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Quote# 107894

(Trail Life is the fundie answer to the Boy Scouts, formed after the decision to support gay members in the Boy Scouts)

Membership Standards for Trail Life USA

Membership in the program has both youth and adult elements.

Youth membership in the program is open to all who meet the membership requirements, and is currently designed for biologically male children under the age of 18.

The adult applicant must be at least 18 years of age and subscribe to and abide by the Trail Life USA Statement of Christian Faith and Values as well as the Oath and Motto of the program.

While the program is undergirded by Biblical values and unapologetically reflects a Christian worldview, there is also a clearly defined inclusion policy for youth. Accordingly, all boys are welcome irrespective of religion, race, national origin or socio-economic status. Our goal is for parents and families of every faith to be able to place their boys in a youth program that endeavors to provide moral consistency and ethical integrity in its adult leaders.

Charter partners own and operate local groups, selecting leaders and admitting members as they deem beneficial to their group and within the parameters of the national policy.

The basis for the program’s ethical and moral standards is found in the Bible. In terms of sexual identification and behavior, we affirm that any sexual activity outside the context of the covenant of marriage between one man and one woman is sinful before God and therefore inconsistent with the values and principles of the program.

Within these limits, we grant membership to adults and youth who do not engage in or promote sexual immorality of any kind, or engage in behavior that would become a distraction to the mission of the program.

We welcome boys whose parents are seeking a faith-based outdoor adventure program that places an emphasis on character development, leadership, and moral purity, and who aspire to live in accordance with the values expressed in the program’s Oath and Creed.

Trail Life USA, Trail Life USA 27 Comments [4/16/2015 3:31:57 AM]
Fundie Index: 1
Submitted By: Ivurm

Quote# 107893

(Trail Life is the fundie answer to the Boy Scouts, formed after the decision to support gay members in the Boy Scouts.)

The Statement of Faith and Values is designed to affirm the need for those in leadership to follow biblical standards. Leaders are held to a higher standard than those who are not in leadership and must agree to the tenets contained in the Statement. All adults in leadership roles—whether staff or volunteer at any level—must agree to sign and adhere to the Statement of Faith. Youth members are not required to sign this statement.

Statement of Faith

We believe there is One Triune God – God the Father; Jesus Christ, His one and only Son; and the Holy Spirit – Creator of the universe and eternally existent. We believe the Holy Scriptures (Old and New Testaments) to be the inspired and authoritative Word of God. We believe each person is created in His image for the purpose of communing with and worshiping God. We believe in the ministry of the Holy Spirit, Who enables us to live godly lives. We believe each of us is called to love the Lord our God with all our heart, mind, soul, and strength, and to love our neighbors as ourselves. We believe God calls us to lives of purity, service, stewardship and integrity.

Statement of Values

Purity // God calls us to lives of holiness, being pure of heart, mind, word and deed. We are to reserve sexual activity for the sanctity of marriage, a lifelong commitment before God between a man and a woman.

Service // God calls us to become responsible members of our community and the world through selfless acts that contribute to the welfare of others.

Stewardship // God calls us to use our God-given time, talents, and money wisely.

Integrity // God calls us to live moral lives that demonstrate an inward motivation to do what is biblically right regardless of the cost.

Trail Life USA, Trail Life USA 20 Comments [4/16/2015 3:31:31 AM]
Fundie Index: 1
Submitted By: Ivurm

Quote# 107892

The Washington, DC Corrupt Dictatorship is truly Making A HUGE Difference In NOT Holding Sacred Our Constitutional Freedoms and Unalienable Rights, Much Less Our Pursuit Of Happiness Nor Prosperity!!! I For One Am Frustrated Beyond Belief , Nor Do I Have The Understanding Of How The Tyrannical Traitor In Our Oval Office Along With His Marxist, Liberal Henchmen And Backers Are Allowed To get Away With Destroying America By Any And All Possible Means !!!!!

If 5 Million ILLEGAL ALIEN IMMIGRANTS Are Granted AMNESTY, Then “We The People” Are Forced To Pay To Feed, Cloth, Shelter, Educate and Provide For
Their Health Care , We have Growing Radical Racial Unrest!!! Our Security, Our Society And Our Fragile Economy Can Not Withstand Such Cost! The Scariest Part Is That Obomer Is Being Allowed To Get Away With His Evil Agenda! Obomer himself is an Illegal Alien Immigrant and as a result a FAUX president !! I believe that if Obomer can manage to fake out the public as to the disaster Illegal Alien Amnesty would bring to America, Economically and to Our Security, Obomer will then have overcome any and all issues with his own Illegal Status and then Become an American citizen !!!


