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Quote# 107138

The future belongs to whoever pops out the most children. It's simple as that. It's not a matter of values, cultures or politics, or of complicated theological debate. This is a matter of having kids. And if you look at the United States, the conservatives are winning. People who belong to relatively conservative faiths (like conservative Christians, Mormons, Muslims and Orthodox Jews) are popping out between two and four children per woman in the United States. People who are atheist or belong to a progressive religion have ceased to hit the 1.5 mark now.

The future, boys and girls, is conservative, in religion as in society.


It seems to have been established that there is a strong correlation between the political views of parents and the political views of their children. This is not believed to be fully genetic, although genetic predisposition has been shown in recent years to have a significant though not decisive effect on the general political direction that a person will take. Instead, it is believed to be mainly cultural, and to have to do with the process of socialization. This counts even more if you take the stereotypical view of religious American parents being very vocal and strong about their political beliefs.

And in any case, consider the state of the world, because in a 'globalized' world whatever trend is set in the world in general will affect every individual nation. In the last twenty years, the percentage of atheists or agnostics in the world has decreased. More people, relatively speaking, are now religious. This effect is especially common among African Christians, Asian Christians, more conservative Hindus, American Mormons, and nearly all Muslim groups in the world. These are the people you'll see more and more in corporations, in diplomacy, in politics and in trade. Twenty years down the line, they will decide - much more than they do now - on matters of life and death, war and peace, poverty and prosperity. They are your future and mine.

Quintium, Nationstates 20 Comments [3/18/2015 3:05:08 AM]
Fundie Index: 2

Quote# 107137

A coalition of anti-gay groups is once again urging parents to keep their children out of school on the annual anti-bullying “Day of Silence.” The Illinois Family Institute published the call to action on its website today, signed by activists including Matt Barber, Concerned Women for America’s Penny Nance, Americans For Truth About Homosexuality’s Peter LaBarbera, Scott Lively, Linda Harvey, Liberty Counsel’s Mat Staver, and MassResistance’s Brian Camenker.

Calling the GLSEN-sponsored event “the queen of all the numerous homosexuality-affirming activities that take place in public schools,” the activists allege that it is meant to “indoctrinate 16-year-olds.”

“We must demonstrate the boldness and perseverance of the Left if we hope to stop the relentless appropriation of public education for the promotion of homosexuality,” they exhort.

The Day of Silence has long been a target of anti-gay group’ efforts to crack down on anti-bullying efforts in schools.

The Day of Silence is the queen of all the numerous homosexuality-affirming activities that take place in public schools. It started in one university and then like a cancer metastasized to thousands of high schools, and then into middle schools. Before long it will take place in elementary schools. Leftists know that it’s easier to indoctrinate 16-year-olds than 36-year-olds and easier still to indoctrinate 6-year-olds.

GLSEN promotes the Day of Silence as an “anti-bullying” effort. If it were solely about eradicating bullying, everyone—liberals and conservatives alike—would support it. But it’s not.

The Day of Silence exploits government schools, captive audiences, and anti-bullying sentiment to advance the Left’s social, moral, and political beliefs and goals. GLSEN seeks to advance the belief that all public expressions of moral disapproval of homosexual activity are bullying.

A coalition of pro-family organizations is once again urging parents to keep their children home from school on the Day of Silence if their school administrations will be allowing students to politicize instructional time by refusing to speak. This is the only organized national effort to oppose any pro-homosexual activity or event in public schools.

The absence of conservative influence within the culture on issues related to homosexuality is to some extent the fault of conservatives. Ignorance, fear, and an astounding lack of perseverance on the parts of conservatives have turned our cultural institutions—including public education—into the playground of “progressives.” Our passivity has enabled homosexual activists and their ideological allies to become social, political, and pedagogical bullies. Evidence of that is everywhere, including in schools on the GLSEN’s annual April school event, the Day of Silence.

We must demonstrate the boldness and perseverance of the Left if we hope to stop the relentless appropriation of public education for the promotion of homosexuality.

Illinois Family Institute, Right Wing Watch 15 Comments [3/18/2015 3:03:31 AM]
Fundie Index: 6

Quote# 107136

[Comment on a neo-Nazi blog analysing a British legend of a white dragon defeating a red dragon]

In trying to consider other esoteric aspects to this... if red represents the material, and white the spiritual, then not only does that indicate the spiritual struggle which the Heathens have long been engaged in, but the white dragon being upon a red field shows spiritual focus in a material realm.

