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Quote# 108003

I don’t really care what you do or how you live your life. I only have one requirement that is if you are gay and wish to have a legal binding to your life which I have no problem with, the only requirement that I have is you don’t call it “married”. Find another word and all the propaganda and bullshit goes away. Pick that word and I am one of the people that will then hate you.

Vic, EatLiver.com 43 Comments [4/21/2015 3:11:59 AM]
Fundie Index: 22
Submitted By: LyingForJebus

Quote# 108002

Liberty is not good when it is the liberty to defy God.

Also, the Nazis were not Christians they were Nordic pagans.

Bachmann America, Nationstates 37 Comments [4/21/2015 3:10:54 AM]
Fundie Index: 22
Submitted By: Zyr

Quote# 108000

The Ayatollah Hossein Dehnavi is a television star and celebrity in Iran, where he offers advice on family and sexual matters. The Islamic Republic of Iran Broadcasting (IRIB) regularly airs Dehnavi pontificating on marriage, sex, child rearing, and pregnancy, while many Iranians line up and pay big money to see the leading Islamic cleric speak in person.

Dehnavi teaches that men who fantasize about other women while impregnating their wife will cause their children to be homosexual. Dehnavi claims that if a man is thinking of another woman during sex, and the sexual act results in pregnancy, “then the child will be a homosexual.”

Dehnavi also claims that the improper wearing of the hijab by a woman can also cause some men to become homosexual, stating:

Women incorrectly wearing the hijab leads to homosexuality among men.

Dehnavi also teaches that women must always submit to the sexual demands of their husband. According to Dehnavi:

Women have to provide sex to their men anywhere and at anytime.

According to Dehnavi, women should not seek sexual gratification for themselves, and are forbidden to try and “satisfy” themselves after their husband’s climax because such activity is considered a sin.

Most of Dehnavi’s advice is aimed at women. Dehnavi even advises women on wardrobe choices like the color of underwear to wear:

Those who have pale skin should wear black underwear. And those with darker or bronze skin should wear white underwear to arouse their husbands. Make sure your husband can see your underwear.

Dehnavi also warns women about having too much sex, advising sexual activity be limited to a maximum of “only twice a week, not every day” because “otherwise the man will become saturated.”

Dehnavi is popular with the public as well as hardliners within the conservative Iranian theocracy. Previously the Minister of Health, Marzieh Vahid Dastjerdi, honored Dehnavi with a “Better Health” award for his television work.

Ayatollah Hossein Dehnavi , Patheos 35 Comments [4/21/2015 3:09:52 AM]
Fundie Index: 27
Submitted By: Yossarian Lives

Quote# 107999

Marriage existed before any governments did. So when they start trying to pass laws to redefine what governments never defined to begin with but which God defined, they're now violating the Constitution and passing laws to establish their own version of a State Religion, then treat those who will not violate any religious belief contrary to it as criminals.

You want a state religion that criminalizes all other religious beliefs but the one you agree with - that's Saudi Arabia. The rest of us want the liberty to exercise our religious beliefs and not be criminalized by the government and its state religion.

Reason2012, Christiannews.net 30 Comments [4/21/2015 3:09:36 AM]
Fundie Index: 14

Quote# 107998


Ruben Israel, Official Street Preachers.com 28 Comments [4/21/2015 3:05:37 AM]
Fundie Index: 15
Submitted By: Chris

Quote# 107997

[But - and this is the point of this rambling pseudological screed - I think Heywood's incorrect about WHY we demand people not engage in certain behaviors: It's not because those behaviors are immoral, but because they cause harm.]

I said I can find no non-religious reason why homosexual sex should be immoral between consenting adults.....So I agree with you. However if God finds homosexual sex to be immoral and punishes homosexuals who engage in homosexual sex by sending them to hell, then homosexual sex does cause harm.

Now that being said, does that mean I find homosexual relationships to be equivalent to heterosexual relationships? I do not. It makes no sense to me whatsoever that they should be unless God deemed it so. If they are not equivalent then why should I view them as such?

Heywood, AtheistForums.org 21 Comments [4/21/2015 2:42:59 AM]
Fundie Index: 7
Submitted By: Stimbo

Quote# 107992

The Homosexual Movement: A Mass Conditioning Exercise

One of the most pervasive and perverse mass conditioning exercises in recent years is the lowering of tolerance for homosexuality that gradually desensitized the minds of the people to perversion.

