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Quote# 107383

No sin is greater than the other.
But to say what is sin is okay.... now what kind of deception is that. There is no national campeign that yells out any other sin but same sex relations.
Do we have a fornication pride week? Parade? Do fornicators encourage teens that its okay to explore heterosexual relations, its moral and nobody should judge you? Nope.

See, we know its wrong, we do wrong anyways, if someone don't like it, oh well. We don't cry out in flamboyant drama for attention parading our confusion through downtown.
Just a thought.

Honestly, most of us don't care if you're gay, we don't care to know either.
Sure, your people are outcasts, me, personally, I'm a three time violent felon. I'm an outcast too, but I don't advertise my prison number. I don't brag about any of my wrong, or plain crazy decisions.
I just be me, and respect life. Free of suckers and their dysfunction.

Ill bet we can find 2,000,000 people who know same sex marriage is immoral, Facebook 39 Comments [3/26/2015 3:19:56 AM]
Fundie Index: 12
Submitted By: AJ Williams

Quote# 107378

On Friday, “Trunews” host Rick Wiles aired a speech that Phil Robertson of Duck Dynasty delivered at the Vero Beach Prayer Breakfast earlier that day, in which Robertson offered gruesome details about how an atheist father would react to watching intruders behead his wife and rape and kill his two daughters while they also cut off his penis .... which would supposedly somehow prove a point about following God’s laws.

“I’ll make a bet with you,” Robertson said. “Two guys break into an atheist’s home. He has a little atheist wife and two little atheist daughters. Two guys break into his home and tie him up in a chair and gag him. And then they take his two daughters in front of him and rape both of them and then shoot them and they take his wife and then decapitate her head off in front of him. And then they can look at him and say, ‘Isn’t it great that I don’t have to worry about being judged? Isn’t it great that there’s nothing wrong with this? There’s no right or wrong, now is it dude?’”

Robertson kept going: “Then you take a sharp knife and take his manhood and hold it in front of him and say, ‘Wouldn’t it be something if this [sic] was something wrong with this? But you’re the one who says there is no God, there’s no right, there’s no wrong, so we’re just having fun. We’re sick in the head, have a nice day.’”

“If it happened to them,” Robertson continued, “they probably would say, ‘something about this just ain’t right.”

Phil Robertson, Right Wing Watch 48 Comments [3/26/2015 3:06:56 AM]
Fundie Index: 28

Quote# 107374

the civil rights movement, womens' movement, and the hippies of the late '60s and early '70s were a product of communist subversion. none of them were actually about helping people. they purpose was to weaken the USA. and it worked.

it's not the baby boomers' fault for believing. they sincerely wanted to help people. after realizing that they were the victims of those communist scams, i guess that they just got greedy (1980s - present). they learned political correctness from the communists. so they are greedier than ever. but they put on a show of liberalism.

B.wagner, Phillymag 27 Comments [3/26/2015 3:05:54 AM]
Fundie Index: 12

Quote# 107373

Commenting on an article posted entitled "10-year-old boy claims reincarnation" and replying to another member who posited "I'd there are two possibilities -- either demonic influences or fraud.":

My guess it is demonic influences over the children.

Many children have stated that small children have come to visit them as ghosts.

One little boy said the little girl that he sees has glowing green eyes and has claws that scratch his dad.

The dad was pushed down the stairs too.

That isn't a sweet little lost ghost child....... it is a demon that is presenting itself as a child in order to TAKE OVER or influence the living child.

The bible is clear.....it says that we die ONCE and then we are judged.

Hebrews 9:27 Just as people are destined to die once, and after that to face judgment


dlo_3us2001, Realabortiondebate 18 Comments [3/26/2015 3:05:13 AM]
Fundie Index: 7

Quote# 107371

Never forget Nero....he started out sane and did some good things in the beginning...until he got into homosexuality, married his SLAVE BOY, killed is own mother, killed other random people on the streets and then turned depraved in the mind.

Is this the kind of authority and leadership we want for this country? Is this the kind of society we want? Is fallen Rome the kind of country we want our country to turn into when we approve of homosexuality?

Homosexuality is doomed for failure, just like Nero and Rome was when all the men were sleeping with slave boys.

Romans 1:28


dlo_3us2001, Realabortiondebate 31 Comments [3/26/2015 3:04:43 AM]
Fundie Index: 13

Quote# 107363

When the subject of Gay Marriage comes up, how are Christians doing at communicating the harm to society with the secular world? Do we have logical reasons to present without being perceived as being "Bible-thumping"?

Here are 20 reasons which may help communicate to our secular friends that Gay Marriage is not only a moral issue for Christians, but a societal ill. All but a few of these reasons are secular rather than religious:

1. The whole fabric of gay rights disappears with this fact: There is no scientific evidence that people are born gay, and much evidence exists that proves the opposite. People leave the homosexual lifestyle and desire all the time. (See http://www.faithfacts.org/christ-and-the-culture/gay-rights#born.)

