By: Chris

Quote# 108574

The vehemence and anger expressed by many in the gay rights movement to any who oppose them is, in fact, an indication that they know their position is indefensible. Trying to overcome a weak position by raising your voice is the oldest trick in the debating book. There is perhaps no more accurate description of the modern gay rights agenda than Romans 1:31, “they are senseless, faithless, heartless, ruthless.”

To give sanction to gay marriage/same-sex marriage would be to give approval to the homosexual lifestyle, which the Bible clearly and consistently condemns as sinful. Christians should stand firmly against the idea of gay marriage/same-sex marriage. Further, there are strong and logical arguments against gay marriage/same-sex marriage from contexts completely separated from the Bible. One does not have to be an evangelical Christian to recognize that marriage is between a man and a woman.

According to the Bible, marriage is ordained by God to be between a man and a woman (Genesis 2:21-24; Matthew 19:4-6). Gay marriage/same-sex marriage is a perversion of the institution of marriage and an offense to the God who created marriage. As Christians, we are not to condone or ignore sin. Rather, we are to share the love of God and the forgiveness of sins that is available to all, including homosexuals, through Jesus Christ. We are to speak the truth in love (Ephesians 4:15) and contend for truth with “gentleness and respect” (1 Peter 3:15). As Christians, when we make a stand for truth and the result is personal attacks, insults, and persecution, we should remember the words of Jesus: “If the world hates you, keep in mind that it hated me first. If you belonged to the world, it would love you as its own. As it is, you do not belong to the world, but I have chosen you out of the world. That is why the world hates you” (John 15:18-19).

Got Questions Ministries, GotQuestions.org 12 Comments [5/14/2015 2:56:15 AM]
Fundie Index: 5
Submitted By: Chris

Quote# 108573

Let's compare Christianity, Muslim, God, and Satan.
Christianity: Love each other, you shall not murder
Muslim: Kill people who turn away
God: Love and help one another, be saved
Satan: I want to be God. Kill, steal, and destroy anyone who turns to him.

Let's play the match up game.

miasia mm, Google+ 16 Comments [5/14/2015 2:55:45 AM]
Fundie Index: 3
Submitted By: The Reptilian Jew

Quote# 108572

When Two Lesbians Walk Into a Church Seeking Trouble

“Let’s just go for fun! We’ll see how much we can push their buttons,” Amy teased her girlfriend, who didn’t like the idea of hanging around a bunch of Christians.

“Come on,” Amy insisted. “I hear their motto is ‘Come as you are.’ I just want to prove that they’re ‘come as you are … unless you’re gay.'”

Amy had been in a nine-year lesbian relationship that had broken up, leaving her wondering why her deepest longings could never be satisfied. She and Rachel had just started hanging out when they decided to attend one Sunday morning.

“I came on a mission to shock people,” Amy admits. “Rachel and I would hold hands in front of people, but instead of the disgusted looks of contempt we expected, people met eyes with us and treated us like real people. So we started coming to church weekly. We kept moving closer to the front each week, trying to get a reaction so that we’d be rejected sooner rather than later. When we couldn’t shock people, we stopped trying and started learning.”

“Not long after that, Rachel and I stopped seeing each other, but I kept coming to church because I was searching for something,” Amy admits. “I definitely wasn’t looking to change. It wasn’t my lesbian lifestyle that I was bringing to God, but I wondered if God had answers to my deeper longings. Problem was, I didn’t trust God at all!

“The more I listened and learned about the teachings of Jesus, the more I started to actually believe that God really did love me. I heard more and more about being His masterpiece, and in time, I actually started to believe it. The more I believed God actually could see something of value in me, the more I trusted Him.”

Over time, Amy slowly opened her heart and struggles to Christ.

“It took several years, but as I moved closer and closer to Christ, He gently took me on a very surprising journey,” she says. “First, I found out my father had nine affairs while I was growing up—a secret that rocked my world. Jesus began to show me how the roots of my sexual issues tie together with my dad’s—I was just like him, using people to find comfort, life and love outside of God.”

Amy continued to grow in her knowledge of the Scriptures, falling more and more in love with the Lord. The following year, God had another surprise for her: “I went to the seminar called ‘To Be Told,’ hosted at Gateway. I wanted to see how God could put closure to my brokenness, but what He showed me shocked me.”

“As Dan Allender was telling a story of a bully,” Amy recalls, “I suddenly had a flashback of getting off the school bus. I lived down the street from Jimmy, a boy who had bullied me all year. But this particular day, Jimmy acted nice to me as I got off the bus.