PLEASE CALL *** And Contact Any Or All Elected representatives and speaker Boehner *** Tell Them To Step Up And Aggressively Fight Against The Obomer Regime, Agenda And Tyranny Or Get Out Of Town !!!! Join The Judicial Watch at judicialwatch.org,The Freedom Watch at freedomwatch.org and
Convention Of States (COS) at conventionofstates.com


Davidme2, WND 44 Comments [4/15/2015 3:07:37 AM]
Fundie Index: 22
Submitted By: Ibuki Mioda

Quote# 107890

(after being presented with the evidence: "Evolution is change in heritable traits of biological populations over successive generations.[1] Evolutionary processes give rise to diversity at every level of biological organization, including the level of species, individual organisms, and at the level of molecular evolution.[2]
All life on Earth originated through common descent from a last universal ancestor that lived approximately 3.5–3.8 billion years ago"):

Notice that in each of those wild claims absolutely no evidence is given. Just fantastical assumptions without hard proof, based on "beliefs". Welcome to the religion of evolutionary "science".
Where none of their claims has ever been, or even can be scientifically duplicated or proven. Just believed in in with blind faith.

Actual science, on the other hand, has proven this:

“DNA is an information code. The overwhelming conclusion is that information DOES NOT and CANNOT arise spontaneously by mechanistic processes. INTELLIGENCE is a necessity in the origin of any informational code, including the genetic code, NO MATTER HOW MUCH TIME IS GIVEN.” (Lane Lester, Ph.D. Genetics, The Natural Limits to Biological Change).

Time for atheists to be honest with themselves and side with science. Hate God all you want but the evidence is overwhelmingly conclusive that SOMEBODY created us and our surroundings. The evidence for Intelligent Design is mounting and many honest scientists have come to that conclusion. (Do your own homework. Google search.) By all means, give ALIENS the credit if you just can't stand the thought of God, but for the love of God stop touting evolutionary fantasy as "science". You look absolutely ridiculous and come up short EVERY TIME trying desperately to defend your "beliefs" with hard evidence, and for good reason.
There just isn't any.

The Last Trump, Christian News Network 38 Comments [4/15/2015 2:52:49 AM]
Fundie Index: 14

Quote# 107887

The long and the short of many experiences and many demonic battles that I had, although I didn’t recognize them as such, was one night when I was on my way to Birdie’s chalet. Birdie was one of the counselors with whom I was sharing. Thinking about something totally irrelevant, suddenly, John, out of the literally clear blue sky, this blackness enveloped me and I heard voices whispering in my ear, in my right ear. And a cold chilled breath on the side of my neck; and a presence of evil like I’d never felt. And believe me, I had felt some during my college years; but when I began working with a medium, when I began working with Mind Control, I would simply center myself, call on my good guide, surround myself in the “white light” of Jesus, and these things would leave. I thought I had it made. But here it was, and I couldn’t conjure it away! I tried calling on the name of my guide, “Jesus.” “He can’t help you! We’re going to kill you!” the voices shrieked. And I was trying to call on Cuauhtemoc, Pachita’s guide, and they shrieked even louder, and I broke into a panic. I started to run, in the darkness. And suddenly, John, what I can only describe as a fist came through, hit me in the back, pitched me forward. I couldn’t even call on the name of Jesus at this point. But the Lord knew and He rescued me from that. I ran into the counselor’s room, Birdie. She said, “What’s the matter with you?” I was covered with mud. Took me into a little room to pray for me. I couldn’t even hear her. We were swept up in a giant whirlwind somehow in my mind.