It was a â planned psychological attack primarily orchestrated by two homosexual social scientists and activists from Harvard, Marshall Kirk and Hunter Madsen who wrote a homosexual manifesto in their book After the Ball: How America Will Conquer Its Fear and Hatred of Gays in the 90's The authors predicted Americans would be cured of their opposition to homosexual perversion, whether they like it or not.

In order for a new neonazi fascist state to be imposed the current culture has to be broken down, replaced, corrupted. Not that this society was ever very morally hospitable to Black people anyway but the principle is our focus here.

People are being made to believe that this is an alternative life style or that one is born that way. It is being suggested to people that they are gay through propaganda the same way a doctor suggests to someone that they need an operation when they really don't.

These men and women are not that way by nature. If that were true, the world could never have been populated. It is a psychological/sociological issue. It is circumstances that make people susceptible, then some one or some form of propaganda suggests to them that they are homosexual.

MShakur, Assata Shakur 31 Comments [4/20/2015 3:12:18 AM]
Fundie Index: 14
Submitted By: Ivurm

Quote# 107991

(in response to a question asking incredulously why a fundie would believe we are living in the "end times"):

Surely you're not foolish enough to think we aren't?
Might wanna take a look around. Maybe watch a newscast or two.
Not pretty. You know, ISIS slaughtering Christians and sweeping across the Middle East, the incredible rise in "Arab Spring" revolutions, the United States and her Muslim leader siding with Iran to acquire nuclear weapons (that Iran has assured the world she WOULD use to wipe Israel off the map), the inevitable world wide financial collapse, etc,etc,etc.
Nah, WHAT last days!?
Back to your singular LGBT tunnel vision.
As long as gays can marry, huh? Who cares about all the rest.

The Last Trump, Christian News Network 41 Comments [4/20/2015 3:11:58 AM]
Fundie Index: 16

Quote# 107990

[Eigenstate: “So, if I say the most meaningful and profound choices (in terms of human understanding and consequences) come from the same processes driven by our biological constitution as our most trivial choices, what of it? Why is that a problem for you or anyone, Barry?”]

Not a problem for me, Eigenstate. For example, I often pray while I’m taking a dump. Jesus loves. Prayer is evidence of deeper evolution btw.

ppolish, Uncommon Descent 27 Comments [4/20/2015 3:11:41 AM]
Fundie Index: 18

Quote# 107989

“Hi Ray Comfort, can you please tell me how you would recommend witnessing to a close relative who is a very convinced atheist, and who is dying of cancer? Many thanks.” Delphine R. Noah

We will pray for him. Maybe he will read this:

It was early in the morning. Very early. Most people in the airport looked as though they could have done with an extra week or so in bed. I was flying back from New York to Los Angeles waiting to board a plane when a tall man asked me, “What rows did they call?” I answered, “First class… the rich folks.” He smiled and said, “Yeah. The ones who should be going on their own Learjet.” I handed him a Million Dollar Bill tract and said, “Here’s the down payment on your Learjet.” When he smiled, I passed him a Department of Annoyance tract, and said, “And here’s my card.” He turned it over and to my horror began to read out loud the gospel message on the back—despite the fact that the text was printed in reverse to give me getaway time. When I quickly added, “It’s a gospel tract,” he mumbled “I’m an atheist.”

While atheism is the ultimate intellectual suicide, I can understand why some people are tempted to believe that there’s no God. The previous night I had listened to a CNN report that scientists had discovered why human beings are more intelligent than animals. I was intrigued with their assumption, and listened to how scientists believed that 20 million years ago we developed larger brains. They predicted that the human brain will continue to grow, giving us larger heads. This will mean that future generations will see more Cesarean births. I admired the newscaster’s ability to remain straight-faced.

A few minutes later, CNN reported that after a giant tsunami in Southeast Asia killed multitudes, authorities could hardly find any animals that died in the flooding. They surmised that the animals had some sort of intelligence that caused them to move to higher ground when the tsunami-causing earthquake struck. It was human beings who stayed on the beach to take pictures of the wave as it approached.