2. Marriage is the fundamental building block of all human civilization, and has been across cultural and religious lines for 5000+ years. By encouraging the norms of marriage—monogamy, sexual exclusivity, and permanence—the state strengthens civil society. Society as a whole, not merely any given set of spouses, benefits from marriage. This is because traditional marriage helps to channel procreative love into a stable institution that provides for the orderly bearing and rearing of the next generation.

3. Contrary to the liberal and libertarian viewpoint, marriage is not merely an institution for the convenience of adults. It is about the rights of children. Marriage is society’s least restrictive means of ensuring the well-being of children. Every child has the right to a mom and a dad whenever possible. Numerous studies show that children do best with two biological parents. Here is just one study: Two Biological Parents.

4. Marriage benefits everyone because separating the bearing and rearing of children from marriage burdens innocent bystanders: not just children, but the whole community. History shows that no society long survives after a change that hurts the sanctity of marriage between one man and one woman.

5. Law cannot be divorced from reality—from nature. The two sexes are complementary, not undifferentiated. This is a fact of nature, thus given by God. No government has the right to alter what is true by nature. (See America’s Declaration of Independence.)

6. Redefining marriage would diminish the social pressures and incentives for husbands to remain with their wives and BIOLOGICAL children, and for men and women to marry before having children.

7. The results of redefining marriage—parenting by single parents, divorced parents, remarried parents, cohabiting couples, and fragmented families of any kind—are demonstrably worse for children. According to the best available sociological evidence, children fare best on virtually every examined indicator when reared by their wedded biological parents. Studies that control for other factors, including poverty and even genetics, suggest that children reared in intact homes do best on educational achievement, emotional health, familial and sexual development, and delinquency and incarceration. In short, marriage unites a man and a woman holistically—emotionally and bodily, in acts of conjugal love and in the children such love brings forth—for the whole of life.

8. Studies show domestic violence is three times higher among homosexual partnerships, compared to heterosexual marriages. A large portion of murders, assaults, other crimes and various harms to children occur along with, or as a consequence of, domestic violence. Half of pedophilia attacks are homosexual, for example. Normalizing homosexual marriage also encourages non-marital homosexual activity, and thus the social pathologies associated with it.

9. Promiscuity is rampant among homosexuals, including those who are married. Various studies indicate that gays average somewhere between 10 and 110 different sex partners per year. The New York Times, among many other sources, reported the finding that exclusivity was not the norm among gay partners: “With straight people, it’s called affairs or cheating,” said Colleen Hoff, the study’s principal investigator, “but with gay people it does not have such negative connotations. ‘Openness’ and ‘flexibility’ of gay relationships are euphemisms for sexual infidelity.” One study showed that only 4.5% of homosexual males said they were faithful to their current partner, compared to 85% of heterosexual married women and 75.5% of heterosexual married men. Promiscuity is a destabilizing influence on society.

10. The confusion resulting from further delinking childbearing from marriage would force the state to intervene more often in family life and expand welfare programs. If marriage has no form and serves no social purpose, how will society protect the needs of children—the prime victim of our non-marital sexual culture—without government growing more intrusive and more expensive? Without healthy marriages, the community often must step in to provide (more or less directly) for their well-being and upbringing. Thus, by encouraging the norms of marriage—monogamy, sexual exclusivity, and permanence—the state strengthens civil society and reduces its own role. (Libertarians, do you see the importance of this? If you want the state to be less intrusive, get off the gay marriage idea!)

11. Promoting marriage does not ban any type of relationship: Adults are free to make choices about their relationships, and they do not need government sanction or license to do so. People are free to have contracts with each other. All Americans have the freedom to live as they choose, but no one has a right to redefine marriage for everyone else.

12. Law is a teacher. Just as many people, even some Christians, thought that slavery was okay when it was legal, will think that gay marriage is OK when it is legal.

13. Gay marriage is undeniably a step into other deviances. What will result are such things as plural marriages and polygamy. These things could not logically be turned back, and will initiate a further plunge of societal stability.

14. Only a small percentage of gays who are given the right to marry do so anyway (4% by one study). This proves that the gay marriage movement is not about marriage, but about affirmation.

15. Anal intercourse leads to numerous pathologies, obviously because the parts do not fit! Among items in a long list of problems listed by researcher and physician James Holsinger are these: enteric diseases (infections from a variety of viruses and bacteria including a very high incidence of amoebiasis, giardiasis, and hepatitis, etc.), trauma (fecal incontinence, anal fissure, rectosigmoid tears, chemical sinusitis, etc.), sexually transmitted diseases (AIDS, gonorrhea, simplex infections, genital warts, scabies, etc.). Anal cancer is only one of other medical problems higher in gay men that heterosexual men, especially monogamous heterosexual men. Society at large pays for these diseases. (Speaking to “Christian Libertarians,” unlike certain activities that also contribute to national health problems, such as obesity, homosexuality is morally wrong. Poor eating habits are not a moral issue; gluttony is not a sin.)