Johanna Michaelsen, John Ankerberg Wiki 22 Comments [4/15/2015 2:49:32 AM]
Fundie Index: 15
Submitted By: Tony

Quote# 107886

Pachita/“Hermanito” always had two helpers, a male on one side of the cot and a female—for about 14 months myself, as often as I could get into the city—assisting. And I would set up the cotton, the implements that were to be used—primarily a rusty hunting knife and a pair of scissors. The spirit would come and the operations would commence. The patient would come and stretch out on the cot, bare whatever section of his anatomy needed the operation. The only concession to antiseptics was a bit of cotton that was rubbed on the section; new cotton from a bottle they brought. And, you know, John, what can I tell you? I did not go buy chicken gizzards at the market across the street. She was not putting little bits of mica underneath her fingernails through which superficial cuts were made. I was not hypnotized. I had my eyes open. I stopped counting when I had assisted in over 200 operations—everything from inoperable brain tumors to lung transplants, which Andre Puharich, who researched a book on Arigo, another psychic surgeon in Brazil, and other psychics who do research, he said, “She’s probably one of the greatest psychics,” because he assisted in an operation in which she did an actual transplant

Johanna Michaelsen, John Ankerberg Wiki 21 Comments [4/15/2015 2:49:26 AM]
Fundie Index: 12
Submitted By: Tony

Quote# 107885

Actually, to reject God’s Word is the height of arrogance – as if your mind is in a position to judge the Almighty’s Word. However, God is in a position to judge everyone’s character. It is God who claims that everyone knows Him, but many suppress the truth in unrighteousness (Romans 1:18-20). If you disagree, then you are claiming to be smarter than God

Jason Lisle, jason lisle's blog 24 Comments [4/15/2015 2:49:13 AM]
Fundie Index: 12
Submitted By: Tony

Quote# 107884

It is astounding that a nation settled by people who crossed an ocean to live in a wilderness according to their religious beliefs and conscience is now poised to oppress millions who desire simply to live by those same beliefs. Everyone has the right to run a business consistent with their beliefs, employing other Americans in the process. Republicans must take up that theme as a pro-business stance.

RFRA supporters are like the brave Americans in the Deep South decades ago who stood for black civil rights against intense political pressure. The fanatical authoritarianism of the political left is plunging this country headlong into a very dark place from which many nations never return.

Ken Blackwell, Charisma News 23 Comments [4/15/2015 2:47:28 AM]
Fundie Index: 14

Quote# 107883

John: I live near Dearborn, Michigan (Mecca to you Arabs) and I don't read or hear about any gays trying to get cakes baked from the Muslims.

Come to think of it...I don't read or hear anything about the gays after they have attempted doing that.

Frank M: Moslems have a different way of dealing with gays. Homosexuals will wish this were still a Christian country once the moslems take over.

John & Frank M, WND 17 Comments [4/15/2015 2:47:07 AM]
Fundie Index: 10

Quote# 107881

[Comment on article on a book connected to the Holocaust]

We'll be hearing about this 'holocaust' for the next six million years.
Original sin.
Eternal atonement.

Dandelo disintegrates, Daily Telegraph 14 Comments [4/15/2015 2:45:28 AM]
Fundie Index: 6

Quote# 107877

"Belief in G-d should make us feel safe. But that’s not why we believe. We believe in G-d because it makes sense. If there is a world, there must be a creator. Our brilliantly designed universe has G-d’s signature written all over it.

“Even the authenticity of the Torah is logical. The Torah claims that three million people experienced the miracles and revelation at Mt. Sinai. Who would construe such a risky lie? For a people that constitutes less than one percent of mankind, our Torah should be an obscure account. But quite the contrary—our Torah is the world’s best-selling and most widely distributed book. We believe in G-d’s Torah because it’s true. If it also happens to make us feel safe—that’s a bonus!”

Rochel Holzkenner, Chabad.org 25 Comments [4/15/2015 2:42:20 AM]
Fundie Index: 12

Quote# 107869

The Hollywood blockbuster movie, DIE HARD, starring Bruce Willis is evil to the core, repeatedly blaspheming the holy precious name of Jesus Christ. The movie's star characters continually curse in God's name and dishonor the Lord's name. Here is the movie script so you can see for yourself that what I say is true . . .

•The holy name of “Jesus” is used irreverently as a swear word 12-times in the movie.

•The word “Christ” is irreverently mentioned as a curse word 11-times.

•Toward the end of the movie Bruce Willis exclaims, “Holy Christ” as a curse word.

•The blasphemous curse term “Goddam_” is exclaimed 5-times in the movie.

•The term “God” is used inappropriately 17-times throughout the movie as a curse word.

•The horrible blasphemous phrase “Jesus f_cking Christ” is mentioned once.

•The words “f_ck,” “f_cking,” “f_cker” and “f_ckin'” are found 42-times throughout the movie!

•The filthy word for dung, “sh_t!” is exclaimed 22-times throughout the movie.

•The slang term “dic_head” is mentioned twice.

