Quote# 107518

Giving a young boy to two lesbians to raise, effectively strengthens and empowers NAMBLA to gain access to young boys. Since the young boy has no father, and any male friends that the two lesbians have will almost assuredly be sodomites. Well, it's a disaster waiting to happen. The growing boy will desire an emotional connection from older men, which will likely be pedophiles, since they're all a part of the homosexual community.

Dr. Franklin Graham (Billy Graham's son) is correct... Gays Recruit Children Through Adoption!!! It's really tragic and a travesty of justice in America! Just 75 years ago in America, the very idea of same-sex couples raising a child was outlawed and scorned to shame, and acts of homosexuality were punishable crimes by law (up until the years 1962-1963 when our nation banned God and His Holy Word forever from our children's daily lives in the classroom). Since then, homosexuals have crawled out of the sewer and are now legislatures, judges, U.S. Presidents, attorneys, holding umpteen key government positions, Congress, Senators, et cetera. America's Communist government, which has been hi-jacked by the Illuminati gang of murderous criminals, has been deliberately promoting hundreds of LGBT into important government positions, because they know immoral people don't think in terms of morality (that is, right or wrong). They'll sell their soul for money, promotion, pleasures and fame!

David J. Stewart, Jesus is Precious 28 Comments [4/2/2015 2:59:31 AM]
Fundie Index: 18

Quote# 107514

5 Reasons the Constitution is
Our Cutting-Edge Issue

I’m often asked, “Why is the Constitution such a big issue to you?” My initial response is, “Why isn’t it a big issue to you?” Let me provide a short list of reasons why the Constitution and what it represents should be important to all of us:

1. It defies Yahweh’s sovereignty and morality in nearly every article and amendment.

2. It’s the reason America is teetering on the precipice (or, actually, already falling into the chasm) of moral depravity and national destruction.

3. Every problem America faces today can be traced back to the fact that the framers failed to expressly establish a government upon Yahweh’s immutable morality as codified in His commandments, statutes, and judgments. (Would infanticide and sodomy be tolerated, let alone financed by the government, if Yahweh’s perfect law and altogether righteous judgments were the law of the land? Would Islam be a looming threat to our peace and security if the First Amendment had been replaced with the First Commandment? Would Americans be in nearly as much debt if usury had been outlawed as a form of theft? Would crime be as rampant if “cruel and unusual punishment” had not been outlawed and criminals were instead punished with Yahweh’s altogether righteous judgments? Would we be on the fiscal cliff if we were taxed with a flat increase tax rather than a graduated income tax?)

4. Identifying and repenting of the Constitution, as the national idol it represents, holds part of the answer for restoring America to her 17th-century Christian roots.

5. Any hope of a future generation establishing a government of, by, and for Yahweh depends upon our exposing the Constitution’s heresy and instilling Yahweh’s law in the hearts and minds of our children and grandchildren.

Ted Weiland, Bible Law vs the United States Constitution 31 Comments [4/2/2015 2:58:38 AM]
Fundie Index: 21
Submitted By: Nemo

Quote# 107513

Head teachers in Cheshire have warned parents they will report them to the authorities if they allow their children to play computer games rated for over-18s.

The letter was sent by the Nantwich Education Partnership group to parents from 16 schools in the county.

The heads claim games such as Grand Theft Auto and Call of Duty contain unsuitable levels of violence.

They warn parents they could be reported for neglect in some cases.

The heads state that playing such games or accessing certain social media sites can increase early sexualised behaviour in youngsters and leave them vulnerable to grooming for sexual exploitation.

Nantwich Education Partnership, BBC News 37 Comments [4/1/2015 3:36:15 AM]
Fundie Index: 11

Quote# 107511

We have forgotten the fact that Christianity is supreme over all other creeds, thus we have chosen to neglect Christian supremacy (not that a Christian is superior to all other peoples, but that Christianity is superior over all other religions). We see it as bigoted or xenophobic; but here is the truth, and there is no running away from it: every nation on earth is under an ideological supremacy. We have no other choice but to esteem an idea as supreme; if we don’t, someone else will, and it may not be one of liberty, but utter tyranny.

In Somalia it is Islamic supremacy, in India Hindu supremacy, in Bhutan Buddhist supremacy, and in South Sudan it is Christian supremacy. As we laude ourselves in America as not being supremacist Christians, we still wonder as to why so many “believers” runaway from controversy, trivialize the most important priorities and prioritize the most trivial issues.