“He apologized for being so mean, and he invited me to come to his house.”

That day in the seminar, all else faded to black as this vivid nightmare crept back to life. Amy saw herself walking through Jimmy’s front door, noticing all the shades pulled down. Startled, she spied two teenage boys eyeing her with a ravenous look as the door slammed shut. Her screams never escaped the evil darkness that enveloped that house. They pinned her down and raped her.

She was only 9!

Amy swam in a pool of tears as the seminar continued. Others were oblivious to her divine epiphany. She realized the Lord had been drawing her near to strengthen her for this revelation—to show her the source of so much sexual struggle hidden for years beneath layers of protective mud.

“After that, I realized God knows more about me than I know about myself,” Amy recalls, “and He wants to bring healing to these wounds, so I fully gave Him my heart and body—everything. As I continued to seek intimacy with Him, the lesbian struggles fell away. I’m not saying that’s how God works with everyone, but it’s how He’s healing me. The more I focus on God’s intimate love for me and try to see His masterpiece emerge, the less I want anything to get in the way of His work in me.”

Seven years later, Amy leads our ministry to help people find healing and wholeness from all kinds of sexual and relational struggles. She’s helping others become God’s restored masterpiece.

Rev. John Burke, Today Christian  18 Comments [5/14/2015 2:55:13 AM]
Fundie Index: 5
Submitted By: Ivurm

Quote# 108571

(about a news story that a 40 year old neo pagan was killed in a fire after her candles fell over during a healing ritual)

Let’s CELEBRATE! HalleluYah! Answer to prayers! Let there be MORE such deaths of filthy, thieving, wicked witches!! Amen!

HERALD of YAH, Trust Christ or Go To Hell! 49 Comments [5/13/2015 3:36:20 AM]
Fundie Index: 41
Submitted By: skybison

Quote# 108570

Effeminate Canadian Police and Military in all their “glory”

Can you yet see why we #CURSEtheCrown every single day?

Thanks to brother Bill Whatcott for finding and compiling these Hellish images of Canadian filth in power.

(We #HATEtheState. We do not encourage the Crown in any of its evil actions. They serve Satan, obviously.)

(This is followed by pictures of gay/pro gay rights police officers.)

HERALD of YAH, Trust Christ or Go To Hell! 18 Comments [5/13/2015 3:36:09 AM]
Fundie Index: 12
Submitted By: skybison

Quote# 108568

Franklin Graham is outraged by the news that the character Iceman will come out as gay in a new issue of “X-men” issue. The Religious Right leader took to his Facebook page today to lament that Marvel is using Iceman in an attempt “to indoctrinate our young people to accept this destructive lifestyle.”

"Today the Marvel comic character Ice Man, from the "X-Men" series, is coming out as gay. This is another attempt to indoctrinate out young people to this destructive lifestyle. God's word says homosexuality is a sin, and we are to be on guard against all sin. God calls us to repent, turn from our sins, and out our trust in His Son Jesus Christ who died and rose again to pay the penalty for sin."

Graham has previously praised Russian President Vladimir Putin for criminalizing speech that is perceived as pro-gay “propaganda” directed at young people.

Franklin Graham, Right Wing Watch 40 Comments [5/13/2015 3:35:01 AM]
Fundie Index: 16
Submitted By: skybison

Quote# 108567

You bring up good points. I think the current push to completely undermine and overhaul the definition of marriage, gender, sex, etc is really just another ploy from the devil. He is the destroyer and the author of confusion. He is attempting to subvert and pervert what has been made and declared good by the Creator. I think he uses the mainstream media to accomplish a lot of this. To me, they are worse than our corrupt governments. They are the worst of all, because if they chose to tell the truth and present all the facts and use their influence for good, people would be influenced in a different way. Instead, the media has an agenda, and they manipulate people's emotions by feeding them specific narratives. They're basically corralling them toward an end goal.