As I stood in line at the airport, the morning newspaper showed a picture of a ten-year-old piece of grilled cheese sandwich which was said to bear the likeness of the Virgin Mary. It was sold on eBay to an “intelligent” human, who paid $28,000 for it.

It is information like this that should help anyone with any intelligence to realize that humanity isn’t as intelligent as we are led to believe. While most Christians are too smart to bite into the error of Virgin Mary toast, they profess a faith that makes no sense. While watching TV in my hotel room the night before, I saw a well-known pastor talk about his book, which has sold a phenomenal 20 million copies. He said that God’s agenda for humanity was to “make our lives better.” That was a summation of his message.

Tell that to those who were burying tens of thousands of human corpses after the tsunami hit. Tell that to the fathers who hold the dead bodies of their beloved children in their arms, or to the relatives of those who died of horrific diseases. It doesn’t take much intelligence to realize that if there is a God who created all things, He must be all-powerful. Nothing is impossible for Him. He therefore could have easily prevented unspeakable agony by simply lifting His finger off the earthquake button. But He didn’t.

Yes, there is plenty of evidence (from cheese sandwiches to tsunamis) for a thinking person to conclude that a God of love who is all-powerful and wants to better the life of humanity doesn’t exist. If He did, He would immediately get a supply of good food to the starving in Africa so that their lives may be better, or at least provide some rain to grow their crops.

During that same day the tsunami hit, 150,000 other people died around the world—about 40,000 of starvation. If He wanted to make our lives better, perhaps He could also halt the parade of killer hurricanes that line up to regularly devastate the U.S., or He could slow down the hundreds of terrifying tornadoes that take precious human lives each year. Maybe He could even whisper to us a cure for the cancers that are killing millions annually, including innocent children.

A quick look at Jeremiah 9:21-24 gives the answer to this intellectual dilemma. How could God be loving and yet allow suffering? The Bible tells us that He is in control, and that He does send judgments to this earth. God is love, but He’s also just and holy and if He gave us what we deserve, the tsunami of His holiness would sweep us all into Hell.

Imagine you have knowledge that a bridge has been washed out by a terrible storm, on a dark and moonless night. You stop all approaching cars and say, “The bridge that spans a thousand-foot chasm has been washed away! Please turn your vehicle around.” The violence of the storm itself is enough to convince any thinking driver that you are speaking the truth, and those who have the sense to believe you do turn around.

Tsunamis, terrible diseases, agonizing cancers, massive earthquakes, devastating tornadoes, killer hurricanes, awful suffering, and death itself are very real and violent storms that should be enough to convince any thinking person that our warning is true.

The message of Christianity isn’t one of God wanting to better this life for humanity. It is one of warning of a terrible fate in store for those who continue on the road of sin. We are told by God’s Word that there are two deaths on the highway to Hell. The first death is when we leave the storms of this life and pass into timeless eternity. The second death is the chasm of eternal damnation. It is the terrifying justice of a holy God.

So with the cheese sandwich insanity, and the confusion about the message of Christianity, I could sympathize with my atheist friend in the airport. When he professed atheism it gave me the opportunity to humbly cite my atheist credentials. I said, “I wrote a book called God Doesn’t Believe in Atheists: Proof the Atheist Doesn’t Exist.” Then I told him that I was a platform speaker at the American Atheists’ national convention in 2001. I offered, “It’s really easy to prove God’s existence.” He replied, “It’s not healthy for me to talk about God.” I said that I could understand that, and added, “But you are a reasonable and open-minded person, so you can listen to me for two minutes.”

He gave me the okay, so I told him how he could know for sure that God existed, that God had given him a conscience and that if he even lusted after a woman, Jesus said that he had committed adultery already with her in his heart. I also mentioned that if a criminal was given a death sentence and he said to the judge, “But I don’t believe in the electric chair,” it didn’t change reality.

He politely listened, and said, “Well, I’d better board the plane.” He reached out his hand, shook mine and said, “My name is Pat.” I told him my name, watched him board, and prayed that he would read the literature that he still held in his hand… and that he would have the intelligence to believe the words of warning.

One other thing. We know that God exists for the same reason we know when we look at a building, that a builder built it. Buildings don’t build themselves. And neither did creation (Nature) make itself. That is a scientific impossibility.