Theodore Shoebat, shoebat.com 30 Comments [4/1/2015 3:35:53 AM]
Fundie Index: 26
Submitted By: Tony

Quote# 107510

We may condemn the Anti-Machete for destroying Muslim villages, but before we do, let us never forget what America did to the Japanese after Pearl Harbor, and let us remember what Andrew Jackson (my favorite president, actually) did to the savage Indians in his Indian Removal Act of 1830 after the Red Stick War.

Theodore Shoebat, Shoebat.com 30 Comments [4/1/2015 3:35:33 AM]
Fundie Index: 24
Submitted By: Tony

Quote# 107509

If #BoycottIndiana doesn't count as going to war against Christianity, what does?

Tim Dukeman, Twitter 39 Comments [4/1/2015 3:34:57 AM]
Fundie Index: 23

Quote# 107508

It's a well understood principle of civil rights that no one should be denied service by any business due to the color of their skin, ethnicity, national origin, age, etc.

Now the gender-confused community came along and said we have to add gender preference to that list, which most such laws did. And that's perfectly reasonable, though of course the question becomes how would anyone know one's gender preference unless one enters establishments and performs private acts in public?


The same gender community, represented by the famous intellectual Hollywood stars listed above [Miley Cyrus, Ashton Kutcher, and George Takei], is screaming that their RIGHTS will be violated by this new law, and are screaming for a boycott of the State of Indiana.

My question is... do religious people no longer have any rights to hold by their beliefs? And while I acknowledge there is great room for abuse, isn't the problem at the moment that it's the religious citizens that are having THEIR rights abused?

Reb Akiva, Mystical Paths 25 Comments [4/1/2015 3:34:10 AM]
Fundie Index: 9

Quote# 107507

So, here comes the latest one, calling himself "Seral", ostensibly after spilling his corn flakes on the cat this morning, and with some self-righteous authority spouts the above nonsense. So, let's see what he missed...

First is the "liberal Christianity" part.

You're either a Christian, or you're not. There's no middle ground. So where does that leave liberals? Liberals support those things that the Lord is against: abortion, evolution, atheism, hate, envy, adultery; just look at the news every day - that's the liberal news - for confirmation as to what liberals love, and absolutely none of it is biblical in nature.


And then there's the Nazis. It's clear that Seral of the spilled corn flakes bowl is accusing one user of referring to another as a Nazi. This is the Nazi Party platform of 1925. Read it carefully. Then compare it to the Fascist Manifesto of 1919, by Benito Mussolini. Then compare both to the Communist Manifesto by Karl Marx.

Kind of familiar? The clowns of the so-called "Occupy Movement" a couple years back wanted the same thing, when they weren't defecating in cop cars or raping females or planning bridge destruction. I guess those little liberals - and they are liberals, every one of them - goosestepped to the same tune as Marx and Il Duce and Der Führer.

Karajou, Comments on our Republic: Thoughts on America from Conservapedia  17 Comments [4/1/2015 3:33:59 AM]
Fundie Index: 11
Submitted By: Night Jaguar

Quote# 107506

When I shared the prophetic word below with my intercessors, it troubled them. I understand why. It troubled me also. I decided to hold it back and pray it through but the Holy Spirit recently reminded me of these words again. These words should not breed fear but should open our eyes to what's coming, and what, in fact, is already beginning to manifest right before our eyes. Here is the word:

Calling Evil Good and Good Evil

"A tsunami of perversion and all manner of wicked sin is headed toward this nation. You've only yet seen the rumblings of what the enemy has planned. For many in your nation have called good evil and called evil good. Many in this nation have not believed you will reap what you sow.

"You have sown iniquity—for decades—and you have taken the hand of perversion. You have walked in step with abominations rather than resisting the temptations to deny my Word and my Son. The perversion in this land will increase and increase and increase.

"There will come a day when morality is no longer merely relative but is persecuted. There will come a day when evil is considered good and good is considered evil. When that day comes, those who are hidden in the shadow of My wings will be insulated from the abominations around them.