Obviously we know red is representative of Communism too, which many have pointed out is the socio-political arm of Judeo-Christianity.

Steed, Aryan Myth and Metahistory 13 Comments [3/18/2015 3:03:20 AM]
Fundie Index: 4

Quote# 107130

It is very unfortunate that Christianity is declining in America. Young people are being indoctrinated in anti-Christian views. If this trend doesn't stop, America may become like the USSR. I am glad to be Christian. Young white people appear to be the most affected by this indoctrination.

United Russian Soviet States, Nationstates 34 Comments [3/17/2015 3:31:33 AM]
Fundie Index: 11
Submitted By: Zyr

Quote# 107128

Alarmed by reports that more than half of those living in Los Angeles who are between the ages 18 to 34 are bilingual, Bryan Fischer declared on his radio program today that the fact that more and more people are speaking a language other than English in America is a sign of God's judgment upon this nation.

Seemingly unaware that the bilingual individuals profiled in the very article that he cited speak English in addition to another language, Fischer linked the rise of multilingualism in America to the story of the Tower of Babel in the book of Genesis in which God "confused the people with different languages" as punishment for their arrogance, saying that the same thing is now happening here.

"When God's judgment falls on a nation for turning its back on him," Fischer said, "one form that that judgment takes is that people lose their ability to talk to each other. It's a form and expression of God's judgment ... I believe God's judgment is beginning to settle in on this land in the form of linguistic isolation"

Bryan Fischer, Right Wing Watch 46 Comments [3/17/2015 3:30:24 AM]
Fundie Index: 24
Submitted By: The Reptilian Jew

Quote# 107126

Please remember or think about the big facts. Islam, for lack of a better word has been at war with the world, for 1400 years. It still is at war.
To say or to imply, there is nothing wrong with Islam at all, is to say, that you unknowingly are Islamic.
They built a huge gun one day, for the only purpose of defeating the fort at Constantinople. It worked. They sacked Jurusalem three times in the 600 AD time frame. They conquered many countries, and it is their goal to conquer the world to Islam.
Find if you will their proven tactics. Find if you will information about them. Yet, to say that even living saints to God, are not in there, is not true. God, thinks this: If you hate what is wrong, and love what is right, plus fight for it always, then He is fine with you. So, Great people in our eyes, and good people in God's eyes are also in the Islamic Faith, but to say the faith does not kill or convert is also not true.
Have all of you fought, personally in some way shape or form, what is wrong, for what is right? Do you have that experience to know what works, and what does not work? Well, I am one, people like me, do fight, and have been injured both mentally and some of us physically. Others have lost their lives. The problem with peaceful Islam, is they support in passive ways, those who are fighting to conquer the world, just like factories in Germany, made weapons for those in Germany. That is the reason war switched to bombing non combatants, in WWII. It is because the non combatants, made the war possible for the combatants.

katerinah1947, Christian Forums 26 Comments [3/17/2015 3:28:38 AM]
Fundie Index: 8
Submitted By: AJ Williams

Quote# 107124

"New Scientist" published a paper signed by 33 secular cosmologists explaining what is wrong with the Big Bang theory. It was posted on line at cosmologystatement.org and additionally signed by hundreds of secular cosmologists.

Dr Hartnett showed that CMB (cosmic microwave background radiation) actually poses problems for the big bang and supports creationist cosmologies. One problem is that the CMB seems to indicate a preferred frame of reference, contrary to the basic assumption behind the big bang. Another is that the total mass density of the universe inferred observationally does not agree with the mass calculated from big bang theory. And this latest NASA report even said that the stars formed earlier (by their own dating methods) than previously predicted. Then there is the fact that the CMB is very smooth, contrary to big bang predictions. And so on. Creationist cosmology models do not have these problems.

Read more at: http://phys.org/news/2015-02-cosmology-late-news-big.html#jCp

Bob one, PHYS.org 30 Comments [3/17/2015 3:28:25 AM]
Fundie Index: 8
Submitted By: Creedence Leonore Gielgud

Quote# 107121

Once you make up your mind to go to Jesus for your freedom the ever scheming enemy makes frantic last ditch efforts in a diabolic attempt to discourage you. Here are the top five things you should expect: 

#1: Expect your condition to get worse. By making your condition to deteriorate or seem to be taking a downward spiral the enemy is trying to force you to walk by sight not by faith. Once that happens you throw your hands up in the air in exasperation and say, “It’s no use, I am done!” 