Ray Comfort, Facebook 46 Comments [4/20/2015 3:10:03 AM]
Fundie Index: 16
Submitted By: Nemo

Quote# 107985

The Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC) calls the American Family Association (AFA) a “hate group” because AFA promotes traditional Biblical views on homosexuality and marriage. SPLC does not have a standard for who they label as a “hate group.” They apply the label to whomever they want to dehumanize and attack. Surprisingly, President Obama stated the same position on homosexual marriage that AFA holds when he first ran for President, but SPLC did not call him a hater.

List of AFA's Views Regarding Homosexuality that SPLC Defines as Hateful Lies
AFA promotes the following views that SPLC calls lies:

Homosexual behavior is sinful, and a perversion of human sexuality.
Christ offers forgiveness and freedom from bondage to homosexuality or any other sin. (1 Corinthians 6:9-11).
Feeling homosexual urges does not require a person to act on them.
God ordained marriage as a union of one man and one woman in a pattern that has the potential for producing children.
No relationship between same-sex couples is really marriage, no matter what the law may say.
An intact family, with a father and a mother, is the best environment for raising a child.
Although a same-sex couple may love a child, they inevitably give the child a perverted view of sex.
Youthful partners are highly prized by homosexuals, posing a potential threat to vulnerable minors.
Homosexuals target Christians who refuse to affirm them in their sin, such as the Methodist campmeeting reception facility, the baker, the photographer, the florist and the wedding chapel operator who have been sued for not wanting to participate in homosexual wedding celebrations.

Patrick Vaughn, American Family Association 28 Comments [4/20/2015 3:01:30 AM]
Fundie Index: 6
Submitted By: AJ Williams

Quote# 107982

The producers of HEE HAW are in trouble with the Lord, for making a mockery of decency and promoting evil heathens such as Hugh Hefner. I wonder how many little girls have been molested because of Hugh Hefner's filthy Playboy magazines? And to think, HEE HAW promoted such a detestable pervert. I wonder how many men cheated on their wives because of HEE HAW's filth and lasciviousness? I'm sure the numbers are shocking.

Only God knows the number of victims, and God DOES know! Do you know what "lasciviousness" is? It is unhealthy sexual desire that causes people to commit sexual sins. Shows like HEE HAW lead men into adultery, fornication, and every other sexual sin imaginable. It is an abomination unto God Almighty!

David J. Stewart, Jesus is Savior 48 Comments [4/20/2015 2:59:40 AM]
Fundie Index: 19

Quote# 107980

You have to go into this calling with your eyes wide open. Sometimes God lies. Sometimes He gives false prophecies. We find examples of Him doing this in the Book, and He is still doing it today. If you’ve got your pride all wrapped up in how legitimate you look to others, you’re going to be easy for Satan to trip up. Our job is to relay God’s messages exactly as He gives them to us. If He wants to speak lying words through us and make us look like fools, then so be it. You know whether you heard from God or not. You know what He told you to say. Stand on that, no matter what He does. Your job is just to relay the message.

Anna Diehl, The Pursuit of God 24 Comments [4/20/2015 2:56:25 AM]
Fundie Index: 13

Quote# 107979

If God has just made you look like a complete fool by having you predict a specific event which He then didn’t follow through on, the first thing you need to understand is that this isn’t some kind of punishment, nor is He declaring His rejection of you. When you are devoted to serving God, it’s hard not to feel devastated the first time He pulls the rug out from under you. Naturally your first instinct is to assume you misunderstood Him. But here you need to be careful not to lose your grip on reality. Look back over the series of events and pay special attention to what your heart attitude was. Were you anxious to please? Were you careful not to speak until you had a clear directive? When you know you did everything right and that your soul was sincerely seeking to honor God, don’t accept the conclusion that you messed up. You did not mess up—God messed you up, and He did it on purpose. He knew from the start that He had no intention of following through on the prophecy He told you to speak.