16. The ravages of the gay lifestyle are severe upon the gay community itself but also for society at large. The best available evidence shows that those practicing homosexual behavior have a 20% to 30% shorter life span. A much higher rate of alcoholism, drug abuse, sexually transmitted disease, domestic violence, child molestation and more occur in homosexual populations. (See http://www.faithfacts.org/christ-and-the-culture/gay-rights#ravages.)

17. It is okay to discriminate. We discriminate all the time in our rules and laws. It is illegal to marry your parent. It is illegal to be a pedophile or a sociopath, no matter how strong the innate tendency might be.

18. Gay marriage and religious freedom are incompatible because it will marginalize those who affirm marriage as the union of a man and a woman. The First Amendment is at stake! This is already evident in Massachusetts and Washington, D.C., among other locations. After Massachusetts redefined marriage to include same-sex relationships, Catholic Charities of Boston was forced to discontinue its adoption services rather than place children with same-sex couples against its principles. Massachusetts public schools began teaching grade-school students about same-sex marriage, defending their decision because they are “committed to teaching about the world they live in, and in Massachusetts same-sex marriage is legal.” A Massachusetts appellate court ruled that parents have no right to exempt their children from these classes. Businesses that refuse to accept gay marriage as a legitimate institution will be penalized. It is a certainty that the church will at some point, be unable to preach the full council of God. It will be considered hate speech to speak of traditional marriage as right. Churches will begin losing their tax exempt status. Individuals who speak out against gay marriage will be penalized. This is only the tip of the iceberg. (Speaking again to "Christian Libertarians” who are OK with gay marriage: Do you see the issue here? This is important! Legalizing gay marriage nationally will lead to an assault on religion.)

19. Homosexual practioners cost more than they contribute via disproportionate diseases and disasters such as HIV, hepatitis, herpes, mental illness, substance abuse, suicide, assault, etc. The Center for Disease Control estimates that each HIV infection ALONE generates $700,000 in direct and indirect costs. (Source: Family Research Report, April 2014)

20. Homosexual activity and marriage robs our future by: having fewer children, poorly socializing the children they raise, commit about half of all child molestations recorded in the news. (Source: Family Research Report, April 2014)

The question is asked, why shouldn't two people who love each other be allowed to get married? ANSWER: Marriage is not about love. In many countries around the world, marriages are arranged. Marriage is about the rights of children and thus is about supporting the next generation. Anything that weakens the institution of marriage is an injustice to children and a travesty to the culture.

Faith Facts, Faith Facts 50 Comments [3/25/2015 3:25:32 AM]
Fundie Index: 30
Submitted By: Chris

Quote# 107362

"...overwhelming evidence supporting evolution..." *cough, cough, choke* Sure, it must be invisible or top-secret because no one has ever been able to show me any.

Zealots, such as yourself, simply cannot incorporate new data into your belief system unless it conforms to your pre-conceived "theory"; and that is why evolutionism is a religion. When confronted by affirmative evidence that everything in your Darwinian book of fables is verifiably untrue (gill slits), you do not incorporate that information, Instead you lie, twist words and spread misinformation in an effort to hold onto what you WANT to be true, shoving everything whether it fits or not into your little evolutionism box. It's really quite pathetic, from an educational standpoint.
Sorry :-).

Oboehner, Christian News Network 46 Comments [3/25/2015 3:25:23 AM]
Fundie Index: 25

Quote# 107361

After news broke that Florida’s Republican governor Rick Scott’s administration had forbid state employees from using the phrase “climate change” during official business, many conservatives claimed that people were overreacting. After all, they reasoned, Rick Scott wouldn’t seriously punish scientists for talking about climate change.

Oh yes, he would.

According to a press release issued by the Public Employees for Environmental Responsibility, a Land Management Plan Coordinator named Bart Bibler has already been suspended without pay for mentioning in his notes that climate change was discussed at an environmental meeting. His “Official Written Reprimand” cites things like “insubordination” and “conduct unbecoming a public employee.” The reprimand goes on to explain in detail that Bibler was being punished for giving the “appearance” that a meeting had been held to discuss climate change – a no-no in Republican Florida:

“I asked you to provide a summary of the meeting. You first provided a takeaway summary of the meeting, but had provided that summary in a document that used the agenda header from Ann Lazar, the meeting moderator, which gave the appearance that this was Ann’s official meeting agenda that included climate change.“

Later the letter asks Bibler to hereby abstain from inserting “any personal agenda or political advocacy into the work you perform” and to “remain unbiased and impartial, and focused on the issues at hand.”

If the violation is ridiculous, than Bibler’s punishment is doubly so. According to PEER:

As he was given the reprimand on March 9th, Mr. Bibler was told to not return to work for two days which would be charged against his personal leave time. Two days later he received a “Medical Release Form” requiring that his doctor supply the DEP with an evaluation of unspecified “medical condition and behavior” issues before being allowed to return to work.

Only in Rick Scott’s Florida can a man be deemed mentally unfit for agreeing with 97% of the world’s scientists on the state of the Earth’s climate.

State of Florida, addicting info 20 Comments [3/25/2015 3:25:15 AM]
Fundie Index: 22

Quote# 107357

The gay lobby has been increasingly influential over the Mormon Church, such that by 2015 pro-homosexual agenda legislation began to pass easily in Utah.