#2: Expect to be laughed at. It’s the nature of the enemy to laugh to scorn. Sanballat and Tobiah laughed off Nehemiah’s valiant building efforts. On the cross our Lord was also scolded by people. Close friends, family, workmates or even church mates (how tragic!) will make you the target of their jokes just because you think the root of your problem is demonic and you want to seek help. 

#3: Expect the meeting or minister to be attacked. You may hear that the venue has been changed suddenly or that the meeting has been postponed or has been cancelled all together. You might hear funny stories or allegations about the deliverance minister in question. The minister may be struck down by a mysterious ailment and thus fail to make it for the meeting. 

#4: Expect to be attacked yourself. A freak accident may happen to you or someone close to you so that you are grounded and fail to go for that decisive deliverance meeting. Your finances may suddenly dry up forcing you to cancel that long awaited trip that should deliver your freedom.

#5: Expect a big deliverance scandal to break out. A negative deliverance story may be all over the media thrusting into your heart like a sharp dagger. A person who was allegedly abused during ministry may go public or a minister who makes people pay big bucks for ministry may be exposed. A video capturing a brutal deliverance may be released on the internet. 

Don’t fall for any of these desperate efforts by the enemy to distract you from your goal of freedom. See through all the lies and press in for your miracle. 

Pastor QT, Ministering Deliverance 26 Comments [3/17/2015 3:27:51 AM]
Fundie Index: 15
Submitted By: Matthew

Quote# 107120

Irish Senator thinks Mother's Day will be banned due to gay marriage...

Senator Fidelma Healy Eames swung for the fences earlier today with this little tweet about Mother's Day and the upcoming Marriage Referendum.

"Happy Mothers' day all! Hope we can continue to celebrate it after #SSM passed. In some US states Mothers & Father's Day banned #pcgonemad"

Senator Fidelma Healy Eames, entertainment.ie 32 Comments [3/17/2015 3:25:47 AM]
Fundie Index: 11

Quote# 107118


"Get out of other people's bedrooms.

Nobody has the right to tell consenting adults what they can or cannot do in their bedroom."

Actually, what the whole same-sex "marriage" legislation is requiring that we affirm what goes on in people's bedrooms.

If you want people to stay out of them, don't demand that they affirm what you get up to

Inkfingers, Christian Forums 27 Comments [3/17/2015 3:25:19 AM]
Fundie Index: 16
Submitted By: AJ Williams

Quote# 107116

Intolerance. Hatred. Bigotry. Oppression. Violation of human rights. Religious extremism. Evil.

These are words that I see used by Americans, both gay and straight, to describe the Church’s stance on sexuality, everyday. These are words that I see fill my email inbox describing my character because of my biblical stance on sexuality, everyday. These are words that I see the Western LGBT community hang like a banner over all things associated with the person and teaching of Jesus Christ, every day.

I know that a lot of LGBT people who don’t hold anywhere near to my beliefs, for some reason or another, still read my blog. If that’s you, I’m glad you’re here. I’m glad that you, for some reason or another, still bounce on over to moorematt.org every once in a while and skim over content that you know you’re going to disagree with. Truly, I’m thankful. Because I personally think you’re here by divine appointment. I think you’re here and you keep coming here because the Lord loves you deeply and is patiently and continuously exposing you to the hope that He has for you in His Son, Jesus Christ.

Before you curl your lip and roll your eyes at that ^^^ and click the exit tab, bear with me for just a couple minutes more. I know that you may think that the expression of my gospel beliefs and my — umm — what some may call “persuasive insistence” upon others to believe those beliefs, is hateful. I know that may you think the Church’s pleading with you to turn away from your naturally sinful desires and to trust in Christ to be oppressive and harmful.

But I’d like you to step back for a second and consider what is happening across the pond in a land far, far away, to people like you; to people like me and you. To people who are attracted to the same sex and have acted out on it.

Yesterday, Islamic State (ISIS) released more photos of executions of a man they said had a “homosexual affair”, showing photos of a man being thrown from a seven-story building, and then stoned to death when he appeared to survive the fall.