When God sets you up to look like a fool and a liar in front of your immediate audience, don’t try to salvage your reputation with a bunch of lame excuses. Your reputation is God’s property, and He reserves the right to destroy it. Submission is what is needed here. As rotten as it feels, you need to step back and let God hang you out to dry if that is what He wants to do. You need to leave your reputation in His hands and let Him have His way with it. He is your Defender in life, and you mustn’t throw Him over for some cheaper substitute. When people throw your unfulfilled prophecies back in your face, look to God to give you the words to say. If He leaves you speechless, then don’t say anything. This is a test of loyalties. You and God both know that you obeyed Him and that He set you up for a fall. Are you the sort of servant He can call on for anything or are you only willing to obey as long as His assignments make you look good?

Anna Diehl, The Pursuit of God 17 Comments [4/20/2015 2:56:08 AM]
Fundie Index: 14
Submitted By: Matthew

Quote# 107978

First, we need to define left and right. In my opinion, obviously a controversial one, the explanation for this mysterious asymmetric dimension is easy: it is political entropy. Right represents peace, order and security; left represents war, anarchy and crime.

Mencius Moldbug , Unqualified Reservations  33 Comments [4/20/2015 2:54:14 AM]
Fundie Index: 13
Submitted By: Ivurm

Quote# 107977

Clearly not many here have looked into what science says RECENTLY about evolution. This is probably because science and the media would prefer people remain ignorant to the ACTUAL facts found by evolution scientists themselves. There are 6 major theories that have come about to try to explain the beginnings of life from evolution scientists. None of them have been successful theories and further they've all been thoroughly debunked.

#1. Random Chance - Answer uh, no. The mathematical odds of assembling a living organism are so astronomical that no evolutionary scientist still believes that random chance accounts for the origin of life. If you took all the carbon in the universe and put it on the face of the earth allowed it to chemically react at the most rapid rate possible and left it for a billion years the odds of creating just one functional protein molecule would be 1 chance in a 10 with 60 zeros after it. (source Walter Bradley P.H.D.)

#2. Chemical Affinity - basically the premise is that the chemicals necessary to create life were biochemically predestined after many tests the theories biggest proponent biologist Dean Kenyon who wrote a book on it called Biological Predestination has since repudiated the idea.

#3. Self-Ordering Tendencies - the theory is that under certain circumstances if energy is passed through a system at a fairly high rate the system becomes unstable and will rearrrange itself into an alternate and somewhat more complicated form. Ilya Prigogine a thermodynamacist who speculated on the idea admitted recently "there is still a gap between the most complex structures we can produce in nonquilibrium situations in chemistry vs. the complexity we find in biology."

#4. Seeding From Space - So outlandish a theory that Phillip Johnson said of Sir Francis Crick (co-discoverer of DNA) "When a scientist of Crick's caliber feels he has to invoke undetectable spacemen it is time to consider whether the field of prebiological evolution has come to a dead end." Even if there WERE spacemen the problem of the origin of life is still not solved. It's just moved to another location.

#5 Vents in the ocean - a weak theory that suggests that life was gestated on the sea bottom where these vents are. The water is recirculated through these vents so even if you were able to molecules to begin to grow they'd be destroyed each recirculation and not have enough time to be complete. No evolutionary scientist supports this theory.

#6 Life from Clay - Cairns-Smith admitted "no one has been able to coax clay into something resembling evolution in a laboratory; nor has anyone found anything resembling a clay based organism in nature."

Klaus Dose a biochemist and one of the foremost experts in the area of evolution said this: "more than 30 years of experimentation on the origin of life in the fields of chemical and molecular evolution have led to a better perception of the immensity of the problem of origin of life on earth rather than a solution. At present all discussions on principle theories and experiment in the field either end in stalemate or in a confession of ignorance."

If there isn't a natural explanation and there doesn't seem to be the potential for finding one then I believe it's appropriate to look at a supernatural explanation. - Walter Bradley P.H.D.