Andy Schlafly, Conservapedia, Gay Lobby 20 Comments [3/25/2015 3:22:30 AM]
Fundie Index: 5
Submitted By: Night Jaguar

Quote# 107355

(Denying evolution is a science, calling it a religion instead)

You keep claiming "science" when there is none.
Did they test "billions of years"? No they can't.
Did they test speciation? No, they can't.
Just more flat earth blood-letting which conveniently can't be tested, observed, or duplicated. Guess you just have to take it on faith - religion.

(Note - he says "flat earth blood-letting" to mock things which scientists believed to be true at one time.)

Oboehner, Christian News Network 19 Comments [3/25/2015 3:21:55 AM]
Fundie Index: 13

Quote# 107353

“I feel that now is the perfect time to speak my mind without fear of retaliation by the president, the attorney general, the federal government etc.,” Zimmerman explained. “Initially I was extremely alleviated. Quickly that turned into realization that the Department of Justice finding that there was no basis to pursue [federal] charges was just the beginning of a journey — my personal journey — to correct the wrongs that the federal government did. To ensure that it never happens to any innocent American ever again.”

The former neighborhood watchman insisted that he had a “clean conscience” after he was found to be not guilty.

“I believe God has his plans, and for me to second-guess them would be hypocritical, almost blasphemous,” he said when asked if he wished the encounter that ended Martin’s life would have turned out differently.

George Zimmerman, Rawstory.com 33 Comments [3/25/2015 3:21:20 AM]
Fundie Index: 14
Submitted By: Doubting Thomas

Quote# 107352

Occam’s Razor leading us to God

Well, I think Occam’s Razor (why we have to use it, I don’t know), itself leads us to existence of God.
The existence of me, myself, a conscious being is a big problem which has to be answered. The only way we can explain is that, there is one being, existed without the existence of anything else. Nobody uses Occam’s Razor this way. I do not know why! The question is always like this: “God exists or we created him.” resulting “we created him.” But this does not answer who created “me”? What is “me”? There is no easy answer to this.
What about “It is, because it is.”? Well, then “God is, because He is!”
“Nothingness results in existence.” Well, then what is a “result”? What is “resulting”? Are you sure you can understand the notion “nothingness”. Do you think anybody can? Nothingness is nothing! There is nothing in nothingness! (Can we even say that?) What a fallacy to think there is (I just said “There is”! Then it is not nothingness!) a resulting force in nothingness. (“In nothingness”, whatever it means!) This makes the nothingness God!
Well, we have to accept that there is an eternal being!
This leads us to that, this being, which can exist only depending his self, has to be perfect, because a perfectness like not having a beginning cannot be compared to anything else in any sense. Being not comparable to anything means being perfect then anything. (How true that is!) The notion ‘part’ is a part of our universe, which also our limits our thinking, and does not apply to the One. So, we come to that He is One, He is not like anything and He is above everything. Why? Whatever exists depends on Him to exist, so they can lose their existence by His will. Having a dependency for its own existence is the biggest weakness! Anything except God is like that.
“If there is God, why I do not see him?”
How can you see him? God is not imaginable and is not imprisoned in time and space? Seeing is a physical event done by eyes, ears, tongue, nose, skin! How can we think that, we can imprison God into such senses? In this sense, also the question “Where is God?” is illogical itself. We cannot even say God is inside the universe or outside. The notion “place” is a creation itself.
Thinking! Thinking is enough proof of God. I can think and nothingness cannot result in a concious thinking being! That is obvious and clear. My consciousness can only be given by One who is conscious.
Let’s come to the poetry of the existence, physics! Who wrote it? Why there is a consistency? Why this consistency never falls apart? What is the secret behind that a proton is connected to an electron, in the same way, with the same equations, everywhere? Or let me ask the question this way, an experiment (science is only experiments!) resulting in the same equations is the guarantee of this equations? Anybody who read some philosophy of science knows that science cannot give us facts, it cannot answer the question “what?” and “why?”, it only ‘tries’ to answer “how?”. It cannot tell you why there is a relation between A and B, tell you how the relation works. Science has no aims of truths or facts, it is not the way. If you ‘believe’ in science, you have a religion of the ’cause and effect’ god. Cause and effect relations are not provable, unless they are absolute, which is only the case when we accept the existense of God and know that He is the only Cause for any single thing. If after A, comes B, it is because every single time God wants so.
That is all clear, believe or not believe.
No power, no force but God. That is the simple, absolute truth.
(I would write more, but I think it is enough for the one understands.)

thinksee, Think and See 28 Comments [3/25/2015 3:20:57 AM]
Fundie Index: 9
Submitted By: The Reptilian Jew

Quote# 107350

When a liberal says for 30 years that the world will cool, gets it wrong, then says for 20 years that the world will WARM, gets it wrong, then claims that the climate will "change" [something it's been doing for BILLIONS of years], and that the changes will result in "more violent storms" [wrong] and more "Extreme weather events" [wrong]....and when the DRAMATIC majority of scientific projections markedly overestimate climate shifts - and all in one direction - why are the people who STILL put blind faith into that system that has not produced reliable hypotheses considered the allies of science?