A man, believed to be aged 50, is shown before being thrown from a seven-storey building.

Last month, two men – two gay men – were thrown from the top of a building by Islamic State militants.

This….. this is intolerance. This is hatred. This is bigotry. This is oppression. This is violation of human rights. This is religious extremism. This is evil.

The message of the gospel, the message that saturates this blog and the words of so many people out there that you might think are being hateful toward you, is not a message of “adhere to our belief system or we are going to throw you off of a roof.” If that’s what we were saying, you would have every right to be disgusted with us. You would have every right to slam us. You would have every right to try to shut us down.

But thankfully, that’s not what we’re saying. Not even close.

The gospel of Jesus Christ is not a call to forced submission, but to willing surrender to a ferociously kind and gracious God. We, as fellow sinners no better or worse than you, urge you to turn from yourself and hope in Christ not because we think your same sex attraction is just the utmost expression of all that is vile and gross. No. And we plead with you not because we want to see you become straight and marry a girl and live a quiet, republican-ish life behind a white picket fence (because if that’s a requirement, the Church should kick me out immediately!). We speak the truths of the gospel and urge you to believe them because we want you to escape the condemnation we all deserve and to experience the true life in Jesus. The kind of life that the best earthly relationship or sexual experience can’t even begin to be able to give you. We want you to have everlasting life. We want you to no longer thirst for love, satisfaction, purpose and joy.

The call of the gospel is a loving call to experience true life and unshakeable joy through the redemptive work of Jesus Christ. The call of the gospel is a call to be reconciled to a God that actually does love you.

Disagree with us if you wish – that’s your prerogative. We’re not going to throw you off a roof for it. But please, stop thinking that we hate you. Step back and look at the world and re-evaluate your definitions of love and hate. What ISIS is doing is what real hatred looks like. We love you, and we want you to know the true God and His Son, Jesus Christ. We will still be your friends if you refuse. We will still love you and serve you and walk through life with you if you keep plugging your ears when we talk about Jesus. Because, at the end of the day, we don’t hate you.

We don’t hate you.

Matt Moore, BarbWire 35 Comments [3/17/2015 3:24:42 AM]
Fundie Index: 11

Quote# 107115

As CH has asserted in the past, and as science has now proven, men are most attracted to women aged 15-25, and the raw physical attraction is strongest for girls between 15 and 20. Men are not most attracted to maximally fertile women (which would correspond to the mid to late 20s for most women); rather, men are most attracted to women with the GREATEST POTENTIAL for reproductive success over a lifetime, aka RV (residual value).

Heartiste, Chateau Heartiste 48 Comments [3/17/2015 3:23:57 AM]
Fundie Index: 7
Submitted By: Arni

Quote# 107113

March 2015

Dear Friends of Jesus,

I was drenched in sweat. The service had concluded. I said my good-byes and was ready to leave. I was ready to get back to the hotel to take a nice shower and get some rest however the Holy Spirit was still at work. A lady came up to me, with her husband, wanting some prayer. I briefly stopped and prayed for her before leaving for the night. That's when an explosive spirit surfaced.

Her body shook and convulsed and glared at me with hatred.

"I'm paralysis," the demon spirit told me, "I'm here because of her union with her husband. I was in him. I have been in his bloodline for many generations. I cause her blindness that is why she is wearing glasses! I do so much more; I cause her body to experience paralysis to torment her."

While confronting this spirit I took off her glasses and commanded the demon to take off the blindness. It wanted to battle me so I called forth the holy angels of God. They swiftly arrived and stood ready to battle the invading demons. I had them draw out their swords and strike the demons. They did and the demons groaned in agony. They gave up. The power of God was too much. All of the demons were bound up quickly and sent directly to the pit. They came out and as my precious sister in the Lord resurfaced from her demonized state she SHINED with the light of Jesus!

She looked around and was SHOCKED! She looked utterly astonished! Amazed and the first words out of her mouth said it all:


No more glasses for her anymore! She came in wearing glasses; left without wearing them. Miraculously healed by the Lord Jesus of a form of blindness! She could see 100% clearly! She was so happy; she just laughed and laughed with the joy of the Lord resting upon her!