Although most scientists are reluctant to admit it the findings of science are pointing toward GOD not away from him. They found that DNA is a written code. Any other time we've discovered writing in history it's pointed toward intelligence. Why should something this complex be any different? Scientists like to call it "Intelligent Designer" so as not to say GOD, but...there it is. I gave the names of my sources so that you could look it up for yourself and not think I'm just making it up. As a follower of Christ I'm tired of hearing the argument that we don't use logic and that science disproves GOD, when the opposite is true even out of the minds of the scientists you like to base your opinions on.

fantasticfantasy69 , answerbag 32 Comments [4/20/2015 2:53:59 AM]
Fundie Index: 7

Quote# 107976

There is also much taking of liberties with the truth in the name of science, especially by evolutionists. Sweeping, groundless assertions are stated as facts regarding man’s origin and ascent or descent from the lower animals. A scientist who with righteous indignation comes to grips with this matter of taking liberties with the truth is Ivar Lissner, Ph.D., whose books have been published in fourteen languages. In his latest book, published in 1961, and entitled “But God Was There,” he speaks of “the ineffable stupidity of all attempts to reconstruct Neanderthal or even Peking man. Exaggeratedly hirsute [hairy] plaster figures of bestial mien glower savagely at us in museums all over the world, their features usually chocolate-brown in color, their hair wild and unkempt, their jaws prognathous [sticking forward] and their foreheads receding—and this despite the fact that we have absolutely no idea what color Paleolithic man’s skin was or how his hair grew and virtually no idea of his physiognomy” or facial features. “The American authority T. D. Stewart rightly pointed out in 1948 the impossibility of reconstructing hair, eyes, nose, lips or facial expression. ‘The probabilities are that the expression of early man was not less benign than our own,’ he wrote.

“When a museum displays models of Peking man, Neanderthal man and modern Homo sapiens [man] side by side, it encourages a conception of physical and intellectual development which is not in accord with the views of contemporary science. Those who make such models tend to give their imagination free rein. . . . The exhibition of these half-human, half animal figures is symptomatic of the moral arrogance of our era and latently inspired by a smug feeling of ‘look how far we’ve come!’” In his book scientist Lissner shows that man at all times was far removed from the lower creation and at all times had some form of religion. In one of his closing chapters he therefore asks, “Why do we cling so stubbornly to outmoded theories? Why do we prefer to look for our origins in the animal rather than in God?” Obviously because they do not want to recognize the debt of gratitude they owe the Creator nor their need to be in subjection to him. They refuse to admit the truth that “Jehovah is God. It is he that made us, and not we ourselves.”—Ps. 100:3.

vew573, answerbag 22 Comments [4/20/2015 2:53:48 AM]
Fundie Index: 4

Quote# 107973

(On the Canadian supreme court ruling that catholic prayer in city council meetings is unconstitutional)

I agree with this, the Prayer should be Christian, not Catholic.
There is nothing wrong with religious government, what is bad is a government that is particularly supportive of a certain denomination of Christianity. :P

Uh. Plenty wrong with it in a secular nation.

Who said we need secular nations?

Jumalarik, Nationstates 30 Comments [4/19/2015 4:50:50 AM]
Fundie Index: 24
Submitted By: Zyr

Quote# 107962

Once we accept God’s perspective of sin, we realize that we are totally equal to every other soul on this earth. I can’t afford to look down my nose at the active child molester next door because when I was four years old, I stole a cookie out of the cookie jar after my mother told me not to and then I lied about it. To God, I’m as bad as the molester. 

Anna Diehl, The Pursuit of God 41 Comments [4/19/2015 4:47:31 AM]
Fundie Index: 33
Submitted By: Matthew

Quote# 107961

There is also a form of liberal imperialism the United States imposes on other nations as regards it toxic and corrosive culture. A case in point is the recent Miss Japan who won her crown and is going to compete in the Miss Universe pageant. She is the first biracial Japanese women to win the crown, her father was black (I suspect an American GI) and her mother Japanese.

Grantstoddard, Occident Invicta 22 Comments [4/19/2015 4:13:10 AM]
Fundie Index: 18

Quote# 107956

BALCH SPRINGS – A two-year-old boy who died last month had been starved for more than 20 days by his parents and church members they lived with before his death because they believed he was possessed by demons, according to the arrest warrant for the boy's parents and a church leader.

The church's pastor later held a "raising ceremony" to bring the victim back from the dead before the boy's family fled to Mexico with his body.

According to the warrant, officers responded to 12300 block of Duke Dr. at 9:26 a.m. on Thursday, March 26, for a welfare check after an anonymous caller told Balch Springs police a two-and-a-half-year-old child had died and was taken out of the country.