"I will raise up the likes of Abraham and Moses to deliver the righteous out of the hand of the wicked in that day. I will shield those who run into my Name. But no longer look and no longer think that you will turn the tide by your prayers alone. These things must be so. I warn you now to fear not, but to ready your hearts. Buy your oil. Be ready for My coming."

It's Not Just Sexual Perversion

Yes, we've seen the rumblings of this rising perversion but I believe it's going to grow darker still. When you think of perversion you probably immediately think of sexual perversion—and I believe that's part of it. The Bible has plenty to say about sexual perversion in Romans 1:21-28 alone and we're seeing that passage playing out right now.

But sexual immorality—polygamy, homosexuality, adultery, fornication and legal bestiality that I've so often addressed—is not the only kind of perversion. There's perversion of laws, perversion of justice, perversion of speech, perversion of freedom—and most importantly, perversion of God's Word. Apostasy is rising. The Great Falling Away is underway.

After praying over this and letting it sit for some months, it became clear to me that the root of this tsunami of perversion is actually the perversion of God's Word itself. You've seen a trickle of this, but it's about to break out like a flood. Again, we're seeing prominent pastors and entire denominations perverting God's Word, twisting it to defend and justify perversion itself and suggesting the rest of us are legalistic or unenlightened about the truth. It may have started with the gay marriage doctrine but it won't end there.

Jennifer LeClaire, Charisma News 17 Comments [4/1/2015 3:33:12 AM]
Fundie Index: 11

Quote# 107505

Homosexuality is the lowest gutter of human sexuality. This is a world wide epidemic. It is a sickness of man's spiritual nature. If you see a car you know it is designed for driving. A chair is made to sit on. An airplane is designed to fly.People create things for a purpose, a special use. The same is true of God. He created a man and woman for His special use in His plan for the earth. You would not try to fly a car off a cliff, or sit in a chair expecting to drive as a car. Yet when it comes to God's creation of mankind their is a demonic presence deceiving people into believing that a man can be a woman and a woman a man. This is what perversion means; a sick, twisted deviation from its intended purpose. We are reaping what has been sown in the 1960's free fornication,feminists rights, to abortion and now A QUEER NEW WORLD. I thank my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ that he will Save anyone who sees they are sinners and comes to Him. The hatred of these people who deviate from their original purpose is now clearly witnessed as they try and stamp out any voice that something is not right. They will soon be killing Christians; For our purpose is to be as lambs among the wolves and as sheep to the slaughter. Then the glory for eternity.
Behold, I send you forth as sheep in the midst of wolves: be ye therefore wise as serpents, and harmless as doves. Mat.10.16
His servant, Peter

ChaplainPeter, WND 23 Comments [4/1/2015 3:32:42 AM]
Fundie Index: 15

Quote# 107504

I’ve been seeing more and more stories about children being created (by sperm donors and surrogate mothers) specifically for gay couples.

I find this to be a horrific and monstrous evil, because by default it creates children who will oftentimes never know at least one of their parents, who in most cases can’t know who one of their parents are and who in most cases, even if the parent is known, are separated from them nonetheless. At the very least, it puts a child in a situation in which he or she shall be deprived of a mother or a father, the two halves of humanity all children need.

This is EVIL. To create children and intentionally (as opposed to true adoption where a tragedy has intervened to create a need) deprive them of their mother and father is EVIL. Every single person in this world has a mother and has a father. While of course it doesn’t always work out this way because of the trials of life, the ideal is a mother and a father. And isn’t that the point? When a child is separated from his mother or father, prior to this brave new world we live in, that was a tragedy! Even if the dad was a schmuck or the mom was on drugs, or whatever the case may be, it was a tragedy that that child was deprived of a mother or a father. Now we accept it as a matter of course, because homosexual people want their “own” children at the price of them being oftentimes permanently separated from one of their parents.

No. Unacceptable.


But now, homosexuals want their own children (ironically, the very thing they claim is not important to marriage they now claim as a new right), and to assert this right, they deprive these new children of at least one of their parents. Profound, disgusting, vile evil. That’s what that is.

Children need the masculine and the feminine. This represents the full diversity of life. They need, if life tragedy has not prevented them from having as much, a mother and a father. To create them in this manner, to deprive them of one of the halves that made them in this manner, as a matter of course, is from the pit of Hell.