I can't say I don't care or am not bothered by the homosexual/transexual lifestyles. To say that I am would mean I'm saying I'm okay with sinning. I'm not okay with it, and the sin I do, myself, is the one I hate the most. If someone is born with an innate desire for the opposite sex, or born with the desire to live as the opposite gender, that is out of their control. You can't help the way you feel. It's when those desires are acted upon that it becomes sin. I have innate sinful propensities. When I act upon them, I have sinned. I have homosexual friends. I treat them with love and respect, just as I try to do with everyone. I disagree with their lifestyle, but Jesus has not commanded me to try and change that. He's commanded me to love them (John 13:34-35), which is the greatest command (Galatians 5:14), and to tell them how to be saved (Mark 16:15). It's my job to love them and influence them to Christ. They need to be saved, just as Jesus saved me. So, I think you are absolutely right that we/I need to be very careful how we speak to people—to everyone. (Colossians 4:6) This doesn't mean we shouldn't speak the Truth, even if it offends. (Ephesians 4:15) People need to know that there is an eternal consequence for their sin. It's hell, and it's real, but there is a cure (Jesus). (John 3:16-18)

Haeddre, Rapture Ready 19 Comments [5/13/2015 3:34:54 AM]
Fundie Index: 7
Submitted By: Andrew ryan

Quote# 108566

They know that we've been conditioned (most of us, anyway) to restrain ourselves. They should thank God for that because, absent that restraint, these disgusting, combative, disrespectful, duplicitous creatures that pass themselves off as women today would consist largely of mangled, broken, bloody corpses.

liberranter, Alpha Game Plan 24 Comments [5/13/2015 3:34:34 AM]
Fundie Index: 15
Submitted By: yamamanama

Quote# 108565

There was a time in this country when a movie like The Life of Brian which, I just read—thank God the theaters in Little Rock decided not to show, but it's showing all over the Fort Worth–Dallas area, which is a mockery, which is a blasphemy against the very name of Jesus Christ, and I can remember a day even as young as I am when that would not have happened in this country or in the city in the South.

But friend, it's happening all over and no one's blinking an eye, and we can talk about how the devil's moved in and the devil's moved in but what's really happened is God's people have moved out and made room for it. We've put up the for sale sign and we've announced a very cheap price for what our lives really are. We've sold our character, we've sold our convictions, we've compromised we've sold out and as a result we've moved out the devil's moved in and he's set up shop. And friend [he's] praying on our own craving for pleasure.

Mike Huckabee, Mother Jones 37 Comments [5/13/2015 3:34:18 AM]
Fundie Index: 15

Quote# 108564

Andrea Lafferty of the Traditional Values Coalition stopped by “Sandy Rios in the Morning” today to discuss the Fairfax County, Virginia, school board’s recent decision to approve a gender identity nondiscrimination measure. Lafferty, who in her last appearance on the show called for schools to ban transgender teachers altogether, lamented the vote’s passage, decrying the “crazed board members” who backed the change.

Rios, the director of governmental affairs at the American Family Association, told Lafferty that LGBT rights advocates have been “homosexualizing schools” for over two decades, warning that LGBT themes are “folded into the texts of almost every discipline.”

“Look at the polls showing how our kids feel about homosexuality, even Christian kids,” Rios continued. “Does anybody think that’s by accident? It’s because they are inundated with a steady flow — even in those nice, good schools that you think you have. Good teachers have been silenced and for the most part they have folded.”

She warned that parents only have two options: “You’ve either got to run for school board and cleanse your local governance of these kinds of people making these horrible decisions or you’ve got to pull your kids out of school. I don’t see another choice.”

“You are putting your children in such great danger now,” she said. “Danger because of the confusion, because of the temptation, because of the indoctrination. You’re not helpless to do something about it, but you will be.”

Sandy Rios, Right Wing Watch 21 Comments [5/13/2015 3:33:55 AM]
Fundie Index: 6
Submitted By: Ibuki Mioda

Quote# 108563

The delivery of Christian prayers prior to county government meetings is a tradition that won’t dissipate anytime soon, as long as some Lincoln County commissioners have their way.

In response to a question concerning Rowan County, which was recently ordered by a federal court judge to cease its pre-meeting prayers, Lincoln County Board of Commissioners chairman Carrol Mitchem said that not only will invocations remain in Lincoln County, but that he would see to it that no non-Christian prayers are delivered on his watch.

“A Muslim? He comes in here to say a prayer, I’m going to tell him to leave,” Mitchem said. “I have no use for (those) people. They don’t need to be here praying to Allah or whoever the hell they pray to. I’m not going to listen to (a) Muslim pray.”

In a ruling filed on Monday, Judge James A. Beaty ruled that Rowan County violated the Establishment Clause of the First Amendment of the Constitution. According to the court document, commissioners there started each meeting with phrases such as “let us pray” or “please pray with me” before delivering the prayer. Those prayers normally included references to “Jesus” and “The Savior.”