When police arrived, witnesses at the home told police the boy had died on March 22 after he had been fasting and only given water for 25 days. One witness claimed she tried to feed the boy on several occasions but "was scolded by the pastors of the church," which operated out of the home against city code. The pastors were later identified as husband and wife Daniel Zapata Meza, 42, and Araceli Meza, 49.


According to the document, Araceli Meza stressed that while she did encourage the others not to feed the boy, the final decision was made by the boy's parents, Liliana and Zenon Aparicio. Mrs. Meza said she told the parents the boy needed a 20-day fasting, but it "just kept going without any actual stop day." She said no one knew the fasting was going to stop, and said it was his parents' responsibility to get the child medical attention.

Rev. Daniel Zapata Meza, Rev. Araceli Meza, Liliana Aparicio and Zenon Aparicio, WBAA 26 Comments [4/19/2015 4:11:11 AM]
Fundie Index: 43
Submitted By: JeanP

Quote# 107954

Recently, Robert Kennedy Jr. was in Sacramento, California, to campaign against Senate Bill 227, which makes it harder for parents to opt out of vaccinations. In his remarks at an anti-vaccination movie screening, he decided to compare "vaccine-induced" autism to the Holocaust. He said, "They get the shot, that night they have a fever of a hundred and three, they go to sleep, and three months later their brain is gone," Kennedy said. "This is a holocaust, what this is doing to our country."

Robert Kennedy Jr, CNN 36 Comments [4/19/2015 4:10:50 AM]
Fundie Index: 27

Quote# 107952

I have seen several pieces recently about why men in particular stopped going to Mass since the late 1960s.

Everyone dances around the answer, which is extremely simple:

Western men stopped going to Mass because heterosexual men naturally and rightly find faggotry to be utterly repulsive and repellant, and want nothing to do with it, and the priesthood was consciously infiltrated and populated with sodomite men and men who were conditioned to act like sodomites, after WWII.

Forty-nine words.


Feel free to quote me.

Ann Barnhardt, Barnhardt.biz 26 Comments [4/19/2015 4:09:10 AM]
Fundie Index: 18

Quote# 107950

Pope Francis and Obama are eerily, eerily similar, both in their personages, their regimes and in their regimes’ tactics. If you have noticed that too, you’re spot on. They are both stupid, babbling fools, completely incoherent when not reading off a script prepared by others. Both are Marxists. Both are media darling fronts for a thuggish regime, and it turns out that the powers behind Francis may have engaged in electioneering and quid pro quos before the Conclave of ARSH 2013. Both sic their bureaucratic henchmen on their enemies. Both are in bed with the sodomites (i.e. Ricca and Barros). Both despise and are hellbent on destroying the respective institutions which they rule, presumably “in service to mankind in order to bring about utopia.”


First, I penned a piece back in February of ARSH 2012 based on a Fulton Sheen exegesis of satan’s three temptations of Christ in the desert from his book “Life of Christ”, and how these three temptations mapped exactly to Marxism, and the Obama regime specifically. Well, I went back and re-read the piece not long ago, and was shaken to the core to realize that Pope Francis Bergoglio maps to the three temptations of satan every bit as much as Obama, and in some cases, even more directly. But the fact that the two men and their respective regimes are so similar and, apparently “simpatico” with each other (i.e. their coordination on the Cuban detente), is a HUGE indicator. Briefly, here are the three points:

1. Temptation number one from satan was telling Jesus to turn stones into bread. This is the Marxist ploy of winning the mob by giving them free stuff, and equating material abundance with salvation. Given what has happened economically over the last 50 years, and in particular the political mindset today of the government magically providing abundance for the people by blowing an enormous, unsustainable debt bubble that is going to destroy everything, can we not see the parallel?


2. The second temptation of Christ by satan was to win the mob via pride, vanity and egomania. In the case of Christ, the temptation was to perform an actual public demonstration of His divinity so that no one would have any choice but know that He was God. In the case of Marxists, it is to con people into believing that they will work miracles, and that they are “god”.


A few days ago Francis announced in a Papal Bull, in what can only be described as the thinly-veiled threat of a complete thug, that he is creating “Missionaries of Mercy” – clerics that will be sent out to “pardon even those sins reserved to the Holy See”. (There no longer are any sins whose pardon is reserved only to the Holy See, but in another analogue to the Obama regime, these people are mostly morons – bold and aggressive, but morons.)