Joshua Charles, WND 20 Comments [4/1/2015 3:32:25 AM]
Fundie Index: 16

Quote# 107503

[Note: This article has since been removed by the Independent, but has been archived]

University is supposed to be amazing, a transformative experience which is informed by student unions across the country. Yet people don’t give a toss about their student unions, no one cares about the NUS, and activism is dying at all but a few hardcore universities. This generation of students has been pissed on by the government and fees, and privatisation, and all anyone seems to want to do is roll over and let it happen.

Do you know why this is? It’s because our universities and student unions are too similar to our government; they are too stunted by white men. White men might want to appropriate injustice as theirs, desperate for something to struggle against, but it’s a hobby they’ll pick up and drop as soon as the first comfortable finance job beckons them over.

We need to ban white men and their activism dilettantism from student unions. We need powerful women and minority ethnic people to bring their passion back to the heart of student politics. Being a student union president should no longer be a place for privileged whiteboys to swing their dicks around before graduating into a world that is in no way affected by what they claim to fight for.

More importantly, we obviously live in a world that looks favourably on white men. In order to bring about change in our racist and sexist society, it must start in our universities. If women and minority ethnic people were in positions of leadership across all universities in the country, we would have a diverse graduating class of future leaders in every industry.

“Oh but, it’s racist to ban someone on the basis of their skin colour, and sexist to ban them on their gender,” cry the assembly chorus of confused souls trying to turn the language of progress into a weapon to further entrench the establishment. It’s not. You’re at university, go and ask a humanities professor. Learn something.

White men have had the last several millennia in charge, and it’s been a s***show from start to finish. A new generation of powerful women and minority ethnic people is ready to lead and change. It is time for you to bow down.
* The author is a British journalist

Anonymous, The Independent 27 Comments [4/1/2015 3:32:04 AM]
Fundie Index: 17
Submitted By: What?

Quote# 107502

[While Boyzone performed this version, Steinman wrote the lyrics, so he's credited]

If only prayers were answered
Then we would hear God say:

"No matter what they tell you
No matter what they do
No matter what they teach you
What you believe is true"


Jim Steinman, No Matter What 13 Comments [4/1/2015 3:31:05 AM]
Fundie Index: -1

Quote# 107499

Here’s where we have to remember that our Gods are wild and unpredictable. They make promises, and They break Them. They draft covenants, and later They scrap them. There is nothing preventing Yahweh from introducing an entirely different covenant tomorrow, in which He says, “You know how I didn’t tell any of you about Jesus for thousands of years? Well, I’ve got more secrets to reveal. There’s actually a fourth God that I’m about to introduce, and unless you all submit to Him as well, I’ll take your salvation away from you. The Covenant I introduced through Christ is now null and void—I’m changing the rules up again and you all had better keep up.” God gets to do whatever He wants whenever He wants. 

Anna Diehl, The Pursuit of God 31 Comments [4/1/2015 3:30:30 AM]
Fundie Index: 15

Quote# 107498

The wisdom of this world is going to lead you into spiritual rebellion and earthly misery. Don’t listen to idiots who tell you that it doesn’t matter what the contents of your sexual fantasies are. It most certainly does matter. Your mental focus has an enormous impact on your relationship with others, your relationship with God, and your future happiness. God says that the only person you should ever be having sex with is your opposite gender spouse. If you’re married, having sex with anyone else with your mind or with your body constitutes adultery. If you’re single, having sex with anyone else is fornication. God detests adultery and fornication. God tells us to stay away from these things because He put us together and He knows that these things will harm us. If you load the gas tank of your car with gravel and then turn on the engine, you’re going to end up with some very expensive repair bills. If you blow off God’s guidelines about your sexual fantasies, you’re going to end up paying for your rebellion with some serious internal misery. God will not be mocked. If we repent of our bad attitudes and sincerely ask Him to have His way with us, He will bring great blessings out of our struggles. But if we chose to defy Him by ignoring the things He has taught us, then we will be disciplined accordingly. God is not some spineless parent who needs us to like Him. God is the King, and He won’t put up with our snarky “I don’t care what You say” attitudes. God spanks His kids and He avenges Himself on those who dare to spit in His face. So don’t go there. If you know you’re heading down a wrong road in the area of sexual fantasies, start talking to the Holy Spirit about it and ask Him to help you get back into a good place with Him. 