There is *NOTHING* more scientific than being skeptical of someone who can't prove their hypothesis. We've seen over a decade an a half of flat temperatures, more than 10 years without a Cat 3 or higher hurricane making landfall in the US, and pretty much every prediction from melting antarctic to "snowless winters" fall flat. At a certain point, the AGW folks should admit that they don't have models complex enough to deal with climate, have no clue how cloud patterns impact global temperature, and don't fully understand the impact of natural cycles such as El Nino oscillations and solar patterns.

But I wouldn't hold my CO2 - er, breath.

nullroar, Philly.com 19 Comments [3/25/2015 3:20:38 AM]
Fundie Index: 5
Submitted By: Ivurm

Quote# 107349

Now gender distinction for humans is so important that in the very first chapter of the Bible, which is foundational to the whole Bible, God emphasizes this gender distinction:

So God created man in His own image; in the image of God He created him; male and female He created them. (Genesis 1:27)

Jesus, the Son of God, our Creator, as the God-man, made this emphatic statement:

But from the beginning of the creation, God “made them male and female. (Mark 10:6)

And again in Matthew 19:4, Jesus, in explaining the meaning of marriage, emphasized the following:

Have you not read that He who made them at the beginning ‘made them male and female . . . ? (Matthew 19:4)

And I love how He stated, “have you not read…?” I believe we could paraphrase this verse as, “Haven’t you people read the book of Genesis, that when I created humans, that I made them male and female?” (Matthew 19:4)

God has clearly revealed to us in His Word that gender is not something we can choose to discard. When God created mankind, He made them male and female (Genesis 1:27). It’s only concerning our spiritual state in Christ where there is no male or female distinction, as both are equally made in God’s image and equally valuable in His sight (Galatians 3:28).

Ken Ham, Answers in Genesis 28 Comments [3/25/2015 3:18:51 AM]
Fundie Index: 6
Submitted By: Ivurm

Quote# 107348

How to Become an Atheist

If you are thinking of becoming an atheist, beware. The first step is easy, but it’s not so easy to walk the walk. You will have to ignore design when you can see it everywhere: in the universe, the atoms, the birds and the bees, the clouds and trees, the seasons, the human body, fish, flowers, fruits, feet, and even fungus. And of course, there is the amazing-looking human eye.

Everywhere you look and everywhere you can't look with the human eye you will see incredible design.

Now here's the really difficult part. You will need to believe that everything man-made: cars, computers, and candies were made by man, etc., but deny that everything in nature--cattle, camels, and cabbages, etc., were made at all. It came from nothing, with no Maker. Once you have done this, crown yourself as being intelligent.

Then you will need to find other atheists who believe as you do, and they will confirm to you that you are indeed intelligent.

You will also need to believe that evolution is true and that you’re an ape and therefore you are not morally responsible because apes have no moral absolutes.

Never forget to always give God a small "g," and learn believers' phrases such as "Evolution is a proven fact," and “I have no beliefs in any gods.”

Do these things, and you will be able to call yourself a "new" atheist. How cool is that! Well, not really. You can¹t be a true atheist because you need absolute knowledge to say that there is no God. Besides, you intuitively know that He exists.

Still, for sin-loving sinners the benefits of atheism are great in this life. But not the next. So you are really not an atheist, and to keep with your sinful lifestyle I guess you will just have to pretend to be one. Or you could simply check out -- www.EvolutionVsGod.com

Ray Comfort, Ray Comfort's Facebook page 43 Comments [3/25/2015 3:18:34 AM]
Fundie Index: 11
Submitted By: Chris

Quote# 107347

Some of it surely stems from the cult of the gentleman, which has done so much to pussify Western men. Some guys just have puffed-up, purified images of themselves.

This to me is much more correct on who should be genuflecting and to whom

The proper place for a woman is on her knees before her lord. i.e., the man.

It's actually quite difficult, outside of sex, to find depictions of woman's proper submission to man.

Laguna Beach Fogey, Alpha Game: In Search of Honor 27 Comments [3/25/2015 3:10:03 AM]
Fundie Index: 12
Submitted By: KittyKaboom

Quote# 107346

The world today is in the middle of Kali Yuga. This is a cycle of the McUniverse™ in which all is turned upside down and inside out. In other words, the faggits and wimmin are in charge. Menation Cult opposes the irrational and silly and stupid. In other words, Menation Cult advocates the rational male brain and the rational male understanding taking its place as the leader and controller of the McUniverse™.

A journey may begin with a single step, but being a man begins with a single thought. Menation Cult is about masculinity. Which means in practical terms, reason. Wimin and faggits have no practical ability to reason. It is no surprise that The Church of PC promotes the "right" of wimmin and faggits to vote, even hold power. This is clearly against Nature. The Nation of Men Embracing Nature Cult, "Menation", opposes any and all power wielded by wimmin or faggits.