What this is is a direct analogue to the Obama regime’s use of so-called Executive Orders and Executive Actions to end-run the other two non-compliant branches of government. In the Church, the Synod, and really the entire college of Bishops, would be analogous to the Congress and state legislatures, and the Supreme Court is analogous to the Apostolic Signatura, which Francis removed Cardinal Raymond Burke from last year. Cardinal Burke was the analogue of the Chief Justice of the Vatican Supreme Court.

And so, like the Obama regime, the Francis regime has preached decentralization of power, but has, in fact, done NOTHING but concentrate and coalesce power around himself and his regime.

Typical. Marxists.

Last fall’s Synod Against the Family showed the Francis regime two things. First, there would be “refuseniks” to the diabolical Bergoglio-Kasper plan, and second, who those “refuseniks” are. So, in order to deal with these “enemies of the revolution”, Francis is simply going to send these “Missionaries of Mercy” out into the bishoprics of the ACTUAL, BELIEVING CATHOLIC BISHOPS, and make no mistake, their marching orders will be hold “marriage tribunals in the confessional” that would ratify all manner of adultery and concubinage. And you know what? I doubt there is a single bishop on the planet who would tell these so-called “Missionaries of Mercy” to stay away. Because that is the only real option because the confessional certainly cannot be miked to ensure compliance with the teaching of Jesus Christ and His Church.

So yeah. Francis and his puppet masters observed their fellow Marxist thug Obama’s success in using unilateral, illegal tyrannical edicts and siccing bureaucrats onto the supine underlings, and are simply copying the play in their quest to destroy the Sacrament of Marriage and thus “force” priests to desecrate the Eucharist within the Mass itself.

Ann Barnhardt, Barnhardt.biz 16 Comments [4/19/2015 4:08:26 AM]
Fundie Index: 12

Quote# 107949

Last week the Obama administration expressed its support for a petition demanding a ban on homosexual and transgender conversion therapy for minors. The petition was started in memory of Joshua Ryan Alcorn, a seventeen-year-old boy who took his own life after suffering from the delusion that he was a girl named Leelah. Joshua's parents are described by the media as conservative Christians who did everything in their power to restore their son to his right mind. Unfortunately, Joshua was still able to access social media where he found encouragement to persist in his disease.


While it is bad enough that the petition demands an end to therapy aimed at helping sick children, the full implications of this demand are deeply disturbing. Note that in addition to the therapy itself, the petition also condemns Joshua's parents for removing him from school and trying to limit his contact with his peers, actions that are within the accepted limits of parental authority. In essence, the petition blames Joshua's death on his parents' refusal to accept his delusion. The moral principle behind the petition is clear: it is abusive and evil for parents to discourage their "transgendered" children.

For now, the only legal action demanded by the Left is aimed at conversion therapy performed by mental health professionals, but it is easy to see how parents who teach their children to reject homosexuality and transgenderism could also be labeled as criminal in the future. For if, as the petition states, it is unethical for a therapist to attempt to "reverse any child's gender identity or sexual orientation", how could it not be unethical for a parent to attempt to do so? By now, the ultimate goal of the Left should be obvious to all Christians. The Left desires to use the authority of the state to destroy the Church and the Biblical teaching on sexuality. Christian businesses and Christian families will be targeted and prosecuted. Children will be taken from Christian families in order to prevent "abuse" and to provide the children with a full range of gender options.

The "sexual revolution" is not a finished event that occurred in the 1960s. It is an ongoing process and it is accelerating. During the first stage of the sexual revolution abortion, pornography and homosexuality were legalized. But although these practices were legal and promoted by the mainstream culture, it was still possible for individuals to express their disapproval of these practices and to teach their children to avoid them. Now, in the second stage of the sexual revolution public disapproval of sexual perversion will become taboo and will ultimately be criminalized, as is already happening in other countries.

We must not be deceived: we are entering the darkest period in the history of the world. I would prefer a thousand times over to be fed to lions than for my children to be taken from me and raised as sinful perverts. But this is the future that the retreating church is inviting.

Clement Pulaski, True Sons of Abraham 44 Comments [4/18/2015 4:07:44 AM]
Fundie Index: 20
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