The American Civil Liberties Union filed the suit in 2013.

According to Chris Brook, legal director of the ACLU of North Carolina, Rowan commissioners erred by leading public meetings with prayer, asking the public to participate in that prayer, making derogatory comments about religious minorities to the press and almost uniformly confining the prayers to one religion.

“I think that governmental officials should aim to have public meetings that are as inclusive and welcoming as possible,” Brook said. “We talk all the time as a society about wanting to encourage greater public engagement with our government and have greater public involvement in government decisions. When you construct obstacles such as obstructive prayer practices, then I think you’re falling short of an ideal government meeting that is welcoming and encouraging.”

Beaty awarded the plaintiffs $1 in damages and said that they may pursue attorney’s fees and costs from the county.

Mitchem said he doesn’t agree with anybody, religious minorities especially, altering the way things are done.

“Changing rules on the way the United States was founded, Constitution was founded (I don’t like),” Mitchem said. “I don’t need no Arab or Muslim or whoever telling me what to do or us here in the county what to do about praying. If they don’t like it, stay the hell away.”

Carrol Mitchem, Lincoln Times-News (Lincolnton, NC) 16 Comments [5/13/2015 3:31:45 AM]
Fundie Index: 10

Quote# 108562

Daily headlines prove that Christian persecution has reached epidemic proportions, creating a global humanitarian and political crisis, most notably in the Middle East and Africa.

Concurrently, all Christians throughout the world are experiencing another form of persecution. On the surface it is peaceful and silent, but underneath just as deadly as the physical kind sans the torture, beheadings, and refugees.

This subtle form of Christianity bashing is so quiet that Christianity’s 2.4 billion followers are largely unaware it is even happening. The “persecution” comes from pressure by society and popular culture to abandon traditional B.C./A.D. time dating in favor of B.C.E./C.E. dating now quickly gaining worldwide acceptance.


Global embrace of the the term “Common Era,” while sounding so innocent, inclusive, and non-offensive, is actually a bloodless way of persecuting Christians by negating the historical fact that Jesus Christ so changed and shaped the world that since A.D. 525 that human history has been calculated and divided into time before and after his birth.

Myra Adams, BarbWire 40 Comments [5/13/2015 3:23:10 AM]
Fundie Index: 10

Quote# 108560

Oath Keepers founder Stewart Rhodes told a Tempe, Arizona, conservative gathering last week that Sen. John McCain should be tried for treason and “hung by the neck until dead” for going “along with the program of the destruction of this country.”

Rhodes was taking part in an event featuring opponents of a proposed constitutional convention, including Andy Biggs, the Republican president of the Arizona state senate, and “constitutional sheriff” Richard Mack, both of whom sat alongside Rhodes as he gave his remarks.

Arguing that a constitutional convention would be skewed by the political establishment like state party conventions, Rhodes recalled his experience serving as a Ron Paul delegate in the 2008 GOP convention in Nevada, which Paul supporters claim was ended abruptly in order to shut them out.

The “GOP good-ol’-boy network,” Rhode said, “were simply getting their preordained, anointed candidate who would go along with the program of the destruction of this country.”

“John Cain [sic] is a traitor to the Constitution,” he added. “He should be tried for treason before a jury of his peers — which he would deny you, he supports your denial of a jury trial, he supported the NDAA saying that he could just have the president slam you into a brig in North Carolina or South Carolina or wherever else he wanted to, try you by military tribunal and have you executed. He would deny you the right for trial to jury, but we will give him a trial for jury, and then after we convict him, he should be hung by the neck until dead. But that was their candidate!”

Stewart Rhodes, Right Wing Watch 19 Comments [5/13/2015 3:22:39 AM]
Fundie Index: 7

Quote# 108559

Censorship in music should exist I don't want my children to be exposed to such filth, such as foul language, racist remarks, and sexual references. By having these censored, we are protecting the innocence of a child. Also, as an adult, I don't want that trash being heard by my ears. I think that if someone wants to hear that, they should buy the music and listen to it on their own. I shouldn't have to worry about what my child or myself may hear by flipping through radio stations. It is ridiculous. But like the Bible says, the devil is out to devour its prey like a lion...No wonder so many people are against censorship. As the end nears, the world will only become more and more corrupt. God help us all!

Anonymous, debate.org 23 Comments [5/13/2015 3:22:05 AM]
Fundie Index: 6
Submitted By: Yuu
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