Anna Diehl, The Pursuit of God 17 Comments [4/1/2015 3:30:06 AM]
Fundie Index: 13

Quote# 107495

[Links in the original]

Here is a list of five National Front candidates whose faces have been plastered over the press for one reason or another in recent days - and it's a lot more than just racism and bigotry.

Damien Hameau-Brielles, the main candidate for Mayenne in the north west of France, posted a picture of himself on Facebook (see above) holding a gun to the head of a puppet version of President François Hollande.

While the picture, published in 2012, has long since been deleted, another post was dug out from the past where he made racist jibes about what he considered to be the laziness of "the blacks".


While the National Front doesn't have a candidate of its own in the Charente-Maritime department, western France, it is backing openly anti-Muslim Dominique Droin. The Frenchman has posted documents online about how Muslims have taken over France "without being armed, but through the stomachs of their wives". His paper pointed out that Muslim children "were multiplying much faster than children native to France".

Sophie Touvron is running for Torcy (Seine-et-Marne), east of Paris. She once shared a news story on her Facebook account about an explosion at a Halal butchery, adding the words "TOO GOOD". The L'Express newspaper reported that the explosion and subsequent fire left two people injured, one seriously.

In February, FN candidate in Narbonne, southern France, Fabien Rouquette took his regular Facebook postings a step too far when he shared a text-based image saying "Socialists, Communists, Muslims! Do something for the world and commit suicide." One of his colleagues in the area, Michèle Boisset, liked the post and added the comment "What a beautiful dream!" reported L'Express.

Damien Hameau-Brielles, Dominique Droin, Sophie Touvron, Fabien Rouquette and Michèle Boisset, The Local 11 Comments [4/1/2015 3:06:12 AM]
Fundie Index: 12
Submitted By: JeanP

Quote# 107494

The Atheists
Parody of "The Way it is" by Bruce Hornsby and the Range
(Psalm 14:1-7, 42:3, 42:10, 53:1-6; Romans 1:18-32)

Stranded in lies, mocking Christ
They ignore the telltale signs
Say they can’t find a God
A man with the real truth hurt their pride
So they dragged Him to court on the day He died
They made fun and said, “Where’s your God?”

That’s just the Atheists
Some things will never change
That’s just the Atheists
Ah, but don’t you believe them

Said, hey, little boy, you can’t go tell another soul
‘Cause your old book’s not a-pproved
Said, hey, old man, how you can you stand to chain my faith
Did you really feel so challenged, because I prayed in school?

That’s just the Atheists
Some things will never change
That’s just the Atheists
Ah, but don’t you believe them

Well, they pass their laws and fix the courts
To help those who hate God a little more
And I know they’ve gone too far
But a law don’t change the Word of God
You can punish me with a firing squad, with the lions or another cross

That’s just the Atheists
Some things will never change
That’s just the Atheists
Ah, but don’t you believe them

Romans 1:28
Furthermore, just as they did not think it worthwhile to retain the knowledge of God, so God gave them over to a depraved mind, so that they do what ought not to be done.

ApologetiX, ApologetiX 19 Comments [4/1/2015 3:05:36 AM]
Fundie Index: 12

Quote# 107493

The king of the kings of the east–unless something very dramatic happens to change the configuration of things east of the Euphrates, has to be China. It could, by itself, have manned a two-hundred-million soldier army even as far back as the 1970s. Today, with the other nations of Asia and their massive populations, the two-hundred-million figure presents no problem at all so far as potential for fulfillment of the prophecy is concerned. And, certainly, China exerts hegemony over all of the other nations of its oriental sphere. Many within secular news media are beginning to recognize the same things those who watch Bible prophecy and current events have been recognizing for some time: China indeed looks like a major influence on factors that might bring about profound changes in the world

Terry, Rapture Ready 15 Comments [4/1/2015 3:05:31 AM]
Fundie Index: 11
Submitted By: Tony

Quote# 107492

When liberals believe that the Constitution is a "evolving" document, they are using principles derived by a worldview which is evolutionary and also believes that man, at the top of the evolutionary process, is the "measure of all things." This is why they deliberately leave God out of our nation's history and government. Romans 1:18-23.

Gaye Ahlers, Illinois Family Institute 29 Comments [4/1/2015 3:05:05 AM]
Fundie Index: 21
Submitted By: AJ Williams
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