•The Biblical word “hell” is dishonored twice.

•The slang curse term “son of a bitch” is mentioned twice.

•The term “ little bastard” is mentioned once.

•The slang curse term “asshol_” is used 9-times.

This is Hollywood at their best (which is the worst!). There is no greater source of filth and sexual smut in the world than Hollywood. The movie DIE HARD contains nudity, nude pictures, sensual scenes, and a preponderance of cursing in God's holy name. The average American has the attitude that fornication and adultery are normal; but it is immoral and wicked. The lusts of the flesh are the enemy of holiness and what's pleasing to God. It is a sin against God's holy Law to have sex outside of a marriage commitment. One woman, one man!

Marriage is like a fireplace. Sex is the fire. As long as you keep the fire in the fireplace you're ok, but that fire will burn your house down if it gets out of the fireplace. And sexual desire will burn your life up if that fire gets outside of a marriage commitment! Marriage is not just the old-fashioned way; it's still the right way! America has deteriorated into a sex-sicko society of perverts, whoremongers and whores (Hebrews 13:4).

I don't condemn anyone, for we are all hell-deserving guilty sinners; but Bruce Willis is living for the Devil, as are all Hollywood celebrities. Hollywood is a cesspool (i.e., a place where sewers flow into) of iniquity. Hollywood will ruin your life faster than anything. If you've ever been to California, to the Hollywood area, then you know that it is a weird, sicko, evil place in America. People think and live very differently there. Sin is everywhere. Jesus Christ is hated in Hollywood—adultery, fornication lasciviousness, lewdness, prostitution, nudity, immodest clothing, Rock 'N' Roll, Satan-worship, laughing at wickedness, divorce, drunkenness, homosexuality, lesbianism, arrogance, pedophilia, sinful pride, feminist brainwashing, body piercings, masochism, sadism, substance abuse, Communism, idolatry, hypocrisy, slander, gossip, ingratitude, greed, covetousness, celebrity worship syndrome (CWS), theft, blasphemy against God, massive false religions and whacko cults... it all happens in HollyWEIRD!!!

Loser shows like The Simpsons, Family Guy and South Park are the outflow of California's community of kooks, quacks, and queers! They're not just nutty TV programs, they are California!!! They don't call California “The Granola State” for no reason, i.e., the land of fruits and nuts! You can keep Californication! To no surprise, California's divorce rate is over 75%!!!

Why should God bless America? Hollywood wouldn't be so filthy rich if it weren't for all the people who but their filth, support their films, and give them their money. Bought any Hollywood movies lately? Television is truly the hellivision, corrupting America's homes. With all the cursing, blaspheming God, and cursing in Jesus' precious name present in Hollywood hellish movies, is it any wonder why our children are walking around shouting out “JESUS FU_KING CHRIST?!”

In James Cameron's hellish movie, THE ABYSS, you'll hear the name of “God” mentioned 40-times irreverently, and “Goddam_” 14-times!!! The name above every other name (Philippians 2:9-10), “Jesus” is mentioned irreverently as a curse word 17-times! The slang word for dung, “shi_” is mentioned 38-times! It's definitely a manure movie! That's what all these Hollywood movies are in the eyes of God and Heaven... DUNG!

David J. Stewart, Jesus is Saviour 45 Comments [4/15/2015 2:22:14 AM]
Fundie Index: 13

Quote# 107867

If The Second Coming Happened Today, Jesus Would Be In The Same Situation As Bill Cosby

With today being Easter, I was thinking about how the Community of the Wrongly Accused pointed out that Jesus is the most famous falsely accused man in history. That’s true, although if the second coming happened today, Jesus would have much more in the way of false accusations to deal with.

In Christian churches, many women treat Jesus not as their savior as such, but as they’re boyfriend. It “works” for them since they’re dealing with someone they are only imagining in their heads. However, it creates a huge problem for Christian men since no man can compete with the Jesus boyfriend women have inside their heads. To Christians, Jesus is God, and no man can compete with God, much less what women have in their own heads with treating Jesus as their boyfriend. The Christian dating advice industry doesn’t deal with this problem and won’t even admit it exists.

If Jesus were to come back, millions of Christian women would have their illusion shattered that Jesus is their boyfriend. This would lead to women falsely accusing Jesus of rape to get back at him. The same false accusation bandwagon effect that happened to Bill Cosby would happen to Jesus.