MY FRIENDS, I HAVE WITNESSED TENS OF THOUSANDS OF MIRACLES ON 6 CONTINENTS: I have raised the dead, removed objects and animals from bodies, seen every kind of sickness cured, millions of demons removed, millions of dissociative identities healed and yet when I see another wonder of God I feel like I just witnessed one for the very first time. I STILL get that excited! It's still refreshing to see the hand of God move on precious souls.

Just when I thought I was done for the night; another extraordinary miracle take place. It was stunning to witness; so beautiful. As I often tell everyone; even when we are walking out we often see great wonders take place.

Jay Bartlett

Jay Bartlett, Jay Bartlett Missions 32 Comments [3/17/2015 3:16:33 AM]
Fundie Index: 13
Submitted By: ConcernedCultist

Quote# 107112

This is approaching the insane. I thought black holes had gravity so intense not even light could escape. I guess this is the consequence of employing a mathematical model that is not observed or confirmed.
Has anyone even seen Donald Scott's presentation to NASA Goddard's astrophysicists in 2009 regarding the "electric sky"?. Has anyone even heard of Halton Arp's work essentially proving that red shift is a function of age, not distance. Good bye Big Bang. Nobel prize winners Alfvens and Langmuir have shown beyond doubt that Biirkeland's findings were right on the money. Any cosmologist that is not fluent in the terms of plasma physics (i.e. "Z Pinch") has no chance of properly interpreting the newest radio telescope data.
Neutron stars either were born at the time of the big bang or accreted. How did the 1st 2 neutrons accrete??? They didn't.
It pains me to say that even Einstein had great doubts about relativity. "Spooky action at a distance" troubled him to his grave.

What this showed was the speed of light was not Vmax. This invalidates the theory of relativity. So 2 generations of astrophysicists and cosmologists have followed a brilliant man down the wrong road. They failed to address his concerns. In 1921 Tesla stated relativity was like a "beggar in a purple robe". Even Einstein was concerned that relativity required the absence of the "ether" proposed by Tesla. He said he "knew it must be there". Today it is known as plasma.
Anthony Peratt's work at Los Alamos in plasma physics will win the Nobel prize, Showing spiral galaxy formation with plasma physics experiments was groundbreaking. That the necessary velocities were present obviated the need for black holes or dark matter. Similar results were obtained to invalidate the concept of neutron stars. All that is needed to interpret the newest radio telescope data is a knowledge of plasma physics.
The electromagnetic forces that formed the universe are now being properly addressed.

bbbbwindows, PHYS.org 17 Comments [3/17/2015 3:16:10 AM]
Fundie Index: 5
Submitted By: Creedence Leonore Gielgud

Quote# 107108

[Talk about Hell]

Speak for yourself - I don't strive to be moral for that purpose.

Correction: That's why we *as Christians* strive to be moral.

Plus whether or not you strive to be moral has no connection to your salvation.

WirSindBettler, Christian Forums 27 Comments [3/16/2015 3:43:13 AM]
Fundie Index: 11
Submitted By: AJ Williams

Quote# 107107

Maybe if we let enough Muslims in, they will teach us how to throw gays off of buildings, so that Christians can bake wedding cakes again

Charles C. Johnson, Twitter 34 Comments [3/16/2015 3:42:55 AM]
Fundie Index: 23

Quote# 107105

That the Jewish nation is the only nation selected by God, while all the remaining ones are contemptible and hateful.

That all property of other nations belongs to the Jewish nation, which consequently is entitled to seize upon it without any scruples. An orthodox Jew is not bound to observe principles of morality towards people of other tribes. He may act contrary to morality, if profitable to himself or to Jews in general.

A Jew may rob a Goy, he may cheat him over a bill, which should not be perceived by him, otherwise the name of God would become dishonoured.

Schulchan Aruch, Choszen Hamiszpat, 348

Matt, Yahoo! Comments 27 Comments [3/16/2015 3:24:41 AM]
Fundie Index: 18
Submitted By: Yuu

Quote# 107094

Age of consent laws conflict with biology,  history and principles of equal rights. The age of consent  laws in modern society  revolve around cultural taboos, illogical maternal instincts among women voters suffering from Child-Bride-Denial. I say this because the reasoning for age of consent laws is to protect children from being manipulated into having sex with adults since feminism views children as overly emotional and easily swayed. The irony is that men used to use this exact excuse to deny women their right to vote…

webwub, egomoral 34 Comments [3/16/2015 3:20:55 AM]
Fundie Index: 28

Quote# 107093

In August 1986, John Derbyshire married a Chinese woman in Changchun, China. He described the process in an article for The Spectator.