The Church of PC uses terms such as antisemitic, racist, sexist, and anti-gay in lieu of "heresy". This is a religious tradition acquired from its mentor and predecessor, the Church of Rome, which at one time roasted heretics. Today, The Church of PC deals somewhat more humanely with heretics, although the effect is essentially the same. To faggitize and effeminize McSociety (copywrong).

Menation Cult is antisemitic, racist, sexist, and anti-gay. "All of the above". Not because we hate JewFags, non-Europeans, wimmin.are.irritating.bores.com, or McQueers. But we oppose The Church of PC telling us what to think and how to feel. So we are everything The Church of PC doesn't want us to be.

If a Semite - an Arab or person of Jewish descent - wishes to associate with Menation Cult, he is welcome, as long as the said person is not a woman or a faggit. Menation Cult simply hates Judaism, not persons of Jewish or other Semitic descent. No Wimmin or JewFags allowed.

A man is composed of three basic categories, mind™, body©, and McSpirit. These categories are addressed individually.

The mind is a myth. So it is better to define a brain. And its electro-chemical activity. Thought. Which leads to Mentellect. Wimmin and faggits do not think. They merely babble irritating and manipulative nonsense. And waste the time, money, and energy of men. Stop wasting your time, money, and energy on wimmin, men. Stop engaging in sexual activity, because it will waste your mental energy. Stop thinking about wimmin. Stop listening to their boring, trifling, irritating nonsense. Use your brain for productive endeavors.

Your body is your own. You have a clearly defined right to control your body, and you possess it fully, from the day of your conception. Wimmin and faggits are not logical. Men are. Wimmin and faggits advocate circumcision. JewFags are the ultimate Kali Yuga culmination of effeminized faggitization. JewFagIsm holds newborn rape and sexual disfigurement as its holiest commandment. Because JewFags are queer abominations of Nature. Menation Cult, conversely, considers prevention or reversal of circumcision to be its holiest commandment. The JewFag is the incarnation of evil in Menation Cult. Mudslimes who follow IsSlime are also held liable for child molestation and sexual disfigurement. To hell with them.

The Spirit is the highest order of freedom. Men have a soul. Wimmin and faggits are empty machines. Programmable devices. At the service of The Church of PC.

In practical terms, Menation Cult's approach to confronting the forces of Kali Yuga, consists of 3 basic policies of behavior. Total Continence - absolute and total abstinence from any and all sexual activity. Veganism - eliminating corpse and dead flesh consumption, and if possible, eschewing consumption of any and all animal and insect derived foodstuffs. Mentellect - using your ManBrain to solve and overcome problems.

Menation Cult has a major holiday. Boycott-wimmin-and-faggit Week. The date is random. Menation Cult Nonconformists must try to live without any contributions that wimmin and faggits have made scientifically & technologically, artistically, and intellectually.

A few years ago, a book came out by some JewFags, "The Bell Curve". The JewFags wanted to make a few shekels. Since racial equality and harmony weren't really generating any lucre, these JewBoyFaggits decided to write an incendiary book that essentially promulgated niggraz iz dum. While there may indeed be some slight statistical basis for claiming that niggraz iz dum, there are MEN of color who have contributed in all spheres of progress. This is cited as an example to make a point, an analogy; While there may be some slight statistic discrepancy between contributions and achievements in regard to men of color versus low-melanin-pigmented men, wimmin and faggits are a staggering chasm of mediocrity.

During Boycot-wimmin-and-faggits Week, Menation Cult Nonconformists will likely have to do without Lady Gaga and the drawstring trashbag. The key word here is TRY. Try to figure out what, at all, faggits and wimmin have EVER contributed? Good luck, McGents.

- Dr. Rob

*****The KBH*****

Dr. Rob, Knights of Banjo Hollow 29 Comments [3/25/2015 3:09:48 AM]
Fundie Index: 4

Quote# 107343

Who will actually be on earth during the Millenium? - 06/05/14

Ok..so here is where I am at…I feel God STRONGLY pointing out verses that if you OVERCOME, ENDURE to the end…then you will reign with Him and be a priest and king..(Rev 5:10) (overcome till the end 2:26-27, Rev 3:21, others as well) IF you read Rev 20:4 it sounds as though ONLY the ones beheaded during the tribulation will reign with Him a 1,000 years….BUT we know some of us will as well..those that were faithful and have overcome..ENDURED till the end..
If you read Rev 20:5..it says "But the rest of the dead lived not again until the thousand years were finished. This is the first resurrection." THEN Rev 20:6….Blessed and holy is he that hath part in the first resurrection: on such the second death hath no power, but they shall be priests of God and of Christ, and shall reign with Him a thousand years….
In other words, what I feel God is ‘showing me’ is..ONLY some that are raptured (and even dead) will rule and reign with Him, ONLY if you were Faithful, and overcome and endured..I don’t know if that would refer to the ‘Bride’ only I know there will be a lot of people that will be in Heaven (AND someone like the thief on the cross, he made it…but only by the hair of his chinny chin chin..and was NOT TRIED AND TESTED and REMAINED FAITHFUL!) Well those people would be part of the rapture, BUT I don’t believe part of the Millennium, because they have NOT be tested and overcame, and endured and REMAINED FAITHFUL!! So Jesus will have no use for them during the 1,000 years, they have not been tested, tried and trusted!! I believe He is showing me ONLY those that have ENDURED will be kings and priests will Him during that time.