Just remember, not even Jesus can avoid false accusations from women. If the son of God can’t, then you won’t be able to either if you spend enough time with women.

The Black Pill, The Black Pill 50 Comments [4/14/2015 3:18:07 AM]
Fundie Index: 42

Quote# 107865

Let me be very clear: no informed, honest Christian can ever, under any circumstances, accept, approve, or applaud "gay" marriage or any other abnormal behavior. Never, even if there is a loss of income, home, job, or threat of prison! The non-thinkers and bigots will accuse me of bigotry followed by their usual diatribe but that is not an answer. The Homosexual Lobby's policy is if we don't approve them then they accuse and attack our lack of tolerance! Hypocrites!


The Homosexual Lobby has taken control of America with the collusion of the media moguls. Even "Christian" churches, colleges, and conventions have been snookered by the loony left. No one wants to appear unkind, unreasonable, or be unemployed; so, religious leaders have climbed on the bandwagon to perdition with a modern Bible version in their hands and a whining, spurious prayer on their lips.


In recent days we have seen the governors of Indiana and Arkansas show cowardice in face of the Homosexual Lobby. Governor Pence committed political suicide when he cowed to the screaming homosexuals who bullied, badgered, and browbeat him. If he can't stand up to perverts, he sure can't stand up to Putin.


The issue is not sexual rights but the obsessive desire by the Homosexual Lobby to suppress Christians' freedom of religion. Homosexuals will brook no disagreement and in this new America they have more rights than normal, decent people.

Homosexuals want acceptance of their beliefs but refuse Christians the same right. They want to have their cake and eat it too. That can't be done, just as Christians cannot compromise and become an enabler of perversion.

Don Boys, Don Boys 29 Comments [4/14/2015 3:17:17 AM]
Fundie Index: 15

Quote# 107864

With all the major, life-critical issues taking place in America and around the globe, it is absolutely mind-boggling that President Obama has decided to declare war on so-called "conversion therapy," joining in the battle to outlaw professional counseling for minors struggling with unwanted same-sex attraction or gender identity confusion.

This is political correctness run amuck, and the president, with all his power and influence, is intruding himself where he most certainly does not belong, standing in the way of personal autonomy and individual choice, seeking to deprive young people of the very thing that might just save them from many years of suffering and pain.


It is well-known that many of those who identify as homosexual and bisexual were sexually abused as children, and sometimes, they can trace their gay or bisexual feelings back to that abuse.

Yet the president wants to tell a child who has been sexually abused, who is now dealing with unwanted same-sex attractions, who for any number of reasons - social, spiritual, moral, familial - is not happy with those attractions, that it is illegal for that boy or girl, even at 17-years-old, to receive professional counseling.

This is outrageous and represents an extraordinary example of improper government overreach.

The same is true when it comes to transgender issues.

The president wants to make it illegal for a child who struggles with gender identity to receive professional counseling to help resolve those issues. In other words, if a boy feels like he is a girl trapped in a boy's body, it would be illegal - yes, illegal - for that boy to meet with a psychologist or therapist who would work with the child to help him feel at home in his body.

Yet the president would be all for that child going to another counselor who would tell his parents, "Send him to school dressed as a girl, demand that the school treat him as a girl and be sure he uses the girl's bathroom, put him on hormone blockers before he goes into puberty, and as soon as he's old enough, get him sex-change surgery and then put him on hormones for life."


Sir, please don't impose your views on precious kids and young people who do not share you radical LGBT ideology. That is a right that you do not have, and it is absolutely not part of your job description to attempt to steal the right of self-determination from a young person.

Dr. Michael Brown, Rapture Forums 30 Comments [4/14/2015 3:17:08 AM]
Fundie Index: 15

Quote# 107863

The Arabian Candidate

In The Manchurian Candidate, the son of a prominent right-wing politician is captured by the Soviets and brainwashed in a secret Manchurian location. His task is to assassinate a presidential candidate, thus ensuring the election of the demagogic vice-president. Hence, the title "Manchurian Candidate."

The film has several parallels to current events. The main difference is that in those days, Americans had to be brainwashed into serving enemy interests by psy-ops teams. Nowadays, they come self-brainwashed with some indoctrinative assist from the American educational system.

In the film, a scary lady with leftist sympathies who looks vaguely like Hillary Clinton manipulates her husband into high political office. In real life, a scary lady with leftist leanings who looks vaguely like Angela Lansbury (only scarier) manipulates herself into high political office.