During a debate with Jared Taylor at the Robert A. Taft club in August 2006 Derbyshire joked that the only reason he was not an open white nationalist was because "it would get me in trouble at home." During the question and answer session Derbyshire jokingly described his two children, Danny and Nellie, as "Danny-mud and Nellie-mud." He has argued that the internment of Americans with Japanese ancestry during World War II was "not a very deplorable thing to do" and noted that in the event of serious war with China, similar internment of Americans with Chinese ancestry will occur and "I hope the camps will not be very uncomfortable, for I shall be there too-- the Derbyshires travel as a family."

John Derbyshire, American Renaissance 26 Comments [3/16/2015 3:20:46 AM]
Fundie Index: 9

Quote# 107092

Wow. I didn’t think ANYONE was bold enough to be honest about the link between feminism and hostility to child marriage.

I think feminism is the problem here. While I do not believe in democracy, it only got worse after women got the vote. In order to make women seem interchangable with men, they have to suppress natural institutions like early marriage and deny their own biology.

“Prejudice” is also natural–I don’t believe that’s the problem. Preceived human differences across races, religions, and the sexes are generally rooted in reality. It’s the imposition of the wholly alien and unnatural feminist worldview that’s the problem.

FirstfromtheRiver, egomoral 25 Comments [3/16/2015 3:20:14 AM]
Fundie Index: 19

Quote# 107091


What is the problem God to create plants before the sun? In God's kingdom there will be no sun because God himself illuminates the reality with his glory.

When you claim that you read the scripture should read it to the end. As usual critics of Scripture have no rest day. Nothing new under the sun.

viko_mx, PHYS.org 20 Comments [3/16/2015 3:20:02 AM]
Fundie Index: 10
Submitted By: Creedence Leonore Gielgud

Quote# 107090

Pedophilia has exist a long time! Clearly we did just fine with it existing but now there is a problem????? The only problem is with men too weak to admit to women they love girls and women who are jealous of girls. It is time we fight for our rights and stop letting bitter old, ugly, nasty women get in our way and in the way of girls!!!!

Mark, egomoral 34 Comments [3/16/2015 3:10:47 AM]
Fundie Index: 25

Quote# 107088

The order of events and the knowledge contained in Genesis one is very unusual. What are the chances that nomads could have the knowledge and events of the universe in the right order? How many numbers in the big lottery? The order of creation is correct. (Don't equate this with creationism.) You see the first light, Cambrian explosion of life. The size of the creatures in the ocean. The kind of life that came from the ocean to dry land, insects, seeds, pro and eukaryotic life. Early in Genesis there is a mention of creating on the surface of the waters. Something happening on the surface of a fluid is the description of the information contained on the surface of a black hole. Leonard Susskind talks about the very new idea (2008) of the Holographic universe. Stone age man could not know what we know by advanced Scientific study. By Occam's razor there had to be an observer that was 14.5 billion years old to tell them. No one was to have proof until the age of knowledge. Brrr Ky draft!

adave, PHYS.org 22 Comments [3/16/2015 3:09:57 AM]
Fundie Index: 7
Submitted By: Creedence Leonore Gielgud

Quote# 107087

Given the choice, I doubt men would have sex females below 9 and older than 12. The traits that women get after about age 12 aren’t attractive and that’s why women remove these traits. (leg hair, pubic hair, nipple hair, armpit hair,) Women also hide large adult pores with cover-up, and paint on larger pubescent eyes with eyeliner.

Marshall Hare, Emma the Emo's Emo Musings 53 Comments [3/16/2015 3:09:38 AM]
Fundie Index: 35
Submitted By: Matthew

Quote# 107085

Why do these atheists keep talking about the big bang as if it is fact when repeated studies show that it could not have happened and any search for evidence has only shown evidence against it? Atheists you are really annoying, shut up with your magic bomb creator theory already.

danieljknight, PHYS.org 25 Comments [3/16/2015 3:08:41 AM]
Fundie Index: 13
Submitted By: Creedence Leonore Gielgud
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