More on Life in the Millenium - 06/04/14

One thing I wanted to know about is animals during the Millennium period…I know animals in Heaven will be tame and not die, but I didn’t know about the Millennium….God showed me ALL will be restored as it was for Adam and Eve. The animals will not have a need to eat each other, nor will we kill and eat animals…I see children riding, playing, rolling around on the grass with big animals we would not be able to do that with now. Food will not need to be prepared in these communities like we do now, but some will enjoy preparing and doing it for fun…plants will grow with food (not the amount of time it takes now..ALOT SHORTER) but those of us with glorified bodies will be able to put our hands out and produce say a turkey.

I do not see temperature changes being drastic, but there is a place we can go where there is snow and skiing and sledding and such. The people that are still in their flesh bodies (they made it through tribulation or were born after) will depend on the communities head (or leaders) for food and supplies they need. The people in the communities all will have a role or function to make things work…they will all be self dependent communities and have no need for outside resources. The people in their flesh can leave these communities, but from what I see most everyone is happy, content and gets along…there is a great amount of love between them.

Life in the Millenium - 05/31/14

Vision 5/30…. God has been showing me more of the Millennium, when I see Heaven, there are still many people there (during the Millennium) Hope said she thought we could go back and forth (those with a glorified body) and sure enough God showed me that we will…Those that are His Bride will rule over communities. These are like large Amish communities where everyone works together to make it run…There will be large meeting halls (like the ranch in the earlier vision) for people to be taught and fellowship, a lot of community meals together. Technology will be very limited for the duration of the Millennium. A lot of our technology was created by demons to pull us away from God (distract us) and we will go back to a simple life. I even see the way the Amish travel as the way most will get around. I do not see extremes in weather, if there is seasons they will be very mild (at least where I can see) there seems to be so much peace and harmony I can’t imagine people will turn from God after this..(remember there is no satan or his influence because he is bound for the 1000 years) The people born during this time WILL KNOW JESUS is the truth, we will give accounts of Heaven and what awaits them…STILL there will be so many during this time that follow satan when he is released it will be as the number of whom is as the sands of the sea!! Rev 20:8. This is the last rebellion against God in history. Many of those born during the Millennium evidently choose to reject Christ’s visible lordship and choose instead satan and his lie. From what I see during this time I don’t understand! (But just as the angels in Heaven CHOSE to follow satan and turn from God…so will many of these)
I see so many children running and playing!!! (those in glorified bodies) there are some that want to be part of a family and God gives them that. There will be rewards, and levels you achieve here on earth that will last for eternity. We can learn more in Heaven, (or even during the Millennium) but it will never count as a reward and change your standing. The way we live here on earth determines the level of glory you receive in Heaven. Where you will have access to…what assignment you will get, how much you are given….if you are a good steward here with what He has given you, He will reward you with much there!!

Update - 05/30/14
He was showing me that the Earth will be restored to original Garden of Eden…for the 1000 years, then at the end the new Heaven will come down (or new Jerusalem) and that is when things change here…from ‘the Eden’ to Heaven on Earth…I question because I know the Mansion I see in Heaven is different from the ranch in the millennium!! So I am busy trying to see when the changes take place…He is revealing…but it is like I am getting puzzle one at a time!!!
(Hope note - I told Lisa that from all my research, it appears that we will be able to go back and forth from earth to Heaven since we will have glorified bodies. Normal humans that survived the Trib and those born during the Millenium, will not have glorified bodies and will not be able to go back and forth)

Questions - 05/28/14

I am asking Him silly things and waiting for Him to answer like...will the animals die during the 1000 years…will the people that made it through tribulation die and then will they go up to Heaven if so, will there be some in Heaven while some are down on Earth or will it just be God and angels in Heaven…

Weather - 05/27/14

I have had a vision or 2 but God is piecing things together…just showing me more clearly the difference between Millennium and Heaven, when and how things will change over..and stuff like that…I have asked about seasons..I don’t see big weather changes…He keeps showing me like Eden…I don’t see snow..or really cold, or really hot…more mild year round..(maybe that is just the area I will be in though, I don’t know..)

From a vision 11/05/13 - Children

Babies and children in Heaven....I have 3 grown children of my own...BUT in Heaven I get more...there are SOOOOO many babies and children!! If you would like you can raise some. There will be NO diapers, accidents, sickness, preparing food (unless you want to) so only the good enjoyable part will be there. If you had a miscarriage that baby will be waiting...at whatever age you want them to be. If you have lost a child they will be waiting (unless they were over the age of accountability and not a believer) I also see my oldest daughter with about 10 kids run around her legs...(she has never been married or had kids yet @ 27) Some kids will just always be around Jesus, some others who have passed on take care of them, (like a big group home/nursery) Some I don't know if they desire a family or what the difference is but some will be adoptable is the best way to put it I guess. No supervision needed in Heaven. So they can freely play and we don't need to worry about them.