Another similarity is that in the film, the Angela Lansbury character has some sort of hypnotic power over her son, the unwitting assassin. Whenever it begins to dawn on him that something funny is going on, she flashes a Queen of Diamonds playing card and he falls into a catatonic state of complete obedience. In the present situation the Angela Lansbury look-alike merely has to flash the gender card and, presto, skeptical voters fall back into line.

William Kilpatrick, Frontpage Mag 20 Comments [4/14/2015 3:16:50 AM]
Fundie Index: 9

Quote# 107862

“Most unsaved people don't know they need rescuing! The Bible teaches that the unbeliever doesn't know God or even want to know God! That gives it a little scarier twist! However, in witnessing, you may meet that one who is waiting and wanting to hear the Gospel, not knowing what they need, just knowing they need something!” Linda Bjork Anglin

There’s an old saying, “You can lead a horse to water, but you can’t make it drink.” It’s not true. If you salt the horse’s oats, he will suddenly want to drink.

This sinful world needs righteousness, but it has about as much desire for it as a four year old boy has for the world “bath.”

The night of my salvation I has no desire for righteousness. None. But God’s Law put salt on my tongue. I read these words, “You have heard it said by them of old, ‘You shall not commit adultery.’” I nodded in affirmation. Made sense. Cool. No problem. But then I read, “But I say to you that whoever looks upon a woman to lust for her has committed adultery already with her in his heart.” I was suddenly horrified, saw my wicked heart and the impending wrath, and immediately cried, “What must I do to be made ‘right’?” I began to thirst for “righteousness.” This happened in a moment of time.

So don’t go around looking for people who are wanting to hear the gospel, because they are few and far between. Instead, do what Jesus did in Mark 10:17 and Paul did in Romans 2, and use the moral Law to put salt on the tongue of sin-loving, unconcerned sinners. The Law will make them thirst for righteousness, and embrace the gospel like a drowning man grabs a life-saver.

For more thorough teaching on this subject, listen to www.HellsBestKeptSecret.com

Ray Comfort, Ray Comfort's Facebook page 34 Comments [4/14/2015 3:16:36 AM]
Fundie Index: 9
Submitted By: Chris

Quote# 107861

A World Governed by Satanists

Does it bother any of you that America is about to do away with religious liberty? Gee, it's only one of the core principles that brought this country into being. That whole "America" idea grew out of freedom of religion.

And remember when laws told you what you couldn't do - and beyond that, you were on your own?

But now we have laws to tell you what you must do: for instance, buy medical insurance whether you want it or not, whether you can afford it or not, or else pay a fine.

But even worse than that, even more fundamentally antagonistic to our country's very reason for being, is this new doctrine: Religious freedom ceases to exist the moment a Christian is ordered by a homosexual to take an active part in an evil, same-sex parody of marriage. If you're a faithful, Bible-believing Christian, and a pair of lesbians demand that you - let's say you're a florist - personally decorate their "wedding" venue: well, pilgrim, the fact that you consider such a thing to be totally sinful, an abomination, a blot on your immortal soul - hey, that's just too bad! You either participate in someone else's sin, or the government destroys your livelihood, and maybe doesn't stop there with your punishment - you menace, you enemy of the human race!

Really - if the government can actually force someone to take action that is outrageous to his conscience and his religious beliefs, how can we say there's any religious freedom left?

At the same time, the UN's top "climate" honcho - what an absurdity! - says Global Warming gonna kill us all, unless we take active steps toward "depopulation."

Notice how none of these rich, powerful, Climate Change wallahs who wants to depopulate the earth ever sets a good example by hanging himself.

Do you know what is the scariest thing about all this business?

If by some powerful magic we could instantaneously consign the Obama regime to another universe, and completely dismantle the United Nations - as gloriously happy as that would make some of us feel, it would do no good. The places held by those devil-worshipers would instantly be filled by others exactly like them. That's how deeply depraved our culture is. The corruption reaches very far down from the top.

America doesn't need another election.

America needs an exorcism.

Lee Duigon, Barb Wire 20 Comments [4/14/2015 3:16:09 AM]
Fundie Index: 11

Quote# 107860

Prediction for Boy Scouts: Quietly Opening Door for Homosexual Leaders

A pro-family leader is asking whether the Boy Scouts will enforce a policy against homosexual leaders.

A new policy went into effect January 1, allowing open homosexuals as members of the Boy Scouts, but not adults.

Last week, the New York Chapter of the Boy Scouts hired an openly homosexual 18-year-old Eagle Scout to work as a camp counselor this summer.

Matt Barber, an attorney and founder of Barbwire.com, predicts the BSA policy in homosexual adults will change too.

"They are employing an incrementalist strategy here - death by a thousand cuts," Barber says of the Scouts.


[H]e predicts [that] the BSA leaders will slowly allow open homosexuals to take leadership roles within the Boy Scouts, "and take boys on camping trips [...] [T]his will place boys at a risk rate of 10 times the previous rate for being sexually assaulted on these camping trips," Barber warns.

Barber says there is an alternative, Trail Life USA, which is a faith-based organization that began after the Boy Scouts accepted gay scouts.

Charlie Butts and Matt Barber, One News Now 20 Comments [4/14/2015 3:15:01 AM]
Fundie Index: 8

Quote# 107859

The "Equal Pay" is perhaps the easiest Feminazi lie to debunk. Why should women receive "equal pay" with men, meanwhile, the female gender itself has sexual value, proved by the existence of prostitution? A prostitute can sell her sex, to men, for $100 to $1000 in a single night. This proves that women don't need jobs, at all. Women have their sex, inherently, to sell. So a woman having her sex to sell, on top of "Equal Pay", gives her too much value. It gives average women way, way, way more power than average men. And that is what "Feminism" truly represents, a misappropriation of social power.

Unome, The Apricity Forum 26 Comments [4/14/2015 3:14:37 AM]
Fundie Index: 18
Submitted By: Cyclonus

Quote# 107856

The one reason why Christians keep losing ground in this country is because we constantly allow ourselves to be pushed around by groups representing minority views. Christians are the largest demographic group in this country, and yet we struggle to have influence over the basic rules of morality.


The liberal agenda behind religious freedom is not about tolerance and copasetic co-existence. Their biased self-righteous intolerance will never be satisfied until all segments of society endorse their reprobate mindset.

Todd Strandberg, Rapture Ready 21 Comments [4/14/2015 3:12:02 AM]
Fundie Index: 7

Quote# 107855

I can offer no objective evidence, but I can at least relply to those who say it is impossible.

When we eat bread or drink wine, some of the sub atomic particles in the bread and wine (protons, neurons electrons) will be digested and become part of the person who consumes them. These sub atomic particles will not have changed their appearance in scientific terms, but they will now belong to the person who consumed them. In the Catholic Mass, during consectration, the ownership of the bread and wine is transferred to the body and blood of Jesus. They will still have the appearance of bread and wine, but they are now the body and blood of Jesus.

I am aware that some sects of devil worshipers are willing to pay money for consecrated hosts in order to abuse them in their rituals, and they say they are able to discern if they have been consecrated.

Alan Burns, Religion and Ethics 21 Comments [4/14/2015 3:11:36 AM]
Fundie Index: 12

Quote# 107854

Europe, the great success of 20th century secularism, is literally dying off http://www.theamericanconservative.com/dreher/no-babies-europeans-sex-fertility/ … "I come that they may have life."

Samuel James, Twitter 7 Comments [4/14/2015 3:11:27 AM]
Fundie Index: 7
Submitted By: AJ Williams

Quote# 107853

The moral poverty and joyless nihilism of secular worldview is so blindingly apparent, the only way to miss it is to close your eyes

Samuel James, Twitter 12 Comments [4/14/2015 3:11:14 AM]
Fundie Index: 9
Submitted By: AJ Williams

Quote# 107852

[Someone's daughter just returned from Israel and is very critical of its policies toward Palestinians.]

It is depressing to hear that your daughter has begun treading down the path of anti-semitism. And yes, it is anti-semitism. [...] Someone who reaches that conclusion, and focuses nearly exclusively on alleged Israeli wrongdoings is quite obviously not motivated by any sort of logic. That person is either mentally insane or fuelled by outright anti-semitism. I really hope you have a series of serious conversations with your daughter, because the path of anti-semitism is a dangerous one. You should be as outraged at her as if she was contemplating joining the Klan. She is in her young formative years, and prone to outside influence, and it's your duty as a father to counter the hateful anti-semitic influence she has been exposed to.

Malchizedek, /r/Israel 30 Comments [4/14/2015 3:10:02 AM]
Fundie Index: 15
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