Lisa & Hope, The Call of the Bride 20 Comments [3/25/2015 3:08:43 AM]
Fundie Index: 5

Quote# 107342

(Hope here - Lisa sent me this email, then sent another. Since we are trusting the Lord to let us know what is posted, I am going to post her emails as is...folks, stay tuned because this is very exciting! )

- (from Lisa) Last night God was showing me ways He wants things put out..He showed me headings..and then a series of visions put together..so I will try and get atleast one put down tonight..maybe a couple……
- Eating and working in Heaven….Eating is not something we need to do in Heaven, but will still enjoy…Many people who enjoying baking and cooking can do so and give to others. Some will go down to a bakery and prepare wonderful pastries and bread and people walking by will stroll in for a taste of the aroma coming from the bakery. That is how most of our jobs will be. If you enjoy making flower arrangements, you may just find your self in a floral shop creating beautiful centerpieces for people..or if you enjoy handcrafting jewelry then maybe you will enjoy creating pieces of art for people to wear. Since there is no money or payment system in Heaven these things will be done as enjoyment…and you share with others what you like to do!! I have also seen cooking at a family gathering at my mansion…but that is by choice, for those who never did LIKE to cook or bake there is no need to.

Transportation….I have not seen any personal vehicles in Heaven…you can just think and then be somewhere. Some people who prefer to travel or see where they are going can choose to do that. I have seen a monorail system in Heaven, which is one way to travel. There are boats and ships in the water as well. We will not need any type of transportation, so these will all be for pleasure. The only vehicle type thing that I have seen on the ground though would be a monorail. We will not even need to walk as in moving our legs and carrying our weight. We will be able to glide along or a type of floating when moving.

Lisa & Hope, The Call of the Bride 22 Comments [3/25/2015 3:08:33 AM]
Fundie Index: 4

Quote# 107340

Leading academics played a key role in the Holocaust. Progressives believe academics are gods.

Steve Goddard, Twitter 40 Comments [3/24/2015 3:27:03 AM]
Fundie Index: 17
Submitted By: Ibuki Mioda

Quote# 107337

Commenting on the posting of an article entitled "Charade Dishonors Saint Patrick and Parade":

gays are taking over all parades. They love parades because they like to be ridiculously flamboyant and ostentatious. They like acting like and looking like freaks. They want everyone to see and be okay with it. Most people and children laugh when they see them -- and I guess they like to be laughed at. They try to outdo each other with ridiculous costumes...the more disgusting, the better they like it. LOOK AT MEEEE...I AM GAY. Blech.


FairSharFairShar, Realabortiondebate 30 Comments [3/24/2015 3:26:28 AM]
Fundie Index: 16

Quote# 107334

I don't believe in atheists, because their position is logically untenable. If they were honest, they would endorse complete anarchy, because the concepts of right and wrong are as intangible and unprovable as God is, and laws speak to the concepts of right and wrong.

Thisoldspouse, BarbWire.com 45 Comments [3/24/2015 3:24:51 AM]
Fundie Index: 14
Submitted By: Persephone 66

Quote# 107333

There are rules of war and one of them is that you rape the living hell out of the other side's women.

Along comes the IDF and they claim they hold to "higher standards" and don't rape the women.

That's bullshit. That's discrimination.

No wonder the UN is calling Israel out.

Violate the women or you will be singled out as the greatest violator of women's rights.

Jasonberg, /r/Judaism/ 46 Comments [3/24/2015 3:24:20 AM]
Fundie Index: 36

Quote# 107331

Western culture says that girls need to have the freedom to dress like sexual objects. It is this freedom to dress like whores that will protect them from being objectified.

My brain hurts from the mental retardation of the western mindset.

Anyone that sees modesty as a form of oppression needs to step outside of their PC world and think through the ramifications.

Jasonberg, /r/Judaism/ 35 Comments [3/24/2015 3:23:31 AM]
Fundie Index: 14

Quote# 107327

Intro - (Lisa) I have had many visions or what I call 'trips' to Heaven, sometimes I see my mansion and what is around it, a couple of times I have seen my sister who died when I was 8 and spent time with her, I have been in the throne room a few times in front of Jesus (at His feet weeping) God was a brilliant light behind Him which I could not even look at, I have seen the crystal sea and a space needle (like in Seattle) in the water, it over looks the city area if you go up in it, and shops along the water...God has shown me some of how things work and one example would be there is an inner area, which only certain people can go into (that is where the throne of God is) then an outlying area where some people will be. There are MILLIONS of babies, children there - aborted, miscarried and deaths. If you want more kids you may (adopt for lack of better words) them. I have 3 of my own children but God showed me I will have many more that I will raise.

Lisa, The Call of the Bride 35 Comments [3/24/2015 3:17:04 AM]
Fundie Index: 11
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